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Hemostatic gingival retraction agents

and their impact on prosthodontic treatment steps:
A narrative review
Christian Maischberger, med dent1/Bogna Stawarczyk, PD Dr rer biol hum Dipl-Ing (FH) MSc2/
Annette von Hajmasy, MDT3/Anja Liebermann, Dr med dent, MSc4

The purpose of this topic review is to give a general overview agents used by practicing dentists have changed from epi-
of gingival retraction agents used during prosthodontic treat- nephrine towards astringents, with AlCl3 and Fe2(SO4)3 now the
ment, and the possible difficulties connected to them that may most popular. All of the currently known hemostatic agents
be faced by the dentist. Hemostatic agents are important for cause some local, temporary gingival tissue damage, but only
successful gingival retraction and in achieving hemostasis. epinephrine is known to elicit negative systemic effects.
However, these agents may show numerous negative effects Studies concerning the influence of hemostatic agents on
on the prosthodontic treatment and oral tissues of which the impression materials show highly contradictory results regard-
practicing dentist must be aware, and which will be elucidated ing the possible polymerization-inhibiting properties of hemo-
in this review. PubMed and Google Scholar databases were static agents, probably due to the lack of standardization of
searched for publications up to and including 2017. The follow- methodology. Hemostatic agents seem to alter the dentinal
ing key words were used in different combinations: “hemostat- surface properties making it more resistant to acid etching.
ic agent,” “astringent,” “astringency,” “epinephrine,” “ferric Therefore the relatively low acidity of self-etch adhesives when
sulfate,” “aluminum chloride,” “hemorrhage control,” “soft compared to total-etch systems may not be strong enough to
tissue,” “hard dental tissue,” “self-etch adhesive,” “total-etch sufficiently etch a more resistant dentinal surface, and conse-
adhesive,” “bond strength,” “impression,” “gypsum,” “plaster quently may result in lower adhesive bond strengths.
cast,” and “dental cast.” In the last three decades the hemostatic (Quintessence Int 2018;49:719–732; doi: 10.3290/j.qi.a41010)

Key words: adhesion, astringent, hemorrhage control, hemostatic agent, prosthodontics

1 Doctoral Student, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, University Hospital, LMU In the field of prosthodontic treatment one of the most
Munich, Munich, Germany.
challenging phases is gingival tissue management,
2 Head of Material Science, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, University Hospital,
LMU Munich, Munich, Germany. exposing the gingival margin around the prepared
3 Master Dental Technician, Annette v. Hajmasy Dental, Grabenstätt, Germany. teeth to aid an accurate impression.1,2 In the long term,
4 Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, University Hospital, LMU to perform a precise and successful restoration, har-
Munich, Munich, Germany.
mony between the restoration and the periodontal
Correspondence: Dr med dent Anja Liebermann, Department of Prosthetic tissue is essential. The key to achieving that goal is an
Dentistry, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Goethestrasse 70, 80336 Munich, accurately made impression in case of indirect restor-
Email: ations or a properly placed direct restoration into the

VOLUME 49 • NUMBER 9 • OCTOBER 2018 719

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prepared cavity.3 Often caries or noncaries cervical REVIEW

lesions are at or even extend below the free gingival
margin. Also, the preparation margins for fixed pros- Gingival tissue management and hemostatic
thodontics, such as crowns or inlays, are often placed procedures in general
para- or subgingivally due to esthetic or functional Gingival tissue management generally consists of two
reasons. Particularly in such cases additional measure- parts. The first is gingival margin retraction/displace-
ments and techniques to retract/displace the gingival ment, which is defined as the deflection of marginal
tissues and to control gingival hemorrhage and sulcular gingiva away from the tooth.5 This provides temporary
fluids are inevitable to provide access for preparation, access to and beyond the abutment preparation mar-
impressioning, and luting procedures.4,5 gin by creating lateral and vertical space between the
tooth and the gingival tissue in order to allow the injec-
tion of an adequate bulk of impression material into
DATA SOURCES the expanded sulcus.5,6 The second part of gingival tis-
A literature search was performed for articles that were sue management is confined to moisture control in the
published in English and German language. The search sulcus. Control of gingival hemorrhage, sulcular fluid
was performed by electronically searching PubMed and flow, and saliva contamination is especially important
Google Scholar databases for publications up to and when a hydrophobic impression material is used, as
including 2017. The following key words were used in moisture may lead to an unsatisfactory impression of
different combinations: “hemostatic agent,” “astrin- the critical finish line.5,7,8 The difficulty of the procedure
gent,” “astringency,” “epinephrine,” “ferric sulfate,” “alu- is further complicated by variations in sulcular depth,
minum chloride,” “hemorrhage control,” “soft tissue,” ability of the gingival tissues to distend, degree of gin-
“hard dental tissue,” “self-etch adhesive,” “total-etch gival inflammation, level of margin placement, and tis-
adhesive,” “bond strength,” “impression,” “gypsum,” sue laceration. Therefore, to obtain consistent predict-
“plaster cast,” and “dental cast.” able results, the dentist must alter the armamentarium
and technique to be able to meet the specific clinical
demand.2 Techniques of marginal soft tissue manage-
RESOURCE SELECTION ment can be classified as mechanical, chemical, surgi-
A preselection by reviewing the abstracts of all results cal, or any combination of those,2 and also broadly dif-
was carried out to select only literature relevant to den- ferentiated as nonsurgical and surgical methods.5 The
tistry. All preselected articles were reviewed and con- most common method of gingival displacement is a
sidered as relevant or nonrelevant for the present nar- combination of mechanical and chemical displace-
rative review. Whether a paper was considered relevant ment. This includes the usage of gingival retraction
depended on its study design/methodology, clinical cords, representing the mechanical part, in combina-
significance, and contribution of knowledge about the tion with one or more chemical retraction agents.9,10
investigated subject. A total of 97 papers were consid- Hemostatic agents may be placed on plain retraction
ered to provide beneficial knowledge to the reader cords prior to packing, or dry cords may be inserted
about the reviewed topic. The authors further subdi- into the sulcus first and modified immediately after
vided the selected papers into two main groups, one packing by the addition of an agent. The purpose of the
concerning gingival tissue management in pros- cord is not only to physically displace the free gingival
thodontic dentistry in general with its relevant meth- tissue; it also plays an important role by keeping the
ods and applied materials, and one concerning the chemicals in close contact with the target tissues, and
adverse effects of commonly used hemostatic retrac- confines them to the application site.11 Many manufac-
tion agents to different prosthodontic treatment steps. turers also offer pre-impregnated retraction cords. The

