73-Magazine-10-October-1991 Neophite PDF

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• Speed Dlal > Redial· Selectable sampling mode. Keyboard
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Number 1 on rour Feedback cerd

our Irequencies with argumenl$ to the With over 6.000 men on Nimitz, the
FCC that we are a viIat national re- need for contact with home is vital . We
LETTERS source. thai the bands we have now
are crowded. thai we are on the culling
edge 01 technology, etc.
thought weware sunk .....fiteralty! To my
surprise, amateurs all over the U .S. re-
sponded to our call lor help. They
From the Hamshack H we are going to be able to keep our stayed up late running patches (many
frequencies ... 1 Ihink that we need 10 l imes at their own ellpeOSe), relayed
Bobby DeVito, Tempi! FL I'm writing the last 10 years, if not more. get down to basics. Business is going messaga traffic. and generally kept our
to let you know how" much I enjoy your
col umn in 73 Magazine. I've boon in-
terested in amateur radio l or almost 15
I haven't buih it yet, but I have a
h unch the PMP project may have a
leature the authors haven't mentioned:
to do everything it can to lobby us out of
our airspace. Problem is. there really is
no room left lor con tinuous growth 0 1
~ ...
spirits high during a difficutt depIoy-

Their extra enort proved to me thai

years now (1 am 26), and just passed by eliminating the T NC with its CPU, radio tech nology as irs now envi. ahhough we have our differences in
m y codeless Tec h altern last mon th. I etc., the PMP may also eliminate much sloned. As soon as they take our Ire- the hobby, when the chips are down,
am extremely thankful thaI I am now of the aRM which normally makes it quencies away from us, they will find we pull together and bring oulthe basi
going to be a ham, and I wililry harder really tough to use an HT without a that they still don'l have all the room we have to offer. Isn'lthat the fou nda-
10 learn the code so I can be a General. remote antenna. they need, and Ihey will have to devel· tion 01 amateur radio-service to fellow
Eventhough I am a "no-coder.' I st ill op other ways 01 transmitting data lor ci lizens? Th e next lime you' re de-
J o el E. Dumont KA 1LNJ , Sou t h
feel that I have as much or more to profIt. (As archaic as they look now, pressed after reading gloom and doom
Deerfield MA I have been a licensed
contribute to amateur radio as anyone. phone lines hold more promise lor aata \eIIers. ask a sailor !rOm the USS Ni~
amat eur radio operator since 1984.
I've been involved in electronics since t transm ission than do rad io waves .) itz what he thinks of ham rad~your
This pest spring, I upgraded to Techni-
wa s a child (my lalhef helped cIeVelop One oj our l irsl priorities musl be to wonder and laith will be renewed !
cian o thanks to the encouragement of
t h e f ir st GTE-Sylvania Tec hnic al convince the FCC of this lact: Ham r.
the Mount Tom Amateur Repeater As- Daniel M . .I<IrOan AA9AN , Evansville
SChools) and have been through the dio's frequency space is only a small
sociation's dass. taughl by KHAEA_I IN I am writing thiS\eIIer about contests
Navy BE&E and Elec tronic: Warfare crack in the wan of physics thaltimits
am now halfway to General class. hav-

schools. I am a professiOnaJ muSiCian, the amount of IJS8bIe radio frequency on the amateur bands. I have been an
ing passed the written portion of the amateur radio operator lor 15 years
working on my second albu m (sorry. space available lot profrt making. Once
but a's roell , not ragtlnle) . and also do our ham bands are gone, they're gone now. I am 28 years old, and have a
I do not ob,iect to the possibility of family. Since my job and my lamily take
some studio engineering. And I've al- for good .. ,and lor nothing .
paying a tee lor an amateur radio li- up a tot of l ime , I usually try 10 get on
ways loved ham radio! Now at least We need 10 100II at our ham bands as
cense . In teet. I agree with the idea 0 1 the radio on Ihe weel<ends when I can .
when 19o on the road, I can l ake my HT a valuable. disappearing national re-
paying SS a year for the t o-veer li- But it seems to me every weekend
with me and possib ly make some source, jusl as we look at our national
cense. I sent cards to that effect to the there's another con test .
Iriends , if they will condescend to tcrests. As hams, we have 10 slop
representatives and senators listed in Now, don't get me wrong; I have
speak with a " no-coder." telling ourselves how valuable we are,
your July editorial. not hing ag ainst contes ts , I'm su re
OK , nowlhatl'm fini shed blowing my how important our mission is, and start
I applaud your efforts to locus ham they' re an exciting aspect ct me hobby.
own horn , I can get to the heart of the telling the government how valuable
radio on lun , talking , and tinkering, Af· BUI why should a few people's enjoy·
maner. I really enjoy your column and I public frequency space is to the nation.
ter all. this is supposed to be a hobby, ment ruin it lor everybody else? I'm not
think that you ar e a posi tive force for We need to make it known to anyone
right? I think it is still possible l or inno- saying do away with contests. blIllimil
the entire amateur community. You' re who will listen thai we love our radios
a really good wriler , and I enjoy your veuco to come l rom hobbyists , since them to a certain portion of each ama--
the way some pe ople l o ve the ir
most big companies tend to stille cre- leur band . JUSl Iook at the contest sec-
style. And your sense of humor. campers or motorcycles or COins or
ativity in the name of con lormity and tion of each amataur publicalion and
You'll hear Irom me again. For now guns. We need 10 make our ease for
order. h may take a 101 of money 10 iI's packed. Everyliltledubhas itS own
I'm stuck in VHF and UHF land, blIl I our right 10 kHj) what we enjoy.
deve'op and market things. blIl ideas contest weel<enct. Before long, there
win make it to HF one day. II your ears We need to cease being a bunch of
can stand inS!tllmenlal rodo; guitar mu-
come to those who have the time and won't be standard ham radio contacts,
inlerest. emergency cha sing , council meeting .
sic, 1'1 send you a copy of my last al- ju risdiction disputing pol itical idiots just one long 365--days.a-year conIest.
bum, Guitar Salad. Hopefully, n be W.E. Bennen N7IVM, Bellevue WA who do nothing blIl set up ago gratify· I ask that any ham who is tired of being
able to elmer some ot my musician This tuna you've really done it. There ing repealer councils and radio s0ci- intenered with to please drop the FCC
lriends. Keep up the good work, and ate probably hams allover the U .S.A. eties, then spend any remaining time a note and VOiCe your opinion. Maybe
NEVER SAY DIEI who are foaming at the mouth! License tryil"lQ 10 lind someone to take 10 court. together we can all use our radios
lees! We naed to become a unified group of again.
Sid Lynch KC4ZVJ, Jacksonville FL I Seriously, I have always ten that the hobby-loving individuals who will enec-
would like to home-brew a 2 meter FM Danie/-Please don't bug th e FCC.
decision to eliminate lees was a coteo - tively let the wond know how much we
transceiver base station. Ideally, the This is not a situa tion where they covld
tial weapon to be used against amateur appreciate the lillie reserves of public
rig will have repeat er offset, digital Ire- or would do anything---41xcepI gel even
radio . My only reservation is whether il frequency space we now have . ...
quency readout, and tone encode ca- more disgusted wifh ham operators
is possible to get the lees where they We are nol on a mission from God . who come crying 10 them eva/)' time
pability. shou ld be , into that sect ion cnne FCC We need our nat ional parks, and we
I'm having a great deal 0 1 difficulty they don 'f like something. Why don 'l
which is concerned with our affairs . I need ou r inter nal ional Irequencies
locating construction articles or plans )'OU try writing .I cINr .",;l COflStrtJCtive
don't want a free ride , but I wou ld like ... not because we are an asset 10 the letter fO the organiZatiOnS wtIo sponsor
for such a rig. It seems that most c0n- my "tere'' to help keep my " bus" on nation. blIl because the frequencies
struction article s locus on HF.QRP- 1M con tests? 11wy are the 0tI9:S wtIo
thetOlld are an asset to the publ ic, an asset too can change the con/est rules. Your
CW rigs. Is there a reason lor this , '
valuable to leave entirely to business idea has merit. JV$l make SIX$' )'OU rJj.
given the growth of the no-code Tech George C, Fennell N3EQE, But~ PA
class that cannot legally operate such On the ham front in Butler County. t'8cI your erter0' in a positive way-and
I, asa ham, am not an indispensable
things are really cookin 'll am pleased toward the ploplfl authority. ..• David

"""Is rt possible to hom&obrew a rig like

the one I'm tal krng about WIthout an
electronics degree and a lab? I would
to announce Ihal my latest Novicel
Technician dass yielded nine new ham
operators to our ranks, six of them be-
asset vitellO the correct functioning of
ou r milila ry and emergency eer-
vces .. . ham radio is an asset to me
Darrell Davia KC4KGN , Fort Mllade
personalty. I know that the worid could Fl.I enjoy reading your editorials every
appreciate any advice you may have ing " codeless 'teens," and more are
get along without me, but I surely don't month. I have been licenseclfor a little
that could lead me to inform ation on coming aboard due to the long overdue
know what I (we hams) would clo with. ove r two years now and have enjoyed
such rigs. codeless licen se .
out ham radio. every bit of it. I got into amateur radio
I figure that il it is possible to gel a Also, ATV is alive, well , and being
because 01 com puters and computer
decent VHF home-brew set on the air , heavily promoted in the area, We are in
Jeff Kinsman NH6VH From time to commun ications, and experi menting,
th is wou ld open all sor ts 01 othe r possession 01 an ATV repeater and all
time we all get a bil disillusioned with which I enjoy. I do mostly digital on HF
p rojects, For examp le. I would seve to the " goodies" to go with it. and have
amateur radio . Then something comes and very little phone except checking
home-brew a packet station or perhaps received permission Irom the local VA
along to relresh our sense of wonder into the ARES Net on HF.I am an assis-
get inlO satel lite via home-brew. Hospital to place it in operalion upon
and faith in hams and Ihe hobby . tant E.C. lor ARES here in Polk Coun-
mete rooft09 tower. Th is location is Something like that happened 10 me ty . Only phone I do is on 2 meIer FM
Sid- You migh l wan f fO check ouf prime, and will enable everyone in Bul·
Ra m se y 's 2m F M fra n sc eiv er k il. last spring when we _e in the Per- repeater or simplex. Trying to get start-
Ier and the county--wide area easy ac-
11wy've been selling SO well we haven ·' Sian Gun with " Desert Storm,:' I'm the ed in satellite. I am 22 years old, so you
cess 10 the machi ne. Right now there chief operator of the MARS slation on-
been at;Ne to get one for re_ yet. do not have to be an ~imer to enjoy
are seven individuals in the ptocess of
As for a 2m FAA tOla! hom6-brew coo- board the aircraft carrier USS NimiU. this hobby .
purchasing ATV gear, and many more
slrvct/Ofl project , .. how about it, read- In addrtion 10 running phone patches I am afraid that your predictions will
conlemplating the move.
ers? If anytJody 's put logethfH' such a via MARS, we've lomled a group of come true unless some changes are
Keep rt up ... you 're our inspiration
pro,ect. we ·d love fO l ake a look al amateurs to promote ham radio on-- made. The old men on our bands need
and guiding light l
II. ., David N1GPH board . Anyway , as luck would have it, to get out of their "'ive and die by CW"
Mark A , Stevens A B4 YE This past we " smoked checked " the finals in our attitude and realize that Part 3 of the
Pet e Stark K20AW, MI. Kisco NY I lunch hou r, I spent time reading ove r ampl itier when we got underway. Sure Amateurs Code extsts : " The Amateur
vote for " Poor Man' s Packet " by the lasl three years 01 gloom and doom enough, when we arriv ed in the Gull, is Progressive." I like your end--ctlew-
WB2EMS and N8KEI as possibly the Irom your editorials. Gaspl .. , I agree we couldn 't contact any MARS stations ing ol your readers to gel them to Ihink
best ham radio article and project of with you. We neve no hope of keeping back in the states using a baretoot rig. lor themselves. III

2 73 Amateur Radio toasv » October, 19 91

Wayne Green W2NSDIl
Amateur Issue #373


Radio Today
David Cassidy NI GPH

EliI Brown WB8ELK
Hope Currier
linda Reneau KA1UKM
Joyce Sawtelle Match your antenna wh ile red ucing
8 The Sudden Receiver 60 Above and Beyond
CONTRIBUTING EOJTORS h armonics with th is uniq ue de-
M,lle Bryce WB8VGE A si mple-to-bui ld receiver for 160- 72 Ad Index
sig n KB4ZGC
David CowtHg WA1LBP 20M " " , ...•..... G3RJV 83 Ask Kaboom
Michael Geier KBIUU .. 'TV
14 A 10M Sideband Transmitter 68 Barter 'n' Buy
Chuck Houghlon W86lGP
ArNe Johnson N1 BAC Add voice to your QRP station. REVIEWS 53 Dealer DIrectory
01'. Marc leaveyWA3AJA . .. . . ..... .... .. ..... . . , , . NZSG 17 FeedbKk lodell
Andy MacARistet' WA5Z1 B 42 Kenwood's TH-77A Dual-Band
74 Ham Help
Joe Moen KIOV 27 SImple Gain Antenna lor 903 MHz Walkie .8 Hama wllh Clan
Jim Morrissett K6MH Super-packed with features!
8ill Pasterna k WA61TF B uild it for under $25 AD5X 62 Hamuta
Carole Perry WB2MGP .............. .......... KB1UM 52 Homing In
BobWinn WSKNE 28 Microprocessor Repeater
2 Lette ..
Controller, Part I 50 The Drake R8 Receiver
.. Neve, s.y Ole
Add versatility to your repealer sys- Tu ne in the world with lhis hot new
REPRESENTATIVES tem ,,,,., WB3ESS receiver , WA4BlC
&4 P~tlon
louise O'SuliYan 78 QAP
Sue Colbert &4 Random Output
74 RTTYLoop
56 731nlernatlona1
1-800-225- 5083
FAX (603) 525-«23 70 Specl,1 Event,
86 Uncle Wayne '.
WIIiam Hejdolp/l
AliCe 5eoIield FEEDBACK!
TYPESEmNGlPAGINATIOH fl ',like: being there---
Linda Drew righl here in our offlCn!
Ruth Benedict How ? Ju", lake: advanla&c
Steve Jewell of ""r FEEDBAC K ca rd
on page 17. You ' lI nolice
GRAPHIC SERVICES a fccdhlock number al
Dale Williams the bqiMingoieach
1llefesa Vertille micleandoolumn. We'd
GRAPHICS PHOTOGRAPHER ilk you 10 TalC: VI'bal. you
Dan Croteau ~ 10 m. 'II'C can prinl
Build The S udden . , . page 8.
what "pes ollhings you
Iik bcsI. And men \O'C
WGE PUBLISHING INC. will d,aw one Feedback
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Cover design by A lice Scofield. Cover ph oto by La rry Dunn. card eac h month for a
Tim Pelkey free wMcri plion to 7J.
Harvey Chandler
" .nu.cripts COnlributions in the Iorm 01manuscripts with drawings andlor photog raphs are welcome
elACULAnON COORDINATOR and wi ll be considered lor possible publication. We can assume no responslbility lor loss or eta" , . to
Viki Van Valen any malerial. Pl8aseenclose a stamped , sell-add,essed enY8lope with each subrnillion. Payment lor the
To subsaibe: 1-«10-289-0388 lIMo! any unsolicited n\IIlenal will be made upon publication. A pr_um WIg be pP:l1ot aa:epted atticleI
Editorillf ~ thai MVCI been sutlmoned electronocally (Compu$erve ppn 70310,n5 Of Mel MaiI " lNGEPUB" or GEnoe
EditoriBl OfIicet WGECenler add,ess " MAG 73 " Of on disll as an IBM-compallble ASCII file. You can also contact us al the 73 BBS 81
WGECenter Hancock NH 03449 (603) 525-4438, 300 or 1200 baud , 8 dala bts, no parity , ooe slOP M . All contributions should be directed
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Subscription Services 13 Amateur Radio Today (ISSN 1052-2522) is pu blished monthly by WGE Publishing, Inc " WOE
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No part 01 this pubncation may be reprod llCed without wotten permission fr om lhe publisher , For
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73 A mate u r R a d io toaev » October, 1991 3

Number 2 on you r Fefllbeck card
but we seldom had more than a dozen
hams aJong ... compared 10 2 50 on the
Now I'm planning some mUSiC indus-
try tours . which should be fun . But
wouldn't you enjoy going to Africa with
me and getting on the air from 306 or
7P8? Wouldn't you like 10 visit ZS and
talk with the local hams and get their
perspective on what's going on down
NEVER SA Y DIE there? They'd love to have you eome. t
promise you .
Alas. before I can round up ham tour
Wayne Green W2NSOl l groups and lead them l earlessly to ex-
citing new adven tures. ham s are goi ng
to have to have more disposable in-
come . Any red-blooded ham wou ld
love to gel on the air lJorn a rare country
and brave the pileups. Talk about ego!
runn ing l orVP again. I gather there is a our hobby . I hope it will make learn ing Suddenly you're a star and the whole
Wayne 's Ego lot of anxiety about Quayle and many theory more tun . I hope it will make wand is groveling at your feet lor the
Now and then I get • nastygram pol itICians are looking lor viable alter- trying new modes and bands more tun kiss of your OSlo Oh, if you only had
bitching about my inllated ego. I'm not natiVes. Not me, thanks . I'm an idea '00. the money. what a fantastic time you
su re why reeeers are COfIC8tned about per$OO . no! a politician. But I'm also in the middle of starting could have !
me not having a low sense at sell. As I said atille time I ran. my concept a new company 10 put ovt sampler CDs But making money means changing .
esteem. Sure . I enjoy getting eccrece- o f the vsce-pres toent was Ih at he 10 help the record companies get their Most people have never made any
l ive leners and I hate gett ing nasty shoold be responsible lor running na- new releases selling laster. Major New more money than they needed. Heck,
one s. I partiCularly love gett ing leiters tional affairs, while the president would Releases (MNR) is gearing up to put they've never made quite as much as
from readers who tell me I've had a handle the international stull. That's out two or more samplers a month. they l eelthey need. BUI making money
positive effect on their lives. almost whal we actually got , Bush has we'n be sending these COs to some means working harder. and we're all
Yes, I do tend 10 aim my writing to- been handl ing foreign affairs. It's just 10,000 record stores. bundled with our basically lazy . so we make do and be-
ward my more intelligent readers, but that. as far as I can see. no one's been Music Retailing publication ... and gi...• grudge mose who do work harder the
nol Oul 01 arrogance or tmperocs ness running the country. ing another 15.000 or so absolutely, fun they can afford.
.• . 1just don " feel comfortable talk ing A corporate VP has responsibilities totally . completely . 100% FREE to my A few people either luck into it or are
(writ ing) doWn to people. II isn', in my other than twiddling his thumbs. wail· CD Review readers. smart enough to figu re out how to
mir'lCl 10 say. hey . look how incredibly ing lor the call. A VP is usually respon- My Adven tures In MuSiC (AIM) sam- make more money without having to
smart I am __ . look how much I know_I sible lor running a major aspect of the plers (also FREE) project. each wil h work so hard. II doesn't take acomput-
.....rte 10 help people understand things . business. Well. why shoold running the tracks lrom 16 or so different indepen- er scient ist to notice that ent repre-
No one can be an 8lperl on evetything, country be different? dent record company relellS8$ , has neurs seem to have a much better
including me . Bull do feel a need to I think we all agree that the country been a huge success .. . and needs to balling average on gelting Iich than
share the things that I've learned Of would do beIIer with some man89&" be expanded. people woriting lor l he governmenl,
eniOY with others. men" Our educational system is a Another new protect is our IMPS lor large corporation s or teaching .
I keep urging you to try new ham disaster . The drug problem hasn 't im- Journal. which will go monltlly to over Hmmm. with the same amounl 01 et-
activities. But I haven', asked you 10 do proved, cl&spite task lorces and end-- 5,000 independent music producers. tort. you stand a chance of hilling the
anything 1 haven' , done. I've done less propaganda. Crime is still ge"ing Then there's our Guide to FREE Mu· jackpot. Golly!
moonbounce, made many OSCAR wcrse.t'm not awara ot any changes in sic, starting in November. And more So I've been irritating the he!1 out of
contacts. worked seven states on 10 the welfare mess, in improvi ng the un- CO releases trom my Green er Pas- 73 readers lor the last 30 years point-
GH.l:. won Sweepsta kes. VHF and OX employmen t situation. or helping ease tures Records. vep.j'm busy. My on ly ing th is out. My ego d oes e xpand
contests. OXpeditioned from ccaens ct the homeless p roblem . Look at t he major problem is a desperate need lor momentarily when I hear from a reader
countries, worked around 350 coun- S&L. the BCCI and o ther ban kin g more people to help do all these Ihings. who's l aken my advice and Iound il
tr ies. and so on. I helped p ioneer messes. our decaying inlrastructu re. I'd love to organize ham tours to Eu- worked. BUI mos t hams . , . and for
NBFM , SSB. RTIY, SSTV, etc . I've the HUD disaster, lhe continuing de- rope, Atrica and Asia. The hams ther e some reason this seems to be particu-
bu ilt all kinds 01 gear . . and I've had fense con tracting and environmental would love to meet us and host us. But larly centered on AARL stalwarts . , ,
so much fun doing all this that I've messes! Quayle. what in hell have you travel costs money , and most hams put me down as crazy and keep on
probably been a nag trying 10 gel you to been doing? Playing golf and making seem to be terribly short of that. Where Slaying poor. I've never mel eilher a
share my tun . " good will" trips? tleve all of you been while the banks smart or a Iich AARL supporter ... and
Yes, 01 course I have an ego. You MediCal costs are going up faster were handing ovt billions? Were you I've sure mel a lot 01 hams.
mean you ha_n't? And I like you 10 than inflation. College costs are zoom- holed up in your hamshack. dit-<lahing I used to spread my gospel via my
know soma of my wins. But I also share ing. Organized crime is stronger than wh ile the mon ey trees were being computer magazines, too ... and now
my bad times with you . .. like my loss ever. Heck,l'm up against 'em in twool stripped? I'm at it in my music magazines. Is all
of Byre , one 01 the worst traumas of my the industries I'm in. With no nat ional I remember one creative ham who this ego driven? It doesn't seem like it
life. And my bout with the lAS, which leadership. there's no reason to expect went around the wortd, v isiting rare to me. but then how many of us recog-
probably lies with the Byreepic. things to impro...e. countries and chargin g top dollar to nize ou r faults? I love it when I hear
Like most of you. I do dumb things. Yes, I proba bly could help wilh many DXers for con tacts. He told me he was from so meone I·...e helped .. . and I
Like lelling myself be telked into run- 01these problems, but I don't need the pulling down around a quarter of a mil· brag a lillie at the time, But I don 't
ning for VP a few years ago. It seemed agg ra ... anon. No amount of money lion a year. I don'lthin k he was exag- Iorget that gratitude is one of the least
like a good way to get some exposure could get me involved with the bureau- gerating. felt of human emo tions . so I expect I' ll
for my ideas on improving education, eectc Quagmires involved. Not e...en I organiZed a ham Europea n tour have as many friends at my funeral as I
sotving the wenare mess, and helping my vaunled ego could do it. I'm very back in 1963. It was a corker. with 7301 did to supporl me when the IRS did a
the homeless. I let my enthusiasm busy and happy doing what I'm doing. uson the trip. We had t ramtests in l0n- job on me. And, at 69, that funeral is
carry me away inlo Iala land. I shoold Bolh Bush and Reagan have ha~ don , Paris, Geneva, Rome. and Berlin. getting closer. Makes it more difficult
have known lhat the media has virtual- died the situation well. They've kepl None of the hams on that triP will ever to mak e long-range plans . .. which
ly zero inl erest in con structive, creative their handS off runn ing the country and forgel it! I see several of them every hurts, because there 's so mlJCh ttlet
ideas. They're alter bad new5, so they blamed Congress lor everything . May- year at Dayton and they still remind me needs to be done and so lew people
conoentrated on my old IRS debacle . be you missed the 7122 rlmfl edItorial how mlJCh fun they tied . interested in helping
Bad news sells papers, and journalists (p·70lon exactly that sub;ect. Too bad; I tried to do another in 1965. but by Amateur radio is the greatest and
aren 't about to Iorget it. you shouldn't. th en AA AL' s " incentive l icensing" most valuable hobby in the world . II
I was reminded of thai when an ex- To help amateur radiO grow faster . proposal had gUlled the hobby. and il should be spread to e...ery third world
governor of New Hampshire called re- I've started RadiO Fun . I belie...e this was all over, I did conduct electronic country so Ihey'lI be able to cope with
cently and asked if I would consider will help lots of hams get more tun from and computer tours to Asia in the '80s, Con tinued on page 80
4 73 AmateurRadioToday . OClobe r. 1991
.41 memories. All channels Optional accessories:
store rec eive and transm it • SC-14 : Wall charger for PB-13 . SC-15:
separately for "odd split" Rapid charger for PB-13, 14 • BC-16: Wall
charger for PB-14 • BH-6: Swivel mount
2 m and 70 cm Super • DC direct In operation.
• BT-8: Six cell AA Alkaline battery case
Allows external DC to be
Compact HTs used (7.2 - 16 volts).
• HMC-2: Headset with VOX and PTT
• PB-13: 7.2 V, 700 mAh NiCd pack . PB-14:
Here Is a great new addition to When ex ternal power is 12 V, 300 mAh NiCd pack . PG ·3F: DC
Kenwood's HT family - the all new used, the batteries are cable wit h filter and cigarette lighter plug
TH-27A for 2 meters andTH·47A for being charged. • PG·2W: DC cable . SC-31 : Soft case
70 cml Super compact and beau- (PS·13 o nly.) • SMC-31: Standardspeaker
t1fully designed, these pocket- m ic . S MC~32 : Com pact
sized twins give you full-size speake r mic _ SMC-33:
performance. Co mpact speaker mrc
w it h controls
• Large capacity Nled battery
·WR-2 : Wate r
pack supplied. The sta ndard resistant
battery pack is 7.2 volts, 700 mAh, bag.
providing extended t ran sm it t ime
with 2.5 watts. (TH-47A : 1.5W)
• Extended receive coverage.
TH-27A, 118-165 MHz; TH·47A,
438-449,995 MHz. TX on Amateur
bands only, (TH-27A modifiable for
MARS/CAP. Permits required. Spec-
ifications guaranteed for Amateur
bands only.)
• Multl·functlon scanning.
Band and memory channels c an
be scanned, with time operated
or carrier operated scan stop.
• Frequency step selectable for
quick QSV. Choose from 5, 10, 12.5,
15, 20, or 25 kHz steps.
• Built-In digital clock w ith
programmable timer.
• Dual Tone Squelch System
(DTSS). Compatible with t he
TH-26AT Series and t he
TM-941A Triple bander, as
we ll as other Kenwood
series transc eivers, this
selective calling system ---
uses sta ndard DTMF to open
• Five watts output w hen operated
with PB-14 battery pack or 13 .8 volts. • Automatic offset selection
• T-Alert for quiet monitoring. (TH-27A).
Tone Alert beeps when squelch
• Direct keyboard frequency entry. KENWOOD U.s.A. CORPORATION
is opened. The rotary dial can also be used COMMUNICATIONS & TEST EQUIPMENT GROU P
• Auto battery saver, auto power to select memory, frequency, P.D. BOX 22745. 2201 E. Dommguez Street
off function, and economy power frequency step. CTCS5. and Long Beach. CA 90801-5745
mode extends battery life. scan direc t ion.
• OTMF memory.The DTMF P.O. BOX 1075.959 Gana Court
memory function can be used as • CTCSS encode/decode built-In. Mlssissauga Ontano, Canada L4T 4C2
an auto-dialer. All characters from • Supplied acce.sories:
t he 16·key pad can be stored,
allowing repeater control codes
to be stored!
Rubber flex antenn a, battery pack,
wa ll c harge r, belt hook, wrist st rap,
dust caps.
. .. pacesetter in Amateur Radio
SfJecl~c8l,ons and
features are SUbjfiCIIO change w,rhO<,l I norlce or obligimon
Comolere service manuals are aV8JI8ble 101" aff Kenw o od rranscelW!'rs and mosr accessceea
• Built~
- Built-

e -100 ~''''o Store inde-

pendent transmit and receive frequen -
cies, mode, filter data, auto-tuner data
and CTCSS frequency.
The new TS~950SD is the first • Dig ta Dar meter.
Amateur Radio transceiver to utilize ional Featurl'B • Built -in inter-
Digital Signal Processing (DSP), a face for computer control Program-
high voltage final amplifier, dual mable tone encoder . BuilHn heavy
fluorescent tube digital display and
digital meter with a peek-hotd function.
• usl f u ncy Receive Fun 0
• duty AC power supply and speaker
- Adj usta ble VFO tuning torque
• Multiple scanning functions
• MC-43S hand microphone supp lied
The TS-9505D can receive two fre -
Optional Acc•••orf••
quencies simultaneously
• DSP-10 Digital Signal Processor *
wi 0 AF II er, Synchronized • SO·2 TCXO *•VS-2 Voice synthesizer
with sse IF slope tuning, the digital AF • YK·B8C-l 500 Hz CW filter to- 8.83 MHz IF*
f ilter provides sharp characteristics for • YG-455C-1500 Hz CW filter for 455 kHz IF·
optimum filter response. • YK-B8CN-1270 Hz CW fitter for 8 83 MHz IF
• - I
50 V power transistors in the 150-watt
• YG-455CN-1250 Hz CW filter for 455 kHz IF.
• YK-B8SN-l 1.8 kHz sse filter tor 8.83 MHz IF
• YG-455S-12.4 kHz sse fitter for4 55 kHz IF.
final secti on, re sulting in m in imum d is-
• SP-950 External speaker w /AF ' itter
tortion and higher efficiency. Full-power • SM-230 Station monitor w/pan display
key-down t ime exceeds o ne hour. • SW-2100 SWR/power meter
• TL-922A Linear amplifier (not 'Ofa SK)
n une .. Built-in for th e 15-95OS0
d ngge a t Optional tor th e 15-9505
pe ma ce a rc ser KENWOOD U.S.A. CORPORATION
Kenwood's Dyna-Mix'" high sensiti vity
d irect m ixing syste m provides incred- P.O. BOX 22745.2201 E. Dominguez Street
ible performance from 100 kHz to HlghperfonnancelF filters built- Long aeecb.ce 90801-5745
Select various filter c om binations from KENWOOD ELECTRONICS CANADA INC.
30 MHz. The Intermodulation dynamic
the front panel. For CWO 250 and 500 Hz P.O. BOX 1075, 959 Gana Court
range is 105 dB.
2.4 kHz for SSB, and 6 kHz for AM.Filter' Mississauga. Ontario, Canada L4T 4C2
• Pemou IJ.. "wood Interference selections can be stored in memory!
reduc on cl ui1a SSB Slope Tuning,
CW VBT (Variable Bandwidth Tuning),
CW AF tune, IF notch filter, dual-mode
noi se bl anker with level control , a-step
• Multl~Drlve Band Pass Fllte, (BPF.l
circuitry. Fifteen band pass filters arE!
available in the front end to enhance
·..pacesetter in Amateur Radio
RF attenuator (10, 20, or 30 dB), sw itch- performance.
able AGC c ircuit. and all-mode squelch.
~re .servoce manuals are ....a~ b" .I NKenwOOd
rran5CeNersand most eccessooes
SpecdcalJOn1l'eatures and pnces sutlfecf ID d'\aIIgE' ..."hour
noI~ 01 obliQalJOn
Number 3 on your FMdbKk urd


2325 UTC. The short CW contact brought a

Calling All Hams signal report of AST 319 over the 2,471-mile
long path . An hour later, at abou t 2425 UTC,
Reciprocity with Mexico
In March 1992, a space shuttle launch is Leib and Angle made a similar CW contact on According to Rudy Baca of the FCC, the
planned with th e first mission In a series of 5760 MHz, setting a new world record for that final reciprocal amateur operating arrange-
10 flights called ATLAS·' (Atmo sp heric band . Each of the stations was running 5 watts ment with Mexico would be si miliar to t he
Laboratory for Applications and SCience). output to a a-teet dish antenna, using equi!> agreement the U.S. has with Canada. " The
One ct the payloadS. SEPAC (Space Experi- ment specifically designed for the path by goal is complete reciprocity with Mexico
ments with Particle Accelerators), will investi- N6CA. Both contacts were monitored, record- ... the operating parameters are still being
gate the ionosphere and magnetosphere. ed, and verified by other amateurs living in the worked out. We expect to have a fairly detailed
SEPAC will use an 8 kW electron beam modu- Southern California area. TNX Gordon West press release shortly. It is a metter of clearing
lated as a VLF transmitter by audio tones be- WB6NOA and Bill Pasternak WA61TF for their everything with Mexico."
tween 50 Hz and 7 kHz. Attempts will be made report in the WESTlINK Report. Over a year ago, near Mexico City, at a
10 receive and record this sig nal on earth at U.S.lM exico Consultative Gro up on corn-
various locations. munications con ference, Ralph Ha ller
Since there are a limited number of N4RH ofthe Private Radio Bureau suggest-
ground slations, high school classes and ed that reciprocity would be an appropriate
the amateur experimental community are topic. After a year of study and exchange of
encouraged to participate in listening to information, a second U.S./MexiCo confer-
and recording transmissions. The footprint ence was held last July in Chestertown,
of the VlF signals will be difficult to define Maryland . The FCC will issue a public no-
without a large number of ground receiving tice describing all procedures in the recip-
stations. A low cost ($35 to $40) kit receiver rocal agreement when they are final. TNX
has already been designed and tested by WSYI Report, Vol. 13, Issue 116.
amateurs. The complete kit , wit h full docu-
mentation and project details, is available
this fall.
Soviet Goodwill Trip
The student ettcrt has been dubbed IN- David larsen KK4WW, John Douglas
SPIRE (INteractive Space Physics). This NIISl, and Bob Fribertshauser W6YMR,
will be the first time in history that such an members of the Foundation for Amateur
extensive data tak ing capability has been Interna tional Rad io service (FAIRS), vis-
available to space physics researchers. ited the Radio Sport Federation start in
Some 10,000 high schools will be invited to Moscow last spring. The FAIRS members,
participate. Participants will also benefit also known as the " 59 Group" were on a
from the experience of assembling a simple three-week goodwill mission delivering
but effective broadband Vl F receiver, get- equipment to Soviet amateurs for emergen-
ting hand-on experience in obtaining scie n- cy digital radio communication. Nine com-
tific data, and coordinating a field station. puters. nine TNCs, two HF transceivers,
During the actual mission, amateur radio Photo A. Chip Angle N6CA in his record-breaking four HTs, and three VHF transceivers were
will playa vital role in relaying schedule portable microwave station. Photo by Gordon West donated by various companies. FAIRS S0-
changes for SEPAC transmissions. Ama- WB6NOA. viet amateurs involved in the project were
teur radio is already being used for daily pre- Victor Goncharsky UB5WE, Yuri Katuytin
mission communications regarding high
school involvement. Most importantly, local
U.K. Novice License UA4lM , Helen Goncharsky RB5WA, VICtor
Golutvin UB5WPR, and Vlad imir Kiebanovsky
ham clubs and individual amateurs can help Now that the first Novice licenses have UB5WCV. TNX FAIRS.
students with kit building and setting up field been awarded In the U.K ., the media is
listening operations. Individual ama teurs are
also invited to participate as ground stations
s how i ng interest. On the BBC's "news-
round," Natasha Weir 2E1AAE was seen con-
during the mission. tacting G30UF/P, and Vicky Foster 2E 1AAD This month-October 2-1 2-an Austrian
For more information on the high school was covered on BBC " Radio 5." Interviews cosmonaut will operate AREMIR (Austrian
connection wilh project INSPIRE, send an are lined up for the TV program "Why Don 't Ama teur Radio Experiment) aboard Mlr. It
SASE (two stamps) to Bill Pine, SCience De- You ... .. and other TV and radio features are will be part of a 16-experimenl package called
partment, ChaNey High School, 1245 N. Eu- planned . These will be reported in lull in a AUSTROMIR '9 1. AREMIR equipment will in-
clid Avenue, Ontario CA 91762 . Interested future issue of Radio Communication. Ama- clude a modified Alinco DJ-120E transceiver
hams and clubs should contact (also include a teurs will now be hearing NoviCe licensees for 2 meters (power limited 10 3 watts), a TNC
two-stamp SASE) Jim Ericson KG6EK, 226 coming over the air, and enme help and pa- and CW generator for the AREf.·t1R beacon,
Charles St., Sunnyvale CA 94086-6063. TNX tience given to these youngsters-and the and a laptop computer for packet. The exact
Jim Ericson KG6EK. not-so-young newly licensed-by experi- frequency hadn't been determined at the time
enced hams, will ensure mutual enjoyment of of this news release, but look for it around

New UHF OX Record the hobby. Novice ceuercn prefixes are: Eng-
land , 2E; Scotland , 2M; Wates, 2W; Isle of
145.8-146.0 MHz. Con tinuous packet bul-
letins are to be 36 characters long, with a
Two new microwave wortd records w ere Man, 2D; Jersey, 2G ; Guernsey, 2U , and six -second tone for Doppler measurements.
set on Sunday , July 29. when Paul leib Northern Ireland, 21. In all cases, these prefix. AAEMIA has astrong educalional focus, and
KH6HME, at the 8200-loot level of the Mona es are followed by either a e for Class A or a 1 an Austrian team of hams has created a spe-
loa voearo. made contact with Chip Angle for Class B licenses. TNX WE$nINK Report, cial receiver for Russian and Austrian schools.
N6CA in Southern California on 3456 MHz at Number 607, and GB2AS. TNX SpaceNews, MC/mail, John Magliacane.
73 Amateur Radio roaey » OCtober, 1991 7
------ 1

Number 4 on your Feedback u rd

The Sudden Receiver

A simple-to-build receiver for 160-20M.
by Rev. George Dobbs G3 RJV

Igone.of theIn amateur

t is sometimes said that the age

radio builder has
" great days: ' there
recent years of a revival in home
constructio n among radio hams .
This has been shown by the popu-
was a huge electronic scrap yard larity of the G-QRP Club and its
left over from World War II. and linlejoumal , SPRAT. The club has
hams could buy cheap parts and always leaned heavily towards the
equipment just waiting 10 be modi- use of home-built equipment , and
fied for amateur radio use. They SPRAT has grown into an informal
were good days: I remember well a constructor' s magazine . Perhaps
local rad io surplus store in my
small home town in the north of , part of its popularity is due to the
number of simple construction
England which had items that even projects that have been published in
a schoolboy could afford 10 buy . SPRAT. Many amateur radio con-
The store has now long since gone, structors in the UK have found
and so have those bargain surplus their first radio project in its pages.
items. I proffer all this cheerful informa-
But my belief is that times have Photo. The Sudden receiver. tion because I edit SPRAT, and for
never been better for the ham who many years I have tried to include
wants 10 bu ild his own equipment. projects suitable for the beginner.
The world is full of electronics; from life- kitchen table- and cleared away after use. In the past. SPRAT has contained many
saving equipment to noveltyjunk. it is around Components have never been cheaper: com- simple HF bands transmitter circuits which
us all the time . Smaller compone nts, safer pare the price of electronic parts 30 years ago can be built in an evening with a few parts.
voltages and clea ner techniques mean that and now, and then compare average incomes. These give the experience of working on an
equipment ca n be buill on a tray on the It is cheaper, easier and more convenient to amateur band with a few watts of home-gen-
build electronic equipment than ever before. I erated RF.[Ed. Note: Those in the U.S. can
suspect that motivation. rather than means, is j oin the G-QRP d ub and receive SPRA T for
why more of it is not done. S121year from Lukc Dodds W5HKA ar2852
There may not be the surplus items we used Oak Forest, Grapevine TX 76051. Oversees
to fi nd, but there is another kind of surplus readers can obrain more information directly
these days. It is what I call the "scraps from from the author.]
the rich man' s table. " Modern technology Recently there have bee n requests to
has produced many specialized components provide a very simple receiver circuit for the
and items for a particular job. If they are for amateur bands capable of being built by a
consumer applications, the high sales volume first-timer and yet able to yield reasonable
ofte n means that cheap. and sometimes clev- results on the amateur bands. The Sudden
er, devices can be found. These may not be Receiver was the result of this request.
for applications directly related 10 amateur
radio, but that is the joy of the new surplus The Sudden Conception
market. The fun is taking cheaply produced The name "Sudden" has nothi ng to do
devices designed for special appl ications, and with the speed and ease of building this lillie
making them fit what we want to build. That radio (even though it is simple and easy to
is real amateur radio in action! build); rather. it is the name of the town
In the UK there have been indications in where it was conceived. I live in Rochdale. a

." . ,. q
." -" '"")I

~i; ~flo
r\ • I ~<

'--- •

'''r:-Flc co' es- •

q -

r-t- o '

",'.' c

• ' E--_
-.. " 000..- J.
. , c_ s

. ""'·'1 ~J. 1 :r '"
m ".
Figurt' I . Tht' Signt'rics NE602.
hE • •
_ ••

Flgurl' 2. Scnemauc of thr Suddl'n Receiver Circuit.

8 73 Amateur Radio Today . October, 1991
f YOU'fc liv ing in an <area wilt!
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tired of hassling with huge multi
clement yagis or if you' re j ust
looking for a compact. rugged.
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that really works. the ISO wall
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Antenna is the Pe rfect Solution
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he IsoLoop 10-30 has been
T redesigned 10 provide
greater durabi lity. lower S WR
and extended frequency coverage.
Becau se the loop is isol ated
from the fccdline. your radiated
power goes into the antenna,
not into the shack. Efficiency
is maximized because the new
design has no mechanical joints
and no assembly is required.
No ground plane ur antenna
tuner needed!
he IsoLoop comes fully
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LC-2 Loop Contro ller (includ-
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50 feet of control cable in a
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his HF antenna goes where
T few others have gone before!
ee the lsoLoop 10-30 today
S at your favorite AEA dealer.
or a complete spec ification
F sheer on this o r any ot her
AEA product. call the toll-free
AEA Lit-Line at 1-800-432-8873.
l oop Controller.

• • •

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P.o . Box C216012!;KJ6 196th St. S.w:Lyrinwood. WA 96036-0918
Technical StJpport (206) 77&-7373 Office (206) 774-5554 •
,ffis(206)234·5678 corccserve user 1676,02 .10'3 •
• •
II ~ nons subject to change 'Nlthout ncece or obligation .
AEA 1 99 1. An Rights Resef'l,:i. . •
, -. • •


Table. Component Values for Different Bands

Vel + C10 C4
All sections + 100 pF
0.001 IlF
0.001 ~ 560pF BKXN·K3333R
60 47 pF JpF 47pF BKXN-K3333R BKXN-K3333R All Sections + 100 pF O.OOl IlF O.OOlIlF 560pF BKXN-K3334R
40 l00pF 8.2pF l00pF BKXN-K3334R BKXN-K3334R 1 Section + 47 pF 560 pF 560 pF 270 pF BKXN·K41 73AO
30 47pF JpF 47pF BKXN-K3334R BKXN-K3334A 1 Section + 58pF 580 pF 580 pF 220pF BKXN·K3335R
20 l00pF JpF lOOpF BKXN-K3335R BKXN-K3335R 1 Section + 58pF 220 pF 220 pF 58pF Bto<""""'"

town in the northwest o f Eng land. in an a rea originally des igned fo r cellula r radio applica - one small, 8- pin DIP package. All the mai n
called Sudden. Sudden was once a village in tions , but has found its way into ma ny ama- worki ngs of a d irect conversion receiver un-
its own right, and has a fine. stone-built teur radio circuits. The internal workings and der one roof!
Chu rch of England church where I serve. I pinouts are shown in Figure I . It is indeed a
am the Vicar ofSudden. who jusl happened to useful device: a balanced mixer, RF oscilla- C ircu it DrtaiLs
design a s imple rad io receiver. tor, and voltage regulator all wrapped up in The circuit of the Sudden is shown in Fig-
The Sudden could be described as a ge neric ure 2. It is a simple receive r havi ng only two
NE602 d irect conversion receiver. It uses r- active devices and three inductors . The input
that fine and useful chip, plus the ever-popu-
lar LM386 audio c hip. Anotber requirement
•• - -. •• comes via a sim ple atrenuator, the judicious
use of which is essential . especially on the 40
o f the design was to avoid the use of hand - - -" mete r version in the UK. TImJC 1.2.3 fonn
wound coils, a common source of problems ~--,
" a bandpass filter . The band chart table gives
for beginners , and incorporate commercial r; , values fo r the appropriate TOKO coils . The
inductors. The final design used a ran ge of ,
.- - - - - ----~

•• values are calculated to give a flat response

' .,...: r-,,",
TOKO coil s, g ive n the UK desi gnation
KANK - - - - . lEd. Not e: In the U.s. the

, . ...~ .,.

