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Código: F-IAE-203


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English workshop #3 2020 Fecha: 5/03/2018

Colegio de Nuestra Señora de la Presentación Centro

Student´s name: Course: 10th Code #

Teacher: Daniel Hernández L. Date DD MM AA

Dear students welcome to this term, in this workshop you can find some great
activities which make you aware of your learning process and your language
competences. Hoping you develop them with enthusiasm and positive energy.

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
Malcolm X”

“Blame yourself for your mistakes not others…”


1. Past perfect.
2. Past perfect continuous.
3. Passives.
4. Phrasal verbs
5. Relative clauses.
6. Linkers
“You have to be your own super hero”
Mr. Hernández 
We use the past perfect when we are already talking about
the past and we ´go back´ to say that something had
happened before.


had / hadn’t + the past participle Study the examples :
I had done it. She was afraid because she had never flown before.
She hadn’t done it. He loved the house. He had lived there all his life.
Had they done it ? After we had done our HW, we went to bed.
They had left before I could say anything.
She said she hadn’t written it .
Had you checked the mail before you sent it ?

Match the sentence halves using the past simple and past perfect . Use WHEN or AFTER.
e.g. After / when they had done their HW, they could play PC games.

They ate the dinner. She finally took the red one.
She felt much better. He finished eating.
Jack decided to have a rest. They did their homework.
They went to a pub to celebrate it. I lent it to Sophie.
The bank clerk called the police. Mandy could leave the hospital.
I finished reading the magazine. He painted the hall and the kitchen.
Lisa tried on five sweaters. Mark cleared the table.
Peter asked for a cup of coffee. Rita took a hot bath.
She completely recovered. They won the match.
They could play PC games. The robbers left.

Finish the sentences using the past perfect : Answer the questions using the past perfect
1. Sue didn’t pass the exams because… :
2. When we got to the party… 1. Why was she so excited ?
2. Why did he feel tired ?
3. Mark was broke because… 3. Why was the fridge empty ?
4. By the time Lara finally got up… 4. Why were you sick ?
5. I didn’t want to see her because…. 5. Why wasn’t she at the
6. When I called for the job… party ?
6. What did he learn when
7. By the time the film finished… he called the office ?
8. Did you go home after …?

Rewrite the sentences using the past simple and past perfect :
1.She soon (realize) that she (spend) all her money.
2.He (be) tired because he (not eat) anything since the morning.
3.When all the guests (leave) I (start) tidying.
4.As soon as Jack (eat) his ice-cream he (go) to buy another one.
5.The police never (find out) where he (hide) the money.
6.We (not recognize) her. She (cut) her hair.
7. She (be) very upset because he (not answer) her e-mails.
8. I (know) my wife for 5 years before we finally (marry) in 2009.
9. The film already (start) when we (arrive).
The first time I took my daughter to the movie theater she was 6 and the movie was “Bambi”.
I’m a movies lover, so I had chosen it carefully and thought a cartoon movie would be an
effective introduction to the Seventh Art World.
Everything was going just fine until Bambi’s mother was shot and killed. My daughter got
anguished and asked to go home in the middle of the movie. Fortunately later choices turned
out OK and she likes movies as much as I do.
My point is: are cartoons really safe for kids? Or do parents need to pay attention to the
type of cartoons kids are watching during their spare time?
Once I sat on the sofa to watch a cartoon with my 8-year-old son and got completely
dumbfounded when I realized a cartoon character was agonizing right in front of us, bleeding
as if it was an action adult movie!
Everybody knows that the cartoon “The Simpsons” doesn’t spread nice manners or behavior,
but what about the “kid stuff” they display in the afternoon for young children?
The next time you take a kid to the movies maybe a cartoon doesn’t make the best choice,
unless you take the time to watch it and analyze its content first. Or you take the risk of
exposing your child to messages s/he isn’t prepared to get yet.