720 VOLUME 49 • NUMBER 9 • OCTOBER 2018

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agents remain in place until satisfactory shrinkage and Whaledent).4 These cordless retraction techniques pro-
retraction of gingival tissues away from tooth struc- vide hemostasis and some gingival retraction. The
tures is achieved and hemostasis is obtained.12 This degree of displacement can be enhanced in some sys-
preference of the mechanico-chemical method was tems by using a compression cap. Furthermore these
documented by surveys which stated that in 1985 materials may be used by themselves or in combina-
66.67% and in 1999 81% of practicing dentists soaked tion with any other tissue displacement method.4 Due
plain or impregnated cords with an additional retrac- to the large variety of different clinical challenges faced
tion agent before packing them into the sulcus.13,14 To by dentists, several authors agreed that not only one
the present authors’ knowledge, there are no further method of gingival tissue displacement is sufficient,
published surveys about today’s preferences for gingi- but that the approach should be individual, using a
val tissue displacement methods. Another possibility is combination of methods depending on the current
to place the hemostatic agent first on the sulcular tis- clinical situation.2,17 It is possible to conclude that there
sue to achieve hemostasis, followed by packing the is no consensus on the best gingival retraction tech-
sulcus with a plain or soaked retraction cord. For that nique.14 Figures 1 to 4 show the clinical application of a
purpose the practitioner requires a special applicator or hemostatic agent combined with a retraction cord
infuser, with which it is possible to burnish the agent before impression taking.
into the tissues. An example for such a device is the
tissue management system provided by Ultradent in Hemostatic retraction agents
form of a syringe with a small brush at the tip for the The medicaments (hemostatic agents) that are used
application of the hemostatic agent, named Viscostat.15 alone or in conjunction with a retraction cord in any
Mechanical gingival displacement methods were gingival displacement procedure should fulfill three
described as a method that physically moves the free basic criteria.13 First, the agent should be effective, result-
gingival tissue away from the tooth simply by the virtue ing in sufficient lateral and vertical displacement of gin-
of the pressure it creates on the tissues in an outward gival tissues, and at the same time should provide con-
direction.10,11 Many materials have been suggested and trol of hemorrhage and sulcular fluid seepage. Second,
tested over the years; nevertheless, the most useful and its usage should not cause any significant irreversible
most popular method is the usage of gingival retrac- tissue damage. Even though it was shown that all tech-
tion cord.2,10,11,16 Which one to choose out of the large niques of finish line exposure may result in some minor
variety of existing retraction cords has been shown to tissue injury, complete healing should be accomplished
be the dentist’s personal preference.4 within 2 weeks.13,18,19 Third, the used material should not
Surgical methods of gingival retraction include cause any potentially harmful systemic effects. The den-
rotary gingival curettage/gingettage, conventional sur- tist always has to keep in mind that the medicament
gery (gingivoplasty/gingivectomy/periodontal flap pro- may pass via the gingival tissues into the systemic circu-
cedures), and electrosurgery and laser application (CO2/ lation and therefore might pose a risk for undesired,
diode/Nd:Yag).1,2,4,5,8 These procedures are rapid, but harmful, systemic effects following overdosing.13
also destructive as they involve the excision of gingival Numerous different chemical gingival retraction
tissues and therefore require soft tissue healing.4,17 agents have been used or suggested over the years.
Over time new materials emerged on the market, Nowakowska20 chemically classified the retraction
and these can be summarized under the topic “cordless agents according to their pharmacologic action into
retraction.” These materials are commonly based on a two major classes: class 1 being adrenergics (vasocon-
kaolin matrix combined with a hemostatic agent in the strictors) with α- and β-adrenergics or α-adrenergics
form of a paste (eg, Expasyl, Kerr)17 or even on a polyvi- only; and class 2 being astringents with chlorides or
nyl siloxane base (eg, Magic Foam Cord, Coltène/ sulfates (Table 1).20

VOLUME 49 • NUMBER 9 • OCTOBER 2018 721

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Fig 1 Tooth preparation with retraction Fig 2 Tooth preparation with retraction Fig 3 Application of hemostatic agent
cord inserted into the gingival sulcus (lat- cord inserted into the gingival sulcus around the tooth preparation onto the
eral view). (occlusal view). retraction cord.

