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Diunduh dari www.mariyadi.

com Modul BIG kelas XI

 To describe a particular person, place or thing.

 Identification : identify phenomenon to be described
 Description : describe parts, qualities, characteristics
 Language features : 1. Focus on specific participants
2. Use of attributive and identifying processes
3. Frequent use classifiers in nominal groups
4. Use of Simple Present Tense
A. Building Knowledge of Field
A.1. Listening
Activity 1
Listen to the teacher while she/he is reading
Myrna is a young Canadian woman who lives in the apartment next to me; that is, she is my (1) … , She is a very
(2) … girl. In fact she was so pretty that she should be on the (3) … of a magazine. She has a good job in an
office because she is a (4) … . However, Myrna is (5) … and she wants a better job. She does not earn (6) …
money in this job, she says. She has decide to learn shorthand. Consequently she is studying (7) … at (8) … .
She goes to class two (9) … a week, on Tuesday and Wednesday. She was learning fast. She can take dictation
at 30 (10) … per minute.
Answer the following question
1. Who is the speaker’s neighbour?
2. How does she look like?
3. How is her character?
4. What does she do on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings?
5. Does she have a special ability? What is it?

Vocabulary Building
Activity 2
Match the words with the body parts by drawing a straight line. Look at the example given

Waist Hair
Buttock Breast
Back Forehead
Shoulder Stomach
Legs Wrist
Head Lips
Hand Nose
Eyes Mouth
Cheeks Eye brow
Arms Ear

Activity 3.
Look at the picture . Then answer the questions
1. How does this man look like?
2. How old is he?
3. How is his complexion?
4. How is his figure?
5. How is his height?

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Activity 4.
Read the following words aloud and find their meanings in your dictionary
A. Looks Meanings
1. ugly : _____________________
2. sexy : _____________________
3. plain : _____________________
4. charming : _____________________
5. cute : _____________________
6. pretty : _____________________
7. handsome : _____________________
8. cool : _____________________
9. beautiful : _____________________
10. attractive : _____________________

B. Age Meanings
1. old : _____________________
2. eldery : _____________________
3. young : _____________________
4. middle-aged : _____________________
5. young : _____________________

C. Complexion
1. dark : _____________________
2. fair : _____________________
3. black : _____________________

D. Figure Meanings
1. stocky : _____________________
2. fat : _____________________
3. big : _____________________
4. slender : _____________________
5. plump : _____________________
6. slim : _____________________
7. small : _____________________
8. skinny : _____________________
9. muscular : _____________________
10. obese : _____________________

D. Height Meanings
1. tall : _____________________
2. short : _____________________
3. average height : _____________________

Activity 5.
Look at the pictures then describe their physical features
Looks : ________________________
Age : ________________________
Complexion : ________________________
Figure : ________________________
Height : ________________________


Looks : ________________________
Age : ________________________
Complexion : ________________________
Figure : ________________________
Height : ________________________


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Looks : ________________________
Age : ________________________
Complexion : ________________________
Figure : ________________________
Height : ________________________

Activity 6.
Look at the picture then answer the questions
1. How is his hair?
2. how is his face?
3. how is his eyes?
4. How is his nose?
5. how is his cheeks
6. How is his ears?

Activity 7.
Pronounce and find the meaning of the words
No. Body parts Characteristics No. Body parts Characteristics
1 face 1. long 4. Eyes 1. small
2. oval 2. bright
3. pale 3. wide
4. oblong 4. slanted
5. blue
2. Nose 1. pointed 5. Cheek 1. chubby
2. small 2. haggard
3. flat
4. aquiline
3. Hair 1. black 6. ears 1. small
2. blond 2. big
3. curly
4. bald
5. straight
6. ponytail

Activity 8.
Match the description with the picture

______ ________ ________ _______ ________

A. Mr. Michel is a well-known English Snookerman. He has bald hair

B. Linda is a young sexy girl. Her legs are so slender.
C. Budiman loves sport very much. Look at his muscular arm.
D. Dr. Arif is a lecturer at University of Indonesia. His curly hair makes him easy to recognized .
E. Mrs . Elma is 45 years old. But her long straight hair makes her look younger.

A.2. Grammar Focus

A.2.1. Word Order
Study the following sentences!
 Myrna is a young Canadian woman.

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 She is a very pretty girl.
 She is an energetic typist.

To describe something sometimes we can use more than one adjective. We can use both fact adjectives and
opinion adjectives.
A young Canadian woman. (determiner + age + origin + NOUN)
An expensive brown leather, traveling, bag (determiner + opinion + colour + NOUN)

Activity 9
Put the following adjective into the table!

Javanese Green Fall Ugly

Triangular Circular Plastic Writing
Big Tiny Shopping Smart
Glass Cheap Spanish tall
bamboo Deep Purple Wide

Determiner Opinion Fact NOUN

Size Age Shape Colour Origin Material Purpose

Activity 10
Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct order, then make into a good sentence. (Number 1 has been done for
1. two (thick, expensive, reading) books
My teacher put two expensive thick reading books on the table
2. a (square, heavy, wooden) box.
3. a vase of (plastic, red, beautiful, tiny) flowers.
4. a bunch of (French, red, cheap, big) grapes.
5. five (middle-aged, Australian, cheerful) tourist.
6. an (blue, silky, evening, exclusive, Parisian) gown.
7. Some (smart, elegant, young, tall, English) woman.
8. a (young, German, blue-eyed) man

A.2.2.Compound Adjectives
A compound adjectives is an adjectives which is made up of two parts and is usually written with a hyphen, e. g.
Well-dressed, never-ending, diamond-shaped.
Its meaning is usually clean from the words it combines. The second part of the compound adjectives is
frequently a present or past participle.

Middle – aged Two – faced Absent – minded

Curly – haired Big – headed Hand – made
Egg – shaped Good – legged Broad – shoulders
Heart – shaped Blue – eyed
Self – canted Rosy – cheeked
Warm – hearted Thin – lipped
White – haired Left – handed
easy – going Slim – hipped

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e. g. Tom is a curly – haired, broad – shouldered, left – handed young man.

Activity 11
Using a compound adjectives, complete the following sentence. Number 1 has been done for you
1. Yani : Dian is very tense now. Do you know what happens with her?
Yuni : Because she thinks her exam. She’s usually quite relaxed and easy – going about most thing
2. Linda : Jane has beautiful eyes.
Ann : You’re right. Her eyes are ______________________________________________________
3. Melisa is a_____________________________________girl so she has a lot of friends.
4. Rendra : Did you see the old woman when you came here two days ago?
Jeffry : You mean the ________________________________woman. Was she your grandmother?
5. Rini is the cleverest girl in our class. But she is a little______________________girl many students dislike her.
The … girls is Miss Universe from Russia. She’s weaning a pair of beautiful red Italian shoes.
6. Liza : Jane has beautiful eyes.
Joan : You’re right. Her eyes are____________________________________________________
7. Iwan : Brr … brr … it’s too cold here. I can’t help living in an _____________________________ room.
Dedi : I’ll turn of the AC.

A.2.3.Relational Process
To describe a person a thing or place we normally use relational verbs to give information about them.
e. g.
Grojogan Sewu is a beautiful waterfall
My town has many tourist resorts
The weather today gets hotter

Her house is the most beautiful house in our town

Bengawan Solo is the longest river in Java
The most beautiful house in our town is her housed
The longest river in Java is Bengawan Solo

Here is a list relational process

be (is, am, are) Feel keep indicate

be (was, were) Become weigh refer
seem Remain stay reflect
appears Turn cost portray
sound Grow measure function
look Go make act
taste Run realize reveal
smell Come denote represent

Activity 12
Works in pairs. Use the following words to identify the picture.

See the example

 Hindu
 Temple
 Biggest 1
 Famous
 Central Java
 Beautiful Relief

Prambanan is a famous temple. It is the biggest Hindu temple. It is located between Yogyakarta and Central java.
It has beautiful relief

 Middle – aged
 Teacher
 Man
 Glasses 2

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 White – haired
 Flowery shirt
 Friendly
 English

Mr Gunawan is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

 Beautiful
 Waterfall
 Tawangmangu Karanganyar
 Central java 3
 Mountains
 Scenery
 Fresh

Grojogan Sewu is …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


 Light green
 Isuzu Panther
 2004
 Comfortable 4
 Automatic seatbelt
 Elegant
 Diesel engine

Thi is my car …….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


 Long - hair
 beautiful
 attractive
 blue eyed 5
 slim
 thin - lipped
 young
 Venezuelan
 Model

Mary is a model ...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


A.3.Speech function
A.3.1.Getting other people's opinions, expressing opinions

Getting other people’s opinios :

 What do you think of …
 Is that right (true) that …
 Do you think it's going …
 Why do they behave like that?
 Do you have any idea?
 How do you like …?
 Please give me your frank opinion.
 What's your opinion?

Expressing opinions :
 In my opinion, …
 I personally believe …

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 I personally think …
 I personally feel
 Not everyone will agree with me, but …
 To my mind …
 From my, point of view…
 Well, personally …
 If I had my way I would …
 What I'm more concerned with is …
 In my case …
 Absolutely …

Activity 13
Read this dialogue!
Andy : Well, what do you think of my car?
Bimo : Well, personally, It looks comfortable. By the way, is it an expensive American car?
Andy : No, it’s a cheap small Japanese car.
Bimo : How many people can it take?
Andy : There’s room for five people.
Bimo : Has it got brakes?
Andy : Yes, there’re very good. The engine’s in the front, and there’s a big boot in the back.
Bimo : It’s looks well made
Andy : Would you like to come for drive?
Bimo : OK. Drive carefully, won’t you. There’s a lot of traffic today.

a. Answer the questions.

1. How many persons are involved in the conversation?
2. Who is the owner of the car?
3. How does the car look like?
4. What does Bimo think about Andy’s car?

b. In pairs, make a short dialogue by using giving opinion and expression

X : __________________________________________________________________________________
Y : __________________________________________________________________________________
X : __________________________________________________________________________________
Y : __________________________________________________________________________________
X : __________________________________________________________________________________
Y : __________________________________________________________________________________
X : __________________________________________________________________________________
Y : __________________________________________________________________________________
X : __________________________________________________________________________________
Y : __________________________________________________________________________________

A.3.2. Expression of love.

Activity 14
Listen your teacher’s reading the dialogue
Adita : Have you ever gone to Australia?
Andien : Not yet. How about you?
Adita : I have gone there twice
Andien : What state have you visited?
Adita : I went to New South Wales.
Andien : Wow. So you must have visited Sidney. Its capital.
Adita : You are right.
Andien : How has the situation been in Sydney?
Adita : It is a big and crowded city. But the people are so lovely. Their hospitality made me impressed.

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Andien : You must like the city much.
Adita : Yes, I even love the city. When I have time and money. I’ll visit Sidney once again.
Andien : Ask me then!.
Adita : Of course.

Answer these questions

1. Who are they?
2. What are they talking about?
3. What city has Adita gone to?
4. How is his feeling about the city?
5. Can you show his expression to show his feeling?
6. Can you mention the other examples of expression of love?

Activity 15.
Learn these expressions

Expression of love responses

I love you I love you too
I love you so much So do I
I love you from the bottom of my hard Me too
I must love it I love it too
I really love it I feel the same with you
I am crazy about you
I am crazy of …

Activity 16.
Fill the blank with suitable expression of love and its responses

1. Amin : Here is your picture when you were at Sidney?

Ari : Yes, Isn’t this city great.
Amin : Yes, what do you feel about the city?
Ari : ________________________. I’ll visit it another time.

2. Kelly : Here a present for you. Happy birthday Andy.

Andy : Oh, thank you. What is it?
Kelly : Just open!
Andy : Wow. a gold watch. _____________________ .

3. Andi : Can I be frank about what I’m really feeling?

Rika : Yeah…
Andi : __________________________________________
Rika : Really? Do you ?
Andi : yes, I do.

4. Dina : Bert, Why do you always send me this love letters, call me any time, come to my house? Why do
you do that?
Bert : _______________________of you Dina. I can forget you. You are always in my mind.

5. Romeo : Juliet, I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Juliet : Oh, Romeo , __________________________________
Romeo : Really?
Juliet : Yes

A.3.3. Expression of Pleasure.

Activity 17
Observe this picture. Answer the question.

My flight from
Canberra ran well. I’m Good for you!
glad it’s done

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The pilot is expressing his feeling of ______________________

Activity 18.
Learn these expressions
Neutral expression
I’m glad
I’m glad you like it
I’m glad it’s done
I’m glad the…..runs well
I’m very pleased with …
I’m very delighted about…
Informal expression
That’s great
That’s terrific
Formal expression
It gives me a great pleasure
I am delighted to hear that

Activity 19.
Write a transactional or interpersonal dialogue based on the following situation.
1. You meet with your old friend. He is a top manager in a multinational company. You are glad to know it.
Your friend : ____________________________________________________________________
You : ____________________________________________________________________
Your friend : ____________________________________________________________________
You : ____________________________________________________________________
Your friend : ____________________________________________________________________
You : ____________________________________________________________________

2. Your friend just came from Australia. He told you that his travel is fascinating and you glad to hear that.
You : ____________________________________________________________________
Your friend : ____________________________________________________________________
You : ____________________________________________________________________
Your friend : ____________________________________________________________________
You : ____________________________________________________________________
Your friend : ____________________________________________________________________
3. You are following a casting for a new soap commercial. One day the advertising agency calls you that you
are accepted as the commercial star. You are very glad to hear the phone.
You : ____________________________________________________________________
Adv officer : ____________________________________________________________________
You : ____________________________________________________________________
Adv officer : ____________________________________________________________________
You : ____________________________________________________________________
Adv officer : ____________________________________________________________________
You : ____________________________________________________________________
Adv officer : ____________________________________________________________________

B. Modelling Text of Field

Activity 20
Read the following description of a city. Divide it into paragraphs.

