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Gas Station Business Plan

Submitted by:

Annabelle Buenaflor

Marchelyn Mae Torres


Submitted to:

Mr. Earl G. Ninofranco


This proposal demonstrates an idea for putting up a business establishment of a gas station
which will operating the location of Kitcharao, Agusan del Norte and will serve as the new service
provider in the area with respect to gasoline.

We figured out that in the locality where the gas station will be build; there are already two existing
establishments that provide similar services but the only fuel they sell is diesel which can’t fulfill the
needs of our target customers.


 To assess the needs of the target market

 To facilitate the target customers in meeting their needs which will result to customer
 To be able to sell not only diesel but also unleaded gasoline that mostly vehicles used
 To offer other services in the locality which can attract more customers and become competitive
among other establishments
 To provide trusted gasoline products in their vehicles with unleaded gasoline
 To give consumers an option to fuel up as well while fueling their vehicles
 To provide and cater great services to the locality and its future customers with respect to

Results and Discussion

Before putting up a gasoline station operating the location of Kitcharao, we gathered data
through distributing a survey questionnaire to 30 respondents where there were 10 questions
answerable by ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

In the first question, twenty four respondents answered yes that they have their own car and six
for the ‘No’. In the second question, twenty seven respondents prefer to use unleaded fuel than diesel
fuel in their everyday transportation and the three don’t. In the third question, twenty eight
respondents want a gasoline station to provide unleaded products while the two don’t. In the fourth
question, all of them are using diesel in their vehicles. In the fifth question three of the thirty
respondents are using diesel in their vehicle. In the sixth question, all of them agreed that it is advantage
to fuel their vehicle with unleaded product. In the seventh, seventeen chose to purchase unleaded gas
with high price and twelve answered ‘No’. In the eight questions, thirteen of the respondents checked
yes that the product they want is available and the seventeen respondents checked the ‘no’. In the ninth
question, sixteen respondents are okay to fuel their vehicle in sidewalk vendors who are selling similar
products and fourteen prefer to go to a gas station. In the last question, twenty two respondents
checked the ‘yes’ saying that majority in their place has vehicles.


Therefore we conclude that putting up a gasoline station operating the location of Kitcharao has
significance to our target customers. Majority of the place have vehicles. It has advantages in terms of
providing unleaded gas and service that 93% of the respondents want a gasoline station nearby them.
Most of the respondents are using unleaded yet the product they need aren’t available due to its far
away access. They find the gasoline station useful to their everyday transportation and fueling time.
Aside from providing and selling unleaded gas, diesel should also be sell by the gasoline station which
we are going to put up that some of the respondents also used this. This is to meet the needs and
expectation of our target customers.


We recommend that putting up a gasoline station operating the location of Kitcharao is useful to
all the drivers. As the gasoline will be build, it will provide a quality unleaded product to the place which
can satisfy the needs of our target customers. It will lessen the hassle time of those cars/vehicle owners
or drivers to travel far. And for the safety on fueling, drivers should not easily buy the similar product
which other sidewalks/ways sell.

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