:q 0
across each band . Once the fillers have been
peaked with the coil cores , there is no fu rther
TOKO prefix. is BKXN-K.} These have a
range of inductance values useful for short- -- "
L u u Vl need of adjustment duri ng operation.
C7 couples the signal into one port of the
wave applications. NE602 . The mixe r is operated s ingle-ended.
The NE602 is a fine e xa mple o f the kind of Figure 3. Walkman -J)p e headphones can be which is a compromise in fa vor of s im plic ity.
"rich-men's scraps" we have today . It was used without changing the plug. A s imila r design, the Neophite (QST , Fe bru -
ary 1988). used a balanced configuration. In
practice I have fou nd that the results with th is
c ircuit d id not wa rrant the extra complexity in
obtaining a ba lanced input a nd output.
The oscillator portion of the NE602 is
around pins 6 and 7. Looking at the c ircuit, if
it is turned sideways, e xpe rienced construc-
to rs will recogn ize the popular paralle l tuned
- ( 1- Co lpitts oscillato r. T uning is by means of T3
with v el and C lO. The prototype rece ivers
used a surplus va riabl e c apac itor whic h has
three gangs of ap proximate values: 10 pF +
,. JO pF + 20 pF . It may be possible to find a
s imila r capacitor (see the Pa rts List), or you
'"I can use a single section variable capacitor. It
is essential to use a good quali ty a ir-s paced
I tM386 capacitor. The va lues o n the ba nd c hart sho w
the va lues for CIO when using the prototype
va riab le capacitor. W ith othe r capacitors ,
some ex perime ntat ion will be required. The
kit version of the Sudden uses the values a nd
the capacitor from the table.
The single-ended output is coupled via C I I
to a volume control , then into the L M386
audio amplifie r. The LM386 is configured in
as a 200 times gain amplifier with a simple
Zoebel filter R5/C17 on the output. The au-
dio output will drive a small spea ke r. oot is
designed for head phone reception. A pair of
watkrnen-rype headphones are adequate for
the receiver (see Figure 3). II saves family
a rguments if you are using in-house teenager
headphones on the receiver-
Figures 4(a) and (b) show the layout of the
receiver. The receiver fits onto a primed c ir-
cuit board measuring 2· x 2· . The board
shown here has been extended to mount the
three-gang variable capacitor used in the pro-
totype receivers. This portion ca n be c ut
away to give a smalle r size with the variable
Figure 4. (aJ Pans layout for the Sudden Receiver and (b) rhefoil diagram. capacitor mounted remotely from the board.
10 73AmateurRadiO Today . October, 1991
MFJ-949D Deluxe 300 Watt Tuner
Covers 1.8-30 MHz ••• plus you get dummy load , peak reading meter, antenna
switch , balun and one full year unconditional guarantee ... for only $149.95
More hams use the MFJ· 9490 than than all other tuners combined.
any other tuner in ham radio. Proven Reliability
Why? Because 00 other 300 wan
tuner gives you this combination 01 MFJ res made more tuners fa more
features and value yean; than anyone else. With the
The MFJ.9490 gives you a highly MFJ-9490, you get a highly devloped
dev~d product with years of proven product with proven reliability.
reliab~ity and a reputatioo lor being able Continuing Service
to match just abou t anything. MFJ Customer Service Technicians
A lighted peak reading cross-neede will help you keep your MFJ tuner per-
meter that shows you SWR. forward and fanning flawlessly - no matter how long
reflected power. A s-ocston antenna
switch lets you select 2 coax jres (direct
or thru tuner), random wire or balanced MFJ·949D
$149 9 5 you own it. Just call (601) 323-5869.
Made In USA
Ttle MfJ-9490 is made in USA. We're
.ne and buill-in dummy load. You also action _ not a spongy unsure fee~ng like days if it bums up? Or before 90 days if not an ~er adling profits and send·
gel a balun and 1,8-30 MHz coverage. some others have. tI'ley say, "Sorry, your jrmreo warranty ing your money to a foreign country.
Special Induclor Swi1ch 1 full year unconditional guarintee does not cover that?" Your Very Best Value
The inductor switch is the most ~kely You get MFJ's famous one fuN year Wh y take cneoces when MFJ gives)W The MFJ·9490 gives you your very
tuner comlXlnent to bum up. unconditional guarantee. That means we the world 's leading tuner with no matter best value - first-rate pertcmace.
The MfJ-9490 gives you an inductor will repair or replace sour MFJ·949D or what protection for a full year? proven reiability and the best guarantet!
switch mat's specially designed to with- other MFJ nmer (at our option) no matter Hard·earned reputation in nsm radio - all from me most trusted
stsno ite extremevonages and currents whal happens 10 it for a full year. There's just no shortcut. MFJ is the name in antenna tuners. Don't settle for
that are developed in your tuner. Others give you a 90 day limited most trus ted name in the business. More a copy-cat when you can own an MFJ
You get a solid feel and positive click warrant But what do ou do after 90 hams trust the MFJ-949D and MFJ tuners original. Get yours today!

MFJ's New 300 Wall Tuner MFJ'S SJ,!J)er Value Tuner MFJ's Mobile Tuner MFJ.945C
- --- '8995
.'~: .~.
_.. .""--
;. Oorl'l leave
home 'Mthout
this mobile
• nnen Have an uninterrupted trip as the MFJ.945C
MFJ.94B II you eert need a dulmlY load but MFJ.941E The new MFJ.941E gives YQU a 300 extends yoor antenna bamtwidlh so you dotl'l nave
'129 95 want aA the other teatures of the MFJ· '109 9 5 watt PEP tune. that covers everylhmg to stop, go outside and adjust your mobile whip.
9490, choose the MFJ·94B for $t29.95, from 1.8-30 MHz •• plus yOu get a Small 8 x 2 x 6 inches uses little room. SWRi
The MFJ.948 features a peak reading lighted meter cross-needle meter, antenna switch and balun . . . Wattmeter and convenient placement of controls
with a built·ill lamp switch, one year uneeneurener for an incredible $t 09.95. l amp uses 12 vue or makes tuning easy in motion. Balun. Covers 1.8-30
guarantee and is made here ill the USA, t10 VAC with MFJ·t 3t 2, St 2.95. MHz. 300 watts PEP. Mobile Mounl, MFJ-20, $3.00.
MFJ's Very Best 3 KW Tuner through Antenna swtcn selects 2 coa x lines (direct or
tuner). random wire, balanced line or MFJ's Versatile 1.5 KW Tuner
external dummy load . 4: 1 balun. 1000 volt
capacitors. Measures to-51B" x 2-718"' x 7"
2-Knob Di"erential-T~ Tuner

MFJ.989C The MFJ·ga9C is not for everyone. MFJ-962C MFJ·962C lets YQU use your
'34995 And not everyone can aHora it.
'229 9 5 barefoot rig now and have the
capacity to add a t.5 r:!N PEP
Howeve., if you do make the Invest- amplifier later, It covers 1.8-30 MHz.
ment, you get the finest 3 t<:oN tuner money can bu y.
The MFJ·989C is a compact 3KW PEP rolle r in- MFJ.986 The ile w' MFJ~ 986'b-i He rel1t ial· TTI\l You get MFJ's peak and average reading Cross-
duclor mrer thai covers 1.B·30 MHz, Exceptionally '289 9 5 2·knob tuner uses a differential needle SWRIWattmeter, It reads forward/reflected
hefty tuning components include 2 massive cacect- capacitor 10 make tuniAg foolproof power in 2OOf50 and 2000/500 watt ranges. Lamp
tors that can withstand 6000 RF verts with ease and and easier than ever. It enos constant re·tuning with uses t2 VDC or 110 VAC with MFJ-1312, $12.95,
a big roller inductor. You can run high power with- broadband coverage and gives you minimum SWR Plus .•• &position antenna switch and teflon
at only one best setting. Handles 3 ~ PEP. wound balun with ceramic teectnru Iflsulators for
out fear, A 3-<ligits turns counter jets you QUickly
Roller inductor makes tuning smooth and easy. balanced lIfles. llffi x 41Jl x 14-7187 in. $tO sIh.
re-nne to your favorite frequency. A giant 2-core
balun leIS you operate balanced feedlines without Turns counter lets yoo QUickly re-nee to frequency . MFJ's VHF or UHF Tuners
core saturation and voltage breakdown , Dummy load. MFJ's peak and averaue reading cross-needle
Peak and average cross-needle meter shows yOu meter reads forward/retlected power Ifl 200150 and ~~~:~~ Of '69 95 ~' _
forward/reflected power in two ranges (2000/500
and 200/50) and SWR, lamp uses t2 we or 110
2CXKlJ5OO watt ranges. Meter lamp uses 12 VDC or
t10 VAC with MFJ-1312, $t295. Current balun MFJ-921 VHF
tuner covers bo t h
r-', ,
-.t --0 "'" ....
.W ~ _1J..
- -,
VAC with MFJ- t 31 2, $t2 .95. Flip stand, 6-position reouces feedline radiation and forces equal currents
into antenna halves that are net perfectly balanced, 2 Meters and the 220 MHz bands. MFJ-924 covers
antenna switch , 103/. " x 41/2' x ts". Add $tO sIh.
II covers 1.8-30 MHz. Get yours today! Add $tOs/h. 440 MHz. Built-in SWRlWattmeler. 8" x 2W ' x
MFJ's smallest Versa Tuner 3", 2-knob tuning convenient for mobile Of base .
MFJ·OOtB MFJ's Random Wire Tuner Nea rest Dealer/Orders: 800-647-1800
'59 95 MFJ·t6010 '39 95
The MFJ·OO1 B Ope.ate all bands anywhere
is our smallest - WIth any transceiver with the 00 Box 4'14. Miss . Stale, MS 39162
16(1 ) 323-5869; TELEX: 53 4590
5K2x6 inches .- (and most affordable) 200 watt PEP MFJ·l60tO. It lets you tum . ·AX: 160 11 323-6551 : Add S5 oJh.
tuner - when both your space and your budget is a random wire into a transmitting antenna 1.8-30 .\IF) . , . making quality affordable
~mited . Good for matching solid state rigs to jrears . MHz. 200 watts PEP. Ultra smaN 2"x3"x4".
© 1991 MFJ Enlerpriscs. Inc.
Parts List Finish in~ T ouches qui re a little more work. I have obtained
The casing and hardwa re
for the Sudden is a matter of
surprisingly good res ults by simply peak ing
Tl and T2 on signals in the band. The best
R3 1.8k resistor ind iv idual taste. The main method is to feed a signal source into RI and
R, 4.7k potentiometer tuning capacitor docs requ ire adjust T1 and 1'2 several times. Begin in the
R5 15 ohm resistor a ve rn ier dri ve fo r best re - ce nterof the ba nd and peak T I and T2 for best
R' 22 ohm resistor sults . The input atrenuatcr po- output. The n repeat this operation at either
AU resistors are II. Watt tentiometer, RI , must ha ve a end of the band, ending fina lly by agai n re-
Capacitors linea r track a nd ca n be in the peaking in the center.
Cl-C6 See the Table
value range of 50 to 2 .2k The receive r does ha ve a conventional 50
C7 100 pF capacitor
ohms. Sturdy wiri ng is re-
CS o hms input impedance. It is advisable with
0.01 llF capacitor
C9,C12,Ct3,C16,C17 0.1 IlF capacitor
qu ired for good mechanical such a simple receive r to attempt to matc h the
CW See the Table stability between VC I and the antenna 10 the receiver. A good operating
Cll 1.0 IlF135V tantalum capacitor board. procedu re is to turn up the audio gai n co ntrol,
CH 10 IlF/16V tantalum capacitor Tuning up the receive r is R4, to the poi nt whe re the internal noise of
C15 100 llFI25Velectrolytic capacitor very simple. A sig nal genera- the LM386 just becomes a nuisa nce and then
Coils, lea and Misc. tor or other low le vel signal use the attenuator, R I, as the main gai n co n-
T1 ,T2,T3 Seethe Table source is helpful, but it ca n be trol. Th is is a s imp le receiver, and hitting it
IC' NE602
tuned up with band signals . with too much signal will bring out its worst
IC2 LM386
SW, The first step is to get the os- traits.
VC, Variable tuning capacitor (three
cillator on to the band. This The Sudden is capable of very surpris ing
sections: 10pF, lOpF and 20pF) may be done by connecting a results for its simplicity. The morning that I
see the Table and the note below. signal ge nerator to C7 and ad- am typing this text, a Sudden builder tele-
justing the core on T3 unt il the phoned me 10 say he had been liste ning to
A kit 01 all parts including the PC board, the TOKO coils and the
signal is detected . It is also VKs on SSB with adi pole and a Sudden on 20
tun ing capacitor is available in the U.S. lor $29.95 + $3 shipping
Irom Kanga US, clo Bill Kelsey N8ET, 3521 Spring Lake Dr., Findlay
possible to listen for the signal mete rs. It is sim ple, it is inexpensive, and it is
OH 45840. Tel. (419) 423-5643, 7-11 p.m. Eastern. Kanga US wili on another receive r. A s imple easy 10 build, but it certainly hears lots of
supply the blank PC board separately lor $6 + $3 shipping. The wire from the receive r anten- stations . It makes a very good firs t receiver
complete kit is also available overseas from Kanga Products, 3 na laid over the NE602 should project or an ideal receiver for scouts or
Limes Road, Porkeetone. Kent CT19 4AU, Great Britain. be enough to pick up the s ig- school groups.
Variable tuning capacitor VCl is also available as part 112311007 nal. The core, T3, is adjusted Build the Sudden, and enjoy! iii
from ARE. Surplus, 15272 S.A. 12E, Findlay OH 45840 . Tel. (419) to give the best coverage of
the band in question using You can contact Rev. George Dobbs G3RJV
The TOKO coils are also availabte Irom Penstock at (800) 736-
VCI. at St. Aidan's Vicarage , 498 Manchester Rd.,
The bandpass filter docs rc- Rochdale.Lanes, OLl13 HE, Great Britain.

Sell your product in 73 Magazine Call Dan Harper

& Louise O'Sullivan today 800-225-5083

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A VERY with an)' of these great pocket
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ti mes lor maximum display resolution 01 .1 Hz to 12 MHz and 10 Hz to 2400 &
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* Buy this quality 1500 MHZ Counter pans & labor limited warranty. Check out our VERY SP ECIAL OFFER for any
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for only $66 . when purchased with the
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• ,5OOA FREQ CO UNTER $~ 66.00

NSD-15 $~ 128.00
'1!500A 1!500 HS 2 !500 3l!500
+Hl-Z NP\1T
150-26 225.
ISO-36 265.
1.1500 IoIiZ
2 GATE n MEs
1 MHZ·

"" "'"
.... "'"
10 HZ·

10 HZ.
3500 "'"
I ••" & SIGNAL BAR GRAPH $89. • 159. $210. . 250.
Extend range or any counter
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10 segment LED BAR GRAPH • ACCESSORIES tor .. nlO:hl, Anen uales RF no. ..
diSplays RF signal strength. , r A-iO releICoping BNC enlenna 12.00 'P·1l0 Probe, Iraq counl . or 39.00
StarCab" aluminum cabinet. 1RO-8OO 800 MHZ Rubber DJck-BNC 29 .00 scope use, l X, l OX.
110 VAC adaptor Included. ICC-«l Black vinyl zipper cauy case 12.00 200 MHZ &Cope u.e.
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800 638 8050
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INFORMATION (3 05) 561-2211 ~
STARTEK INTERNATIONAL INC TERMS: Shipping-handling charges lor Florida add $4 + lax,
US & canada add 5% ($4 min, $8 max), all others add 10%
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COO lor CASH or MO . e rces and specilications are SUbjec1 .
FAX (305) 561-9133 to change wilhaut notice. •

Numbel'5 on yourFeedbeck card

A 10M Sideband
Add voice to your QRP station.
by Bruce Auld NZ5G

D escribcd in thi s article is

a relatively s imple. VFO
controlled , do uble-s ideband
Referring to Figures 2. 3 .
and 4. the transmitter is cen-
tered around an II MHz IF.
transmitter with I watt output This frequency was chosen on-
(or 10 meters . II's capable of ly because I had a bunch of II
easy a nd comfortable commu- MHz crystals on hand. Any
nications. For example. while convenient combination orfre-
th is transmitte r was still bread- qceocies for the IFNFO com-
boa rded , wi t h it s innard s bination can be used to reach
splayed all across my station the 28 MHz goal. The trans-
operating table . I co ntacted mitter employ s the simplest
K7EVL in Wenatchie , Wash - fonn of side band generation, a
ington. on the first call. He single tra nsformer and two
checked my s ig nal, and he, my diodes. II is fed with audio
two-year-old Katie. a nd I had a fro m the mike and its amplifi-
merry contact. er. and mixed with the 17.5
The sideband trans mitter is MH z VFO signal. In order to
de signed for ham s who arc in- place the VFO frequency as
terested in constructio n. It is low as possible for stability, a
also aimed at hams who arc Photo A . A 10 meter transmitter you can build yourself! m ixing sc he m e was u sed
neither technicians nor eng i- (hence another II MHz crys-
neers , but who possess some knowledge of nected to form a team . Constructed this tal). Fo r this PU~. the magical NE602
RF construct ion technique. Where possible way . it's eas ier to und erstand and trou- was used , wh ich is a wonderful device. This
I've used commo nly found parts, co mmonly bleshoot . chip is a double-balanced mixer boasting an
used values , and the smallest number of dif-
ferent pa rts possible. Unless you live in a
major c ity. however. you may have to ma il- i---~'O ..;.; - ----: r:
----;:L-~-;..~;; ;;.,;-----~

order some of them . I I I I

This project is my di stillat ion of the excel-
, " "M,
....L t l ....... 10<; (0 _"TOIl ,
1 O$~ I 1 ,, - , t
lent work of W7 ZOI and WA 7MlH . whose
' j
" "'M,
1 "
j iI =~;;;;';M~-'
projects tau ght me the vagaries of sideband 1 11 .... , . 1.. 1
generation. II employs simple. known cir- 1, "{-
vtO,6 ..0 ,,l { 1t _
6 .. M.
W, LT'~'c-I'RO"$""
OZ l .... ( .. sa-.
,, ,
n 0' $$ ... ' ( It t:"O":'ilL;'~
cuitry wit h no surprises. It is not single
, ,

,, , I
sideba nd because of the added expe nse and
ci rcuitry to filte r the unneeded sideband.
However, with plenty of room to spare on 10
L ...J L ..J
I .. ,......... "L
mete rs . this is no problem. The transm itter
employs a manual transmit/receive scheme
so that inexpensive microphones without 1 HV(O
PIT mechanism s can be used . and it is in-
tended to be used with the ham 's existing r --- - 1-L - - - ,,,.n OU'I..J
station receiver.

The Circu it

Figure I, the block diagram . shows the

flow of the transmitter. The whole of the
ci rcuit is designed in modules and intercon- Figur~ I . Block diagram ofhow the 10 m~ter sideband transmitter works.
14 73 Amataur Radio Today . October, 1991
$2795" "-Io_lI'IIl'ftC'I_on2_ ...... _ '.... _
OIl . . =_ _
",... _..,..,." .. I'Id*fI
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Ilr .. _
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SERVICE MOHITUR SIGNAL GENERATUIt - - r;ghI: _ - - - - . -_ .....
COM-3, ,,,. _ '• ..- ~ """'-<:oIl __ F......... ~ lot> - - , IqIIl w... .. , ', OIIfo<:\ofr _
"". F.. o/Iopo Dog .. _ , ,. . CO M-3
~ . . !of • '''''.h" ~ _ our _

gram _l'O" to "'"" .COM-3 !Of 10011""" $3 00 '<lay

10_ pr0-
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$3,00 .
$149 95
fT R- 'oe . ~
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F."u" " . D...cI on1ry l<otyboafd .. "~ P<OlI'. mmol>lo dlrV . F.Il ' 00 .... 'QlHllI M" z " OO"z reoal"'... LQ
~ • ...- &1'''''_0< ffeq .... ""y count.. . lEO bar 500 M" . , 200 Hz _ • - 130 k> + 10 <IBm OYlpul '''''QO
goroph !fe<l... ""vlon'.. 0.,;.1.... dlsplov 0(1.' - '0.000 ~ v 0(1. ' dB _ ,_u«on ....M and Flol rnodUI...... . 2Q

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""":cr.90 9OIGIT 600 MHz . . 01. _ "''',;",;,."
P..... 02 101TA POWER BOO$'ERl'O X_
F..,_, _
I l"lI lI6
- iii
PA-20no _POWEReoosI E RtII X_~
F..,_,_ 11'9 116

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11'I<I """" .. --.g ,.. lIIgool
Tolo •
shlp_BHCpluy. W.... 'o , n .M
Z9. 3D, 4D, IDM ZD, 39. 4D,IDM
".."...." ' . _ d _001 """"..... ill I "",'..
U.S.•. ~ ~. 016.......-. ""'" H;gn ompoo:IIn<>I ~, lIgnl ~ 1iP_1 " e.M CW TRANSMITTERS An Modo RECEIVERS
fu ' u rod , "0"' .ud'o 10 UHF, .. ,'~ F Er ~'g~ l.Ow--pUI protII, ....... _ , lP- , "e
~"'l'<Jl.~ ... .. oI>opjng <:irCuil'l' , Ind
du'OI>lo nlgn qu"' " 'PO' y gI... ~ """ '~'u PC
Oiroctprotll, _ 0 1 puo_ _, DC-'
U, boil """".., T8-10 v_"",. "e
~ lun on 0FIP1 r _
Join "'" 01 u,..... _>-riQI ~ a.. BuiIll _ own
m oni ,,"", alat"'", _ all--mode
b<>Ird """.. ".,,"on , All "'~I are ' ~ ""'nul"'''''ad R.crla'9lot>lo "'.. ,nol Dab'l' poe' , BP-4 . ' ~ II!!I _00 oolcI ""'" ""'. 01 ox """,..10 "".. beor> "'_ "'M, (;;oN , SSB """"""'" .... d" lCI <:1llIftfIiOn 000ign
in U
.. US '" ..... ""un'". "'.."'" '. 0 0Pn' """u'OCY wi," NE602 Ie 01 _urod ... 0$ 1 .nd -'A'll I\on<l.
CT·90 """" 1- ''', 0 , 0Pn' 8CCUl'aoy , OV-'
~" Imogino _ "'ll E _ ~ E""'flO witfI • S30 U""""'"·
",,_,1>01 '. I>arn ' edoO .oI b _ , r_
ON riI/I _ _ _ •. Vo<y _ ... . 1f1ClOi" , __
.01""", Thoy _ '-POIition
,, .-
"""' (One ~ ORP)(TAL - .
............ _.Auno ...
PIonty '" _ _ - - . . .. R_
EAS'f 10 _ , Iolo '" "'" _
8V bOItery. Vo<y
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each time I destroy one experimenting .

•,r" The switc hing ci rcuitry is designed to

change the antenna from receiver to transmit-
~f'6 ter and to apply voltage to the amplifier chain

.. I 'o~,
" . during transmit periods. The NE602 VFO
stage is free running for the sake of stability•
• . t;,~
:' .. but the carrier oscillator in the balanced mod-
J" *~"
J" ..'" I". I~ *~

O ~ TO ""'"
ulator is normally off. This stage is switched
on during transmit periods and for sporting


" , ::::::"'" your frequency in the station receiver . This is

'~I-- G'
' • • '" 00' " necessary because you would otherwise hear
your carrier (though it has been suppressed)

,, \.

1 '" 00
~ ~,

, !"~'

$': If' 'ro .. '" '=r

.. Ie""
in the receiver all the time. These functions
are carried out by a simple OPOT relay and
two SPOT toggle switches.
-" " ~,

:: I!~.tOO ! ~


. ...l'F'( M
Constr uction
The transmitter is constructed on three sep-
I" r
....... 0 C6 '
arate circuit boards. Their size was chosen
,f, IO
• ...' N TUN ING
Of'T10"'l • • Nfc "OUN T
_6 ' '' H, mostly at random, but I have arranged them so
TM ''' r.I( "
that they will fit in a Radio Shack cabinet. The
etching pattern and the parts placement guide

Figure 2. The VFO board. are provided in Figures 5-7 . The pans place-
ment diagrams are viewed from the compo-
onboard oscillator . A very respectable signal needs to beamplified. The next two stages are nent side. If you use double-sided PC boards
ca n be developed with one of these. simple class A broadband amplifiers. The for the balanced modulator or the amplifier.
The signals from the sideband generator final amplifier transistor is the well-known be sure to rout out a spacearound each hole on
and VFO are amplified and fed into a diode- 2N3553. In my unit. however. I use an inex- the component side. I do this carefully with a
ring mixer module. U3. The jumble of fre- pensive alternative. an RCA 4013 that I pur- I,i;" drill bit. Single-sided material should
quencies that emerge go through a 28 MHz chase from my friendly local parts merchant work just fine for these boards. however.
three-pole bandpass fille r and a very nice 50 in single lOIS for 89 cents each. II performs One may wonder why a single board is
mV 28 MHz signal results. From here it only equally well . and I appreciate the price more not used for this project . Briefly. I have


i.9 ·ltv Oto sPOHTMANS.. , T
::k ~ t.
r" II';), · ,t v

CUM'f" OSC .. !~Zl ;bw

H" H, "'
'0 0 '
TOO 1""
F"O.. v'o
'" ,
." a ....,
U NO•• ss "'LTt M
H .,
U .. u Cl O
" OOU c U OM
I ~ • ,.. ...
, 0-
• "' '"
" '"
. r-r-
. '"
'n" '",0-
n .
;; ",
) m
w ..SiYMU,.."
c -.

.. t "
, • '1. "
60 UIW

" ~,
, ~
o.ro, ..." . ..... " 'u


~ . " ..
1" p ~"""" I'OT

•'i" "TM' ....U
". ".
I'" '" '"
". '"
'o~ ,

ui"'.. •
• '"
'0. '
." "' .uo'o . .. P

'0R]; " "'" ."

• 7~

I c,. ' :C, ..,.J.;"H

r r·
'O 10 0' '00 .

1'0 ."
,,'c ....
" Z,
zz. ..
;k ClT
0 '

". '0

Figure 3. The balanced modulator/mixer board.
16 73 Amateur Radio Today 6 October, 1991

~ Big92
e8lSx l1"Fonnal

• Communications Receivers
In our continuing effort to creeenttre best
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9 low-Pass Antenna Tuner
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73 Amateur RadiO Today a October. 1991 17

troduce uni ntended capacitance that's un-
stable with temperature c ha nge. c aus ing
T~ANS " ' T
• ." ."
drift. One freque ntly overlooked component
in th is regard is the tu ning capacitor. Some
o. r " '"
c.r " +1 l V. TRA ~ S "'l f ROM " ' home-brewers mo unted them on a small
P ,.--J square of single-sided board soldered verti-

!~~. ~C ~~
cally on the VFO board and directly behind
T ~tf .r- '" ""0
1" 1''"0,.'
0 0

the panel-mounted vernier d ial. This mount

II 11 ""
' 00 0
11 2 ....
actually fo rms one wall of the VFO compart-
ment. If you follow this method. make sure

. ~
2 .20
l.~ .

~ ( .t
" " --fi'> ~ . . ATT
the wall is not made of do uble-sided PC
board. Of course, if you use a small a lu-

ce minum box to house the VFO, this will not be
" " "." '" J Ou t P\Jt
~O ,

) y'~ ) ~(
±~1 r\iZ
:b e ±

r '\:" to 0< ,
a problem.
Ll lies face down on the board, glued in
." ."


place after you have determined that the VFO
is oscillating in the right place . I have allowed
" " "csa .oc for a small trimme r for adjusti ng the VFO
1'0' I" frequency. but squeezing toget her or spread-
ing apart the turns of L1 will also work .
no 0', '.~, n Make sure thai all of the parts coming off of
r-GA> :EY£O "lv ON
., c:1 ,
.... ". ".,
·,n ~ TO "E Cn VE R A~ T

~ "lv ~ _ ,... 'M IT

TO A NtE ~ ~A

LOw . AS' rl eTER
pins 6 and 7 of Ie I are mounted as rigidly
as possible.

If~±g~i ".J ~ '" ." c1

... '"
r'~ 1"

•. 10
to 06 ANO
OPtlOl<AL A"p\' lftER
The Balanced Modulator/Mixer
The balanced mod ulator/mixer board is the
easiest to build and the least c ritical, except
fo r the bandpass filter. Simply populate the
board with pa ris. T he spacing I have used for
" -"-.J, "
J:\ " TR.NS "It/REC"'E the pads on the board may not match your
\ "' junk box parts , but I enco urage you to use
what you ha ve . Notice, however, that the
values fo r the fixed capacitors in the bandpass
fi ller are rathe r specific . This stage is the
most unforgiving of mista kes , and these val-
ues must not be changed casually . If yo u hav e
. •
FIgure 4. The J walt amplifier and switching board. no 4 .7 pF capacitor. then try a 5 pF. Like-
wise. a 10 pF might be substituted for the
found that sepa rating these stages greatly in- 10.7 pF un it, but beyond that ty pe of substitu-
c reases interstage isolation . Grounding is en- T heVFO tion, you may s ig nifica ntl y affect the per-
hanced and a g reate r overall stability can be T he VFO is the si ngle most impo rta nt part formance of the filter.
achieved. of the transmitte r. If care is not taken to Note that there is a 6 dB pad (composed of
I recommend that you build the trans mitter observe basic construction rules, the VFO RIO, ll ,and 12) at the output of the balanced
in stages and get eac h stage running properly will drift and you will be very unhappy with modulator. This helps to achieve a good 50
before you proceed to the next. Some hi nts the rig. T his PC board must be single-sided . ohm load fo r the balanced modulato r, and the
for construction of the various modules are as Using doub le-s ided board ncar the freque ncy same input impedance fo r the following am-
follows: determining co mpo ne nts of the VFO will in- plifier stage. Originally , I designed the trans-

, I
"I - D2_
_ R3 _
I I e'I "I
'I' "I
- CI 3 _
- C7-
_ C9 _ -e -

12V IN TO C6

r - --'-- M

Figure 5 (a) The VFO filii pattern. (b) Parts placment.

18 73AmateurRadio Today. October, 1991
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6 1 4~ -_~ FREEd

AEA lsopoles BIRO MIRAGE AMPLIFIERS .....t - • _ ~ ...

(144, 220, 440 attmeter s & ASTRON POWER SUPPLIES New TEN·TEC 1~~Radoo""=S ' '';''''1
MHz),lsoloop. Ele m ent s Belden Wire & Cable, Inn Wire PARAGON, v
()I,tt-ll stOCk ",





"AQul S. Habla Ea.,anol" STOCKED: ICO M , M o tor o-
B A RRY INTER N ATIO N AL TELE X 12·7670 la , M AX ON . Sl.n datd .
YMSU , We se",. mun lC~
pal il 'e-5 . b<lsin. _. Cr.-II
Mond.~-Fnas~ tA. M 10 6:00 P,M , D.htnn , . 1C. PO'l. 11I...
salurda~ & Sunda~ 10 A.M . 10 5 P.M. (F," Pal1< ing) mob il.s . b ••• • . ' e -
pe' l. ~ ...
IRT/ LEX-" Spr in g 51. Sta tion " . Subw1r s : BMT -
" PrInce St. StallQl1" . IN[)."F" Tra in-Bwy Station" All
Bus: Broadwar.t'6 10 Spnng 51. Path-9th SI .l6th Ave SALES
StallOrl. FINAL
TeehnlCIII help offered upon purchlse FAX: 212-925-7001
CIRCL£ 41 0frI IIU Olll UlIVIC[ CIoIlO
Figure 6 (a) The balanced modu lator/mixer f oil pattern.
(b) Pam placement.

_- ~l.lD . ... 7---

f(l , .... "QQ IQ


'" "0"lAC 1OOIl;",,,,~~:::,,:,-----

Figure 7 (a) The I watt amplifier/switchin g board.

(b) Pam placement.

mitter with such a pad at the end of the band- fier board is underneath because all the ad-
pass filte r, but found that the circuit was j ustable compo nents are on the other board . Debugging and Tune-up
stable enoug h without it. Also, I wanted the 6 You might conside r making a cabinet of PC Viewed and constructed in mod ules, th is
dB back! You may find that a pad at the end of boa rd material. It is drilled and cut easily, but rig can be assembled swiftly. Each modul e
the ba lanced modulator is not needed, and plenty strong. If you ca n find a supply, you should be constructed and tested before mov-
gain the energy otherwise lost heating the will save money on expensive cabinets. Done ing on to the next. That way, a problem can be
resistors. well , they can be lacq uered or painted , and eliminated before it arises.
The boards fit nicely into a Radio Shack rival even the most profess ionally prepared It is probably best to assemble this rig with
cabinet. I double-dec ked the balanced mod u- cabinets in appearance . I also used a sheet of access to a 35 MHz scope and frequency
lato r/ mixer and amplifier boards on either single-sided board as a false bottom in the counter, if possible. If you are so lucky , your
side ofa 100m by IOcm PC boa rd . The ampl i- cabinet. It helps establish a good ground plane . construction time will be drastically reduced .
20 73 AmateurRadioToday . October, 1991
( l. . .. UIO w,. u
OIff U I NT tol.O!OS
TOGHHt • . 1TS HU...... L TO The tricky pan of the rig is the bandpass

, "
.14;"' __(.
filte r. The jumble of products from m ixing
the balanced modulator and VFO frequencies
are all present at its input. and you must
I . w'lOD T..( • . _ ~ , • ••OUIOD t'OIOOIO t"[ preselect the 28 MHz energy, pole by pole.
~ TU. " S. ). SOl.O( . 1"0 _ til ( OlD . '.

~ . .~
Sta n first at the top of L2 and rotate the
trimmer unti l you find a peak of 28 MHz
0' .. .,
4. . )

• ,
wavefo rm . Repeat th is process at each pole .
I have not tried this without a scope, and
would expect this to be a rather frustrating
pan of the assembly if done by ea r through
Figure 8. Base diagrams , all bottom view. the station receiver. Adjust the filter without
voltage applied to the amplifier stages.
Being able 10 see a signal on the scope and Th e rest of the circuit is broadba nded and
adj ust the stage in ques tion is a big help in a not adjustb le except for the low pass fil ter .
sideband project where you are concerned
about speech waveform. If you do not have a
scope , do not despair. You can probably ad-
. Final adjustment is made by tweaking every
trimmer in the un it for maximum output on a
wattmeter and spreading or compressing the
j ust the transmitter a little at a lime with the Figure 9. Windin g tne fa) bifiJar transf ormer, turns on the coils in the low pass filte r for
aid of the station recei ver. its Scmerer, and a and the (b) trift/ar transfo rmer. greatest output. Take care that you do not
sharp ear. I have adjusted RF stages th is way.
and whi le time-consuming. it can be done .
Construct the VFO and confi rm thai it os-
cillates at 6.5 MHz or so . Check this by
placing the scope probe o n pin 7 of Ie 1.
Con fi rm that the crystal oscillator. Q I , and
its assoc iated components, are running, by
placing the probe at pin 1 of Ie I. Twea k the
output o f the crystal oscillator with its trim-
mer capacitor . Before addi ng amplifier Q2.
check to see that the prod uct of the VFO
freq uency and the crystal oscillator is at 11.5
MHz o r thereabouts. If the counter cannot
" sit still" on a frequency , the desired product
is not dominant. Tweak. the Ie's trinuner for
maximum output at 11.5 MHz . Adding am-
plifie r Q2 and tweaki ng its trimme r will fur-
the r preselect 11 M Hz and am plify it to abou t
3 volts peak-to-peak .
If you have no scope, you wi ll have to find
the oscillator's signal in the station receiver. KantronicsWeat hernode
Make sure you have the receiver' s antenna
lead close to the oscillator for adequate pick
up. Adj us t the same controls mentioned
above for a peak S-meter reading .
C2 sets the VFO's bandsp read at about 200
kHz. I chose 28.500 to 28.100 MH z. but This is not a TNC
adding a tum or two to LI will lower the VFO
frequency to the Novice ponion of the band . 1l"is device gaU e 5 wooUe data at ycu station CIld
Eliminating C2 will greatly increase the total makes it available to others via CI1 external TNC CIld a
bandspread . Local Pad<et _ _ Merrt>ers of 1te Pad<et LAN
Next determine that the ba lanced modula-
tor carrier oscillator, 04, will run. It is nor-
ccn si1llIY ask for tables of teroeanee, wild dnlc-
tion or wild speed. The Ka IbOl'lics WeathernOOe
mally off except during spot and transmit
periods. so you wi ll need to tempora rily ap- then provides this data with the conveni€n::e of a
ply voltage to it through its supply line resis- ""Ibox ard wiltl1te speed of 1te
tor, R9 . Peak its output. Plug in a micro- most actvanced technology available.
phone , adj ust the audio gai n (trimpot R21)
for maxim um input to T5 (clockw ise) and Included with the KTU Weathemode is a cestcn
holl er . You should hear your best Donald EPROM whdl provides temperatu"e sensing, ard
Duck vo ice at 11 MH z, double-sideband . with the weathervane and rain gauge options, can
View the sideband carrier on the scope or
listen to you r signal n you r station receiver
gWIY wOO speed, _ data ard"""
and adjust the carrier balance trimmers (Cn
and 24) potentiometer for the greatest carrier Tbe KnJ is easily adapted to ~
suppression. Even at maximum suppressio n, instaIatiot IS CIld may be ren 'd.t:iy ace: S5 ad
you will still hea r a loud carrier in your sta- with password protection CIld P OJi a r' 1led bY
tion receiver. Adjusted properly , though, it the sysop to ycu neIwotk's requi"ements.
will be undetectable by other stations. I have
found that the audio gain tri mpot is best set at The Kaltronics KTU, the fist to povoe IBl llOte
about mid -range fo r best voice quali ty . weather data to a Packet LAN.
Above that, sig nificant clipping occurs .
Kantronics 1202 E. 23rd St., Lawrenc e , KS 66046
913.842.7745 TELCO BBS 913.842.4678 FAX 913.842.2021
P.rtNo. Dn crlptlon Price C1 ,9 ,12,14, 17,19,28,29,3 1,36,47, 0.11lF
f'\.·259IUSA UH FMale Pt>eoolic. USA made $ ,70 49,51 ,52,54,56,61 ,62,63 ,64
8J.1SP·l050 f'\.·259 ?heoolK: , Amphen". as C 10,15,20,2 1,25,26,30,48,50,53 0.0 11lF
83 -822 f'\.·259 Te/lon....mphenOI 1,75
f'\.·259IST UHF Male Silver Teflon. US'"
UG-175 Reducerlor RG·58 '''' C 16,27,32,33 ,37 ,38,39,55,60 1OIlF,16Velec.
Reducef lorRG-59 &M IN I 8
N Male RG-8, 213 , 214, ~ge body
.zo C 11 ,57,58
C 2,13,18,22 ,41 ,43 ,45
60 pF "button' type trimmer
9'91WIN N M a ~ Pi n for 9913, 9086, 8214 C3 10 pF or similar NPO or air variable trimmer
(now in gokll filS UG-21D1U & UG- 21BIU N'S
UG-21D19913 N Maie tor RG-8 With 9913 Pin ' '''
3 95 C4 100 pF NPO
20pF NPQ
UG-21819913 N Male for RG·8 With 99 13 Pin 5,75 C5
UG-146MJ N Maie toSO -239, Tenon US'" ' .00
UG-83BIU N Femaleto PL·259, Teflon USA C6 35 pF air variable, panel moun ted
FRACTION OF OUR HUGE INVENTO RY" C23,24 10 pFtrimmer, ceramic OK
C34,35 470pF
C40 15 pF
213 North Frederick Ave. N11W C46 10.7 pF
Gaithersburg, MD 20877 C58 200pF
ORDERS 1-800_783-2666
INFO 301-840-5477 FAX 301-869-3680 R16 ,42 ,36 4.7ohms
VISA, MASTERCAAD. AOO 4'lb R1 1,17,31 39 ohms
UPS C,O, O, AOO1-4,OO PER ORDER R4 ,7,28,35 47 ohms
CIRCLE 115 ON REAOER SERVICE CARO R18,4 1,39 toc cnms
R10,12 150 ohms
R2,6,9, 13,29,34,43,45 470 ohms
NOW YOU CAN USE R21 1000 0hms
ll-lAT 75 OHM HARD UNE R37 ,38 1000ohms, 1/2 wall
R33 1500 ohms
Yee, tIwd LOW LOSS MmI-f1gId, 112 inch, co-«ldaJ ... bIe ,
R3 ,5,1 4,23,30 2200 ohms
uMd by Ille ... bIe TV COnIpclllM ...n now ~ "ully uMd
1or~lng VHF end UHF ...... ~. ats 3300 ohms
1"- HIGH QUALITY, LOW COElT connecwr. &ncI UMaf R26,44 ,46 4700 ohms
Ma\t:hlng T!1I....mrm.., .... eepecially deelgnedlor HeY R20,24 zzkcnms
oor.eclIon 110 Ihe A.L.UMINUt,l ah8IlcIed _ tIwd ...n be A1 ,8 ,22,25 t ook cnme
obtained (-....ti..- lor the ukIng ) frt>m !he local cable
COfI1pt1ny. R27 lk ohm trimpot
UHF _ _ connectort: R15 100 ohmtrimpot
Male: Hl.O-7S-UHF·t,l (PL-2S9typ") ... , lUllS ...
Femele: HlC-7S-UHF-F ( SO-23e type 1 •• , 6.i6 ... L1 24 turns, T-50-6 to roid
L2 ,3,4 13turns, I-37-6
u.- Mlltchlng T~: 8 turns, T-50-6 toriod
14+148 Mhz: LMT-14e-7:5-52-UHF 24.i6 ... L5,6
222-226 Mhz: LMT·223-7:5-62-lJHF 23.i6 ...
430 4lD Mhz: LMT-432-7:5-62-UHF 22.i6 ... T 1,4 Primary 33 turns; sec. 3 turns over drain end, T-50-2 toroid
4--4O--46D Mhz: lMT-4045-7:5-62-UIiF 22.1ll5 ...
T2 Primary 18 bifilar turns; sec. 3 turns over center of primary, 1 -37-6 toroid
Add ' .50 S&H 1* connedof f $3.OD S&H 1* LMT T3 Primary 20 turns; sec . 3 turns over trimmer end, 1·37-6 toroid
(1m..... IMldenD -.id 6.2:6"' ..... tu.) T5 10 trifilar turns, FT-37-43 toroid
A NT-Ventures T6,7,8 10 bifilar tu rns , FT·37-43toroid
P.O. Box 776
McHenry , IL 60050 01 ,3 1N914 or other small signal diode
B t 5 -344-1 702 04 ,5 Schottky diode preferable , but 1N914 OK
De a le, Inq ui,;... inviled ,
02 6V, 400 mW zene r diode
Y1 ,2 11 M Hz crystal