Title Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta is one of the nicest places I have ever visited. It is a city

in south of Java Island. It is a popular holiday resort for people who like
Identification cultural and historical sites.
Yogyakarta is a small city but there are lots of different things to see.
There are many temples in the province, such as Prambanan, Kalasan and

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Sambi Sari. There are also two palaces that we must not miss,
Hamengkubuwono and Paku Alam palace.

Yogyakarta is a small city but there are lots of different things to see.
There are many temples in the province, such as Prambanan, Kalasan and
Sambi Sari. There are also two palaces that we must not miss,
Hamengkubuwono and Paku Alam palace.
Yogyakarta is a tropical city. There are lots of palm trees and other
tropical fruit trees. There are also beautiful beaches, such as Parangtritis,
Krakal, Kukup, Glagah. It is not difficult to get around the city at the day
because taxis and buses are easily found.
Unfortunately, there is no bus in the evening. The only way to see
the nightlife of the city is by taxi, but it is rare at night. I like Yogyakarta
because it's a beautiful and peaceful city. I would like to visit it again one

a. Discuss these questions

1. What does the writer to describe?
2. What does the first paragraph tell the reader about?
3. In what paragraphs are the terms in Yogyakarta mentioned?
4. What does it’ (pr. 1 the 2 sentences) refer to?
5. How are the beaches in Yogyakarta?
6. What does the writer think of Yogyakarta.

b. Now let’s study the text more closely.

1. Does the writer start with the identification?
2. Does the text describe parts qualities, and characteristics of Yogyakarta?
3. Is the text in simple present tense?
4. Which of these is the purpose of the text?
a. to describe a particular place
b. to describe the way things are

C. Joint Construction
Activity 21
Thailand is an ASEAN country. It has been trying to have good relations with its neighbours and other
countries in the world. It does not allow other countries to interfere with its domestic affairs and it refuses foreign
military bases to be installed in the country.
Thailand is an area of 514 square kilometers. It is equal to one third of the size of the South-east Asian
Peninsula. Thailand has been the rice barn of South-east Asia. Rice is one of the main exports of the country
besides other farming products. Ninety percent of the population in Thailand are Buddhists.
Thailand, one of the Kingdoms in South-east Asia, means free country. This is because Thailand is the
only country in South-east Asia which has never been occupied by the European.
Thailand is ruled by a king. The people have great respect for their king because firstly, the kingdom is
the oldest institution in Thailand. Secondly, most of the Kings have succeeded in leading their people and country
towards prosperity. Moreover, the King is the protector of Buddhism, the national religion, and therefore, the king
can do no wrong.
Thailand is also called a country of thousand pagodas. In Bangkok, the capital city, there are around 400
beautiful pagodas.
a. True or false? Show in what paragraph the correct statement is written.
1. … Thailand lets other countries interfere with its domestic affairs.(paragraph …)
2. … The European has ever occupied Thailand. ( … )
3. … Minority of the people in Thailand are Buddhists. ( … )
4. … The King has an important role in leading his country. ( … )
5. … Bangkok is called a country of thousand pagodas. ( … )

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b. Work in groups. Finds the text structure of the test?

Identification ………………………………………………………………………..

Description ………………………………………………………………………..

c. Language Features
Find out a specific thing / participant describe in the text
Find out attributive and identifying process
Find out sentences written in simple present

D. Independent Construction of Text

Activity 22
Make a short description( choose one of the following items)
1. Report to the police that
a. Your friend is missing when you are camping
b. Your motorcycle is missing when you are shopping
c. Your pet is missing
2. Act as if you are a guide, tell to the tourists
a. One of the tourist resorts in your town
b. One of the historical buildings in Central Java

Name : ________________________ Student Number: ________________________

No. Aspects of scoring Scoring

Low (45-59) Average (60-75) Good (76-100)
1. Pronunciation
2. Intonation
3. Stress
4. Gestures
Total Score

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The Place Is Exiting !
(Written description)
 Learning outcomes
 Reading a description text about a particular place or thing.
 Writing a descriptive text about a particular place or thing.
In this unit you learned how to describe a persons physical features, In this lesson, you will learn new to write a
description of particular thing or place e.g a city, a place of interest or a country.

A. Building Knowledge of Field

A.1.Recognizing places around you
Activity 1
Names things in the school
 In pairs, make a list of things that you can use.
Fine in your school and their characteristic.
 Look at the example.

Gambar Sekolah

Thing in/at the school Characteristic

1. yard Wide,
2. the building Big, beautiful
3. ……………………………………… …………………………………….
4. …………………………………….. …………………………………….
5. ……………………………………. …………………………………….
6. ……………………………………. …………………………………….
7. …………………………………… …………………………………….
8. ……………………………………. …………………………………….
9. ……………………………………. …………………………………….
10. ……………………………………. …………………………………….

Activity 2
Naming and qualifying places
 Go out and identify places around your school and mention some characteristic that place have.
 Look at the example

Place Characteristics

a mosque big, tall, clean

a traditional market crowded
…………………….. ……………………..
…………………….. ……………………..
…………………….. ……………………..
…………………….. ……………………..
…………………….. ……………………..
…………………….. ……………………..
…………………….. ……………………..

Activity 3

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Understanding a text
Read the text below and answer the questions !
Read the following description of a city.

Gambar yokyakarta

Yogyakarta is one of the nicest places I have ever visited. It is a city in south of Java Island. It is a popular
holiday resort for people who like cultural and historical sites. Yogyakarta is a small city but there are lost of
different things to see. There are many temples in the province, such as Prambanan, Kalasan and Sambi sari.
There are also two palaces that we must not miss, Hamengkubuwono and Paku Alam palace. Yogyakarta is a
tropical fruit trees. There are also beautiful beaches, such as Parangtritis, Krakal, Kukup, Glagah, it is not difficult
to get around the city at the day because taxis and buses are easily found. Unfortunately, there is no bus in the
evening. The only way to see the night life of the city is bu taxi, but is are at night. I like Yogyakarta because it’s a
beautiful and peaceful city. I would like to visit it again one day.
Answer the question !
1. Divide this passage into 2 paragraph !
2. What is the main idea of each paragraph ?
3. What adjective does the writer use to describe this city ?
4. What characteristic does Yogyakarta have ?
5. How does the writer describe the place.

Activity 4
Write a short description about the place that you like to go in your holiday based an the writing plan !
Writing plan
Introducing – Give general – What is the name of the place?
information about the place – Where is it located?
– What do you know about the history of the place?
– What makes this place interesting?
– Have you been to this place?
Main part – Describe the place, size – What is this place like?
People, building, famous – Is there anything special about
Sights this place?
– Are there any sights, buildings worth to visit?
– What can people do to have a good time?
Conclusion – Give your opinion about – What do you think of this place?
The place – Is there anything you particularly like/dislike about this place?


Main Part

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A.2. Grammar Focus

A.2.1. Simple Present Tense
Description text in general uses Simple Present Tense as its main tense. Here is the summary.
A. General pattern
Pattern Time reference
a. Verb pattern Every….
(+) S + V1(-s/-es) Always never
(-) S + do/does not V1 Often occasionally
(?) Do/does + S + V Sometimes seldom
B. To be pattern Rarely
(+) S + is/am/are + adjective/adverb/nouns Ever
(-) S+ is/am/are not + adjective/adverb/nouns
(?) Is/Am/Are S + adjective/adverb/nouns
B. Function
1. Expressing habitual actions or customs
2. Expressing general truth

C. Examples
1. The desert is hot and dry.
2. Camels live in the desert.
3. Date tree grows well in the desert
4. We aren’t Arabian but Indonesian.
5. They don’t go to Mecca every year
6. Are you hungry?
7. Does Shinta walk to school everyday.

D. Special Note
If the subject is third singular person (e.g) he, she, it John, Smith, Karen, the earth), we must
add a final –s pr –es to the verb.
1. Add –es if the verb ends in ss, sh, ch, x or z
cross – crosses
crush - crushes
catch - catches
mix - mixes
buzz - buzzes
2. If the verb ends in –y preceded by a consonant , change the –y into I and add -es
cry - cries
fry - fries
Activity 5.
Put the verb in the bracket into the correct form.
Do as Example : Ani ….. (drive ) a cab to her school every day.
Ani drives a cab to her school everyday.

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1. Sidney … (be) the the capital of New South Wales.

2. The People of New South Wales … (work) in their field every morning.
3. The city of Melbourne never ….(sleep) at night.
4. The Weather in New South Wales ….(not, be) so hot beacause it is located in the southern hemisphere.
5. You …. (not, throw) the rubbish to the river. It will pollutate its environment.
6. The Ilama (live) Indonesia? No. They live in the South America
7. Armand (be ) ill ?. He looks pale.
8. Why you (be) thin?

A.2.2. Relating verbs

When we describe a thing or place we normally use relating verbs to give information about them.
Example :
Our classroom is big
My hometown has a beautiful beach
Paris looks fantastic at night

Our school is the largest school in our city

Rio De Janeiro is the city in carnival
Prambanan resembles the temple in Cambodia

The largest school in our city is our school

The city of carnival is Rio De Janeiro
The temple in Cambodia resembles Borobudur

Activity 6
Identifying relating verb.
 Read the text below
 Underline the relating verb and answer the questions.
Boomerang is a famous weapon it is used by Australian aboriginal peoples. The boomerang is also
famous for returning to the person who throws it. It is a curved or bent throwing stick used for hunting or
fighting. Also, nowadays, the boomerang is used just for playing. Most boomerang are between 30 and 75
centimeters long, and they can weigh up to 350 grams. An interesting fact is that not all boomerangs come
back. Most boomerang are designed to return, but some are designed not return.
Wood is heated and then shaped into a boomerang. Some shape make the boomerang return, some
shapes make it go straight.
Question :
1. What this is described?
2. The meaning of “a throwing stick is …..
3. How many relating verb on the text. mention about them!

A Jackaroo is an Australian cowboy and a jillaroo is an Australian cowgirl. Jackaroos and jillaroos
work on huge farm called stations. They ride around the station on horses doing many jobs. For example they
check fences and repair them if necessary. They check on the animals and move them from one place to
another when needed. This is called mustering. They also take care of activities such as branding, castrating,
tagging, young calves and sheep searing. Nowadays Jackaroos and jillaroos sometimes drive 4 x 4 jeeps
instead of riding horse to do their jobs.
4. What are jackaroos and jillaroos jobs?
5. What is the meaning of “branding”?
6. Huge has the same meaning with ….
7. What is the meaning of “Castrating ….
8. What this is described?

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Emu is a large bird but it cannot fly. They are usually 1.5 to 2 meters tall. They weigh around 36
kilogram but some weigh as much as 50 kilograms. They have three toes on their feet and very long legs.
They can run very, very fast-up to 50 kilometers an hour! Emus eat grass, leaves and small insects. The
female usually lays about 20 eggs. The eggs are large and are a dark green color.
The male Emu sits on the eggs in the large nest until the eggs hatch. He sits on the eggs for around 7-
8 weeks. He does not leave the nest for this time, when the eggs hatch, the male emu looks after the babies
for about six months. The female emu does not care for babies.
9. Mention the facts about the Emu!
10. How the Emu’s eggs?
11. What is the meaning of “hatch”?
12. What does the Emu eat?

A.2.2. Noun Phrases

When writing a description about place or a thing we often noun phrases, i e. nouns that come with other
words, such as an adjectives or other noun.
(adj + noun) or (noun + noun) we use adjectives and nouns to describe or classify some thing.

Consider the following example.

– a beautiful city – the principal office
– a famous place – a soccer field
– fabulous beaches – a meeting room
– and old building – a basketball court

Identifying Noun Phrases

 Read the text below
 Underline the noun phrases and answer the question.

This city is the largest on Sumatra and is a major road hub in the Deli region.
Connections extend by rail to the interior resorts of the Lake Toba area. This
Gambar Danau city is the site of the University of North Sumatra (1952), the Islamic University
Toba of North Sumatra (1952), the palace and residence of the sultan of Deli, a
large mosque, and a tobacco-research station. Developing after 1870, the city
had a great increase in industrial production in the 1940s and 1950s.

Question :
1. What city is described:
a. Palembang
b. Medan
c. Banda Aceh
2. Why, do you think, does the writer use phrases?

Forming Noun Phrases

Activity 7
 Use a noun phrase to describe the underlined nouns in the following phrases.
 Number one has been done for you.
1. A garage for two cars : A two car garage
2. A hotel that is rated “Five Stars”. : _______________________________________________
3. A lab to do biology experiment. : _______________________________________________
4. A resort for tourists. : _______________________________________________
5. A stadium that has 100,000 seats. : ______________________________________________
6. A Store with different departments. : _______________________________________________
7. A studio to make photos. : _______________________________________________
8. A theatre in the open air. : _______________________________________________
9. An apartment with 40 floors. : _______________________________________________
10. Books from the library : _______________________________________________

Identifying Adjective
Activity 8

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Read this text and answer the questions.

If you want to buy leather shoes, slippers, or bags with

extremely low prices, then go to this city. Besides its
Gambar bangunan
inexpensive products, this cool city also has a special food,
“peyem.” Many different flowers are grown in this area, so
that the city is called the city of flower.

Questions :
1. What city is described?
a. Jakarta
b. Bogor
c. Bandung
2. Adjectives used : low, ______,______,______,______.

B. Modelling of Text
Activity 6
Read the following text.
Day attention to the explanation about the structure of the text and the important gram matical and lexical
(vocabulary) items.
Example of description
(a) Real Estate
IDENTIFICATION The residence is situated at Lot no. 56
Sunshine Place in the Sallina Quays Estate.

IDENTIFICATION Tucked away in 2 prime cul-de-sac position specific

S. present with views to Jackson Island over a soon-to- participants
be-completed lake, the property is almost 45
Adjective squares.

It has a large four-car garage (remote doors),

family room, a modern kitchen, five large simple present
bedrooms featuring ensuite and walk-in robe tense and
to main plus built-in robes in all others, verbs of being
intercom/radio throughout and beautiful and having
landscaped grounds with any oval-shaped in-
ground pool

(b) Extract from Police Report

Homosexuals drugged and robbed
IDENTIFICATION The offender alternately calls himself Stan or

DESCRIPTION He is described as being in his early 30s, of specific

southern European appearance, 180 cm tall participants
with a solid build.
Adjective He often wears a chunky gold bracelet and
has a home-made tattoo with the letters
DMC or similar on an inside forearm.

