2 Periodical Exam Umingan Central Elementary School Epp/Tle S.Y. 2018-2019

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Umingan District I


S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: ______________________ Grade/section: ______ Date: ________ Score:____

Select the best answer. Write only the letter.
1. These are qualities of family members that contribute to their overall well-being.
a. Human resources c. Material resources
b. Nonhuman resources d. All of the above
2. Tangible family resources that are available to you for usage.
a. Human resources c. Human energy
b. Nonhuman resources d. none of the above
3. These are the most frequently used human resources at home for productive purposes.
a. time and energy c. skills
b. attitude d. education
4. Money, salary, rent, goods, house, car and household equipment are examples of what
family resources?
a. human resources c. nonhuman resources
b. personal resources d. natural resources
5. What resources are developed through education, skills, attitude, knowledge, energy and
a. Natural resources c. human resources
b. Material resources d. b and c
6. It s the income of a retired member of the family.
a. Pension c. Profit from business
b. Wage on salary d. Lease of property
7. Considered additional income for a family member who has written a book, composed a
song or invented a thing.
a. Royalty and Copyright c. Lease of Property
b. Commission and bonus d. Profit from business
8. Refers to the management of income and expenses that affects the family.
a. family finance c. expense
b. income d. business
9. It refers to the monetary payment received by family members for the goods and
services rendered.
a. income c. expense
b. family finance d. commission
10. This refers to the money paid by the family for goods and services that they get.
a. Family finance c. expense
b. income d. commission
11. What component of a family budget that gets the biggest share in the allocation of your
family income?
a. food c. shelter
b. clothing d. education
12. What component of a family budget that you do not need to buy every day?
a. food c. shelter
b. clothing d. education
13. What expenses are paid regularly on a more or less the same amount like transportation,
water bills, electricity, house rental or amortization?
a. fixed expenses
b. flexible expenses
c. personal expenses
d. all of the above
14. Expenses that come irregularly or paid in varying amounts such as food, medical and
dental services, donations, gifts, recreation and entertainment, social and moral
a. fixed expenses c. personal expenses
b. flexible expenses d. none of the above
15. This is a pointed metal with an eye to carry thread and sews fabrics together.
a. needle c. dressmaker’s pin
b. thread d. needle threader
16. Ruler, tape measure and tape dressmaker’s gauge are examples of what sewing tools?
a. sewing tools c. marking tools
b. measuring tools d. cutting tools
17. The following bare examples are ways of preparing project plan for household linens
except one. What is not?
a. Preparation of materials and equipment
b. The kind of project to be done.
c. Taking body measurement.
d. Without the knowledge of different steps.
18. In preparing a project plan for household linens, what should be the first to be included?
a. Objective
b. Tools and Materials
c. Name of the Project
d. Sketch on Drawing
19. Type of sewing tools that holds the pins and needles that are not in use.
a. Needle threader c. emery bag
b. Pin cushion d. thimble
20. A measuring tool that is used to take body measurements.
a. tape measure c. tracing wheel
b. ruler d. dressmaker’s gauge
21. Pattern drafting technique that can either be done on paper or fabric.
a. tracing technique c. sketch technique
b. rub-off technique d. none of the above
22.It is the easiest and simplest pattern drafting technique for garment or products with
little or no shaping. Just place garment or household linen on a piece of paper and trace
around it.
a. tracing technique c. sketch technique
b. rub-off technique d. all of the above
23.If you were a creative, practical and entrepreneurial type of person, your motto would be.
a. “Why make one when can buy one”
b. “Why buy one when you can make one”
c. A and B.
d. None of the above
24.Product logo, brand name and information are published in magazines, newspaper,
brochure or flyers.
a. Print media
b. Product display
c. Internet marketing
d. All of the above
25. This is promoting products that are being showcased in exhibits products fairs and other
a. Print media
b. Product display
c. Internet marketing
d. E-mail marketing
