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Sreeja Gogineni


To enhance my technical knowledge by learning emerging technologies and applying them in a

comprehensive and timely manner.


 Profound experience of more than 4 years with various tools like Ansible, Jenkins, Maven, GIT
in DevOps for Deployment on Multiple platforms.
 Worked on upgrading ELK stack from 2.4 version to 6.4 version.
 Hands on Experience in working with REST API’s and swagger tool to test the APIs
 Experience in creating scheduled jobs using shell and python scripts.
 Configured Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana on 5.4 and 6.4 clusters for log analytics and index
 Ability to build deployment, build scripts and automated solutions using scripting languages
such as Shell scripting (Bash), Python.
 Experience implementing Continuous Integration and deployment using various CI Tools like
 Experience in Creating secured cloud infrastructure using Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for Staging
and Development environment on AWS
 Build servers using AWS, importing volumes, launching EC2, RDS, creating security groups, auto-
scaling, load balancers (ELBs) in the defined virtual private connection.
 Used Cloud Front to deliver content from AWS edge locations to users, allowing for further
reduction of load on front-end servers.
 Worked on the migration from VMware to AWS and used Chef to automate the infrastructure
in AWS by creating EC2, S3, RDS, VPC and Route 53.
 Designed roles and groups for users and resources using AWS Identity Access Management
(IAM) and managed network security using Security Groups, and Configuration of Notification
and Monitoring Alerts for IAM Solutions using cloud watch.
 Used Cloud Watch to collect and monitor log files and created alarms in conjunction with SNS
to notify the resource usage and billing events.
 Created S3 buckets and managed policies for S3 buckets and utilized S3 bucket and Glacier for
storage and backup on AWS.
 Experience on several Docker components like Docker Engine, Hub, Machine, Compose and
 Used Ant and Maven as build tools on java projects for the development of build artifacts on the
source code.

 Master of science in computer science, Fontbonne University, St.Louis, MO

 Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology & Engineering (B. Tech)

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India.

AWS Associate Developer valid through 10/2017 to 10/2019

Technical Skills:

Operating Systems Linux, RHEL CentOS, Ubuntu and Windows

Web Technologies HTML, Java Script, JSON
Version Control Tools GitHub, SVN
Database Oracle 9i/10g, MYSQL, MS Access, SQL Server
Scripting Shell scripting, Python
Web Server Apache Tomcat, WebLogic
Build Tools ANT, MAVEN, Gradle
Configuration Mgmt. tools Ansible, Puppet, Docker
CI/CD Tools Jenkins
AWS Cloud Tools EC2, Elastic Load-balancers, Elastic Container Service (Docker
Containers), S3, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Front, Elastic File System, RDS,
Dynamo DB, DMS, VPC, Direct Connect, Route53, Cloud Watch, Cloud
Trail, Cloud Formation, RedShift, Lambda, IAM, ELB, RDS
Virtualization VMware ESXi, Virtual Box
Monitoring Tools Nagios, ELK- 2.4, 5.4, 6.4, Cloud Watch

Client: Bank of America, Charlotte, NC April 2018 to Jan 2019

Role: DevOps Engineer


 Worked on migrating SunRise SSI to SAS (synapsis Automation API) by replacing DDI (DNS, DHCP,
IPAM). URI using swagger UI
 Upgraded ELK stack from 2.4 to 6.4 version using a rolling upgrade.
 Worked as a SME for resolving PROD and NON-PROD issues on ELK and documenting the
upgrade plan.
 Documented the working steps and updated the cluster monitoring methods on wiki
 Written retention scripts for elasticsearch indices using python.
 Worked on creating ansible playbooks to configure and manage web applications
 Used ansible tower to automate repetitive tasks and for deploying ansible roles.
 Worked on re-indexing indices and creating templates from 2.4 to 5.4 version in Elasticsearch
using shell scripting.
 Raised tickets in Jira for issues to get suggestions and solutions from the platform users.
 Worked on documenting the test cases, test plans and implementation documents.
 Experience on working with Genesis by provisioning and configuring VMs with latest stencils
from the UI as part of a build.
 Work with the AppHost team to identify issues early in the SIT phase.
 Deployed artifacts from the J-frog artifactory to different environments, based on requirement.

Environment: Ansible, Jenkins, J-frog artifactory, swagger, ELK-2.4,5.6, 6.4, JIRA, Python, RHEL-6,7

Client: Verizon, Alpharetta, GA Dec 2016 to Feb 2018

Role: AWS Cloud Engineer


 Experience in using Jenkins to automate most of the build related tasks.

