Research Proposal: Contribution of Higher Educational Institutions To Overcome Sustainable Development Goals Challenges

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Date: 15th July, 2020

To: Dr. Animesh Singh, Ph.D.
HOD & Associate Professor,
Economics and International Business,
School of Business,
Sharda University.
From: Shahriar-Al-Imran
ID# 2019002440

Sub: Proposal to conduct a research on sustainable development goals.

Dear sir,
Please find the attached proposal on the following topic:

Contribution of Higher Educational Institutions to

Overcome Sustainable Development Goals Challenges
We request you to approve my proposal so that we can proceed with my research
work. We will make necessary modifications if needed, as per your suggestions.

Thank you.

1. Topic: (Keywords: SDG, strategy, higher education, impact, challenges,

poverty, gender inequality)
2. Research Questions:
 What does sustainability mean for institutions of higher education?
 How does a comprehensive concept of a sustainable institution of higher
education look like?
 How could the university’s long-term sustainability vision look like? How
could this vision be realized through a roadmap?
 What are innovative ways to develop sustainability strategies for a university
through a bottom-up approach?
 What ethical imperatives would demand that institutions of higher education
care for their impact on the planet, people and profit?
 What are the responsibilities of institutions of higher education to contribute
to global challenges, such as poverty, gender inequality, and climate change?
3. Hypothesis: (To be formulated by discussion)
4. Objectives of Research:
5. Significance of research:
6. Methodology: For primary research, we will conduct a survey on the
management level personnel of several universities. I hope to have a sample size of
about 80 to 100 people. We will also design a questionnaire with different types of
questions to get a range of useful data which will help me to answer my research
questions. Also, we will take personal informal interviews as this is a very personal
As for my secondary research, I will use the resources of the library and will also
go through websites regarding the problem. I will also do some reading on this
subject through journals, blogs, articles etc.
7. Organization: The paper will be divided into several sections. I hope to lay
them out in the following order: Abstract, Introduction, Background, Research
question, Hypotheses, Research Methodology, Data presentation and analysis,
Summary of findings, and A.P.A. references.
8. Time Frame: I hope to complete my primary and secondary research by the
third week of August, 2020 which I am starting from 15th July, 2020. I shall
complete writing the final draft of my paper by the second week of August.

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