According to the text:

Bambi is a cartoon movie. ( ) true ( ) false
There isn’t violence in cartoon movies. ( ) true ( ) false
Bambi’s father is killed in the movie. ( ) true ( ) false
Children are exposed to violence content watching cartoons. ( ) true ( ) false
Parents shouldn’t worry about the cartoons content. ( ) true ( ) false
“The Simpsons” spreads nice manners and behavior. ( ) true ( ) false
Young children may feel anguished when they are exposed to things they are not
prepared to deal with. ( ) true ( ) false
Before taking a child to the movies, it’s important to check the movie content.
( ) true ( ) false
Cartoons are for kids, so they are safe. ( ) true ( ) false
Are cartoon characters always nice? Support your answer. ________________________
Have you ever been shocked by something you say in cartoons? What was it? ___________
Are cartoons classified by age in your country? (If aff.) Do you know the criteria used to
classify them? _________________________________________________________
In some countries movies are classified from 12 to 18 and every movie classified under 12 is
allowed for children of any age. Do you think the content that is OK for a 12-year-old child
is always proper for younger kids? Why? _____________________________________
What’s your favorite cartoon? Why do you like it? ______________________________

There were two actions in the past:

- I had chosen carefully a movie. (first action in the past)
- I took my daughter to the movie theater. (second action in the past)
As you see, we use the past perfect to describe the action that happened before
another action when both happened in the past.
Complete with the simple past / past simple of the verbs given:
We missed the plane because when we _____________ to the airport, the plane
_______________. [to get / to take off]
I was stuck in traffic because when I _____________ about the wreck on Main
Avenue on the radio I __________________ it. [to hear / to take]
I woke up early today. As a matter of fact, when the alarm clock ____________ I
_____________________. [to go on / to get up]
I couldn’t give Mary your message because when she ________________ to the
office yesterday I _____________________. [to return / to leave]

Sweet dreams are _______ of this

Who am I to __________?
I __________ the ________
And the _________ seas,
Everybody's looking for ___________.. Keep your head up 3
Keep your head up, movin' on 8
Some of them want to ________ you Hold your head up, movin' on 1
Some of them want to ____________ by you Keep your head up, movin' on 2
Some of them want to __________ you Keep your head up, movin' on 4
Some of them want to _____ abused. Hold your head up, movin' on 6
Keep your head up, movin' on 5
Sweet ______ are made of this Hold your head up, movin' on 7
Who _____ I to disagree? Hold your head up 9
I traveled the world
And the seven ______
____________’s looking for something
In front of the enormous Shibuya train station in Tokyo, there is a life-size bronze
statue of a dog. Even though the statue is very small when compared to the huge neon
signs flashing, it isn't difficult to find. It has been used as a meeting point since 1934
and today you will find hundreds of people waiting there for their friends to arrive-
just look for the crowds.

Hachiko, an Akita dog, was born in 1923 and brought to Tokyo in 1924. His owner, Professor Eisaburo Uyeno and
he were inseparable friends right from the start. Each day Hachiko would accompany his owner, a professor at the
Imperial University, to Shibuya train station when he left for work. When he came back, the professor would always
find the dog patiently waiting for him. Sadly, the professor died suddenly at work in 1925 before he could return
Although Hachiko was still a young dog, the bond between him and his owner was very strong and he continued
to wait at the station every day. Sometimes, he would stay there for days at a time, though some believe that he
kept returning because of the food he was given by street vendors. He became a familiar sight to commuters over
time. In 1934, a statue of him was put outside the station. In 1935, Hachiko died at the place he last saw his friend

1.Hachiko’s statue is small in comparison to:

a. Life sized dogs. b. Huge billboard signs. c. Huge neon signs.

2.People get together at the statue of Hachiko because:

a. They like to visit the bronze statue and pray for the dog’s soul.
b. It serves as a meeting point for lovers.
c. People await there to meet with their friends.

3.Where did the professor work?

a. In a primary school. b. at a university. c. at a train station.