GIVE YOUfI -, Ul NE602 balanced mi xerlosc. IC

HR-2510 HR-2600l
t/ie same features as tlTe
741 single op amp
SBL- l d iode-ring mixer module

"8 I G RIG S" 01 ,3,4

M PF 102 FET
• 30 Memory Channels
• Automatic Repeater Offset 05,6 2N5179 or 2N5109
• PTogrammable Transmit Timeout Q7 2N3866
• PTogrammable Seek /Scan (5 Khz.etc) 08 2N3553, 2SC2028, RCA 40 13, 2SC2075, or equiv. transistors
• PTogrammabJe Mik e /Channel Buttons
• Programmable Transmit Freq. Limltli 09,10 2N4036 PNP switching transistor
• Extended Frequency Range "0'" 12 m .....j
• Priority Channel Kl OP OI ftafpack relay
• Split Frequenc y
• Ma'~~'More Features
S l,2 SPOT toggle switches
All these fea tures by replacinp
your radio's existing "CPU" chtf"
IPriori ty C hannel <equlru o p llo n al hardware AFC1 15 microhenry molded choke
$59.95 RFC2,3 10 turns, FT·37-43

Parts su ppli ers: Tanner Electronics, 1301 West aennne Rd. , Suite 105, Carrollton TX 75006. Tel.
(214) 242-8702. Con tact Jim Tanner regarding availability 01kits. Radiokit, P.O. Box 973, Pelham
4773 Sonoma Hwy. Suite 132
NH 03076. Tel. (603) 635-2235. Circuit Specialists, P.O. Box 3047, SCottsdale AZ. 85271 ·3047.
Tel. (800) 528-1417. Blank PC boards are available from FA R Circuits, 18N640 Field Court,
Santa Rosa, CA 95409-4269 Dundee IL 60118. VFO board-$4.50: balanced mod ulatorfmixer-$7; and amplifier board-$7;
Writ e Or caU (7 07) S3 9 -0 S12 for free In fo rmatio n
u a n llt . k u availab le o., a lu In ulru w elcome shipping-$ 1.50 per order.
22 73A mateurRadio Today. O ctober, 1991
,+, ~:----
RELM' Programming Tools
.COMMUNICATIONS " you ere the de.ler or radio technician m8ln" ,nlng
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Emergency Operations Center
tool to activalevalioultranteeivera. The PCKlT010 for
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Buy th" tinest Uniden radar detectors I ra ", CElteday, SATElllT500-A Grund'" I l>ortwa"e 'ec ,., S679.95
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You ca n scan 20 c h an ne ls et up t040 c ha nne ls per Bearcat'" 200XLT·A 76300-A Mi" lend C8 base ' l alla" S9295
second. It inCludes crcss to ne and d igita l cod ed list price S5 0 9 .9 5/ C E prl c . S239 .95/ SPE CIAL
,6-....d" 200 Ch......' 1 .00 ",Hz. Hendh.1d
FBE·A FreQ uency Di.eclory tor Easte.n U.SA- ,
FeW-A F' eQuar>cy O"ecIOry l or Wesre." U.S. A- . , .. S1'. 95
squ elch. S nap o n batteries g ive y ou plenty of
power. Add it ional l e at ures such as t ime- out timer, ".,eh • Um" • Hold _ ","wlfy _ Loio.OIIf
~,.quancy rall9l: 2~S • . lI S · I 7., ace-s 12. l otI·lIse M HZ.
RF01·A l,l l lL. lN. KY.OH. WI FreouencyDi.ecIOry ,.. 11• .95
RF02· A CT. "'E NH. I'll. VT D;rflClOry Sla 95
busy-<:han nellockout, clon ing, p lug-in prog ramming
and IBM PC c o mpat abi lity are si a ndard. It is F.C .C .
f~cludes ' 23.U 1-S-'. '
0' 2S ."d lea.lI' 7S·"1 0 ' 28 "' HZ
The Bea rear 200XL T sets a new s tand ard l or hand-
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RF04·A AL. AR. FLGA. LA. 1,lS, NG. PR. sc TN. VI. _. Sl'95
Sia 95
type accept ed l or data transmission and D.O .C. RFDS-A AK. ID. IA. "'N. MT. NE. NO.OA. SO.WA. W'r .• , Sl. 95
held scanners in performance a nd d ependabi lity.
aPPl"OVed. We recomme nd also ordering the BC45 Th is f u il leatured unit has 200 programmable RFO&-A CA. NV. UT. AZ. HI. GU F' 8Q- O"ecIory.. _. Sla 95
rap id c h arge 1"'" hour desk balle ry cha rg er for ch annels w ith 10 $CInnmg ba nks a nd 12 ba nd RF0 7·A CO. 1<:5. Me. NM.OK.. TX F' 8Q- O"ecIOry ... , SIa 95
$99 .9 5 . adel uxe le at he r c ase LC45 for54 8 ,95 and coverage. II you .... ant a Vllry similar model ....ithout PW B-A Pua.oo<1to Wor1d Band RadIO .......••••• . S16.ll!)
a n external spea ker microphone ....ith cli p SM45 for the 800 M Hz. band and 100 c ha nnels, Order Ihe ...$0. AI" '" Sca" DIrectOry .. _ S1'.95
$59.9 5 . Since this rad io is p rog rammed w it h an TSG-G7· TOflSeaar R ,ryol U S.Gov1- FrSQ .. S1 6 95
Be 100XLT·A3 10f' only $179.95_Includes antenna. TIC·A Tun. in Oft tatePftone calli , S1. 95
externa l progra mme r, be su re to also o rde r one carrying cas e wit h ben 1000. ns-cad battery pack,
PM4 5 at 57 4 .95 l or yo ur radio system. Ce H-A Bog CB H. ndbool<lAM/ f M/ F.eeband , 11. 95
AC adapt er and ea rpho ne. Orde r you r sean ner now. nc· Tech """," tor ''''~ '''II Com mu _ _ $ 1.95
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CEI understands th at all agenc ies wa nl excelle nt com- 1:Z-h"d, 40 Ch.""el • No-cryd./ae.""., lIN·A L.tltl Inl elligence by James E, Tunnell SI 6.95
munication s capability, but most depa rtme nts are Priority co"trol a _ •• rch/_ca" • AC/DC A60-A Magnet mount mobile leanne' anrenna 134.95
strapped l or lunds. To help. CEI now oHers a specisl Ba nds: 29-5 4,118·174, 406 '51 2. 8 06·912 M Hz. A7G-A Base stelion Icanner anlenna . " " S34.95
package deal on l he RELM UC102 oee wattt ranscewer. 1I••••• norhln" _xcl"d.d In r,,_ ~f~ IIH. und. USA.....·A M. g mount VHF ant. wi 12' c.b1e, S39.95
You get s UC 102 hs ndheld transce iver on 154 .5700 Tha Uniden 800 XL T receive. 'O c hannels in tw o banks. USAK·A "".. hoi. mounl VHF . nl. w/ 11' cable S3' .95
MHz.. lIexible antenna. bat tery charge r and battery Scan. 15 ch.nnels per second. Size 9"''' x ' Yo " x 1 2Yo , ~ Adelsa.oo 1lhq:Nng forallaccesson'es ordered al l he samelime
pack IOf only $79.95. II you w. nt even more power. II you do not need the 800 MHz. band. a slmlls.. model Add S18.00 Ih",P1"l1 Pe. rad", and " .00 per anrenne
ord&rthe RELM UC202 lWOw. 1t transceiverlor$1 14,95 e.lled Ihe BC 210X l T·A il available lor $ 178 .95. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE
Mich;ga" ,,,"""11 P1e.se.dd .... seleS I.. or"'p(IIy your
NEW! RELM ' RH256NB·A NEW! Uniden' MR8100·A l ax lO. .... mber. W" t1en ",,"'h..e orde" .........l'Iedtrorn
approved _ ..nm.nl ag.l'lCtf'S.nd _ r "'1 r.lacll,fITIS.'
C all 313·996 -B888 ro , s pecial C E I p ri c ing
List price S4 49.95/ C E p ri c e $299 .95/ S PECIAL
1e ct-.reI e 25 Wan T,.,,_-'- cr-
• .,., Prlorlt-, , . . . ."II, 100 Ch_eI • "',.,_11I .e......'
BendS: 29-5'. I ' 8,' 7• . • 011·512. 1106·956 "'Hz
• 10'\:> ....Ct\lrge tor ""I 10 bolIng. All ......r, ... t>;ecI 1o
. .....bolll)'. aeoeplanc;. and ......IIocallOO. PrIces. taflTlS.nd
TJm.--. timer. Off HooIf IIWodtr
The RElM RH256 NB is the updat ed version of the The U... ".n MR8 t oo 1UfV8lIls.nce sca nner i. dotlerenl
from all ot her scanners ()r;glnally desig ned IOf ont~
apecdocaloons I" aubjeCI 10 d\anga * .II' O.. t ".hce. All
pncesa" ,,, U.S. doIIa .... OuIo1S1OCklle......... bII pls.c.edon
papu lar RELM RH2 56 B si xleen-channel VHF land DackO<'der 'u1om.tC.~ or SQu.........1 product ... batlluled
ligance agencies, l ire d~rtmen ts and publiC salely unleu CEI II ," SI' UCIac1 _",enlly. ,1, $5.00 a<:ld,llOO.1hand-
mobile transceiver, The rad io tech n ieian ma intain- ut-e. th l$ sca nner oHers a br eaklhrough of n_ and ~ng 'ee ...11 bII Ch. rged tor . 1 orders wllh a merch.nd'se
ing your radio syst em ca n slore up to te rrecceocee enhance<ll ealures. SClIn speed i. almostloo channels. lol.al Un<llf S50 00. Sh''''''OInlS ara F,O.B. CEl war.house in
wunoc t an ext ernal p rog ramm ing to ol. All rad io s per second. You gel l ou r digil readoul paSilhedeclma l Ann AJbO&'. M,cIl ogan. No COO's. NOI .._ a _ tor typ0-
com e w ith C TC SS tone and scann ing ca pabili ties. DOlnl Complete cover.ge 01 800 MHz. band wtlen graphical "'0<1.
This t ransceiver eve n ha s a priority tuocuco. Be prog r. mmed ....ith a pe rsonal com puter. Alpha nume riC M a ll o rder. t o ; Co mmunica tions E I&l;:t ron ics;-
sure t o o rd er o ne se l 01programm ing i nst ruc t ions. desip nation 01c hanne ll.•eparate speaker. backlit lCO Box 104 5 . An n Arbo r. M ich ig an 4 8 106 U ,S.A. Ad d
part P12 ~6N for $ 10, 0 0 a nd a serv ice manual, display and more, Toactivate the many uniQuele atur es $ 15,00 per red io lor U.P.S, groun" shipping a nd
pa rt SMRH256N fo r $2 4 .95 l o r the RH 2 5 6N B, A 01 the Uniden MR81 00 a c omputa r interla ce pr ogram is handling in t he co nti ne nt al U.S.A. F or Ca nad a,
60 Wall VH F 150-1 6 2 MHz. versi o n called the availa ble tor $19,9 5, Due to maeutactu re- e' terr itorial Pu erto R ic o. Haw aii , Alaska. or APO/F PO deli very,
RH606B is availa bl e fo r $4 2 9 .9 5 . A UHF 15 wal t. resl ricl ions, the M A8 100 is not avarrabre l or direcl sh ipping c harges are two lim es ccntm entar U.S,
16 ch an ne l si milar versio n 01 t his radio call ed the Ihipment from C El IO CA. OR, WA. "l V, 10 O. UT. rates. II you have a Discover. Visa Amer ica n Express
LMU1 5B-A is also ava ilable and cove r s 4 50·48 2 NEW! Range r'" RC12950·A3 o r Mast erCa rd, yo u may c all a nd place a creon ca rd
M Hz , lor only $ 3 39 .9 5 . An external p rog ra mm ing o rder. 5% surchar(J1lfo r bil ling t o Ame rican z xo-ess.
un it S PM2 fo r $49 .9 5 is needed l or programm ing List price 5 54 9 .9 5/ C E p ric e S 2 59.95/S PE C IAL
10 lI.t., lIobll. Tr."sceltl.r a D/gll.IIIFO
For cre dit ca rd o rder. cau
tcn- rree in I he U.S. D ial
the L M U 15B U H F tra nsceiver. BOO-US A-SCAN. Fo r inlormation cal1313·996-8688.
Full . .,.d Co".r•••• AII-lIod. Oper.r/o" FA X a nyti me. d iat 31 3 -66 3·88 8 8 . O rder toda y.
8af:lr.llt liquid crya'" d is",.., • R.,,_I~ IJplIfa
NEW! RELM ' LMV2548B·A RIT' 10 ,,",.,.mm.,,'.II.mory Poalrlo"s Scanner Oisl"blJhon Cenler· and CEllogos are trade-

...C,.,.,.., •
List price S423 .33/ C E prlc. $ 289 .9 5/SPE C I A L
25 w.n Trenac-'- a
REl M's new LMV2548 B gives you up to 48 channels
~.".,.ncy Co_age: 2a ‫סס‬oo "' Hz. 10 2g. 6l1l1g "'HZ.
The Ranger RC 12950 M obile 10 Mete r Transceiver
has everyth ing you need l or am ateur radiO com-
II\iI rks 01 CommunlCa loons ElectronICS Inc.
Saledal. . 3115ril-1 0131 rIU ,1,0 _032591·,1,
C opyl"lght o 1891 Co",munlcations e lect ronic s Inc.
wh ieh can be org anized ,"t0 4 sepa rat e scan areas munications. The RF power ceeuor teaune in the
l or conve nie nt g rou ping 01c h annels and im proved RC t2950 allows you to ad just t he RF output power For more information call
comm unications efficiency. W ith an e xternal pr~ continu ou sly I rom 1 walt through a l ull 25 ....att s
gram me r, YOUf radio t ec hnician c an reprogram th is
rad io in min ut es w ith t h e PMt OOA programmer lor
oulpu t on USB. l SB and CW modes. You gel a
no ise blanker, roge r beep. PA mode. m ike g ain,
$99 ,9 5 w ithoul even o pe ning t he transce iver. A d ig ita l VFO, buill·in S/R F/ M O D/ SW R meter. Fre-
si milar t e cn eon et 60 wSII unit ca lled th e RM V60B quency selec t ions may be mad e Irom a s....itch on Communications Electronics Inc.
is available l o r $48 9. 9 5 . A low band ve r sion called l he microphone or l h e fro nt pa nel. The RCI 2950 Emergency Operations Center
me RML60A for 30- 43.000 MHz. or t he RML60B g ives y ou AM . FM, U SB. LS B or CW o peratio n, For P,o, 80. 10.5 0 Ann Arbor. Mict>lgan 48108· 104 5 U,S.A.
for 3 7 ·50.0 0 0 M Hz. is also ava ila b le lor $ 4 8 9, 9 5 , tec hnic al info. c a ll Ranger at 6 19-2 59-0287 . For o rde rs c all 3 13·996·8 888 o r FAX 3 13·663·8688
oj T2.
detune the bandpass filter such that it is prese- TO GNO TO C" ~N D 02 exists. Go through the adj ustment procedure
lecting a different VFO/balanced modulato r / '_ SECONOUV W'NO'NG again, watc hing the wattmeter. You should
Cl\'E ~ "' DOLE OF TClfIO'O
product. I tried to avoid thi s possibility by have about a watt peak envelope power. In
choosing an IF far removed from 28 MHz . o ne version I had more, in a nother I had less .
While th is results in the necessi ty of a mixing T he spot fu nction is enabled by throw ing
scheme in the VFO c ircuitry , it made tuning S 1. It turns on the carrier oscillator a nd en-
t he bandpass filter easy . T he fi rst atte mpt at b) Tl
.~'''~~ V , 33 TU~ N S
abies you to tune the transmitter to your re-
th is circuit employed a 24 MHz IF a nd 4 .5 SECONDA~V, 3 TVl'NS ceiver's freq uency without ap plying a signal
MHz VFO. This sounded great in theory , but TO ~ 2 a' to the ante nna. Simply speak into the mike
I had practical problems differentiating be - and adjust the frequency until your voice
tween 24 and 28 MHz signals. A' TO CII ~NO u' sounds natural .
Beware of self-oscillatio n. Even these c J T3
broadband amplifie rs wi ll oscillate if over- , _ _ CENTEIlTAIl TO 02 On T he Air!
driven, or if a mi smatch occurs between -"'TI- B TO C~O Ten meters is wide open. After completi ng
stages . This will result in a waveform that . II , ,, ~IIT,
SECO N O A ~T , 3 Tu RNS the breadboard ve rsion of th is tra nsmitte r, I
looks like you have a carrier present in the was immediately rewa rded with an enjoyable
sig na l. You may look to the balanced modula- 1500 mile QSO o n the first call. I had the
to r fo r the problem, bUI you may re all y have d l T!)
same luck the ne xt day. I have a modest beam
a n amplifier oscillating . I have used ma ny anten na at a modest he ight. You will be pleas-
different bias ing a nd feedbac k schemes fo r antly surprised at what a watt will do o n 10
Q7 and Q8 , and the resistors in these stages meters . While this rig will not d uplicate the
should not be changed casually . While it is perfo rmance of the commercial transceivers ,
tempting to change them to obtain more it performs admirably . Most importantly, it
output, you may sta rt an otherwise stable TO 1127 shows that a non-e ngi nee r and no n-techni -
amplifier osc illating madly . Experimenting ,) T6,1.8 BIFILAR cian, on a first attempt at a sideband transmit-
with some of these components will show ter, can cook up a workable system. If I can
whal a delicate balance exists in a s ideband
~ do it, so can you! I welcome correspondence

~ 8.-TO O~
transmitter. regarding this rig or any ho me -bre w topic.
Adj usted properly , your voice will sound "2 " A "" Oil 113'
~3 2(AS TNE CA5E " AT BE Hap py ho me -bre wing! III
natural in the statio n receiver, and the watt- TRANS'STOll
meter will bounce merrily with your speech TO CA.... C ' TO~ 0 0 ClfI C50 Oft C53
patterns , resting at zero with no speech . If You may contuct Bruce Auld NZSG at 1704
your wattmeter shows a continuous dcflec- Figure to. Winding specific toroids: (a) 72 , Windsor Forest Trail , Roanoke TX. 76262.
tion dur ing trans mit periods , so me imbalance (b) tt , (c) TJ, (dJ TS, and (e) T6,7,8. Please enclose an SASE.