and 8%.5,21 In contrast to astringents, which only exert

their effects locally, epinephrine can be absorbed via
the gingival tissues into the systemic circulation and
affect several organ systems, especially the cardiovas-
cular system.8,13 Epinephrine stimulates the myocar-
dium which in turn leads to an increase in ventricular
contraction strength and heart rate (tachycardia), and
eventually results in a blood pressure rise. Symptoms of
Fig 4 Lateral view of tooth preparation an epinephrine overdose, also called “epinephrine syn-
with hemostatic agent.
drome” manifest via tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperten-
sion, anxiety, tremor, restlessness, headache, dizziness,
Vasoconstrictors are agents that are able to stop pallor, heavy sweating, and in the worst cases even
bleeding by the constriction of blood vessels.21,22 They fainting or fatality.5,9,16,28,29 The systemically absorbed
act on the sympathetic α-1, β-1, and β-2 adrenergic amount depends on the administered epinephrine
receptors.21 Thereby the activation of α-1 receptors on concentration, duration of application, and severity of
the smooth muscles of blood vessels causes the vessels gingival tissue laceration.13 Other factors related to the
to constrict, leading to a reduced local blood flow result- total dose of epinephrine have to be kept in mind by
ing in a decrease of volume of the usually highly per- the dentist as there is the possibility of a cumulative
fused gingival tissues and a decrease in bleeding.7,23,24 effect of epinephrine from sources other than retrac-
As already stated, the group of vasoconstrictive agents tion cords. These sources include not only epinephrine
was subdivided into α- and β-adrenergics and α-adren- administered via the local anesthetic solution, but also
ergics only.20 Epinephrine acts on both α- and β-recep- endogenously produced epinephrine that may be
tors, and was the most commonly used adrenergic secreted as a reaction to stress during the dental pro-
agent for gingival retraction.5,7,21 Nevertheless, the pre- cedure.30-33 All these above-mentioned undesired
ferred chemical retraction agents have changed over effects may occur in any patient, but especially in
the years. In a survey published in 1980, 73.3% of den- patients with predisposing diseases like cardiovascular
tists chose epinephrine-impregnated cords;25 in 1985 disease, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, and known hypersen-
these were preferred by 79%,13 in 1986 by 55%,26 in sitivity to epinephrine. Also, in patients taking mono-
1999 by 39%,14 and by 29% in 2015,27 showing a steady amine or tricyclic antidepressants, rauwolfia compounds,
decrease in its usage. As retraction agent, epinephrine ganglionic blockers, cocaine or other epinephrine-poten-
is used in the racemic form in concentrations of 0.1% tiating drugs, the dentist has to substitute epinephrine for

722 VOLUME 49 • NUMBER 9 • OCTOBER 2018

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another retraction agent.2,10,16,18,28,29 After considering the astringency, as its molecular and physiologic mechan-
significant number of above-mentioned contraindica- isms are not yet fully understood.40 In 2004 the Ameri-
tions, possible adverse effects, and the fact that epineph- can Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) defined
rine-containing cords have no clinical advantage in astringency as “the complex of sensations due to
terms of tissue displacement to other agents, nowa- shrinking, drawing or puckering of the epithelium as a
days there is a general consensus that epinephrine result of exposure to substances such as alums or tan-
should be avoided during tissue displacement.34-36 In nins.”41 According the Concise Medical Dictionary
the second subgroup of vasoconstrictors (adrenergics), (CMD), medically an astringent is considered as “a drug
agents are found to act solely on α-1 adrenergic recep- that causes cells to shrink by precipitating proteins
tors: tetrahydrozoline HCl, 0.05% (Visine, Johnson and from their surfaces.”42 Therefore, the current chemical
Johnson); oxymetazoline HCl, 0.05% (Afrin, Bayer); and and pharmacologic definition of an astringent com-
phenylephrine HCl, 0.25% (Neo-synephrine, Founda- pound as one that binds and precipitates proteins has
tion Consumer Healthcare). All of these substances are not deviated from its Latin root adstringere, meaning
the active ingredients of different non-prescription “to bind.”40,43 The definition for astringent compounds
nasal or ophthalmic decongestants and are classified as used in dental research articles from different
sympathomimetic amines acting as α-agonists. The authors5,7,44 is based on definitions of Mohan et al44 and
effectiveness of different conventional (alum, epineph- Felpel.23 Mohan et al44 define astringents as “substances
rine) and new retraction agents (Afrin, Visine, Neo-syn- that precipitate proteins, but do not penetrate cells,
ephrine) was compared by measuring the sulcular thus affecting the superficial layer of mucosa only. They
width after 5 minutes of application time of a retraction toughen the surface by making it mechanically stron-
cord impregnated with the respective chemical retrac- ger and decrease exudation. Examples are alum, alumi-
tion agent. It was concluded that Visine and Afrin pro- num chloride, zinc chloride (8% to 20%), and tannic
duced significantly greater retraction than Neo-syneph- acid. Styptics are the concentrated form of astringents.
rine and the conventional agents. Soft tissue evaluation They cause superficial and local coagulation. Examples
after 10 days did not show any permanent gingival are ferric chloride and ferric sulfate.” Felpel23 defines
depression caused by the new experimental retraction astringents in a similar way, as “metal salts that cause
agents. Cardiovascular responses during the applica- gingival retraction by precipitating protein or, in some
tion were monitored, and all three α-agonists caused cases, by a desiccant effect. Precipitated protein physi-
significantly lower pulse rates than epinephrine.9 Differ- cally obstructs hemorrhaging, thus making astringents
ent epinephrine concentrations (0.01%, 0.05%, 0.1%) useful as hemostatics.” It was further stated: “Astrin-
were compared with the different sympathomimetic gents produce hemostasis by causing tissue contrac-
agents and all of them were more biocompatible than tion followed by coagulation of blood in the vessels in
any epinephrine-containing solution.37 This may also the local area. Styptics may be considered as a concen-
stand in conjunction with their significantly higher pH trated form of an astringent.”23 After reviewing these
of 6 or more when compared to the other retraction different definitions, it is safe to say that there is still no
agents.38,39 Even though it was suggested that sym- full understanding and no generally accepted defini-
pathomimetic amines may provide a safer and also tion of astringent compounds.
more effective alternative to other retraction agents,9 Retraction agents based on aluminum chloride, alu-
sympathomimetics are still – even after two decades – minum sulfate, ferric sulfate, zinc chloride, alum (alumi-
considered experimental retraction agents.37 num potassium sulfate), tannic acid, ferric subsulfate
Astringents are the second big group of gingival (Monsel’s solution), and Negatol solution are astrin-
retraction agents. There are still widely differing opin- gents.11,22,25,45 The predominance of astringents nowa-
ions on the current state of knowledge concerning days was demonstrated by several authors who showed