IDENTIFICATION His accomplice, Mick,

DESCRIPTION is in his early 30s, of southern European simple present

appearance, 175 cm tall and of slim build. tense and
verbs of being
Sandringham detectives are anxious to and having
interview either or both of these men. If you
have any information which may assist
please contact Detective Sergeant Rob
Douglas on 389 7145. Any information will be
treated in confidence.

Identifying the Text’s Structure and Purpose

Activity 7
Label the parts of this text and answer the questions.

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Spring Garden Apartement

The Spring Garden Apartement Complex offers you and your family country living
at its best.
Surrounded by beautiful woods and hills, Spring Garden is located ten miles
outside the city but is only minutes from downtown on the freeway.
Unfurnished two-bedroom apartments are available. Each apartment has a
dishwasher, central heating, air conditioning, and a laundry room. Children and pets are
In addition, there are tennis and basketball courts, two swimming pools, and a
playground. There are two parking spaces for each apartements.
(Richards, Hull, & Proctor, 1995 : 19)
Questions :
1. What does the writer want with this text?
2. Where can you possibly find this kind of text?
3. What kind of word are in bold?
4. Circle the relating verbs.

B. Joint Construction of Text

Activity 8
In Group of four , complete the following description about our contry.
A great nation of Indonesia
Indonesia is a great country.
This country is archipelagic. It has lots of islands. The country’s territory is very wide. It covers
1,904,443 sq km. ____________________________________________________________________
D. Independent Construction of Text
Activity 9
Writing a descriptive text independently.
Writing your own descriptive text
Write about the description of the city, town, sub district or village where you are living. Use the guidelines


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(Give an interesting title for ___________________________
example “Karanganyar Town,
A peaceful place”)
(Write the name of your city,
town or village with a brief
description ________________________________________________________

Description ________________________________________________________
(Describe parts, quality, and
characteristic of your place)
a. geographical condition ________________________________________________________
b. important landmark
c. place of interest
d. number of population ________________________________________________________
e. economic condition
f. lifestyle

A. Choose the correct answer!
Text 1.
Jakarta is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. It has a population of six million, the largest of any
urban center in the southeast Asia. It is located on the alluvial plain of Ciliwung River in northwestern Java. The
city is coextensive with its metropolitan area, Jakarta Raya and forming a special capital region. The city has
expanded from the Kota, or Old city and now includes the modern port of Tanjung Priok.

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The majority of the city's residents are Moslem from west, central and east Java. In the last 30
years, heavy immigration, primarily from the densely populated areas of Java, has encountered for much of
the rapid growth. Jakarta is the major industrial and commercial center in Indonesia with textiles and food
processing among its more important industries.
Jakarta's port is the nation's center of Indonesia. The Museum of Indonesia Culture, houses both domestic
and overseas flights.
Jakarta is also the cultural center of Indonesia. The Museum of Indonesia culture houses both
ancient and modern works art.
The University of Indonesia and nine private universities are located here.
Jakarta was settled as a trading center b Hindus and Buddhist from India about 15 century. The
Portuguese dominated the area in the 14 century, but they were ousted by the Sultan of Bantam in 152'7.
He named the city Jayakarta, meaning ." glorious fortress ".
to ?

1. What does the text above belong to ?

a. report c. narrative e. explanation
b. description d. exposition

2. What tense does the text above mostly use ?

a. present tense d. present perfect tense
b. present continuous tense e. present future tense
c. past tense

3. Where is Jakarta located ?

a. in the metropolitan area d. on the alluvial plain of Ciliwung River
b. Tanjung Priok e. in northwestern Java
c. the Kota or Old city

4. The majority of the City's residents are Moslem ... ( pr. 2, first sentence ). The word " residents "
has the same meaning with …
a. citizens c. persons e. human
b. people d. population

5. Which of the following statements is not true ?

a. The port of Tanjung Priok belongs to the city now.
b. Jakarta is the largest urban center in South east Asia
c. Jakarta is the major industrial and commercial center
d. Sultan of Bantam ousted Hindus and Buddhist
e. Most of residents are Moslems from west, central and east Java

6. When did Jakarta begin as a trading center ?

a. in 1527 c. in the 5 century e. in 1945
th th
b. in the 14 century d. in the 15 century
7. The Portuguese dominated the area in the 14 century, but were ousted by Sultan of Bantam in
1527. The word " they " refers to ... .
a. Hindus c. Dutch e. Moslems
b. Buddhists d. Portuguese

Text 2
New York is America’s largest city. Many people call it the heart of America. Its skyline is known
everywhere in the world. Broadway and Times Square have been seen by more visitors than any other
places in the country.
New York Broadway is the theatre capitol of nation. Its dramas, comedies, musicals and reviews
are seen all over the world. Radio City Music hall, with its famous shows and live choir, is one of city’s
most popular attractions.
Soho which is often visited by visitors is the city’s current art centre. Its bars, restaurants and
galleries are among the favourite meeting places for the art world’s elite. Chinatowns will be a rewarding
stop on the visits. Its exotic market, its unusual shops, its beautiful art, and its wonderful restaurants
make it difficult to leave.
In New York, there are some of the world’s greatest museums and cultural centres: the Julliard
School of Music: the Metropolitan Museum of Art: the Guggenheim Museum, built by Frank Lloyd Wright.
New York is also one of the world’s great seaports. The visitors can spend a very exciting day walking
the New York waterfront. Take a ride to Staten Island. Take photographs of the city’s many bridges,
especially the Brooklyn Bridge. Visit Central park and watch street performers.
Manhattan, the heart of New York is a never-ending circus. Visit Wall Street and the Diamond
district. Spend hours of windows shopping at its thousand stores and shops. There are branches of the
world finest stores in the street of Manhattan. New York is a shopper’s paradise. But, New York is a
much more than shopping. It is a city of landmark: Rockefeller Centre with its beautiful art deco
architecture: Grand Central Terminal: the New York Stock Exchange.

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Millions of people are fascinated every night by Manhattan’s display of flashing neon signs. The
Empire State building is among the city’s best-known landmarks. City skyscrapers and architectural
panoramas will be seen everywhere.
There are still many other beautiful places in New York. New York famous zoo and the city’s
many urban parks are often visited by many people. In Manhattan, there are beautiful sculptures by
world-famous artist, fountain, monuments, churches and cathedrals. The United Nations building where
many diplomats are seen is a famous building in the world. The Statue of Liberty, the gift from the people
of French, has become America’s most famous symbol.

8. The text above belongs to

a. report c. exposition e. explanation
b. description d. narrative

9. The first sentences functions as

a. general c. orientation
classification d. abstract
b. identification e. setting the scenes

10. “It’s” in paragraph 2 line 2 refers to …

a. the heart of America d. America’s largest
b. New York Broadway city
c. Times Square e. New York

11. Why is New York said to be the theatre capital of America?

a. Because New York is the largest city
b. The world’s greatest museums and cultures can be found in New York
c. Because there is Radio City Music Hall
d. People all over the world can enjoy its dramas, comedies, musicals and review
e. New York is the heart of city in America

12. Everywhere you look, you will see excite city skyscrapers and architectural panoramas. The
underlined word has the same meaning with …
a. tall building c. panorama e. sculpture
b. land markers d. attractions

13. New York Broadway is the theatre capital of the nation. The world “is” belongs to …
a. mental process c. relational process e. perception process
b. material process d. connections

14. Which one of the following statements is not correct ?

a. Soho is the city’s current art scene centre
b. The metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the world’s greatest
c. New York is one of the world’s great seaport
d. More visitors have seen Broadway and Times Square than any other places in the country
e. Americans build Liberty by themselves

15. My brother bought …

a. four kitchen aluminum multi-purpose utensils
b. four aluminum kitchen multi-purpose utensils
c. four multi-purpose aluminum kitchen utensils
d. four utensils multi-purpose aluminum kitchen
e. four multi-purpose aluminum utensils kitchen

16. She’s got blonde …

a. skin c. shoulders e. lips
b. hands d. hair

17. Tom has very broad …

a. skin c. shoulders e. lips
b. hands d. hair

18. She is beautiful but her younger sister is really quite …

a. ugly c. bad e. nice
b. pretty d. handsome

19. Borobudur a gigantic Buddhist shine, is situated 42 kilometers north-west of Yogyakerta. The
underlined words means …

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a. nice c. tall e. wonderful

b. huge d. large

Complete the gaps in the police poster!

a. light straight WANTED FOR
b. dark curly ROBBERY
c. long straight
d. long curly
e. dark wavy

a. slim
b. stocky
c. thin
d. broad
e. well
Sandra King
22. Height 5ft 4
a. round (20)… hair
b. thin (21) … build
c. oval (22) … - faced
d. good
e. square

23. X : What do you think of autumn in London?

Y : I think autumn in London is chilly and damp with rain and drizzle
The underlined expression shows …
a. asking someone opinion
b. asking someone comment
c. asking someone for information
d. asking agreement
e. asking certainty

24. X : There’s a good wind today. I think it’s good to sail.

Y : Yeah, it’s a good idea.
The underlined expression shows …
a. giving opinion c. disappointment e. necessity
b. giving agreement d. attention
25. X : Did you enjoy visiting the museum?
Y : Yes, I did. I admired …
a. an old interesting French painting d. a painting old interesting French
b. an interesting old French painting e. a French interesting painting old
c. an old French interesting painting

B. Write the correct order in which the sentences should come in the paragraph!

1. The White House is a very large building.

2. His official home is called the White House.
3. Some of the rooms are open to the public.
4. The President of the United States lives and works in a special residence.
5. It contains receptionist rooms, offices, and rooms in which the President’s family lives.

The correct order : …….. , …….. , …….. , …….. , …….. .

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Let me tell you a story, ….
(Spoken Narrative)
A. Building Knowledge of text
A.1. Vocabulary
Activity 1.
Fill in the blank with the word/words from the box below.

However dying vegetables dig dug

Treasure found lazy buried laziness

Hidden Treasure
Once upon a time, a farmer had three sons. The farmer was rich and had many fields.
When the farmer was ………(1), he called his three sons to him. "I have left you …….(2) which will make
you rich", he told them. "But you must ……..(3) in all our fields to find the place where the treasure was
After the old man died, his three …….(4) sons went out into the fields. They began to dig. "I'll dig the first
to find the place where the treasure was ……..(5)", cried the eldest one. " That's the field where our father put
the treasure", said another son.
The three sons dug all the fields for several years, but they ……(6) no treasure.
………(7) , many plants grew in the fields because the sons had dug. The ……(8) made them very rich.
Activity 2.
Answer these questions based on the oral text!
1. Who are the main characters?
2. When did the story take place?
3. What did the three sons have to do?
4. What made the three sons rich?
Activity 3
Change the verbs into past tense!
A. Today I …. Yesterday I ….
1. begin ….
2. come ….
3. see ….
4. buy ….
5. look ….
B. Today she …. Yesterday she ….
1. cries ….
2. plays ….
3. washes ….
4. Sleeps ….
5. Has ….
Activity 4
Write down the words belong to linking verbs!
1. Is 4. ….
2. …. 5. ….
3. …. 6. ….

A.2. Grammar Focus

A.2.1. Indirect speech Affirmative (Pernyataan Tidak Langsung)
To change a direct sentence into indirect one, there are some basic changes that must be considered.
1. Changes of Tenses
The tense of the direct sentence changes if the reporting verb of the direct tense is in the past form, the
tenses in the indirect speech change
Direct Speech Indirect speech
1. Simple present tense Simple past tense
Ira said, “ I like the show” Ira said that she liked the show
2. Simple future tense Past future tense
Ira said, “ I will go to Solo” Ira said that she would go to Solo

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3. Present perfect tense Past perfect tense

Ira said, “ I have finished my work” Ira said that she had finished her work
4. Simple past tense Past perfect tense
Ira said, “ I went out with my father” Ira said that she had gone out with her father
Note: If the reporting verb doesn’t not in past form so the indirect speech tense doesn’t change
Example: Maria says, “ I will cook fried chicken tonight”.
Maria says that she will cook fried chicken the following night

2. Changes of Pronouns
Direct Speech Indirect speech
1. Simple present tense Simple past tense
Ira said, “ I like the show” Ira said that she liked the show
2. Present perfect tense Past perfect tense
Ira said, “ I have finished my work” Ira said that she had finished her work

3. Changes in the adverb of times

In direct speech In Indirect speech
1. Now 1. then /at that time
2. next (month) 2. the following (month)
3. tomorrow 3. The following day
4. last (week) 4. The previous (week)
5. yesterday 5. The previous day
6. today 6. That day
7. tonight 7. That night
8. an hour ago 8. The previous hour
9. three hours ago 9. Three hours before

Doni said , “ My father will spend his holiday in Langkawi Island next week”
Doni said that his father would spend his holiday in Langkawi Island the following week.

