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IPT -COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESGUISA BSI BSxL8b4 75 MM Lb24b65 0189540 2 am SI BS 1868 : 1975 Specification for Steel check valves (flanged and butt-welding ends) for the e petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries ned | NOV 1589 e British Standards Institution Copynaht by the British Standards Institution IPT - COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BST BS*18L8 75 MH Lb24b69 GLASSY 4 mm his Huts Standand, ving ben approved by the Petroleum Kguipanent Industry Standards Commitee, was published unser the suthosty of the Exesalive Hoard on 28 November L975. Ft aublisnea, sone 1982 Fie revision, March 1960 Second revislon,November 1975 ISON: 0 SH0 08817 0 Copyright Users of Brish Standards ar reminded that copyright subsists in all BS] publications. No part of this publication may be ‘eproduced in any form without the prior permisson in wtng of BSL. This dots act peeclue the fe use, in the course of ‘implementing the standard, of necessity deus suchas sybels 4 sie, ype or grade desanationsEnguiris by post sould be ‘dressed tothe Publicatirs Manage, British Suardards Tt, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MIct# LL. The number for telephone enaries is O808 120038 and fr tele #25777 Contract requiromants Atlention is dravn (othe fct that this British Standard docs not purport to include al the necessary provisions of a contrat, Revision of British Standards In order to keep abreast of progres inthe industries concerned, British Standards are subject to peiodial review, Suggstions {or improvements willbe cecorded and in due course brought to the nots ofthe committe: charged withthe revision ofthe sSandaeds to whlch they reer British Stndasds are revised, when necesar. by the fae ether of amendment sips oof revised editions tls important that ‘sere of Bltish Standard should acetal tha they ars possesion ofthe latest ameadiments or etions, Ful formation onal BSI publications, numbering over 000 wil be foun inthe A Catalogue Thsinformation supplemented by devas published ‘each month in BST News of new publications, revisions and amendments, e BSI Nes is avaiable to Subscribing Members ofthe Institution. All tber publications may be purchased dec fom Sales Department. Enguiriesconcering subscribing membership, which has considerable advantages, willbe Weleomed, snd should be made o Subscriptions Departmen, Both departments are lonted a Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MICL4 GLE (Telephone 0968 320033: Tele 825777) ‘The following HSH roforence sa Commitee roerence PEE/I Dra for comment 74/74130 DC Co-operating organizations ‘The Petroleum Equipment Industry Standards Committe, under whose aupertsion his Uriah Stndird was prepared, coasts of seprcselatva roe the Tollowin Government department and scene and indutrilovcaneations * Coun of biti Manufnetaror af Pteolsum Equloment Deparment of Eneisy + Oil Companies Materas Asoettton “The industrial organizations marked with an astvis i the above is, tonster with dhe following, were diccty represented on he Coramitte encased withthe preparation o thi standard e Avvullion of Hy due Bquipment Mtanufeturors Sess Ship Resereh Association ‘rid Choma! Engineering Contrctets Assocation Beis Valve Manufactures” Aatosation Bt (dustrial Meavurieg and Controt Apparats Engineering Equipment Users Anfodation Manufeotutes' Avocieton Steel Caithgs Asochitlon ‘els Pastis Federation ioe Fan Copyright by the British Standards institution ‘hau Jul 04 17:56:46 2002 IPT-COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BSI BS*18b8 75 MM Lb24b69 0189542 & om B BS 1868 : 1975 oc ee6s :071.646.260:6o0.14 Specification for Steel check valves (flanged and e butt-welding ends) for the petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries Soupapes d’arrét en acier (extrémités & brides ou & souder en bout) utilisées dans l'industrie pétrolidre, l'industrie pétrochimique et les industries connexes Absperrventile aus Stahl (mit geflanschten bzw. stumpfgeschweissten Enpen) fiir die Petroleum-, petrolchemische und verwandte Industrien e@ Amendments issued since publication — British Standards Institution - 2 Park Street - London W1A 2BS Tolophone 01-628 9600 e Tolox 266023, ‘Copyright hy the British Standards institution — “Ta sul 04 17:65:60 2002 IPT COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BSI as#lana BS 1868 : 1975 Contents Page Co-operatng organizations Inside front cover Foreword 3 ‘Section one. General 1. Scope 4 2, References 4 3, Definitions 4 4 Pressure casieation 4 5S. Pressure) temperature ratings 4 6, Nominal sizes ‘* 7, Information to be supplied by the purser s Section two. Design 8. Body 5 9. Cove 7 10, Disk, piston or ball 8 11, Plsion and ball guides 8 12) Hinge and hinge pin ing type) and spincle suppor cage (Ask ype) 8 13, Speeal ements 6 14. Cover bolting 5 15. Soft sel cing 9 ‘Section threa. Materials 16, shell ° 17, Body sea og 9 18, Bodyfeoverguket and pipe plug euket 9 19, Disk, piston o ball 9 20, Teim 10 21, Hinge (owing type) and spindle rapport ‘cage (disk type) 10 22, Plog io 23, Coverbolting 10 38 Nameplate i0 25. So seal ring io 26, Special ftments 10 27. Special applications 10 Copyright by the British Standards institution Thi ul 04 17:86:67 2002 75 MH Lb2ubb9 0189543 8 ml Page Section four. Marking 28, Required markings 2 29. Body and nameplate markings 2 30. Cover marking. ir 31. Body marking Qa 32. Direction of flow 2 33, Nameplate markit D 34, Additional macki 2 35. Omission of markings 3 Section five, Te 36. Production pressure testing) B Section six. Shipping 37. Preliminary 13 38, Preparation for despatch B 39, Packaging B Appendices A. Application to piping systems with BS 4504: Past | flanges 2 Tables 1. Dimensions of check valves 6 2, Trim materials, hardness and acceptable 3. Nominal pressure and elass ratings and nominal size range 4. Table delered Figures 1. Swing type cheek valves “4 2 Piston