Select true or false

4.1 Hachiko waited every day at the station. True False

4.2 Nobody gave Hachiko any food. True False

5. In your own concept. How can you define the following words: Loyalty and Friendship. Do you consider
yourself to have these qualities? Why?
"Shape Of You"_ ED SHEERAN
Task 1: Fill in the gaps with the words in the box below:
Start Dance Best Trust Shots Bar
The club isn't the _____________________ place to find a lover
So the _____________________ is where I go
Me and my friends at the table doing _____________________
Drinking fast and then we talk slow (mmmm)
You come over and _____________________up a conversation with just me
And _____________________me I'll give it a chance now
Take my hand, stop
Put Van The Man on the _____________________
And then we start to _____________________
And now I'm singing like

Task 2: Pre-Chorus: Match the sentence halves:

1. Girl, you know I want your love A. Grab on my waist and put that body on me
2. Come on now, follow my lead B. I may be crazy, don't mind me
3. Say, boy, let's not talk too much C. Your love was handmade for somebody like me
4. Come on now, follow my lead D. Come, come on now, follow my lead (mmmm)

Fill in the gaps: CHORUS:

I'm in love with the shape of you
We push and _____________________ like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I'm in love with your _____________________
And last night you were in my _____________________
And now my bedsheets _____________________like you
Every day _____________________something brand new
I'm in love with your body
Oh I oh I oh I oh I
I'm in love with your body
Every day _____________________something brand new
I'm in love with the shape of you
One week in we let the story _____________________
We're going out on our first _____________________ (mmmm)
You and me are thrifty
So go all you can eat
Fill up your bag and I fill up a _____________________
We talk for hours and hours about the sweet and the _____________________
And how your family is doing okay
Leave and get in a taxi, then _____________________in the backseat
Tell the driver _____________________the radio play
And I'm singing like

Come on, be my baby, come on x8
Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple
AM/IS/ARE+ Past Participle WAS/WERE + Past Participle WILL +BE+ Past Participle

Present Continuous Present Perfect

AM/IS/ARE+ BEING + Past Participle HAVE/HAS+ BEEN+ Past Participle

Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice: 19. He will copy this text.
1. I clean my room every day. _______________________________
______________________________ 20. He has bought a new car.
2. Tom bought a nice present yesterday. _______________________________
______________________________ 21. We are playing volley-ball now.
3. Ann will sing a beautiful song. _______________________________
______________________________ 22. Our teacher explained the rule.
4. Ben repaired my computer yesterday. _______________________________
______________________________ 23. She translates the texts every day.
5. My sister is making a tasty cake now. _______________________________
______________________________ 24. She is watching a comedy film now.
6. We have bought tickets to the concert. _______________________________
______________________________ 25. He put the candle on the table.
7. Helen teaches French at school. _______________________________
______________________________ 26. Pam has bought a new ring recently.
8. They grow strawberries every year. _______________________________
______________________________ 27. He will correct the mistakes.
9. Tim sent an SMS to his friend. _______________________________
______________________________ 28. I have got a beautiful present.
10. She has written a test today. _______________________________
______________________________ 29. The cat dropped the vase yesterday.
11. They visited that museum yesterday. _______________________________
______________________________ 30. I am playing the piano now.
12. I am watching a football match now. _______________________________
______________________________ 31. He has turned off the TV set.
13. Pam has found the keys in the table. _______________________________
______________________________ 32. We receive e-mails every day.
14. Mona is washing the clothes now. _______________________________
______________________________ 33. Nick is eating an ice-cream now.
15. You have made a lot of mistakes. _______________________________
______________________________ 34. She will lend money to her friend.
16. Bill will bring sandwiches. _______________________________
______________________________ 35. I visit Paris every year.
17. They attend lectures every day. _______________________________
______________________________ 36. He has already prepared the report.
18. We are meeting the relatives now. _______________________________
A man has been rescued from a near-fatal attack by a tiger in northern Malaysia by his wife.
She entered the fray wielding a wooden soup ladle at the tiger - which fled.
Tambun Gediu, now badly lacerated and recovering in hospital, had tried hitting the tiger away in
vain and says his wife saved his life.
Wildlife rangers plan to track the tiger and send it further into dense, unpopulated jungle in the
northern state of Perak.
"I was trailing a squirrel and crouched to shoot it with my blowpipe when I saw the tiger.
"That's when I realised that I was being trailed," Mr Gediu said after surgery.
The tiger pounced not far from the Gediu home in a jungle settlement of the Jahai tribe.
Mr. Gediu had tried climbing a tree to escape the animal, but was dragged down by the tiger.
His wife, 55-year old Han Besau, rushed out of the kitchen on hearing his screams and used the
kitchen implement to good effect.
"I was terrified and I used all my strength to punch the animal in the face, but it would not budge,"
the New Straits Times newspaper quoted him as saying.
"I had to wrestle with it to keep its jaws away from me, and it would have clawed me to death if my
wife had not arrived."
It was the first time anyone in the village had been attacked by a tiger.
The director of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks in the state, Shabrina Mohd Shariff,
estimated that there were about 200 tigers in the jungles of Perak.
She added that five had been spotted near the major East-West Highway in the region.