Rina said, “ I came to Slank concert last week

Rina said that she had come to Slank concert the previous week.
Activity 5
Change the sentences below into indirect speech.
Example: Dina said, “ My sister need new shoes”
Dina said that her sister needed new shoes
1. Damian said, “ I will meet you at school yard”
Damian said …………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Dian and Ana say, “ We are going to take the trip tomorrow”
Dian and Ana say ………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Gabrielle said, “ I am the most beautiful girl in the world”
Gabrielle said …………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Diane said to me, “ I was in London when you married”
Diane said to me ……………………………………………………………………………………
5. Father said, “ I have cultivated this farm for ten years”
Father said …………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Kelly said, “ My purse lost in my journey yesterday”
Kelly said ………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. Marian and Anto said , “ We have been in this resort for a month”.
Marian and Anto said ………………………………………………………………………………..
8. Adrian told her sister, “ You must leave the building now. It will explode”
Adrian told her sister …………………………………………………………………………………
9. Mother told me, “ You can take a nap if you feel tired”
Mother told me ………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Kerry said, “ My father eats three slices of breads in his breakfast”
Kerry said ………………………………………………………………………………………………

B. Indirect speech Interrogative (Pertanyaan Tidak Langsung)

To change a direct sentence into indirect one, there are some basic changes that must be considered.
1. Changes of Tenses
2. Changes of Pronouns See the complete explanation in previous page
3. Changes in the adverb of times

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4. Changes of sentenced format (as in interrogative form)

There are two formats in making interrogative indirect speech.
a. Yes/no question (kalimat tanya yang bisa di jawa dengan Yes atau No). For this form we must add
conjunction “If” or ” Whether” and change the interrogative form into affirmative one.
No. Direct speech Indirect speech
1. Dani asked me, “Do you know me” Dani asked me if I knew him.
2. Dany asked me, “Are you ill” Dani asked me if I were ill
3. Dany asked me, “Can you help me” Dani asked me whether I could help him

b. Pronominal question ( kalimat tanya yang mengunakan kata tanya – Wh-questions)

For this form we use the Wh question as conjunction then we change the interrogative form into
affirmative one.
No. Direct speech Indirect speech
1. Dani asked me, “Where do you live” Dani asked me where I lived
2. Dany asked me, “Who is he” Dani asked me Who he was
3. Dany asked me, “When will you arrive” Dani asked me when I would arrive
4. Dany asked me, “Why did Ani go out” Dani asked me why Ani went out
5. Dany asked me, “How old are you” Dani asked me How old I was

Activity 6
Change these sentence into indirect speech
Example : Michael asked Dina : “ Can you take me home?”
Michael asked Dody if She could take him home.
1. Dono asked me, “ will you meet me at café tonight?”
Damian asked me……………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Dian and Ana asked Mr. John , “ Can you explain us about TOEFL test?”
Dian and Ana asked Mr. John…………………………………………………………………………
3. Gaby asked the man , “ Are you the man who helped me last night?”
Gaby asked the man.…………………………………………………………………………………
4. Diane asked me, “ were you in London when I married?”
Diane asked me ………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Father asked Dina, “ Have you cultivated this farm ?”
Father asked Dina……………………………………………………………………………………
6. Kelly asked my mother, “ Did your son take my purse yesterday?”
Kelly asked my mother………………………………………………………………………………
7. Marian and Anto asked me , “ Where have you been ?”.
Marian and Anto asked me……………………………………………………………………………..
8. Adrian asked her sister, “ Why must we leave the building now.? ”
Adrian asked her sister …………………………………………………………………………………
9. Mother asked me, “ How did you feel after taking a nap ?”
Mother asked me ………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Kerry asked, “ Who is he”
Kerry asked..……………………………………………………………………………………………

A.3. Language Expression

A.3.1. Expression of Sorrow
Activity 7.
In pairs. read aloud the following dialogue.
Andina : Hei, … Dini. What’s wrong with you. You look so sad.
Andini : Please, leave me alone.
Andina : What’s the problem? Tell me.
Andini : I can’t tell my pain and sorrow in words.
Andina : Oh, I guess. It must be about Andika. Am I right?
Andini : Yes. He broke my heart again.
Andina : Please. Come on girl. Don’t take it into your heart. There is not only one guys, right?
Andini : Yes, you are right. But I love him so much.
Andina : OK. Let’s go to Tawangmangu and make some refreshing there. It will open your mind and heart.
Andini : OK. Let’s go.
The underlined utterances express Andini’s ____________________

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Activity 8.
Learn the following expressions

 Please, leave me alone.

 I can’t tell my pain and sorrow in words
 It brought me a lot of miseries
 My heart is so burdened
 I’m so sad to hear this
 I’m feeling bad at this time being
 I regret having to do this

Activity 9.
In pairs. Write an interpersonal dialogue based on the situation given.
01. You are falling in love with a girl. But she refuse you. One of your friends
knows your sorrow
Your friend : Hey, why do you look so sad? I know, it must be about Rika. She refused you, didn’t she?
You : ______________________________________________________________________
Your friend : ______________________________________________________________________
You : ______________________________________________________________________
Your friend : ______________________________________________________________________
(continue by your self)

02. Your friend has just broken up with her girlfriend. He is sad now. He is sharing her sorrow with you.
You : ______________________________________________________________________
Your friend : Well, I broke up with Siti yesterday.
You : ______________________________________________________________________
Your friend : ______________________________________________________________________
You : ______________________________________________________________________
Your friend : ______________________________________________________________________
(continue by your self)

03. Your friend’s grandmother has just passed away. She is sad now. She sharing her sorrow with you.
You : ______________________________________________________________________
Your friend : Well, my grandma died last week. I can’t forget her until this time. She was a good women.
You : ______________________________________________________________________
Your friend : ______________________________________________________________________
You : ______________________________________________________________________
Your friend : ______________________________________________________________________
(continue by your self)

A.3.2. Expression of Anxiety

Activity 10
Observe the picture, then answer the question.
Usually he always
It’s 11.00 pm now. comes on time at
Father hasn’t come 08.00 pm. I’m afraid
yet. something happen
with him.

Kelly Catherine

From the dialogue above we know that Catherine expresses her ________

Activity 11.
Observe these expression

 I’m worried about…

 I’m afraid …..
 I’m scared …
 I’m really in a flap about…
 I’m anxious about…
 I fear that …..
 I am very concerned about ..

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Activity 12.
In pairs. Write an interpersonal dialogue based on the situation given.
02. Your little sister has been playing outside since this morning. It is 05.00
pm but she hasn’t come yet.
You and your mother start to worry.
Your mother: It’s getting dark but your little sister hasn’t come home yet. I am worried about her.
You : ______________________________________________________________________
Your mother: ______________________________________________________________________
You : ______________________________________________________________________
Your mother: ______________________________________________________________________
(continue by your self)

02. Your friend borrowed your motorcycle. He promised to come back soon. It has been 10 hours but he
hasn’t arrived yed. You are worry about him.
You : ______________________________________________________________________
Your friend : ______________________________________________________________________
You : ______________________________________________________________________
Your friend : ______________________________________________________________________
You : ______________________________________________________________________
Your friend : ______________________________________________________________________
(continue by your self)

B. Modelling of Text.
Activity 13
Answer the following questions!
1. Have you ever read a short story or novel?
2. Is it interesting or not?
3. What does it actually tell about?
4. Why do most teenagers like reading short stories or novel?

Activity 14.
Read the following Short Story
The Broken Promise
Ita saw a mother –hen quickly gathering its chicks under its wings. Then, Ita looked up and saw a hawk
flying high up in the sky. Ita asked her grand mother, “ Why don’t the hen leave chicken alone?”
Ita’s grandmother told her the following story:
Once upon a time, a hawk fell in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen, “Will you
marry me?”

The hen loved the brave, strong hawk and wished to marry him. But he said, “ I cannot fly as high as you
can. If you give me time, I may learn to fly as high as you. Then we can fly together”.

The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. “ This is to show that you have promised to
marry me, “ said the hawk.

It so happened that the hen that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster
saw the ring, he became very angry. “throw that ring away at once!” shouted the rooster. The hen was so
frightened at the rooster’s anger that she threw away the ring immediately.

When the hawk came a few month later, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so furious that he cursed
the hen, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier ? Now, you’ll always scratching the earth, and I’ll always be flying above
to catch your children,” said the hawk.
“ The curse seems to have come true, doesn’t it? “ Ita’s grandmother said.
(Adapted from Look Ahead 2: Eudia Grace, 2005: 42)

1. What does the story tell about?
2. Why did the mother-hen quickly gather its chicks under its wings?
3. What did the hawk say after flying down the sky?
4. What characteristics of the hawk did the hen like?

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5. Why did the hawk give the hen a ring ?

6. Why was a roster angry?
7. What did the hawk do to show his anger?
8. Why did the hawk curse the hen?
9. What is meant by the sentence” The curse seems to have come true”?
10. The word “furious” is closest in meaning to ….
11. Complete the table based on the story above!

No. Adjectives Verbs Noun

1. strong
2. Lengthen
3. Success
4. Anger
5. free

Activity 15
Read the text and answer the questions
( The legend of Prambanan Temple)
The war between Pengging and Prambanan raged in the battlefield. The commander of Pengging was
Prince Bandung Bandawasa and the commander of Prambanan was King Baka, a big giant. The King of
Prambanan was killed, and the war was over. His wife, Roro Jonggrang, a very beautiful queen was safe.
Bandung Bandawasa fell in love with Roro Jonggrang and proposed her to be his wife. Roro Jonggrang
refused his proposal because she thought it would be better if he proposed her daughter, Nawangsih. But
Bandung insisted to marry her. Roro Jonggrang asked him a marriage settlement. She would accept him as her
husband if Bandung could make a magnificent temple with a thousand beautiful statues around it and finished
them in one night before the sun shone.
He agreed her and prayed for help to Gods. When the night fell a big work began. In the field there was a
noise of carving and arranging stones, but no one could see what happened.
Bandung Bandawasa almost finished his temples, but Roro Jonggrang cheated him. She asked villagers to
burn paddi plants in the East, so the women grinded the rice and the cocks crowed. It signed that the sun
shone. Bandung knew about this and became angry. He revenged her and made her a statue.
Bandung Bandawasa was deeply in love with Roro Jonggrang. So he was very disappointed seeing Roro
Jonggrang became a statue. He saw the statue from a certain distance, and the statue waved him and smiled.
Bandung Bandawasa called her aloud, “ Jonggrang, don’t leave me!”. He came closer to her but it was a stone.
He did it again and again. Bandung broke his heart and came home to Pengging. And Jongrang ran away from
Bandung Bandawasa to a certain village.
Bandung’s father, the king of Pengging asked about the war. But Bandung just smiled and called Roro
Jonggrang, “Oh, Jonggrang, will you marry me?”. His father asked him again about the war, but Bandung did not
care his father’s order. His father became very angry and said, “Bandung , you are the commander of Pengging,
but you acted as if you were a dog". Suddenly, Bandung became a dog.
The dog ran away to the village. However, in the village the dog met a women who was weaving clothes.
The woman was in trouble with the spin (mata pintal benang). She said, “Whoever could help with my spin, he
would be my husband.” No one could help her but the dog.
Answer the following questions based on the story.
1. When did the story occur?
2. Where did the story happen?
3 Mention the characters involved in the story?
4. Who won the fight ?
5. Did Bandung Bondowoso fall in love with Roro Jonggrang ?

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6. Did she finally accept his love? Why?

7. What did she ask Bandung Bondowoso to do ?
1. Did Bandung succeed in completing 1.000 statues as Roro Jonggrang requested ?
9. What did Roro Jonggrang do to cancel Bandung‘s work ?
2. What did Bandung do after knowing her trickery ?
3. What do you feel after listening the story ?
4. What is the moral message from the story

C. Joint Construction of the text

Activity 16
In Pair, rearrange the story of “ Malin Kundang “ into good and meaningful paragraph.

( ) A Some days later his ship left the harbor. The sea was calm but when he reached
the open sea there was a great storm. The ship was drowned. Malin Kundang and his
money changed into a stone.

( ) B One day Malin Kundang told his mother that he would go to town and work there.
At first his mother did not allow him but finally she let him go with tears.

( ) C Some years later he sailed to a harbor near his village. When his mother heard
about this news she came to meet him. Malin Kundang pretended not to know her. He
said, “You are not my mother. Go away !” His mother became very sad and before she
went she said, “Oh, Malin Kundang, you are wicked son. You’ll never be safe now. You
and your money will turn to stone.”

( ) D Now people call it Batu Simalin Kundang. We can see the stone from Air Manis, a
village on the coast of West Sumatra near Padang.

( ) E An old woman and her son lived in a little village. Her son was called Malin
Kundang. They were very poor but they loved each other very much.

( ) F Malin Kundang worked hard in a big town and in a short time he became a rich
man. However he completely forgot his poor old mother.

Adapted from active reader 2A

Finishing rearrange the story above , pay attention to the generic structure of the narrative

Title Malin Kundang

Orientation An old woman and her son lived in a little village. Her son was called Malin
Kundang. They were very poor but they loved each other very much.
Complication One day,……..

Resolution Malin Kundang worked hard…

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D. Independent Construction of text

Activity 17
Now, it is time for you to write your own narrative
 Choose a very well known tale, myth, fable or fairy tale in your town
 Make a raw draft first
 Use the generic structure of Narrative
 Consult your teacher before developing your draft into final one.
 Finishing writing the final draft, perform it in front of the class.
Your story telling:
Good morning class. This morning. I’ll tell you a story from North Sumatera. Have you ever heard about the
Danau Toba ? . Here is my story. Long ago ……………………………………………………………………………….

Name : ________________________ Student Number: ________________________

No. Aspects of scoring Scoring

Low (45-59) Average (60-75) Good (76-100)
1. Pronunciation
2. Intonation
3. Stress
4. Gestures
Total Score

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A. Building knowledge of field
A.1. Exploring your experience
Activity 1
Answer the following questions.
1. What kind of a narrative do you enjoy most ?
 folktale  science fiction
 factual story  others
2. How do we know that a text is a narrative ?

A.2.Enjoying a narrative
Activity 2
Read the story below and answer the questions.