type check valves 16 3. Ball type check valves 7 4. Ball type check valve is 5. Disk type check valves 9 6. Butlovelding ends 20 IPT COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA Copyright by t Foreword ‘This British Standard is one ofa sedis propared under the authority ofthe Petroleum Equipment Industry ‘Standards Committee. It was first published in 1982 ‘when materials referred (o In it were described by reference to ASTM specifications. In 1960 a revision ‘of BS 1868 was published in order to bring it into allgnment with tho 1958 editions of BS 1501 to 1506 and BS 1560, This edition is the motee version of BS 1868, and wherever possible metric dimensions and references are givon, Tho recognized mets nominal "The previous sections d been included in this standard es these subject ofa separate standard BS 6755 "Testing of valves, Patt 1. Specification for produetion pressure testing requirements [NOTE Requirements for inal inspection and supplementary Inspection al sages of manulacture, previously pected Jn BS S146 : Part 1! 1974 (now withdraw} shoud be sated by the puter in hie enguy or or Disk iype and engl pat velding end veisions of al (ypes have been added and the range has been extended to incorporate leer sizes.) The face-to-face and end-o-ond dimensions of valves complying withthe requirements of tit standard, where applicable are in accordance with ANSI BIG-10 but are not mow included het, as these ‘ue in BS 2080 ‘Specification for facoto-face, centro tovface, end-to-end and centceto-end dimensions of ritsh Standards institution ‘Th Jul 04 17:56:00 2002 BSI BS*18b8 75 MH Lb24bbS 0189544 T mm BS 1868 : 1975 Manged and butt-welding end steel valves for the petroleum, petrochemical and allied industeies, End flanges are in accordance with BS 1560° Part 2 (which corresponds to ANSI B16-5) and butt-welding bids are in accordance with ANSI BI6-25. sth tsar, but aunt for ote mene seh Farwescormplvite with the equtentent ot BS4S04 | Pare ty ae dealt within oppendin “The range of shell materials has been extended to align with the latest edition of BS 1560; Patt 2: also the range of matedals fur the trim and other components has been extended This standard does not cover vaies the passage of spheres or pig serapers Itis drawn to the reader's attention that at the lime of publication of this standard proposils ere ‘under discussion in CEN/WG74, “Flanges, effectively recommending that the use of BS 4504 (DIN) flanges be limited to 40 bar maximum ratings. Sueh proposals ‘may posibly result in the publication of a European Stondue, Acknowledgement is made to the American Petroleum Lnstitute and to the American National Standards tnstutute for data used. table for IPT COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BSI BS*h868 75 MH LL24LLS 0185545 1 BS 1868 : 1975 British Standard Specification for Steel check valves (flanged and butt-welding ends) for the petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries $e Section one, General 1. Scope: This British Standard pects requirements for cst or forged eto check valves with flanged or But.welding ends of the folowing types (@) swing, for vrteal or horizontal fw ee igre 1): oi piston type, for angle or horizontal low (se figure 2) {ball type, for angle or horkzontal flow (see figure 3) ii) ball type, for vertical flow (see figure 4); is) ai ype, for verti lo Ge figure 3) “The terms vera, horizontal” and ‘angle relate to the axes of the body ends ‘When swing check volves ae used in vertical lines the Row must be in an upward direction For the purposes of this standard any line with a slope (upward or downward) af 5° or less is deemed to be horizontal. In the case of angle pattern valves the inlet should be vertical, 2. References ‘The title of the Brith Standards refered t inthis standard ae sted om the nae back cover 3. Definitions tominal size, The nominal size (DN) 6a numeri dsiqnation of sie tha is comunon 10 all components in & Piping systom other than those using valves, iting, couplings or tubes that are designated by the outside tlameter Iisa convenient round natber for reference purposes and is normaly ly loosely related to curing dime 4, Prossure classification This standard applies to valves of the following class designations: Glasses 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500 ane 2500, The nimeratsin these class designations represent the primacy pressure extings of the valves in pounds force pet square inch, 5. Pressure/temperature ratings “The preseure/temperature ratings applicable fo valves covered by this standard shall be in accordance with tables to PE 12 a listed in BS 1560: Part 2 for the particular shell material specified, There is, iowever, temperature restriction on certein trim materials and soft seal ring (see clause 15 and 20.4) If valves complying with the requirements of this standard are to be used at service temperatures below -30 °C, reference should be made to BS 3351. (Service temperature’ refers ta the temperature ofthe Mut inthe line at the valve.) 6. Nominal sizes This standasd covers valves of the followin min min mun ia min sw 0 200) 450) » 6 QM 250 (10) 50020) 2 Ww 8G) 300 (12) 0 (4) = (aor 100 @) 350 (14) en) En) i) For each valve class and type, the range of sizes covered by this standard is shown in ble 3 purpose of placing exiting valves Thur ws fr new comseustion in pling eduicement of 1560: htt 2 sould be avolded, 4 ‘Tho sues have boon teaned cy ‘yetane ng anges complying IPT -COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BSI BS*LSLA 75 MM Lb24bb5 018954 3 mm BS 1868 : 1975 7. Information to be supplied by the purchaser e Gutain claws of hs tandata per alte native Ifthe purchaser coqires features that requirements ofthis s andard, he shal state the following in his enquiry and purchase order (@) type class and norninal size. Inthe cae of piston, ball and dis types (‘ype (I), (Hi) and (Iv), state whether ‘erticil, horizontal or ango pattern is required (see clauses 1,4, § and 