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Sloka Number One: Rama Charama Sloka

Sakrud eva prapannaaya tavaasmeeti ca yaacate l

Abhayam sarva bhootebhyo dadaamyetad vratam ma-ma ll

Translation: To all those beings that fully seek My shelter and plead for My mercy, and say I
am yours, I shall certainly offer My protection to all of them. This is My vow.

Sloka Number two: BG 18.66: Krishna Charama Sloka

sarva-dharman parityajya
mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo
moksayisyami ma sucah

Translation: Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you
from all sinful reaction. Do not fear.

Sloka number three: Varaha Charama Sloka

Sthite manasi susvasthe shareere sati yo narahaa l
Dhaatu-saamye sthite smartaa Vishwaroopam ca Maamajam ll

Tatas-tam mriyamaaNam tu kaashtta paashaaNa sannibham l

Aham smaraami madbhaktam nayaami paramaam gatim ll

Translation: Lord Varaha addresses Mother Earth or Bhoodevi (who expresses concern for
the well-being of all Her children): If anyone thinks of Me, when the mind is sound (sthite
manasi),with the body in good health (suswasthe shareere), and with all mental and
physical faculties working perfectly and intact (dhaatusaamye sthite) - thinks that I am
indeed the very cause of this universe (or the form of this universe, vishwaroopam), that I
am without birth (ajam) - then I assure (You, Devi) that I will remember this devotee of Mine
when he/she is on his/her deathbed, lying (helplessly) like a stone or a log of wood, and
personally take him/her to the Supreme Abode.

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