Once upon a time there was a young girl named Cinderella who lived with, her stepmother and two
Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters were conceited and bad tempered. They treated
Cinderella very badly. Her stepmother made Cinderella do the hardest work in the house, such as
scrubbing the floor and cleaning the pots and pans. She gave Cinderella an old ragged dress to wear.
The two stepsisters, on the other hand, did no work about the house, and their mother gave them many
handsome dresses to wear.
One day the two stepsisters received an invitation to a ball that the king’s son was going to give
at the palace. They were excited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would
wear. At last the day of the ball came, and away went the sisters to it. Cinderella could not help crying
after they had left.
“Why are you crying, Cinderella ?” a voice asked. She looked up and saw her fairy godmother
standing beside her. “Because I want so much to go to the ball,” said Cinderella. “Well,” said her
godmother, “you’ve been such a cheerful, uncomplaining, hardworking girl that. I am going to see that
you do go to the ball”.
Magically, the fairy godmother changed a pumpkin into a fine coach and mice into a coachman
and two footmen. Her godmother tapped Cinderella’s ragged dress with her wand, and it became a
beautiful ball gown. Then she gave her a pair of pretty glass slippers. “Now, Cinderella,” she said, “you
must leave before midnight.” Then, away she drove in her beautiful coach.
Cinderella was having a wonderfully good time. She danced again and again with the king’s son.
Suddenly, the clock began to strike twelve. She ran towards the door as quickly as she could. In her
hurry, one of her glass slippers came off and was left behind.
A few days later the king’s son proclaimed he would marry the girl whose foot fitted the glass
slipper. The king’s page came to Cinderella’s house. Her stepsisters tried on the slipper but it was too
small for them no mather how hard they squeezed their toes into it. The king’s page let Cinderella try on
the slipper. She stuck out her foot, and the page slipped the slipper on. It fitted perfectly.
Finally, she was driven to the palace. The king’s son was overjoyed to see her again. They were
married and lived happily ever after.

1. Do you enjoy reading the story ?
2. Do you think this is a well-written story ?
3. Is it sad ending or happy ending story ?
4. Who are the characters in this story ?
5. Who is the main character ?
6. Did the main character find a problem in this story ?
7. Which sentence in the text shows the problem ?

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8. Was the problem resolved ?

9. Which sentence (s) in the text shows how the problem resolved ?
10. If you were the prince in this story would you marry Cinderella ? Why or why not ?

A.2. Grammar Focus

A.2.1. Using Past Tense
A. General Pattern
No. Name of tense Pattern Time references
1. Past Tense a. Verb pattern Yesterday
(+) S + V2 Last…..
(-) S + did not + V1 ……ago
(?) Did + S + V1 ? this morning
in…….(past years)
b. Be pattern
(+) S + was/were + Noun/Ajd/Adv
(-) S + was/were not + Noun /adj/adv
(?) Was/were + S + Noun/adj/adv ?

B. Example
a. Verb pattern
(+) Andi went to Solo last night.
(-) Andi didn’t go to Solo last night.
(?) Did Andi go to solo last night?
b. Be pattern
(+) Rina was here yesterday?
(-) Rina wasn’t here yesterday.
(?) Was Rina here yesterday?

C. Function
To show a single event done in the past.

Activity 3
Use the correct verbs forms
Number I has been done for you. Work in pairs.
There once (1) was (is) a prince who wanted to marry a princess, but it (2) _____ (have) to be a
real princerss. So he (3) _____ (go) all over the world looking for a real princess. Everywhere he (4) ____
(meet) young ladies who told him they (5) ____ (are) real princess, but he could never be completely sure
that this was true. There was always something about them that (6) ____ (not see) quite right. And so,
after a long time, the prince (7) ____ (go) back home to his parents and was very sad.
One evening there was a terrible storm. It (8) ____ (rain) heavily and there was thunder and
lighting in the skiy above the royal castle. Then there was a knock at the castle gate. The old King (9)
____ (go out) to see who it (10) ___ (can) be.
A princess was standing out side the gate. The rain (11) ____ (run) down over her hair and
clothes and into her shoes. She (12) ____ (tell) the king that she was a real princess, and he (13) ____
(ask) her to come inside.
Well, said to the old queen, “we”ll soon find out if that is true”. She went into the quest bedroom
and took the mattress and blanket off the bed. Then she put a little green pea on the bed. She put twenty
mattress on top of the pea, and then twenty blankets on top of the mattress. This (14) ___ (is) where the
princess was going to spend the night.
The next morning the queen asked the princess how she had (15) ___ (sleep). Oh, it was terrible
I answered the princess. I (16) ___ (not close) my eyes all night. I don’t know what was in my bed, but I
lay on something hard, and now I am black and blue all over. It was quite trrible night.
Now, the king, the queen and the prince could be sure that this was a real princess. She had (17)
____ (feel) little pea through twenty mattresses and twenty blankts. Only a real princess will be able to do
So the princess (18) ____ (marry) the princess, and the pea was put in a museum for everyone
to see. And, unless someone has (19) ___ (take) it, it is still there today.

Read the story above again and discuss these question !

1. What is the story about ?
2. Why did the prince go all over the world ?

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3. Why did the old king go out at the evening ?

4. How did the queen test the princess that she was the real princess ?
5. Does the princess a real princess ?
6. What is the meaning of “black and blue” in par. 5 ?

A.2.2. Conjunction
Conjunctions are words which join words or groups of words. There are two principle types of conjunctions:
coordinate and subordinate
1. A coordinate conjunction joins words or groups of words of equal value
They are and, but, or, nor, for etc.
Example : The students must buy bag and uniform for going to school
My aunt likes western music but my mother likes Javanese.
The bowl could be on the cupboard or in the table
We must clean the river from pollutants so water can be drunk
2. A subordinate conjunction join a dependent clause with an independent clause. They are when, while,
where, since, because, if, unless, until, although, as soon as etc.
Exmple: My father doesn’t go to his office because he is ill
The employee keeps working although his body is weak
Activity 4
Fill in the blanks with the suitable conjunctions
1. You can choose basket ______________football as your favourite sport.
2. ____________it doesn’t rain this evening, I will go out.
3. My mother was sleeping in the living room _________I came home last night.
4. My aunt lives by herself at village_____________she feels happy.
5. You must take some exercise ____________you’ll be fatter and fatter
6. I’ll visit my grandma at hospital _________ I finish doing my homework .

Completing Story
Activity 5
Fill in the missing words with the words in the box.

a. but e. one day h. then

b. for the rest of their lives f. never i. so
c. however g. suddenly j. this time
d. instead


( The Story of Two Brothers )

Once there were two brothers. Although Nolbu, the older one, was rich and greedy, Hyungbu, the
younger brother, was poor and generous.
(1) __________ when Hyungbu’s seven children were starving, he went to his brother to ask for rice to feed
them. (2) __________when Hyungbu’s sister in law saw him, she did not want to give him any rice. (3)
___________she hit him on the cheek with the rice scoop. Hyungbu’s was so hungry that he ate the little bit of
rice on his face. Then he turned the other cheek and told her to hit him again. (4) _________she hit him with a
clean scoop. On his way home, Hyungbu found a swallow whose leg was broken. He took care of it until it was
well, and then he lety it fly away. When spring came, the swallow grought Hyungbu a gourd seed to plant. In the
fall, after he harvested the gourds, Hyungbu opened one of them. Gold coins poured out! (5) _________he
became a rich man. Nolbu was jealous because his younger brother now had a big house with a beautiful garden.
He wanted to know how Hyungbu became so rich. (6) ____________Hyungbu told him exactly what had
happened. On the way home from Hyungbu’s house, Nolbu found a swallow. He broke its leg and then cared for
it. After it got betteer, he let it fly away. The following year, the swallow brought him a gourd seed. Nolbu did just
what Hyungbu had done. But in the autumn, when Nolbu opened his gourd, there was no gold. Instead, dirty
water poured out of it. The water flooded his bouse and farm. (7) __________he was a poor man with no food
and no roof over his head! Nolbu didn’t know what to do. He begged Hyungbu for help, and of course his kind
brother said yes. Then Nolbu understood his own faults. He made up his mind to be a better person. He. His
brother, and their families lived together happily (8)______________________.

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B. Modeling of Text
B.1. Identifying the structure of a narrative
Activity 6
Read the text below. Pay attention to the structure of the text and language feature

Text THE LEGEND OF Language

Structure PRAMBANAN TEMPLE Feature
One day, there was a beautiful girl. Her name was Roro
Action Verb
Jonggrang. Her beauty was so famous around the country. Every
Orientation man wanted to marry her. One of them was Bandung (in Italie)
(when, who, Bondowoso. He was young man with a supranatural power. Roro
where) Jonggrang a greed to marry him with one condition : he had to Saying verbs
build one thousand temples during one night. (ex : said, replied,
Helped by the devils, Bandung Bondowoso to build the
answered, etc)
temple. Passing the midnight, his work was nearly finished. Roro
Jonggrang woke the girls in the village up and ordered them to
(A crisis Feeling Verb
grind the. Rice the sound made the roosters crow. The thought
arises) (in bold)
that it had been already down.
Bandung Bondowoso got furstrated because he failed to
Resolution complete the temple. Because of his anger. He cursed Roro Time conjunction
(The crisis is Jonggrang to be a statue. This statue completed the number of and connective
resolved) temples, that was one thousand temples, like what was requested (underlined)
by Roro Jonggrang.

Understanding the text structure

In pairs, answer the following overtions/
1. What does the writer want with the story ?
a. to entertain the readers
b. to tell the readers about his/her personal experience
c. to explain about how to do something
2. In which part does the writer identity the main character of the story and the time and place where the story
happened ?
a. orientation
b. complication
c. resolution
3. Who are the characters in this story ?
4. Who is the main character ?
5. When did this story happen ?
6. Where did this story take place ?
7. What do you learn from the complication ?
8. What do you learn from the resolution ?

B.2. Identifying the language features.

Activity 7
In pairs, discuss the questions below.
1. The story tells us about happenings. The happenings are shown in ….
a. Action verbs
b. Saying verbs
c. Thinking verbs
2. Why are the action verbs in past tense ?
3. The fellings of the characters, are shown in ….
a. Action verbs
b. Saying verbs
c. Felling verbs

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B.3.Identifying the structure of the text.

Activity 8
Label the parts of this story with orientation, complication or resolution.


Once, there was a handsome man. His name was Batara Guru Sahala. One
day, he caught a fish. He was surprised to find that the fish could talk. It begged
Sahala to set it free.
As soon as the fish was free, if charged into a woman. She said that he had
to keep the scret that she was once a fish. Sahala promised that he would not tell
anyone about it.
They were married happily and had two daughters, one day, Sahala got very
angry to his daughters of a fish. The children went home and told their mother about
it. Their mother was annoyed, because Sahala broke his promise.
Then the earth began to shake and volcanoes started to erupt. The earth
formed a big hole. People believed that the hole became a lake. Then this lake is
called lake Toba.

C. Joint Construction of Text

Activity 9
Writing an orientation
In pairs, use the following key words/phrase to write on orientation of a narrative.
Remember to use simple past tense.
Look at the example.

No Key Wors / Phrases Orientation

1. a long time ago A long time ago, there was an old man who was
old man very patient.
patient ______________________________________

2. once ______________________________________
a bad king ______________________________________
kingdom ______________________________________

3. in the old days ______________________________________

ants ______________________________________
cicada ______________________________________

4. once upon a time ______________________________________

an old couple ______________________________________
mount Tengger ______________________________________

5. long ago ______________________________________

a widow ______________________________________
a small village ______________________________________

6. one day ______________________________________

a farmer and his son ______________________________________
sell their donkey ______________________________________

7. long ago ______________________________________

a stork and a wolf ______________________________________
the countryside ______________________________________

8. once upon a time ______________________________________

a tortoise and a hare ______________________________________
a race ______________________________________

9. once upon a time ______________________________________

a poor family ______________________________________
one son ______________________________________

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10. once ______________________________________

a man ______________________________________
a wonderful parrot ______________________________________
Puerto Rico ______________________________________

D. Independent Construction of Text

Activity 10
D.1. Planning a story
Work in groups of three.
Use the key words in the boxes to create a story.
This story is taken from a famous epic “Ramayana”.

Lovely Shinta King Rama of Malwapati

King Rahwana kidnapped marry
very angry ordered army commander
Hanoman invaded “Bring Shinta home at whatever cause”
Lovely Shinta King Rama of Malwapati

mobilized huge number ape soldiers

fought a big battle duriously

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finally burnt down whole kingdom defeated

Activity 11
D. 2. Writing Narrative
Write your own narrative (factual or imaginary) by using the writing planner below.
Get your friend to read your first draft then revise your first draft.
Submit your revised first draft to your teacher and then revise your second draft.
Add some pictures illustration to your narrative. Stick your narrative on the classroom wall and let others read
your words

Narrative planner
( Give an interesting tittle that attracts your readers attentions )
(when ? who ? where ? )
(what was the problem)

(How was the problem resolved ? How did the story end ?

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Uji Kompetensi 2.
A.Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c,d or e.
Text 1.
The Ducks and the Turtle
Two ducks who lived in a big lake had a friend who was a turtle. One year there was a very little rain and
the lake began to dry up. One of the ducks said to the other, ”Soon there’ll be no water in this lake .Let’s go and
look for another lake. “ Yes, answered the second duck, but first let’s say goodbye to our friend, the turtle,”
When they told the turtle they were going to leave, he said,” I’ll die here without any water and without
any friends. Take me with you. ”The ducks answered ,”We can’t. We are going to fly, and you have no wings.”
The turtle thought for a minute and then said,” Please wait here.” Then he went away and found a strong, straight
stick. He brought it back to his friends, put the middle of it in his mouth and said, ”Now if each of you takes me
one end of the stick in his mouth, you can lift me up and carry me with you.”
“There is one danger,” said the ducks,” If you try to talk while we’re carrying you through the air, you won’t be able
to hold the stick, so you’ll fall down along way and break your shell.”
“All right,” answered the turtle, ”I promise not to talk while we’re in the air. So the ducks took the stick and
flew away, with the turtle between them. All went well until the were flying over a town. Then some people saw
them and shouted, ”Look, those ducks are carrying a cat!”
The turtle got very angry, “ A cat? I’m not …….”he said, but he did not get any further, because when he opened
his mouth, the stick came out of his mouth and the poor turtle fell to the ground.