6) (b) whether flenged or butt wolding ends axe requied (Dif fanged ends are required, state whethos velded-on flanges facing Gee 8.7); (2) bute welding ends ae required, state the pipe schedule number or wall thickness and outside di (Gee 838), © whether shel tappings are required and, iso, the location aid the type of thread if other than APL Standard SB (oe 8.10); (4) whether a louding spring is required (see clause 13); (©) whether a locking rng is required forthe hinge pi plug (ee clause 12); (®) whether an outside attachment is required also ifa non-slam or damping device is requiced (see clause 13); (@) wheter soft soals are required and if 0, whether these are requiced tobe in disk seats or body seats (see cause 15), (i) the shell material (see clause 16); () the nominal trim material symbol (see clause 20); G) material for cover bolting, if requied for operation ut process design tempera e 480°C, or for other special operating condition(s clause 23); {(W) whether ary special packing is required for outside lever hinge pin; or the packing design temperature If above 400 °C (see 26.1.2); () special material requirements for valves in highly eorrosive service or environment oF for low temperature service (sce clause 27); A (ov) whether any additional markings ave equited (see clause 34); acceptable (see 8,6) and the type of 1s below -30°C of above {Ghats lower seat ext leakage ef equred fr real seated valves Gos eave 36) (0) require nts for spectal packaging (soe clause 39. Section two. Design 8. Body 8.1 Tho body dosign criteria specified in 82 to 8.11 shall be observed. 82 The body shall be designed to mini port shal be clzculae io loss as well as corrosive and erosive effects. The bady end ize pre 83 In the case of swing type and combined hirizontal and vertical bal type valves, the full port area shall be ‘mafntained without pockets from the inlet port tothe valve seat ta avoid turbulence, On the outlet side of the e valve seat of swing type valves, the body shall be of such proportions that it allows sufficient sing ofthe disk to tive a flow area atleast equivalent to full poct tea. 8.4 The wall thicknoss of tho body shall conform to the thickness as given in table L. Dailling of, or pinning to, the wall ofa pressure-containing part, e.g, for nameplate fixing, is not permissible where such dclling or pinning would reduce the effective thickness below the minimum permitted value, 8.5 Face-to-face and cente-to-fuce dimenslons for raised face flange end valves and end-to-end end centr: ‘mensions for hutt-welding end and singjoint flange and valves shall conform to the dimensions specified BS 2080, 8.6 End flanges shall be castor fooged Integral with the body except that flanges may be attached by welding if so specified in the: purchase order, The wels of end flanges attached by butt-welding shall comply with the requirements of BS 3351 and shall heve any nocessary eat treatment as required by BS 3351 to ensure that they tue suitable for service temperatures down fo-80 “C. Flange attaclunent by other welding procestes shall bs the subject of apieemout between the manufacturer and the puschaser, All heat treatment after welding on of flanges shall be curred out before machining of the body. Copyright by the British Standards Institution ‘Thi Jul 04 17:56:08 2002 BST OSe1868 75 mM WL24LL9 0189547 5 mm BS 1868 : 1975 IPT- COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA “wogcadsi dode ytod re yess=prm pon MRIS (9 enue 2s) sata use Bujodryo arin’ 3105 U0 PauT=y oa uP a | eS pasado aso cs POLES 5 ea Nooo Jo SaILR 70 SUFTOUND > UES, oat) Ge SH SO [toa] 19 is coal oe ort) ora ‘|e ne 39 z[ = ao dnt ze r = x «| we) oe ae pee] ee] | we aw oo) oe) ee) we) a ou or ae os ooo | one oo [0st [ans or or] wae ot 0 3] omg [mt few | | | om [ome |e |e o= a ey en er ‘ema =i Aor] | omen ey oe ere rma |sS98J0A 3994p $0 SuOISUOWIIG “| B1GeL Copyright by the British Standards institution ‘Thu Jul 04 17:65:10 2002 IPT -COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BST BS*18L8 75 MM LL2LL4 OLASSNa 7 mm BS 1868 : 1975 8.7 Bnd fangs shal comply with the sequicements of BS 1560: Prt 2. Bn Hangs shall be oe ofthe types e shown in figures Land 2 of BS 2080: 1974, The purchaser hal peiy the typeof facing eared. Vale generally in accordance with thi stadard but suitable fo we inp sts wth Manges co withthe ements BS 404 Pat sal comply wih the egress of appends 8.8 Butvlding ends shal conform to the dlls shown in fo 6. Fo bl welding end valves th minimum ide dametr ofthe body end port hall comply wth the detail given in figure 6. Pipe sched somter, pipe wll thickoese and ute ameter ofthe lp, sal be speed by the purchaser ‘Wen wolding but welding end ves int piping system, the welds nd any necesny hea tea comply with the requitements of BS 3951 8.9 Fo ange valves the minimum inside diameter ofthe body end yort shal be specified in abe 1. 8.10 Wis tho exception of all and angle type vals for vrtelioizntl ow (ee fue 4) vals of ses SO mand show sl have provion fora dsin taping inte body onthe otto ents ie. Ay ott brown for apoingaving rit pttrn check vassal be a pce bythe purchaser an ll ogy With gue 1 as rege location, the metal thickness ofthe body I insucen to prowde te fective ofthe thread for body taping, of the body presents uneven surface, bots shal be provide. Provilon should be made fr the body tapings blow plying shal Nominal vives [Pee upg so | mam done e in S == af 50 to 100 1S) | 38 150 and200 [20 (M) | 46 2s0and300 25 (1) | sa 350 and larger }40 (1%) | 70 If tapped holes ate requited, plugs shall be fitted. Holes shal not be drilled or tapped unless specified required (if other than API Standard $B) and the loc ‘On valves of sizes below 50 mm, provision for tapi with figuce 1 a regards location, the purchase over, which should then sate the thread ion (see fgu.e I) shall be as specified by the pure nd shall comply ARAL Separate seat sg inthe body sal be employs excep in the two cues below. (0) Aten sel valves ny