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Extension del Centro de Idiomas

Name: Sebastian Tenelanda

Class: 5 E

Week 1 activities

Day 2: Tuesday July 14th, 2020


1.Where do you think the boy is?

The boy is in a school classroom.

2.Who is he talking to? What is he saying?

He is talking to his teacher, maybe because his teacher asks him something.

3.How do you think he feels

He feels nervous maybe because he doesn't know the answer.

Did you talk a lot in class at school or at university?

When the teacher gets out of class, yes I talk a lot.

Do you talk a lot when you are whit your friends? And what about whit your family?

Yes, whit my friends I talk a lot every weekend, whit my family I talk every day at meals

Do you think you should change anything about the way you talk Why/Why not?

No because every day I speak the same way. It depends the place where I am´

Pg. 8 Look photos

1.Describe pictures

a. keeping in touch, giving opinions, telling a joke

b. giving a presentation, speaking in public

c. interviewing, giving opinions.

d. expressing feelings, giving opinions

e. keeping in touch, expressing feelings

2. When was the last time you were in a similar situation to each of the photos

a. every day in class, b, the last semester, c never, d the las weekend whit my friends, e yesterday

3 Which situations in the photos do you enjoy?

I enjoy c d e, the situations b, a

Pg 152


Argue= don’t agree

Complain= not happy

Encourage= Good things

Persuade= agree

Insist must= happen

Greet= arrive at


1. the people encourage to the runners

2. They are arguing because he dirtied the floor whit his shoes

3. The neighbors argue for the wooden wall

4. The waiter persuade the couple to go to another table.


a time when someone persuaded you to do something you didn’t want

The las Friday a classmate persuades me to present a topic and give an oral test.


A time when you complained about something in a shop or restaurant

The last year when in a restaurant I ordered a plate to take home and when I opened the box was
other different plate

A time when you insisted on doing something.

I insisted a lot when my mom wanted visited my uncle but I don’t wanted

A time when you argued about something unimportant.

When my teacher sent me a homework and he was going to send one more exercise, and I argued
for he doesn’t send more exercises.
A time when you encourage someone who was having problems.

When my grandmother was sick, I encouraged my mother every day

A time when someone persuaded you to do something you didn’t want.

The las Friday a classmate persuades me to present a topic and give an oral test

Day 3: Wednesday July 15th, 2020


1. What generation are you

I am Millennial
2. How many of these generations are there in your family

My grandmother is veterans, my mom and my father are generation X, and I and my brother are

3. Which generation are most of the people where you work or study

Millennials because in my class most of them have 23






c. Think about yourself and people of different generations that you know. Do you agree whit
the descriptions?

Veterans yes because every one of them have more experience for the years they have lived

Not all of Baby boomers have money and good jobs

Generation X are good adapting to changes because in this years have a lot of new technology


Look at the question and answer and under line the correcr words in rules A-C

1 Subject

2 object

3 object


Are the questions below subject or object questions

1 object

2 Subject

3 object

4 Subject

5 Subject

6 object


Objects questions Respuesta en el object de la oracion

1 yes, you can borrow my pen

2 I am waiting for my grandfather

3 I invited 50 friends to the party

Subjects question Respuesta en el subject de la oración

1 my father told me the news

2 Team number 2 won the match

3 50 friends are coming to the party


a. Make questions whit the words below

1Why isn’t anybody listening to me?

2 Can I ask you a question?

3 Whose book did you borrow?

4 What are you worrying about?

5Who has eaten my cake?

Correct the mistake in each question

1 What time will you be here?

2 What happened to your leg?

3 What are you listening to?

4 Which speaker gave the best presentation?

5 how’s your new friend ?


2what damaged the roof?

What did a fire damage?

3 what is Joanna afraid of?

Who is afraid of spider?

4 What did his brother tell about?

Who tell joke about elephants?

Day 4: Thursday July 16th, 2020


1who phoned you yesterday?

2 Who did you email yesterday?

3 what do you and you friend talk about?

4 what makes you and your friends laugh?

5 which of your friends do you see every day?

6 which of you friends knows you best?


Veterans don’t have any way to communication whit other person in abroad.

Baby boomers only have letters for communication.

Generation X used phone and internet but were very expensive

Millennials don’t have any problem because in yours cellphone have everything





1 millennials

2 building relationship and developing ideas

3 baby boomers, veterans

4 gently how they are doing

5 teach them about life in the modern word


Had a communication problem whit someone from another generation

I had a problem whit my grandmother because she don’t understand nothing about technology
and I try to explain about internet, and every day you try to learn much more

Met someone new

The last weekend I met my cousin, she born Friday


Learning a new language is like learning a musical instrument, because at first is difficult but after
its fun and interesting.


A advantages: you can learn whit native people

Disadvantages: its more expensive travel to other country

B advantages: you can learn in your free time

Disadvantages: you don’t ask some doubt

C advantages: you can learn every time you need because you always have your cellphone near

Disadvantages: you always need to have your cell phone charger

D advantages: you can talk whit your classmates and ask everything to your teacher

Disadvantages: you need specific time in your day

2 b and d

Day 5: Friday July 17th, 2020

Pag 12

1 it’s a app
2 for increases his vocabulary(Lingala)

3 he learnt hundreds of lingalan words

1 wants to talk whit the people who speak it

2 enjoy learning more

3 a picture that helps people remember new words

4user can create mems for themselves and other users

1making progress

2 translate

3 aim

4 memorised

5 challenge

6 fluent

7 remind

8 repeat

Pag 13








1 b pag 133








2 does it has

3its learning

4 wants

5 always revises

6 still remembers

7 doesn’t sound

8 knows

9 see

10 are you thinking

11 am trying

12 am not making

13 are you learning

14 am going

Pag 13

1 Do you think you communicate well in your own language?

2 how often do you hear foreign languages where you live?

3 Do you think you have a good memory?

4 What helps you learn English grammar?

5 What are you thinking about right now?

6 are you preparing for an exam at the moment?

7 Are more people learning languages in your country than before?

1 very

2 doesn’t like

3 very

4 will

1 exhausted

2 useless

3 fantastic

4 impossible

1 very


3 very

4 absolutely

5 absolutely

6 very

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