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Controlled copy Addendum to BRDs

RBG Injaz_CRM BRD_Addendum



Program / Project Name: UNB Customer Relationship Management

Business Sponsor/ Recipient Union National Bank – Retail Banking Group

of Deliverable:
Union National Bank - Injaz

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Controlled copy Addendum to BRDs

Table of Contents
1.0 Document Control 3
1.1 Change Log 3
2.0 Business Process & Entities 4
2.1 Marketing 4
2.2 Service 4
2.3 Sales 5

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Controlled copy Addendum to BRDs

1.0 Document Control

1.1 Change Log

Version Date Author Role Remark

1.0 17th Jun, Cognizant Consultant Changes/Additions over the

2015 documented and signed off BRDs

1.1 18 Jun, Cognizant Consultant Additions made after discussion with
2015 Praveen on “Exchange” related

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Controlled copy Business Requirements Document

2.0 Business Process & Entities

2.1 Marketing
Id. No. Entity Change/ Addition Reference BRD Reference BRD Suggested By Date Raised
REQ.A Campaign Recurring Campaign – If any change in the RBG_CRM Section 3.2.1 - Praveen 16/06/2015
DD.MK design of Recurring Campaign is done then BRD_Marketing_v4.1 Campaign Design
T.01 the Campaigns shall again go for approvals.
REQ.A Marketing Plan Marketing Plan can be designed at level of RBG_CRM Section 3.1.1 - Praveen 16/06/2015
DD.MK Area and Branch besides Emirate BRD_Marketing_v4.1 Marketing Planning

REQ.A Event Definition – Event is any promotional or RBG_CRM Section 2.1.1 - Event Praveen 16/06/2015
DD.MK Sales activity done by UNB (Not just Injaz) to BRD_Marketing_v4.1 Management
spread awareness and generate Leads

REQ.A Campaign CRM system should be able to display to RBG_CRM Section 3.2.2 - Praveen 17/06/2015
DD.MK Exchange user the Campaign offers (Next BRD_Marketing_v4.1 Campaign Launch
Best Offer/ Designed Campaign) applicable
for a Customer. The offers shall be filtered to
show only those which are Exchange is
entitled to sell under the contract with UNB

2.2 Service
Id. No. Entity Change/ Addition Reference BRD Reference BRD Suggested By Date Raised
REQ.A Customer Alerts/ Triggers based on life time events of RBG_CRM Section 3.4.1 - Praveen 16/06/2015
DD.SE Customer BRD_Service_v6.0 Customer
R.01 Management
REQ.A Incident Search for Incidents using the following RBG_CRM Section 3.1.2 – Praveen 16/06/2015
DD.SE criteria: BRD_Service_v6.0 Incident Processing
R.02 1. Incident Id

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Controlled copy Business Requirements Document

Id. No. Entity Change/ Addition Reference BRD Reference BRD Suggested By Date Raised
2. Customer Id
3. Incident Type
4. Incident Category
5. Incident Sub-Category
6. Incident Creation Date (Range)
7. Incident Status
8. Incident Created By
9. Incident Assigned To
REQ.A Customer The Exchange user shall be able to have a RBG_CRM Section 3.4.1 - Praveen 17/06/2015
DD.SE restricted view of Customer under Customer BRD_Service_v6.0 Customer
R.03 360 degree view: Management
1. Demographics
2. Product recommendations (For
products applicable for Exchange)
3. Campaigns (For products applicable
for Exchange)
4. Product Relationships

2.3 Sales
Id. No. Entity Change/ Addition Reference BRD Reference BRD Suggested By Date Raised
REQ.A Lead Mutual Funds sales process to be built in RBG_CRM Section 3.1 - Lead - 08/06/2015
DD.SLS CRM BRD_Sales_v5.3 Management

Mutual Funds
Requirement v1.1

REQ.A Lead Product scoring/ ranking and RBG_CRM Section 3.1 - Lead Praveen 16/06/2015
DD.SLS recommendation should be generated based BRD_Sales_v5.3 Management
on customer answers to needs analysis

REQ.A Lead Receive the Lead details from Exchange RBG_CRM Section 3.1 - Lead Praveen 17/06/2015
DD.SLS interface to initiate a sales cycle BRD_Sales_v5.3 Management

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Controlled copy Business Requirements Document

Id. No. Entity Change/ Addition Reference BRD Reference BRD Suggested By Date Raised

REQ.A Lead Lead search to be enabled for Exchange RBG_CRM Section 3.1 - Lead Praveen 17/06/2015
DD.SLS users to be able to search for Leads and BRD_Sales_v5.3 Management
view their details

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