have ner seats (0) Austenitic orhatdacing (body) sat materials ay be daposteddkcly onthe valve Body the asimum Fined tices of the deposit shall then be 1.6 mn 13 E cromium seat materi may be dicstly cepted only on separate sel sea ng; the minum nthed e thikaws ofthe depos sal hen be 1.8 mm, Seat rns may be shoulder tested ov botom ase athe opin ofthe manufacturer and may be sowed in, calle in, oc welded Ta ules oe parear method pected by the purchae. Threaded sea ssl be provided with isa slots to faite removal, Shouiereated ings sl be desi so haan clewance between the back ofthe ag andthe baton of th ing (es al x be rater than 1 mfr sles 300 mn (12%) ond ser, and 32 rn or eas 330 cam (14) ad ang or vig type rales the body seat all be nelined san ate of approximately 5° from the vertical to falas losing ato prevent chatter Tack welding ay be employed to preven sein ee BS 2251) ‘The ue of ealig medium onthe dreads isnot pena 9. Cover 9.1 For covers the desi cxitecia specified in 9.2 to 9.5 shall be observed. 9.2 ‘The cover thickness shall conform with the requltements given in tale 1 9.3 The bady-to-cover connection shall be maleand-“emale, tongoe-and groove, or singjolnt (ype. Where possible all hody/eover connections ancl gasicots shall be of standard dimensions in accordance with BS 1560: Pert 2, ‘oxcupt far Case 150, which may be fat face, Copyright by the British Standards institution ‘Thal 04 17:56:17 2002 IPT -COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BSI BS#1864 75 MM Lb2sLb9 0185549 4 mM BS 1868 : 1975 9.4 The cover flange and mating body flange shall be of circular form, except that for valves of all elassos below 80 min they may be square or rectangular. Flanges shall be spot faced or back faced as specified in BS 1560: Part 2 9.5 The body-to-over joint shall have at least four through-bolts ofthe following minimum size, except that for ay be used, (See also clause 14.) Minimum nominal bolt ie 10. Disk, piston or ball 10,1 Disk (owing or lft sype) 10.1 The disk shall be of the enewablo type with a Mat seating Face 10 1.2 Disks may have integra faces or may be fitted with separate facing gs called in, directly deposited or \elded on, Diseetly deposited facings shall havea minimum fished thickness of 1.6 mn In the case of sing, ‘ype valves the dik shall be soured to the hinge by a nt so sto allow forthe self seating of the disk on the body seat, The nut shall be locked by dling and pining. 101.3 fa the case of lft type valves the disk shal be fted on, or integral with, the dik spindle so as to guide the disk on to the body set 10.14 The use ofa sot sal ring inthe disk seat ls dale with in clause 1. 10,2 Piston. The piston shall be inthe form of a cylinder, which may be hollow, the lower end of which is shaped to form a seating disk, The cylndccal pact shal fit into a guide so as to make an effective dashpot and for this ‘purpose shall be provided with bleed hole of proper size neat the neating disk, Altenativey, the le nay be provided inthe piston guide. The plston and guide shall be of suficint length to provide effective guidance over to whole length ofits travel. Th seating face may be wold-deposied, in which casei shall have a mnimurn finished thickness of 1.6:mm 10,3 Ball, In horizontal patter valves the all shal be constrained in the ple so that acushloning effect t obtained at the top end of travel, 11, Piston and ball guides 11.1 Piston and horizontal pattern ball type check valves shall be provided with a removable guide to guido the pston or ball throughout its ontire travel. If the guide is independent of the cover, the upper pact of the gulde shall be closed and the guide shall be locked in postion between the cover flange of the body and the cover; the top ofthe guide shall be provided with a UNC tapped hole or other means to facilitate cemoval. The lower part ofthe guide, whether integral with or independent of the cover, shall be a hollow eylinder or cage to ceommodate the piston or ball, permitting it to travel upwards for 2 sufficient distance to provide adequate ‘low under the piston or bell wien inthe highest position, 11.2 Vertical or horizontal pattera ball type check valves shall bo provided with guides that may he integeal with ‘the seat, with «grid that limits the travel of the ball but allows adequate flow when the ball isin the fully open position, 112, Hinge and hinge pin (swing type) and spindle support cage (disk type) 12.1 A hinge and hinge pin shall be provided and mounted in the body so a8 to pesmi full movement of the Ak (see figure 1), 12.2 A cage sall be provided complete with beating bush Lo guide the disk spindle, 12.3 Hinge pin plugs, whore tte, shall be sutably secured o prevent loosening in ee, 13. Special fitments 13.1 Outside attachment. If specified in the purchase order and ifthe design will permit, the hinge pin may be ‘octended through the body of the valve. An outside lever with adjustable weights, dmaping device, fusible Tink a Copyright by the British Standards Institution ‘Thus Jul 04 17:56:19 2002 IPT - COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA. BSI BS¥1868 75 mM LL24Lb5 OL89SS0 5 am BS 1868 : 1975 e cor locking device ete. to control the movement ofthe disk may be fitted. 13.2 Loading spring, Consideration should be glven to providing a speing to ensure more postive closing of the valvo where there is a low differential pressure or when the process fluid is highly viscous. 14. Cover bolting 14.1 The allowable working stress in bolting material for cover flanges at the primary service pressures in clause 4 shall not exceed 62 MPs, assuming that the pressure acts upon an area circumscribed by the outside periphory ‘of the gasket or, fora ring joint, that the pressure acts throught the pitch circle ofthe ring joint. 