01. Anita : Who involved in the story?

Budi : … .
A. two turtles and a duck
B. two ducks and a turtle
C. a turtle and three ducks
D. a duck and two turtle
E. two ducks and turtles

02. Lina : What problems faced by The ducks?

Reni : … .
A. A lot of water flows to the lake
B. Much water flows the lake
C. Trying to fly
D. Long rainy season
E. Long dry season

03. Budi : How to solve the turtle’s problem ?

Ardi : … .
A. By drying up the snake
B. By flooding the snake
C. By flying away from the dry lake with the help the ducks
D. By flying down over the town by the help of the duck
E. By dropping the dog of the town

04. Asih : Why did the turtle fall down ?

Arin : … .
A. The turtle is very glad and open its mouth
B. The turtle is very angry to the ducks’ s words and open its mouth
C. The turtle wants to say thanks to the turtle and open its mouth
D. The turtle is very happy and open its mouth
E. The turtle is very sad and open its mouth

05. Rina : What is the genre of the text above ?

Leni : … .
A. report text
B. narrative text
C. procedure text
D. recount text
E. spoof text

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Text 2.
Tangkuban Perahu
Dayang Sumbi was exiled in the jungle, because she was unmarried but pregnant. She gave a birth to a
baby boy and named him Sang Kuriang. And he became a young and hard working boy. He was a good hunter
One day he went hunting with his dog, Si Tumang. In the bush he saw a pig, Wayungyang. He wanted to
shoot Wayungyang but Si Tumang hindered him. He was angry at it and killed it, and then took its heart home. He
cooked it and ate it with his mother. When he told that it was Si Tumang's heart, she was very angry and hit Sang
Kuriang 's head with a spoon. And he ran away and left his mother to the east. He did not know himself and forgot
his name. He was about 16 years of age.
After a long time Sang Kuriang came back to the jungle where his mother lived. She looked younger than
her age, so Sang Kuriang fell in love with her. "Will you marry me?" one day he asked her. But Dayang Sumbi
refused because she recognized that he was her son. He insisted to marry her and Dayang Sumbi asked him two
marriage settlements . One, he had to dammed Citarum river, and two, had to make a boat in one night.
Sang Kuriang almost finished his work but Dayang Sumbi cheated him. He was angry and kicked the
boat. The boat fell upside down on the peak of mountain. It was known as mount Tangkuban Perahu, at the
northern of Bandung, West Java.

06. Lani: Where did the legend come from?

Ani : it came from … .
A. East Java C. West Java E. DI Yogyakarta
B. Central Java D. DKI Jakarta

07. Bagus : Who is the main character of the legend?

Binawan : I think … .
A. Dayang Sumbi C. Si Tumang E. Wayungyang
B. Sang Kuriang D. good hunter.

08. Karen : What part of sangkuriang body was hit by dayang Sumbi in her anger?
Charlie : It is his … .
A. Hand C. Head E. elbow
B. Heart D. hip

09. Lani : Which word in the text that has the similar meaning with “ requirements” ?
Dani : it is .. . .
A. Refused C. marriage E. peak
B. insisted D. settlements

10. Dani : …. and then took its heart home.(prg 2) . The underlined word refers to… .
Lina :….
a. Wayungyang C. bush E. Tumang
b. Pig D. hindered

11. Alia : When did you make this coffee?

Nina : I …. . the coffee this morning while you were taking a bath.
A. Make C. to make E. making
B. Makes D. made

12. Lina : ……Mitha …… to your house last night ?

Ani : Yes, she did.
A. do, come C. did, come E. was, came
B. does , come D. did , came

13. Budi : My father will come from Hanoi tonight.

Ali : What did he say?
Rara : He said that … .
A. my father will come from Hanoi tonight
B. his father will come from Hanoi the following night
C. His father would come from Hanoi tonight.
D. His father would come from Hanoi the following night.
E. His father would came form Hanoi the following night.

14. Adi : Can you meet me tomorrow?

Ali : What did he say to me?
Ria : He asked you …. .
A. If I can meet you tomorrow. D. whether you could meet him the following day.
B. If can you meet me tomorrow E. Whether you can meet him tomorrow.
C. If you can meet him the following day

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15. Malik : “Switch on the lamp!”

Ali : What did he say?
Zahro : He ordered you … .
A. not to switch on the lamp D. to not switch on the lamp
B. switch on the lamp E. switch not the lamp
C. to switch on the lamp

16. Arin : Where is your sister?

Katty : My sister is the girl …gown is blue.
A. Who C. whose E. when
B. Whom D. which

17. Kelly : Can you meet me with Sania, the movie star?
Arin : You have met her. She is the girl ….you talked to yesterday.
Kelly : Oh, my God. I didn’t know.
A. Who C. whose E. when
B. Whom D. which

18. Lina: How about this movie. Will you continue its production?
Ani : As the movie , I won’t continue this movie … add more money.
Lina: Don’t worry about that.
A. When C. because E. although
B. After D. unless

19. Alia : Why don’t you continue your study?

Nia : I stop study at school …. My parents have no money to pay the school tuition.
A. Although C. unless E. since
B. as soon as D. If

20. Lina: Din, what’s the matter with you. Tell me what happened
Dina: …. . Just leave me alone.
A. I am glad to hear that D. Thanks God E. Good Fortune
B. I can’t tell my sorrow E. I am happy

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A. Building knowledge of field
A.1. Listening
Activity 1
Listen and repeat, pay attention to the word stressing

awful shock
hissing slippery
leant slithered
mess spitting
nasty tap
Paralysed trickling
poisonous turned

Activity 2
Answer the following question orally
1. What do you think about the writer house?
2. How would you like to find a snake in your bath?
3. What would you do with the snake.
4. Can you think of an interesting way to tell the unusual experience?

Activity 3
Listen to the cassette and complete the story
How would you like to find a snake in your bath? A nasty one too!.
We had just (1)_____ in to a new house, which had been empty for so long that everything was in a
terrible mess. Anna and I decided we would (2)_____ the bats first, so we set to, and (3)_____ the tap.
Suddenly to my horror, a snake ‘s head (4)_____ in the plug-hole then out (5)_____ the rest of his
long thin body. He (6)_____ and turned on the slippery bottom of the bath, spitting and hissing at us.
For an instant I (7)_____ there quite paralysed. Then I yelled for my husband, who luckily came
(8)_____ and (9)_____ the snake with the handle of a broom. Anna who was only three at that time, was
quite interested in the whole business. Indeed I had to (10)_____ her out of the way or she ‘d probably
(11)____ over the bath to get a better look.
We found out later that it was a black mamba, a poisonous kind of snake. It had obviously been
fast a sleep, (12)_____ at the bottom of the nice warm water-pipe. It must have had an awful shock when
the cold water came (13)_____ .
(Gerot, Wignell. 1994: 2002)
Activity 4
Answer the question below!
1. Where and when did the incident happen?
2. How about the condition of the new house?
3. What did the writer’s husband do with the snake?
4. How many persons are there in the text? Mention them!
5. Paragraph 3 tells us about ……..

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A.2. Speech function

A.2.1.Expressing sat is faction and dissatisfaction
A : what do you think of that competition!
B : “I like it”

Words that are possible to use for expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction are.
Gratify satisfaction dissatisfy
gratification satisfactory dissatisfaction
satisfy satisfactorily satiable

1. Does the novel give you satisfaction?
2. It is impossible to satisfy everybody.
3. He was gratified at his son’s success.

Activity 6
Pay attention the dialogue below!
Stella and joss are talking about joss’s summative test result.
Stella : Are you satisfied with your achievement?
Joss : Not much.
Stella : But you’ve got good mark
Joss : That’s right, I got above average. But what makes me disappointed is
the chemistry. I got only six, I’m so regretful
Stella : The physic?
Joss : Seven and half comparing to sara’s, mine isn’t so good. How can I
please with such mark to my parents. They’ll be dissatisfied. They
hope I’m the best.
Stella : You have another occasion to satisfy them, by working hard, you’ll
get much better mark. Then your mum and dad will be gratified at
your success.
Joss : I hope so

Activity 7
Make response to each situation!
1. You asked a carpenter to fix the broken window. He did it well.
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. You asked your little brother to wash your bike but it was still a little but dirty.
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Your radio was broken, you fixed it by yourself. Now its on.
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

A.2.2. Expression to calm someone

Activity 8.
Read aloud this dialogue.
Rina : Oh, help me!
Andi : What’s the matter my sister?
Rina : There is a snake in my bed?
Andi : Take it easy. I ‘ll kill it.
Rina : But, I am scared.
Andi : Don’t worry. Don’t worry. You can use my room if you still feel scared.
Rina : Thank you.

1. Who are Rina and Andi?
2. What makes Rina afraid?

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3. Where is it?
4. Who help her?
5. What will he do to help her?
6. What did Andi say to calm Rina?
7. Can you give the other examples of the expression?

Activity 9.
Learn the following expressions

o Be calm
o Don’t worry
o Don’t be afraid
o Take it easy
o Don’t take it into your heart
o Don’t be panic
o I’m beside you, don’t cry
o I will accompany you don’t be afraid

Activity 10
Answer the dialogue with suitable expression
…………………. Ouch, The sea wave
…………………. is so big. I’m afraid
It is a tough ship. our ship will sink.!

…………………… Oh, this plane is
I am an going down. Hey Mr.
experienced pilot Pilot can you handle
this plane well!

03. …………………..
………………….. Oh dear, your horse
…………………. is too slow. I can’t
I’ll make my horse reach my office on
run very fast.


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A.2.3. Expression of relief

Activity 11.
Read aloud this dialogue.
Andika : What a terrible journey it is!
Andina : Is there any problem with your journey my husband?
Andika : Yes, I took a flight from New York to come here. When I were in the middle of the journey. My
plane struck a turbulence . It shook hard and went down a couple of feet. My head hit the front
chair. Look! It is wounded. I feel headache and all my body is in pain.
Andina : Thanks God. You are still alive.
Andika : Yes, thanks for the heaven. Fortunately, the pilots are the experienced ones. They can handle the
Andina : Ok. Go to the bed and take a rest first.

1. Who are Andika and Andina?
2. Where did Andika come from?
3. Why did he say “ What a terrible journey it is” ?
4. What kind of transportation mean did he take ?
5. What happened to Andika in the turbulence?
6. What did Andina say to show her relief?

Activity 12.
Learn the following expressions

o Good heavens
o Thanks God I am alive
o Thanks for heaven
o I am relief that..
o God bless me
o God bless you

Activity 13.
Complete the dialog with suitable expressions
01. Ais : I got a crash this morning. When I crossed the crossroad. A car hit my back.
Ina : ___________________________. You are not wounded at all.
Ais : Yes. But I am still trembling

02. Jerry : Dina look at this announcement. You are the winner of the singing contest.
Dina : _________________________ I can’t imagine I am the winner
Jerry : Congratulation
Dina : Thanks

03. Father : Look? You got a car in this quiz!

Mother : A car! ____________________
Father : you are lucky woman, ma.

04. Sinta : Have you heard that “Kambuna” ship was sink last night?
Dina : What! Oh no. My sister, lina, was on the ship. She was on the way to Ambon.
Is there any news about the passanger?
Sinta : All the passengers were alive. The navy ships have rescued them all. No casualties.
Dina : ___________________. I can meet her again someday.

05. Alia : How was the result of your final exam?

Ndari : I passed with flying colour?
Alia : ____________ I always pray day and night for you.
Alia : Thanks.

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A.3. Grammar Focus

1. Some Important Tenses
Let’s have a little review about some important patterns put a tick (V) in the right column see the example.
Present Past reason
Important pattern Active Passive Future Past perfect
perfect tense had+V3
1 We had just moved into a
new house
2 Ana and I decided
3 We would clean the bath
4 She’d probably have
leant over
5 We found out later
6 It had obviously been fast
as sleep
7 It must have had on awful
I’ve always put the plug in
8 family before running the
bath water

2. Exclamations
Exclamations are used to express a surprise or a sudden strong feeling.
 What a quite lovely dress
 A nasty one too
 What a very strange experience
To intensity the exclamation you can add, very, quite, really
The cobra is a poisonous snake, when this snake is angry or disturbed, it makes it self look threatening by
raising the front past of its body while expanding loose skin near its head

What a poisonous animal

3. Material processes
Material processes are verb showing us what happen and what some one do or what is done.
Complete the following text with material processed provided in the box.
A man at the bank where I am a letter (1)_____ a check mode out to his wife.
(2)_____ him that 1 couldn’t cash the cheque without his wife’s was in a hospital. My supervisor said that
cashing the check was unequivocally. Againt the bank policy. When l (4)_____ the information the man
(5)_____ the decision and left.
Later that day he (6)_____ and handed in an instant photo of a woman in ahospital bed with a physician
standing beside her. Next has a bitith certificate nith.

returned relayed impressed

told pleaded chased
presented accepted

4. Temporal conjunction
Temporal conjunctiva are conjunctiva that show all time sequence of events.
e.g. suddenly, then, for and instant,
listen to the story of snake in the bath again and complete the following sentences.
1. Suddenly to my horror, a snake head …………………………………………………..
2. Then out slithered the rest of ……………………………………………………………..
3. Then I yelled for my husband, who ………………………………………………………
4. It must have had an anvil, shock when…………………………………………………

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B. Modeling of text
Activity 14
Read the anecdote and pay attention to the structure of the text and the language feature

Text structure From Candles to Soap
Abstract: signals Well, what would you like to do when things go wrong? 1. Exclamation
the retelling of an What? Commit suicide? Oh, no. It’s very stupid, isn’t it? 2. Rhetorical
unusual incident questions
3. Intensifier
Orientation: sets In the 1800s, Procter and Gamble’s best seller was 4. Material
the scene candles. But the company had been in trouble when processes
Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Their fears 5. Temporal
became reality when the market for candles decreased conjunctions
since they now sold only for special occasions.

Crisis : The outlook appeared to be bleak for Procter and

provide details of Gamble. However, at this time, it seemed that destiny
the unusual played a dramatic part in pulling the struggling company
incident from the clutches of bankruptcy – A forgetful employee
at small factory in Cincinnati forgot to turn off his
machine when he went out to lunch. The result? A
frothing mass of lather filled with air bubbles. He almost
threw the stuff a way but decided to make it into soap
instead. The soap floated. This, ivory soap was born
and became the mainstay of the Procter and Gamble
Incident: Company. Why was soap that floats became such a hot
Reaction to item at the time? In Cincinnati, during that period, some
crises people bathed in the Ohio River. Floating soap would
never sink and consequently never got lost. So, Ivory
soap became a best seller in Ohio and eventually
across the country also.

