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ren PROCESS SPECIFICATION a WHE DOCUMENTATION OF HEAT EXCHANGERS, TANKS,PRESSURE VESSELS AND |secrox 8 PUMPS OF REQUIREMENT CATEGORIES 02 TO D5 ~ NATIONAL SUPPLY ~| race 1 8. COMPILATION OF THE DOCUMENTATION BY THE CONTRACTOR (c) The Contractor (C) shall compile the complete documentation consisting of Cover Sheet (blank no. 30), Documentation Release Certificate (blank no. 14), and Table of Content of Final Documentation (blank no. 31) with at least the following appended documents: 1) Certificate of final inspection and pressure testing blank ne 32 or 33 respectively (Acceptance Certificate of | 1.4. /NCN) 2) Non=Conformance Report, if necessary 3) Design Data Sheet he 4) Drawings HE Hy 5) List of Materials, with Material Certificates | ra} nit 6) Test and Examination Sequence Plan, with individual Records uni Welding Plan teh ae bie 8) Other Documents ip aut The documents 3) to 8) shall be in its latest approved version. fut r al The above sequence of the documents 1) to 8) shall be maintained and shall be entered in the Table of Content of Documentation of Material and In-Process Inspection with sheet numbers. Any tank, pressure vessel, heat exchanger or pump of the Requirement Categories 02 to 04 shall be documented individu- ally as separate components. If for components RCD5 additional certificates or Records are required, these shall be listed the main Drawing, and attached to it. pee es 12 JAN. 1962 cur onse01 PROCESS SPECIFICATION ee NUCLEN UCLEORAS NGUNARIA SA = MUCLOE secu 9 ™™© DOCUMENTATION OF HEAT EXCHANGERS , TANKS, PRESSURE VESSELS AND PUMPS OF REQUIREMENT CATEGORIES D2 TO DS - NATIONAL SUPPLY ~ | soe lor MANNER OF SUBMITTAL OF THE DOCUMENTATION BY THE CONTRACTOR (C) The documents shall be submitted in files resp. folders arranged in accordance with the stipulations of the specifications or order documents, maw mains sa-mcn] PROCESS SPECIFICATION care pe newson 0 WE DOCUMENTATION OF HEAT EXCHANGERS, TANKS ,PRESSURE VESSELS AND |stcron 10 PUMPS OF REQUIREMENT CATEGORIES 02 TO DS - NATIONAL SUPPLY -|oace 1 of 2 10. IDENTIFICATION OF THE DOCUMENTATION 10.1 Identification and Build-up of Files The contractor shall prepare an individual file or folder for each component, e.g. for eight Borated Water Storage Tanks (JNK 10, 20, 30, 40, BB/001/002) eight files are necessary. The number of files or folders for each order or package no. is well known and thus the required space,to file the folders, . can be calculated. The files or folders should be ready when the first material certificates arrive. The identification on the back of the files, sticker blank 36, shall be as follows: Examples: 1. Plant ANGRA 2 ANGRA 3 2. Kind of Document | Q¢-Document QC-Document 3. Component Cation Filter 4. Identification LOF 10 BTOOI (PSC-No.) 5. Manufacturer CONFAB FHC-FILSAN/ JARAGUA 6. Filing Order (only for piping) 7. File No. 1 1 8. Kind of Supply | National National i ) Hermon L 11.2 San. 1982 i a NUCLEN AVS E 26.40/01 ELAN EMGUNARA BA = LEN PROCESS SPECIFICATION Part 2 m0 WE DOCUMENTATION OF HEAT EXCHANGERS , TANKS PRESSURE VESSELS AND [seeron 10 PUNPS OF REQUIREMENT CATEGORIES 02 TO 0S - NATIONAL SUPPLY - rot 2 or 2 The internal build-up of the files resp. folders according to Section 8 is as follows: = Cover Sheet (blank no. 30) ‘The Cover Sheet is the first page of the documentation in | the file resp. folder Table of Content of Final Documentation of Components (blank no. 31) The Table of Content is the second sheet in the file resp. folder. - According to the Table of Content (see also Section 8) each file resp. folder has to be divided into the following subsections: I-Documentation Release Certificate Certificate of final inspection and pressu testing blank nh 32 oF 33 respectively (Acceptance certi cate of 1.1. /NCN) 2-Non-Conformancy: Reports, if necessary 3-Design Data Sheet 4- Drawings S-List of Materials with Material Certificates 6-Test and Examination Sequence Plan with Examination Records TrWelding Plan 8-Other Documents e.g. Detail Drawings {Filing order of manufacturing documents see annex 3} 10.2 Release of the Documentation After all appertai 19 documents have been checked and accepted, the participants concerned give their confirmation for completeness and correctness of the total component documentation by signature on the "Documentation Release Certificate". This is the Final signed certificate of a workshop-manufac~ tured component, wcugmens4on 12, JAN. 1982 NUCLEN PROCESS SPECIFICATION AVS E 26.10/01 ‘mucteands Gwothiania 34 = wuctEn Part 2 rewsion MLE DOCUMENTATION OF HEAT EXCHANGERS, TANKS PRESSURE VESSELS AND |secnow 11 PUNPS OF REQUIREMENT CATEGORIES D2 TO DS - NATIONAL SUPPLY - pace lo 1 oe h rmarncons bak Sou TAME OF SUBMITTAL OF THE DOCUMENTATION Submittal of the Documentation to NCN by the Contractor (¢) The complete documentation as laid down in Section 8 shall be submitted by the Contractor (C) to NCN after completion, as laid down n the specifications or order documents. With the delivery of the component the manufacturer hands over to NCN Ordering Department the original issue and two copies of the final documentation. One additional copy stays with the manufacturer. This copy has to be filed at least up to the end of the warranty period. mucuewenss ce Roeren PROCESS SPECIFICATION | AVS E 26.10/01 Part 2 TRE DOCUMENTATION OF HEAT EXCHANGERS, TANKS, PRESSURE VESSELS AND [s«crew 12 PUMPS OF REQUIREMENT CATEGORIES D2 TO D5 ~ NATIONAL SUPPLY -| ace Tor 1 2, DISTRIBUTION OF THE DOCUMENTATION The complete released docunentation as laid doun in Section 8 above shall be distributed as follows: 1 cory, contaactor's ancife——{ contractor oF New ORIGINAL {2 COPIES NON=QC-RTO__ | COPY NeW ARCHIVE __[#——]_ ORDERING DEPARTMENT 7 ORTEINAL 1 cory ———_t eN-PROJECT HanacenenT ORIGINAL 1 copy BEE 1 copy ncNege OC | SITE ORIGINAL Y DOCU-CENTER » at site ") the responsibility for the Documentation Center is with NUCLEN. senon Lek 12. JAN. 1982

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