14.2 Cover flange bolting shall be by stud bolts with a nut at each end of each stud bolt. Stud bolts and nuts shall comply with the requirements of sections 1 and 3 of BS 4882: 1973, 14.3 For valves of 40 mim nominal size and below, studs in accordance with BS 2693: Part 1 may be used. 16. Soft seal ring 15.1 A soft seal ring may be fitted in elther the body seat or the disk seat as specified by the purchaser. The tag ehall be designed to give a full metal-to-metal seal ifthe soft seal is inoperative or removed. 18.2 The seal ring shall be designed to withstand a minimum of 2000 eyeles of operation in dry atmospheric conditions, there shall he no evidence of damage ox cold flow, as revealed by spreading over the metal seat, ad the valve shall moat tho hydrostatic and si tests specified In BS 5146, e 15.3 The effective operating temperature range of sof eal vals Wil be lnited by te sevice temperature ofthe seal material, Section three. Materials 16, Shell ‘The body and cover shall be of the material specified in the purchase order, the selection being made from those listed in BS 1560: Part 2, except that flat covers may be made from plate complying with the roquicements of BS 1501 and having the sare nominal composition as the body. The shell of butL-wvelding ond valves of carbon. \dearbonmolybdenum steels shall have the catbon content restricted as Follows (@) 0.25 % maximum for carbon or carbon:molybdenum steels; (©) 0.15 % maximum for 5 % Ce ¥ % Mo steel 17. Body seat ring A body seat ring made of a material different from is seating surface shall not be Inferior to the shell snatril 18. Body/cover gasket and pipe plug gasket e@ ‘These shall be metallic spiral wound as specified in BS 3381, or alternatively steol or toft iron, or, for Class 150 valves only, compressed asbestos fibro as specified in BS 1832. They shal be suitable forthe presuro/ temperature rating of the valve. Any metalic part of the gaskot shall have atleast the same corrosion resistance as that of the stl NOTE, Frosshloride in comptosedatbestos bre mater, when used with Low alloy or austenite sates ste, may case sess corrosion cracking Inthe Mange. The ws of alternative yasket mates should be consere. 19. Disk, piston or ball 19.1 A dis, plston or ball made of mate that of the shal 1 dferent from Its seating surface shall be of material not inferior to 19.2 In swing type valves disk-retaining components such as studs, nuts, washers or pins shall be of material not inferior to that of the nominal trim. 19.3 Grid plates, disk guides in piston type valves, and bal guides in ball type valves shall be of material not Inferior to that of tho nominal trim, sutra 1 Nim. e MPa 1 Copyright by the British Standards Institution "This Jul 04 17:56:26 2002 IPT -COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BST BS¥26b8 75 MM LL24Lb4 018455) 2 BS 1868 : 1975 20. Trim 20.1 Trim comprises the following () body seat surface; (b) disk or piston or ball seat surface; () hinge pin (owing type only); (4) disk spindle and bushes (dis type only) 202 ‘The trim material shall be selected from among those Usted in table 2 under norlnal trim symbol 20,3 If» combination wim, e.g. CRIS and Cui, is specified, either materal may be used for the body seat surface, The other material of the combination shall be used for the disk seat surface. 20.4 The temperature lntations of certain valve o which they ate filed 20.$ The hinge pin shall be of wrought material, materials may restrict the pressuce/temperature ratings of the 21, Hinge (swing type) and spindle support cage (disk type) 24,1 Lo the cave of swing type valves any hinge and, where provided, a beering bracket shall be of material at least equal to that of the shell. Any studs, nuts, wadhers, pins etc, used to cetaln the bearing bracket shall be of ‘material atleast equal to that of the moral tsi material 21.2 In the case of disk type valves, the spindle support eage shall be of a material at leat equal to that of the shell 22, Plug ‘Material for plugs for hinge pins (sec cause 12) and any plugs for body tapping, including any locking device that may be ited (408.10), sll be ofa material atleast enua to that ofthe body. 23, Cover bolting ‘Cover bolts shall comply with the requirements of BS 15064021 grade A (BS 4882: 1975, section 3, grado B7) and nuts shall comply with the requirements of BS 1506-162 (BS 4882: 1973, section 3, grade 2H) unless other bolting matorial is specified in tho order. 24, Nameplate 24.1 For valves of nominal size 150 rum and larger, the nameplate shall be of 18-8 Cr-Ni steel or nlckel alloy and ‘shall be attached (o the valve by pins of similar material or by welding 24.2 For smaller valves the nameplate material and attachment shall be of eorrosion resistant matesal in accordance with manufacturer's standard. Brass and aluminium are acceptable 25, Soft seal ring Soft seals shall be of the manufacturer's standard material for the duties specifed, Any retaining ring inthe disk shall bo of the some material asthe disk, but any fixing screws shall be of 18-8 CrNi stl 26. Special fitments 26.1 Outside attachinent. The following materia shall be used. 26.1.1 Stuffing box. Material shall be at least equal to that of the shell 26.1.2 Packing for outside lever hinge pin. The packing shall be of braided asbestos containing 2 suitable corrosion Inhibitor. Unless the purchase order specifies other packing ot a higher packing dosign teruperaue, it shall be sultable for uso With stoam or petroleum fluid at « minimum packing design temperature of 400 °C, 262 Londing speing. This shall be of a material not inferior to that of dhe nominal trim, 27. Special applications When valves are specified for highly corrosive services or environment o for low temperature service, the matertal specification forall paris shall be subject to agreement betwoen the purchaser and the manufaetuser 10 ‘Copyright by the British Standards Institution “Ts 04 47:86:29 2002 IPT COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BST BSsi8L8 75 MH LL24LG9 OL84SS2 9 mm BS 1868 : 1975 7 —— wae susseia | mizonse | seoseta | srizocse | B8yqqq | tum oort ae : : z oF Bi Es s0e-resa T-00%1 Ss BaTMIGMUEH sana sae Ta 7] woe) Gass way Bara) oe Tisosta | Gevnse | dre | Eutvoree | Fesearna | favor zone wv a armeaiae | | wero one] ove ok 2 -| 5 ox] os at oirsicy | __excaost_|_orcetv | SHOTsEY | _eIEwsT OH 08 er ERG oo Z0C wR PRPS FPR sa] ou rs aise | aes | area | _creeast [Snotey | alone oe] a8 oresiew | eveoost_| _aveatv | arceost | sWOIREY | __<1cvomT 0 mn . . “ ore] 059 rv IEP oreacary rand] (06 west " ae al Peper veal Tesstes0st | svevoe amee| 008 ett stesiev | svesost | srescery | resetécost | mesotsey | asrerost a one mbit ° y | esserecosr — wND wsesicy | axrensost | uvewcary | SREY | oasorsev | ax reevost same] 008] RAT ND | ear weesiey | wieesost | reeacary | SesTEESOeT ~ | wicerost kd ee orsiey | exesost | sweety | vesorrcost | sivolsev | e1cv0st 0st oa} er] er |e 3. | sapng [ nist sa} masy si | musy = | eopesey [peespae: | semias | rogue seocyneyeeg|zememdaat |" appee | es | en aa Peg T= ‘eden | aes ramen Tassupaey) ~ noqngmedrm=muaaedoy | mg unamye ots rem suonzoyoads ajqeidecce pue sseupuey ‘Slevovew wea, °Z 21GB ‘Copyright by the British Standards Institution ‘Thal 04 17:66:33 2002 IPT -COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BST BS*LALA 75 MH LL24G69 0189553 0 am BS 1868 : 1975 Section four, Marking e 28. Required markings Every valve complying with the roquirements of this standard shall be clearly masked in accordance with clauses 29 1034 and sll have a nameplate securely fastened to it 29. Body and nameplate markings Body and nameplate markings shall be as follows: (a) nominal sie designation, the numerals denoting the nominal size prefixed by the letters DN, e.g. DN 150 (Gee clause 6); () class rating, the numerals denoting the clas rating (see clause 4); (6) body material identification, standard symbol from BS 1560: Part 2; (@) manufacturer's name or trade mark; (0) the aumbor of this British Standard, Le, BS 1868, 30. Cover marking Cover markings shall be as follows (4) cover insterial Mentification, that being the standasd symbol from BS 1560: Part 2 or BS 1501; (b) molt identification, required on all prossure-containing ste] castings or forgings. e 31. Body marking 31.1 Melt idewtification, Melt identification is required on all pressure-containing stel castings and forgings. 31.2 Ring joint number. Pipe end flanges and body/cover flanges geooved for ting joints and the sings to be used ‘with ther shall be marked with the corresponding ring number, eg. R2S. This identification shal be placed on {he rim of both pipe ond flanges, or the cover ond flange of the body, a8 applicable, and on the outside periphery of the ring. In the case of non-standard ring joints the flange and ring shall be marked R Spl. For cing numbers sve table 1 32, Direction of flow row indicating the direction of flow shall be east or ernbossed on the body of each valve 33, Nameplate marking 33.1 Pressure/temperature restrictions. Any pressure or temperature sestitions within the appropriate ratings sven in BS 1560: Pact 2 that may be imposed by the manvfactaser ce to limitations on malecals or desiga shall be shown on the nameplate. Sueh special limiting pressure /tomperature ratings shall also comply withthe appropriate eating tables in 1S 1560: Part 2 e 33.2 Valve trim identification. Trim mater shall be indleated in the following order ung the appropriate symbol from table 2. (@) Disk, piston or ball (b) Seat 4 in the example below: Disk cRIa a or CRIS CRIS or ous 33.3 Identification number. The manufacturer's figure or number identifying the vale in all respects shall be sown, The some figure or number shall therefore be used only for valves that ar identical in deugn, deta, dimensions and material and that have interchangeable parts. 34, Additional markings Addislonal markings raay be used at de opti of the markings specified in thls standard. of the manufacturer provided that they do not conflict with any 12 Copyright by the British Standards Institution ‘Thi Jul 04 17:56:38 2002 IPT -COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BST BS*L8b8 75 MM Lb24LL9 OL895S4 2 mm BS 1868 : 1975 ee 35. Omission of markings 35.1 If the size or shape of the valve body precludes the inclusion of all the required makings, they may be ‘omitted from the body only as found necessary subject to the approval of the purchaser, The sequence of ‘omission shall be (@) nominal size; (b) manufacturer's name or trademark; (0) las eating. nber of this British St vdard may be omitted from the body or from the nameplate (but not fram Section five. 36. Production pressure testing ~ . {All valves shall be pressure tested by the manufacturer belore despatch in accordance with” BS 6755 : Part 1, a follows (2) hydrostatic shel test (0) hydrostatic seat test (6) hydrostatic eat test at 25% of the seat test pressure req e ‘The est drains shal bea ven in table 2), Seat test leakage rate C shall apply For metal seated valves and rate A for soft-seated valves, > 1 for test (b), NOTE, I lower seat test leakage ste require for maal wate valves this shouldbe speciie by the purchaser inthe enquity or puichace onder” “Table 2(a), Test durations — ‘Nominal valve rire BN [: = ‘Shot tet . Up to and including DN 50 Is 15 - DN 65 up to and including DN 150 | 60 60 DN 200 up to and including DN 300] 120 120 DN 350 end larger 300 120 Atte: Inspection and before preparation for despatch, all valves shal be thoroughly cleaned and dried. When swing pattern check valves are supplied with outside attachments, these parts shall normally be detached and packed separately. 