Exercise 1. Are the following statements true or false? Write T for True or F for False.

1. A tiger almost killed a man in northern Malaysia.

2. The man hit the tiger and saved his wife’s life.
3. Wildlife rangers are going to find and kill the tiger.
4. No people live in the jungle in the northern state of Perak.
5. When he saw the tiger, the man shot it with his blowpipe.
Exercise 2. Match the underlined words in the text with the definitions below and solve
6. The
the man and his wife live in the jungle.
7. His wife was in the kitchen when the tiger attacked him.
8. Tiger attacks are common in that area.

1 2 3
2. with a lot of trees growing close together (adj) 4

4. a fight (n)
5. a tool, or a simple piece of equipment (n)
10. with no people living there (adj) 5

6 7 8
1. a large deep spoon with a long handle (n)
3. a small village (n) 9

6. to move your body close to the ground by bending your knees 10(v)
7. to jump quickly in order to catch something (v)
8. to find a person or animal by following the marks they have left
behind (v)
9. to move slightly (v)

Student A: You are a reporter interviewing Mr. Gediu about the

Student B: You are Tambun Gediu talking to a reporter about the
You used to call me on my, you used to, you used to
You used to call me on my cell phone
Late night when you need my love
Call me on my cell phone
Late night when you need my love
I know when that hotline bling
That can only mean one thing
I know when that hotline bling
That can only mean one thing
Ever since I left the city you
Got a 1)…………………………. for yourself now
Everybody knows and I feel left out (8)
Girl you got me down, you got me 2)…..…………… out
Cause ever since I left the city, you
Started wearing less and goin' out more
Glasses of champagne out on the dance floor
Hangin' with some girls I've never seen before
You used to call me on my cell phone
Late night when you need my love
Call me on my cell phone
Late night when you need my love
I know when that hotline bling
That can only mean one thing
I know when that hotline bling
That can only mean one thing
Ever since I left the city, you, you, you
You and me we just don't get along
You make me feel like I did you wrong(3)
Going places where you don't belong
Ever since I left the city, you
You got exactly what you asked for
Running out of pages in your 4………………..
Hanging with some girls I've never seen before
You used to call me on my cell phone
Late night when you need my love
Call me on my cell phone
Late night when you need my love

I know when that hotline bling

That can only mean one thing
I know when that hotline bling
That can only mean one thing
These days, all I do is
You don't need no 5……………else
You don't need 6…………………. else, no
Why you never alone
Why you always touching road
Used to always stay at home, be a good girl
You was in the 7………………

7) Meaning of “be in the zone “

8) Meaning of “feel left Out” ……………………………………………………………………..
3) Meaning of “I did you wrong” ………………………………………………………………………
Choose the correct preposition.



a) for a) for a) at a) on a) on
b) after b) to b) out b) off b) about
c) at c) at c) down c) for c) to

catch dream



a) up a) out to a) down a) for a) of

b) down b) out with b) for b) at b) off
c) over c) out for c) up c) with c) on

look come
fall log

a) off a) on a) for a) over a) away

b) about b) of b) after b) round b) about
c) over c) off c) at c) about c) around