VOLUME 49 • NUMBER 9 • OCTOBER 2018 723

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Table 1 Overview of hemostatic agents (modified from Nowakowska20)

Class 1: Vasoconstrictors (adrenergics) Class 2: Astringents

α + β -Adrenergics α-Adrenergics Aluminum chloride Aluminum Iron
0.05% tetrahydrozoline HCl 10% AlCl3 (eg, Gingiva Liquid, 20% Al2(SO4)3 (eg, Rastringent, 15.5% Fe2(SO4)3
(eg, Visine, Johnson and Coltène/Whaledent) Pascal International) (eg, Astringedent, Ultradent)
0.05% oxymetazoline HCl 20% AlCl3 (eg, Orbat, Lege 25% Al2(SO4)3 20% Fe2(SO4)3
(eg, Afrin, Bayer) Artis; Alustin, Chema) (eg, Orbat Sensitive, Lege Artis) (eg, ViscoStat, Ultradent)
0.25% phenylephrine HCl 25% AlCl3 (eg, Racestyptine 12.7% Fe2(SO4)3 +
(eg, Neo-synephrine, solution, Septodont; ViscoStat ferric subsulfate
Foundation Consumer Clear, Ultradent) (eg, Astringedent X, Ultradent)

that aluminum chloride and ferric sulfate are the most following manner: tissues surrounding capillaries swell
commonly used medicaments.13,14 Considering these and thereby squeeze the capillaries causing the bleed-
surveys showing a shift from epinephrine towards ing and sulcular fluid seepage to stop.47,48
astringents as gingival retraction agents already in 1985 Ferric sulfate (Fe2(SO4)3) is next to aluminum
and 1999, the increasing awareness of possible systemic chloride the most used gingival retraction agent.13,14
adverse effects caused by epinephrine, and after review- Generally it is provided in concentrations from 13% to
ing the current dental market, it is possible to say that 20%. Concentrations above 15.5% are highly acidic and
aluminum chloride and ferric sulfate are nowadays the may cause gingival tissue irritations and postoperative
most commonly used gingival retraction agents. root sensitivity. The recommended application time is
Each of the astringent agents shows different mech- 1 to 3 minutes, resulting in a tissue displacement of up
anisms of action and certain specific characteristics that to 30 minutes.11,15,44,49 A major adverse effect of ferric
should be further explained. sulfate is a temporary stain of soft tissues in a bluish to
Aluminum chloride (AlCl3) is, as stated above, one of brown/black color due to its iron content. Even though
the most commonly used astringents.13,14 It is used in the gingiva returns to its normal pink appearance after
concentrations from 5% to 25%. The mechanism of 1 to 2 days, it might be felt as disturbing by the
action of aluminum chloride to stop bleeding is astrin- patient.11,45 A black staining of dentin under porcelain
gent by precipitation of proteins, but the literature crowns may occur in some situations.50 When used in
shows differences in the specific mechanism of alumi- connection with epinephrine, a massive blue precipi-
num chloride. The acidic property of aluminum chloride tate develops and it should therefore be avoided.11 The
causes a reaction with blood proteins, which in turn mechanism of action of ferric sulfate is mostly by blood
creates a barrier by coagulated proteins and thereby coagulation, but also astringent.15,49 The agglutination
prevents the outflow of blood from vessels. This barrier of blood proteins is caused by the reaction of blood
at the same time prevents aluminum chloride from with ferric and sulfate ions. Protein-plugs are formed
entering the blocked vessels and thereby does not directly in the endings of the cut capillaries and physi-
allow any systemic effects to happen.46 Others describe cally occlude them, resulting in hemostasis.15,47-49,51-53
that aluminum chloride acts by precipitating proteins The intracapillary clots can be recognized as small dark
and inhibiting transcapillary movement of plasma pro- dots inside the gingival sulcus.49 Blood is coagulated in
teins.13 Ultradent Products USA in turn describes the such a quick manner that the application has to be
mechanism of their 25% AlCl3 gel ViscoStat Clear in the directly against the lacerated tissue, otherwise the fer-