Quorum introouces the first Talk With The Knowledgeable People At

10lally int egr ~t ed system
for Ihe receplion of wC~l her QUEMENT
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Com ple le prog ram con trol
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The easy 10 learn ~nd use
~enu driven pr<>gr~m allow,
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R e c ei v e palette of up to 262.000 colors Compact 2M Mobile
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W e a th e r Sate ll ite System configurations cap- -tC901A Mobile Transceiver $929
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I m a g e s and C harts SI~r1 at $399 ,00 while full y
- UX·49A 440 Mhz band unit $328
c~pa hl e systems can be con-
, UX·29H Hi Power 2m band unit $328
on y our P C figu red for $ 1500 to 52000.
providi ng professional quality All mode 2m 70cm base .. . . • . . . . . . . . . . . $2699
w i t h Q uoru m's at low prices - UX-R96 Recei ver unit ......... . • • . _ $389
For co mplete lOfo r m~tion -IC·3220A Compact 2m170cm mobile unit $579
To tally I ntegr a ted and a Demo Disk . ca ll or
wrile: Since 1933, we have been proViding expertise
and Af fo rda b le Quorum Comm u n icatioo~, and quality products to generations of hams.
Inc. . 1020 S, Main St. Suite A.
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Weat her Facsi m i le 488·486 1. Or, do wnload a
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Sys tem by calli ng (8 17) 42 1-0228 1000 SOUTH BASCOM AVE.,
'==...=="" usiog 2400 haud. 8 dala bils
~~~~~~~~~ and Noparily , SAN JOSE CA 95128
Call Us At (408) 998·5900

24 73AmateurRadioToday - October,1991
Number I on your F~bM:k ca rd

Simple Gain Antenna

for 903 MHz
Build it for under $25.
by Phil Salas AD5X

B uild ing antennas for the UHF

a nd low microwa ve bands
generally requires quite a bit of
., place . A type " F" TV co nnecto r
crimping too l is excellent for this.
This completes the driven element.
metal work and some tric ky adj ust- Now. tum the sc rews completely
ments to get good re sults . How- into the tubes.
eve r. you can overcome some o f
these problems w ith a few relat ive- T he ~ fa tc h
ly simple modifications to an ine x- The d riven element will j ust be a
pensive. comme rcially available
TV antenna .
" simple half-wave d ipole wh ich
shou ld give a good match to 50
The anten na I used was the Rad io oh ms. However. the dipole is bal-
Shack U-75 UH F corne r reflector anced and the coax is unbalanced so
antenna (RS 15-16(0). which costs a I : I 50 ohm balun is in order.
just $ 16.95. It consists of one dri v- Figures 2(a) and 2(b) show the con-
en clement and seven d ire ctors . struction of the balun . Use RG-8M
(Th is ante nna is actuall y called a Figure J. (a) Preparation of the p la stic cemer p iece. (b) Driven coax cable (available also fro m Ra-
" corner-Yag i-Uda-hybrid " anten- element preparation. d io Shack). RG -8M is a mi niature
na . which is a co rne r refl ector an - RG-8 coax which has an impedance
ten na with directors.) The trick was to match
this antenna to 50 oh ms and opt imize it for the
., of 50 ohms and the same d iameter as RG-59 .
The loss characteristics of RG-8M are far
902-928 MHz ha m band. I 5 .2 '
'V/ -r-c,
superior to RG-58 and it is a perfect fit in the
I,Ij -inch copper tubes.
The ~ fooifications -IL~ · Referring to Figure 2(a). prepare one end
'/ I-LEto(;TM
First . you must remove the insulated driv- of the RG-8M by first stripping off I inch of
en element by drill ing ou t the cente r rivet insulat ion and ex posing the braid and ce nter
holding it in place . Nex t. re move the alu- conducto r. Next. measure 3 .2 inches more
minum clements from the insulated driven and remove a JA -inch section o f insulation. as
element by d rilling out the two rivets holding " CR' .... ,
\y ~ ., .... /
CoPPE R Tlillt: shown. Now. cut a 3 .2- inch piece of l,Ij-inch
them on . You should now be left with j ust the coppe r tubing and insert it over the cable. as
blue insulated piece . Now. re ferring to Fig - shown in Figure 2(b). Overlap about half of
ure I(a). cut off the ra ised portion of this
insu lated piece with a hacksaw or band saw.
1'/ Sot.OER...J
the exposed braid and crimp the copper tube
to hold it firmly in place . Using a 100 watt or
Finally. meas ure 0.9 inch from the ce nter FIgure 2. (a) Sleeve balun constrn(1IOn. (b)
more soldering iron or gun. care fully solder
hole and drill two holes for clearing #6 Crimp the balun and solder equal length leads the tube to the secti on of brai d . The ope n end
screws. Thi s completes the modifications to onto the balun sleeve and center conductor. of the tubing should be comfortably removed
the insulator. (0 . 1 inch or more) from the braid and center
Referring to Figure I( b). cut two 1 l.4 -inch conductor. Now . cover the exposed bra idl
pieces of 1,4-inch coppe r tubi ng and flatten Y: );VI ..-.,.
...- solde red tubing end and the entire piece of
inc h of one end of both pieces. Drill a #6
clearance hole in the flattened port ion on each //,-'~ , , , copper tubing with heat shrink tubing (from
Radio Shack) and heat to sh rink in place. You
tube. Attach these two lubes to the insulator
with two #6 sc rews . nuts. solder lugs. and six
#6 washe rs. as sho wn . Next. take two #10 x
" '~ ,~,.;~' ,
. have just created a quarter-wave (3 .2 inches
at 915 MHz) 1: I sfee..-e balun.
Now . solde r the ce nte r conducto r to the
-l' -inch bra ss screws and insert them about solde r lug o n one of the clements of the driven
halfway into the two copper tubes. Crimp the FIgure 3. Mount thednven etemem to the boom element assembly. and so lde r the braid to the
copper tube s so that the screws arc snug in (jbout4.5 inches behind the first director. other solder lug . Keep the lengths of the braid
73 Amaleuf Radio Today . October, 1991 25
Enjoy /N E VE R~ NewAOR
CLiMBINC~~~> Townsend Electronics
VOURTOWER 400 Channels.
100KHz to 2036MHz
Are you too scared or too old to dimb? Never
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I o
Allo ws you to

1/2',83/4' or 10' sectcnjeoqrrs. Easy t o install

hinge base, walk up erecron Next plumb tower sa fely mount
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winch to top of tower for normal operating
posjtiOn. safety oo; system operates w hile raising
I you r ha nd-held
or mobile radio
where yo u can
see the controls.
or lOwering At last a creso. convenient and safe
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SPECIAL TOWER PACKACE : SO ft . high by 18"
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Heavy Duty $29.95
04 Scan Banks .
Programmable Attenuation
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W t:<v I}· """" rower. same Dkg a< ot:ove "61(1,95 station us e. 025 Day Satisfaction Guarantee
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I'AlER} ra F!Ohn 2S-IW ""'"' SIQ It wtna lOOO Z52,95 o Moun ts on ANY
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I'AlER 4 fO' F!Ohn ~9"'Y ," 161Q II WII"ICI 1<l 505,95 single flat su rface . T elescope Antenna
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oSize 3 In"H J( 5 2/5 "W J( 7 7/8 "D


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AIR·1 : A complele inlenace system 10<' send

& 'arl. 'r-<:, "l og

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or 12VDG DVM.... 179.95
SWL: A 'e-ceive only caru idge for CW , RTTY
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AIROISK : An AIR-l type cp-
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AIR·ROM: Ca rlndgeve,sion
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am:= (301) 258-7373
Reference Ante nna

- l U v(
QtrIC f " T£ ~
CQtrl DuCrc-t
To see how much ga in this a nte nna was
reall y g iving me , fo r comparison I b uilt a
half-wa ve sleeve d ipole wit h a n RF c hoke to

1 isolate the coax from the antenna field. Fig-

ures 4(a) and 4(b) detai l its const ruction.
Expose 3.2 inches of the INSULAT ED
center conductor from a length o f RG-8M THEORIGINAL
coaxial cable . Unravel the braid a nd trim it 10 2 MeIer all Fiberglass Quad Now A~allable 'or
a length of If: inch. C ut two 3.2-inch lengths 220 · 440 Mhz tested for less than 1.3:1 $WR
o f lA -inc h copper tu bing . Slip one piece o ver over the entire le9al ope!"allng range includlng
the center conductor and down over the coax MARS and CAP, Front to back rare 10 excess ot
24 db Forw ard gain exceeds 10 db, $taekltlQ
cable so that the RG -8M bra id is under the
hardware and harnesses avenaoe. Also 8 and to
tubing . C ri mp the tubing with an " F" type element 2 meter models for the absolute unlmate
c rim ping tool to ho ld it in place . a nd solde r pedormarce in OXing and packet taco. Also
the tu bing to the braid . Walks wonders for satellite recepncn. 6 Element
S lip the other 3. 2-inch piece o f cop per tub- Quad ONLY $79.95 + 10.00 S&H Order NOW
ing ove r the ot her e nd o f the coa x cable ,
pos itio ning it 3.2 inc hes from the first tube .
Care fully remove a band o f insu lation fro m
the RG-8M , the n c rimp the tube over the
braid and carefully solder the cop per tu be to
the bra id . Cover the e ntire assembly with
heat-sh rink tubi ng. Fina lly . add eithe r a BNC
o r a PL-259 connector 10 the e nd of the RG -
8M coax cable.
Anach a s ignal source and an SW R mete r
and snip off small increments of the cente r
" conductor until you ha ve an SWR ofless than
1.5: I . If you overshoot . j ust solder an enen-
Figu rr 4. (a) Prepare the coox fo r the half -
wa vt' reference antt'nna. (h) Attach the steeve sio n wire to the center conductor and try PerlormanceElectronics
and ,hI!RFchoke sections ofsubing as shown. agai n. p.o. Bo ~ 310 · Cones tee SC 29636
~ Ieasu remc nts
Call 24 Hours A Day (803) 299-1072
CtIlCU 288 0fIj READ£II Sl:1IV1C( CAItO
and cente r conductor as soon as possible a nd My anten na-measuring setu p consists of an
equa l in le ngth . te OM R-7000 receiver with a Smith Des ign
At the othe r e nd of the RG-8M . add eithe r
a BNe o r a PL -259 UHF connecto r. In e ithe r
case. pu rchase a connector fo r RG-59 cable
Spectrum Probe" connected to the R-7000
10.7 MHz IF output. This g ives me a tunable
spect rum a na lyzer. I use a telescoping whip
Budget QSLs
as it has the same basic dimensions as the
RG-8M coax . A PL·259 with RG -59 reducer
ante nna for the R-7000 rece iving antenna.
Anything will wo rk fo r th is antenna as you
$39/1000 plus $3.75 Shipping in U,S,
is the easiest connector to install. If you use a rc just g oing to look at the relati ve d iffe re nce
a BNe connector. you will have to trim
severa l of the ce nter co nduc tor strands
between the refe re nce antenna a nd the corner
re flecto r.
from the RG-8M cable in order to insert the First, I sup ported the refe rence an tenna I Thought you couldn 't afford really good
RG -8M coax cente r cond ucto r into the BNC about 20 feet fro m the R-7000. Then I co n-
pm. nected a signal source to the reference anten- I a Sl s ? The se h igh qual ity RAI SED
PRINTED cards can be in your hands lor
na and made a note of the le vel on both the I only 4 Ceach! Your choice of 4 colors 0 167
Finally- The Adj ust ment R-7000 Scmeter and the Spectrum Probe os- I Ib , bristol stock: Gray, Yellow. Blue . Ivory.
To adjust the a ntenna, you will need a sig- cillosco pe output , Next, I connected the cor-
nal source a nd either an antenna bridge or a n ner re flector and made boresight gain. side
I We print in blue ink in the tormat shown. If
you don't want the slate outline. we can
SW R meter. First , hold the driven element lobe suppression , and front-to-bec k ratio I remove it and m ake the callsign larger to
assembly out away from you and adjust the measurements. My setup is fai rly crude , but I I balance the card. NO EXTRA CHARGE
screws in no more than quarter-tum incre- believe thai the followi ng fig ures are accurate for ARRl logo, oe extra wording it we have
menrs for minim um SWR of less tha n 1.5 : I . to withi n 3 d B: the room. Order with confidence. these
are the best value in Ham Rad iO today!
Now. place the drive n e lement assembly on Gai n: 8 dB
Your satisfaction is g uaranteed _ Send
the antenna 4.5 inches behind the first d irec- Side Lobe Sup press ion your check or een us it you have M aster-
tor. as show n in Figu re 3. Ho ld it in place (90 deg rees): IOdB Card or Visa.
with an 8-i nch nylon w ire tie (Rad io Shack Front-to-Back Rat io : 15 dB Need a custom card? Ca ll (318) 443-72ti 1.
278-1652 ). Watch the SW R and minim ize it
A n tnexpenslv e Solution
by care fully sliding the drive n element as·
sembly. If necessary , adj ust the sc rews in the The gain a nte nna itsel f ca n be built for \ • ~""= DENNIS

drive n clements slig htly. You sho uld be able less tha n $25 . Two highe r gai n corner re - WASQ.MM
to get ve ry close to a I : I SWR . Now , use Rector antennas are ava ilable from Rad io NETWORK
e ithe r e po xy or hot g lue to hold the drive n
element assembly pe rmane ntl y in place . You
Shack sho uld you wi sh high er gain. T he
const ruction and set- u p tec hn iques in this - " . . - ~-

co uld also d rill a new mounti ng ho le through a rticle should be applica ble 10 an y o f these
the boom a nd bolt the e le me nt in place . Also, a ntennas. fiI
re-c rimp the co pper tubing over the brass
screws to ma ke sure they stay put a nd make Contact Phil Sa/as AD5X at / 5/ 7 Creekside
good electrical contact . Drive, Richardson TX 7508 / .
73 Amateur Radio Today . octccer. 1991 27
Number 7 o n yourFeedbaek e. rd

Microprocessor Repeater
Controller, Part I
Add versatility to your repeater system.
by John Bednar WB3ESS

ot long after publishing an article on my those who want an economical, easy-to-con-

N Link Controller in the December 1989 is-
sue of QST, r realized just how many repeater
struct repeater controller with a wealth of usefu l
features .
nicer is that the owner can assign these priority
levels to all ofthe 39 commands!
In most cases, you don't have to use the com-
owners needed a repeater controller they could mands to change the CW speed. key-up delay,
home-brew on a modest budget. My first single- Overview of the Controller and hang-time available to all users. By restrict-
chip microprocessor repeater controller had The complete repeater controller consists of ing these and similar commands to superuser
been in operation for almost 10 years. Before two circuit boards, one with the microprocessor priority, they can not be executed unless the
offering it to others, however, r decided to com- ci rcuits and the other with the audio and phone repeater controller is in the superuser mode.
pletely rewrite the software to add some new interfaces. With a modest junk box, you can When entering a command with superuser
features. I knew that if the design were economi- build both of them for approximately $130 . (I priority, the superuser pin must be low. If this
cal, it would bring those repeater owners with will be making the boards and programmed mi- pin input is high, only the lower priority user
diode matrix IDers and intermittent touchtone croprocessors available.] The microprocessor commands can be executed. This input pin can
control into the 21st century. board (see Photo A) has nine outputs and two beconnected to many different sources , the sim-
inputs for control and monitoring. All of these plest being a controller output. Sinceoutput #1 is
outputs are reserved for the user; they are not adjacent to the superuser pin , asolder ball across
dedicated to any specific task . these two pins on the card edge connector will
Additional controller outputs are provided for make the connection.
autopatch, audio muting, repeater PTI, link Another interesting source for the superuser
PTI, and two outputs for the Link Controller input is a PL tone decoder output. With this type
Host PTI and Busy inputs. All user outputs are of connectionthe control operator would turn on
open collector type, able to withstand 30 volts , a subaudible tone to enter superuser commands.
and sink 40 rnA of current. The repeater con- With this type of external control of the com-
troller has inputs for repeater CAS, link CAS. mand priority, the owner can adapt the repeater
superuscr, and link monitor, plus two reserved controller to whatever level of security is neces-
inputs for users to monitor things. All repeater sary for the environment .
controller inputs are CMOS, and offer a wide
input voltage range to make interfacing easy. Courtesy Beeps
Whenthe repeater controller is in the non-link
Command Structure mode, you canchoose a very short single beep, a
The repeater controller has two priorities in short two-tone beep, or a no-courtesy beep. The
the DTMF command structure: the ' 'user" and decision to use the short single beep or the two-
"superuser" levels. None ofthe superuser com- tone beep is based on whether output 119 is pro-
Photo A. The repeater controller consists ofa mands can be executed when the controller is in grammed high or low. I use this output to signal
computer board and an audio board. Shown the user mode, but all of the commands can be repeater users on whether a repeater function is
above is the microprocessor board. executed in the supcruser mode. What's even on or off. By using this output to control some
Selected Features
The heart of this controller is an 8749H single-
chip microprocessor. To date, r am still amazed ~ EP E "TE ~
T ~ u S"'TTE R
~ EP EA TE ~

~£C E 'VE"
at how many features I was able to pack into it! m " uo'o
Selecting the featu res required prudence , since u S E~ OYTPu TS
.wow '"
the memory of the 8749H is limited to 2K bytes
of EPROM. You could add external memory,
j i l lTS
SVP, ' OSE' : cos ' N
but that would increase the size and cost of the NPT PH " , ..n," " .wOlD
AUO'" ,. " P' " '" ".,0 10 ,.
finished product. It would also produce RFI,
Co """TE~ AUO'O
and you would have to mount the controller in a aOA~O
"U" OUT " uTE '. PUT
shielded box with feed-through capacitors to by-
pass the wires.
"uTOpnc" DC
CW" "OK> OoT '.,.,,,,.
"UTOPATO» .... "

See Table I for a list of the features I selected .

Macro capability , voice messages, reverse auto J BATT EllT ". ,~ j-"
patch, and measurement of signal strength
would be nice extras, but you'd spend seven to
ten times more. The project in this article is for Figure J. Block diagram ofa baSIC repeater system using the repeater controller.
28 73 AmateurRadio Today . October, 1991
Once again JRC breaks new ground in system . Superb sensitivity, selectivity
shortwave receiver design. The new and image rejection. Dual-width'" noise
NRD-535 has all the features SWLs blanker eliminates impulse noise .
and amateurs have been waiting for. Squelch , RF Gain , Attenuator, AGC
General coverage from 0.1 to 30 MHz and Tone contro ls. Optional RTTY
in AM, USB, LSB, CW, RTTY, FAX and demodulator available. 24 hour clock!
Narrow FM modes. Advanced ECSS timer. Easy to read vacuum fluorescent
operation for phase-lock AM reception . display with digital S-meter. AC and DC
Variable bandwidth control (BWC) . operation. Plus the most comprehen-
Tuning accuracy to 1 Hz possible with sive computer interface found on any
direct digital synthesis. 200 memory radio to date. Call or write today for a
channels with scan and sweep oper- full color brochure, price list and dealer
ation. Triple Superheterodyne receiving information.

Radio c« .ltd.
MAIN OFFI CE : Akasaka Twin Tower (Main), Akasaka 2-chome, Minato-ku. Tokyo 107, JAPAN
Tel.: (03) 584 -8836 Telex: 242·5420 JRCTOK J
IN U.S.A.: 430 Park Avenue (2nd Floor), New York, NY 10022
Tel. : (2 12) 355·11 80 FAX: (2 12) 3 19·5227 Telex: 96111 4 JAPAN RADIO NYK
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Figure 2. Scnemauc for the repeater controller computer board.

fu nction, you can let your users know the on/off tesy beep, the computer stops the tone so it won' t ready programmed to Ignore invalid leading
status of the function. interfere with conversation . digits! Finally, an internal timer clears the
For example, you could use output #9 to tum DTMF digit buffer if the user doesn't unkey
the PL on and off. If you don', like courtesy DTMF Features within three seconds of the last digit entered.
beeps, you can simply program the courtesy Continuing with more features, the repeater This timer will aid the control operator if errors
beep delay to zero, and it won't sound during controller can accept DTM F commands any- are made when commanding the repeater con-
non-link operation! The link monitor input puts time, even when sending CWoWhen entering a troller in the presence of other signals. If an
the repealer controller in the link mode via local command . the first digit must bevalid forat least error is made, the control operator simply waits
or external control. (The repealer controller and 200 ms. This is done to reduce the possibility of three seconds and then re-enters the command.
hardware in this anicle is optimized for a re- the controller being "triggered" by normal
peater with a single link. You can add multiple speech. Because of this delay, a short burst of Table 1. Repeater Controller Features
- steuoo 10 , time-out timer. DTMF touchtone
links, but you have to build more hardware. I the initial DTMF tone will be heard on the re- muting
will include this information with kit orders .) peater, but all remaining DTMF tones will be oNine outputs and two readable inputs for the
With this link monitor input, you can have an muted. user
external device like a Link Controller turn the Like the Link Controller, the repeater con- oprogrammable CW speed, hang-time, key·up
delay, and courtesy beep delay
link on when a remote user wants to link into troller DTMF commands can be executed im- oFour·digit commands with programmable pre-
your repeater from another freque ncy. In link mediately by placing a •' #" at the end of a com- fixes
mode (Iinkmon input low), the computer uses an mand string. This feature can be used to control - Programmable CW on/off read-back messages
alternate set of courtesy beeps to let your users the repeater in the presence of other signals, or - Programmable dual·priority level command
know that a link is enabled. If a user unkeys from to string commands together. Normally, all - Oisable/enable repeater transm itters , link
the repeater frequency , a short double beep is DTMF tones are muted on the repeater and the transmitter, time-out timer, and OTMF decoder.
sent; however, if a user unkeys from the link link; however, by beginning a DTMF string - Autopatch and linking features
frequency, a dash-ty pe beep is heard on the re- witha " *, , all remaining DTMFtones are trans- - Direct connect outputs lor the link Controller
(uses commercial circuit boards and common
peater . This simple selection of the courtesy milled over the repeater and link frequencies parts)
beeps during linking operation instantly informs until the user unkeys. -M ultiple audio inputs and outputs with audio
the users where the signals are coming from. This is useful for sending DTMF tones to a gating
For additional fl exibility, the pitch of the remote Link Controller board or some other - Phone interlace, PL gating, and local speaker
courtesy tones can be varied by changing com- external device. No need to worry about the _All software, 110, and timers are contained in
ponents in the tone oscillator circuit (Ull ). Fi- initial burst of the " *,, digit mixing upa remote one chip!
nally, if a user keys the repeater during the coer- Link Controller. Every Link Controller is al-
30 73 Amateur Radio roaev » October, 1991
If you always thought a microprocessor-controlled ACCESSORIES GaAs FET
repeater had to be expensive, LOOK AGAIN ! You
could easily spend this much just for a controller.
at a fraction of the cost
REP-200 REPEATER of comparable units!
A premium repeater with autopa1ch aM many versatile dtmf
control features a1 less than many charpe for a ba re-bone s TO-3 SUBAUDIBLE TONE
repealer! DECODER/ENCODER kit Adjustable
lor arI'J tana. Designed 815pe<:ially for
ONLV $5 9
We don't skimp on If modules, eitherl Check t he features on "peat.~, with remote cornrol
R144 Receiver, for instance: GaAs FET front-end, helical aetivaleld9activata provisions $24 FEATURES:
reson ators, sharp crysta l fINers, hysteresis squelch. • Very low noise: O.ldB vhf, O.8dB uhf
• High gain: 13-2OdB, depends on freq
, Wide dynamic rang• • resist overtoad
Kit $1095; wit on ly $12951 • Stable : tow-Ieedback dual·gate f ET
' Spec'1f runirn; """J": ~30, 4 f$::;6, 13 1· 150,

- - 150-112, 210·130, 4()[.1.4 1O, or /IOO.llSO MHz.

FeatlnS adjl!SUible 1ai & ~ PREAM P
bmlJn;. soid-stat. 'elay, OOU1esy baap,
..-.d local speaker .,....,.. .._.__.......$49 ONLV $ 24 .. $3 9 _~_
CWID kit Diode progI.I"W aJr"f time • GaAs FET Prelwnp Iimiar to LNG.
il the field. adjusUltlle tone, speed. end allOBpl: de '... ilIOCl lor low COIl " SlIl'IIi
bmer, to go with COR-3 _ _.$59 Ib:. . ()nty 5If1W x 1-518'1. • 3,l4'H
• A~aiIIbIe lor tile 2M. 22OMHZ. 44Of,4Hz. 9Q2t,IIHz ba1cis. EaMy motr4s in many radioe.
FCC type accepted (lItJf and uhf comrnerQaJ bands).
, Ruggoecl e. clter and PA. onigrled lor COI'Itinuous duly.
• Power 0UIpUI15-1ffN (25W option) on 2M or hi-bancl; 15W on 22OMHz: 1M on
uhf or 902MHz.
• • •
.~ lUrIO"l/ *'51': Z$-~ )S.M, SS--1iIIll,
110- 120. 11O- 'so. 1::;o.~ 2fJO.270, or 400--500

• Accessory add-on PA's evailable with po_r level s up t o 100W.

• Sl. courtesy bHp typ... including two pieaserrt. SeqU8l1t~. multi·tone bursts,
• AUTOPATCH: either open or cloted access. teu-eeu r"lrlet, avto-d,SCOl109CI.
• R eve~e Autop stch , two types: auto-ans war or ring tone on the ak. IN-LI NE PREAMP
, DTMF CO NTROL: over 45 functions can be cootroJlad by louch-tone. Separata
4-dig~ control ccoe lor each lvnclion, plus e>ctra 4-dlglt owner pu .word . ONLY $79 1~~, $99 wlr -.t1..tltd
• Own.r can Inhibit autopatch or repeater, enable eMer open- or dosad-access
lor repeater or autopalch, and enable toll calls, reverse patch, klfchunk filler,
sit. alarm, aux revr, and 0Ihef options, n:luding l'I'O au.iliar): e-ternal circuits.
. .',
, '-'
, GaAs FET Preamp with !ealUres similar
to LNG series, axcept .utomallcally
.wltche. out of lin. during transmit.
• The cwid message. dtmI cornrnar'ld codes. and owoer-speOlied data... par-. Use with base or mobile transceivers up
IIlIlIIor cor and cwid timers end tones are bo.med i"Tto the eprom a! the Iactory. to 25W Tower rT'lOI.RinQ brackets ro.
• Cw speed and tena. OOU1asy beep and Iai Imers, end OOU1asy beep type can .~ bWIV .-.ge: 1~'1S, 2fJO.14O, or
' I be changed at any Ii.... by O'M"IeI'..pas.sword-pfo dtmI corrmancIs.
• Many bYllt",," d iagnostic & lastng IulCtiOllS using miCl'Opi ........ssor. -~-
, Color coded led"s Indlcat. l tatul 01 ill major Iu octioIlS.
• Wekled ~rtitionI lor exerter. P' leoeiO'tW. and (lI';lRl'~. PEM IU$ hokl HELI CAL RESONATOR
, 3-1/2 i1ct1 all.mirun rack pa"llII, flnishad il &OJlP'" whIte..-.d bIac*. Preamps with 3 or 4 sedion helical
• Auxiliary " "....... input Jot inOeper'lOOrt co dlol or crOM linking repe.l_ . resonators reduce In'tenrtOd " cross-
~nd Interferenc. in criIiclIllllJf*:alions.
REP·2OQV Economy Repeater Kit. As above, excepl uses C0R-4 MODEL HRG-{"'), $49 vhf, $94 tlt.
Controller wiIt10uI DTMF co Ib01 or autopalch. KIl only 1795, .~ A.ning 1WlG": loU·15O, 1::;0.162,
1/J2·1U, 213-233; 4 ~, ~70 .


TROLLER krt , Full 16 digrts, with toll-ea~
DIGITAL LINKS , TELEMETRY, ETC. restnctor, programmable. Can lum 5
functions onJo1I. area! lor seecsve call-
FM EXCITERS: krts ing, 1001 $79
$99, wit $169. m conlin- AP-3 AUTOPATCH krt Use with above
uous duty. TCXO & xlaI lor reoeete- autopatch. Reverse patdl
0'-'eI'\ op!JOllS av t tie . & phone ina temOIa conIl'ol ara SId .$79
FCC . . . ocoop<od to<
com " uhf & hi bands. AP-2 SIMPLEX AUTOPATCH Tning RECEIVING
Boa-d kit Use wiIh aboVe lor si11lleX
• TA51 10r 2M, 150-114.
operalion usng a tranli'C i ' o'tW _ ..._ S39 CONVERTERS
low noisll ~
to raeehoe vhf and
• TA'51 1or1kl. uhf bands on • 10M l'8'C~. Choice
• TA901 lor 902-928MHz.
01 kit with case & BNC jecks, k~ wiIh pcb
1O.5W 0lA: wit""'" only, or wit l.W'IiI i l l case.
For 1m, asb, a1V. 0utpuI Raquest eatalog tor c:ompIe($ liSbngs.
trom 1M to lOON. 5e--1Il models, kits SIartng at $79. VHF Input ~ng.. • ..all: 13&138,
144-146, 145-147, 14$-148; krt lass
FU RE CEIVERS: kits $139, wit $189 case 139, k~ w/case $59, wit in case
• Rl'4!R220 FM RECEIVERS lor 2M, $89.
15().174, or 22OMHz. GsA. FET front M0-202 FSK DATA MODULATOR krt. UHF Input tang.. a..all: 432-434,
and, O.l5uV sensitivity! Both cry$lal & Run up to 1200 baud digrtal signals 435--437, -435.5--437,5: krt Illss case $49,
ceramic d fi~ers plus helical through any 1m transmitter with fun kit wlcase $69, wit in cas e $99.
r• • onator Iront end l or exceptional handshakes. Radio link computers,
selecbVJly; > l 00dB at tl2icHl (bast telemetry gear, ate $39
available anywheral) Fluttllf·proof DE-202 fSK DEMODULATOR krt , For
hysteresis squelch: afe trecks drill. receive end of ink $39 TRANSMITIING
• R451 UHF FM RCVR, similar to 9600 BAUD DIGITAL Rf UNKS. Low.
coo packet networIOOg sysIam, CONVERTERS
• Ri01 to2·928MI-b: FM RCVR
T~GaAsFETlrontend. V
consisting of new M().96 IoIodern arid
special ver-sioos 01 our 220 or 450 mHz
XV2 'or' vhf and XV4 for I>hf. Models 10
convert 10M ssb, cw, 1m. etc. to 2M, 432,
• R7I ECONOMY FM RCVR lor &.I, 2M. 22OMHl, wlQ helical res. or Flo! Transmlllllll .-1d Reoei,ers. .-rter- -435...-.d lor aN. lW cuput
ate. KIts S 129. lace ewectty wiIh most TNC"s. Fast. KJ't only 17SI. PA's up to 45W 1MlI1abIe.
• Rl37W[ATHER SATEWTE RCVR Ior 137 MHz. KltS I29, wit $189. dode-swiIl::hed PA', outp.A 15 or fnN. Raqc.esr caralog tor compIefe lstiIlgs.


ID & Timeout
The repeater controller has a fixed 10
interval of seven minutes, and the repeater
will 10 only when nobody is talking-un-
less the time-out timer 10 is disabled. When
disabled, the repeater will 10 whenever the
interval timer reaches zero (while users are
To save valuable memory and eliminate
extra transmissions by the repeater con-
troller, 1 did not program the controller to
do an "end 10." This is the type of 10
routine where, a few minutes after the QSO
has ended, the controller sends the station
callsign and sometimes an extra message. I
personally like a repeater controller with-
out lots of chatter, and that weighted my
To help reduce repeater key-ups caused
by intermod bursts and dialing kerchun-
kers , I added programmable key-up delay
to the software. When the repeater is being
used, the key-up delay is unnoticeable. But
after 30 seconds of no activity, the con-
troller switches to the programmable key-
up delay value, which is adjustable from 0
to 2.6 seconds.
The repeater controller time-out timer is fixed
at the legal maximum of three minutes. Before
the repeater times out, the controller sends a
message to the users with a station 10. If the user
is still talking, the transmitter , link transmitter,
and phone patch are turned off. The transmitters
stay offuntil the offender unkeys and realizes his
mistake and transmits again.
There is no post time-out harassment from the

Table 2. Commands Figure 3. PCfoil patternfor the computer board.

Command Function Powerup Priority
Output" 1 low User repeater controller; that task is left up to the patch periods. Therefore, input 112 may be multi-
Output" 1 high User repeater users. Of course , if the repeater is plexed for both functions. The above features,
Output "2low User
Output" 2 high User timed out, a control operator can enter the com- plus being able to lock. out users with the super-
Output" 3 low User mand to disable the time-out timer, and the re- user priority, should aid control operators.
Output" 3 high User peater transmitter will come on again. To be
Output" 4 low User successful, the control operator must be able to DTMF Commands
Output" 4 high User
Output" Slow or pulsed Superuser capture the repeater receiver. The "#" feature Initially, every repeater controller powers up
Output" 5 high Superuser must be used. with the same setofdefault commands. All com-
Output" 6 low or pulsed Superuser mands are fixed at four digits long, except the
Output" 6 high Superuser Autopatch editing commands, which are eight digits long.
Output" 7 low or pulsed Superuser
Output" 7 high Superuser The repeater controller phone patch support is Since the leading two digits of each command
Output" 8 low or pulsed Superuser basic but novel. There really isn't enough mem- can be edited, unique command sets can be ere-
Output" 8 high Superuser ory to implement long distance lock-out, reverse ated.
Output" 9 low, two tone beep Superuser patch, auto dial, or control from the phone. De- Because the repeater controller has two com-
Output" 9 high, single beep Superuser
Read input" 1 Superuser spite this, the controller has several nice auto- mand priority levels, it's not absolutely neces-
Read input" 2 Superuser patch features. sary to change the prefix ofall 39 commands. By
Autopalch on soperoeer For instance, when dialing the phone number, making the access to the s.uperuser function
Autopatch off Superuser
Increase keyup delay Superuser all digits are muted so that repeater listeners are unique, 30 of the commands are instantly pro-
Decrease keyup delay Superuser unable 10 hear it. Additionally , there is an input tected from outside parties (30 of the commands
Increase CW speed Superuser on the computer board that allows owners to power up with superuser priority).
Decrease CW speed Superuser customize the autopatch with long distance lock- All commands are listed in Table 2, along
Increase courtesy beepdelay Superuser with the power-up priority of the command.
out or a patch limit timer if needed.
Decrease courtesy beep delay Superuser
Increase hang lime Superuser During autopatch calls, the microprocessor Most of these commands are self-explanatory.
Decrease hang time Supeeuser monitors input 112. lfthis input is pulled low, the The four pairs of increase/decrease commands
Disable time out timer Supel'\lser autopatch will be terminated as if the OFF code simply change timing values in the software.
Enable time out timer Superuser had been entered from the touchtone pad. Since The owner can use a touchtonc pad to increase or
Disposable repeater Superuser
Enable repeater Superuser this input is scanned only when the microproces- decrease timer values in fixed increments. The
Disable DTMF decoder Superuser sor is not sending Morse code, the external sig- command can be repeated to make larger
Enable DTMF decoder User nal will haveto be latched until the patch goes off changes.
Disable link transmitter Superuser I chose this method for two reasons-it keeps
Enable link transmitter Superuser for correct operation.
Change command prefix Superuser Due to some clever software, this input func- the operation simple and it conserves precious
tions identically to input #1 during non-auto- memory. Although it's not a.~ glorious as pro-
32 73AmateurRadioToday· OCtober,1991
Gr oup A

Food for thought. 67.0 XZ

71, 9 XA
744 WA
77.0 X8
9 1. 5lZ
94.8 ZA
97.4 ZB
12)0 .1Z
127.3 3A
156.7 51'.
162,2 58
167.9 6Z
173 11M
OUf new Universal Tone En coder lend s its versatility 797 SP 1035 IA U 6 ,54Z 179.9 6 B
to all tastes. The menu includes all cress.
as well 82.5 YZ
85 4 Y"
107 .2 tB
I IO,9 2Z
14l.J 4A
146 2 4B
11l6.2 7Z
192 8 7"
as Burst Tones. Touch Tones. and Test Tones. No 8U YB 114 8 2" 151.4 5Z 203.5 MI
counter or lest equipme nt required 10 set freq uency- .
• Freq uency accuracy, + . 1 Hz maximum - ~(f C to + 85°C
just dial it in. Whil e traveling. use it on your Amateur o Frequencies to 250 Hz available on special order

transceiver 10 access tone o perated systems. o r in • Continuo us tone

your ser vice van to check oUI your customers' re- Grou p B
pealers; also. as a p iece o f lest equ ipment to mod ulate TEST·TONES: TOUCH ·TONES: BURST TON ES.
yo ur Serv ice Monitor o r signal generator. It can even eoo 697 1209 reco 18SO 2150 "'00
1goo 2200
o perate off an internal nine volt battery. and is a vailab le
1000 770 1336 '''0 "''''
2250 , >00
for one day delivery. backed by our o ne yea r warra nty .
'" 1477
<>4, 1633
" 00
'000 2100
"'" "'" "'"
1soo 2100

• Freq uency accuracy, + 1 Hz ma ximum - .woe to + 85°C

• All tone... in Group A and Group B are included. o To ne len gth approximately 300 ms . May be lengthened .
• Out put level fla t to wit hin 1.5Jb ove r entire runge se lec ted . sho rtened or el iminated by chang ing value of resistor
• Separate level adj ust pots a nd o utput connectio ns for each
Model TE-64 579.95
tone Group.
• Immune to RF
• Powered by 6-JOvrJc , unregulated at H ma o
o Low impedance , low distortion . adjustable sinewavc
426 West Taft Avenue. Orange , California 92667
ou tput. 5v peak-to-peak (800) 854-0547/ California: (7 14) 998-3021
o Instant ...tan -up .

o O ff position for no tone output.

o Reverse polarity protection built-in .

---------------------------- 1
gramming delays in milliseconds. the result is 3, 5, 7,9, ", A, or C as the second digit of the the charging circuit to function properly. the fu ll
identical. Also, my fi rst repeater controller used command prefix ; and as a superuser priority, charged terminal voltage of the battery must be
this method of changing delay parameters. andil select a 2, 4. 6, 8. 0, #. B. or 0 as the second at least 1 volt less than the power supply voltage
has worked well to dale. digit. of pin 25 on the card edge connector. If you
To program a new prefi x code into lhe con- notice that your computer doesn't retain pr0-
Command Editing troller, simply touchtone the following eight- gramming changes after power loss. measure
All of the controller commands have CW digit sequence without unkeying: the four-digit the voltage across RJIO see ifcharging current is
read-back to confi rm the action. except for the "change command" code. and the two-<Iigit flowing into the banery under normal condi-
autcoarchONcommand where itwouldn't make " code number: ' and " new two-digit prefix:' tions. For those owners who have a 6 volt bat-
sense. To make the interfacing easier to the user The software counts the number of digits en- tery pack lying around. a high effiCiency regula-
inputs and ocrpets. I thought it would be conve- tered. then checks the code number range. If no tor can be substituted for U5 (LM294OCT-5 .0).
nienr if I could control the sense of the CW errors are detected. an " R" will be heard when With this regulator, the terminal voltage of the
read-back message. The power-up standard is unkeying, to confi rm the change of prefix . Re- backup banery can be as low as 6.1 volts. Resis-
output/input-high reads back as OFF and low member. the controller will clear the command tor RJ should be selected according to the bat-
reads back as ON. butTer if you pause for more than three seconds tery backup scheme you use. If you power the
If you like . you can reverse these messages between digits. If editing becomes necessary in computer board with a 13-14 volt supply , R3
when you' re programming the prefix codes. the presence of other signals, just use the force should be 390 ohms (you can use either voltage
Once again a simple but effecti ve method was feature " 'I" at the end of the eight-digit se- regulator) when using a seven-cell AA NiCd
chosen to do this. To keep the standard read- quence. pack; R3 should be 470--510 ohms if you use a
back messages. program a 1. 3. 5.7.9. or A as All modifications to the power-up state of the six-cell AA NiCd pack (use the optional regula-
the fi rst digit of the prefix. To reverse the read- controller are saved in the computer's RAM. tor) . See the parts list for a good backup battery
back messages. program a 2. 4. 6. 8. O. N. or B Since the 8749H power-down feature wasn't source.
as the fi rst digit of the prefix . To eliminate the usable in this design, I decided to provide bat-
read-back message ennrely. program a C or 0 tery backup power 10 the entire board. Every- Computer Board Operation
as the first digit. thing needed for this is on the computer board , The heart of the computer board is the mi-
Since the •.•.. is reserved to pass touch tones. including the diode switch and the charging re- croprocessor U1. It controls the entire repeater
it can noc be used as a valid fi rst digit. If an ••••• sistor (R3) for the battery pack. The computer controller. The inputs to the microprocessor are
is programmed as a leading digit by mistake. board requires approximately 225 rnA. soa pack buffered by a 4050 IC (U6) and the outputs are
simply program a new prefix with a different of seven AA NiCd batteries will keep the board buffered by 7407 open collector buffers (U1.
leading digit to correct the error. alive for close to three hours. If longer periods U8. and U9). Pull-up resistors in a SIP resistor
You can program outputs #5 through 8 for of backup are required. you can substitute a pack (UJO) pull all the inputs to an idle state if
pulsed low operation or a static (00 pulse) fune- backup battery with greater capacity . To allow the pins aren't connected. The board uses a 555
t ion . Becau se of r ----'-- - - - - - ...:.- - '-----'- - - '----'- - - - - -...:.-- --,
memory limitations,
puls ed ope rat ion ,, ,.,,,...,
could only be added
to th e outp ut low
• , UNK P'TT
.. 6VOUT

commands of these •• OUT ,6

OUT ' .
outputs. If a leading 1
• OUT ' 7
OUT ' .
prefix digit of I.2. or
D is programmed .
•• OUT ' .
the output will pulse "" I\PT P'TT OC
low for 150 ms and
then return to a high
state. Also , the se
three digits allow the
IN" 1
1101 '2
owner to select one
OUT " 1
of the three possible
read-back messages. "
OUT " 2
OUT " ,
If any other leading " OUT ' 4

prefix digit is pro-

grammed. the output
will behave like the
..""" l CHOSTPTT
.AT IACJ(.uo

o the r ou tputs (no "

I am sure this flexi-
bility in read-back
.." ,.,,,...

messages is we l-
, .""
comed . as you don't 0-
have to invert signals
in hardware to make .. Q •
the CW read-back
message correct.
Since the above rn HEATSIN'"
& y
~ :~:E=-'
melhod worked so
well . I decided to use
the same scheme 10
program the com-
mand prio rity. To O'c.
designate the com-
mand as user priori-
ty. simply select a I . Figure 4. Computer board pans placement.
34 13 Ama teur Radio Today. October. 1991
The Miniature VHF/FM
Handheld Tl'8nsceiver
Asuper-compact handheld about
ha~ the size of a regular HT, the
tiny DJ-FH is apowertul com-
munications station which fits
I~erally in the palm of your hand .
The Ni-Cd battery is an innova-
tive design, made to charge with
the />f, desk top, drop-in charging
Standard on the unit are 40
memory channels, 3-stage power
settings, pager and code squelch
functions, several scan options,
and full size illuminated keypad for
easy operation and programming.

Ask 10 see ALlNCO pro-

ducts al your dealer and
become familiar wilh our
quality tine and seees-
sories. We've always been
here,and now were ready
10 go wherever you do.


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AlINCO Torrance, CA 00501
TeL (213) 618-8616 Fax (213) 618-8758
soecmcatons aoe features art subectto coaoceWithout
notice or obligation
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - 1
oscillator circuit (U11) to generate the CWtones pulsed by the microprocessor. If the program
for all IDs and messages. The resistors and ca- stopsexecution. these pulses will disappear. ard
11' 11' 11' 11' PRESENTING 11' 11' 11' 11'
pacitors in this circuit can be changed to modify after 8- 15 seconds of delay. the watchdog