26.If you are promoting and advertising products using technology such as e-mails, blogs and
social media sites, what strategy will you use?
a. Print media
b. Internet marketing
c. Product display
d. E-mail marketing
27.This is an online journal where you can record your thoughts on various topics that you
what to talk about. You may also add posts on some tutorials on cleansing linens or offer
promotional giveaways to create a network of repeat clients.
a. Blogging
b. Social Media
c. E-mail marketing
d. Internet marketing
28.This method is advertising linen product can be time consuming but promoting your
business through social media as part of your marketing strategy.
a. Social media
b. Blogging
c. E-mail marketing
d. Internet marketing
29.It is the process of preventing food spoilage by creating conditions under which
microorganisms cannot multiply and grow.
a. Food preservation c. Marketing
b. Packaging d. Labeling
30.The removal of moisture on water in food. It is also the most ancient method of food
preservation known to man.
a. drying c. salting
b. freezing d. boiling
31. A method of food preservation wherein the food the foods turns into solid state at very
low temperature.
a. salting c. freezing
b. drying d. boiling
32.This is commonly done to meat, poultry, fish or seafood. This method uses salt as its main
a. freezing c. salting
b. drying d. none of the above
33.This method uses artificial heated air with controlled conditions of temperature,
humidity and airflows. An example of this is the oven.
a. Natural drying c. Sun drying
b. Artificial drying d. fire drying
34. Utensils that are used for stirring and spooning food.
a. Mixing tools c. measuring tools
b. cutting tools d. weighing tools
35.If you want to cut and peel food, what utensils will you use?
a. cutting tools c. mixing tools
b. measuring tools d. weighing tools
36. A multi-use tool to use to pulverizes tough, hard food like nuts and seeds. What utensils
will you use?
a. food processor c. salometer
b. containers d. colander
37. The way of determining the blemished, under ripe and overripe fruits/ vegetables.
a. Sort out the vegetables
b. Mix the vegetables
c. Wash the vegetables
d. Peel the vegetables
38. For meat, poultry and seafoods, the traditional chemical added to these food items.
a. sugar c. soy sauce
b. salt d. pepper
39. Meat that should be preserved must come from what animals or poultry?
a. sick animals c. old animals
b. healthy animals d. none of the above
40.Fruits and vegetables must be wash by soaking or putting under what kind of water?
a. running water c. salt water
b. hot water d. luke warm water
41. Why do we need to wash all utensils and tools when preserving food?
a. To protect them from growth of microorganisms
b. To prevent contamination
c. To prevent spoilage
d. All of the above
42.Why does research should be conducted?
a. To determine the new trends
b. To determine the demands
c. To survey target costumers
d. All of the above
43. The following are questions that may include in the survey except one. Which is not?
a. The kind of preserved food that customers buy, prefer or look for.
b. The price range of preserved food.
c. The taste and flavor of the product.
d. The kind of cooking outfit.
44. Which is the best cooking procedure in assessing preserved food?
a. Majority of the procedures are not followed.
b. The procedures in the recipe are followed correctly.
c. The procedures are followed with some minor errors.
d. All the cooking procedures are not followed.
45. The best way of assessing food appearance is by ____.
a. The preserved food is overcooked.
b. The preserved food is cooked just right and with appeal.
c. The preserved food is undercooked.
d. The preserved food is burnt.
46. Bringing the products to the costumer’s knowledge and attention, getting a slice in the
market of similar products, and successfully selling the products to the customers’
a. Packaging
b. Labeling
c. Marketing
d. Costing
47. Packaging of food preserves maybe enhanced by using.
a. colorful wrappers
b. printed fabrics
c. ribbons
d. all of the above
48.This refers to advertisements of preserved food products on newspapers, magazines and
a. Internet marketing
b. Product display
c. Print Media
d. All of the above
49. This is promoting preserved food products in exhibits and bazaars.
a. Print Media
b. Product Display
c. Internet Marketing
d. A and B.
50.This refers to promoting preserved food products on the Internet through blogs, e-mails,
and social networking sites.
a. Print Media
b. Product display
c. E-mail Marketing
d. Internet Marketing


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