find look



a) about a) of a) over a) on a) for

b) around b) on b) off b) at b) at
c) off c) off c) out c) to c) after
although / though moreover
whereas furthermore
despite / in spite of in addition to
however / nevertheless as well
on the one hand / on the other
but for example
on the contrary for instance
instead of besides
2. COMPARISON as well
like and so on
like this both
as…as 9. CONDITION
more…than /less…than if
the same as whether
as unless
because In my opinion
because of From my point of view
due to / owing to As far as I’m concerned
in order to
so that Nowadays… / …nowadays
5. TIME / SEQUENCE According to …
when, while, whenever thanks to…
first, second As a matter of fact
later, next, then, after that Actually
in conclusion, finally At least
at last, in the end Basically
as soon as Especially
until /till Above all
meanwhile Similarly,
6. SUMMARIZE In other words
In short Apart from this
To sum up What’s more
as a result (of)
as a consequence
In the United States and Canada, a prom, short
for promenade, is a formal (black tie) dance, or gathering
of high school students. It is typically held near the end of
junior and/or senior year. It figures greatly in popular
culture and is a major event among high school students.
High school juniors attending the prom may call it Junior
Prom while high school seniors may call it Senior Prom. In
practice this may be a combined junior/senior dance.

At prom, a Prom Queen and Prom King may be revealed. Other students may be honored with inclusion
in a "Prom Court". Prom Queen and Prom King are honorary titles awarded to students chosen in a
school-wide vote prior to the prom. Inclusion in a Prom Court is a reflection of popularity of those
chosen and their level of participation in school activities including sports. The selection method for
Prom Court is similar to that of Homecoming Queen, King, and Court. Prom Queen and King is an honor
usually given to seniors. In addition to Prom Queen and Prom King, juniors may also be honored, but
would be called "Prom Prince" or "Prom Princess".

The British synonym for the North American event would be Leavers'
Ball, Leavers' Dinner, Formal or, informally, Leavers' Do. This is closer to
the Australian description, although in the UK, some schools have called
the above events proms. In Canada, Ireland, and Australia the
terms Grad or Formal are most commonly used and the event is usually
held for those graduating high school or middle school. In Ireland, the
event is also known as the Debs, which is derived from Debutante.

Mark true (T) or false (F) according to the text (you’ll explain orally
when it’s false):
A gathering or dance of high school students is called promenade. ( )
The prom is not important for high school students. ( )
A Junior Prom is attended by high school juniors. ( )
The Prom Queen is revealed at the prom. ( )
Inclusion in a Prom Court is a reflection of the student’s grades. ( )
The level of a student’s participation in school activities may help him / her
to take part in the Prom Court. ( )
Prom Queen and King is an honor usually given to juniors. ( )
Leaver’s Ball is the Canadian synonym for the North American Prom. ( )
Some schools in the UK have called this event proms, like in the US. ( )
In Australia the event is held for those graduating elementary school. ( )
Answer the questions:
1. Have you ever seen movies about a Prom? Tell what happened.
2. Do you have such event in your country? How is it like?
3. Would you like to be the Prom King / Queen? Why (not)?

4. Why do you think being the Prom King / Queen is so important for American high students?
5. What does being the Prom King / Queen represents in the US?
6. Do you think popularity is important?
7. What sort of things do you imagine people would do in order to increase their popularity?
8. Which is more important in your opinion: your self-image or the image people have from you?
9. How do you think an American high school feels when s/he’s the Prom King / Queen?
10. And how would s/he feel if s/he couldn’t take part in the Prom?
11. What are some things the students consider as very important in your country?

Complete with the past simple or the present perfect (in some sentences, both are possible):
A. Jamie _______________________ at the Prom. Do you know why? [to be / not]
B. Patricia _______________________ the finals yet. Will she do it until the Prom? [to
attend / not]
C. Mark and Jean ________________ beautifully at the Prom. I didn’t know they were such
great dancers. [to dance]
D. Ellen isn’t going to the Prom because her parents __________________ her for a week. [to
E. I __________________ a stunning dress for the Prom. Do you think I may be the Prom
Queen? [to buy]
F. Lucy and Jill ___________________ a lot at the Prom. In fact, Bill had to take them home.
[to drink]
G. I don’t remember if Ann _____________ at the Prom. ____ you _____ her? [to be / to see]
1. Match the phrases with their meanings. 2. Complete the
crossword using the
A paid my dues acknowledging praise
B time after time has overcome the difficulties Give the past participle
of the following verbs:
C done my sentence success and wealth
D committed no crime acknowledge applause after shows ACROSS DOWN
1 bring 1 go
E my share repeatedly (again and again) 2 consider 2 commit
F 3 take 3 come
sand kicked in my face to experience meanness
4 need 4 keep
G come through the part that is mine 5 fight 5 pay
H 6 make 6 thank
taken my bows earned the right to something 7 have 7 do
I curtain calls innocent of wrong doing
J fame and fortune paid for my mistakes
1 1
K no bed roses something enjoyable
L pleasure cruise very difficult