CABLE TV the waveform and frequency. To change the should reset the microprocessor. Whenthis hap-
DESCRAMBLERS pitch of the tone for some IDs and courtesy pens . a po.....er-up message will be sent on the
11' 11' 11' 11' 11' STARRING 11' 11' 11' 11' 11'
beeps. the microprocessor pulls pin 31 low. Re- repeater. aocl all default commands and parame-
• • •01 0, HAMUN, OAK
AI\j(l O THE" ~/UoIOI,IlO ~A( 1\,Il( 1IS SiSIOT Rli and capacitor CI5 form an RC filler ters will be reloaded into memory .
• FIN6T ~ F'IIOGI!AM .-A&..E for the tone oscillator. and pot RlO is used to It' s important to connect a DC backup source
• l.ONt:ST 1I£TAIl /\li'HClUW.£ PIIlCU ~ US
• e-J(IIS!iI • , W f li()t,l ooo; ~ 14 i4lS adjust the CW ID level. to the banery backup pin to protect the mi-
• AU MAJ()lt CilEOll" CAllOS .-.cctPTW
_ ntU CAT~ ON&-T 1-eoo-J4s-a917 The computer board uses a DTMF decoder croprocessor from being reset and loading the
_ AU. _ .. AnoN ...1.709-99J7 (U3) and an associated audio buffer (U4) to default parameters . Without a backup battery.
decode the DTMF tones. The gain of the circuit power supply glitches may occasionally scram-
is controlled by pot R17. A filter after the op ble both the microprocessor and the watchdog
amp(RJO. R12 , ca. and CIS) rolls off discrimi- circuit. These cases are rare and they seem high-
nator audio before passing it tothe decoder chjp. ly dependent on the transient suppression of the
When the decoder chip thinks it detects a valid main DC supply .
DTMF lone, pin 14 o(U3 goes HIGH , signaling The remaining circuits on the board provide
the microprocessor and lighting the LED DS\. regulated 5 volts to the board , If the supply
Occasionally this LED may flash briefly during voltage drops. the backup battery will provide
"HEIGHTS normal speech. If it occurs at a high rate , the
filter after U4 may have to be modifi ed.
power to the board through diode D1. Diodes
DI and D2 form a DC switch. and resistor R3
The watchdog circuit (U2) monitors the mi- charges the external backup battery. If a non-
croprocessor and resets the computer if the pro- chargeable battery is used . this resistor must be
gram stops execution. Pin 4 of U2 is continually removed.
Table 3 . Computer Board Parta LIst
,,/ P.rt
5 pF ceramic capacilor
Mouser 21 FKOOS
./ 02 20 pf ceramic capacitor Mouser 21 FlO2O
/' C3.5.9
1.0 ~F tantalum Mouser 540.1 .OM35 0.1 j.lF ceramic Mouser 14Q.C01 2R6-1G4Z

C" 47 j.lF, 6V tantalum Mouser 540-47M06
C12 220 j.lF, 25V electrolytic Mouser 141).XR35V220
COT 10j.lF.16Vtantalum Mouser 540.1OM16
, C21,23
0 1.2
0_01 j.lFceramic
1N4001 diode
Mouser 333-1N4001
0.. LED, any color Mouser 358l501
Q' 2N2222 NPN transistor Mouser 511-2N2222
Rl .2.4,5.18.21 .29 lOk,1/4W Mouser 29SJ25(}.1Ok
R3 see text see text
Li gh t, strong, R6.11 lOOk, 1/4 W 29SJ250-100k

permanently beaut iful R'

680k , 1/4 W
33Ok, 1/4 W
Mouser 29SJ25O-68Ok
Mouser 29SJ25Q.330k
R12,14,15,30 2,2k, 114 W Mouser 29SJ250-2.2k
Alu m in um towers. R"
10MEG, 114 W
1k, 114 W
Mouser 295J250-1 k
R17,20 20k potentiometer, single turn ME323-4255P-20k
o Self-supporting u/) to 120 R19 100hm, 10r2W RadioShack271-151
ft .; guyed at higher R"
8749H rrucrcconnonee
WB3ESS; see note below
heiglus. U2
SSI202 'roocmone decoder IC
Radio Shack 276-1303
lM358 IC Mouser 511 -lM358N
o Easy to assemble and U'
US 7805 voltage regulator (see leld) Mouser 511-l7805ACV
erect. U6
4050 Ie
7407 1C
Mouser 511-4050
l00k,lo-pinSIP Mouser266-100k
o Complete tapered ami UlO
U" 5!>5 timer Ie Mouser 51 1-NE555N
telescoping models. ,,
YO ~ 3.57 MHz ctyStaJ
PC board
Radio Shack 272-1310
WB3ESS RCCB3-16-90-A
4O-pin Ie socket "'»user ME151-8040
o Full range of manuailv or 2 15-pin IC sockets Mouser 151C016
electrica lly operated Fold- 1 18-pin IC socket
14-Pn IC SOCkets
Mouser ME151-8018
Mouser 151C014
Over-Kits ,,
2 8-pin IC socket
TD-220 heat sink
Mouser 151COO8
Radio Shack 276-1363
Write for broch ure g iving Card edge confl8Clor 31/62 (mounting holes) Digi-Key S1312
Alternate edge eceeector (no mounting holes) Radio Shack 276-1453
d ozens o f combin at ions o f
Parts are available from' Dlg l.Key Cor"por"ation , 701 Brooll.s Ave. South. P.O. Box 6n, Thief Ri~ Falls
height, we igh t and wind load . MN 56701.()6n . Phone: (800) 344--4539; and Mouser Elec1ronlc. , 12 Emery Aven ue, Randolph NJ
07869. Phone: (800) 346--6873.
The computer and audio blank PC boards and a programmed 8749H miCrocontroller chip are available
HEIGHTS for $19 each from John Bednar WB3ESS, 54B Cherryvilla Road, Norlhampton PA 18067. When ordering
the programmed microprocessor. please include the repealer call as you want it sent, including the prefix
TOWER SYSTEMS (de) and suf1ix (Irpt) along with all spaces clearly marked, SSI202touchtone decoder chips are available in
1721 Indian Rd . limited supply for $7. Please add $4 shipping for all orders. Foreign orders should include additional
Lapeer. MI 48446 If you want to program your own controller IC, the source code is available in OOSformat from the author
Phone or fax at the above eddreas. Send $10 and a formatted floppy (any size, any density). If you write the author
requesting information, please enclose an SASE.
(313) 667- 1700 For battery backup, an assembled 7<911 NiCd AA battery pack is available from Cunard Associates.
Phone: (814) 623-7000.

36 73AmateurRadio Today. OCtober, 1991


rovenR ay's Amateur!

Electronic Distributors Co.
325 Mill Street
Vienna, VA 22180
FAX 703 ·938·6911
MAKE CIRCUIT BOARDS Assembly and Test Instructions The computer board sends a power-up 10
THE NEW, EASY WAY Before you begin assembly, here are some whenever the computer is powered up or reset.
pitfalls to watch out for : This power-up ID can be used to check the initial
1. Don't attempt to assemble this board with a operationof the computer board. Two test meth-
high temperature soldering iron or gun . ods will be given; the fi rst requires an oscillo-
2. If the LED DSI is installed backwards, it scope and the second a voltmeter. Connect a
will give you the impression thai the touchtone scope probe to pin 23 of the board and apply
decoder isn 't working . power. While monitoring the CW AUDIO OUT
3. Make sure resistor pack UlO is positioned pin, the CW power-up message should be visi-
WITH TEC-200 FILM correctly, and of the correct type (one common ble on the scope. If no lone is observed , it's
JU ST 3 EASY STEPS: pin and the resistors internally tied to this pin). possible thai the microprocessor isn't running,
• Copy ci rcuit pattern on TEC·200 fi lm 4. Be aware that not all the ICs are oriented in or the 555 lone circuit is nonfunctional . The
using any plain paper copie r the same direction. second test method checks to see if the mi-
• Iron film on to copper clad board Begin assembly by installing the 14 jumpers. croprocessor is running . First connect a resistor
• Peel off film and etch Don't missjumper J6; it's located under VI, an (anything between lk and 10k) between pins 3
conven ient 8 ~ )( 1 J sue IC. Follow this by adding all IC sockets . It's and 10 of the computer board, and attach a volt-
With Co mpl ete lnstruct lc ns
important to install a socket for VI so that the meter between pin 10 and ground. When the
S Sheets for 53.95 10 Sheets on ly $5 ,95
chip can be removed without damage and repro- board is powered up, the voltage on pin 10
Mid S 1.50postage N Y Res , Mid ""u's lax grammed if necessary. Next, install the voltage should drop 10 near zero volts. After 6-8 sec-
The MEADOWLAKE Corp. regulator and heat sink and put a little heat sink onds, this voltage should rise to near 5 volts . If
Dept. N, P.O. BoJt49 7 compound on the regulator tab 10 aid in the heat this doesn't happen, the microprocessor isn't
Northport , New York 1 1768 transfer. Bolt the regulator and heat sink firmly running or U9 is fau lty .
CIIICl E 5 $ Ol<l ll f A,Df ll SEII\l ICE CA,IID 10 the PC board. Finish the board assembly by When the above tests are successful, the
adding all remaining components. watchdog operation should be checked. Using
Perform the initial testing with the ICs re- either test configuration from above, place a Ik
moved. Apply 12-14 volts 10 the + l2V IN and resistor across the crystal terminals YI whenthe
Carole GROU ND pins of the board, and measure the computer is sending the power-up message. The
Perry's regulated +5 volts at pin 40 of UI . If the supply resistor stops the microprocessor oscillator and
voltage isn't within 0.25 volts of + 5 volts, mea- crashes the program. Within 8- 15 seconds, the
sure the voltage drop across R19. If this voltage watchdog circuit U2 should restart the mi-
drop is greater than 4 volts, look for a shorted croprocessor and the power-up message should
trace somewhere on the board. Once the be sent. If using the voltmeter technique, the
voltages are correct, remove the power and in- voltage on pin 10 should go back to 5 volts 6-8
sert all ICs. Reapply power and re-measure the seconds after the computer is reset.
supply voltage. With all ICs installed, il should Next month in Pan II we will discuss the audio
Computer Progromfor IBM. still be within 0.25 volts of +5 volts. board and operation of the whole controller. III
(Inclndi" t XT•.-IT. PS/2. u4 18M. clonts)
V"rl_dJ",. M,d;' M,,,,,,,., by D."."".j S,,,,'"',lor

Ment o==Or:::::::::::5:=
D\}, InG· ,

,,",,. '" ,.,0 ".

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o• - -~
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Natural Voice Playback Board 1991 CALL DIRECTORY
(On Microfiche)

-I ,

Re~aler Idenll"",..
CO. leSl Slallons
Sile Alar ms
Ca ll Directory
Name Index
Geog raph ic Index
, .",
$t O
• All three - $25

- ~
• -• 0

Remole Telem"l}
Wralh er Stall.." s
MulU " le Languagrs
Shipping per order $3

A,,,nuun""m."ls Mineral, Virginia 23117

703: 894-5777 800: 282-5628
Say you saw it in 73!
Add a ~ NIIIUlrJl Vqja 10 your 'y'tem or equipment ,
Voice """"bula'ie' or muhiple phrase. up to 1 minute in a
Natural Voke I, ",••d In Non·Volat il. E·Prom me mo!)'.(1(
power i' rerl'l<,"ed the re<:<:>rd ing.'will nol be IOSI). We'lI ' e<ord
your m.,sage(.) in a male or female .o ice . or - you can 'ecord Decodes DTMF tones from
tbe jj bra!)' by u,i ng Ib. optional SDS-1000 d.... lop m. nl board
On an IBM or <:<:>m palibl. eompUler. audio source. (tape, phone, Subscribe
rOnllll.l lnpUI Word Selecl 8 ohm Audio OUCP UI radio). Displays numbers on to
SOIl mil Keyline Oul pul 600 ohm Aud io onl pUI
3Z Kb ' am pling nile -+9"0 -+ 14. Supply LCD display, 120 Digit 73 Amateur
Siu: 4.00' . 4.2 5'
!'>l ull iple Mod. ,
JO sec • JO minUle Timers Connecto rs Ind uded
memory. $169.00 ppd . U.S.A. Radio Today
Price S 169.00 Single OIY (programmed) SURVEILLANCE/-
300 Enlerp,ise Sl. Suite E
catalog $5.00. 1·800·722·7790
(619) 746-7998
38 73Amateur Radio Today ' Octobe r, 1991 10 HOWARD ST. BUFFALO NY 14206
(716) 852-37tl
Handhelds Regular SALE
IC·02ATlHigh Power 2m $409.00 289"
IC-2SA 2m HT , 419.00 289"
IC-2SAT 2mITTP " 439.00 319"
IC-3SAT 220MHzHTITTP .." 449.00 299"
HF Equipment Regular SALE IC-4SAT 440MHz HTITTP 449.00 299'1
IC-181 Xcvr/psltuner/scope • Special$6149.00 5099 IC-2GAl 2m HTITTP 429,00 31 9'1
IC-4GAl 440MHzITTP 449,00 319'1
IC-1 2GAT 1.2GHzlTTP 529.00 32911
IC-W2A 2m/440 HT 629.00 5299l

Handhelds for Aircraft band Regular SALE

A-2 5W PEP synth aircraft HT 525.00 47911
VHF/UHF Base Transceivers Regular SALE A-20 aircraft HTwNOR • Closeout 625.00 499"
IC-165 Xcvr/pslkeyer/tuner $2692.00 2399 IC-275A 25w2m w/ps · Closeout $1299,00 1129 A-21 Navicom PlusAircraft HT 660.00 599'1
IC-215H 100w2m FMlSSB/CW 1399.00 1219
IC-415A 25w 440 FMlSSB/CWw/ps 1399.00 1329 Call for information and Prices on
IC-415H 100w440FMlSS8/CW 1599.00 1399 accessories for Handhelds listed above.
IC-575A 25w61l0m xcvr/ps 1399.00 1199
IC-575H 25w 100w6/lOm xcvr 699.00 1329
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PS-35 Internal power supply 219.00 209 95
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FL-53A 250 HzCWfilter (2nd IF) 115.00 RC-12 Infrared remote controller 70,99
FL-I0 2.8 kHzwideSSBfilter 59.00 EX-Jl0 Voice synthesizer 59,00
IC·135 HF xcvrlSW rm/mic 1149.00 899 ~ TV-RI000 AN unit ,.. 139.00 IJ49lj
VHF/UHF FM Transceivers Regular SALE
PS-55 External power supply 219.00 209 ~ IC-229A 25w 2m FMlTTPmic $423.00 369!l'1 R-7lA 100kHz-30MHzrcvr. " 999.00 86911
AT-150 Automa tic antenna tuner 445.00 3999lj RC-ll Infrared remote controller 70.99
IC-229H 50w2m fMlTTPmic 462,00 319"
Fl-32A 500 Hz CWfilter. 69.00 FL-J2A 500 Hz CWfilter 59.00
EX-24J Electronic keyer unit 64,50 IC-448A 25w 440 FM/TTP · Closeout 599.00 J1911 FL-6JA 250 Hz CWfilter Itst IF) 59.00
UT-JO Toneencoder , , 1~8.5~O~
IC-449A 35w 440FMxcvrffTP 563.00 39911 FL-44A SSB filter (2nd IF) 178.00 169'1
IC-1201 lOW1.2GHz FM xcvr 799.00 11911
EX-257 FMunit 49.00
Dual band FM Transceivers Regular SALE EX-310 Voicesynthesizer 59,00
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40 73AmateurRadio Today . October, 1991
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73 Review by Michael Geier KBI UM

Kenwood's TH- 77 A
Kenwood U .S.A. Corp.

Dual-Band Walkie 2201 E. Dominguez 51.

l ong Beach CA 90810.
Tel. (213) 639-4200.
FAX: (213) 604-4487.
Super-packed with features! Price Class: $600.

o paraphrase an old song - .. look what is easy to wind up could be useful in a major metropolitan area
T they've done 10 my walkie, Mah. Wow,
this new Kenwood dual-bander is a true tech-
UHF squelch on one
like L.A ., where UHF activity is extensive. The
ng cannot simultaneously monitor two VHF
nical marvel. Slightly bigger than the single- control, with the situ- frequencies; I guess the UHF front end can't
band TH-2SAT. the new rig packs 2 meters ation reversed on the be tricked into receiving VHF .
and 440 in one handy package. OK, that 's not other! II' s not seri- Other noteworthy features include the
big news anymore. But this rig has more fea- ous, but it can be DTSS, or Dual Tone Squelch System. This
ture s than I ever imagined could exist in one co n f usi ng. S ince system allows you to monitor a busy repeate r
radio. That characteri stic is both its strongest squelch tends 10 be a without havin g to liste n to the chatter, yet be
and weakest po int. set-and-forget opera- called via a three-digit DTMF sequence . Also
tion, perhaps it would available is a paging function, which is some-
Firs t Impressions be ben er if the what simila r to the DTSS but provides for
The rad io feels solid and well made. Unlike s q ue lc h co n t rol s both personal and group codes and also dis-
the TH-25 , it has a nice , easy-to-operate PTT were small, recessed plays the calling station's 10 code. There is a
switch. Alilhe buttons are on the front and one knobs on the back of limitation to these features, which I'll discuss
side, making them easy to find . The LCD is the radio . Overall , later on.
big and shows lots of st uff , including two the rig feels l ike The LCD s-meter funct ions as a battery
s-meters. ton s of status ind icators , and both solid, professional level meter on transmit (a nice touch), and the
ope rating frequencies et once. As on most gear in your hand . It rig uses the batteries and most accessories
new rig s, the final zero is not displayed, and has a nice, inviting from the TH-25 and ' 26 series. It includes a
there is just a tiny digit for a final five. The quality to it- you just belt clip and two nifty covers. One Slips on the
display on this radio has a very low contrast. want 10 pick it up and bottom 01 the rig when you power it from the
You must look at it from just the right ang le to talk into it. external DC jack on top and have no batt ery
feel comfortable with it. The angle seems well connected. This arrangem ent makes for very
chosen for normal handheld use but , in my Pick a Feature, nice mobile ope ration, because all the cables
c vem eec-ut room , at lea st, hold ing it at the Any Feature exit from the same place and there is no ex-
" sweet spot " results in glare from the room Let' s see ... we 've posed connector on the bottom . In this config-
light, making it hard to read the numbers. As got 4 2 memories , uration, the ent ire rad io is about the size of a
on the new TH-27A, the display window is OTM F autod ialing , microphone!
convex and presents the highest point on the simultane ous re- The other cover slips over the keyboard,
face of the rig , making it a target for scratches. cei ve on VHF and protecting it from scrapes and damage. A flex-
The buttons are rubber or soft plastic, and Photo. The THo TlA, UHF (or on two UHF ible button is provided SO that you can operate
although many are small , they are ea sy to Kenwood's compact f r e q u e nc i e s at the FU NCTION key without removing the cov-
pu sh and wide ly spaced . The dual-band dUCk dual-bander. once!) , CTCSS , er. By the way, the keyboard is backl it along
ant enna is complelely rig id plastic on the low- OTMF pag ing and with the LCD, and the lights can be locked on,
er half , but flexible on the top half . calling, Automatic Band Change, dual LCD making the rig much easier to use in the car at
The power switch is a recessed rubber but - s-meters. a direct DC power jack on top of the night. Th e lig hts are all LEOs (thank good-
ton on the side , above the PTT and MONITOR rig, the ability to route the two bands' receive ness, no more incandescent bulbs), so you
buttons. Being used to the traditional rotary audio to separate speakers, crossban d du- don't have to feel guilty leavi ng them on for
switch on the volum e control, I wasn' t wild plex operation , and all the now-standard fea- long pe riods . Naturally, you won 't want to do
about this idea at firsl, but I have come to like tures like scanning, automatic and variable this when using batteries, because the battery
it. The button is quite stiff , making it un likely offsets, and so forth. ute will be signi ficantly shortened.
that it will be turned on by accident. Besides, Unusua l teatures inc l ude th e above-
you must hold it in for a significant fraction 01a mentioned ability to monitor two UHF frequen- Basics
second or it won't work, further reducing the cies at the same time . Note that I am not As delivered , the radio receives from
likelihood of accidental ope ration. referring to " priority" watch operation (Which 136.000 to 173 .995 MHz and 438.000 to
On top, there are dual concentric volume the rig also haS), but to actual tuff-nme simulta- 449 .990 MHz, and transmits lrom 144.000 to
and squelch con trols, one for each band . neous receiving . Apparently, the second UHF 147.995 and 438 .000 to 449 .990. Interesting-
The re' s an odd ity here, though: the main and frequency is monitored through the VHF front ly, Kenwood 's ads for the rig specify that it can
subbands volume controls can be swapped end , though, because the manual warns that receive 118-136 MHz AM (aircraft) after modi-
depending on which band you are transmit- in this mode the second frequency will exhibit fication, but there 's no mention of it in the
ting on, but the squelch controls stay fixed . It reduced sensitivity. But what the heck, it still manual.
42 73 Amateur Radio Today • October, 1991
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73 Amateur Radio Today ' October , 199 1 43

There is a mod which will enable aircraft RX , there seems to be no limi t to the hoops you
MY GAP crossband repeat, and even reception of ca n make this thin g jump through.
CHALLENGER DX-VI some other non-ham bands. Nat urally, you're
not su pposed to do it , but also naturally, the Strike Up the Bands
L•• McCov. WIICP procedure is already floating around. When Managing two bands at once makes for
CQ Technical Editor will they ever learn that we hams don't like some interesting control requirements and
(March 90 Revl••) secrets kept from us in our expensive pur- possibilities. FOf instance , memory manage-
... ·could actually hear sig- chases? If they didn't want us to do the mod, ment can be handled in several ways:
nal. that were In the noise on they either should have made the advertised You can select a memory between zero and
the beam. In my comparlson.s aircraft band AX a standard feature or not nine with one key press and then rotate the
advertised the capability in the first place, luning control to get at the other 30. O r, you
between the base-Jed ~rtlcal
As on most 01 the new miniaturized walkies, can spl it them into VHF and UHF. Or, you can
and the GAP. the GAP con- the speaker is small and somewhat tinny , and select any memory with two key presses. Fi-
sistently outpetjormed the there 's not a great deal of audio output. It's not nally, there 's "page recall," in wh ich you can
base1ed qntenna. Most of my bad at home, but it can be hard to hear me rig have it search through four banks of 10 memo-
reports were appro:dmately in a noisy car or pickup truck. I can't fault ries each, looking for any memory with the
one s-unit better wllh the Kenwood here ; that 's just as good as it seems same digit you entered, as long as it's on the
GAP. One other surprise was to get fro m a speaker that small. The transm it same band. So, if you press " 4 ," it will find
that the GAP vertical was audio is crisp and clean, as is usual in Ken- memory 24 if it is on your selected main band .
quieter (less noise) than the wood rigs. The mik e is somewhere inside the (If it sounds co mplicated here , believe me, tt is
two base-Jed verticals. 1 would speaker cutout, but I can' t see it on thi s rad io. even worse in the manual . But more about that
It doesn't mailer; if Italk at th e spea ker hol e, it later. )
rate the GAP as a quality
transmits fine.
product, but even more Tidbits
Receiver sensitivity seems good, even out-
important a good performer." side the ham bands. The included dual-band I noticed several interesting operating char-
duck antenna is something of a compromise, acteristics, some of which I couldn't find in the
Richard Morrow. K5CNF especially on VHF, but the result is certainly manual. For instance, the output power level
73 Magazlnc adequate. Even so, the NOAA weather station sening (HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW) follows the
(October 90 Review) on 162.400 MHz comes in better than it does band. Thus, il you set lhe rig to lOW while
"another very good thing on my other HT with a single-band antenna. Iransmining on VHF, and then swap the
The selectivity is typical of Kenwood rigs, be- bands, the output indicator will revert to what-
about the GAP antenna Is that ing OK but not real sharp. It can be hard to tell ever it was on the other band, and will come
you don" have to tune 't. when you 're 5 kHz off. back 10 LOW when you swap back 10 your
Usually broadband antennas original band . It's a nice touch. Too bad the
are not very efficient. but this Renaissance Rad io indicator, which is only act ive for the main
one Is. 1/1 could have only I love high-tech toys and, up until now , I've band, is shown under the subband's frequen-
one antenna, I would de- always feh that the more featu res, the better. cy on the display, making it confusing.
finitely rather have thl. one. But this rig may finally have gone too far. No The scan speed is med ium, being quite a bit
The lack of lossy colis. and question about it, it does everything and then faster than that on older rigs, but nowhere
the coverage 0/ a very wide some. In tact, it has features I've never even near as last as some othe r HTs. Also, as on
part of 15 meters by an all thought of, some of which are slic k and useful, most rigs, the scan stops when the squelch
and others wh ich seem poi ntless to me. Let' s opens, which ge nerally is not on the center
band vertical, Impressed me
look at a few: frequency of th e transmilling statio n. Th is,
more than a little!" You can select which band will be heard combined with the rig 's only lair selectivi ty,
wh en you press the MONITOR button to open ca uses the scan to slop three times on each
Kurt N. Ste..ba the squelch , There are three options: main, station , with only th e second time being on the
Wodd..adlo Magazine sub or beth . You can change the sequence 01 right freque ncy. (II also makes the carrier-op-
(Februa." 91 Review) some of the keys, such as the CALUC SCAN erated scan stop mode useless for VFO scan,
key, so thai they perform different functiOns in because it will ireeze on the wrong frequency
"These guys have solved a
different orders. You can select CTCSS inde- and sound distorted.) It is a simple maner to
problem associated with eer- pendently on each band . In addition to the examine the output of the FM detector for DC
tleal•. That Is, an awful lot of usual VFO scan limits, you can set VFO tun ing bias and stop only when it is zeroed in on the
RF Is wallowing around and limits which will prevent you from tuning the right frequency . I wonder why nobody does it;
dropping Into the dirt instead VFO outside them. (Since you are already pro- it would be a great improvement.
of going outward bound. How tected from transmitting out of band, I can't The Slbattery met er displays have 10 steps
does It perform? Like a hot imagine why you'd want to do this.) You can each but, like the TH·25, they always move
kni/e through butter. I was select whether or not you want the rig to stay in groups of two, so they are really five-step
Just a barefoot boy answering keyed while you manually send DTMF, even if displays.
the CO callers. They Just kept you let go of the PTT. There's even a choice The radio can be used as a crossband re-
between two beeper sounds for the tone alert peater, but not without the modification .
coming back to me. POWI
function. You can reset the VFO and memo- Crossband repeat is something people actual-
POWI POWll om almast ries independently to default condition. You ly use now and tnen: I wonder why they didn' t
struck with disbelief mysel/. I can swap the main and subbands, and also make it standard.
mean, this Is a vertical. But select full-duplex crossband operation, listen- The battery saver and automatic power off
then, It'. a vertical with a big ing to one band while yo u talk on the other! mod es can be turned on and off but not adjust-
difference. I was indeed pleas- Using this feature, it is even possible to con- ed for their lime period s. Th e APO operates
ed. 1/ I were a whole lot verse telephone-style, continuously transmit- after 59 minutes, and there is no mention
younger and 1 had two 0/ ting while listening. (YOU'd better have a big of th e duty cyc le of the battery saver. In
those GAPs phased, I'd tell battery and wear gloves, though, because ge neral, it work s well and you should only
those contest hotshots to • . • continuous transmitting will drain it fast, and want 10 l urn it off for packet, DTSS or paging
the rig will gel quite hot.) You can select Irom opera tion.
look outl"
eight scanning modes. And on and on ... The tone alert starts a timer which shows
44 73AmateurRadio Today . October, 1991
you how long it has been since the call was do is preset most of the functions once and
received . then memorize only the subset of commands
you will use on a daily basis. Apparently, this is
Making the Complex .. . Complex what many hams are doing. Here is a report
The problem is, the presentation of all these from Greg N4PSA in Miami, who has owned
wonderful features is truly intimidating. I fully his TH-77A for several months:
realize that having so much to offer results in "Having purchased the TH-77A in January
some hard choices regarding key press se- makes me the local Elmer, so I have been
quences and such, but the interface as well as helping folks out with their questions. One
the key labeting is confusing. For instance, overriding complaint from the '77 crowd is
there are the AL , S.CT, M.GT, S.DT, M.DT, about the manual. Actually, all of the func-
G.SEL, U.CHG and UXU keys . Do you really tions and features are described. but not
expect to remember what anyone of them clearly.
does? Belter mnemonics could have been " During the requisite learning stage of '77
helped. And the display shows ABC, DUP, DT, ownership, I saw that the paging function
CT, TKS.l, M, R,AL. C, anotherM and others. would not work through most of the local re-
There are various combinations of key peaters, since they mask transmitted DTMF
presses which seem to make no sense. For tones for security purposes. Although some
instance, to change memory banks, you press repeaters will pass the tones, they usually
the LAMP button along with a digit. Why the must be preceded by sequences which in-
LAMP button? And you press the M key and clude the # or • to disable the masking func-
then the MONITOR button (which normally tion. Unfortunately, the TH-77A does not allow
opens the squelch) to enter phone numbers those codes to be sent; it permits only the
into the DTMF memories . The SCAN key lets digits 0-9. This limitation makes the paging
you set codes in paging mode. And so on. I feature inoperable in most big cities, where it
know I can't remember sequences such would be most useful.
as these, because they have no discernable " After familiarizing myself with the rig and
patterns. all of its capabilities, I found that I really only
Some rigs have default settings which you used a small portion of the features. In the
select by holding a key while you turn the end, I left most of the options set up at the
power on. This rig has twentyofthem! Most of factory defaults. It sure would be nice to have
them are things you won't want to change very a wallet-sized function guide card. I do like the
often, if at all, but a few can get you into trouble rig, though. It's small , it's light, and when you
if you forget what they do. And, while some need to make changes, the flexibility to do so
have an indication on the display, some don't. is there ... but don't lose the manual!" 73 de
For instance, you can change the delay time N4PSA
before the dual-tone squelch system sends its
tones by holding the MHz key and turn ing the Get the Bug Spray
power on. Doing the operation twice causes Any radio this new and advanced is bound
two different beep tone sequences to sound to have a few bugs, and the TH-77A is no
as the extra delay apparently turns on and off. exception. Here are some I've found , or heard
But nothing shows on the display, so I have no about and verified:
idea what is actually happening, and the man- Kenwood 's ads show the upper VHF fre-
ual gives no hint either, because the meaning quency limit as 165 MHz. Although the radio
of the two tones is never discussed. actually tunes nearly to 174 MHz, the frequen-
cy synthesizer won't lock reliably above about
By the Book 168 MHz. You can tell when it's out of lock
And that brings us to the documentation . because the rig beeps about once per second.
Yes , it is fairly complete but, like so many of The first time it did that, I had no idea what it
these booklets, it is written in Jenglish and meant, because it isn't mentioned in the
contains such gems as " use of earphone manual.
causes no howling" ("to avoid howling, use Several people have reported problems
an earphone"); and my favorite, "During with losing all the memories if they let the
A.B.C . operation , being exchanging the battery get low enough to cause the display to
bands each other" (??? no idea). There are flash . Apparently, once it starts flashing, the
plenty more of these . It's hard enough trying to rig refuses to respond to the power switch, so
learn a complicated rig without struggling to you can't shut it off. Eventually, the memories
decipher incomprehensible language. get trashed. Naturally, there is an intemaltittn-
I don't mean to suggest that you can't learn um battery which is supposed to prevent this
to use the rig from this manual: you can . But it sort of thing, but something goes wrong and it
is dense reading and will take awhile. To its doesn't kick in under these circumstances.
credit, Kenwood has included a full set of Greg advises that the cure is simple: If the
schematics. But the microphone hookup dia- display flashes and you don't have other pow-
gram on page 8 of the manual shows a wire er available, remove the antenna (so you
with an arrow going nowhere. If you're a tech- won 't receive anything) and battery pack. and
nical type, you can probably figure this out let the pack sit for about 20 seconds. Then put
from the rest of the diagram. If not. good luck. the battery back on. It should have recovered
A rig this complex and difficult to use needs enough to let you turn the rig off.
a wallet-sized " cheat sheet" card. Most new There's an option which lets you send either
rigs include them , but this one does not. band out to an external speaker while listening
Tough as this rig is. there is a way you can to the other band on the internal one . If you
enjoy it without killing yourself. All you have to select this option but don't plug a speaker or
Continued on page 47
73AmateurRadioToday • October, 1991 45
Number 9 on your Feedbeck u rd

Low-Pass Antenna Tuner

Match your antenna while reducing harmonics with this unique design.
by J . Frank Brumbaugh KB4ZGC

M o st commercial and home-brew anten-

na tuners use essentially the same
T -circuit-c-two variable capacitors in series
.~~ ~

JI ~
" 1 -f
O'Oft T ...
~ JZ
ranee of abou t 17 IlH each side of the center
tap-34 IlH total. It is tapped every two turns.
The shunt-tuning capacitor should have a
with the RF. and a tapped or rotary inductor ••• plate spacing of at least 0.05" for use with the
from the junction of both capacitors to I I usual 100 walt transceiver. The two wafer
ground. Obviously , this circuit works well. It switches are ceramic, single pole, ll-posi-
can transform a wide range of impedances to tion. with shorting contacts. I used a surplus
match the nominal 50 ohm output of modem
solid-state transceivers over a b road frequen-
cy ra nge, from 160 or 80 meters through 10
1m 140 pF tuning capacitor from a BC-61O tun-
ing unit, another hamfest prize purchase .
Howe ve r, a 100 pF capacitor should be suffi -
meters. cient.
~ r
The parts layo ut can be whatever the
Ho we ve r, it also has some disadvantages.
- . L.
II is a high-pass filler configuration and does
nothing to reduce the amount of harmonic
e nergy reac h ing the antenna . Construction is
'- I " - - 1\ -
builder prefers , though the logical arrange-
ment is to mount the wafer switches in a
horizontal line on the panel, with the capaci-
somewhat complicated in that both capacitors
must be insulated from the cabinet. Unde r
some impeda nce matchi ng conditio ns, the set
1" tor mounted between them , or slightly above
or below the wafer switches.
A mi niatu re DPDT toggle switch, rated 6
Figure J. Schematic for the low-pass amen-
screws in the control knobs can' 'bite " your ampe res at 120 VAC, is included fo r ease in
no tuner.
fi nge rs with R F. A lso , the cost of hig h quality inserting or bypassing the tune r in the tra ns-
va riable capacitors and the difficulty of fi nd- missio n line . This is no t requ ired. but it elimi-
ing them today is d iscouraging . tap of the ind uctor, it is possible to change the nates u nsc rewi ng and rescrewi ng a lot of
There is a si mp le way of el imi nat ing all circ uit fro m a T - to an L-circuit with a cho ice coaxial jumper cables whe n changing from
these d isadvantages wh ile retai ni ng the wide o f inductive or capacitive input. T his lets you usi ng the tu ne r to feeding the tra nsm ission
freque ncy ra nge and im ped ance matching use the tune r with low o r high imped ance line d irectly .
ability . This c ircui t is not ne w- it has been end-fed ante nnas, includi ng random wires.
used by a few hams fo r yea rs - but fo r some This fea tu re, impossible to ac hieve w ith the Finding the Parts
reason it has not rece ived the public ity in ham sta nda rd T ccirc uit , is hand y for Field Day , C hec k out yo u r ju nk. box. Ask loca l hams
literatu re that it d ese r ve s . and could be invaluable in e merge ncy opera- and at yo ur next ham clu b meeting. Scro unge
t ion with a makeshift ante nna . the fl ea markets at hamfe sts . These a re the
The C ircuit cheapest ways of gett ing the coil a nd capaci-
Sec F ig ure I . This lo w-pass ante nna tun er C o nstruction tor.
sc he mat ic reta ins a si m ple T -configuration . A shielded metal box o r an enclosu re made If a ll else fails , suitable air-wou nd indu c-
Now, howeve r, the c ircuit fo rms a low-pass o f p ri nted c ircuit board mate rial sho uld he tors are available from Surplus Sales of Ne-
filter that red uces ha rmonic e nergy falling in used . Howe ve r , th is tune r wi ll fun ct ion braska, 1315 Jones , Omaha NE 68102 . Suit-
the te levision channels by up to 20 d B. O nly equally we ll " in the open" o n a b readboa rd . able variable capacito rs are available fro m
one variable capacitor is used , a nd its rotor is Becau se this u nit is desig ned for the 3 -30 Fair Radio Sales, P. D. Box 1105, Lima OH
grounded . elimina ting the possibility of R F MHz ra nge, lead le ng ths a re rela tively unim- 45802. Rad io Shack and nume rous mai l or-
biting o ne's finge rs. A cente r-tapped indu c - portant. d er el ectronic pans dealers can supply a
to r is in series with the R F, a nd the cente r tap A si ngle length o f ai r-wound indu ctor metal enclosure, kno bs, wafe r switc hes and
is connected to the stato r of the shunt-tu n ing (Bar ke r & Willia mson or Ai rdux) with a total RF connec tors. Radiokit , P. D. Box 973, Pel-
capacito r. Bot h sections of the se r ies coil are inductance of 35 to 40 IlH, o r a pair oftappcd ham NH 03076 (603) 635-2235 is anot he r
tapped every two tu rns , and the taps are se- toroids (T106-2 or equivalent) will work good source of wafer switches, coils (B & W
lected by a pair of rotary wafer sw itches equally well in th is circuit. Both coil stock o r Airdux series) and large va riab le capacitors .
mounted directly to the grounded panel. toroid cores should be chosen with the power The capacitor plate spacing and the size of
level of you r rig in mind, of course. I use a the coil will depend on the amount of power
Theory of Operation Kenwood TS-440S " ba refoot, " so I c hose a you wish 10 run through the tuner. Fo r exam-
Selecting various coil taps with the rotary "50 wart. 80 meter" plug-in coil of the 5 ·pin ple : If you a re running unde r 100 warts try
switches and varying the setting of the vari- type common in the 1940sand 1950s, which I using Rad io kit coil # 1606T or 1608T (2-
able capacitor, much in the same way the found at a hamfest for SOC . It has an indue- diameter B & W Airdux) and variable capaci-
standard tuner is adjusted , cha nges tor 121140 (Millen) or #149-6-1
the operating frequency and Part s List (Ca rd we ll).
impedance transformation ratio. C1 100 to 150 pF variable capacitor, 0 .05" spaCing.
This makes it possible to tunc out Operation
Jl , J2 80-239 or other AF connector.
any reactance, bringing the SWR 11 35-40 IlH coil, center-tapped. Connect the low-pass antenna
down to I :I, keeping the trans- 81 DPDT toggle switch. tuner between the ante nna trans-
ceiver-and its owner-happy . 52,53 Single pole, l l-position ceramic wafer switch, shorting mission line and an SWR meter
Because one tap point on each contacts. which is connected to the output of
switch is connected to the center your transceiver. Set C I to half
Continut'd on ptlgt' 73
46 73 Amateur RadiO toasv » OCtober, 1991
Continued from page 45
earphone in , the "external" band does not TH!S MON TH"S GOOOIE FROM TH E CANDY STORE
revert back 10 Ihe internal speaker. It just
d isappears! The rig was set to this mode
I' , RDC , ~I VADU
when I gol it and I thought one band was
broken. It took me quite awhile 10 unravel the
·_ ....
Oow i03< _ _ .. _
... ..'.0
.• _
, e-fOll _
_ ~ .. ........#oD$ ~"'_ ... " " ' l - '

Suggestions ~.-
AOSS OOS.--..noG 0:->.....
11 s. _ _ '--,,-IQ2A . , 'rOCi. ( ~~"

The SHIFTIREVERSE button should have -..0,,,."''' So< , s...

CMCU 254 0f0Iltf:.\O£R S£JtVU CAIlO
its funct ions exchanged, so that reverse could
be selected with one key press. You don't KE2AM ' s
change tne shifts atl that often anyway. so it V OIC E _O ' er / C ON TR O LL ER
would be fine for them to require use of the
I doubt the "one-upmanship" trend of cram- ZERO- IN HAND -HELD
ming more and more d igital feature s into THE SIGN AL I PHASE SENSE
wauoee is going to go away, but they can be ANTENNAS FOR
made easier to use . A rig this versatile could FI ND I NG . USES VER B FEAT URES
use a better display system. ANY FM XCVR . ./ VOICtIO·.,
The nex t logic al step is a dot-matrix , COMPASS GI VES ./ AUDIO MIXER 2> p-p
scrcueeie menu display like those found on ARMS FOLD FOR ./ + 8 TO 1fw OPE RATlO"!
pocket computers. Thai , along with a better- STORAGE . TYPE
./ TlME ·OU T. 10 . TIM ERS
organized control sequence, would go a long VF-1 42 COVERS
BOTH 2- MTRS lo-
'/SM All. SIZE 3.4 ' 3.~ ·
way toward mak ing a nifty radio like this one a '/SO VElCH, COR KEYED
joy to operate. AI the very least, a "set" mode, MODELS AVA ILABLE .
in which all the rarely-ehanged default set- WRITE OR CALL FOR
tings are grouped, would be useful. $3.50 SHIPPING" TYPE VF-142 / llATT EIIY B.o\CXUP AAM
CA. ADD TAXI $129.9') 619-
RADIO ENGINEERS ')6')- 1 31 9
GE T.TECH SEE JIf_Y... Jt*I '.' 13 (JIfY " .
2 01 Rllooy R..-d NOJUII $89 .00
All in all, th is is the slickest dual-bander I 394 1 MT. BRUNDAGE AVE. N __ Wind s or. NY OIIDE.. f r i _ D l t ........ .. V.......
have yet used . It feels good, works well, and SAN DIEGO CA.92111 1 2 6&3 ADD 05""" 50 =;lOG """'O"AIClUoiG
19141 564-5347 COOC>WlGlSAlll:_~
has more fealures than I will ever need. This is
a prem ium rig for thOSe desiring the utmost in
versatility. If you're in the market for a dual- Sell your product in 73.
bander , check it out. With an improved user
interface, it could be close to ideal lor every- Call Dan Harper or Louise O'Sullivan.
body· 1iI 800-225-5083
Carole Perry WB2MGP manage to get antennas up, I often
Media Mentors, 1m;. went lor weeks without gelling on the
P.O. Ball 131646 air, Months would go by without my
Staten Island NY 10313.()()06 going 10 any ham club meetings or
Sacred Heart Amateur Radio Club
In April 199 t, I had the pleasure of With the Help ol an Earthquake
meeting in person with Dave Novak Then while at the rectory on the night
N0DN at the Dayton Hamvention. He 01 the big earthquake in the 8ay area,
and his students had checked into the my phone began to ring. Three people
CO All Schools Net several times, and called and asked il I could find out
we had exchanged interesting tapes, about their loved ones, To my surprise,
pictures. and letters between our two after only a couple 01 hours on the air I Photo B. (Left to right:) Jenny Ebert KB0IYT, Vanessa Gomez KB0IXY, Amy Rosa
groups. Our meeting at the Hamven- was able to lind out that all Ih ree KBIIRI, Angie Fischer KB0HXY, Dave Novek N0DN, and Mary Ellen Federhofer
lion convinced me that Ihe work of parties were alive and well. Perhaps lor KB0HWN.
Dave and his amateur radio club stu - the lirst time in my long amateur career
dents could serve as a wonderful inspi- (30 years this falll), I began to realize I began by gelling tham Tune in the day, she had an antenna up in her own
relion to other instructors. The follow- what a vital service our hobby can World kits, and encouraged them to back yard. Mary Ellen had received her
ing is Dave's write-up about how he provide . I think that night was a turning listen to the code tapes. When the license just a week or so before, and
