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Fastest Ways To Increase Your NEET Score

It is not uncommon for students to attempt NEET examination multiple times before
successfully gaining entry into a government college. Thus, do not despair if your first
attempt did not land you a seat.

Here are our top tips for improving your NEET-UG score:

Tip-1: Learn From Your Experiences

Every time you attempt NEET, you gain a wealth of knowledge regarding the style of
questions and the pattern of the question paper. Each sitting also enables you to identify
your strengths and weaknesses. Whether it is time management or developing better
knowledge of concepts, reflect upon what you did well plus the things that can be
improved upon.

Tip-2: Set Strict Yet Realistic Goals

Let’s be honest, you probably won’t revise the entire physics syllabus every day.
However, it may be possible for you to complete 100 MCQs.

Set goals that are realistic for you and don’t compare yourself to others.

Achieving these goals will also provide you with a sense of satisfaction that will further
motivate you in your studies.

Practice, Practice, Practice.

Tip-3: Read the NCERT

This is possibly the easiest way to improve your scores. By regularly reading NCERT – you
will retain more information and improve your ability to analyze the questions that come
in the main exam. This is one of the most important things you can do while preparing.

Tip-4: Complete Practice MCQs and Papers

The NEET is about reasoning rather than memorization. It is not enough to simply know
your scientific concepts and formulas. Put your knowledge to the test and complete as
many MCQs and practice papers as you can. This will enable you to practice and further
develop your analytical skills over time.

Tip-5: Start Early

It’s no secret that there is lots of syllabus to cover. All of it cannot be crammed. Start early
to ensure that you gain a strong grasp of the core concepts which will help you in solving
technical questions.
Tip-6: Plan Your Study

Create a study calendar and evenly allocate the different topics across the time period
over which you are studying for NEET. This will ensure that you cover all the necessary
chapters and important topics.

Tip-7: Study Physics

It will definitely help you achieve higher scores in the exam. Competition for medical is
tough. You can’t afford to lose marks. At a minimum, learn the basic concepts to give
yourself a chance of deducing the correct answer.


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