System Development Assignment JAN - JUNE 2019

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Academic Year 2019: January – June

Formative Assessment 1: Systems Development 1(HSYD100-1)

NQF Level, Credits: 5, 12

Weighting: 40%

Assessment Type: Essay Questions

Educator: I. Musakwa

Examiner: I. Musakwa

Due Date: 22 March 2019

Total: 100 Marks


 This formative assessment consists of six (6) questions.

 It is based on Unit 1 to 8 of the study guide for this module.
 All questions are compulsory.
 Submit assessment as one (1) pdf document.

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Question 1 (8 marks)

Understanding the environment and the features available on a platform you are using
for programming is important. Knowledge of the different controls in the Integrated
Development Environment (IDE), affords a programmer the ability to choose the
correct controls for each project. Answer the following questions.

1.1 Explain the concept intellisense in programming language (3 marks)

It is predictive text that pops up when you are writing a code. (√)It is also known
as intelligent code sense and is used to correct typing errors and
misunderstanding of certain programming code. (√) It assists in keeping
programming standards by highlighting the programmer’s choice of methods
when a code is being written. (√)
Learning Outcomes: (Unit 3, page 63)
 Become familiar with the integrated development environment and what the
intergarated environment is all about.
 Determine the use of the integrated development environment.

1.2 Elaborate on a window control in the integrated development

environment. (3 marks)

It can be described as a child window within a form to enable user interaction

with the application. (√) A control is located inside NetBeans toolbox /jFrame
palette. (√)A control will be accessible on the right hand side of the screen when
a new project solution type for windows forms is created. (√)

Learning Outcome: (Unit 5 Page 216-217)

 Examine the different types of controls.

1.3 Briefly explain what a class in programming. (2 marks)

Note to grader: Award a maximum of 2 marks.
It is a virtual container inside the memory of a computer program. (√)Each class
will have a specific task to complete. (√)Methods, Functions, Events and

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Variables can be stored in a class. (√) Classes can only be used and stored
inside a name space. (√)
Learning Outcome:
 Examine the different types of controls.

Question 2 (21 marks)

The development of a system is done in a series of steps to ensure the final product
that is developed is in line with the expectation of the user. Answer the following

2.1 Briefly describe the circular model of the systems development life cycle
(SDLC). (12 marks)


 Circular model consists of independent cycles, if one cycle is not completed

properly, then the cycle cannot be used and or phased in. (√)
 Each cycle is dependent on the success of the previous cycle. (√)
Note to Grader: Award one (1) mark for the name of the step and one (1) mark
for the description.

Software Requirerments: (√) Detailed description of the system and what the
stystem must do. (√) Non-functional requirements and documented into
functional requirements. This document is used for communication purposes
between the customer and the development team. (√)

Product Design: (√)Software requirements are turned into a full product design
by laying out how the software system and components will be joined. Ideas
of end users and development team are put together to come up with a working
software system product model. (√)

Detailed Design: (√)The software requirements and the product design stages
are evaluated in a top-down approach(√) Analysis is made on how the system
will function in different scenarios. (√)

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Code and Unit Test: (√) The programming team is ready to start programming
the design of the software system using IDE. When coding is finished, it is
tested to assure its quality  and that the code works properly and does what
it is expected to do. (√)

Systems Integration: (√) All the unit tests (subsystems) are put together like a
puzzle. (√) (Unit 2: page 37-38)

Learning Outcomes:
 Determine the nature of Development Life Cycles

2.2 State the importance of functional requirements in systems

development? (5 marks)

 Specify what the end users expect the System to do (√)

 Collected from the user (give their view of the system) (√)

 Align the system with objectives of the organisation (√)

 Basis for drawing the functional specification on which the system shall be
designed (√)

 Serves as the guideline for system developers in designing the proposed

system(√) (Unit 2: pages 33)

Learning Outcomes:

 Become familiar with the input and output of computer programs.

2.3 Explain what a prototype is in systems development. (4 marks)

It Is a “sample” that is created by the programmer when the user of the system
has no idea of what the system must do. (√) The user does not know need to
know how the programme would be designed, work and perform in the working
environment. (√) It is used on the assumption that knowledge of the full

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requirements of the system are not known. (√)A shell of the programme, of what
it would look like is built(√)

Learning Outcomes: Unit 2, page 30)

 Becoming familiar with what the programming methodologies are.

Question 3 (18 marks)

You had applied for a systems developer position at ABC Limited. During the interview
you were asked to explain the following:

3.1 The three (3) main types of programming errors with examples ( 14 marks)

Syntax errors: (√)A syntax error is a violation (√) of the language syntax (syntax
is another word for code), such as when statements are missing information,
when statements have extra information, when names are misspelled,etc. (√)
Using a keyword as a variable name is a syntax error. (√)

Runtime errors: (√)A runtime error occurs when a compiled program tries to
execute an illegal statement, (√) such as assigning a real number to an integer
variable, (√) assigning a character (such as a letter) to a variable that has been
declared as an integer or real number, (√) dividing by zero, (√) and finding the
square root of a negative number. (√)

Logical errors: (√) Logical errors are the most difficult type of errors to fix, as
the computer gives no error message. (√) The programmer’s program will
compile and run, but it won’t do what it’s expected to do. (√)For instance
swapping numerator and denominator in division, or using wrong data in a
calculation. (√)

Learning Outcomes: (Unit 2: Page 51)

 Examine the different theory areas of the Systems Development Methodlogies.

