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Research Methodology- Assignment

Question 1: Using the data file survey3ED.sav to find out if there is a

statistically significant difference in the mean score for males and females
on the Total Life Satisfaction Scale (tlifesat). Present this information in a
brief report.
Research Question-
Is Total Life Satisfaction (tlifesat) significantly different for males and
H0: µM = µF
HA: µM ≠ µF

Conclusion- We conclude that the significance obtained is more than 0.05.

Null hypothesis is rejected .Total life satisfaction not related to males and
Question 2: Using the data file experim43D.sav apply an appropriate t-test
to answer the following questions.

(a) Who has the greatest fear of statistics at time 1, males or females?
(b) Was the intervention effective in increasing students’ confidence in
their ability to cope with statistics? You will need to use the variables,
confidence time1 (conf1) and confidence time2 (conf2). Write your
results up in a report.
(c) What impact did the intervention have on students’ levels of depression?

• Fear of Statistics at time 1-
Group Statistics

sex N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

fear of stats time1 male 15 41.20 5.685 1.468

female 15 39.13 4.533 1.171

The means obtained from the above table indicate that males have
marginally more fear of statistics that females at time 1.
• Impact of intervention on confidence-

H0: µ1 = µ2
HA: µ1 ≠ µ2

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1confidence time1 &

30 .625 .000
confidence time2
Paired Samples Test

Sig. (2-
Paired Differences tailed)

95% Confidence Interval of the

Std. Std. Error
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df

Pair confidence time1 - -

-2.867 4.754 .868 -4.642 -1.091 29 .003
1 confidence time2 3.303

Conclusion- The significance obtained is less than 0.05, which makes us reject
the null hypothesis that the confidence before and after the intervention is
same. Hence, the there is a positive impact of intervention on the students with
respect to confidence. This is indicated by the mean scores obtained for time 1
and time 2, which shows increase in the confidence score.

• Impact on level of depression-

Hypothesis- H0: µ1 = µ2
HA: µ1 ≠ µ2

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pair 1 depression time1 42.53 30 4.592 .838

depression time3 39.20 30 5.088 .929

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

95% Confidence Interval of

the Difference
Std. Std. Error Sig. (2-
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df tailed)

Pair depression time1 -

3.333 2.537 .463 2.386 4.281 7.196 29 .000
1 depression time3

Conclusion- We conclude that null hypothesis is rejected as the significance

obtained is less than 0.05. Also, the mean levels of depression post
intervention have dropped. Hence, the intervention had positive impact on
the levels of depression of the student.
Question 3:

How to lose weight effectively? Do diets really work and what about
exercise? In order to find out, 180 participants were assigned to one of 3
diets and one of 3 exercise levels. After two months, participants were asked
how many kilos they had lost. These data are in weightloss.sav.

H0: µdiet = µexercise
HA: µdiet ≠ µexercise

Here since significance is more than 0.05, null hypothesis cannot be

rejected immediately.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:Observed weigth loss in kilos over last 2 months

Type III Sum of Partial Eta

Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Squared
Corrected Model 1905.037 8 238.130 27.647 .000 .564
Intercept 3624.868 1 3624.868 420.844 .000 .711

diet 363.904 2 181.952 21.124 .000 .198

exercise 1508.859 2 754.429 87.589 .000 .506

diet * exercise 32.274 4 8.069 .937 .444 .021

Error 1472.879 171 8.613

Total 7002.784 180

Corrected Total 3377.916 179

a. R Squared = .564 (Adjusted R Squared = .544)

Looking for interaction effect- Here the interaction effect between diet and
exercise has significance of 0.444 which far beyond the threshold of 0.05.
Hence, there is no interaction effect between diet and exercise.

Significance for the main effects, i.e. diet, exercise, is below 0.05, hence they
are not rejected from the analysis. Further, adjusted R squared indicated
that 54.4% of the variance is attributed to diet and exercise, which shows a
strong relationship between our factors and weight loss.
Analysing Post Hoc Results-

For diet-

The above table indicates a weight loss of 1.469 kgs with Atkins Diet
compared to no diet, while, a weight loss of 3.469 kgs with Vegetarian diet
compared to no diet.

For Exercise-

Post Hoc for exercise indicates a weight loss of 0.289 kgs with 30 min per
day exercise compared to no exercise, while, a weight loss of 6.281 kgs
with 60 minutes per day exercise compared to no exercise.

Conclusion- From above table, it is observed that both diets and exercise
contribute to weight loss, but doing exercise 60 min per day helps in losing
down weight to a great extent. Hence, to lose weight effectively a person
should exercise 60 min per day.
Question 4:

A farmer wants to know which fertilizer is best for his parsley plants. So, he
tries different fertilizers on different plants and weighs these plants after 6
weeks. The data -partly shown in parsley.sav.

H0: µnone =µchemical = µbiological µ

As significance is less than 0.05, ANOVA test indicates that weights are
significantly related to the type of fertilizer used. Hence, null hypothesis is

Conclusion- The above post hoc test indicates that relation between use of
no fertilizer and use of chemical fertilizer is statistically significant. The use
of chemical fertilizer reduces the weight of the parsley plant by 2.433 grams
while the use of chemical fertilizer reduces the weight of the parsley plant by
5.767 grams.

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