724 VOLUME 49 • NUMBER 9 • OCTOBER 2018

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ric sulfate would react immediately with the already formaldehyde.11,45 It is highly acidic and may decalcify
extravasated blood and flow away.11,22 Therefore the teeth in both 10% and 100% concentration solutions.
best results are obtained when the agent is rubbed into Soft tissue recovery was shown to be not satisfactory.16
the bleeding gingival surface.47,48 Negatan is therefore contraindicated as gingival retrac-
Ferric subsulfate (Fe4H2O22S5), also called Monsel’s tion agent.
solution, is rarely used nowadays as gingival retraction Tannic acid (tannin) (C76H52O46) is a vegetable poly-
agent. It is classified as a very strong astringent (styptic) phenol and is the most common astringent source
and more effective than epinephrine, but causes found in foods and beverages.40 Its hemostatic efficacy
sloughing of soft tissues and might even be corrosive is less than epinephrine, but with very good tissue
to teeth.1,11 recovery.16 It is found in tea and probably is most useful
Alum (KAl(SO4)2·12H2O), chemically aluminum in dentistry as a home remedy to control small tem-
potassium sulfate, was suggested as gingival retraction porary intraoral bleedings (eg, after an extraction) by
agent, but is not in use nowadays, even though it has biting on a tea bag.23
good hemostatic properties. There is no significant
difference in aspects of effectivity and local tissue Adverse effects of hemostatic retraction
effects between 100% alum, 8% racemic epinephrine, agents
and aluminum chloride.9,16,36 There is also no indication Gingival retraction agents also cause adverse effects
that alum might elicit any adverse systemic effect.9,13 that have to be taken into account and which were
Aluminum sulfate (Al2(SO4)3) shows almost the same reviewed in several studies.16 Of particular importance
characteristics as alum, but differs chemically.11,45 It also is their behavior in relation to local tissues, potential
does not show any adverse systemic effects.13 It was systemic effects, impression materials, and adhesive
shown that dental professionals were not able to materials and procedures.
detect any difference between the clinical retraction As previously stated, there are no systemic effects
results of racemic epinephrine and aluminum sulfate, with any chemical retraction agent except for epineph-
which is in concordance with other studies.35 Alumi- rine, which causes elevated blood pressure and heart
num sulfate achieves hemostasis by a weak vasocon- rate with its subsequent symptoms.
strictive effect in combination with precipitation of tis- Surrounding soft tissues and their reaction and
sue proteins, causing tissue contraction and inhibition compatibility to hemostatic retraction agents were
of transcapillary movement of plasma proteins result- addressed in several studies. Without exception these
ing in subsequent hemostasis.35 Local adverse effects studies revealed that all retraction agents, even plain
may be seen as permanent recession and loss of alveo- retraction cords, cause some degree of tissue damage
lar crest bone in case of an application time exceeding in the form of inflammation or desquamation of the
20 minutes.54 sulcular epithelium. In all cases the injury was of a tem-
Zinc chloride (ZnCl2) is not used as gingival retrac- porary nature and showed full recovery after 14
tion agent due to its inacceptable caustic effect on tis- days.10,12,16,19,24,36,37,55,56 Only zinc chloride and Negatan
sues.16 It was used in concentrations of 8% and 40%. showed caustic characteristics resulting in severe per-
Both concentrations cause severe injury to gingival tis- manent tissue damage, with Negatan even causing
sues, which do not show complete healing after decalcification of enamel.10,16,19 The cytotoxic potential
21 days, and therefore cannot be recommended as and its dependence on the agent’s concentration and
gingival retraction agent.19 In a 100% solution it may the duration of exposure was evaluated. All conducted
even cause damage to bone.10 experiments showed that an increase in concentra-
Negatol solution, also called Negatan, is a 45% con- tion12,37,55,57,58 and exposure time12,19,36 will result in an
densation product of metacresol sulfonic acid and increase in tissue damage. By far the least cytotoxic

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agents were sympathomimetics, which showed the and part of the impression material may even still
highest biocompatibility in terms of cell survival.24,37,58 adhere to the cast after removal, compromising the
Different authors evaluated how the concentration of a cast.62 Multiple authors tested the influence of retrac-
retraction agent influences its pH-value and its effect tion agents on different parameters of PVS materials,
on the oral environment. In all studies pH-values of presenting contradictory results.
astringents ranged between 0.7 and 3.0, except for To test the interaction between the agents and the
sympathomimetics, for which the highest values were PVS material, the authors of three studies used the
recorded, between 4.1 and 7.4. It is possible to con- same standardized stainless dies (as describe in Amer-
clude that a lower pH of agents and a longer exposure ican Dental Association [ADA] specification no. 19),
time cause an increase in tissue damage and therefore which show three horizontal and two vertical grooves.
sympathomimetics should be considered more in the To determine any interactions the authors evaluated
future to preserve periodontal, gingival, and oral the dimensional accuracy (after 24 hours, by measur-
health.38,39,59 Not only the concentration and the expo- ing the length of the horizontal lines) and the surface
sure time, but also the form of the agent seem to have detail reproduction (after 1 hour using a stereomicro-
a significant influence on cell survival, as gels showed scope with 10× magnification). With all the agents and
less cytotoxic damage than solutions; this might be also within the control group, dimensional changes
because of the more precise placement of gels on gin- occurred, but were within the ADA specification for
gival tissues, thereby reducing the exposure area.12 PVS materials (< 0.5%). Surface detail reproduction was
Contrary to general opinion, De Gennaro36 found great affected by all tested agents (epinephrine, aluminum
differences in the degree of inflammation between chloride, ferric sulfate), with epinephrine producing
different individuals after application of the same agent the least surface changes. Aluminum chloride caused
and the same application time, which led to the sug- the surface of the impression to be extremely rough
gestion that patient-specific factors may have a greater with a melted appearance. Ferric sulfate produced an
effect on the severity of inflammation than the agent impression that appeared as the reproduction of a
itself.36 contaminated die, but in general the adverse effect
Compatibility with the used impression material is was less severe than with aluminum chloride. The
another important aspect that has to be considered authors concluded that it is of the highest importance
when choosing a suitable retraction agent. It is well that the clinician makes effort to remove any residue of
known and documented that the polymerization of the retraction medicaments prior to placing PVS
polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) materials is inhibited by sulfur impression material.67-70 In another study the influence
compounds, which are present in various dental mater- of retraction agents on the polymerization time of PVS
ials such as latex gloves, rubber dam, and also in several materials was tested. Ten different agents of all classes
retraction agents (aluminum sulfate, ferric sulfate, (vasoconstrictors, sympathomimetics, astringents)
etc).60,61 The inhibition may be caused by direct contact were analyzed and all of them without exception
or due to indirect contamination of intraoral soft and changed the setting time or even caused a total inhibi-
hard tissues by contact with latex gloves.62-66 The inhibi- tion of polymerization. The worst results were
tion of the PVS polymerization becomes evident as a obtained with aluminum chloride. In general, adrener-
rippled surface on the set impression material which gics (epinephrine and sympathomimetics) showed
will be slippery to touch in areas that were contami- better results than astringents.71
nated. In addition to an insufficient impression, the In contrast to these findings, other authors did not
gypsum cast produced from such a contaminated record any inhibitory effect of aluminum chloride, alu-
impression shows flaws. The rippling is duplicated and minum sulfate, alum, ferric sulfate, or epinephrine on
the cast often appears wet, wrinkled, poorly defined, the polymerization of PVS materials.62,72-74