98. Preparation for despatch 38.1 Coatings. Coating of valves shall be as follows, (3) Unmachined external surfaces of the valves shall be painted in aluminium finish palat except for austenitic tee valves, which shall not be painted. (b) Machine or threaded surfaces, except for austenitic steel components, shall be coated with an easily removable rust preventative complying with the requirements of BS 1133: Part 6, 38.2 End protection. After complying with the requirements of 38.1, body eud ports, flange faces and but. ‘welding ends shall be covered with suitable close-fitting protectors to protect the machined ends antl prevent the ingress of dirt and molsture 39, Packaging alesis pactged ts mio he patty of dame dog rg on: apd © —_ esting ese cae ape Heusen 13 Copvright by the British Standards Institution “Thu Jul 04 47:66:46 2002 (PT -COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BST BS*1668 75 MH L2ULL9 O185555 4 mm BS 1868 : 1975 ype (), Hinge pin ing through body nd seed ie poaton by plugs a Note 2 NOTE 1. Chala doted lines show outside lever and wot to ass dk n closing [NOTE 2 Sal val. Nore 3.71 ices ace composite fo the purpote of showing some typical vations in individual deals. A product UMileing ony combination ofthese details (cept when tich combination tay be specicaly prohibited inthe fext) or ‘simile construction wil be acceptable provided that ft complies with he requirments of thi standard in al Gther rompets. Figure 1. Swing type check valves ‘Copyright by the British Standards Institution IPT COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA GSI BS#L0b8 75 MM Lb24bL9 O1895Ss bam BS 1868 : 1975 Body tapping positions ‘Types design of outside lever and e Weight attachment io ‘Wwee@) 2 1 | Hage ype 0) Hage pin Enc us for bracket pe avec in Dowel pin for hase body te Cover ket ing joint Siu ble ute attschanent valves only — 6 6 6 ‘Copyright by the British Standards institution ‘Thu Julo4 47:56:88 2002 IPT COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA “BST BS*RBLE 75 MM LEULLS 0189557 5 mm BS 1868 : 1975 Sanjen yop aA UoIsig “Z SunBLy RET EHOS | s aon ws aD | ST way —€ sea ammo OT |e — arpa meme TaRe ROY oe | ~ EN — apa ae er ipa | a ee | TH waned mmuozon 6 | | | i i Copyright by the British Standards institution Thu Jul 04-17:87:00 2002 IPT - COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA soajen 3payo eda weg “E 2unbly angi Apeoycods 39 ut Sodio ae SDI SEK SION popuotdstgdance 99 me uonoess4co oe asp sume fs los BOYS Jo 9 8 a ‘ maR [Tes $ 0 wee mE |e m0 7 © mT] ar = roe) wep 3 TARTS pom | —E = sar RTE |S 30 aaa | o TROTTER 5 RIE A ETE Tae | PR 8 moon waned quom0R BST BS*1868 75 MM Lb24bL9 0184558 T a Copjriaht by the British Standards Institution ‘Thu Jul 04 17:57:07 2002 IPT - COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA _ _ BSI BS*1666 75 MH Lb24bb5 OLB4559 1) a BS 1868 : 1975 Copyright By the British Standards institut Thu dul 04 17:57:09 2002 IPT COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BST BSx18b4 75 MM LL24b69 O1895L0 6 am i 1 BS 1868 : 1975 senjen yaya @dAt 981q °g aunB Ly ch panied aramdance 99 yp Topontt9 eT 10 : 9) atu sua Jo wap goo Ane RFI ape stop feurpe ef suometa eed anos Sutacys Jo seedred ep oy asodtuoa ov SIS 2. apa se oid ods pa pa} oq INOW Snes oso un Pouobe a8 SOCEVOUN DIOP a UN, SST spew 2d 1m HO} g0e Sa mH UEU att Sey SL AoRpEEIOD He Fae PHS Hp Jo UOTE 9} 61295 9H] AION razed pong, 19 Copyright by the British Standards Institution SF 08 47-87-44 200 IPT -COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BSI 8S*18b8 75 MH LL24LG5 OL85SL) T mm BS 1868 : 1975 as P\. Tel section _, Max. slope line | sections Max. slope tine Typ Le 0.8 mm {a1 Welding end for connection to plpe of wall (bl Welding end for connection to pipe of wal {hea of 8 own to 22 mm incutve ‘thickness Ferentae thon 22 mm A= nominal outside diameter of welding end (see table below) B= nominal inside diameter of pipe (for tolorance on B, see table below) = nominal wall thickness of pipe NOTE 1, The dsde and ovtee msfice of valve welding en shall be machine finished over, Weldig-end bores shall be Iachined parallel fore tance of 1 i and then rom ot shown putes witout abrupt chaage of ston. The outsles of ‘wolding ends say be un ot in any hanna inalcated late gues, provided that sharp angles and sbrapt changes of slopes te avoid NOTE 2, For outside demetersand w [NOTE 3, Por valves required 0 connect ‘Woling ends sl be ised toa sgh charfr or be squat, [NOTE 4. Rogetdles of tolrmnces specified for dimensions 4 and, he thickness of ts welding end shall never be Less than £875 % of the nomial ikke of the ibe. NOTE 5, For ond-o-nd almensions of buttelding end valves xe BS 2080. thicknesses ofstardard see pipes o0 BS 1600; Pat 2 pipe of les than 4.8 mom wall thickness, the angle 37.5 £25 * soll not aply and he option ofthe maiactuer 380 | 400 | 450 a4 | a6 | aa) 15 [20 [25 [2 [oo [50 [6s [to | 00] 150] 200 | 250 » [oo || | as]anle [avfa lo | @ an [28 [as [oe [so Jo [> fu [ur are [as [ae [> [se [un [oe 2 Be Tien a Pear aoe as 2 "A shal bo 78 men when ued with BS 3600 sea pipe. Figure 6. Butt-welding ends 20 Copyright by the British Standards institution ‘Thi Jul 04 17:57:13 2002 IPT COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BST BS*LSLS 75 MM UL24GL9 OLOdSk2 1 mm BS 1868: 1975 e Appendix A Application to piping systems with BS 4504: Part 1 flanges A.L General. Vaives complying with the requirements of BS 1868 may be supplied for use in piping systems with BS 4504: Paet 1 flanges when specified by the purchaser. When this i the caso all the requirements of BS 1868 apply with the following qualifications, A2 Pressure/temperature ratings. The pretsure/temperatue satings of valves with BS 4504: Part 1 flanges shall bbe in accordance with BS 4504: Part 1, table 3. Pressure/temaperature ratings for valves in materials other than those listed in BS 4504: Past 1, table 3, shal be as agreed between the purchaser and the manufactures [AS Nominal pressure and clas ratings and nominal size rage. Valves complying wit the requirements of this appencx, with fang of the nominal presse ratings given in column I of table 3, shall have the sme fce-to face dimensions as valves with BS 1560: Pat 2 flanges of fhe coresponding clas ratings in coum 2, Coluran 3 tives the applicable nominal size ang. Table 3, Nominal pressure and class ratings and nominal size range [Nomina ie range e 10 | 150 | sooo 024) te | 150 | soto @t0 24) 2s | 300 | 250600 _1t028) 40 300 25 to 600 (Ito 24) Ga] eo | as tn eon) woo | 600 2510600 (1 t024) 160. 