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Hamdard University Karachi

Course Approval Form for Online TLA

Basic Information:

Campus Main Department Graduate School

Course Code 24232 Course Title Analysis of Stochastic Systems

Instructor Dr. Syed Sajjad Hussain Rizvi E-mail

Contact Number +923222996265 Date

Faculty are encouraged to review “Best Practices” for online classes at national and international

Online Course Components and Delivery Methods:

In order to approve a course for online delivery, It is necessary for the faculty member to describe each proposed
component and delivery method of the online course. Please complete the following table, being as descriptive and
specific as possible about the Mechanism and Pedagogy planned for each component and delivery.

1. how the method will work(Mechanism)?

 How the method’s interaction is initiated (by Teacher or student)?

 How the activity is conducted (by the student alone, or with the Teacher), and how submitted
to the Teacher.
 How feedback (grade or comments) are given to the student at the end of each activity

2. How the method will help students to learn the course material(Pedagogy)
Table 1. Online Course Components and Delivery Methods

Include methods that may be used by the faculty who teaches this course.

Activity Mechanics of Activity Pedagogy of Activity

(how does the method work?) (how will students learn through this
Announcements Weekly announcements are posted by instructor on Students receive additional
HU-LMS and Whatsapp which include: feedback on guidance and feedback.
class progress, additional information based on needs
of class and encouragement.
Course Outline Uploaded on the start of course at Department Provide the student a broad exposure to
Shared folder (Factnotes) and HU- Campus the topics covered
Management System(CMS)
Pre-Lecture Lectures using slides and based on weekly content A quick scanning enable students to
Material are recorded by the instructor and shared via "HU- rectify complex areas and to prepare
Uploading LMS". For this assignment, students are required to queries for interactive session.
view the lectures.
Interactive Interactive session will be arranged to discuss already The interactive session is beneficial to
Session uploaded lecture and to answer Students queries. student learning as they allow live
Google Meet is used for live student interaction. The questioning and feedback.
Recording of live interaction are also shared with
student via Hu-LMS
Post-Lecture Videos of interactive session uploaded immediately Student can repeatedly view and
Material after the conduction and shared via HU-LMS. strengthen his/her learning.
Offline Email, phone call and WhatsApp messaging feature Students receive feedback within 2 hours
Interaction allow for students to communicate with instructor.
Discussion Forum Discussion forums are initiated on a weekly basis by Students develop critical thinking skills
instructor. Instructor posts questions based on through analysis of class material. This
material covered in weekly modules as basis for the area of development is further
discussion. Students are required to join the enhanced through feedback from
discussion by answering the question (s). Instructor classmates and instructor.
will contribute actively in the discussion. In addition,
student s are supposed to submit a hand written
review report of video lecture on HU-LMS as feedback
for discussion
Assessment/ There will be surprised quizzes, assignments, The assessment methods are designed
Evaluation problems, viva, projects, midterm and end term to help students measure their progress
examinations. Quizzes are administered through the in the course. Students who have
LMS throughout the semester in correspondence with completed these assignments should be
the material covered in the modules. Students have to able to locate answers to which they are
complete the assignment which is open book. The unfamiliar in the readings.
results as well as correct answers are available to
students immediately following submission. One
midterm and one end term exam will also be
Study Material conducted
Study during
guides, the conduction
textbook of course.
readings and links to This will broadening the vision and
important information are included in the weekly learning domain of the students.
Table2. Online Course Objectives (Only for OBE based Courses)
Complete the following table, by entering approved CLOs of the course

How this CLO is accomplished in How this CLO is accomplished in Online

S# CLO Statement
Traditional Learning Environment Learning Environment
Explain the fundamental As per distribution of the marks given in The similar form of equivalent form of
concepts of stochastic the course outline document. assignment, quizzes, midterms and finals
processes in continuous time Assignments, Quizzes Midterm and Finals. are to be launched online.
and their position in modern
statistical and mathematical
sciences and applied contexts;
As per distribution of the marks given in The similar form of equivalent form of
Demonstrate accurate and
2 the course outline document. assignment, quizzes, midterms and finals
efficient use of stochastic
Assignments, Quizzes Midterm and Finals are to be launched online.
calculus techniques
As per distribution of the marks given in The similar form of equivalent form of
Demonstrate mathematical
the course outline document. assignment, quizzes, midterms and finals
reasoning through analysing,
3 Assignments, Quizzes Midterm and Finals are to be launched online.
proving and explaining
concepts from stochastic
analysis; and,

I. Course Information (To be completed by Instructor)

Course Title: Analysis of Stochastic Systems Course Code: 24232

Semester: Graduate School Date:

Instructor: Dr. Syed Sajjad Hussain Rizvi Signature: __________________________

II.QMD Approval (To be completed by QMD)

Recommendations: Approved/ Not Approved

Reason for Denial:

Chair QMD Signature___________

III.DEAN’s Approval (To be completed by DEAN)

Recommendations: Approved/Not Approved

Reason for Denial:

DEAN’s Signature___________

IV.OAC (To be completed by OAC)

Recommendations: Approved/Not Approved

Reason for Denial:

Convener’s Signature___________

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