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For polyether (PE) impression materials the study etch-and-rinse adhesive bonding systems were con-
results were less controversial and were in agreement ducted. Experiments investigating the influence of
with each other, reporting that PE impression materials hemostatic agents, mostly aluminum chloride and
are not compatible with gingival retraction agents. ferric sulfate, on total-etch (etch-and-rinse) adhesive
Ferric sulfate showed the greatest disturbances in the systems reported varying results. Currently there are
polymerization process and also 25% aluminum four studies reporting no significant differences
chloride gave unsatisfactory impressions. Aluminum between the bond strength of total-etch adhesive sys-
chloride 10% did not show significant adverse effects tems to hemostatic-contaminated dentin and to nor-
and therefore may be used prior to a polyether impres- mal dentin. After a 2-minute application of aluminum
sion. It was also shown overall that adrenergics (epi- chloride, the smear layer was partially removed with
nephrine and sympathomimetics) presented with bet- smear plugs still occluding the dentinal tubules. After
ter results than astringents.69,72,74,75 phosphoric acid etching both the normal dentin sur-
There is a limited number of studies available on the face (no previous contamination) and the contami-
interaction of retraction chemicals with condensation nated dentin surface did not show any difference in
silicone and polysulfide impression materials. The ten- their appearance. Also, no difference could be seen
sile strength of condensation silicone is affected neither between the bonding interfaces of the resin cement to
by aluminum chloride nor by sympathomimetic agents. normal dentin and to contaminated dentin by using a
Its polymerization was inhibited by aluminum chloride. scanning electron microscope (SEM) with 5,000× mag-
Polysulfide shows significantly lower tensile strength nification. Due to their results, it was concluded that
when in contact with aluminum chloride or Afrin during the aggressive etching-pattern of 37% phosphoric acid
polymerization, but not with Visine. None of the agents (pH 0.5) most probably redeemed all contaminant-in-
caused an inhibition of polysulfide polymerization.72,74 duced adverse effects on the dentin surface and there-
Hemostatic agents come into contact not only with fore a bond strength comparable to normal dentin
impression materials and soft tissues; they are also in could be achieved.78,79,82,83
direct contact with dental hard tissues and possibly In contrast, other authors claim a decrease in bond
may exert adverse effects. The bond strength of adhe- strength when total-etch adhesives are used on con-
sive bonding systems depends on the incorporation of taminated dentin surfaces. Aluminum chloride and
resin into the demineralized dentin matrix formed by ferric sulfate were tested in different studies with
acid etching.76 Some studies showed that the high widely varying application times and cleaning proto-
acidity of commonly used hemostatic agents causes cols, resulting in significant lower shear bond strength
changes or even the complete removal of the dentinal values than their uncontaminated control groups.84-86 In
smear layer.59,77-79 Such significant alterations in the two of these studies, a 0.2% chlorhexidine (CHX) rinse
morphology of the prepared dentin surfaces may was used to clean contaminated dentin surfaces and
reduce the dentin’s susceptibility to acid etching.80 In resulted in contrasting outcomes. In one study the
turn these properties affecting the dentin surfaces may cleaning protocol with CHX resulted in bond strengths
have an adverse effect on hybrid layer formation and almost identical to those without any contamination.85
quality and therefore might result in a reduction of In contrast, in another study the CHX caused an even
bond strength.78 Due to such findings, the use of these more severe decrease in bond strength than the hemo-
agents raised some doubts as to whether the bond static agents alone.84 Unfortunately the study models of
strength of adhesives to hemostatic-contaminated these two studies are too different (order of clinical
dentin and enamel may be adversely affected.81 Sev- steps, application time, etc) for comparison, and it can-
eral studies (all of them in vitro) concerning the influ- not be concluded what led to such opposing outcomes
ence of hemostatic agents on various self-etch and in relation to CHX usage as cleaning agent.