900 | 25t0300 (Ito 12) 250 | 1500 25t0300___(1 to 12) so | 2500 | 250250 to 10) so | 250 | 2510200 Gwa) Ad Body end flanges AA.L Dimensions, Body end flange dimensions shall comply with the requirements of BS 4504: Patt | except e that flange thickresses may be the appropriate values from BS 1560: Pact 2, Flange thicknesses shall be not less than those specified in BS 4504: Part 1, When flonge thicknesses comply with the requitements of BS 45%: Part L, the neck dimensions shall slko comply with the requirements of BS 4504: Pert 1 AA2 Spot jucing or back facing. complied with, he requirements of BS 1 60: Part 2 for spot facing or back fa ne shall be entg of BS 4504: Patt L surface finish shall comply with the requiren 2 Copyright by the British Standards Institution IPT -COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BSI 8S¥1868 75 MM LL24LL5 0289SL3 3 mm BS 1868: 1975 Table 4. Hydrostatic test pressures ‘A Macking. When supplied for use in piping systems with BS 4504: Part | flanges, valves shal be permanently natked with the appropeate nominal pressure rating (.e. PN... ). This marking may replace or supplement the requiremonts of 29(0) of BS 1868. The supplementary marking shall appear on the vims ofboth body end flanges. AT Information tobe supplied by the purchaser, This shall be as listed in clause 7 of BS 188 except that (a) ‘shall be replaced by the following: (a) Type class and nominal sizo () valves ate to comply with the requitements of appen (2) nominal prossure rating and nominal size, +1 bar = 108 Ni 100K? ‘Copyright by the British Standards Institution “Ti sul 04 17:67:28 2002 IPT-COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA ps 1133 ns 1400 1S 15016 hs 1503 BS 1560 1s 1600 8s 1832 Bs 2080, is 2372 Bs 2e74 ns 3071 1s 3076 BS 3351 S404 sons A 8618 e BST BSKLALA 25 mM LL24LL9 0169564 5 mm BSI publications referred to in this standard e ‘This sara makes ference to the following Blt Standards Packaging code Section 6 Temporury protection of meal s:favs agains corrosion (during taneport and storage) Copper alloy ingots ad copper and copper aloy castings Stcele for use inthe chesical,petoloum sn it iti tele fr fed and unre presure val. Forgings Stcel pipe flanges and ange tgs (nominal es a to 24 i) forthe petroleum industry Part? Metse dimensions Dimensions of tes! pipe fr the petsleum industey Part 2 Met unite (il eastnt compressed nsbetos fice jointing Speciation for face-to-ict, eontretoventre end-to-end and cenlcotond dimensions of lange nd butt weking nd stot pettachenal al alli indstien, {Copper and copper alloys. Forlag stoke un forgings Copper at copper alloys. Reds und sections (ther than forging sock) Nicks! copper alloy castings chemical plans "tenges and bolting for ppt, alos and fitting, Mee seis Part Ferrous ng foe flanges ad prea contsniag purposes - a Teg of ales ~ _ * att 1'Speaeation for production pressure testing eqURETIENT: IPT COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BST BSx1868 75 MM Lb24L65 OLBSS65 7 mm AMD 6563 Amendment No, 1 published and effective from 31 July 1990 to BS 1868 : 1975 Specification for steel check valves (flanged and bbutt- welding ends) for the petroleum, | petrochemical and allied industries Aso 6563, Contents Delete the existing ttle for section five and substitute “Testing Delete the existing ttle for clause 36 and substitute ‘Production pressure testing! Delete the existing title for table 4 and substitute “Table deleted, After the reference to table 2 inthe list of tables insert the following, 2a). Test durations AMD 0583 Foreword i aa Delete the existing second paragraph and substitute the Following “The previous sections dealing with test have not ‘been included inthis standard as these are now the subject of a separate standard BS 6755 "Testing of valves, Part I. Specification for prodution pressure NOTE, Requirements for fina nspetion and supplementary Inspection all ages of manufacture, previously speci In BS 5146 : Part [1974 (now withdetvn) shoul be stated by the purchase is en ‘ano 6503, Clause 7. Information to be supplied by the purchaser ‘uty 1990 Delote item (a) and substitute the following (a) if tower seat test leakage rate is requited for metal sented valves (see clause 3 ano 6363 Section five. Inspection and test sty 1900) Delete the section tite and substitute “Testing” ‘Copyright by the Brith Standards institution — IPT. COPIA VALIDA SOMENTE PARA PESQUISA BST BS*LLE 75 MM LG2HGL" O1BSSLE i. Clause 36, Inspection and test requirements Delete the clause title and substitute ‘Production pressure testing’ Delete the existing text and substitute the following, “Ail valves shall be pressure tested by the manufacturer before despatch in accordance with BS 6755 : Part 1, a follows: (2) hydrostatic sell test; (b) hydrostatic sea test; (©) hydrostatic seat test at 25 % of the seat test pressure requited for test (b), ‘The teat Gurations shall be as given in table 22). Seat coat leakag valves NOTE, Ifa lower set test takage rate reqlted for mat! seated valves this ould be speciied by the purchaser lathe exguly or purchses order ate C shall apply for metal seated valves and rate A for soft-seated amo 6503 New table 2(a) fay tea Insert a new table after clause 36 as follows ‘Table 2(a). Test durations Nominal vale size DN inivur tst f ‘Shall test Up to and including DN 50 Is 18 DN 65 up to and ineluding DN 150 | 60 60 DN 200 up to and including DN 300] 120 120 DN 350 and larger 300 120 AS Inspection and testing Delete the entze text and substitute ‘exe deleted ilo ees Table 4. Hydrostatic test pressures Delete the table and substitute ‘Table 4 defered satan Inside back cover Jn the list of BSE publications referred to in this standard, delete the reference to BS 5146 and substitute the following. ‘BS67SS — Testingotvabes art 1 Speciation for production prosute texting requirements scr ‘Copyright by the Britah Standards Inetution

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