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3.2 Reserved words in programming languages (4 marks)

In programming languages reserved words are also known as key words. (√) It have
specific functions and rules that applies to how they are used. (√) It provide an English-
like description of what the word will actually do and behave like. (√) Examples are
Private, Swing, Else and null. (√)

Learning Outcomes: (Unit 5: page 149)

 Examine the different theory areas of the Systems Development Methodlogies.

Question 4 (15 marks)

Mika, a friend of yours is volunteering as part of community outreach programme at a
pre-school. Knowing what you study Java as a programme language, she asks you to
develop an application to help the learners with their spellings.

Create an application that can be used by the leaners to create four-letter words by
concatenating letters. Show the word that is created in a message box. Include a Clear
button in your application.

Use the Graphic User Interface (GUI) below to guide you.

(NB: submit only the application source code for this question)

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private void btnConcatenateActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {

String strValue1; (√)

String strValue2; (√)

String strValue3; (√)

String strValue4; (√)

String strOutput; (√)

strValue1= txtValue1.getText();(√)

strValue2= txtValue2.getText();(√)

strValue3= txtValue3.getText();(√)

strValue4= txtValue4.getText();(√)

strOutput = strValue1 + strValue2 + strValue3 + strValue4; (√)

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,strOutput); (√)

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private void bntClearActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {


txtValue2.setText(""); (√)

txtValue3.setText(""); (√)


Learning Outcome: (Unit 7, page 549-593)

 Become familiar with data types, declaration and passing of values.

 Determine which data type to use for concatenation.

Question 5 (15 marks)

A grade two teacher is teaching her learners to construct sentences. She had
asked you to create an application that will help her learners to construct
sentences by putting different words together. The learners must construct the
following sentence: “I Am Learning Sentence Construction.” The sentence
must be shown in a message box.

(Submit only the application source code for this application)

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private void btnConcatenationActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent
evt) {

String strInput1; (√)

String strInput2; (√)

String strInput3; (√)

String strInput4; (√)

String strInput5; (√)

String strOutput; (√)

strInput1 =cboInput1.getSelectedItem().toString();(√)

strInput2 =cboInput2.getSelectedItem().toString();(√)

strInput3 =cboInput3.getSelectedItem().toString();(√)

strInput4 =cboInput4.getSelectedItem().toString();(√)

strInput5 =cboInput5.getSelectedItem().toString();(√)

strOutput = strInput1 + " " + strInput2+ " " + strInput3+ " " + strInput4 + " "
+strInput5; (√)(√)

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,strOutput); (√)(√)

Learning Outcome: (Unit 7, page 648-685)

 Determine the data type to use for concatenation.

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Question 6 (23 marks)

Your friend has opened a coffee shop. She asked you to create an application that she
can use to check the totals of items that a person might bought. The application should
do the following:

6.1 Some customers would like to know what the cost of their items are before
they decide to buy. Do the calculations for a customer if one item cost
R300 and the customer want to purchase twelve (12) of it. The result must
be shown in a label. (9 marks)

(NB: submit only the application source code for this question)

Note to grader: Do not penalize students for failure to include the currency

symbol R for rand.

Price check answer 

private void btnAddActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
int intInput3; (√)
int intInput4; (√)
int intOutput; (√)
intInput3= Integer.parseInt(txtInput3.getText()); (√)
intInput4= Integer.parseInt(txtInput4.getText()); (√)
intOutput = intInput3 * intInput4; (√)(√)
lblOutput.setText(“R” + String.valueOf(intOutput)); (√)(√)

6.2 Two (2) items should be added and the result must be shown in a label.
Include a button to clear all inputs and a button to exit the application.

(14 marks)

(NB: submit only the application source code for this question)
Total cost answer

private void btnMultiplyActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {

int intInput1; (√)
int intInput2; (√)
int intOutput; (√)
intInput1= Integer.parseInt(txtInput1.getText()); (√)

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intInput2= Integer.parseInt(txtInput2.getText()); (√)
intOutput = intInput1 + intInput2; (√) (√)
lblOutput.setText(“R” + String.valueOf(intOutput)); (√) (√)
private void btnClearActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
txtInput1.setText (""); (√)
txtInput2.setText (""); (√)
txtInput3.setText (""); (√)
txtInput4.setText (""); (√)
private void btnExitActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
System.exit(0); (√)
Use the following controls and graphic user interface (GUI);

jTextfield> txtInput jButton > btnMultiply

jButton > btnAdd jButton > btnClear

jButton > btnExit jLabel> lblOutput

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Learning Outcomes: (Unit 8 page 703-755, 810-833)
 Become familiar with passing values of different data types.
 Examine what the symbols are for doing calculations.

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