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Studies concerning the influence of hemostatic Clearfil SE Bond and its bond strength to dentin
agents on the bond strength of self-etching adhesive previously contaminated with different hemostatic
systems to dentin are less contrasting and show more agents was evaluated in two further studies. One con-
similar results, even though the lack of standardization firmed the results of previous studies showing a
among different studies is also present and has to be decrease in bond strength and a further worsening
kept in mind. Most authors demonstrated a decrease in when CHX was applied in an attempt to remove hemo-
bond strength. static residues prior to bonding.84 Another evaluated
In one study in 2007, the acidic primer of the self- Clearfil SE Bond when used on dentin contaminated
etch adhesive Clearfil SE Bond (Kuraray) was applied for with freshly drawn blood and one of four hemostatic
20 seconds in one test group and for 40 seconds in agents, 25% aluminum chloride (ViscoStat Clear, Ultra-
another test group. Even though the bond strength of dent), 15.5% ferric sulfate (Astringedent, Ultradent),
the 40-second group was significantly higher than in 12.7% ferric subsulfate (Astringedent X, Ultradent), and
the 20-second group, both groups showed a decreased a newly introduced agent from Turkey (Ankaferd Blood
value compared to the control. Normal dentin after Stopper [ABS], Ankaferd Health Products). In contrast to
applying the primer for 20 seconds showed removal of other studies only a minimal decrease in bond strength
smear layer and open tubules with intact peritubular was reported for all agents, which was not considered
dentin, whereas in contaminated dentin the tubules as significant. Only ABS caused an increase of bond
were still occluded. The 40-second application opened strength when compared to the control. Because ABS
the dentinal tubules and removed peritubular dentin, consists only of vegetal components, the authors sug-
eventually resulting in a higher bond strength. There- gested that the vegetal content may have a positive
fore, the authors concluded that the extended primer impact on bond strength.87
application might enhance its etching effect and even- AdheSE (Ivoclar Vivadent) and AdheSE One F (Ivo-
tually may result in a higher dentin bond strength of clar Vivadent) were compared in another experiment.
such an adhesive system.79 In contrast to their findings After a 1-minute contamination with ferric sulfate,
in 2007, the same authors conducted a study in 2009 AdheSE showed significantly lower bond strength to
using the self-etch adhesive system ED Primer II (Kur- dentin. Surprisingly, AdheSE One F did not show
aray) in connection with a dual-cured resin cement reduced bond strengths, which might be explained by
(Panavia F, Kuraray), and this did not show any the moderate acidity (pH 1.5) of the agent, which
decrease in bond strength when applied on aluminum causes a better smear layer removal and therefore
chloride-contaminated dentin. The ED Primer II seems might increase its dentinal diffusion depths.83 Despite
to be acidic enough to cause a self-etching effect that is these results, several authors reported a common
sufficient to remove any contaminants left from hemo- decrease in bond strength between dentin and
static agents. However, the authors reported the forma- self-etching adhesives after contamination with a
tion of small gaps at the interface between the hybrid hemostatic agent.88-91
layer and the resin cement. Even though the bond Two of these researchers additionally investigated
strength to contaminated dentin was satisfactory, the possible contamination removal methods.
gap formation might cause microleakage and should A 5-minute water spray, 60 seconds’ application of
be investigated in further studies.78 As in both of their 10% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and
studies the same astringent (Racestyptine solution, 15 seconds’ application of 35% phosphoric acid on
Septodont) with the same application time and cleans- dentin surfaces previously contaminated with 15%
ing protocol was used, their opposing results might be aluminum chloride all resulted in higher bond strength
attributed to the properties of the different bonding when compared with contaminated dentin that didn’t
agents. undergo any cleaning protocol. Both EDTA and phos-

728 VOLUME 49 • NUMBER 9 • OCTOBER 2018

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phoric acid were able to remove aluminum chloride were able to show a significant advantage of epineph-
contaminants, but between them only EDTA was able rine compared to astringent agents or sympathomimet-
to produce bond strengths that were only slightly ics. Considering that there is no clinical advantage, and
below the bond strength of uncontaminated dentin there is the possibility of a medical emergency due to
and therefore clinically acceptable. This removal of the systemic effects elicited by epinephrine, it is easily
aluminum contaminants from the dentin surface is due understandable why many dentists prefer other hemo-
to the aluminum chelating ability of EDTA.90 In another static agents nowadays. As stated before, all retraction
study, cleaning methods included 20 seconds of water agents, even plain cords, may cause some degree of
spray, 15 seconds’ etching with 37% phosphoric acid, reversible tissue damage, with sympathomimetic
and usage of aluminum oxide abrasion. After cleaning amines being by far the most biocompatible. These
of the contaminated dentin surfaces with phosphoric agents are not commonly used by dentists, for no obvi-
acid and aluminum oxide abrasion, the bond strengths ous reason. Some authors have suggested that sym-
were not significantly different from the uncontami- pathomimetic amines may provide a safer and even a
nated control group. There was no difference noticed more effective alternative to other agents.9 For epineph-
in the interaction of cleaning methods and the different rine and astringent agents, several studies investigating
types of hemostatic agents.91 In addition to these stud- their compatibility with several other materials used
ies other authors evaluated the effect of hemostatic during prosthodontic treatments are available but show
agents on microleakage of class V composite resin res- differing results. Studies concerning the inhibitory effect
torations when either bonded with a self-etch or of hemostatic agents on impression materials presented
bonded with a total-etch adhesive system. Four authors contradictory results, especially in the case of polyvinyl
evaluated self-etching adhesives and reported that siloxanes. None of the studies, neither the ones showing
there was an increase in marginal microleakage when a polymerization inhibition of PVS materials nor the ones
hemostatic agent was used.92-95 In two of these studies showing no detrimental effect at all, used any cleansing
the authors also evaluated total-etch adhesives and protocol to remove the hemostatic agent prior to
demonstrated that there was no increase in microleak- impression taking, as is recommended by manufactur-
age.93,94 Therefore the results of studies conducted ers of hemostatic agents. In all of these studies the
about microleakage are in accordance with the major- impression material came in direct contact with the
ity of studies concerning the bond strength of self-etch- tested hemostatic agent, which may have led to a
ing and total-etching adhesives. chemical reaction between different ingredients of the
materials resulting in the polymerization inhibition.
Contrary to this assumption, also in all studies that did
DISCUSSION not show any inhibition of the polymerization process,
In recent years there has been a shift in dentists’ prefer- the tested hemostatic agent came in direct contact with
ences for chemical retraction agents. The predominance the polymerizing impression material.62,73,74 In all studies,
of epinephrine steadily decreased, as was illustrated in hemostatic agents of different manufacturers but with
several studies showing that in a time period of 30 years the same active ingredients were tested with different
the number of dentists using epinephrine was reduced impression materials, and the reason for a possible
from 79 to 29%.13,27 Such a drastic decrease may be chemical reaction must be attributed to the combina-
attributable to the possible systemic adverse effects on tion of a specific hemostatic agent with a specific
the cardiovascular system seen with the use of epineph- impression material and cannot be attributed solely to
rine, which may be especially dangerous in patients the active ingredient of the hemostatic agent. A further
taking specific medications or suffering from predispos- uncertain variable is the amount of hemostatic agent
ing diseases. Furthermore, there were no studies that used in the different studies. Only one study71 provided