organized this eliciting program for point for me. Shortly after thai, I began camp actually began in July, two more was also on tha air with borrowed
young people. gelling on the air more frequently and boys showed up. I solicited the help of equipment.
going to ham club meetings, break- a ham Iriend of mine who was free dur- My original idea was to rely mainly
De Dave Novak NeON fasts, and hamfests. ing the day, and also the help of two on the school station for the kids to
I have baen licensed since I was in Soon after that, I was moved to my teenage hams. We met Monday, operate, But once I saw the thrill of the
7th grade. My primary mentor was my present OTH. Since it was in the mid· Wednesday, and Friday from g a.m. till kids having a station set up in their own
dad, Joe Novak W0PGI. As a teacher die of winter, I only put up a temporary noon for two weeks, During this time home, I began to look for ways to ac-
and youth minister. I began working antenna. Then in the spring, I put up we studied rules and theory, practiced quire additional equipment.
with junior high students abou t 14 the tower. code, and built code oscillators. Also, Although I knew that we could raise
years ago. Mywork with them in tecnnr- While tne maintenance man, Ed one morning we took a "field trip" to money quickly by selling chocolate
cal areas began when I was at a school Gilmore, helped me level the newly visit another local ham. By the end of bars, I wanted to do somelhing that
that had e variety show for students, poured cement lor the tower, some stu- camp, 4 cut ot 5 students passed the would bring the group together, and
parents. and mencs. I began training dents passed by and wanted to put written lest, but none were able to copy allow the Children to use their talents
students in taking still photos, taping their initials in the wet cement. I en- the 5 wpm code. and creativity. The idea of a "dinner
videos, and operaling sound and light- couraged them! Over 100 kids wrote theater" came to mind. I knew that
ing equipment. At the next school, I their initials, a couple made hand More Students Join the Club some of the girls had already wntten a
formed aclub called the "Media Club," prinls, and one girl made an impres- In September, to my surprise, the skit about dating. I suggested that they
which got the youth inlIOlved in com- sion Of her foot. kids wanted to meet weekly, and some write their own rap about ham radio
puters as well as photography. The next week I set up a station in oltheir friends wanted to join. This pee- and call themselves "The Code Girls."
Being a "teenage" (ordained 13 one of the classrooms, and arranged sented a challenge, since the original To my surprise they accomplished this
years ago!) diocesan priest, I get for each class (grades 5 through 8) to group was so close to getting their in a lew days.
moved around every few years by the come in for a demonstration, I printed Novice while the rest had only good There were some difficult afternoons
bishop, and I've formed clubs at each up a flyer with photos of myself as a intentions! Then I discovered a retired shortly before the big night when
school. However, I never did try to in- young ham. The flyer stated that there telephone company engineer, Sieve things did not go weill It was only a
terest kids in amateur radio. I believed would be a "ham radio camp" during Gies W0KOC, and was able at times 10 week away, and some of the kids did
up until recently that it would be too the summer. N08th graders signed up, break the group up into two. Also, I nOI yet remember all 01 their lines, 8uI
hard for junior high kids to learn Morse No 7th graders signed up. No 6th found the young armosr-hamswutnq to somehow when the big day came, the
code, and that it would be too expen- graders, either! Only one 5th grade boy help their triends out. kids did great and everyone had a
sive a hobby lor the general public. I and two 5th grade girls expressed an Because 5 wpm seems so difficult great time. One of tha mothers, Shellie
thought to myself: "It is different if a interest. for someone just learning code, we Kirchhoff, was able to fill pasta and
parent is a ham and one of the children AtfirSl1 wasquite disappointed. 8ut I WOflo;ed out a special incentive program. salad for over 150 people for only $14O!
get interested, bul 'normal' parents Ihought: "I didn't get my license till I There were special prizes for just being Even though we charged only $5 per
just wouldn't understand?" was in the 7th grade, even with my dad able to recognize the alphabet, for re- person, wa ended up making ovar
To be quite honest, my own interest being a ham. How can these 5th ceiving al3 wpm, and lor receiving at4 $700, which included donations from
in the hobby had begun to wane, Al- graders possibly get their licenses? wpm. Since many of the prizes had folks who could not come, but sent in
though at every new assignment I did What the heck-I'll give it a try,~"~. something to do with the local ice $5 or $10 to help out the kids.
cream parlor down the street, tt be- Most of the money I had already
\ came a regular routine of our Wednes- spent, having just come back from

1 day after-school gatherings.

In October. we received a 10 meter
Florida with a station wagon lUll of ra-
dio gear that I had bargained for in
transceiver from umeen. which we set Memphis and Indiana as well as Flori-
up in the classroom but also eltowec da. We have about five used radios we
kids to borrow and take home after have purchased-the bast being a
school, I kept the microphone at school Drake TR-3 which we paid only $150
so there would not be any temptations for, and which performed well just as
too great to resistl we recevee it. Some of the other gear
By Christmas, each of the five origi- that's not working is being rastored by
nal members received their Novice Cethy Bame's dad, Wayne Barnes,
licenses: Mary Ellen Federhofer who repaired radios whan he was intfle
KB~HWN, Angie Fischer KB~HXY, Service,
Tom Winkler KB0IBA, Matt KirChhoff
KB01CV, and Patrick Scheu KB0IDH. More Accomplishments
In fact, Angie received har ucense on Since the dinner theater, several
Christmas Eve, and came to church others have passed their Novice ex-
service about an hour early so she ams: Julie Thien KB0IRH, Amy Rosa
Photo A. KB0HWN checking into the All Schools Net during her lunch period. could make her first contact. The next K801RI, Sean Sitek, Vanessa Gomez,
48 73 Amaleur Radio Today. Oclober,1991
PhofO C. Patrick Schau KBIIDH(Jeft)and Tom Winkler KB'IBA (right) onJowband
" ground wa..e" operation.

Jenny Petersmeyer, and Jenny Ebert. I yond will be sale any more entrenched
leel confident that three other mem- in a pre-lechniCal subcullure deprived
berS will soon pass lheir Novice ex- 01 their right 10 the exciting new woOd
ams: Mark Moore. Cathy Bames. and
Jason Roskowski . The same day Sam-
01 ham radiol)
This weelI , we are WOfking on plans
my AA ClCR rece ived lhe Westl ink for a new " Summer Ham Camp " espe- Magnetometer
Young Ham cune Year Award , we had cially for junior high kids. I am meeting
our first upgrade: Angie Fischer, who with Sammy MICR. who has volun- GENERAL:
passed the Technician exam. teered to help. MOSl likaly we are going The test sow -cost portable narc-nee Iluxgate magnetometer with
Yesterd ay I fixed lunch for some 01 to try to acquire a cen tral locat ion laboratory accuracy. For magnetic measurement from 1 ga mma
my adult local ha m tnenc e. and also where young hams from all ove r the (0.01 milligauss) to 2 gauss with an abso lute accuracy of ± 0.5%
arranged for some of our new school metro area will be abla to participate. traceable to N IST (previously NBS). Analog output DC to 100 Hz .
hams to jo in us. Afle r dinner, they per- We have a lot of work ahead of us, but TYPICAL APPLICATIONS:
formed " Morse Code Baby" then intro- with almost unlimited enthusiasm and Earth 's l ield vector measurements, air ship ment inspect ion , mapping
duced a spontaneous routine. Once spiril to drive us on l iii and recording field perturbations, etc.
they pertect tbe. we'll make a video 01 1'lDdo _ _
it! (Watch out, East Coast and West Please seMI writfHJPS on interes ting _ , , " , . IM 01606 U S A
Coast! The Code Girls will soon be tak- classes. recruiting ideas. youth club WALKER TeIIlfIl'>one (5OIl11S2·367. 11$3-3232
r.. F_ 1-800- 962·4638
ing over the U.S.A. by storm and invad- activittes, cw irtdividualc;hildren 's t1~ ee EN I Fie:: INC. Tel!.. 9 10Z!i08517 I FAll tSOB) 856-9931
ing everywhere! No classroom within ri8nc8s along with photos. 10 Carole C<Ol Nao,. "WAlKER scr
the continental U.S. and maybe be- Perry a/ the above address, ClltCU 29 2 0fI0I RUHR S( RVIC£ CARe

You've bought our replacement batteries before .

" _.


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Number 11 on your Feedback U1rcl

73 Review by Bill Clarke WA4BL C

The Drake R8 Receiver R.L. Drake Company

540 Richard Street
Miamisburg OH 45342
Price Class: $979.
Tune in the world with this hot new receiver. Tel. (513) 866-2421 .

A Drake, a real Drake! The fo lks trom

Mia misbu rg have finally p roduced a new
p roduct for the radio hobby ma rket-a high
terie s are required for memory back up; po wer
interruptions will not erase the memory.
Scan features allow scanning of all memo-
fea ture for crowded band condi tions, and for
fidelity during better ti mes. After all, AM does
sou nd better at 6 kHz wide than et t .a kHz. But
grade communications rece iver ai med al the ries, selected memories, or the frequ encies each bandwidlh has its place and use.
lucrative and popular SW L mar ket . between the sellings of VFO-A and VFD-B. The cont ro llable AG C , NO TCH FILTEA
Before I started this review 1 looked back The SQUELCH control greatly enhances the (ma nually operated from an analog control),
into radio history and found that from about use of SCAN, and is active in all modes. NOISE B LANKEA , and AF input controls
19 79, the Drake A7 communications receiver Bandwidth from 6 kHz to 500 Hz can be (analog and switched attenuator/preamp) all
was the last available Drake H F receiver. The selected in all modes. This is a very good combine to make the receiver very flexible .
last piece of HF ham equipment from Mi- Unlike ham equipment, the AS has a
amisburg was the TA7 from 1975, from bui h-in cloc:k/timer with an output port on
which the R7 got its general appearance the rear lor remote control of a lape
and features . recorder (or o ther hardware). This time fea-
Prior to the A7, Drake communications ture is very popular with $WLs for recording
receivers included the DSA1 (1971) and the odd-hour programs, and it can also be used
DSA2 (1974). One of their most popular in a eock-elarm-eadio scheme (though a
receivers was the SPA-4 from the early very expensive clock-radio). The clock atsc
19705. All solid state and featuring a linear displays time on the LCD when the unit is
PTO and vernier dial providing 1 kHz read- powered off.
out. So much fo r history; lei's kxlk at this The fold-down front feel make table
new release from Drake. placement and viewing of the LCD display
Photo A. R.L Drake 's new RBreceiver lorSWLing. and 8-meter clear and easy.
Appearance In many ways, the AS' s control and dis-
The AS has a very functional, business- play system is not fa r from thai of a modern,
like look, sporting few manual cont rols, and full-featured 2 meter HT. Loads 01 bells and
a black finish. The lack of radio-like appear- wh istles provide extensive flexibility.
ance is due to the heavy reliance on state- The man ual that co mes with the AS is
of-the-art digital control. Th ere are only sill: ve ry well do ne, with complete explanatio ns
standard analog com-cis on the unit, as about each fea ture and con trol. A section is
nearly every possible selection t hat can inctuded that delves well into computer
be made by switching is accomplished command of the digital switching system,
via the dual-purpose keypad or a function and a log is included to write down the cern-
switch. nent information about what is entered in
each 01 those one hundred memories. It is ,
First Impressions however, without block and schematic dia-
The most apparent feature 01 the RS is grams .
PhOto B. The R8 can be connected to various an-
the very complete LCD display. Measur-
tennas as welf as to 8 computer through the R8-232 Operating the RS
ing 5.5 " II 1.5" , it displays all functions
and settings in bright characters on a
black background, making status checking
super easy.
""" The AS was tested on a 160 meter Caron-
na Windom antenna (about 265 feet long) at
50 leel, and atso on a 40175 meter dipole at
The layout 01 the functiOn buttons places 35leet. II was compared, via an AlB switch
them directly beneath their COfresponding system, with an ICO M A71A.1 selected the
readout points, making selections 01 AGe, A71A due to its excellent reputation as a
bandwidth , mode, etc., very easy 10 use "world SWL standard ."
as well. The tunability and stability 01 the AS are
Frequency control is via direct entry on excellen t; however, although t he tu ning
the keypad, with the UP/DOW N buttons (in knob has a good weight, it's a little small for
100 kHz steps), or a TUNING knob (wi th a my taste.
choice of l uning speeds). Th e freq uency I am a real believe r in keypad frequenc y
read s out to 10 Hz (user selection). Wh en entry. It is quick and accurate. The rub ber-
put on a frequency, the rig can be loc ked ized keypad is easy and flawless to operate.
and it will remain there indefinitely . It' s very When in the AM mode, Ilound the SYN-
stable. There are two VFOs which you can CHAO (synchronous detector) to be great
select instantly via function switch , and 100 Photo C. This inside view olthe R8 reveals just how when lade-caused distortion became a
nonvolatile memories. This means no eat- neat and sturdy it is! problem . This is a feature that really works.
50 73 Amateur Radio Today • October, 1991
com pute r interfacing is

Frequency Range
0,1-30 M H ~

AM,lSB, USB, CW, arrv. FM

given in the manual (this
section is very good), Sug-
gested software for com-
Sensitivity SSB &CW (1 0d B S+ NIN} puter c ontr ol in cludes TRANSISTORS
<1 J.lV (0,1-1 ,5 MHz) PROCOMM PLUS'" and

Westock a lull line of Motorol a,
< 0,51JV (1.5-30 MHz) BITCOMM'" operated on Toshiba & Mi l subi shi parIs
< 0,251JV (5.0-30 MHz) preamp on an IBM XT fAT or clone. lor amateur, marine. an d
AM (10 dB S+NIN) Optional software is avail- business radio se,.icing
<31JV (0.1-1.5 MHz) able from Drake for use Partial Listing of Popular Trans istors in Sloc/(
< 1.51JV (1.5-30 MHz) 9FR96 s 2.71 MRf"1946 $11,00 2SC I~9Mp $24.60
with the A8 (not available lV,
< ,81.lV (5.0-30 MHz) preamp on C0266U ,4.00 PT6619 lVI 2SC lI1S
for this evaluation). S." ~'I'''''I 110,00 Pl9U1 21 .00 2SC 2$IS JI .21
FM (12 dB SINAO) ECG340 HO RFl2C 21 .94) 1SC,6JO 2U S
< .51.lV (1.5-30 MHz) O n a warm summe r MRF1 34 16.00 S01229 12.00 2SC 2640 11.00
eve ni ng when the pop- MRF136 21.00 S0111l 12,00 1SC2641 17,70
Frequency Stabllity < ± 10 ppm (-10'-50'C) MRF131 24.00 S01218·1 16.11 25C 2642 2US
Frequency Accuracy < ± 100 H ~ (_10 '_50 'C) cor n (static c au sed by MRF13a 3500 SO HOl 29.94) 2SC2694 46.16
MRF1S0 68.1, SO H 2S 34.00 2SC 2695 3U5
Selectivity AM, LSB, USB, RnY, CW d ist ant thunder storms) MRFll 1 34S0 S0 1429·3 37.70 2SC2182 37.75
wa s popp ing heavily , I I,IRF172 6000 SRf2012 1315 2SC2183 , 985
6 kHz @-6 dB- <1 2kHz @-60 dB MRFH 4 80.00 SRf3662 28.50 2SC2819 2190
4 kH z @-6 dB- < BkHz @-60 dS li stened t o my requ ter MRF 201 ~ IS SRf3775 14.15 2SC2879.,p 49 SO
2.3 kH ~ @-6 dB- <4.5 kHz @-60 dB MRF2CS 1891 SRf3800 18,0 2SC294)4 liSO
nets with the AS. The AS MRf21 2 2040 2NI522 IUS 2scms 1~.'0
18 k H ~ @-6dB-<3.6 kHz@-60dB held its own very well, be- MRf 224 1111 , N35,3 3.00 25Cll0l 12.25
MRf231 J.10 2N3111 2.95 40l a 2 10.9'
5OO Hz@·6dB- 1.5 kHz@-60 dB ing less affected by the MRf 238 1600 2N3866 1.2, LOWNOISUIOURf
FM MR ~239 11.00 2N404a l1.9S MGF1302 1.95
static than my ICOM IC· MR ~240. A 17, l S 2N4421 1.25 MGF1402 11.9S
12 kHz @-6dB - < 25 kHz@-60dB MII~24, 32.00 2NS109 US MRF901 1.10
751A tra nsce iver. II was
Ultimate Selectivity >95dB MR ~ 2 4 1 24.16 2NS119 I.lS I,IRF911 6966 no
>60 dB(100 kHz- l .5 MHz not as quiet as the Ten-Tee MRf248 35,00 2N5589 19.95 NE2S1lI 15K114
Image Rejection MR~26 1 14 SO 2NSI91 14.SO NE41 111 3SK1241.S0
> SO dB(1.5-30 MHz) Corsair II, but then , these MRF262 13.00 2N5641 11.90 Ul09 1 U310 U S
pieces of equipment are of MRf 2' 4 14.00 2N>642 16.90 2N4416 1Jll0 I . ~
IF Rejection >SOdB(45 MHz) MRFl09 19.15 2N>641 lil.90 ourl'l/rMOQUlES
> loodB(SOkHz} a very different design and MRf l lO 29.00 2N594< 12. 00 1P"'"I" "<>i"'"I· '"
MRFl l 1 6850 2N,945 12.00 ... _ .OOl ..lod)
Dynamic Range > 90 dB (1.5 - 30 MHz @ 2Q kH~ spacing) purpose. I,IRf121 64.2' 2N5946 15.00 SAU4 ... u . 49.50
The choice of bandw idth MRf 412 2200 , N6Cl60 9.90 SIV6, ,, 43.50
3rd Order Intercept Point > + 5d Bm@20 kHzspacing MRf4 21 2400 2N6Cl81 1225 SAV7 ,.. 4,.50
> -20 dBm @5 k H~ spacing made it fairly easy to re- MRf4 22 16.00 2116062,3.4 14.15 SAVI2 ",., 21.50
MRf422.,. 81 ~ lN6Cl91 2000 SAvn 22' 59.75
IF. First 45 MHz; duce nearby signals, such MR ~ 433 12./5 2SB154 2.50 SAVll, .. ..w till.50
Second 50 kH z as those that abound on 75 MRH 50 11 so lscno no M47704L 1,1 li 49.90
MR~ 45l 16.00 /sClJ07 us M5771 0A 3!.1 0
AGe Attack time 1 ms and 40 me ters. Add t he MR F454 15 SO 2SCI129 u.as M, 7119N 4US
Release 2 sec (SlOW}-3oo ms (FAST) MRF45U 17.00 25C1945 H5 10157726'" 61.15
pa ssband fi lt eri ng , a nd MRF 4,~ 1\.25 2SCI94s. A 'PS M47121 , .. 69.~
Antenna Input 501500 ohms
you can just about eumt- MRF45SA
MRf 4S8
12. 15
M, 7729 , ,, 6U~
1,1 511291'1 7HS
NotCh Filter Audio Type> 40 dB depth (500-5000 Hz)
nate any adjacent signals MRF471 6.15 2SCl9S1 1.21 MS/ 7J2l 35.70
Audio Output 2.5W@4ohms with < 10% distortion MRf 416 4.00 25el969 2.SO Ml l1 l 1", sus
as much as is possible. "RF~ 11 12 SO 2SCI 911 4.60 M51139C cn 5J.l6
Recorder Output JOOmV@4.7kohms l,lRf419 I ~ 00 2SC20ll 1.95 MS1141ll,l N 5900
3OOmV@ 4.7kohms Speaking of bandwidth , MRf4a S.,. 2175 2SC 20~ 3.50 M l n ~ 1 , ,,, 8US
Demod Output
< ±2 sec/month you should hear what a re- MRFU 2 1615 2sc<or~ 1.75 M51159 17.~
Clock Accuracy MRf4!l7 18.7' 2SC2094 21.80 1,1 51161 " .. 7660
Power Requirements 100112012001240 VAC (60 Hz) @40W al strong LSB signal on 75 MRFS1S 100 2SC 10!l1 26.00 1,1 57164 40< 74.00
MRf5» 3.50 2SClil97MP 62.00 M ~nI8M 10465
11-16VOC@2amps sounds like through the 6 l,lRH Sl 1,0 ISC10!l9 29 so 1,1 571961'1 MA 3HO
Size 13.1 "W x 5.2"0 x 13"0 kHz filter. Just like broad- MRf 5, 9 2.25 2SC l 16SC 1 90 M51191MA 3510
MR ~6CI1 210 ,SC2nl a.2~ 1,1 671051. M 41.90
Weight 13 10s. cast AM! Too bad t couldn't MRF629 no 2SC l237 a~o M67121 ' " lwl 0U 5
ll RF6JO HS 2s c n 8U 24.15 M677I S ,~ ,. 119.95
Accessories _VHF convener 35-55 and 108- 174 MH ~ locate the mike plug on the MRF'41 ee sc ISC2289 15.15 1,167142 109.8~
-Matching external speaker AB. MRF644 2].00 25C2290 14.15 MHW591 1l,00
MRf 64. 2600 2SC2290... 3!l.~ I,IHW592 4l.1 5
- sortwere package lor the IBMXTIAT MRF648 llOO 2SC21'2C $.40 MHW7IC,1.2. l 63,00
(clones) to allow enhanced operation A Few Comments MRF660 1400 2SC2m 31 2S llHW820-1 1300
I,IRf846 4400 2SC2509 10.15 MHW82Q·2 92.00
01 the A8 Aft er carefully evaluat- T RANSMITT I N G TUBE SPEC IALS
ing the Drake R8 receiver, I GErPENTA 1ECG PENTH A8$ fllllAC
SCAl Pl $14.91 6128 559.9, a874 snus
The NOTCH filter, although effective, was must say that I am welt pleased with its per- SCl6 ll./S 811A 1295 8875 409.95
formance . Over the years more than a few 6GK6 EeG lUI 113 3UO 8930 IIIL 2auo
disappointing in depth and in its anal og opera- 6Hf5 ' GE tt.ss 133A 1995 3C XaQQAl 329.95
tion. I cannot understand why any manufac- piece s of Drake equipment have passed 6JS6C 'GE 'US S3:lC 89.9~ 3C X1200U .2450
6K05 'ECG 19.9~ 5194 42.91 3C X1 20001 44U O
turers produce receivers with manually oper- through my shack, and I still think you have to 6LH W !l5 6146B 1291 lCX1500U 624.50
go a very long way to beat the receivers of the 6l-Q6 'GE 19.95 3·500Z 9U S lCXJQOOU 69-4 so
ated notch controls today. My Datong ANF 6MJ66k\:'pPr 5995 4C X2S011 IUS 4CX2SO B ilI .aO
(Automatic Notch Control) knocked out tones R4 series. They were quiet, stable, selective , 1211YlANAT 11.7$ 4CX 3 ~A 14!1.SO 4CX3S01 19!1 .50
6$101. 'Pl 1695 . CXHlOO Al 369.95 I XlOOA nus
the RS couic not-and with no manual control and sensitive, The R8 compares favorably n~ 'GE 20.15 40 1600B <65.SO l·500Z 14'-'5
with these older receivers, as few digital.type M2057 'GE 2H~ 4CX SQOOA 730.00 4-400c 159.9 5
The PASSBAND OFFSET was, as expect- receivers can. Tube Sockel Cap< a••il. Eima c Penl. 1 yr. lim, wly,
ed , effective in rem oving interference from Modern digitally-controlled receivers make P, ices ••ailabilit v ""bit'Cl lo c hange without not,ce
Fore ign Sman Packe l Aor 10 oz. pcstal 5S.SO
nearby signals. Selecting a narrow bandwidth lots of internally manufactured noise-noise UPS Ship Hand. 1 lb. COI'I. U,S, VISA MC orp.-epaid $3,50
made it all the more effective. that adversely affects their operation. The C.O.D, ORDERS .dd 53,15 QUAKTIH PRICING AV IILIBLE
I was not impressed by the internal speaker Drake R8does not suffer appreciably from this ORDERS RECEIVED BY 1:30 PST AilE SHIPPED UPS SAME DAY
problem , • EXPQAT • O.E. M. 'SERVICE ,R& D 'IMATEUR
wit h its typically poor fidel ity . An external
ORtlERS(lljlY ; '(800\854- 1927 0( NO T£C~NtCAl
speaker is a must for real enjoyment. The R8 is like a breath of fres h air, with its
The S-meter read as expected, and com- ground-up engineering and up-to-date digital
pared in accuracy to ot her receivers. control from the front panel. I am very pleased
The tone control lacks real BASSfTREBLE to see a quality HF receiver of American man- FAX 619-744-1943
authority. ufacture that should successfully compete on
The As is a natural for co mpute r co n- the world market ,
trol, since all controls, except for those in Oh yes, a public question for Drake : Where
an alog form , can be commanded via th e is the T8 transm itter to go with the R8? The
AS-232 port . Command information about world is waiting! III
73AmateurRadio Today. October, 1991 51
Number 12 on your Feedback card
tetns 128 bytes 01 dynamic RAM built PC boa rd , and would rathe r have
in. A6 and C1 reset U1 at power turn-on someone else do the work 01 making

HOMING IN to ensure proper startup. EEPAOM US

holds the callsign and other configura-
tion data during power interruptions.
the board and programm ing the BIOS
PROM . Fortunately, N6MBA has done
it. Send Ron a check lor 35 tIotlal'$ and
Radio Direction Finding R8- 232 interlace chip U6 lioks the unil ask lor the " Homing In" TBOX pack.
10 your computer via J1 lor parameter age. Hewill mail you a blank 3 .25" x S "
Joe Moen, P.E., KIOV domly-pitched beeps. Transm ission setting . double sitlecl Circuit board (see Photo
P.O. Box 2508 C81l be contJOuous, .,.;u, regular CW J2 connects TBO X to your hidden A) and a programmed PROM . He will
FullfHfon CA 92633 identiflClltion . transmiller . Q1 and associated c0mpo- also throw in one 01 the hard-lo-find
For intermillent-$ignal hunts, it auto- nents close the radiO's push-to-tal k EEPROMs for US.
Build the TBOX matiCally turns the transmitter on and (PTT)Circuil. ce.
C9. C18, R9, al'ld A l 0 01 course neither I nor 73 Amateur
At last, you won your club's com- off at regular intervals, with CW 10 on buller the tr ansm it audio. Potentiome- RadiO TodayC81l warrant thiS offer . But
petItIVe Ref con test ("IOl/hun!" or " T- each transmission . You can select on ter VA 1 sets proper modulation level. I can assure you that the six boards
hunt " ). Now ii's your tum to hide Itte al'ld off times 0Yef a wide range . To A 11 combines the PIT and audio used at th;s spring 's Friendship Radio
transm iller. You've driven l or hours save your batteries, TBO X draws only lines to drive hand-held rigs . For !COM Games tal/hunt worked l awlessly. The
10 pick the perfect harcHo-lind spot, 6OmAat 12VDC. HTs , use a 3.9k resistor at All , and boa rd i s high quality, w ith plated -
but now you need some distinctive au- TBOX programming does not re- hook only the AUDIO output line to the through holes. Parts layout delailS are
dio to transmit. and a way to ID the quire a myriad 01 switch sellings. In HT's mike input. The same connect ion included.
hidden " T." tact. there is only one switch on the works for Yaesu HTs, except that Al1 The ICs in N6MBA's board are 80
You could Slay wit h your rig and unit- the power switch l To set the is 2.2k. For non-hand-held tran smlt- close together that some sockets may
talk throughou t the hunt. But teet's TBOX parameters (such as mode, call· teo. delete R11 and connect the sepa- not l it. I used ern-nne socket strips in·
hard on your throal and gets boring sign, CW speed, and onloff timing) , rate PIT and AUDIO OUT lines to the stead. These are so lder-tail soc ket
alter a while. Besides, il hunters spot
you, they 'll know where the " T" is. n'e
lots more fun to conceal the 'ox, pe r-
haps even bury ill Then you can stay
under coyer nearby and watch the fun
, . ,,,
as the hun ters approach and try to
"sniff" iI out .

.." ,
r----'·1 ..·"
;roo '"
;roo .. ;roo
" , ., "' ..h."

. ,. ..' '

r-r- "1 ." • . "

.. '' , .,..
u., ."
H",,- ,

.. ' • ...•

Photo ,4 . Profotype TBOX Circuit on

N6MBR 's PC boBrd,
What you need is a " lone box " or . ...• "00
." "
'T~U$ ",TT(~'

"toxcox." A good one produces a dis- , '
oOl l
tinctive sound, so the hunters have no " ."."
doubt that they're tracking down the
right signal. It cyc les the transmitter on
.... , .., At'
and 0 11 periodically lor intermi tten t-
signel hun ts.
A toxbcx must incorporate station
ident ifica tion, to compty wit h FCC
"o ,. . .~

rules . The callsign should be easity

changeable , to accommodate up- F'!JUre , . TBOX schfJmstic diagram. All capaCitances are in microfarads, axcept C2 and C3.
grades and permit the box to be used
by all members of a hunting group. ju st hook the AS-232 cable to your appropriate pins on a mike plug to coerects that come in rows of 2510 40.
SmaN size and low banery drain are computer, load your modem program, mate with your rig. Just break 011 as many as you need !of
importanl design oo;ectives. al'ld use TBOX's programmed--in menu each row of each DIP and aolder them
structure. II's much like sett ing the Let'. Bu ild n onto the board. They are amaIt enough
Mlcro-P Solution parame ters on your packet TNC . "you enjoy wir9-Wl'8p assemtJly , you 10 allow I(;s 10 be side by side only 0.1
5everal good discrete-klgic circu;ls A batlery~raled compuler with win have no trouble dupliCating Ron'. inCh apart.
l or tone boxes ha'ffl circulated among AS-232 port is perfect for programming Circuit lrom FlQUre 1. Be sure 10 put Note on the schematiC that certain
T-hunters over the years. But lor !he your TBOX. II you don't nave one, it capacitors C l 1-C1<4 and C 16 as eIose part designators, such as U4, are no!
ut most versa tility, a microprocessor is doesn' t mailer. You can pr ogram it as possible 10 the appropriate !Cs 10 used . Also , there are holes and etch lor
ideal, with your home co mput e r (myoid prev ent unwanted oscillation and inter-
Ron Seese N6MBR is an active T· Kaypro worIIs just fine) or even a dumb action . I suggest sockeli ng alllCs e x-
hunter with the Conejo Valley Amateur
AadiO Club, based in Thousand Oaks ,
Calilornia. He is also a clever digital
designer and has devejoped a mUlti-
TBOX includes a non-voial ile memo-
ry (EEPAOM) that remembers you r
hunt parameters , Af1e r programm ing,
cepl lhe + 5V regutator , Be sure 10 use
a socket at U3 to perrrnt program up-
II you have access to a " PAOM ..•
" ,
o ,
.-; .,r

featu red foxbox designed around the disconnect TBOX and take it to the hid- burner," you can program U3 you rsell.
;; ,c
80C3 1 C MOS microproce ssor. He ing spot. When you turn it on in the The latest BIOS program (version 0.7
[ ••
calls it TBOX- a box to ccneo nne hid·
den T. II meets all the above req uire-
l ield, ;t will come up just as you pro-
grammed it.
as 01 this writing) is available on the
73 BBS at (603 ) 525-4438 , Hams
, s•
men ts, yet it contains only six ICs and a on the West Coast can find it on the
lew discrete components. How It Worlr.. NOMAD PCBoard BBS at (805) 498-
TBOX p rovides a readily-idenliliable Figure 1 is the complete TBO X sche- 3500. File names are TBOX 07.BIN and Figure 2. Typical cable confl6Ctions for
tone pallem lor the hidden transmitter
audio. Or , il you pre'er, it sends ran-
matic diagram . CPU chip U1 executes
the program 01 EPAOM U3. U1 con-
II you're like me, you would prefer a =_.
compufersltermina/s with D8-2S RS-

52 73 AmateurRadio Today . OCtober, 1991

the rem aining ICs. N ow
Pflrtal.lat hook up the compu ter and
U' 8OC31 CPU «ansmmer interfaces.
U2 74HCT373 latch
Figure 2 shows wiring 01
U3 27G256 EPROM
U5 93C46 EEPROM a typical cable to con nect
U6 MAX232 RS-232 int erface TBOX to a standard OB-25
U7 7805GTH voltage ragulator AS-232 port. TBOX is con-
a, 2N2222A transistor figured as Data Terminal
1N91 4
12 .0 M Hz
Equipment (O T E). This
me ans that TXO on TBOX
go es to AXO on the com-
Eng ineered for the

sccore feet n a 00 MPH
OB9PRA Ham, The Finest In wind. 3 models a t 36',
male connector
female connector
puter, and RXD on TBOX
goes to TXO at th e com-
Cra nk-Up, Free- 51'. and 67' heights.
standing o r G uyed
Sourcea of Parta; IGs. connectors, crystal:
JOR M icro Devices. 2233 Bra nham Lane, San
Jose GA 95124 , Tel. (800) 538-5000 . PG
board, PRO M. EE P RO M : Ron Seese
Your computer or termi-
nal program may require a
high signal on the DCO line
Towers from Tri-Ex. For
over 30 years, the
INDUSTRY standard-
·W· brace m otorized
tower. Holds large
N6M BR, 6136l8ndino Or., West lake Village (pin a of OB-25). lf so, add a , ..J antenna loads. Mode ls
C A 91362, backed up w ith at 37' , 54', and 70'
jumper from pin 6 to pin 8. :::5
additional parts on the printed ci rcuit
Softwa re and hardware
handsh aking is not used. Flow contro l
Defense and Aero-
spac e technology. ;> heights.
boa rd. Those parts are not nee ded lor in your terminal program is not neces- MW SERIES Tub ula r construction for
this version of T BO X. Ron is wo rk ing sary, so turn it off. Set the computer to Self-supporting when
on new features that use th em . I' ll have 2400 bps, 8 data bits, and no parity.
larger antenna loads a t
attached at first 70',90', and 100'
more on that next month. Put a dumm y load on the transmitter
section-will hold heights. Free standing,
Capacitor C20 is essential to prevent a nd listen to the TBOX signal on a sep-
U7 cscnaucn whe n supply leads are a rate receiver. At power up, TBOX ou t-
normal It t-Bend beam; , .> with motorized
•ong. There are no boles fo r C20 on the puts the menu to the compu ter, then 25',33',50', a nd 65' '/ ": operation .
PG board. so "airline" the part on the goes into t ransmit mode. Press the re- heights. ./
back 01 the board. turn key on the te rm inal to stop trans- .10 ORDfR CAll
W SERIES " , 1-800-328-2393
milling, and enter the command mode.
Firing It Up When setting parameters, sim ply en ter
Aerodyna m ic tower ./" ·~l~fl;
Carelully inspect your work alter as- thr ee digits. For example. to set Mode desig ned to hold 9 1- .FAXNu9~ER:
sembly . Pay special attention to pol ari- 2, type "M" an d then type "002" with- ': 1 (209)651 -5157

~i'~ ·~~
ty of the electrolytic capaci tors, pa rtic- ou t a carriage return.
ularly mcse on U6. Check for shorts on Your turn to h ide the tox may come
the +5V line before installing the ICs.
Install U7 first, then power up the
unit an d chec k the +5V bus. If every-
sooner tha n you expect. so get started
on your i BOX now. Next month, I'll
have more on programm ing and using
Visalia , c c u re m t c
thing is OK, remove power and install your tone bo~. 1II


New ceeue
Factory authorized dearer! veeeu. ICOM,
Kenwood, Ten-Tee , AEA, Kantronics , DR·
SI Mfg.. Ameritron , Gushcralt , HyGain,
Heil Sound. Standard Amateur Radi o.

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MFJ, Hustler, Diamond, Bulternut. As-
eccesscnes. Repair lab on premises.
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Road , New Castla DE 19720. (302 ) 328 -
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Ross WB7BYZ has the largest stock ot
amateur gear in the intermountain West
arid the best prices. Over 9.000 ham relat-
Central Ohio's full·line authorized dealer
for Kenwood, ICOM, v ees« Alinco, Into-
ed gear in stock. Call us for' 'all" your ham Tach, Japan Radio, AEA, Cushcratt, Hus-
78 S. Slete, Preston 10 83263. (208)
tler, arid Butternut New and used equip-
ment on d isplay and operational in our
4000 sq. It . store. Large SWL department,
too . UNIVERSAL RADIO , 1280 Aida • FT33RJTTP 220MHZ HT $328.00
Drtve, Reynotdsburg (Columbus) OH • FT411E 2M HT $346.00
PartRidge 43068 . (614) 666_4267.
Nonh Jersey's oldest and finest Short- • FT811 440 MHZ HT $349.00
wave and Ham Radio Dealer. 1'12 miles PENNSYLvANIA • FT470 2M/440 HT $404.00
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Dealers tor AEA, Kenwood. Japan Radio Authori zad factory sales and ser vice.
Company, ICOM, vaesu, etc. Ham Sales, KENWOOD, ICOM, YAESU, featuring • FT4700RH 2M /44 0 MOBILE $689.00
Part Ave., Perit R'dge NJ 07656. (201) • FT757GXII ALL MODE HF PORTABLE $929.00
more . HAMTRONICS, IN C . , 4033
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Ma nh att a n ' s larges t and on ly ham (215) 357-1400 . FAX (215) 355-8958.
and business Radio Store. Featuring Sal e s Ord er 1-800-426 -2820 . Circle SAN JOSE, CA 95128
M OT O RO L A . ICO M . KE NWOOD. Reader Service 29810r more intormation.
Call us at (408) 998-5900
OEALERS ; Your """'PM\'_oncI"'"U9" .... <:onIIIn upl050 _ forM _ M $420yurty (pNpIIcl), ot SZla for
Ii. _Ill (prtllIid)..... """'"'" 01 pINM. DirKlory "'.. ancl Plrment .... _11I50 11I1'1 in
. ...... 01 pubIIeI1lon. fot .dIlIfIlt, "'_ iUn9101 1n..t.prlI " 1 ...... mlllll M In .... _ . by F........, 101. _10 13 Since 1933
A _ R_ Todq. 80. 271, ForHl Rood. 11_ Nil 03449.
Number 13 on your FeedbK k card

Ham Television

BIll Blown WB8ELK ollhe lon&S determined pressure. and

~ 73 Magazine inside and outSide temperatu re , The
F_Rood altl1 ude was delennined with a pres-
H,t 1'JCOCk NH 03449 sure Ml'lSOf circu it designed by John
Aeischer of the Transolve Cofpofation

Have 8 BLT for Launch (!tie circuit appeared if! the OC1ober
After watching videoS and d&mon- 1990 i$$ue 01 Radio-Electronics ). The ••
Si rahons 01other balloon experiments, original design was meant to be used
members a t the Houston AMSA T up 10 2O,OOOleel on model roeeets. but
group decided 10 put together Itleir the BLT group used just the ana log
own launch enort. Dubbed Ihe BLT (lor portiOn and recalibrated it 10 operate
Balloon Launch Team), they decided up to over 100,000 teet. Since lhe Photo C. The second (and third) BL T payload. The weathervana helpad maintain
to build an inexpensive 2m FM teleme- package didn't generate a lot 01heat. stability during the mghf. Note the RadiO Shack beeper which helpad the chase
try package for their first flight. Andy WA5ZIB included a chemi cal team to hear the downed payload. The TV camera/mirror is on the other side of the
This first package (BLT·1) carried a heat pack 10 keep lhings warm during payload.
100 mW 2m FM transmitter {see the the Iligh1.
August 1990 issue of 73) which sent anyways but thought batlarol il . A cou-
out an 8ud~ telemetry sequence. A ple 01 t-ackers returned the next day
cu stom des igned analog telemetry and 10 their amazemenl Ihe payload
system sent 0 1,11 a series of sonee sep- was still transmitl ing! The landownar
9fated wilh a CW message. The pilch took them back through saverallocked
gates as they eesee in on lhe package.
II tumed out tha payload had parachut-
ed down in the middle 01 a large privata
(and heavily patrolled) hunling pre-
serve! Altar a short search they found
the payload hanging about 80 teet up
in a tree.
One 01 their escorts disappeared lor a
lew minufes and ralumed with his nfla.
Wifh just a lew shots, he CUlIhe string
(90 feel away) and brougf'ltthe payload
tumbling down out oItha tree . Every.
one was thankful they had Ihe foresight
no110 trespass lhe nighl before l

Wilh the success 01 their 1i!'!1 flight,
the South Texas Balloon Launch Taam
embarked on a much more ambiliOus
effort. This payload contained an ATV
transmitler with a live TV camera (GBC
CC O-100), active mirror control (to
point periodically althe horizon or lhe
ground), digital voice 10 on the video
subcamer (lhe messages changed
with verccs stages01 the flighl--()1'1e 01
Photo B. Andy MacAllister WASZIB puts fhe finishing touches on the first them actually said, ' 'I'm lalling" during
BL T experimenl. the pa rachute descent), a CW HF

On December 8 . 1990 the BLT group

sent lnair firsl payload up Irom the
Huntsville Te-as MuniCipal Airport. Al-
ler a great flight up to 0'I8f 100.000
leet, the pacitage parachuted down 10
land aboul 30 miles 10 the $OU1h near
lhe lown 01 Magnolia. Reception of lhe
lelemefry signal was obsel'led ever a
wide area 01 Texas and Louisiana.

Recovery Tex•• Style

Aller a long search, the chase crew
evenlually pinned down lha landing
site about a mile or two Off 01the main
highway. Things were going well unlil
they asked the ranch owner il they
could sa arc h for thei r package. He
replied. " NO. come back lomorrowl"
Nothing more IrU5trating than hearing
Photo A. Burns Cleland WB5HLZ (left) your payload crying out lor help and
and Allan Fox N5LKJ (right) prepare to nol being able 10 do anything about it. Photo D. The chase team recovers the first BL T payload nearly 30 hours after
Isunch a BL T specia l fa fhe &dge The dejected tracking crew almosl Isunch , . , and if s still liclling! L to R: Molle WASTWT, Mike NSOMG. Bums
01 space. decided 10 risk their lives and go in WB5HLZ, and James NSPRO .

54 73Amateur Radio Today . October, 1991

beacon on 10m, and 2m FM telemetry tion·finding crew went into action and
The Balloon Laun ch Team of South Texas that even included a packet telemetry quickty found the package 12 miles
downlink from the onboard flight com- away in a fietd near Egypt (Te~asj. It
High Coordinator WB5HLZ
puter. was noon, so the crew dusted off the
Payload Master WASZIB
The flight computer took the analog payload, reset the computer, glued the
Payload Integrator WASroNT
telemetry signals and converted them ATV antenna back (In. and re-attached
Captain Video N5JXO
to ASCII text for the packet and CW the 10m beacon. It was ti me to try
Computer Wizard WBSTTS
OOwnlink. It also controlled the TV cam- again.
Earth Software NSLCO
era mirror. During ascent, the cornput-
Analog telemetry WASZIB Two Flights In One Day
er would cycle the mirror to point at the
Antennas NSEM
ground or the horizon every 50 sec- The hastily refurbished Bl T·3 was
ATVsystem N5JXO
onds. Ouring the parachute ride back ready to fly . This time the launch team
Back-up power NSSUA
to earth. the mirror stayed in the down carefully choreographed the release
Balloon system WB5HLZ
position to look for distinguishing land- sequence which resulted in a beautiful
Camera system WASLHM
marks on the ground. takeoff (no crashes this time).
OF leader KCSCP
Fantastic live camera images from
Digital voice N5JXO Crashl the payload delighted everyone wetcn-
Flight computer WBSTTS
BLT-2 was launched from the wnar- ing the ATV receiver at the laul"ICh site.
Flight plan WBSHLZ & WB8ElK
ton Te xas Municipal airport on the Telemetry from the packet downlink
Flight software WBSTTS
morning of May 11, 1991 . Due to 10 was displayed on laptop computers at
Mirror system NSAPO
mph winds, the balloon crashed into mission coot-er as well as by the chase
Net control WBSHJV
the side of a hangar just seconds after crew. Those without packet stations
Power system WBSHLZ
liftoff! The 10mCW beacon transmitter had a blast decoding the CW teleme-
Telemetry software N5JCO
(a 28.322 MHz Fi reball transm itter try. The ATV signal was received as far
Thermal control WASroNT
built by Bob Moody K7IRK-see the away as Dallas (over 250 miles) and the
Trackingsoflware WB8ELK
November 1990 i ssue of 73) was 2m FM tel emetry could be heard
VHF transmitter WASZIB
ripped off the package along with the on HTs at that distance as well. The 50
Video IDlsequencer WB8ElK
ATV antenna . The flight computer milliwatt 10 Fireball beacon was even
10m beacon K71AK
reset to a dormant mode and the stabi- heard 500 miles away(groundwave) by
Weatherman KA3BKU
lization fin fluttered back to the ground. Warren WSOFU in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The Whole BLT Crew: W05BOX , WB5BGO, KA3BKU, KCSCP, WDSDZC, The balloon and what was left of BLT-2 This time the balloon landed 18
WB8ELK, NSEM, WBSHJV, WBSHLZ, N5JXO, WD5JAD , NSLCO, WA5LHM, headed skyward (fortunately the 2m miles to the north in a hayfield near
NSLKJ, NSMPN, WASPCO, N50MG, NSAPO. N5SUA, WB5TTS, WASroNT, beacon stilt worked). Spirits were defi- Wallis. The now-e~perienced chase
WBSUUK, WASWOO, WASZlB , A. Ale~y , J . Edinburgh, J . Johnson , J. McK- nitely not as high as the balloon at team found the payload in short order.
elvy, J. Mock. S. Ross. C. Summerville, Civil Air Patrol, Brazos Valley ARC and this point. Fortunately the balloon A lot of fun and adventure was had by
Electronic Parts Outlet. burst prematurely at 27 .000 feet all. l ook lor future fligh ts from the
(probably due to the crash). The dirac- South Texas BlT. •

Only $329 The so lution to most interference, tntermod. and desense
with SO Wall problems in repeater systems.
- 40 to 1000 Mhz tuned to your frequency
026 Amp $539
- S l8rge helical resonators
Value + Quality - Ve ry high rejection
from o ver 25years «t ow noise-high overload resistance
in ATV ... W60 RG - 8 db gain-ultimate rejection ) 80 db
- G aAs let option (above 200 Mhz)
With our all in one box TC7o-1d , ATV Transceiver, -c ast aluminum enclosure
you can easily tran smit and receive live action color Typical rejection: - N. 8NG, and S0239 connector options
± 600 Khz @ 145 Mhz: 28db
and sound video just like broadcast TV. Use any ± 1.6 Mhz @ 220 M hz:40db (44d b GaAs) ± 20 Mhz @800Mhz:65db
home TV camera or VCR by plugging the compos ite ± 5 Mhz @450 Mh z: 50db (60db GaAs) ± 20 Mhz @ 950 Mhz: 70db
video and audio into the front VHS 10 pin or rear
phonojacks . Add 70cm antenna , coax, 13.8 Vdc and
TV set and you are on the air - it's that easy! - Up to 8 EPROM programmed messages
TC70- 1d has 1.5 W att p.e.p. with o ne xtel on 439.25 , 43 4.0 - Adjustable audio, speed & interval timer NEW
or 426.25 MHz & properly matc hes Mirage 0 15 , 026, 0" 10 over voice inhibit" Model
- Lcw power option 10-28
0100 amps for 15, 50, or 70 W atts. Hal GaAsfet downcon -
- Modular design
verter varicap tunes whole 420-450 MHz band to your TV - Message selection via binary input-
ch3. Shielded ca binet 7x7x2.S-. Req . 13.8 VDC@ .SA 'rnrevee
Transmitters sold only to licensed amateurs, lor lega l purposes . -sue: 2.7 ~ 2.6 x 0.7"
vented in the latest Callbook or send copy ot new license. The 10-28 provides req uired station identification without troublesome
Call or write now for our co mplete ATV catalog diode programming. The " 10 over voice inhibit" circuitry allows for cour-
teous operation by not allowing an 10 until the next squelch closing.
including downconverters, tran smitters, linear amps,
and anlennas for Ihe 400, 900 & 1200 MHz bands. 10-28 WiredlTested $99.95 10-2B-lP low Power $109.95