 Implemented and maintained Chef Configuration management spanning several environments in
VMware and the AWS cloud.
 Launching Amazon EC2 Cloud Instances using Amazon Images (Linux/Ubuntu) and Configuring
launched instances with respect to specific applications.
 Experience in Creating secured cloud infra using (VPC) for Staging and Development environment
on AWS.
 Manage Amazon RedShift clusters such as launching the cluster and specifying the node type as
 Creating AWS Lambda Function using Python run time.
 Set up ELB for different applications to ensure high availability of applications.
 Used Amazon S3 to backup database instances periodically to save snapshots of data.
 Used Cloud Watch logs to move application logs to S3 and create alarms raised by applications.
 Design & implemented VPC service for extension of customer's on-premises datacenter with
AWS Cloud using AWS VPC and VPN& Direct connect services.
 Installed Jenkins on a Linux machine and created a master and slave configuration to implement
multiple parallel builds.
 Built continuous integration and continuous deployment platform of project (Jenkins, Shell,
 Collaborate in the automation of AWS infrastructure via terraform and Jenkins – software and
services configuration via chef cookbooks.
 Experience working on Docker Hub, creating Docker Images and handling multiple images
primarily for middleware installations and domain configurations.
Environment: Chef, Git(2.7), Jenkins(2.5.3), Maven(3.3.9), Docker, Apache Tomcat(5.5.36), Shell Scripts,
AWS (EC2, Lambda, VPC, ELB, S3, RedShift, Cloud Trail, Route 53)

Client: Implantable Provider Group, Atlanta, GA November 2015 to November 2016

Role: AWS Cloud Consultant


 Planning, deploying, monitoring, and maintaining Amazon AWS cloud infrastructure consisting
of multiple EC2 nodes as required in the environment.
 Used security groups, network ACLs, Internet Gateways, NAT instances and Route tables to
ensure a secure zone for organizations in AWS public cloud.
 Created monitors, alarms and notifications for EC2 hosts using CloudWatch.
 Implemented and maintained Chef Configuration management spanning several environments
in VMware and the AWS cloud.
 Working on Multiple AWS instances, set the security groups, Elastic Load Balancer and AMIs,
Auto scaling to design cost effective, fault tolerant and highly available systems.
 Used AWS Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with
Java, Node.js on Apache Tomcat
 Creating S3 buckets and managing policies for S3 buckets and Utilized S3 bucket and Glacier for
Archival storage and backup on AWS.
 Creating public and private subnets within the VPC and attaching them to the EC2 instances
based on the requirement.
 Utilize AWS CLI to automate backups of ephemeral data-stores to S3 buckets, EBS and create
nightly AMIs for mission critical production servers as backups.
 Virtualized the servers using the Docker for the test environments and dev-environments needs.
 Used Nagios as a monitoring tool to identify and resolve infrastructure problems before they
affect critical processes and worked on Nagios Event handlers in case of automatic restart of
failed applications and services.
 Well Versed with Configuring Access for inbound and outbound traffic RDS DB services,
DynamoDB tables, EBS volumes to set alarms for notifications or automated actions.
 Expert Knowledge in Bash Shell Scripting, Automation of cron Jobs.
 Developed build and deployment scripts using ANT and MAVEN as build tools in Jenkins to move
from one environment to other environments.

Environment: AWS (EC2, VPC, ELB, S3, RDS, Cloud Trail and Route 53), Git(2.4), VPC, Route53, EBS, ELB,
Cloud watch, CloudFormation, Docker, AWS CLI, AWS Auto Scaling, Apache Ant(1.9.6), Shell scripting,

Client: Krishi Associates, HYD, INDIA Jan 2013 to July 2015

Role: DevOps Engineer


 Design roles and groups for users and resources using AWS Identity Access Management (IAM).
 Provide highly durable and available data by using S3 data store, versioning, lifecycle policies,
and create AMIs for mission critical production servers for backup.
 Work with development/testing, deployment, systems/infrastructure, and project teams to
ensure continuous operation of build and test systems.
 Worked with development team to migrate Ant scripts to Maven.
 Good understanding of ELB, general networking principles, firewalls, routing technologies and
DNS (Route 53).
 Utilize Cloud Watch to monitor resources such as EC2, CPU memory, Amazon RDS DB services,
Dynamo DB tables, EBS volumes; to set alarms for notification or automated actions; and to
monitor logs for a better understanding and operation of the system.
 Partner with platform data and app teams to make sure architecture and infrastructure meet
business requirements.
 Utilize Git and GitHub for version control.
 Stay current with the latest features/capabilities of the AWS platform.
 Excellent problem-solving skills, including the ability to foresee problems before they occur.
 Wrote recipes and manifest to configure chef nodes and chef workstation.
 Installing eclipse with Ant to build Java based application, compilation and packaging
 Configured and managed Nagios for monitoring over existing AWS cloud platform.
 Responsible for managing the Maven repository using Nexus tool and used the same to share
the snapshots and releases of internal projects.
Environment: AWS, Git(1.7), GitHub, Jenkins(2.3,2.4), LINUX, Apache Ant(1.8.3), Maven(3.0), Chef,
Bash, Python

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