Code: reflection Like Procter and Gamble, never give up when go wrong
on or evaluation or when seemingly insurmountable problems arise.
of the incident. Creativity put to work can change a problem and turn it
into a gold mine.

Activity 15
Answer the following question!
1. What is the purpose of the text!
2. What is the unusual incident of the story!
3. Find material processes used in the text
4. Why does the speaker begin her story by using rhetorical question?
5. Why does the speaker also use exclamation to open her story!

Activity 16
Understanding the text and answer the following question.
1. Why did Procter and gambler worry very much when Thomas Edison invented the light bulb?
2. There are many problem that faced by Procter and gamble! What are they?
3. What does it in the first paragraph refer to.
4. How was the reaction of Procter and gamble to their problem?

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5. Why was soap that float became such a hot item at that time?

Activity 17
Match the words in column A. with the following phrases
……………….. 1. fear a. single article in a list
………………. 2. appeared b. person who is employed
………………. 3. struggling c. feeling caused by the possibility of danger
………………. 4. item d. move violently
………………. 5. employee e. unable to pay his debts
………………. 6. bankruptely f. come into view
……………… 7. consequently g. self important
……………… 8. decided h. murder of one self
……………… 9. bubbles i. floating ball
………………. 10. suicide j. make up one’s mind

C. Independent Construction of Text

1. Make a composition according to your opinion about anecdote this task do individually. After that present
your composition in front of class.
- The beginning of your anecdote
Let the readers know that you are describing an unusual thing
Rhetorical question you going to use
Do you use any expression of gambit?
Tell who involved in the story, when, and where!

- Give detail of the unusual incidents

What is your topic sentence?
- Coda
Try to make an interesting coda

Read the dialog below with your partner and fill the blanks Jimmy lived un the country, and he loved playing
in a very shallow river near his house. It was not longer, when his father got a job in a big city, he moved to the
city with his family.

Jimmy : Our new house has a garden but I don’t (1)…… because its small
Mother : Its never mind darling, how beautiful it is? Its full of flower and beautiful (2)…… here.
Jimmy : “is there a river near here, mom?”
Mother : No “there is not, but there’s a beautiful park near here” and there’s a (3)….. in it. Its full
of fish.
Jimmy : “May I go there mom?”
Mother : “Ok” we (4)…. go there!
Jimmy : “There is a sign (5)….. him “WARNING, the pool is dangerous 367 people have (6)….
Onto the pool.
Mother : “What do you see darling?”
Jimmy : “What a pity they are! But I can’t see them, mom, uh… uh.
Mother : “Don’t be sad darling, lets go home”

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I feel so guilty of his death
(Written Anecdote)
A. Building knowledge of field
A.1. Listening
Activity 1
Listen to you teacher, and fill in the blanks on what you heard.
A punishing lesson
I was teaching a (1) _____________ class a few years ago in London. They were a (2) __________ group apart
from one thing: almost all of them said, "What means...?" (3) ___________ "What does ...mean?" I felt I had to do
something but nothing seemed to work.
One day, after hearing the (4) _____________ yet again, I said in (5) ____________, "If I hear "What means?"
again I really will have to punish you all!".
Almost (6) _______________ a voice piped up, "What means will you use to punish us, Lynne?" I laughed so
much and have never forgotten that very clever (7) _________t! It worked, too. I never heard the mistake from
that class again.
Lynne Reay Pereira
A.2. Grammar Function
A.2.1. Conditionals
Activity 2
Learn the following explanation
– There are three types :
1. Real Conditionals (Real Situations in the present or future)
Condition Independent clause
If + present tense , Future tense

eg : – If I study hard , I will pass the exam.

Fact : “I may study hard in the future”
– If I have a new motorcycle, I will be happy.
Fact : “I may have a new motorcycle in the future”

2. Imposible Result (Unreal situation in the present time)

Condition Independent clause
If + past tense , S + would
could + V1

eg : – If I knew the answer, I would tell you.

Fact : “I don’t know the answer”
– If I were a millionaire, I would go around the wold.
Fact : “I am not a millionaire”

3. Past Conditionals (Unreal situation in the past time)

Condition Independent clause
If + past perfect , S + would
could have + V3

eg : – If I had known your phone number. I would have called you.

Fact : “I didn’t know your phone number”
– If I had time, I would have visited you.
Activity 3
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
1. I would give her your message if I … (see) her.
2. If she … (call) me on the telephone, I’ll speak to her.
3. If he … (find) my diary, would he give it to me ?
4. If you hadn’t locked all the drawers, the burglars … (not do) so much dam age.
5. Mary … (go) to the party if you sent her a special invitation ?
6. If I … (be) sick, I would have gone to a doctor.

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7. I would have told the police if someone … (steal) my car.

8. He would watch television if he … (not have) so much homework.
9. Will you buy the dress if it … (not be) expensive ?
10. If I … (be) a president, I would visit all the nations in the world.

Activity 4
Find out the fact of the sentence above. Work with your partner.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________________

Activity 5
Correct the following sentences !
1. We’ll do the shopping if we had the time.
2. Liza bring an umbrella if she knew it was going to rain.
3. Is I will be in Paris, I will see the Eiffel Tower.
4. If Sony parked his car in the appropriate place, the police won’t fine him.
5. He would have taken a long vocation if he had have time.
6. I’d have changed jobs if I were in your position.
7. Mary are happy if Budi gives her a gold ring.
8. If it would be cloudy I would have worn my raincoat.
9. I would buy an eraser if I need one.
10. If I decide to go to Bandung, I take the train.

A.2.2. Adverb
Activity 6
Observe the sentence : sadly she told me about her family and fate

Sadly Sad + ly

Adverb Adjective Ly

Activity 7
Joint the following words
bad + ly : ________________________________________
clear + ly : ________________________________________
slow + ly : ________________________________________
silent + ly : ________________________________________
beautiful + ly : ________________________________________

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easy + ly : ________________________________________
quied + ly : ________________________________________
correct + ly : ________________________________________
probable + ly : ________________________________________

Note : The exception for : good well

fast fast
hard hard
Activity 8
Fill in the blank with the adverbs provided in the box
brightly neatly reasonably soundly correctly
professionally widely attractively happily seriously

1. Ronald is very smart. He can answer all the questions ___________________

2. The manager was proud of Budi’s work. He could finish his job _____________
3. She thought the hotel would be expensive but it was ____________cheap.
4. His grandfather is in the hospital now. He is _______________ill.
5. A beautiful woman was walking down the street. She was wearing a red hat ________________
6. Few books has been so _________read and today many thousand copies of it are still printed in Indonesia.
7. Mrs. Heny is a very good manager. She always works _____________.
8. Father was very tired. He slept _____________in the room last night.
9. When the sun rises ______________it is never very hot in my village.
10. But when the moonlight is bright, children often play ___________outdoors.

B. Text Modeling
Activity 9
Understanding an Anecdote.
Read this text and pay attention to the text structure and language feature !

Text How would you like to have sad incident ? My friend’s husband Language
has just passed away. Sadly she told me about, her family and Feature
I met him at the cinema. The queue in front of the entrance was
so long that we could introduce each other and had a short chat.
It was just the beginning of our acquaintance. Then we began 1. action verbs
Orientation going out together and sometimes he invited me to have dinner 2. material
with his parents. His parents approved of me and advised us to process
get married within one year. What a wonderful idea ! 3. exclamation

To prevent neighbour’s gossip, we decided to get married three

months later. The wedding ceremony was very simple. At the
wedding, I looked very beautiful among the guests and they said
the bridegroom was very handsome. After the prayer for my
marriage and all the guest wished us a happy life, we kissed our
Crisis parent’s hands. I was really hopeful of future happiness. My
parents asked us to stay with them, and did not allow us to
move anywhere until we could build a house or at least got a
reasonable apartment to rent annually. Since then my husband
worked as a judge in this town.

But you know one may wish, but God decides. Our happiness
did not last long. My husband died in a traffic accident near the
Reaction billiard house. Now he is buried in this cemetery alone.

I am very upset and don’t know what to do. More over.

I feel very guilty because just the evening before it happened,
I was angry with him due to his coming home late. He’s left us
Coda without leaving my message.

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Activity 7
Answer these questions !
10. Who has just passed away ?
11. How did she tell about the story ?
12. What does “I” in “I” met him (1 par) refer to ?
13. Where did the acquaintance happen ?
14. Why did they get married with one year ?
15. How was their wedding ?
16. Were they happy ?
17. What did happen to his husband ?
18. Who are the characters in the story ?

Activity 8
Answer these questions, work with your partner !
1. What is the purpose of this text of anecdote ?
2. In which paragraph that tells us about who, where and when ?
3. Can you find material process used in the text ? Mention them !
4. We can find the unusual incident in paragraph ?
5. Find the time conjunction in text !
6. Find also the tenses used in text !
7. Which part of the text is to give reflection on or evaluation of the story ?

Activity 9
Match the words in column A with ones in column B !
1. fate a. to feel that something/somebody is good/acceptable
2. queue b. an area of land for burying dead people.
3. acquaintance c. acceptable, not too expensive
4. approach d. person’s future of death
5. bridegroom e. an officer with authority to decide cases in a law court
6. reasonable f. a newly married man
7. judge g. line of people waiting for something
8. cemetery h. slight knowledge of or friendship with somebody

C. Join construction of text

Activity 10
Please you read the text again then match these text structures and its definition.

1 This tells us about the set of the scene, who, when

A and where the incident happen

2 B It is a reflection on or evaluation of the incident


3 It is the signals the retelling of an unusual incident


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Incident D It provides the details of the unusual incident

D It gives the reaction to crisis

Activity 11
Rearrange these paragraph in a good order, then gives the text structures of each paragraph !
– I was a nursing student in a hospital when this quite embarrassing experiences happened.
– Would you think that being helpful is always good ?
– From then on, I always make sure that I know the patient to be offered wheel chair help.
– Hospital regulations require a wheel chair for patients being dischanged. However, I found one elderly
gentleman – already dressed and sitting on the bed with a suitcase at his feet – who insisted he didn’t ed my
help to leave the hospital. I tried hard to explain to him that this was a rule and I was responsible to help him.
At last, he reluctantly let me wheel him to the elevator. I was surprised to learn that he was not a patient. He
was in the hospital waiting for his wife who was about to leave after a week of treatment. He said she was in
the bathroom changing out her hospital gown.
– I was so embarrassed that I didn’t ask further question. I apologized and wheeled him back to the room.
There I found his wife puzzle with what went on.

Abstract : ______________________________________________

Orientation : ______________________________________________

Crisis : ______________________________________________

Incident : ______________________________________________

Coda : ______________________________________________

Activity 12
Work with your partner, create or abstract, orientation and a coda based on the following crisis and incident.

Abstract : ______________________________________________

Orientation : ______________________________________________

Crisis : When Andy tried to pass a bus, suddenly from the opposite
direction there was a truck turned arround. He was very surprised looking at it.
He fell down because of the readslide.

Incident : He was uncoscious. His right leg and arm were broken. He was
taken to the hospital immediately.

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Coda : ______________________________________________

D. Independent Construction
Activity 13
Now it’s your chanceto construct an anecdote individually.
You may tellyour own experience or other person’s experience which are funny, embarrassing, unforgettable
or thrilling, and it can be factual or imaginary.

(Choose an interesting title that shows the content of anecdote)

Abstract : (give some signals : rhetorical question or an exclamation, retelling an unusual


Orientation : (give the setting of incident, about who was in the story, when and where did it

Crisis : (give the details of the unusual incident)


Incident : (give your reaction to the problem of something usual).


Coda : (give the lesson can be learned to end the anecdote. You may give comment or
reflection on the incident).

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A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b,c,d or e

Text 1.
Snake as night-Watchmen
morning class. Are you OK this morning? Good. Can you guess, what kinds animals are usually used as guard?
Dog… good, You … cat, yes. It’s all right. What else? Lion? Oh no. What about snake? Have you
ever heard that snake is used as guard or night watchmen? No!. All right, I’ll tell you the story. We
have heard of dogs being used as guards. We know that banks, jewellery shops and some homes
have security-guards. We have also read about certain famous or important personalities who are
always protected by bodyguards. But have you heard of snakes being employed as night-

Larry Montgomery’s petrol-station in New Orleans, Louisiana – in the United States of America –
uses two snakes as patrolmen.

Let me continue, Larry decided to make such use of snakes after thieves had broken into his petrol
station a number of times. At first, he had dogs for the purpose, but he soon found out that burglars
could easily kill dogs. Larry knew that many people afraid of snakes. People are especially nervous
when they know that a snake is some where around, but do not know exactly where it is.

Since Larry started to use the snakes as watchmen, he found that burglars are not so keen on
breaking into his station anymore. Once, some burglars did break in. they were busy going through
some drawers in the office when the snakes suddenly appeared. Immediately, the burglars
abandoned their search and runaway.

So, now, when Larry closes the station every night before going home, they set the snakes loose –
These creatures will then crawl about inside the office until the next morning when Larry come to
open the station for business.