VOLUME 49 • NUMBER 9 • OCTOBER 2018 729

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the reader with this information, and therefore high prior to application of the hemostatic agent while oth-
variations of used amounts in different studies may be a ers only placed the agent itself. The application times
further cause that led to opposing outcomes. Possibly in show enormous ranges between 10 seconds and
some experiments the used amount might have been 48 hours. The order of clinical steps differs in several
too little and therefore insufficient to trigger any inhibi- studies. Another uncertain variable is the different den-
tion. Also, in all presented studies that did not show any tin substrate condition, such as the age of the tooth or
inhibition, the testing specimens were only evaluated the storage conditions.96,97 Differences in combination
by the naked eye of the operator or with 10× magnifica- and used amounts of materials may also contribute to
tion. Hence there is the possibility that in these studies dissimilar results. Due to such varieties in methodologic
some degree of inhibition took place but to such a min- criteria between the studies it is not yet possible to
imal extent that it did not produce any clinically relevant conclude definitive statements about the effect of
effects and therefore was not evident to the operator. hemostatic agents on adhesive bonding and further,
Studies concerning the influence of hemostatic more standardized studies are required. Nevertheless,
agents on polyether materials did not show such con- the available study findings do suggest some assump-
troversial results, stating that PE materials are not com- tions. Any residual particles of hemostatic agents that
patible with hemostatic agents.69,72,74,75 Only in one are left on the dentinal surface may interfere with the
study 10% aluminum chloride did not inhibit the poly- bond strength of adhesive systems.91 Small contami-
merization process and therefore was declared as a nant particles, for example in the form of unbound
suitable agent prior to PE impression taking.74 But also aluminum particles if an aluminum chloride hemostatic
in all of these studies the hemostatic agent was in agent is used, may obliterate dentinal tubules or form a
direct contact with the setting impression material, layer of residues, therefore decreasing the monomer
which opposes the manufacturer’s recommendations infiltration of the bonding system and eventually
and therefore it is questionable to what extent these affecting the development of the hybrid layer.81,90 Due
experiments may resemble a real clinical situation. to the high acidity of hemostatic agents, calcium in
Other factors that may have an impact on an experi- hydroxyapatite may be replaced by aluminum, result-
ment’s outcome are the same as already discussed for ing in a hydroxyapatite form that seems to be more
PVS materials involving the combination of different resistant to acids and therefore a higher acidity of the
products, severity of contamination, and handling of etching/primer agents is required to achieve sufficient
testing specimens during preparations. surface preparation.79,91 Given such dentinal surface
Also for adhesives there is no general consensus as alterations, the relatively low acidity of self-etching
to the manner in which and extent that different adhe- adhesive primers may not be strong enough to suffi-
sive systems are affected by the prior use of hemostatic ciently remove all contaminants or to sufficiently etch a
agents. After reviewing all the previously mentioned more acid-resistant dentinal surface.81,90 In contrast, in
articles concerning the bond strength of adhesives to total-etch adhesive systems the high acidity (pH 0.5) of
dentin contaminated with a hemostatic agent, it is not phosphoric acid seems to be strong enough to remove
possible to come to a definitive conclusion about the all contaminants on the dentinal surface, therefore giv-
presented results as they conflict greatly. Furthermore, ing the adhesive the possibility to infiltrate dentinal
there is a lack of standardization regarding methodol- tubules to a sufficient depth, resulting in a thicker
ogy in different studies. Some investigators dropped hybrid layer and conclusively in no reduction of bond
the hemostatic agents on the dentin surfaces, some strength.81 Therefore, self-etching adhesives, rather
applied it by microbrushes, others even soaked the than total-etch systems, might result in decreased
dentin testing specimens in hemostatic solutions. bond strength when a hemostatic agent came in con-
Some authors applied blood and saliva contamination tact with the dentinal surface beforehand.3 Also, stud-

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732 VOLUME 49 • NUMBER 9 • OCTOBER 2018

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