(818) 447·4565 m-18am-S:30pm psi.
Visa, MC, COO
T~ (WooRG)
151 Commerce Pkwy., Buffalo, NY 14224
2522-WG Paxson Ln Arcadia CA 91007 Maryann (WB6YSS j 716·675·6740 9 to 4

73 Amateur Radio Today - October. 1991 55

Numbef" 14 on your Feedback card
The purpose 01 this decision is to

73 INTERNATIONAL give the plan authority according to ra-

dio law . and 10 eocourage efficient and
orderfy use of amaleur bands by plac-
ing a legal requirement on all amateur
radio station lieensees, whether they
are JARL members or not, 10 adhere 10
Arnie Johnson N 1BAC Kremer, F6FQK, the appointed direc- the band plan.
103 Old Homes read Hwy. tor of the special event steuon with the Silen/ Key:On May 20, the l irsl wom·
N. S wanzey, NH 03431 permanent callsign of TP2CE , an amateur radio operator in Japan.
The eteton is situated in an extrater- Mrs. Chiyono Suzuki (nee Sugita). ex
Notes from FN42 ritarial area in the ma in building 01 the J2IX. died at the age ot 84. She be-
LOfS of news fhis month, and promis· C. E. Even though it should have the csme the first YL ham on October 14,
es of more to come: Zafizis TzotJakas same rights and states as 4U11TU, it 1933, in pursuance of the will 01 her
S V2AH T will report on the mounfain has not been recognized as a separate elder brother. Mr. TO$hiO SugitaJl 0 N,
cI,mbers of e-eece. wtIo made another country yet by the oxec Com mIttee. when he died suddenly. After WWIl,
lrip 10 ttle high country wifh an e>:pedl- There have been eight short OXpedi- Mrs. Suzuki was known to haw be-
lion 10 Pamir 01 fhe Himalayas last July. tions to TP2CE in the past. II has been come very active once again under the
Jonas Paskauskas L Y2ZZ wiN provide proposed to activate this callsign on callsigns JG1WKS and JJ1SNC.
us with Ihe resulfS o f fhe Ham Confer- the occasions 01 adm illing new mem- BJ 1RL . Antarcli c: J ARL h as re -
ence fhal took place in June. And ....e bers to the C.E. For exampl e, whe n ceiv e d a l e tt er Irom Mr , T o yo shi
ha ve another volunteer Hambassaaor, Hungary was admitted last November. Arisawa JA4EOV, a member 01 the
Ed Sershon DUN7P H Y. He and his At that time iI used the callsign 01 aano Japanese Antarcttc Research
wife ha ve mo ved 10 Germany from TP5HA . Exp ed it ion (JA RE) team. wh o telt
Sean/e, Wash inglon, USA and e>:pec1 Tokyo lor the Antarctic on November
10 be ttlere for many years. If you have 14, last year. The C\lrrenl state of am.
",formalion 10' fI,m. send it 10 Ed Set- teur recc operations is:
stJon. Ferdinand Thomas Wag 6. 3389 1. General state of operations: Al-
Eka,,mlage . Germany. most all OSOs are made on 21 MHZ
Skip Westnch WBBOWM wrote us a during lunch break . 12:30-13:00 local
n ice letter 10 I8f us know how mvch tie time (0 9 3 0 - 10 0 0 UTC) Mon d a y
enjoyed the article about " Bo >: 88 through Friday. The total number of
Moscow. " He a/so ....rote 10 Ron Gang stations wor1Ied as 01May 21 was 560.
4X 1MK. who had submilfed the affiele 2. 8.J1 RL: A lower ebout1 5 meters
compiled by Oded 4X4S0 . Thank you. high is being used ror normal opera-
Skip. We appreciate feedback from our t i on s . At p res en t we h ave thr e e
readers. Those of you who have spe- projects planned- a new pole inlend-
Cial wishes as 10 whal you would He 10 ed 'or Europe, a dipole lor 7 MHl . and
see in th is column from O/her paffS 01 an anlenna lor other WARC bands.
lhe world. please wrile ' I can pul the 3. Mlsceltaneous: HF packet was op-
request in the coIumn_ orated experimentally from May 6 to
73 receives many beaUliful QSl May 19. A beacon at 21.1045 Sloccaed ·
csrds each month. Since only one can ad in making contact with JF1SNA in
be chosen tor "OSl of lhe Monlh, ·· Japan on May 9. 0907 UTC. This was
Pholo A OSl card for CV1R and e X 1RA (O/tlef side) o ( MakJonBdo. Uruguay.
Associate Ed,tor Joyce Sa wtelle $lips probably the first offICial packet c0m-
South Atmtrica .
me lhe beSI of the resf. 10 see if I can mun ication ever euectec between
use Ihem in my column . Even though I was given the opportunity to take The callsign used. TP5QK. will never Showa Base and mainland Japan.
Ihese cards do nor win the free one- part in activation 01 this station at the be heard again . as it was used on the Latvia A letter rrom Ihe Kipsala OX
year subscription. at least they are end 01 1990. After e ~changi ng some occasion 01admitting Clechoslovakia Club in Riga: 1. Yu ri Baltin YL20X
published lor smo enjoy. letters with our Federal Ministry 01For- 10 the C. E. as its 25th member. The started anolher polar 'rip on July 1 to
The one I really enjoyed this month eign AHairs, CERAC and the repre sen- next activity of this station should be several new IOTA islands and F J .L in
was subm'lfed by Gonzalo De Murga !atives 01the F.l .SAI.C . in CzechosJo. later Ihis year, probably during the cc- the Russian Arctic : 4K20X. 4K3DX.
CX6RN f<x his radio club. CXI RA The vakia organized the O)(pedition as the casion of admitting Poland to the C .E. and 4K40X. All OSLs onlyvia the man-
OX leam from h is club uses lhe caN event of the Association 01the Clecho- with the callsign of TP5SP. ager, Mrs. Aifa Dimcle. YLR-48-18. P.
sign CV1R. The lighlhoose on the card slovak RadiO Amateurs Ra~roaders. as This event was good training tor fu- Kaste 18. Riga. 226048, Republic of
was buin in 1876. Note lheses lions on tam atso president 01 the newly formed ture DXpeditions. I am hoping to visit Latvia, Europe. Please SAE with ralum
lhe rocks. The lighlhouse on lhe Isla de branch of the F.I.S.A .I.C. Thanks to the ZA-Iand in the future and wish 10 be the postage. Do not put on envelopes any
lobos ( "Island of Wolves " ) wo uld kind support ollhe headquarters 01our first to operate there. I am in contact csllsigns, and wrap atl contents reli-
make a dandy radio to ....er, don't you State Railroads and of the F.LSA LC., with the Embassy 01Albania in Prague ably.
think?-Amie. N1 BAC the railroad transportation was at no which is attempting to help me. I hope 2. Aila Dimde will onty keep tor Ihe
oosl. that 1uture DXpedition s will receive the ne xt si ~ month s the logs and OSLs 01
Rou ndup I arrived in Strasbourg on Friday et- support Irom the ceecncsrovae Radio the following acuve stations: EK1KP
Clechoslovakla From a tetter Irom ternoon, April 2ti, al the railway station. Amateurs Society. (Graham Bell Is" FJ .L.. Aug. 1990),
J iri Pecek OK20X, tr anslaled by but in spite 01 previous arrangements The CERAC issues two diplomas: EKeAC (Komi Rep. & Yamal Reg.•
OK2YN, on ·' Czechoslovak RadiO Am- noooe was there 10 meal me. I was in a the l irst. the Council of Europe Award. ONLY March 1991), R02WCY (World
ateurs and the Council of Europe OX- strange country without knowledge of lor contacts with the member countries Comm. Year, Nov.-Dec. 1983), UA.Kf
pedition TP5OK." the language, but the local police gave of the Council of Europe ; the second. UZ3A.XX (Keper .eem. Chukotka. July
The Counci l 01 Europe (C .E .) in me directions 10 the C.E. building. the European Wo rld Wid e Aw ard 1990) . UK2GAB (1974-1984) .
Strasbourg, France has 42 years of his- The OJ)&ration 01 the station was (EWWAJ, lor distinguished cconoes U01GWX (1965 · 1990), U01GXX
tory , lounded in 1949. The group 01 teamwork w ith the aloremenlioned from au the world round . Those iMler- ( 198 4- 1989). UO.GZZ (only Jan.
active radiO amaleurs associated with people. Philippe F6GOC (physician ested may apply-the diplomas are 1985). Y L2RG (Speciel Stn .• Dec ,
this organil8lion initialed the Council and techn ician) and Santiaqo FD1 RAY worth ill I OK2QX, Jiri Pecek, Riedlova 1988-J an . 1989 . Ocl. 198 9). and
01 Europe Radio Amateur Club (CER- (ex EA4EII . DA4BJ, and TJ lIEA4EIl). 12. 750 02 Prerov. Czechoslovakia.] Yl2IHlSM (S. Morse Bicentenary, April
AC). similar to the radio clubs at the the permanent ambassador 01Spain in Japan From the J ARL NewSletter: 1991).
Uniled Nations and the International the C.E. BAND PLAN: Up 10 now the JARL has 3. Any ham having at leasl l ive OSOS
Telecommunicat ions Union. The presi. Al firsl Ihe equipment used was a l ormulated an amat9lJr band plan by in CW during April 1991 with Memorial
dentolCERAC is Mr. W. Rossie , who is Kenwood TS-440 and SB-200 am p, but listening 10 the demands 01 amateur S. Morse stations (such as YI.2teSM.
also the director 01 the audiO visual ser· Philippe brought an ICOM 1C-761 and radiO operators. oot now the Ministry of MeRSE , VI91SM, 3A2"SM. 12HM
viCe of the CE oThe primary force be- power amp (800 watts out) the follow- Posts and Telecommunicalions has of- ... etc.) can get a splendid special
h ind the ham activity is Mr. Fra~ ing day . The antennas _e a s-e-e- ficiatty issued a band plan. TROPHY from the YLCWG in memory
56 73 AmateurRadio Today . October , 199 1
. ~~!:i:i
If you wan! just 1 antenna to handle up to nine HE
Why buy a TNC?
bands. the GARANT WINDOM ANTENNA shouk!
be yo ur choice. Our almost famous GARANT
WINDOM ANTENNAS come in 3 length: 67 It. lor
up to 5 bonds: 137 ttl to( up to 8 bands: 225 ft. for
up to 9 bands. Yes. one antenna with only one • <
coax feedline can hand le all 9 HE bands. r.e. 160- SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER . . . .. "j
8G-40-30-20-17·15-12· 1OM.
For a ilmited IIITIe, ~ you order PC HF FAX 599 (see oor
Olher ad in this issue), you can add PC SWL for only $20
instead of our regular low ptice of $99 .00.
PC SWL contains the hardware, software, jn5troctions
That's right. If you install our antennas cor rectly. and frequency lists needed to aliow you to receve a vast
you wi ll NOT NEED A TUNER , N u m e ro u s variety of digital broadcasts transmnled ov.e r shortwave . ~--,,;
customers have confirmed th is fact. The secret is rad<o. All yOlJ need rs any IBM PC or compatible computer
in o ur speci a l balun. It matches the lo w - and an SSB shortwave receiver. The product ccosets 01 ' Custom Graphics with your Call Sign
impedance coax cable to the high-imped ance Demodulator ·4 Screens (2 Hl-res/ Z co lor bar)
win d o m -typ e antenna A ll our antennas are Digita l Signal Processing Softw are
available for use w ith SOO W PE P Of 2KW PEP
80 Pitge Tutoriaf Reference Manuitl · 12 VDC Operatio n
World Press Frequency Us!
power. Tuforiitl Aud io Cassene with Samples -lnstant Video ID
PC SWL automatically decodes Morse code, RadiO ' Video Relay for switc hing in Li ve
HERE'S PROOF Teletype, FEC (forward. error correcting code). SELCAL
(selective calling transm,sstOrtS), and NAVTEX Camera Video
Read what ou r satisfied customers say. All leiters PC SWllels you tune jn on world press services with
are held on fi le. Fred way EK on his GP·92 KW : "It up to the minute news, meteorological broadcasts, ham -Bultt.in Auto mati c Sequencer-Timer
works great. Nine bands, no extem et turner : radIO operators . coastal shore stat,ons, aVlaMn tele. and (steps through all fo ur screens)
Adrian K C4M T P on h is Gp -6150QW : " II is so mud1 more dIgital action on tl'l8 shortwave bends. Find all
the ut,llty stabon acncn you have been mis5'ng, PC SWL
simple. Just tum on t he t raosrnitte r and start software uses the ptocessor on your PC to do the work, wtly VDG-l wit h pre-p rogram med calls:
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his Gp·815QQW· "I have found il ia perform well , I you, PC and do the lob? $99
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traps and no tuning reqUited " p an . NO IG E on Tunong oscnosccce
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80 me ters. Wh at a great performing anten na. I am
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on all bands. Great an tenna , Get great signal Unanended Capture and Print,ng
reports: weRSK. ELKTRONICS

Write , phone or fax toda y lor ou r complete date 101536 T.8. 71
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times on four separate band s (I.e., at was okay. systems. links were ready. and the YU3 packet
least two separate calls musl have sexenes was in the United Stales as Switzerland From the lnternaliOnal network remained fully operational. No
been worlled). a treat provided by lour American ham s: reteecmmumceucns U n ion ( l T U) harm was done 10 the 2m and 70cm FM
Send only log data of aSOs along Richard High W.HEP 01 Auror a. C0lo- Press: With the aim of highlighting repeaters.
with your complete address plus 36 reec: Budd Drummond WJ60 01 Red-- worldwide production 01 Qual ity fiims seceet node 4N3H was probably the
IRCs by registered mail to the mall- ding. California; Wayne Peterson of and videos. the ITU will hosl the 6th first ham pac!l:el nocle to be destroyed
ager. Mrs. A . Dimde. not Iatertllan Dec K6ZSJ 01 Woodside, California; and InternatiOnal FilmNideo Fesli...al on in a military allack. It had lour antennas
1,1991. Chuck C4rpenter N6C FO 01 Riverside. Telecommunications and Electron ics: on 23em to 38 ,400 baud YT3MV 23em
4. New aSL routes l or YL1XX , C8Jifornia. GOLDEN ANTENNA 91 . in Geneya station (4N 3H· 12). a 2m POri o n
Yl2OX. and YL25RF : 226001 , Riga- l , " Sakenas is convinced his republic lrom 7-15 October 1991. This ekhibi- 144.600 (4N3H), and a converse node
P.K. 10,OslJzygatlo , Repu blic 01LalVia . eveMualty will get its independence. tiOn has mel with increasing success 4N3H-3. They were also de~alop;ng a
Europe . As!! I mailasabove, and with- And he concedes he probeblywon't be Since 1971.11 is open to the 164 mem- wide-bandwidth 19.200 baud Man-
out the telltale bulge 01 a toIded SAf. able 10 take any more two-month vace- ber countries 01 the tTU. 10 exhibitors at chesler user access node on 7Ocm.
5. The Soviet aSL B1Jreau, Boll 88 tiOnS when it shins from a state-ceo- TELECOM 91. and 10 representatives Writes YU3fK: " When unekp9Cled
Mosco\tII. does NOT worit for Latvian trolled to a free-rnafke! economy." Bet. of the lelecommunicat iOn industry. anacl\ 01 YU Army 10 Slownija hap-
hams (all YL UOs) any more. Sakenas said , " It will be worth il. We As 0110 June the headquarters had pened, the first hams reaclion was : be
Llthuan ll /Artic16 !rom a C<JIorado were independenl belore Stalin an- recevee 78 entries lrom 18 countries ORV , stay tuned ... we blocked mili-
newspaper read during my vacs,ion.- neked Lithuania. so _ know how 10 and th ree reg ional organ izations . tary repeaters and Simplek Channels
Arnie} From the Rocky Mou ntain stand on our own two feet ." [What I lind interesting 10 rIOte is t/l4lt on zm . . .. later on. we _re request·
News. J uly 14 , 1991 , by HOl ge r Saudi Arebia Media Release from Japan and /he Japan Amateur RadiO ed not to make ORM on mililary ORGs
J e ns en , News International Ed ito r: Ihe Mini stry of P.T .T .• Kingdom of League, Inc. was the only country and because we blocked channels so 6'l-
Lithuan ian ham told world 01Soviet in- Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia will display organization to have submitted II ham tectr... 6'ly YU3 intelligence could not gat
vasiOn. " One 01 the unsung heroes 01 the Kingdom's up-to-the-minute com- oriented film/Yideo as of June 10. Thair any i nform ation from mi litary com-
Lithuania's drive for independence is munications technology in a pav ilion 01 pres entalion is on JAS·1 blFWI·2, Am- munications .
Gintas Sakenas, a ham radio operator tr aditional Arabian architecture during eteur Sa tellite Communicll fions .- " As my role in packe t, my firs t action
better known to American hams by his the world's most prestigious teieccm- Arnie] was to check network. t sent a lew bul-
callsign LY2BKW . munlcettcns ekh ibili on. Telecom 91, Yugosl....la/Slo... enla Packet mes- letins with emer gency instruclions to
" W he n Soviet Int er io r M i n istr y this Oclober 7-15 in Gene...a, swueer- sage passed on by Ron Gang 4X1MK BBSes .. ,When army started bomb-
troops , the notcrous Black Berets, In- land. The theme of the Saudi pav ilion as sent by tZiok YU3 FK: (Th. packef ing of TV and comm unication cen ters.
...aded Vilnius. the capital 01 lithuania will be " The Cradle of Islam Speaks." message was senllO ALL BBSs;n Eu- where most packet nodes were, we
on Jan. 13, he was the first to inlorm The Saudi Minister for Post , Tele- ropa on the SUbject of " war and /l4lms" prepa red secondary linkS . • . .'
the outside WOf1d . graph and Telephone, Dr . Alawi Dar. in SJovenia.-Arnie] The message tells
" For 14 hours, Sakenas was the sole wMSh Kayal , said Saudi Arabia 's dis- 01 how the hams in Slovenia responded
source of uncensored in!Omlalion from play would be a significant parl 01 Tere- 10 the emergency. Mosl 01 the h.m REPUBLIC OF KOREA
his homeland-the Soviets had seized oom 91. the 6th bur-yearty work! Iel&- commu nica tio ns were helping 'he Byong-joo a» H L5,AP
all regular broadcast statiOns. TV nel- oonvnuniC3tiOn$ exhibitiOn and torum. press (som e telephone lines were eeo- P.O. 8ox ... HaeundafJ
works. and other news outlets i n The Kingdom's telecommunicatiOnS ken) and the Red Cross. A 101: 01 per. Pusan. 612-«JO
Lithuania. and had surrounded parlia- web . includi ng 5,000 kilometres of sonal requests were handled by the Repub/K: of KOfe.t
ment." coa..ial cable and more than 450 mi- hams. Most 01 the operalions were
Along with information abouIltIe sit- crowave radiO towers covering 15.000 found on zm and 70cm FM. and a net 171hWorid Boy SeoutJamborM
uahOtl, Sakenas also provided a relay kilometres. is considered the Middle was 0tl3.605 SSB. Celebrating t he 171h War\d .Jem-
lrom hams in the parliamel'lt buikMg. Ent pace-setter. and on a 01 tne luckily only one ham installation coree. the Korean Boy Scout league
After 14 hours of operatiOn. he re- WOf1d 's rnos1 modern networks. It is was destroyad. even though many of will be operating a special amateur re-
ceived e tip thalltle Soviets had traced among the first to move toward S all the Sitas were anackad because they diO station with help from the Korean
hiS signel and he had 10 shut down . elec:'ronic tel ephone ekchanges. II _re TV and communication centers . Amateur RadiO league. The special
$everal_ks later he was able 10 re- combines setenne. microwave radiO. Even though the 23em backbone was ca llsigns will be 6Kl7WJ and 6K91WJ.
turn 10 lhe air to reassure hams that he optical f ibre. and submarine cable disrupted by these attacks, the 2m The operation location will be KDN-

~MA)(COM '

The ulti mate ad... anced tec h'lology -

when you need II most


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ONV Tool Pouch $15.95 QUICK. EASY, & COMPACT
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100MHz sp ectrum analyzer GECntory U, 1, 2,or6 FI'IlQ. 25 wa~, 136· 1S511 48-17~ ; SOO each
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....l SAlES ~ OIl "(lRT lfEO AJNOS" S!'t1!'PEO 8Y u"S b lac k or s ilye ' Noo·hmod ""'pl o'. "",.t><: ~' od
30 Day refu nd VISA/Me • Custom f,.m. CA R••- . . p~ ... odd 7,25'
Spec ification s & app. ideas C.W.WOLFECOMMUNlCAnONS.INC. cok><, .y.il. b~ . . . u . OJS $l.H ",ludod
Smith Design 1324 H.rrl. Billitl9t, Monl¥ll59102 V ECTO R CONTROL SYSTEMS
1655 N, Mo unl, '" ..... . Suito lG4·~S IJplortd. C'" 911&6
Dresher. PA 19025 (215) 643-6340 _FAX.FAX.FAX.
(71 4J98S-62SO
(406) 252- 9 61 7
58 73AmateurRadio roaev » October, 1991 • TELEPHONE. TELEPHONE.
(406) 252-9 2 20
0 22, CO zcoe zs. rTU 44 althe jamboree campa rea.
The operation t-equencee and modes are: SSB
3.5 MHz-430 MHz; C W 1.8 MHZ-SO MHz; FM 28
MHz-1 200 MHz, and packet 14 MHz-145 MHz.
$coul club slations Chat will be involved are: HLeS,
HlfFO, Hl IILA, and HUJ SP.
The conditions 01 issuance of a commemoration
award are: Class A--6 HL call areas (Hll-HL5. and
a scoul D stalion) with any one of the special eta-
tcoe: Class B-Any Hl can areas (HLl4-1l5, and a
scouI e station); Class e-only any HL stations and
special station spelling 'W OAl D JAM BOAEE" with
their last suffix Ieller, such as, W _ HU W, 0 _
Hl2AKO, A . Hl3FUR. l _ HL4lYL , etc.
Needed to apply: (a) GRC list and tRCsIS5.00 (K0-
rean station , W3.000) plus appliCant's a Sl card; fb)
Operation period 01 commemorative station lrom 8 DX Packetgluster Support!
Aug 199110 16Aug 1991; (c ) Valid Hl stations from 1 - UnparallE'Ued Log Statistics.
Jan . 1991 to 31 Dec. 1991. seout dub station has no - Auto QSO Alert Indicator.
time reslrictions; (d) Application deadline require- - A uto fk>am H eadings.
ment, 31 March 1992 (effective post office date - Au to Country, PrefIX. and Zon e St"lt'Ctions.
stamp). - Print Log Sbeets, OSL Cards, and OSL Labels.
Send applications to: M r. Young Tee , lee - Du.aI Oock Cale ndar.
Hl 4CGU, Chiel Team. Amateur Radio. 17th World -User Configu rable.
Jamboree. P.O. Bo_ 206, Wan 00. Jun Nam, 537- - St"arch and Sort on Can Sign, Date Prefill.
800. Rep. 01 Korea. Country, State, CQ Zone, nu
ZOn e, or User
Defined Fields.
- IBM CompatiblE'.
Jonas Paskauskas L Y2ZZ Just $69.95 Complete.
P.O. Box 11 (~ jnYy ~ts f'w- 11OC1_s.ln Tal
Siau/iai 235400
Lifhuania 30 D ay Money Back G u a ra n tee
There were 10 special event stations operating FREE DEMO DI SK d.... .,...... uH,
during the 4lh World lithuanian Sports Festival lrom
July 2710 August 15. 1991. The stations operated all Send Call and D isk Size (5.25 or 3.5) to:
bands and all modes using special callsigns ot
Se nsib le Solutions
l V91 ??
For those wishing to receive a commemorative : I P.O. 80. 474 Z
pennant in Europe you must contact at least three Midd lriow n, New leney 07748
special event stations. arK! North America arK! other (9081495--5066
areas must make contact with aUeast2 special event Profr uio ....' Softu",rr For 11Ir R .. dio "' ..... ' r ...
stations. $erK! your log information only and 10 IRCs CIRCLE 95 ON IlEADER SERYICE CARD CI RCLE 26 2 ON READEIi HIt\IICE C,\RD
to: Paul Pauliukonis, P.O. Box 321, Strafford NH
03884, USA III
The foW th Tou:gh,...., Used Commerc ial Gear
Proleetion lor your resih"n1...•..• ..
PAY TV AND SATELLITEDESCRAMBLING ham-held' black neopren" 30 Wall , Uniden AMH 3ClO-VHF $125
ALL NEW 1991 EDITION 30 W all, EFJ $29 fo r V H F RP T R $119
Our besl yel. The very lal"sl in 68s<:rambhng circu'ts . More fhah • • • Packet Special • • •
bypasses. lum·ons lor c able . woreleu and aalelllle, Only 30 Watt VHF GE Century II $99
$1 4.95 . OIher pay TV ecmone . Vol , 1 (Bas>ca of Ali Sys.
lemS) $ \ 4 ,95 , 1989 Edil"'" $1 4.95 . BUild S-,ell,te SYlI· 100 D(AUR! eo wen UHFGE Century II
Repea lers, D TMF Mics, MOREl l
le ms Under $600. $ 12.95. W'ff,!eSS Ca b~ HandbooK,
Have a flf
$9 .95 . Any 31$29 95 or 51$44 ,95 , Scram bling NBWS
Montllly li as all intoon new " Pla,n Van ,lla " dllSC ramblers Versatel Communication s
whoch " mulat" B· Mac. VCII .. , Or iQn, $19,95Iyr , New 1-8 00 -45 6-5 548
catalog $1 Special lhi s monlh, e~efy\ h ing ,nclud ing
~Kleo and subscription for $84,95. P.O. Bo x 40 12 - Casper, Wyoming 82604
A fl urtfy _b b _U_loop .. wn on
Scrambling News, lSS2P Hertel Ave., Bullalo, lh_ back _. Wllds o~_ r Ih_ lop _lid
N Y.14216 COD's 716-874~2088Volce/FU ia SKlJ"'• "wlcro
on lhe tronl with

WORLD TIME ZONE The PoUc:h Irs<-ss

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SENO SASE ANO PAYNlENr TO: lites see. Make money many ways. Makes
IDlE A: ACAI:-i • rD.JOX )Xi • Dloo.\"SO~ 77539- n: a temnc science project. We manufacture
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business since 1956.
FOf com ple te details d ial o u r electrooic
bulletin board anytime . 300-2400 baud.
Modem configuration; 8 bits, 1 st op, no
parity: (718)-740-39 11. Voice SAM·1PM :
Or send $1 0 lor fantast ic 5 d isk program
set for your IBM-PC .

Vanguard Labs
196-23 J.1lltl1ea Ave., Holll. NY 11423


73Amateuf RadiO Today · October, 1991 59
Number 15 on your Feedback u rd
Most of tl'l8 kits are for constructing FM. II controls voltages and modula-
these modules. They range from sim- l ion for the Funn oscillator. The TOA·
ABOVE AND BEYOND ple items to a miniature microwave A F
amplifier lor 10 GH z.
7000 is II complete 30 MHz FM receiver
on a single chip .
VHF and Above Operation Kits Avallllble
· CW EPR OM Keyer (June 1990) .
Cost, $12.50. The CW EPROM is a
Here is a liSl lor your convenienCe : kByel" idenllfier with your callsign built
CL Houghfon WB6IGP As for a packet address, I don't have - 1296 OBM (Oct. 1987). Cost, $1 0, in lor use with a 10 GHl wideband FM
San Diego Microwave Group a peckel station on the air yet . I tlave The 1296 MHz mixer is a 1· 112" square system . Turn on DC power, and it out-
6345 Badger la/< e Ave, neglected this mode 01 op8ratiorl pri- ol 0.015· Tellon" PC board. The dou- puts your call in low level audiO 10 m0d-
San Diego CA 92119 marily due to my main interest in mi- ble-ba lanced mixer was inlended for ulate the 10 GHl WBFM oscillator ,
crowave operation. 1296 MHz , It wor1< s well from 450 MHz - FET Switc hing PIS (Aug. 1990).
Parts, Kits , and Scroung ing The MOSFET (lor the switching pow- to 2 GHz . Cost, $15. Extra pair Of FETs, $5. T he
Most ol the mail I receive is brief, and er suppl y) and the GUr)n diodes are still - 1296 ATV Converter (Oct. 1985). FET switch is a simple controlled pow.
many Of you take advantage of the available, as are most of the printed Cost, $5, This simple voltage tune con- er supply that can be used to develop
mini-kits I put together , I hope this ser- circuit boards from pest proj ects. I verter for ATV on 1296 MHz uses a low pow er 110 AC (looW) or to con-
vice is valuable to you . W ilh the vast make myown PC boards, and as such , single MAF·901 oscill ator (the IF ampli. struct 8 toro id Iransformer and convert
quantIties of surplus material available have many other boards available that I fier uses one, too). 12 volts DC 10 24 volts or more. It's
in Southern California. I am able to co- have never listed before. I tlave a 1()(). - 10 GHz Preamp (Aug . 1989). Cost, about the Siz:e of a cigarette pacll.. t use
laIn lhe components and PC board, year-<J4d graphie arts camera ttlat lakes $20. TI'I8 10 GHz preamp uses two one to ablain 1200 volts al 4 rnA lor the
minimiling the cost of the Plojec;ts. a piece of film 12 "x 10· , and allows me MGF-4102 GaAsfETs With a no-tune photo multiplier part 0 1a Laser receiver.
Sometimes lhe time and effort re- to reproduce almost anythlflg. I also clesign, giving 18 dB gain at a 3 dB - 5.6 GHz Converter (Dec . 1990).
quired to ferrel OUI these Ite ms be- have large qcentnes of sheet film, and noise figure. This is the amplifier lhat l Cost, $15. PC board for 5.6 GHz, boIh
comes a consumIng burden, but the can help you prepare a negative. Drop use lor receive ; in transmil . il drives my receive and tra n srrat MGF· l 302 amps .
sea rch and acquire mission buill in ma me a line, and tima perm itting, t mighl TWT lor high power on 10 GHz SSB , Dual mixers with preamp lor 2 meter IF,
is qu ite slrong. I IoolI for items not in be able to help you ou1 on one of your An add ll iOnal po wer supply lo r the and transm it attenualor for transmil at
one's or two's, but in large quantities . projects. preamp that uses a swilch mode power 2 meier drive, Requires a local oscilla-
Thi! prime reason that I provide compo- The ne xt frequently asked question supply for negative 9 volts (ga te bias) is tor source, either crystal multiplier or
nents and kits is to promote home- is, " What is the most popular kit?" I included with the PC board for an addi. b ri ck phase -re c k lo o p , De sign by
brewing, bel ieve it's tha 30 MHz IF amplifier, ncnat $5. DJ6EP a nd OCCDA, cou rtes y T he
I try to combine the basic start ing Gunn mod ulator kit , for use with a bur- · 60 kHz Antenna (Feb. 1990). Cost , No rth Texas Microwa\le Socie ty.
block, II PC board, and key compo- g lar alarm type (10 GHz) Gunn osctna- $14 . The original surplus ferrite rods - 6 GHl BriCk Pl l Oscillator (Dec.
nents at a modest cos t to cover ex- tor and detector. It can be used di rectly for this kit are out of stock. A replace- 1990). Cost, $50, The briCk is a phase-
penses, Some of the components re- with the MaComm Gunplexers" unit. ment exislS, but it's full-size, instead of locked oscillator requiring modifICation
qu ired lor these mierowave and VHF See the following list for the month and live rods like the o riginal kif. The COSt 0 1 0 1 its OUtput filter. (I re-tune them for
projects are not easily found in your year 01 thi! issue that this appeared in th e tuu-ene ro d , p l u s a d d iti on a l you .) The briek requires an external
local parts store. Try 10 purchase a chip 73. Since then, an imprO'ffld PC board postage to ensure its arrival without crystal oscillator at approximately 100
capacitor in almost any city , and you has been developed, covering most 01 breakage, has increased Ihe priCe . MHl_ Shortly (ne xt month) a 10 GHz
will meet more problems Ihan you the frills while still using lhe TOA·7000 Wrth the WWV 60 kHz, the 60 kHl an- Pll bridI will be offered that has lhe
started With . ch ip . Th is single chip FM receiver tenn a is II calil)retor lor your frequency in temaJ Cty$laJ OSCillalor and oven con-
If you can't make it to a large hamfest. made this kit possible. counter's timebase. .",t
like Dayton and stock up lor the winter, About this time I coined the phrase - 10 GHz Fun 30 MHz IF System lor - Gunn Diodes 50 mW al 10 GHz
you mUSI depend entIrely on mail-order " microwave building blockS: ' reter- Gu nn Transceivers (April 1990), Cost, (Jan . 199 1). Cost, $5; 100 m W Gunn
rccses or some really good scroung- ring to modular components used in $10 lor PC board and TOA-7000 single d iodes at 10 G Hz, $10. The Gu nn
ing . That's OK, bu t il you must pur- upgrading and constructing devices. chip FM receiver. The 10 GHz, 30 MHz d iodes are still avaitable, and the 50
chase everything on a part basis, costs Rath e r th an b uildi ng on a mother- IF system is a single chip transceiver mW devices are no problem . Howeve r,
can be quite high. board, the project consisted of inter- controllar at 30 MHz fo r use with a I am havingdifficully obtaining 100 mW
Some of you asked abou t wh ere you connected. easy to change modules. Gunn oscillator on 10 GHz widaband devices. In bench tests, I have to test
could purchase a small q uant ity of sOOul20 dev ices at 50 mW before find·
126-36 gU 8ge wire for winding coils . ing a hoI one al l oo mW.
I'd never given something this inex· -1 0 GHz $lol Antenna (March 1991).
pensive a second l hought . To me, this Cost, $40. This is a beacon wa\ltlQuide
Item is readily available, and I never antenna constf\JCIed !rom II sectiOn 0 1
considered how tough il could be to WG·1S waveguide . It produces abouI. 6
obtain in other parts ol the counlry , I dB gain, and is omnidlrectiorlal. The kil
buy il in II scrap metal yard at $2 a includes all parts, a precut and ma-
pound. In the M ure.1 will include some chined wavegu ide with top shorting
wIre in the kits I pu1 together . or I'll send end plate, and a gold plated brass
it on request. when available, Keep in wavegoide (WG-16) nange .
mind that I am no t an electronics store , That's the list lor now. More wilt be
and I don 't have a full stock of compo- added to this lisl in the future. I hope
nents; I am just trying to be helpful . this answers your questions ahoulthe
kil s. For more information , write to me ,
Mai lbo x Quesllon. or to 73 Magazine for back issues or
JOhn VE4Hl, picking up an old issue copies of the articles and columns, Bet-
of 73 and reading my column, asks an ter yet. subscribe and don't miss oul.
often-as ked question: " Is Ihe kit still
available and the price shll the same?" Recenl Maltbox Questio n
Bob WA4JOM asks other common Larry (callsign pending) has M ard
coesuees: '· 00 you tlave II packet ad- tnat il is possible to work OX at VHF

d ress?" " What are you offering the mi- and UHF frequencies by bouncing sig-
cro wave exp lo re r? " " W ha t i s the nals off the moon, He writes; " Is this
price ?" George K09EN inquires about true, or is someone pulling my leg?"
parts: " 00 you have any Gunn diodes Many amateurs work moonbounce
or Gunn oscillator caVItIes?" (or EME, Earth-Moon-Earth) from con-
The questiorl about pece is easy to
• tinentto continent on frequencies from
ans_. The kits stil t CO$t the same. At
jeasrtcr the present, I haven't made
• ... 2 meters to 10 GHz. l ooll in the bacll
sec lions 01 A RRl handbooks and
any adjustments 10 klMlp pace with the On their DXpeaition to Baja California. Chip N6CA and Jac/< N6Xa spent many you 'll see equipment for this purpose.
increases in postal and shipping rates. evenings cemped along the beach. Ch a pt e r 10 01 The ARRL UH F/

60 73 Amateu r R ad io Today . O cto ber, 19 9 1

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P.O. Box 567· Van Nuys, CA 91408 Fast, Reliable Service Since 1963
SWITCHES Small Orders Welcome
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Free "Tech-Data" Flyer
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4 p.o;, pm for IT1)Unllng. kleallot
low CII'ren1 switching ~Ucalloos. Shielded Coil Forms, Ferrite Rods,
CAT"P8~ 5 1or $1.00·'001or$15.00
Pot Cores, Baluns, Etc.
SPST N.D. Putlhbutton
SPST noonaly open p.e. mount
P'J'hbutton. O.41 ·llq~ rTlDUntng
pad. Plunger 8l(\end s 0.47" aboYe
surface . NQ pulhbunOl'l cap avaJlatle.
Ideal. Ioe>:peoslve switch whe<9 1ook1 are noll~.

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2216 East Gladwick Street, Domin uez Hills, California 90220
CAT.P8-35 510r $1 .00
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125 VtIl:.. 0.50" I X 0.26" H X 0.22" W .
L _ el<1ends O.OS· beyond end oIswilch.
CAT,SMS-282 75¢each 10fot' $6.50


20 8JTl=I RFII1; MI ~ pulpOS8
common-mode flher. Cont(gjs
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low Ieaiulge. 3.46" X 1.16" X 2.9'",
UL and CSA Iliad. CAT, RFl.201 $8.50 each

12 Vdc 500 mil.
2.1rrm D.C. ~ plug will!
cant", neglll"" . Whl . case.
CAT. DCTX.l25W $04 .50 each
12 Vdc 200 mil.
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CAT. DCTX.l22 $3.00 each
TRANSVERTERS for 144, 220 and 222 MHz
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24 V6c, 650 ohm (ll)il- 3 aIT1l 0DIlIaCB , 12 VOLT POWER SUPPLY
Standard 14 pin (ICE CUBE)51yle.
Plasllcdu.I _ . Sila: I 1/"· X 1 3/,,-
Premium quailly meIIIl tape in
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matkBI. '"' durabkl. deal plaslic l'.l! VHF and UHF YAGIS
Iransporl mechan""'. Recorded
and bulk _ ued. ItMl rllCOrd.protecllD have bMn r.
lRI\Ied and ItMlrllfore. ..-d to be taped 0W>f 10 r.
reoord. Audiophl _ wMI appreciatu l hu wida dynamic HF, VHF and UHF MOBILE ANTENNAS and MOUNTS
range rJ Ihlfli1P'. Wyour casS8llU d8dr. hu a -melar
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60 min. ~. CAU C.«IM $ 1..25 each· 10 lor $ 10.00 OMNIDIRECTIONAL VERTICAL ANTENNAS
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CIRCLE 1 94 ON RU.DER SERVICE CARD 73 Amateur Radio Today . October, 1991 61

are designed to receive the Broadcast
Protccat files sent from lhe satellite .
They are available as shareware
through BSS systems or directly from
AMSAT-NA in Washington for a han-
Amateur Radio Via Satellite dling lee. CaN (301) S89-eo62 or wnte
10 AMSAT-NA, 8SO Sligo Ave. 1'600.
AndrBwC. MacAJ/iStfH WA5ZIB emissions in the 2-15 MHz rarJ9El and Silver Spring MD 2091Q-4703.
'''"4 KnightswayDriwl transmit telemetry on 145.955 MHz. Other programs of int erest lrom
Ho4Iston TX 7708:J.564() This protect came Irom EStEE SPACE , AMSAT-UK i n Lond on include
a club at the French '''Ecole Super- DTLM .EXE lor displaying telemetry
OSCAR-22 Launched l ieure d 'ingenieurs en Electrotech- from the UoSATs end m icrosats ,
On Ju ly 17 , live pay loads were nique et Electronique." Although SPLOT.EXE for graphing telemetry re-
placed in low earth orbit by the Ariane ESIEE SPACE was orig inally lounded sults. and U05TLM,EXE lor specifical-
space V·44 launch from Kouro u, to build and launch experimen tal rock- ly collecting. displaying and archiving
Frenc h Guiana. They included the ets, the group built their lirst satellite in U-O·22 telemetry. Programs for picture
primary payload Earth Resources conjunctcn with the French National display are expected soon. Some of
Satellite (ERS-1) and lour micro- Space Agency , CNES. Some have these programs may also be available
satelliles. Among the miCrosalS was questioned their use 01 an amateur Ire- from AMSAT-NA.
UoSAT-F, now called UoSAT-S Of quency for the downlink, bul it's up
UoSA T.o5CAR-22. OSCAR slands tor now , on the air , and can't be changed . U.().22 Commlulonlng
Otbiling Salallile Carrying Amateur ORBCOM-X is a small satellile buill When U-Q.22 went into ort:Ht on July
RadiO. by OrtJital SCiences Corporation as a 17, ~ was launched with all systems off.
The other mierosalS included TUB- prototype 01 their proposed constel la- During the first pass over the Un~ed
SAT , SARA and ORBCOU·X . They tion 01 ~rth-orbit communiCations Kingdom, the ground control station
were mounled on the Ariane Stl'\lClure satellites. The team responsibla for powered the satellite up with the 7Dcm
tor AUll ilary Payloacls (ASAP). This ar- this alJort included AMSAT VlC8-Prest- transmitter operaling at the 2 watt lev-
rangement of mounting small satelliles dent 01 Engineering Jan King W3GEY , el . Data was at 1200 bps. The onboard
on a ring at !he base of the main pay- Gorclon Hardman K7KD, and Jeff Zerr. computer was then activated and the
load was used successfully for the Jan- They were all pivotal players in the backup transmitter turned on because
uary 1990 launch 01 sill amateur satel- AMSAT Microsat Project . the primary transmitter was acting up
lites, OSCARs 14-19. with interminant output.
TUSSAl is the first mlcrceatelnte A Look at UoSAT·OSCAR·22 Alter si~ passes over the UK. the
built by the Technical University of U-Q.22 is the l ifth satellit e in the Uni- data downlink was switched to 9600
Berlin . Its mission is 10 track storks (re- versity 01 Surrey series of small , low- bps and several systems inclUding the
ally. storh!) with radiO Ioc8tion bea- cost spacecraft. II uses the same basic AX.25 packet output and RAM disk
cons. II also incorporates an experi- stroctcre and electronics configuralion were successfully activated. The previ-
mental Charged Coupled Device as UoSAT.QSCARs-14 and -15 but ous uenemmer problems were no
(CCO) camera star tracker for satellite wilh several differences. Originally me longer occurring . and all systems
att itude delermination. satel\~e was to have no amateur radio seemed operational.
SARA is a radio astronomy salellite operations on board. I1s primary mis- Forty-six hours after launch, the
designed to listen to Jupiter's rad io sion was 10 provide PACSAT·style magnetorquers were enabled to stop
the tumbling molion 01 the satellite, A
day later U-Q.22 was sufficiently stable
to eKtenc:l the gravity1lradient boom.
Unlike previous Uo$ATs. where the
ABOVE AND BEYOND eKtension 01 the boom is gradual, this
one deploys telescopically with one fir-
Ccntinued from page 60
ing to a length of 16 feet in only a few
Microwave Experimenters Manual rnaming 01 the contest weekend , with seconds. Gravity-gradien l lock was
cove!'! EME calculations in depth, and strong " E' s" from DL43 to Southern achieved, and the satellite orientation
gives a very good history 01 its develop- Caliiornia, Nevada, and Arizona, on became stable with the camera always
ment and applications. the evening 01 June 11. Several sta- aimed toward the earth . The magne-
tiOnswith whip antennas dropped pow- tometer and sun angle sensors work in
DXpeditlon to Baja er to less than a wan. On the 12th, conjunction with the onboard attitude
Recently Jack N6XO and Chip operation was trom Cabo San Lucas control soltware to maintain the satel-
N6CA took a trip to Baja lor some OX- OL42 and OLS2, but luck ran 01,11 and lite's position using the magnetor-
ing , wh ich requi red lOme intensive there was no opening. Camping in quers.
navigation of Baja's narrow roads and OL53, they caught a lew mora " E" Four days after launch the ground
nasty poIho1es, not to mention wancler- openings into Colorado and melllOt Ground Station Equipment control team began work with the CCO
ing burros. Jack and Chip thought they scatter propagation into Phoenix and Stations already equipped lor activi- camera experiment. The first picture
were home safe when they landed at WSFF. Thursday morning the 13th was ty via 0-0-14 need no changes to re- was downloadecl to NK6K in Galitornia.
the TIjuana airport. (They left their van the biggie. with open ings into the 5, 6, ceive the data, messages and pictures It show-ed overexposure and cloud ctN-
in lower Baja for a return tnp on July 8 7, and • call areas. On the way to the La !rom 0-0-22. New users will need a er . Subsequent shots displayed spec-
lor more hamming activi1ies.) Uttle did Paz airport, a lew 2 meter trope and 70cm receiver, FSK demodulator, and tacular views 01 the Med iterranean
they know that the mosl dangerous meteor contacts were made, a packet term i nal node cont rolle r with e~cellent clarity and easily-«ienti-
parl oflhe trip was about to begin with a One highlight of this trip was that (lNG) capable 01 KISS operation. Al- l iable land features . For those with
TIjuana taxi trip to the border . Jack Chip worked Bernardo XE2HWB on 6 though 9600 bps modems are more CompuServe access, the first good
stated that "The driver obviously had mete!'!. and this was Bernardo's !irst difficult to work with compared to 1200 picture file showing a clear view of Italy
computer training, as his throllie had a contact on 6 meters from his own coun- bps systems, more information has be- can be downloaded from the HAMNET
binary control. " They almOSI had two try. later Chip and Jack met Bernardo, come available on 9600 bps systems asCCD1A.GIF.
serious eccldenta in the very shorltrip hi s family, an d Anto niO XE HWH . from AMSAT both here and in the Unit- By July 29, the i nillal phase of
to the border . Bernardo operates from La Paz DM44 ed Kingdom. Simple omnidirectional U·O-22's commissioning w as com-
Jack reports that cautious driving re- with 10watts and a3-element antenna. antennas are adequate for U.().22 re- prete. All the SUbsystems had been
warded them with a pleasant trip . In Chip and Jack have construcled a bea- ception . exercised and proven function at .
S8\1en days they had traversed over 17 con for Bernardo, and hopelully ~ will Several software programs have Some debugging of the cnboerd com-
of Baja's 24 differenl grid squares. be operational by the end 01 July. The been In development for decoding and puter and the CCD Transputer soft-
They camped on som e beautiful beacon wi. be sotar powered and have displaying telemetry from U-Q.22, but ware cont inues, bUI for now, the
beaches, including one in DL37for two 1 wall output operating on 50.008 the most important soltware is either amaleur side of this new satell~e is
nights. Finding camping spoIs in Baja MHz. During the solar eclipse, Bernar- PB.EXE or NET.EXE. These programs performing flawlessly. III

is easy. as the stale is sparsely p0pu- do operated as 4B2S0L on 2 and 6
lated and forest rangers will give you
direc:tionS. The Sea of Cor'tez was n0-
ticeably warmer than the Pacilic Stay Tunedl UoSAT-OSCAR·22 Frequencv Plan
ocean. The last day they spent on the Next month _ 'M COVef mod ification Downlink:
beach in DL53 , w ith a refresh ing 01 briCk oscilla tors. As always , I will be 435 .120 MHz Uplink:
breeze. glad to answer questions relating to 9600 bps FSK 145.900 MHz
The OSO count came in around 250. VHF /UHF and microwave areas . 1200 bps AFSK (baCkUp) 9600 bps FSK
with the bulk on 6 meters, Nice double Please include an SASE for a prompl 5 watts or 2 watts 1200 bps AFSK (backup)