01. David : What kind of text is it?

Lina : It is a … .
a. Description c. Legend e. Anecdote
b. Narrative d. Recount

02. Andi : What is Larry business?

Budi : … .
a. Patrolmen c. snake e. dog
b. Petrol d. bodyguard

03. Andi :What are used by Larry to guard his business place.?
Rian : … .
a. Dogs c. night-watchmen e. patrolmen
b. Bodyguards d. snakes

04.Andi : Why does Larry use them to guard his business place?
Ali : I think it was because … .
a. Burglars are afraid of snakes d. burglars are afraid of night-watchmen
b. Burglars are afraid of dogs e. burglars are afraid of patrolmen
c. Burglars are afraid of Larry himself

05. Andi : Where does Larry come from?

Andi : he comes from … .
a. USA c. USAID e. Australia
b. USSR d. England

06. Amin : …but do not know exactly where it is. (Prg 3). The underlined word refers to …
Aziz : … .
a. Around c. thieves e. snake
b. People d. Larry

07. Andi : Which of the following words is not material processes?

Ali : I think … .
a. Kill c. break e. close
b. Broke d. burglar

08. Andi : What word is in the third paragraph which has the similar meaning with “ aim”.?
Ali : ….
a. Purpose c. burglars e. nervous
b. Thieves d. around

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09. Andi : Sentences “Larry knew that many people afraid of snakes. People are especially nervous when
they know that a snake is some where around, but do not know exactly where it is.” Belongs to…….
Ali : …. .
a. abstract c. coda e. incident
b. crisis d. orientation

10. Andi : The word “ when” in prg 5 belongs to …

Ali : it is …
a. Intensifiers c. rhetorical questions e. temporal conjunction
b. exclamation d. past tense

11. Andien : Your voice is ….loud. It makes noise pollution.

Elia : Sorry
a. enough c. too e. so
b. very d. quite

12. Father : This razor is …….sharp. But you must sharpen it before you use .
Son : Yes, Dad.
a. enough c. too e. so
b. very d. quite

13. Anna : This is a …..expensive shoes. !

Ani : Don’t buy it. Find the cheaper ones.
a. enough c. much e. so
b. very d. quite

14. Anita : Which one you prefer , Apple ….Mango?

Eliza : I prefer Apple.
a. And c. after e. before
b. When d. or

15. Anita : When did you go home last night?

Asri : I went home …. I finish doing my homework at the library.

16. Marni : If you asked me to accompany you I ……..”Yes”.

a. will answer c. would answered e. would have answered
b. would answer d. answers

17. If Suharno …….. hard he will be successful in his test.

a. Studied c. studies e. will study
b. Study d. had studied

18. Paul has never visited Jakarta, …..?

a. doesn’t he c. has he e. hadn’t he
b. hasn’t he d. does he

19. Every body works hard everyday, ….. ?

a. don’t they c. doesn’t it e. isn’t he
b. don’t you d. doesn’t she

20. Let’s go to the restaurant, ……?

a. shall we c. will you e. aren’t I
b. won’t we d. aren’t we

B. Essay
21. Fill in the blank with suitable expression
Narnia : Oh, no. my file lost. I have to submit it tomorrow.
Andy : ……………………I’ll help you to find it. I am sure we find it.

22. Fill in the blank with suitable expression

Gardit : I slipped when I drove my car in the rainy road. Fortunately I am all right.
Fitriana : ………………….. you are not wounded

23. Put the verb in the bracket into the correct one.
I would apply for the job if I …….. (be) you.

24. Give the remark with suitable question tag.

You will accompany me to the party, ……………..?

25. Combine the sentences with suitable temporal conjunction

- Maria took a bath.
- Maria went to school

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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c,d or e on your answer sheet.

Text 1.
Why Do Mosquitoes Buzz

Long, long ago, mosquitoes didn’t buzz, they talked and talked.
One day, Mosquito was talking to Iguana, telling her about his vacation, about every-minute of his
vacation. Mosquito would not let Iguana say one word. Iguana was so annoyed that she walked away, leaving
Mosquito still talking. Iguana grumbled and waved her tail.
She was still grumbling when she passed her friend Snake, and forgot all about saying hello. Snake was
feeling hurt. He felt so sad that he slithered down a rabbit’s hole.
“Help!” yelled Rabbit as she scurried out hole, terrified of Snake.
“What’s wrong ?” cawed Crow as he saw Rabbit racing. Danger must be near . “Run for your lives!”
cawed Crow.
Monkey heard Crow’s warning and took off through the treetops, leaping branch to branch. When monkey
landed on Owl’s branch, high up in a leafy tree, Owl’s nest tipped off the branch and fell to the ground, breaking
Owl’s eggs. Owl was heartbroken, so much that she didn’t hoot for the sun to come up.
The whole jungle was mad at Mosquito. Finally Owl hooted for the sun to come up and when it did
Mosquito lost his voice. All he could do was buzzing in everyone’s ears. “Zzzzzzzzzzzz! Is everyone still mad at
me !”.

01. The text above belongs to….

a. Anecdote c. procedure e. description
b. spoof d. narrative

02. What tense does the text above mostly use?

a. Present tense c. Present future e. Past continuous
b. Past tense d. Present perfect

03. What did Monkey do to the Owl’s eggs?

a. Monkey broke the Owl’s eggs when he was on the branch.
b. Monkey climbed on Owl’s tree when he heard Crow’s warning.
c. Monkey damaged Owl’s nest when he climbed the tree.
d. Monkey fell on the Owl’s eggs when he climbed the tree.
e. Monkey made the Owl’s nest fall when he landed on Owl’s branch.

04. Why did Iguana grumble?

a. Because Mosquito told him about his vacation.
b. Because Iguana was annoyed so he walked away.
c. Because Mosquito wouldn’t allow him to say a word.
d. Because Mosquito talked and talked.
e. Because Iguana waved her tail.

05. She was still grumbling when she passed , Snake ….The underlined word refers to….
a. Iguana c. Owl e. Snake
b. Mosquito d. Rabbit

06. Finally Owl hooted for the sun to come up and when it, Mosquito lost his voice. The words come up have the
same meaning with……
a. miss c. set e. wake up
b. disappear d. arise

Text 2.
Jakarta is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. It has a population of six million, the largest of any
urban center in the Southeast Asia. It is located on the alluvial plain of Ciliwung River in northwestern Java. The
city is coextensive with its metropolitan area, Jakarta Raya and forming a special capital region. The city has
expanded from the Kota, or Old city and now includes the modern port of Tanjung Priok.
The majority of the city’s residents are Moslem from west, central and east Java. In the last 30 years, heavy
in-migration, primarily from the densely populated areas of Java, has encountered for much of the rapid growth.
Jakarta is the major industrial and commercial center in Indonesia with textiles and food processing among its more
important industries.
Jakarta’s port is the nation’s center of Indonesia. The Museum of Indonesia Culture, houses both
domestic and overseas flights.
Jakarta is also the cultural center of Indonesia. The Museum of Indonesia culture houses both ancient
and modern works art.
The University of Indonesia and nine private universities are located here.
Jakarta was settled as a trading center by Hindus and Buddhist from India about 15 century. The
Portuguese dominated the area in the 14 century, but they were ousted by the Sultan of Bantam in 1527. He
named the city Jayakarta, meaning “glorious fortress”.

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07. What does the text above belong to ?

a. Report c. narrative e. explanation
b. Description d. exposition

08. What tense does the text above mostly use?

a. present tense c. past tense e. present future tense
b. present continuous tense d. present perfect tense

09. Where is Jakarta located?

a. in the metropolitan area c. the Kota or Old city e. in northwestern Java
b. Tanjung Priok d. on the alluvial plain of Ciliwung River

10. The majority of the City’s residents are Moslems ……….(Prg 2, first sentence). The word “ residents” has the
same meaning with…..
a. citizens c. persons e. human
b. people d. population

11. Which of the following statements is not true?

a. the port of Tanjung Priok belongs to the city now.
b. Jakarta is the largest urban center in Southeast Asia.
c. Jakarta is the major industrial and commercial center.
d. Sultan of Bantam ousted Hindus and Buddhist.
e. Most of residents are Moslems from west, central and east Java.

12. When did Jakarta begin as a trading center?

a. in 1527 c. in the 5 century e. in 1945
th th
b. in the 14 century d. in the 15 century
13. The Portuguese dominated the area in the 14 century, but were ousted by Sultan of Bantam in 1527. The
word “they” refers to…..
a. Hindus c. Dutch e. Moslems
b. Buddhists d. Portuguese

Text 3.
English Custom
This anecdote is about two Indians settled in England. One had been living there for some years and had
picked up some of their quaint euphemisms. The other, a recent settler, was as yet unaware of them. They were
invited for dinner by their English friends. After they had had their drinks, their hostess asked them, “Would you like
a wash before I serve dinner?”.
The knowledgeable one replied,” No, Thanks”. The new settler replied, “I wash my hands before I came.”.
On their way back after dinner, the older settler admonished his friend,” My dear chap, in England “ Would you
like a wash” does not mean “Would you like to wash your hands.” It is a polite way of asking “ would you like to
urinate?”. The new settler made a mental note of it.
Some days later he was invited by another English friend and after he had his drinks he was asked by his
hostess: “Would you like a wash before I serve my dinner?”.
He replied promptly,” No, thank you, madam. I washed against a tree before coming to your house.”
14. X : What is the type of the text above?
Y : It is …………..
a. Narrative c. anecdote e. argumentation
b. Description d. exposition

15. X : How many people are there in the text ?

Y : There are …………….people.
a. Two c. four e. six
b. Three d. five

16. X : The crisis is different perception or idea toward something . What is the crisis in the text?
Y : The misunderstanding of cultural meaning of ………..
a. English custom c. the meaning of “ a wash”. e. the service of dinner
b. Two settlers d. the meaning of urinate

17. X : The new settler made a mental note of it. What does “ it “refer to…
Y : “It” refers to ………
a. no thanks d. would you like to urinate
b. I washed my hands before I came e. the advice of the old settler
c. My dear chap

18. X : What kind of party is it in the text?

Y : It is ………….
a. dinner party c. wedding party e. evening party
b. birthday party d. tea party

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19. The phrase “ made a mental note “ has the same meaning with……..
a. Say c. recognize e. record
b. Write d. remember

20. The next morning Snow White ran away from home when her uncle and aunt were having breakfast. The
of the underlined words is….
a. walked away c. looked for e. stayed home
b. took d. went out

21. The girl was very tired and hungry then she saw this little cottage. The word “little cottage” have the similar
meaning with…….
a. nice small house c. hut e. little house
b. little villa d. small bungalow

22. Ari : Have you met my new neighbour?

Andi : Not yet, By the way, hoe does he look like?
Ari : Really? Oh, He is ………..
a. an old Balinese big cheerful man d. a cheerful big old Balinese man
b. an old big cheerful Balinese man e. a cheerful old big Balinese man.
c. a big cheerful old Balinese man

Complete the following story by provided words (23-27).

Once upon a time there was a fox. He was very hungry. He was in search of………….(23) here and there.
At last he reached a garden. There he saw bunches of grapes……….(24) on a tree. His mouth began to water. He
went……….(25) the tree. He wanted to get the grapes but the grapes…………..(26) very high from the ground. He
……..(27) again and again to have some grapes. At last he was tired so he went away saying, “ The grapes are
sour, they are not worth eating.”.

23. a. food c. plant e. family

b. animal d. friend

24. a. climbing c. taking e. breaking

b. hanging d. landing

25. a. above c. on e. out

b. in d. under

26. a. is c. are e. were

b. am d. was

27. a. ran c. sat e. looked for

b. jumped d. walked

28. X : May we smoke here ?

Y :No,… not allowed in the cinema.
a. to be smoking c. having smoked e. being smoke
b. smoke d. smoking

29. They print most scientific books in England.

The passive from of the sentence is …….
a. Most of scientific books is printing (by them) in England.
b. Most of scientific books are printed (by them) in England.
c. They printed most scientific books in England
d. They are printing most scientific books in England.
e. Most scientific books printed in England.

30. Fani : What were you doing at 08.00 last night?

Shinta : I …. My homework in my room.
a. will be doing c. is done e. will do
b. was doing d. will have been done

31. A : Did she tell her name to you?

B : Yes, she ……….me her name after I ……….her twice.
a. tells, asked c. told, had asked e. tells, was asking
b. told, asked d. tell, was asked

32. After he had finished his work, he went home.

We can also say: ………………..his work, he went home
a. finish c. finished e. having finish
b. to have finished d. having finished

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33. Dani, …………car will be sold , came here this morning.

a. which c. whom e. whose
b. when d. who

34. Linda : Did you see the man …………….wears black hat?
Iswanti : Yes, He just crossed the street.
a. when c. whose e. what
b. which d. who

35. The house ………….Charles had lived when he was a child was on the right of the lake.
a. which c. who e. what
b. where d. whom

36. Atza : What do you think about our new headmaster?

Dany : He must be able to bring some surprises and improvement for us.
This means that Dany gives his expression of ………………
a. surprise c. request e. regret
b. opinion d. preference

37. Salsa : I lost my hand phone

Siti : That’s too bad.
The italic utterance expresses……………
a. disappointment c. regret e. sympathy
b. offer d. agreement

38. Anissa : Studying English is just to waste time and money.

Umi : I completely …………with you. I think studying English is very useful for our life.
a. disagree c. agree e. see no points to reject your
b. that’s good luck d. that’s terrible

39. Rizky : Hi, Afrizal. What are you doing?

Afrizal : I’m sweeping the yard, but actually I hate to do it.
It means that Afrizal …..
a. likes sweeping c. loves sweeping e. interested of sweeping
b. dislikes sweeping d. very fond of sweeping.

40. Meita : Which one do you prefer swimming or cycling ?

Fatih : …………………
a. I prefer cycling from swimming d. I prefer cycling better than swimming
b. I prefer cycle than swim e. I prefer cycling than swimming
c. I prefer cycling to swimming

II. Essay
41. Combine these two sentences, use the relative pronoun.
a. The man is my teacher.
b. We are waiting for him

42. Change this sentence into passive voice.

- The doctor should give Mary blood transfusion

43. Arrange these words into good phrase.

-Miss Yuli – is - teacher – a – English – beautiful –slim.

44. Complete the following dialogue.

A : What do you think about “ Si Doel Anak Betawi?”.
B : …………………………………………………exciting
A : How can you like it ?
B : …………………………………………………………

45. Write apart of short summary on Freddie Mercury’s life. Use the following notes given.
- born on September 5 in Zanzibar
- parents – Bomi and Jer Bulsara – Persian
- 1974/moved to India/attended St Peter’s English boarding school in Panchgani outside Bombay.
- At school/talented student/ good at art and sports.
- Took a piano course

>>>>>>>>>.Good Luck <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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