Queen & Freddie Mercury 3

Queen are a British rock band formed in London in 1970
and are one of the most commercially successful musical 5 6
acts of all time. Freddie Mercury was born in Zanzibar.
7 7
Because of the Zanzibar Revolution in 1964 the family
moved to England. In 1970 Freddie Mercury (vocalist), 3 4
Brian May (guitarist), John Deacon (bass guitar) and
Roger Taylor (drummer) formed the band “Queen”.
Freddie Mercury composed many hits such as "Don't
Stop Me Now", "Bohemian Rhapsody", "I Want To Be 5
Free", "Somebody to Love", "Crazy Little Thing Called
Love", "Barcelona", and "We Are the Champions". 6

By 2009 Queen had sold more than 300 million

albums internationally. Queen was inducted into
the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2001. Freddie
Mercury was diagnosed with AIDS in 1987. He
died in 1991 at the age of 45.
We Are the Champions
This song was first recorded by Queen in 1977 -
one of their most famous and popular songs, it
has become an anthem for successful sport
teams throughout the world.
In 2010 Queen appeared live on the American
Idol stage to accompany finalists Adam Lambert
and Kris Allen as they sang this famous song.
Affirmative Negative
subject + have / has + subject + haven’t / hasn’t
past participle of the + past participle of the
main verb main verb

4. Now listen to the song and write 5. Put the lines of the chorus into
the present perfect in the gaps the correct order. Write the
using the words in brackets. numbers in the boxes – the first
one has been done for you.
1 I _______________ (pay) my dues, time
after time;
No time for losers, ‘cos
2 I _____________ (do) my sentence, but
committed no crime And we’ll keep on fighting to the end
3 And bad mistakes, I We are the champions, my friend
______________(make) a few 1 We are the champions
4 I ____________ (have) my share of sand
kicked in my face, We are the champions of the world
5 But I ____________ (come) through. We are the champions
And I need to go on and on and on and on

7. Discuss the following questions

6. Now listen to the next part and with your partner / group.
write the present perfect in the
gaps using the words in brackets. 1 Did you like the song? Why / Why not?
2 What do you think the song is about?
1 I _________________ (take) my bows and
my curtain calls 3 What type of film do you think could use
You brought me fame and fortune and this song as a soundtrack? Justify your
everything that goes with it; I thank you all, answer.
2 But it ________________ (to be) no bed of 4 Is the message positive or negative? Why?
roses, no pleasure cruise
5 Has the singer’s life been easy? Why / Why
I consider it a challenge before the whole
human race
And I ain't gonna lose

3. Read about Queen and Freddie Mercury and answer the questions.

1 When was Queen formed? _______________________________________________________________

2 Name three of the original members of Queen. _______________________________________________
3 Where was Freddie Mercury born? ________________________________________________________
4 Name two famous songs composed by Freddie Mercury. _______________________________________
5 When was Queen inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? ________________________________
6 How old was Freddie Mercury when he died? ________________________________________________
7 When was "We Are the Champions" first recorded? ___________________________________________
Big Ben
BIG BEN is one of London’s most famous landmarks.
Big Ben is situated in the Elizabeth Tower in the north end of The Houses
of Parliament in Westminster, Central London, next to the river Thames.
Big Ben is actually the name of the huge bell, which weighs more than 13
tons (13,760 kg), but most people use it to refer to the clock and the tower
as well. It is the world’s largest chiming clock with four faces. Each face
is 7 metres in in diameter. The bell is just over 2,13metres/ seven feet tall
and weights about the same as an elephant. When it was cast in 1858, it
took two weeks for the bell to cool down.
Each minute hand on Big Ben is over 12 feet long and it weighs about 220
pounds. / Each minute hand on Big Ben is 4,2 metres long and it weighs
around 100 kilograms. Each hour hand is 2,7 metres long and it weighs
approximately 300 kilograms. The numbers on the clock are 60
centimetres long. The clock tower was built between 1843 and 1858. Big Ben was probably named
after the Commissioner of Works, Benjamin Hall, who was a very tall man. In June 2012 the clock
tower was renamed into Elizabeth Tower in honour of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond
Jubilee. Elizabeth Tower is 316 feet high /96 metres high. There are 334 stairs to climb up to the
belfry and 399 stairs to the Ayrton Light at the very top of the tower. Although the public is not
allowed inside, there are great views from the nearby London Eye.
The clock tower has featured in dozens of films, including Shanghai Knights and the 1978 version
of The 39 Steps. Both films feature an exciting climax with the hero hanging from the clock’s
hands. Every year, the hand travels the equivalent of about 118 miles. Pennies are still placed on
mechanism to ensure the clock is as accurate as possible. The clock gains 2/5 of a second in a
day when one penny is added. An inscription in Latin in gold letters along the bottom of each of
the clock faces reads ‘O Lord, keep safe our Queen Victoria the first’. Big Ben’s chimes have been
famous for over 150 years. During World War 2, the sound of the chimes being broadcast told the
world that Britain had not been defeated. A Big Ben LEGO set has been produced.
Part of the LEGO Architecture series, the set has over 340 pieces. There is still a crack in the bell
which occurred in 1859. At the time, it was considered too difficult to remove the bell to repair it.
Nowadays specialist teams carry out regular maintenance and adjustments to the Great Clock in
order to ensure that the UK’s most famous clock continues to keep time. In addition, the Elizabeth
Tower needs to be brought in line with fire prevention guidance, and health and safety measures
for staff and visitors need to be improved. In order to provide a better means of emergency
evacuation, and to improve accessibility for a wider range of people, a lift will be installed within
the existing ventilation shaft of the Elizabeth Tower. The renovation work began in early 2017. It
is expected to be completed by 2021.
The Clock Tower

The Houses of Parliament

The river Thames

1 Big Ben is situated in

2 Big Ben is the name of

3 The bell weighs

4 Big Ben has got faces

5 Diameter of each face is

6 Length of each minute hand is

7 Weight of each minute hand is

8 Length of each hour hand is

9 Weight of each hour hand is

10 Length of the numbers on the clock

11 The clock tower was built between

12 Big Ben was probably named after

13 In June 2012 the clock tower was renamed into

14 Height of the Elizabeth Tower

15 Number of stairs up to the belfry

16 Number of stairs up to the top

17 Name 2 films in which Big Ben was featured

18 Every year, the hand travels the equivalent of

19 An inscription in Latin in gold letters along the

bottom of each of the clock faces reads

20 A Big Ben LEGO set has pieces

21 The renovation work on the Elizabeth tower began in

ADELE - Rolling in the deep
1. Listen and put the verses into correct order:
2. Fill in the blanks with the following
_________ and I'll lay your shit bare
_________ reaching a fever pitch,
_________ finally I can see you crystal clear dark fever do piece
_________ it’s bringing me out the dark underestimate fire heart
_________ Go head and sell me out
- See how I leave with every ……………….
_____1___ There’s a fire starting in my heart
of you
- Don’t …………………………the things that I
will ………..
- There’s a ………………... starting in my
3. Circle the right one. - Reaching a …………………… pitch
- And its bring me out the ……………………….
The scars of your love / laugh remind me of us
They keep me singing / thinking that we almost
had / have it all
The scars /stars of your love they leave me
speechless / breathless
I can’t help feeling/ feeding

We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside of your hand
And you played it
To the beat…

4. Listen and put the verses in 5. Find the right word!

order: Throw your soul through every open d ………………………
___ Baby I have no story to be told Count your blessings to find what you l…………………… for
___ Think of me in the depths of Turned my sorrow into treasured g ……………………
your despair You p…………………… me back in kind and reap just what you sow
___ And I’m gonna make your head
___ But I’ve heard one of you
___ It Reminds you of the home we
___ Making a home down there
Elaboró: Revisó Aprobó:.
Nombre: Daniel Hernández Nombre: Margared Ramirez. Nombre: Alejandra Real
Cargo: Docente Cargo: Coordinador de Área Cargo: Coordinadora Académica

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