hop to the East Coast on Saturday reply . III

62 73 AmateurRadio Today . O ctober, 1991

Jj! A S T R O N 9 Autry
Ir vine, CA 92718
CORPORATION (714]458-7277


• FOLD-BACK CURRENT LIMITING Protects Power Supply • OUTPUT VOLTAGE: 13.8 voe :t 0.05 volts
from excessive current & continuous shorted output (Internally Adjustable: 11-15 VaG)
• CROWBAR OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTION on all Models • Rl PPLE less than 5mv peak 10 peak (full load &
mepl RS-3A. AS4A. AS-SA. RS4L RS-5L low line}
• MAINTAINREGULATION & LOW RIPPLE al low line input • AU units available in 220 VN:, input voltage
VOltage (except tor SL-l1A)

Sl SE Colors t entlnueus H:S· Size IINI Shi pping

MODEL Gray Black Duly lAmps] IAmpsl Hx Wx 0 WI. [IbsJ
SL-l1A • • 7 11 2lf. x 7~ x 9·lf. 11

RS-l SERIES Conti nuous ICS ' Size [I NI S h ;P ~ ;"j

MOD EL Duly [Ampsl lAmps] Hx W x 0 WI. ( ns.
RS-4L 3 4 3'12 x 6Y. x 7'1. 6
RS-5L 4 5 3'h )( 6Y3)( 7'1. 7
Continuous ICS' Size [I N] Sh;P~;"'
MODEL Duty [Amps] lAm ps] Hx Wx 0 WI. [ bs.
RM -12A 9 12 5'l.x 19xB'/. 16
RM-35A 25 35 5'/. x 19 x 12'12 38
RM-50A 37 50 5'/. x 19 x 12'h 50
RM ·60A 50 55 7x19x12'h 60
• Separate Volt and Amp Meters
RM-12M 9 12 5'/. x 19 x 8'/. 16
RM -35M 25 35 5'1. »: 19 x 12'12 38
RM-SOM 37 50 5'1. x 19 x 12'12 50
RM SERIES MODEL RM-35M RM·60M 50 55 7 x 19 x 12'h 60
Cellors COitllIOIl ICS" Sizi (IN] n i. pill
RS-A SERIES MODEl Gray Blac~ Oily [All.,] [All.,) H x Wx D WI. llh .]
RS-3A 0
'.5 3 3 x 411. x 5lJ. 4
• 3 4 3lf. x 6'h x 9 5
RS-5A • 4 5 3'1:1 X 61', x 71', 7
RS-7A 0
• 5 7 3lJ. x 6'1:1 x 9 9
RS-7B 0 0 5 7 4 x 7'h x lDlJ. 10
RS-l0A 0 • 7.5 10 4 x 7'h x 10lJ. 11
RS-12A 0 0 9 12 4'1; x 8 x 9 13
RS-12B 0 9 12 4 x 7'1t x 10lf. 13
RS-20A 0 • 16 eu 5x9x10'h 16
RS-35A 25 35 5x 11x 11
0 0

MODEL R$-7A RS-50A 0 37 50 e x taa x u 46

RS-M SERIES C.lliliOIl ICS' Sill (INI S ~i,. ill
MODEL Oily lAllps) [All.,] HxW xD WI. (lh. 1
• Switchable volt and Amp meter
RS-12M 9 12 4'1:1x8x9 13
• separate volt and Amp meters
RS-20M 16 ze s x s xtn» 16
RS-35M 25 35 5xl1x 11
RS-50" 37 50 6x 13lJ. x 11 "

VS·M AND VRM·M SERIES • separate Volt and Amp Meters . Output Voltage adjustable Irom 2- 15 volts . Current limit adjustable from 1.5 amps
to Full Load
MODEl Oil, IA_, 'I IA.pl) HX Wx 0 Wt·tlh .)
@13.8VDC @10VDC @5VDC
9 5
, @13.8V
12 4'1; x 8 x 9
s x s x ie» ,.
as 15
7 "
35 s xtr xtr
6 X 13 11. x 11 "
• Variable rack mount power supplies
" 10 50 46

VRM-35M zs 15 7 35 5'1. x 19 x 12'1:1 38

• Buill in speaker
" 10 5%x19x12'h 50

ColOl$ ContillUI ICS' Sizl tlN] S ~ jp . 1 1 1

MODEl Gray Black Olt, IA _,'I A_p' HxW xO WI. (Ih.)
RS-7S • 0 5 7 4 x 7'12 x lOll. 10
AS-lOS 7.5 4 x 7'h x 10lJ.
0 0



16 ,.
12 4'1:1x8x9
s x s x mw 16

"ICS-Inlermillent Communication Service (50" Duty Cycle 5min. on 5 min. off) CIRCLE 16 ON READER SERVICE CARD
Number 17 on yOlJf Feedback C8rd

Compiled by Linda Reneau KA 1UKM

AMERICAN DESIGN Th e 1992 sp ri ng catalog of

COMPONENTS computers and computer-related
parts and components at far be-
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from American Design Compo-
nents. Geared to the needs of
hobbyists as well as manufac-
turers, the 54-page catalog fea-
tures ICs, components, crystals,
fan s , c o n n ec to r s , batteries ,
LEOs, switches, power supplies, AZTECRF
disk drives, monitors , and much
Aztec RF now has a deluxe, ex- fOf" full coaxial isolation of current
Copies of the catalog are avail- ternal ferrite eeao-cver-ccex 1:1 paths. Stainless steel units are
able without charge from Ameri- balun. Now recognized as the epolC)'-poned.
can Design Components , 815 most eff ective methocl of co n- Model DXB-l has eyes for wire
Fairview Ave., Fairview NJ 07022. st ructing a coreless balun for antennas; Model DXB-2 mounts
Tel. (BOO) 776-37()(}; (201) 941- 160- 10 meters. external ferrite on all yagi booms with kit sup-
5000. beads over Mil-$pec Teflon'" coax plied. Each costs $50 plus $4
ensures reliable choking action Shipping. Aztec RF, Box 1625,
tc r cieen radiation patterns and no Valley Center CA 92082. Tel.
measurement errors, Teflon UHF (6 19) 751-8610. Or circle Reader
or N connector has a shield-hood Service No. 205.


tively toned with silver continents
Time & Again Co. is proud to and medium-light blue oceans.
distribute the World Time Zone The two sizes available provide
Map decal , which can be placed lor accommodation on small ar-
on a shortwave receiver or any eas.
other object. You can retere rce The 2 V~ - x 434 · size is $2.00;
int ern at io nal li me zones at a the 1 V.· x 334 · size is $1 .50 . You
glance. These decals are made 01 can buy both for $3.00. Prices in. PERFORMANCE ELECTRONICS
a high quality polyester, and are elude tax . send SASE and pay-
Performance Electron ics ca n come with a two-year warranty.
sell-adhesive lor easy application ment to : Time & Again, P.O. Box
give you plenty of reasons to own Customers receive personal sup-
to any surface . They are aurae- 306. tncnnson TX 77539.
a quad. They oNer zm. 220 MHz, port for operation over the entire
and 440 MHz quads in easily as- legal range and in the respective
monies and spurious signals gen. sembled, complete kits. These all- modes .
erated by your HF rig. It auenu- fiberglass antennas have proven, Price range , $60--$100. For de-
ates frequencies above 40 MHz, tested designs , a 46- mast, a 50 " tailed information, write Perform-
using a proven 9-pole Chebyshev pre-assembled coax with connec- ance Electronics , P.O. Box 310,
low pass filter design and MFJ low tor, and are easily stacked for bet- Conestee BC 29636. (803) 299-
pass filter technology. The com- ter gain and directivity. Designed 1072. Or circle Reader Service
pact 8 ~ -D x 234 -W x 3 "H filter to withstand a 4O-foot faU, they Number 206.
handles a full 1500 walls 01 power
with low SWR. Insertion loss is
less than 0.5 dB . It comes with a
one-year guarantee. The 199J Amateur Radio Mail 5O-page publication is $1 3 . send
Price. $40. Contact MFJ Enter- Order Catalog , published every your subscription payment to Hart
prises, Inc., P.O. Box 494, Missis- January and July by Hart PubliSh- Publishing. 767 S. Xenon Court.
sippi State MS 39762. Tel. (601) ing, lists 100 free catalogs along 1 177, Lakewood CO 80228. send
323-5869. Fax: (601) 323-&51. with equipment, businesses, pul> also your club's newsletter, or any
Order toll free at (BOO) 647-1800. eceuone, and resources for hams. news and information you think
MFJ's new low pass filter, the Or circle Reader Service Number A single issue is $7, postpa id. A Hart Publishing may be interested
MFJ·704, reduces TVI Irom har- 208, two-issue subscription for this 40- in including in their catalog.
64 73 Amateur Radio Today ~ October, 199 1
READY-ro-oo- Pre-assembled &
€mI! I nc.
For Your Best Price
800-942-8873 pre-b.m ed· RUGGED· Stainless steel
& tightwt· DEPENDABl£ ·Water &
corrosion-proof· PROVEN DESIGN-
Aut horized dealer for Ieom, Kenwood, Yaesu, From ARRl Handbook, highest qlty.
materials and workmanShip .
ASTRON. Belden, Bencher. AEA, Cushcraft, MFJ, RF
Concepts. Hustler, Kantronics. Wilson, Diamond,
Only $29,95 r~~
Money back guaranlee.
Ham-10. Larsen. Wm. M. Nye, B&W. ARRL, Ameritron, Specity MAX1 46,
MAX220. Of MAX440
Epson, Fan Corner, DTK
1057 East 2100 South, Salt Lake City, VT 84106 MAX System ' M
CK·MO-MC-VlSA Aceeptred ( MAo add 5% sales tax)
801·467·8873 Send payment to Cellular Security Group.
CIRCLE 1 5 6 O~ READER SERVI CE CARD 4 Getflng Ad . Gloucester. MA 01930
Or charge by phone (508) 28 1 8892

Antique Radio 's Lerqeet-Circutetion
Monthly Magazine OSO more lor greater distance
Articl es - crasstnecs - Ads for Parts & Services hogh<), gain and less interle'e<lCll
Also : Early TV, Ham Equip ., Books, Wllh ME gercrresterQuads, GallC)I Available as do-it-yourself kits and
write tOOill' fa< free brccncre OIl the packaged and tested units
Teleg raph, 40's & 50's Radio s & more •.• workllamoos UHf, Vl-If HF2, 3, 4, and I; element qua!Js,oAlI·tiberglass
Free 20-word ad each month. Don 't m iss out! cons tfu~ t lon .R "gged enq,n eerlnq'AI I weather. H,ghly d"e<;tlonal • Batuns a nd vne ns match ,ng 50 ohms IQ Impedances
-Excellent fiB .packet POl'I!!rhoose •Too-eee assembly ' l yw replace- as low as 3 125 ohms a nd as high as BOO ohms
:~ t-vea r: $27 ($40 by ta t Class) '~ menl warrant>,' ' VISA or Mastercafd welCome -cosion orders r\li'bama
~ 6- M o n th Trial- $1 5. Foreign - Write.\:' -~' Amareur Electronicso3164 CJllatla Hel(lhts AoadoBllam , AL 35243
• Spec,tle<! effOCIef\CleS 95 % to 99% Ide pe ndlng UJXln
Im pe da nc e· leve ls l
A.R.C., P.O. Box 802·E7, Carlisle, MA 01741 205 967-6"122 • DeSigns opllmlzed for bandWidth, e lfOCle ncy,
CIRCLE 253 ON READER SE RViCE CARD Impe dance ·level and sat ety mar-glns
• Powe r categ olles : Iconse rva ll ve ratings)
l ow' JXIwe r. 150 wa ns ccotooove
Dls covn TilE w O~LO O. ~f ...MPL"'US ... "'QTo~Q \'" eUll.nr~1 • 48 de SIgn ~ltS ava ilable lrom Qur 58 page handl>9ol<
f,UT SC... ~ TUlv r sro~
~ !I.L'I"
'.'ho MOTOA O'. e......
.... Hf ...... r_. 0 . ..,....
, " I
• New de SIgns UJXIn req uest (assu mIng feaSibilIty)
. ~ '"
."'1> »Ow IIM ,1I
nlw ' lUI
nu ,..w, IUS
n l '" 'oow "09,11 HUT liN K M.. TUI'"
• Each DO·IT·YOURSELF KIT Include s data s heet,
construct ion t/Khnrq ue s . crcc.t dlag' a ms ,
. """, ,OW , l UI nil' HOW ' ' ', . ,, ptlOtog raphs and a ll co mponents
.""OH lOW ' 'U' u,.ll.lw IlI U l M.... .. H_, l '""IU d l. U I ........• 21...
ll CM • ~11l1 "w 1011.11 C" S_t c. . ... ! ... _I'••" I' 1 ....I II ," • PAC KAGED and TESTED units co me wrlh
'oEW" l K w.. TT 2 _11 MH .......... W H _ .._ . uncond itiona l money bac~ gua,antee for 1 ye a'
2~.TEUA U LliVISION CO NYI U U I pown SPlITTU S _ co",el~us CHrp C... n _K....' {HC
V, .21_ I".. " "".. " " OS"" _ ,_,."'H. ...n.",...o"" "" c..P._ u.....IS.-.

j " .Os K~
.. Tv - S- f lTl "I ••. w." PlP, _P_ I •••• Of pown U .. N. 'STQ"
.. Tv. "1 _'11 S_f n " "" •• •• " " 1001 W." PIP , _p _
II" w." Pl' . _P_ .. .
11• ••
11• .• •

I " ......... ,........ ,......... " .... " ... " .... " l l •• S K~ mlfMlif'.! -im.~::m: -PULL U"(U
"'N' _Cl~ CU'T "" ~ U '
.e' _l ll _I"M.I
UL _ 1_ !l1 _ l oM I.." "
VK :IIO _IO,.B ~f ~
t 1.51
I 1-IS

' 1 .21
I Mni~ ~~PlI"I~' M _llO _ 1 _ I e . _ ~ . e __ 1 .,.
nw... ~ l.. I '• .•• K~ ' - .. 1• .,. . , ,.. ,., . " • .•• B_....... f T f .
nw. " _ "
........... 1ft _ 1"""
'-".._ ' .
.. ,.,.. ,
, .,
,~. .. _ ,.,_.
•.. • • • IU.r _ . W2FMI
SOl MIIl Ol_ D";vo· XO""" o.....un ' ISl l l ( 26 _ 16(10
FAXS1' '''19- 38 ' ' • O'~"
The s e barons and u nuns (unbarancec.tc.un -
ba lanced transformers}. e ~cl uslvely c esrqoeo by

""""'T'!""'!'""!' Dr. Jerry sevrck, W2FMI , are Imp' ove<! ver
sees crtncse oescncec In hIS book Transm ls s loo
LiD e Tra n s fo rme rs, 2 r.d ed (Ne wing to n AR RL.

'1 i' 'DOD MAGNET ~

1990) The reto re . ma ny ne w ere "se tul translorm ·
ers a re ,ead ily made avauabie Some e~ a mpje s a re

DrSI5J[5]D~[]~ MOUNT ~ ba l"ns ar.d un uns WIt h nanstormanon renos al l .5.1•

2:1 .6:1 a nd 12 '1 Ma ny multrmatch « nuns a re also

Model TDD-8 decodes and d,sp lays all 16 [lT~H' diWt.<

Dual Band Mobile ' , , Includ ed
For a tre e c at alog a nd a IrS1 of 48 deSIgns
140 mhz, 440 mhz
Digits a,-,. di splay<.>d on ci~ht I,F. D'5, 32 c h a ra d er
buffer can be scroll ed. It will a=pt almost any a udio
souree. A.. .cn ....ri.. 1 o u t p ut ca n be con nected to you'
., contac t:
rornpute c. IB M compatible ""Awa.... ind ud<'d for
a utomat<-'d logging and alerting of uscr specified
Multi.Whip Mobile
140 mhz, 220 mhz, 440 mhz II ~TEL : 213-763-5770tt-!
~FAX: 213·763·2250 . .
TDD·S DTMf m :com: Il/IJISPLAY/ASCli $99 Supplied with 1211 of RG58 Coa x P.O . Box 956. Torrance. CA 90508
Choice of BNC or PL259 Connector
a d d $5 Sill . VlSAIMC AC C E PTE D
MoTl-oo Electron i".
3 10 Garfield SU4
TE L: 1-800.J38 ·ll{l5,ll
(503 1-687·2 118 Oualif)l products Made in 11>8 U.S ,A LIMITED INTRODUCTORY
Euge ne, OR 97402
(To"<~ ·Tone ;.
FAX: (50.1 )-6117_2492
a ,.od.",", k of AT&TI
501 Mitcllell ReI" Glendloie HlI., I. 60139
W&WASSOCIATES 5O&-EBP-12N , 12V at 700 mA o
W & W Associates (Batteri es The WC-SOO is $36; the WC-5OS
" R" Us) announces the introduc- is S49. Contact W & W Associates
tion 01their replacement batteries (Batteries " R" Us), 29-11 Parsons
for the Alinco OJ-160T/ E. OJ- Blvd., Flushing NY 11354. Tel.
460TIE , and DJ-56OI560E. W & W (718) 961-2103; (BOO) 221-0732.
battery pan .lWC500-EBP- 10N is Fax: (7 18) 461-1978. Or circle
7.2V at 700 mAo Battery part .lWC- Reader service number 202 .

COMMUNICATIONS CORP. interfaced 10 any repeater con-

Spectrum Communications in- troller via the proper jack. Numer-
troduces the new , tow c o st ous accessories are ava ilable,
" Specter" series So7R basic reo such as CW IDer, cress, com-
peater/base station . This light- munity lone panel, add itional re-
weight but rugged desktop unit al- ceiver filtering , hand mike, du-
so has a 19- rack mounting. The pexer. cabinet , etc.
S·7A is available on VHF (10, 30, Price, $1100. Contact Spectrum
and 150W), midband, and UHF Communica tions Corp., 1055 W.
(10, 40, and 100W), with 100% Germantown Pike, Norristown PA
duly cycle. High sensitivity and 19403-9616. Tel. (2 15) 63 1-1710.
selectivity , crystei-con trcuec . and Fax: (2 15) 631 -5017. Or circle
easy to service , the S·7A can be Reader Service Number 201 .

v ", ... a ,~ ,,. y-
Fieldpiece Instruments' HB70
It .
o ' . _
. '" Series of heavy duty "book" type
!• , It
digital mulli meters are easy to AMERITRON
- . , I
It . , _
use , with ellthe capabilities of the and 2000W CW when the SWR is
Ameritron ann ounces the re- below 1.5: 1. II handles 750W on

" meter displayed on the meter's
face. These multimeters are built lease of the new Ameritron aSK-S Any and packet. An optional
for use in the field . The more con- Electronic TIR Switch lor linear cooling fan (CF·S, $40) allows sus-
• III•
M ' •
.. •• • trol the user wants , the more he ampl iliers . The a SK-5 gives you tained operation at 1SOOW in any
!" .. ~ - switc hing over six times faster mode.
..MAO ,...~: '" II ,. n may prefer a manual ranging ma-
ter instead of an autorang ing me- than a vacuum relay , and works Price, $349. To locate your
~ -;:,..r: • ter, especially if it's less confusing with any linear ampl ifier. The sen-
contained OSK-Sprovides full CW
nea rest Ameritron dealer, contact
Ameritron , 921 Louisville Rd.,
e~ -S"_' and easier to use .
11:1 Meter prices range from $99 to break-in and rapid switching in di· Starkville MS 39759. Tel. (601)
+ $179 . Fieldp iece Instruments, gital modes as well as faster , qui- 323-5869; FAX (601) 323-6551 ;
8322B Anesia Blvd., Buena Park eter switch ing in SSB. It operates (800) 647- 1800. Or circ le Reader
CA 90621 . Tel. and FA X (714) on 120 VAC, handles 2S00W PEP Service No. 203 .
992- 1239. Or circle Reader Ser-
vice No. 204.
MICIAN ELECTRONICS tone frequency , bypass for PTT
INCORPORATED queing, wait period for loss of
MYERS ENGINEERING Mid ian Electron ics' new 10-1
watts. Front-to-beck rat ios are 16 COR input , and automat ic repeat
INTERNATlONAl,INC. intervals. II desired , the 10-1 can
and 20 dB, respectively. miniatu re Mor se Code Station
Myers Eng ineering oilers two Pr ice per antenna, $85 plus Identifier sends a te-cnaracter also send Morse code manually.
new yagi beam anlennas: the 3-e1- shipping and handling . For de- station 10 and lor tao-cnarecter The 1.4 " x 1.1 " x 0.25' 10-1
ement YL-143-AM l or 144-1 48 tai led specific ati o ns , co nta ct message at user-programmable costs $90 . Con tact Midian Elec-
MHz, and the 4-element YL-224- Myers Engineering International, intervals. The 10- 1 is easily pro- tronics Incorpora ted, 2302 Ea st
AM lor 220-225 MHz. Each anten- Inc., P.O. Box 15908, FOff Laud- grammed via a 12-button touch- 22OO S1., TucsonAZ 85713-2024 .
na weigh s about three pounds, erdale FL 33318-5908. Tel. (305) to ne style keypad with alpha- Orders: (BOO) MIDIANS. Techni-
permits end or center mounting 572-8217; FAX (305) 572-8273. numeric characters. Other pro- cal Assistance: (602) 884-7981 .
with 50 ohm input Impedance, Or circle Reader Service Number grammable featu res include front Fax: (602) 884-0422. Or circle
and permits RF input power 01500 209 . porch delay, code speed. Morse Reader Service Nu mber 207.
66 73 AmateurRadioToday • October , 1991
" "I Rili"b.,..· A ssortment
" .. ~ w_ ...
$OJ'''''''''' K'no SAil' SUI
Jerrold". Oak. Scientific Atlantic, Zenith. &
many ot hers. " New " MTS ste reo add -on :
I( ~~~ !OO $3'.'S SH.9S S!9.9S
is the only word to describe this: 1_ _ - ~oo U9.9S SH.'5 $39.U mu te & volume, Ideal for 400 & 450 owners.
SOIl SH.95 U9.9~ SH.'s
I.I> SJ 1000 S99.9$ $1'.'5 $7t.'~
All 0<4... p,.J ~.J 4.,. ". !,a,~", ...;,
F.. "".",'p' ." ' . hy. ')" .J. ~IO,
(801) 373.8425 &,~ ~00f>2.s. p""" UT 8-11111\
B & B INC.
4030 seeu.n-aoe Drive , Eagan MN 55122

HamCall / CD-ROM
500,000 HAM S piU S
1.000" 01 Pub'''' Do"",;"
A""" .", R.dio Pfog •• m•• nd 0...
The NIR-I 0 is a Noise/QRM Reducer for
SSB VOICE! It is the only device avail-
able that can reduce noise and remove
"UCKMASnR Publi shi ng
heterodynes occuring in the presence of RI_3. 80. ~. "'1_'.
Vlr\Iln .. 23"7
703 ,8M-S777 · 000: 282·5020
speech. What makes this possible? Real-
Time Digital Signal Processing (DSP) CIRCLE 42 ON READER SERVICE CARO

using a 40 MHz DSP chip!

»The NIR-LO is a DSP audio processor '","'NO AT DrS C 0 U N T PRIC ES '"""NG
that connects to the audio output of
your receiver or transceiver and
HltClchi RSO Serle.
IPon.bIo _ ,~ ; ... 0"""""'"
vc-.on - 2OIoIH•• 20"""
.. _ s.__ .....
. _"" 011.....-.. Y·,''''_...""_
__.....-..... _,..-"""..eRT
_0...- ",., _ .."'·'
includes a built-in Speaker Amplifier. vc~. · .-.. , 10"""
VC·&02'5 · 50""", 2OllSJ>
ve·..,.,; · ' OOWH•. <OIoISJo
1 ' _-
I' ~ '
"" 1:111 _
.. c.",·,oos). _

""w' ._ .._ .. _ _
_ ~_

_ ___ ~f ,.
. Y _,_

HitachI Poolubloi k~1

-Automatically Enhances Voice
ve.s,•• · ' 00...... '00"'5,. 1_ ' DC 10 $OM.... 2·CI'H:o'InoIl, DC _ .....,_ v..... _ _•. D<JoI n_ I"'''
-'" _._
ROO. _ """"" _ "'" _ , _ _, ....

... ....__
1Ion. ... ...............
v·.,.· v.sO$ . """" . OT, ..I<.......

. ' .....
_ , _ " D, _
. . . - ...... 9, .......,
Reception by Reducing or Eliminating: ~oo

c"'_ _ v-,ooo · ' _ '. 0 T,....

..... v_.,,
_ _.... T

---...-. v·.,,· 001.,..S_ CR' R. ....... 1 ' .02'5

", <25

_. -- - """"""" · V-'<)OI) . ' -'H•. OT 1<...0< 01_ '

Heterodynes & Tune-Ups ...,.,
__ _ _ 1\S-232C _ .... v_••• _.......
R..;" _ , " ..
v, ... · ' OOMH•. QT "'..- I'
V·l1ooA • ,00lolHz. Quod ' , . , . _ _ 1' 2

v".. · '........

White Noise V-2Z3 - ...... do'... . . . ...,

S' "
Duod'..," . I " .."""

Ignition Noise 20MHz Elenco Oscilloscope Elenco 3SMHz Dual Trace

Power Line Noise $375 FREE DMM ~: $495
with purchase 0 '
R1TY Interference ._ ,,-
1IG-1151 MO·1252
."'. _-
• . . . , _.. CA'
"Woodpecker" eoo.o-< l..... .'-. - '
, " CAl
._ ,-
.'vs,... p., 8SMH• • lx, 10. 11$,"
-_ -
·,- . ~ . z "",
-lncludes a Bandpass Filter Mode /0 P·2 IOD"'HZ. lx , 10. Utl.1S • CloIo... r_ _
Enhance CW and RITY . Farms a .. .............., - - . . 3.-12 ... ... E_ _I _ _ ....._"" ..... . _ .......
_ ,c.o"'_..._ _ ""_ """'... • ,
Variable Center Frequency Digital
Filter with Selectable Bandwidth.
... DIgIIOI c..pocllonc. M.... ~~C1l_ ..
._- .-,- cas-,5S01 ~C-"Ol
Provides performance that analog
filters can't match!

-Work More Stations: Allows Recep-


Z... _
... _-
- ,... ....
$5S cas-,5ODII

,,_ ...
e.-o,~ ,


!I'll" t>ooIOI
tion ofOtherwise Unreadable Signals!

Fou.·h""'''''' F ~ Fu~t1Io~ Gone'..", AM/FM Tron$l$for Truo RIllS 4 , /2

-Reduces Listener Fatigue.

f -I OO

- Blo. Radio Ktt

wfI!'l Training Cour.. D1g"---
f· 'OOO UGH $28.95
$ 259 _ 'AMlfIII,OI $135
,_ ,,_ .r-...,
... _-
.... cc......."
- A Mustfor DXers, Contesters, and P""""""......""'..... $26.95
,'0""",,, ""'....,, "'"'" ""'-.,_".O _.
... c"""" ........._ _ c"""" "'""'0 ~ ..... fiDm , ..,.,
" 1,_,.... .•- -",,,",,,..
' ~
Field Day Ops.
Order direct:
NIR-IO: $395; with l2V AC Adapter add
_ _ $69.9
GF-&OI6 Function ~ne«;IloI
rin f~ Countor
' ....'A.. "" .. _

T....... PO.... $upply XP-lI20

._ . ....

-.", -"Voo ''A ""' ,, ' A
S12. We pay shipping.
s...,_' , I .......
....., _ _1 .. _ .
f ... """'"' ., _, _ ,
I"'''O :»V ,, 'A,
..... Woo '"
"'" _ .. IN',,,,, ..
. " ".... .
Orders 1-800-533-3819 GF·tQI5w"""",, "-<1_ _ tl79 "'''\1 foo'""'.......
,....' "
Tech 1-919-790-1048
FAX 1-919-790-1456
LItanT to
.. ...._. _
Build ancl progrom
ItTIl Kit
_ .. _

-, -- --.-
Wide kwld Signal

".,_ --_
_--- _ _ -
.... ' w..
144.nd .20"'''. lIT

- -
.... _ .'. . .... srInOIRO .. A........ ......

.... .
MC/Visa. Allow 3 wks for personal
._ __--.. _--
'---,,='"- :::.:':::".:'..' :-..
!t.~\ .
---------- .
_.... .._..... __
checks. Add $3 for COD. NC residents $129.00
,__ __ _- .. ..--------

add 5% sales lax. -",--- .. -- ,. ~ " '

... _. __ ... .

-_...- .......... _-""

.. ... '_. _ . _...-.,--
.... - ""--.

_ _-_ :. 0'"'
_e,": ._..':-
,~-'" ,'voc'v ,_

.... ........ -- ....- _..._._-

- ",-- -. _--'" _

JPS Communications, Inc. --_

... .

"""" .... "'"

_ _ ",D

l--=onlo<_IM..... '1ll1l...

SG-Moo *'
OOj'" D
,..... '........-11'
' 50..... ..,. ... Co.",",
SG-tDOD 11:rt
... _
, •

---,---- -,-- ...

~~ ... .. ~ w YW ," .......D ooo..,e e
~_ .

. ,,'w......
C. II "" P''''~o
.. _.-
__ "'_ ,-

5516 Old Wake Forest Road

WE Will NO' BE UNOE ~SO .O '
UPS sn ' P P'~ G 48 ~'o ' " 5·.
C & S SAl "ES
I ~C
• •
15 Da y Mo n e y Boc k Guo.on tee
III M,o I I0 MD') sn'''''''''G I l~~ II..... ", . ... Il«ch<ld . II blWll~ 2 Yeo. Wa ffanty . ""..... ,...,"'C"....
P.O. Box 97757 Raleigh , NC 27609 'l . .. 1'1. T,,, rAX l OB 520 008' ' ~ I " l I 1 ~ !·17 I I I7I Ol1 ' . ~ 1 ~ 1 7 1(1 W ~ ITE FOR F~ EE CATALOG

73AmateurRadioToday D October, 1991 67
Number 18 o n your Feedback card
service Robert Hall Electronics . t660 McKae ATEUR INTERNATIONAL RADt O SER.
Rd., Suite A, San Jose CA 951 16. (408) 729- VICE. FAIRS is hams dedicated to building
8200, BNB75 1 intemationallrlendship by providing techni-

BARTER 'N' BUY WANTED: HlIm eq",lpmenl ...d DIM!" prop-

erty. The Radio Club 01 Junior Hi9h School
cal assistance. tra;n;ng, exchange visits, and
equipmenl donations on a global basis. Free
inlormation : P.O, Box 341, Floyd VA 24091 .
(703) 763--3311/382-9099. BNB956
22 NVC, Inc., is a nonprofll organi zation,
Turn your old ham and compuler gear into cash now . Sure. you can wait for a granted 501 (CK3) status by the IRS, incorpo.
rated with the goo) 01 using the IhElms 01 ham PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS lor projects iJl
hamfesl to try and dump it, bUI you know you'll get a far moro realistic pric e il you have
radio 10 further and enhance the edllCation 01 73, Ham Radio, OST. ARRL Handbook, liS!
il out where 100,000 active ham potential buyers c an S99 it than the few hundred local young peop le nationwide , Your property 0:\<). SASE. FAR Circuits, 18N640 Field Ct.. DUI"\-
hams who come by a nee market taore. Check your attic, garage. ce llar and cl oset nation or linane"l support would be greatly dae1L60118 6NB966
shelves and get cash tor your ham and computer gear before it's too old 10 sell. You aw reciated and ackJlOwiedgeclwith a receipt
know you'ra not going to use it aga in , so why leave it for your widowto I hrow out? That for your tax deductible contribu tion. Pjeese SATELLITE MONTHLV AUDIO CODES 1
stuff isn't getting any younger! 1001< over whalever unwanted eqUipm..nt you
(900) HOT·SHOT. Intended lor testing only.
The 73 Flea Ma rke r, Barter 'n' Buy, costs you peanuts (almostr-comes to 35c a may haWl, and call us, Wa will pick up or
$3.5Opercall . SNS976
arrange shi~ng , You will receive the tax
word for individual (noncommercial) ads and $1 .00 a word for commercial ads . Don't
deduction, bul most imrKlrtanl, the privilege
plan on tell ing a long story. Use ab breviatio ns, cram it in. BUI be honest. There are 01 knowing that your git! really made a differ- AZDEN SERVICE by former factory tecnnt-
plentyol hams who love 10 fix things, so if ildoesn't work, say so. ence in the education and upbringi n9 01 a ctan. NiCds $3695 plus shipping , Southern
Make your ust, count the wo rds, including your call, address and p hOfle n umber. child. You are invited 10 chec k into the Technologies Amat9ur Radio, Inc., 10715
mcroce a check or your credit card number and expiratio n, If you ' re placing a WB2JKJ CLASSROO M NET, 1200 UTC on SW 190 St /19, M;ami FL 33157. (305)238-
commercial ad , inch,Kle an add itiona l phone number, separate from your ad . 7.238 MHz, also work the " 22 Crew" during 3327. BN6979
T his is a monthly magazine, not a daily newspaper, so rlQure a couple months our special event operation octeeer 23--25.
Writ.. us at: The RC 01 JHS 22 NVC, INC., COMMODORE 64 REPAIR Fastturn around.
before tile action starts; then be prepared . If you g et \00 many calls, you p riced illow .
P.O Box 1052, New York NY 10002 Round Southern Tech nol ogies Amateur Radio,
If you don't get many cans. 100 high. the clock HOTLINES, Voice (516) 67<!----'W72, 10715 SW 190th Street 19, Miami FL 33157.
So get busy. Blow tbe du st off , chec k ave rylhi ng o ut, make sure it still works right FAX (516) 674-9600. BNB762 (30S) 238--3327. BNB982
and maybe you can help make a ha m rlewcome r or ret ired ol d time r happy with that
rig you 're not using no w , Or you mig ht get bu sy on your compul er end puttcqemer II COMPUTA LKER SPEECH SYNTHESIZER IT 'S BACI( AND BIGGER THAN EVER: THE
list of small gear/parts to send to those interested? PC BOARD $40, Motorora MEX68K ECB HW-8 HANDBOOK. Modifications for Ihe
Send your ads arid pa yment to the Barler 'n' Buy. Sue C ol bert, Forest Road , MC68000 Educational Computer Board , $25 Heath HW series of ORp rigs . A must for
Hancock NH 03449 and get sellor lhe phone t ails. untested, EPROMs 2716164, ete., Pulled 121 every ORPer. $7,95 plus $1 ,00 tor lirs' Class
$10, TI 32020 DSP ch ip and board. $20. Jeff postage, or OX $14 .95 air, to Michael Bryce
Viola, 47S-e Ellone Rd" Jackson NJ06527. WB8VGE, 2225 Mayflower NW, Masaillon
Deadlin e l or the J anuary et...lllad. I. ROSS' $ISS NEW Odober (ONLY) SPE· BNBnl
November 1, 1991. CIALS: KENWOOD TM·241A $349.90, R· OH 44647. BNB984
5000 $849.90; MFJ 948 $65.90, 207 $93,90:
HEATH KIT se-rooc $669 ,99: VAESU s-r. WANT S8-313 , N7BH. (206) 843--2557. COONECTORS UH F, VHF, BNC, me, TV.
HAM RADIO REP...IR CENTER, quality work· 747GX $679.90 , fT·411 E $289 .90; ICOM BN6n3 we have them all . lowest prices to everyone ,
manship. Solid stata or tubo, all makes and 228A $304,90, 725 $755,00, 3200A $459.99; For catalog send $2 .00 refundable on lirst
models Also repair HF amplifiers. A·Z Elec· TEN·TEC 425 $2,599.90, 585 $1,789,90. ALL " HAMLOG" COMPUTER PROGRAM Full order 10: SalelHte Headqaurters, 98310 nm-
tronic Repair, 3638 East, Indian Scl\ool Rd. , ARE MAIL-ORDER PRICES, OUR RETAIL features . 18 modules, Auto-logs, 7-band bertakfl Rd" Lynchburg VA 24502. (804) 239-
Phoeni. AZ85018 (602)956-3024. BNB220 SHOW ROOM WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE WASIOXCC, ApplEl, 16M. CP/M , KAYPRO, 7585. BNB987
SATEW TE RECEtVERS used, good for e.· DAY IN ADYA NCE . CALL O R SE ND 2 MOUNTAIN TOfl' 25-acrEl OTH in the cool,
perimants. $29 ,00, Motor controls, $19 ,00, STAMPS FOR USED LIST AND MORE SPE· LAMBDA AMATEUR RADIO CLUB Intema_ green mountains, Only $975 par acre, won-
LNA' s $10 ,00, Satellrte Headquarters. (804) CIALS, ALL LIMITED TIME OFFER. LOOK· liona l emateur radio club lor 9ay and lesb<an dElrful vie w, wild 9ame. privacy , ro ad
239- 7585, BNB231 ING FOR SOMETH ING NOT LISTED OR hams. Ol"\-a;r skeds, monthly newslenElr, and frontage, small slream, ideal lor hamming ,
HARD TO FIND, CALL OR WRITE, Over an nual gathering at Dayton . (215) 978- retirement , o r summer home . Financing
9039 nem-retetec items in stock for Immedi· LARC. P,O. Box 248 10, Philadelphia PA available, KK4WW, Floyd Virginia. (703) 763-
OSCILLOSCoP E, Paid $600, sell $300. Like al a shipment Mentio n ad, Pnces c ash, 191 30. BNB812 3311 . BNB989
new . W. Hotino K6HH, 633 Ramona Ave..
9:00 TO 6 :00, 9:00-2:00 P.M, MONDAYS.
l23. Los Osos CA 93402, (805} 528-6 180. INEXPENSIVE HAM RADIO EQUIPMENT. HOBBY / B R O A O C A S TI N G/ H A M/C D/
D IS TRIBU TI NG CO MP ANY , 78 SO UTH Send postage stamp tor list Jim Brady- SURVEILLANCE transmillers, ampl ifi..e, ca-
STATE , PRESTON 10 832fi3 , (206) 852- WA4DSO. 3037 Audrey Or" Gastonia NC ble TV. science, bu!lll. other great projects!
WANTED: Vaesu fT·23R·HT and pr&-l980 ~. BNB~ 28054 BNB690 Catalog, $1.00 . PANAXIS, Box 130-$9, Par·
microcomputers lor museum. KK4WW. (703) adi""CA 95967. BNB991
231-647!l/763--331t . BNB234 GREAT CIRCl..E MAP custom plotted in lour
TRANSISTORS RF FOR SALE: MRF454, colors, cenlflred on your OTH, 22" x 24". C O M P O N E N TS ORO-ORP L SA S E
M RF4 5 5 , Series T o sh ib a 2SC2290, Countries iclentified by pre/i• . Plaslic laminat· KA7OJY, Box 7970, Jaekson WY 8300t
NEWtI NEWli NEWli NEWli SPE...K TO THE 2SC2873, and more . Look ing fo r repair ee. $35 ppd. Vector Control Systems, 1655 BNB995
WORLD Amateu r radio la ng uaga guide . sho ps , de alers, and man ufacturers. Call No. Moun taiJl Suite 10 4·45 , Upland CA
oWritten aspecially for the ham radio operator (201 )839---3360. BNB710 91786. Tel. (7 14)985-6250 , BNS900
oHundreds 01 pllrases oYolume I - Spanish, ROTOR PARTS ROTOR servlce, ROTOR ac-
Garman , French, Po lis h, and Japanese . cessories: Brak-D-Lays, Ouik-Connects. Pr&-
BA TTERY PACK REBUILDING : SE ND Set mods. NEW mod&la tor sa... Free cata-
oYolume 2-Swedish , Ital ien, portugese , FOR SALE: HF STATIOO Kenwood, Murch,
YOUR PACK/48HR SERVICE. ICOM: BP2J log. CAT.S., 7368 SR 105, Pemberville OH
Croatian, and Norwegian oSend $10.00 per pelomar, MFJ, etc. List, SASE. JimStephens
BP3iBP22 $19 ,95, BP5IBP8IBP23 $25 .95 43450, BNB996
book (poelage paid), ROSE, P,O. Box 796, W04LVK , 1184 Lockmill&<. Estill Spli ngs TN
BP24JBP70$26,95, BP7$32 .95. KENWOOD
MundEl"in IL 60060-0796 BNB254 37330, BNB712
PB21 $15.95. PB2 1H1PB6 $22 ,95, PB25126
$24.9S, PB21PB8 $29.95. YAESU: FNB9 SURPLUS Huge quantities. Lowesl pnees in
BEAM HEADINGS: Computed for your OTH $19 ,95, FNB 10l H $23.95. FNBlI $29.95, America. Catalogs. SJ. Surplus Traders, Box
FNB3i4J4A $36 ,95. STS, AY7600 $27 .95. 276, Alburg VT 05440. BNB997
5120 Harmony Grove Rd., Dover PA 17315, using extremely ac cu rat e Great Circ le
BNB259 mathod $7,00, Frank santillo, P,O. Box 769, ZENITHlTANDV LT PACKS$54.95 "U-[)().lT
Newburgh NY 12550. BNB713 INSERTS" ICOM : BP3iBP22 $1 6,95, BP5181 NEW RADI O BUFFS SPECI"'LS: AMERI_
24170$21.95 KENWO, PB21 $12.95, PB21H CA'S BEST: TEN·TEC OMNI-V $1850.00,
HOME_BREW PROJECT S lists lor S.A.S.E. $18.95, PB24125126 $19 ,95, TEM PO/ S PARAGO N $ 18S0 .00 , NEW DELTA
Kenneth Hand, P,O , Box 708, East Hampton PREMIUM OSL CARDS Unique colorful oa- $22.95, YAESU : FNS9 $t6 .95, FNB101H $1399,00, ARGONAUT ORP $1199.00, 961
NY 11937. BNB264 s;gns, start ing at $75 for 250 , Send $1.00 for $18,95, FNB4I4A 532.95. AZOEN: $19 ,95. POWER SUPPLY $219.00, HERCULES II
catalog and samp les. BYE professional Print· "N EW P"'CK S · : ICOM BP8B {BS CHG) $1190.00, TIT...N 52635.00, AUTO TUNER
ing, 2023 Chicago "'VElJIue, Suite B f3-4 , Riv· 532 95, SANTEC: 142/1200 $22,95. YAESU: $899.00; J APAN RAOIO CO. JRC 135HP
QSL CA RDS. Look good with top qualrty erside CA 92507. BNB714 FNB2ISOO $19.95, FNB2/600 $23.95, FNB17 $2499.00, JRC 135 STANDARD $1599,00.
printing . Chooso standard des;gns or fully
$34.95, FREE C'"TALOG. $3.00 Shipping/or· NRD 525 $999.00, NRD 535 $1599,00: ASK
customized cards. Request tree brochure,
samples (stamps awreciated) rrom Chester GIANT SOLAR PANELS $44,00 EAI Excel-
lent prices on solar equipm ent and acces- R.D.6 BOX 104, Bedlord , PA 15522. (814) ALSO CARRV 1COI.4, MFJ, B&W, AMECO,
OSLe, 310 Commerc ial, Dept. A. Emporia KS
sories. $1 ,00 for catalog to; pak Ral Electron- 623--7000 BNB913 COMET, KLMlMIRAGE, SPI-RO, SANGEAN ,
66801, FAX (316) 342-4705. BNB434
its , P.O, Box 690073. Houslon TX 77260. "'OR SCANNERS, and many more amateu r
(713)893-0313. BNB715 WANTED: BUY & SELL All types 01 Electron items . C ALL HE NRY N4EDO at RADIO
PL 259, SILVER; TEFLON USA made , 100 rueee. Call toil iree 1 (800) 421- 9397 or 1 BUFFS AMATEUR RADlO SALES, or Wlite:
pieces, $79.00. Salell ite Headqu artElrs, (804) (612) 429-9397. C & N Electronics. Harold 4400 HIG HWA Y 19,1" MOU NT DORA FL
239-7585, BNB666 SIMPLEX REPEATERS $149.001We manu· Bramstetll, 6104 Egg Lake Road , Hugo MN 32757 . TE L. I (800) 828-6433: AFT ER
lacture them ourselWls. Pak Ral Electronics 55036 BNB915 HOURS, FAX 1 (904) 589-5 576, OUR
(713) 893-03 13, BNB716 STORE HOURS ARE, MON thr",FRI, 10....1.4,
ANTENNA PROGRAM S des;gn dipole , il"\-
verted-vee, quad; also labols. lemp. ccevee-
sion , guy wire lenglhs makes it easy to calcu, MANUALS AVAILABLE lor all Swan, Cubicl diSk sides ova< 200 Ham programs $16.9S.
fate wire lengthS; 5.25 360K tloppy for IBM Astro . Silnonix, and Alias equipment. S&nd 2SC "amp gets unusual software catalog or FOR S"' LE: SCHEM...TIC DIAGRAM S tor
compalible. $15.00 piUS $3.00 S&H, Emil your request to: Brock Publicalions, P.O. Box Utilities, Gamas, Adult and British Disks home proj ec' s. Write lor Iree list. Jo hn
WaBYR, 6298 Old Allegan Rd" Saugatuck MI 5004. Oce anside C A 92052, (619) 757- Hom...Spun Sollware, eo. l064-BB, Estero KoIozsvarl, 3055 TomkeJl Rd ., Uni, 1304, Mis·
49453, (616} 857-2507. BNB69t 0372. BNB717 FL33928. BNB917 s;aaauga ONT L4Y 3X9 Can-ada, BNB999

68 73 Amateur Radio Today . October , 1991

of 73 r:'M , - I ~:••,.-~-_ _:i{~
Over 150 M o di fi c ati on s HIE PERfECT MATCH fOR )""1'
on microfiche! ANTENNA TUNERS W,TH

CO"'' '", ,, ,.,,,"', as,,,,,""'" ....., '0""",-,

".. ~"" ........ .....
The entire run of 13 from October, t 960
through last year is available. Radio / Tech "_.
Sma< i>gI'<.... qn, ....'..."""'" .._
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You can have access 10 the treasures of • ".",0.. '.0'" ,n","'", ""n on.,. """" "" 00"••,"opo"
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73 without several hundred pounds of "'9" d.. ,"" ,, ~ 0"' "'''' .nO ••""..." _.'h ....O.,',
C"",_. 'n"...."'" ,n.""",,,,", ""''''''''''
bulky back issues . Our 24x fiche have 98 · 0..,,""~h >(j ' - "".n ••oc''''' •••n_""" ... "' -.0'
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pages each and will fit in a card file on • " " " ' ''",moO '0 '" , "'• • <"y "".
you r desk. Only $39.95 PPO
T" AlL-''"OI" D'POlE, "_0."" _ 0"" ''''••""''' '''' '''"" .... m..
"" "''''..' _ ," '" '"'"' ~,'" ' OO ~,, 5O ot<" . " ",,,'.
We offer a battery operated hand held Only $29 .95 PPO

- Q Mod ifica !lOM fO L

viewer for $75 , and a desk model for Alinco
$220. libraries have these readers. IC OM

0 ~~)
The collection of over 600 microfiche. is
" Kenwood
available as an entire set, (no partial sets)
o CJ
lor $250 plus $5 for shipping (USA) .
Annual updates available tor $1 O.
- Scanners
Others Th. G.... 'lUL nRANOE~ ,o'.n",.,,, ."_" .,, 0'""" '_30
M ~" '0>""".,- ""'" "H, , 00 '"""" ",., .. "_ .. . " ..
<"",,,00 ' nte,,,, ~ _ , _ ~ "" , ," "" •""'" ..,," 1l'""'00 Th.
Your full satisfaction is guaranteed or
your money back . Visa/Me accepted. • Extented Frequency Coverage. 0""""<0"'''''''<00 0'. '0> _ "" "", .""" '''' '" 300 ""'" , 1'1
'",n'. ."""n,m,.."", IlC '"" _ , . " '...." ,,. "" ..' 'h• • m.,." """",
• Cross Band Repeater Mods. "om 80 th' "",," ' 0 ' ,,"" _ , """ " "' '''',,. H,,,. ,, ",, "'" '"
'..p, ."" C... T... ,m"..,. ""o 0' .'00' ., ' ''' ..,0 0' ,... 300 ""... _ '"
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"" "sed
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Route 3, Box 56 Im<MJe' ,""sr,.'eO'
cs a v M ·lO Hl2 534 95 . ",
Mineral, Virg inia 23 117 100 ,'m, 0 ' CdO", w,l" 31 bd ' '''''0',". '
G ~RV JR <0- 10 S1 5 2g.9 s •• 0
'no . Im, 0' ,ao'e w" h 26 Oa' ' eM I, ,,,,j
703-894-5777 AT YOU~ DEALER, 'f NOT , ORDER D'REC T
800-282-5628 VAN GORDEN ENG'NEER' NG
VGE BOX ":lO5. S EUCl 'O OH'O 441 2'
PHO NE r2'6 , 4a' ·6, 00 "A " ,2 '6' 'eHJ19



BP-2 7." 500mah 514.00
BP-3 BAv 270mah 515.00
Bp·5 10,8v SOOmah 521 .00 BP83 7.2V 600mah $33.50
Bp·7 13 ,2v SOOmah 523 .00 BP83·S 7.2v 750mah $38.00
BP·8 8,4V 800mah $21.00 1000mah $50.00
BP-22 8_4v 522_00
BP84 7.2v
BP84-S 7.2v 1400mah $60.00
KENWOOD SATTERY INSERTS BP85-S 12.0v 800 mah $60.00
PB-21 7,2v 200mah 512.00
PB24 Tabs
$15 .00
$15.00 YAESU com lete acks
PB-25126 8.4v 500mah $18 ,00 FNB-l0 7,2v $34.00
YAESU SATTERY INSERTS FNB-l 1 12.0v 600mah $52.00
FNB-12 12.0v 500mah $45.00
FNB-3/3A 10.8v SOOmah $28 ,00
FNB-14S 7.2v 1000mah $59.00
FNB·12 '"
$30.00 FNB-1 7 7.2v 600mah $35.00
FNB·17 7." 600mah


ICOM ·FNB-2 10.Bv 500mah
com lete acks
TempoS1 Early
Tempo S2l4l5 Late
521 .00 BP·3 8.4v 270mah $33.00
Standard Bp-1 270mah 519.95 Bp -5 10 .8v 500 mah $42.00
ren-rec BP1 500mah 519.95 Bp-7 13.2v 500mah $60.00
San-Tee #1 42#1 44 rabs 600mah 522 _00 Bp-8 8.4v 800 mah $60.00
Azden 300 Tabs 600mah $15,00
Bearcal 600mah $20.00
BP-7S 13.2v 1200mah $59.00
Regency MTl 000 Tabs 600mah $15.00 BP·8S 9.6v 1200mah $59.00
ICOM Replaceable AA battery holder
279 Douglas Ave.
Bp·BH $20.00 Shipping & Handling $3.00
Bp·BH with 8 NiCad celis $26.00 Florida residents must add 7% sales tax Altamonte Springs. FL 3271 7


(419) 336--U3~. Table. a' a $8 lull and $4 hall
MINDEN, NV TIIa Sierra IlIl ermountaln Eme,·
la ble. Re$llrval"'n. call t>e mad.. by .end ing
gency Ra<liQ As' II. wm _ lhe Sieffa HamlMtl
SASE Wil h cl'iack Ot M,O 10 HOARe, PO 80I
Compular Fair al l he C8fSOtl Valley Inn 011 Ate
111, LItNOH458lJl.
395 ""'" 9 AM _3 PM. Comma'cial . . . - . $35.
individ.... spac<tS (if available) , $15. G_,al arl- WEST FRIENOSHIP , MO The Columbia ARA,
miSSion $3 , Swap 1.1.... 1 Will be ""'sidfl. in lronl 01 (CARA). wi! hold a Oomp<Jler Show. Elaclronoc
Ham Doings Around the World l he AV Pa' k; sps cas $5. Contact Ed R<>gel1l
W6 FFT, (1112) 26~ _366 7 or Dunce" I" a/ey
Expo and Amala ur Rad io ConvanJlon al l ha
Howard Ooullly Fai, Gre>unds loff Rle, 144). l ro m 8
WA6RRU , (TI12) 161_4123. Talk·in , Ask 10 ' ,0,1.4_3:30 PM . OutSidfl Flea Ma,ketlTai igel ing
OCT ~ OC16 W6FfT ",WA6RRU on 1H .330 . 101H z. space $10 pef space: indudas 1 1I"",,'al adm.s·
sion. G*/lflral edmisslon 55 (spo"",, and "hildrell
CAMILLUS, NY VE Eum. WIn be P>eld $lIM SPRINGFIELD. OH The Spnnglield Illdepall- BROOKLYN PARK, MN The 7th allllUllI Ham·
Town 01 C.millus M ..,,;c ip81 Bl<1g.• 4800 W , G&- """'I RIldio Assn . will hoIdllteir 9lh all"",,1Ham· ftI$l M,nnelOl a & Oomp<Jter Expo. sponso'ed by
tree) , 1-41ableS $20 eaclt: 5 Ot mo'.
$16 aaclt
_ indoorll a1 tt>e Clerl< Coullty F a~O rou r>ds. Rle , (On<:lucln 1 YfJrIdor admissioll pa' table), Conlact
_ S ! . $l.rtir>gal 7PM. TeSl f""1or T",,,hnicitn tlla Twill Crt... FM ClUb, Hamlest Min""101a and
CARA HamIHt Commllf.... PO 80I 911, eo..
lhmug/l Ext,a cia.. is $Ij,Z5 . Talk_in on 147 .300. ~1 , juSllll of I-1 0 , ....fl illQ aI 8AM . Sal""" admined Oomp<Jter EJ<tlO. w,l l ake plac a 81 Hennepin Tach-
a1 6 AM. Tick$l$ $4 in adYar><:e. S5 81 l ite door.
lumbia1tf021044. POf} 5J1-nn.
Contact John P"Chell KIUERJ, (3IS' 4S7_ nical CoIl8Q9. 9000 Brooklyn Blvd. Free i>Q' king.
0298. Please bri"ll lWO lorms 0/10 . nd • ~ of Te_ $7 in e<tv~. $8 alllte door. Talk';l1 on AdYa/lCtl tick$l$ $4 .50, $6 al lt1a <lOOt. The E. po WALL TOWNSHIP , NJ The . l h aMuel Sho'a
your license 1448511.545 and 222 .66122<1 ,2{;. Contacl ~ win k1atu,e two guaSispeakef1l: Robe" Locker , Jr. Area HamICompularf"", , sponsored pntty by the
p.",., WA~KSS. (5U) 325-145IJ, or SASE 10 W9KIII I, and Ca,ole Peny W B2M G P, Double Ja'$ll1 Shore ARA, lIIeplun e IIRSA, Oceell·MoI!·
OCT 5 SIM, PO lfoI 523, Sprlngfleld OH 45507. Decka' Fleamarkel at $12. $15. $18 pef lat>le (de- mout~ ARC. and Ina Ga'dfllI S1ate ARA, w,1I be
GAITHERSBURG, MO A PC Fe,t Comput., pe lldi ng Oil locel"'n) . VE E..m• . Tal k· ill on held al tlte Allaire Airpon . RIa. 34. kom 0110O-
Hl,INTlttGTON, IN The HUlIl illl/lOll Coullly ARS
Show w ," be held,t ltle MonIgomfIry County F.~· 1~.11li, 76 ,apaata', Coma ct HamIHI Mlrrt><IBO"- 1600, S8\·up al 0600. Parl<ir>glor ca,s and a ~ cra" ,
grounds from 10 A Iol.... p t,!. Admission is $6 lor
will sponsor ita allll.... Hamle$! allhe P.A.L, CkJb
011 RiY\o,SidfI Or.. l rom 8 ,0, "'-3 PM. Fr.... parki"ll.
'a" Compu'" EIpD, P080I 5598. Hop/dna MN
55383. (612) 535~1.
AdYsncetick81. $5, $6 el tlte gale, XYL's and kids
uM&r 12 admined lr.... , Tabla s S20 , insidfl nanger
oore<I by
Bduh. tIlild'en ur.cle< 10 .dmillO<l ....... Spo...
Ir>c., PO Box a32lU9. o.tz.y
FL 33U3. (4117) 24 1- ' 660.
HandicaP access<ble , S81-UP 81 6 AM. AdYaflCft
lickets 53.SO , $4 atltl$ door. 8 ' tables S5..ch o ll a TEANECK. NJ Fairleigh Dicki"""" Ullive,"~y,
witt> _ r ava ~a ~"'. Ta ,lgal lr>g spaC<lS $ lO""cIt
VE E. am•. Talk';n "" ' . 5, 110 KC20. lQ, car.!:
lirsl cor-ne. f"st served _ . VE Exams lQ, all 1000 Aiv a, Rd. , woll ballte s~e at a Haml &Sl SPOil-
classas , Talk '; n 011 146.085/.685 a nd • • 8 .975/ UNICO M 123,00 MHz, lor a ire,an . For r.....rva-
BALDWINSVILLE, NY T.... Aa(jjc Ama'''''',. 01 sore<! by l ha Ba'll"11 Amalaur Radio Assn, Irom B
~ .3 .9 75 . COlllacl Jim Coyay KC9GX, 7152 1ionS conlact 5 _ A,... Hamml. PO 80I 635,
G....l.' Syracuse (AAGSj will hold its 36th Ham- AM-2 PM. BlJY*f'a admission 52 , child'all If...
EaIOllto.. nNJlJ1124~5. Fo' illlQcail AI hc'---
feel al II-.. Tr>Gounty eon"""h"" Cente, from 9 Koch« 51., IWnt/~"'" IN 46150. Sal"". $8 par *"C<I, Fr" pa rking. VE Exam.
eo" NK20. ( 9QlI) '22-8121 .
AM"" PM. F.....-Ma 'kel S81~ is .... '0 PM Fri. and YONKERS, NY TIIa Y""ke rs ARC Ham Fa~ ... 11
1,om 8 ,0,1.1- 10 AM. walk·in ""Iy: contact F'ffle
6:30-8:30 AM SAl . Al indoor!, _Ichai,.eces- be held Irom 9 AM-3 PM anlla y""kaf1l Municipal
AdNf K2MHP. 13·311 Edward Sf., Fe/rlllw" NJ OCT 19
"ble. P'''''eg''''' /of VE Exa ms. For ink> (:9.11 1114111. (:t07' lH-<H22 baton III PM. lalk·ill on
Parking Ga'ag<t. co r"", 01 lIIepper harVMain Sl . GRAY ,lN The l11t! allllual T rK:~ i as Haml &Sl ,
W2AK A 146.790. For Inlo , comacl J im J<>yca
(3 15) 469-4J5P(). T'!i<';n on 146.311.91 MHz.
AdmiSSion S5. under 12 I,ee . Flea M ark81 *""" K2Z0, 21J6 RIdgewood Blvd. No. , W.._ co-sponlO'ed by tlla KingoporI, BnslOi. and John-
$10 par &pA"" (b,ing yoor OWII t_). $e1-up al 6
NJ 07675. (:tOI) _ _ ~ns. SOli C ~y RadiO Clubs , will be he4d at lhe p,p.
AM, 1\10 adY~ reQ<SI' 81Ion . VE h ams from 12 pSlac hisn Fai, G'e>unds localad oN 1·/81 . RV
BlLOXI,"5 The Mill$ ","" CoaSl NlA. Inc. PM-3 PM at l ila 101 P,aci/ICI Po lice SlalOon. E eC1 12-13 """"ups. A<!missioll $5, Md i"<!Uir iaS 10 PO 80.
w i f hold I.... ARRL M,uissOpp; Slate Convemion Grassy Spraill Rd . ( t>el wean Jac ksoll A.... . '"
MEMPHIS, lN MamFest '91-6reale, Memphis 3682 CRS , J<>ltnao" City TN 316M.
.n<l 15110 .nn....! Ha m/S ... p Fes! . t Poi'll Ca<leI Tuckahoe Rd.). Talk';n 0/1 146,665 - or 440. 15-
PIaz. s.t. 0Cl . S trom B ""M _5 P'" and Sun . Oct. 6 Amatau, RadOOlCompul e, Show, SPOIlSO'ed by AUGUSTA , GA The IIRC 01 Augusta Gil will
W82BIIIH r_ate" Oolllact Y.A.R.C., PO Bo>r
1m'll BAM_2 P M, AV1HI"''"lI. F..... admiUion V£ tlla Mid-Sout h ARA, will ba held ill lite Pipkin 8I<Ig sponsor l ila Augusta HamleSllComp<Jta, Fair al
311. Cantuc'-- Sr.t/of1, YonIr.,.. NY 1111111. (914)
Exams Sal. & SUII. (Pre·reg iSle,) . TRlk·ill Oil _11121 .
811he Mid-South Fairg,o...-da. Open sat.1,,,,,, 9 tlla AugUSle.Richmond Coonty Civic Call1er Ifom
1 ~ 6. 1 31 , 13 repUle'. Conlecl Clta"le /Cunz AM-4 PM, SUII, 9 AM- 2 PM. Admission is $5 a1 9 :30 AM-5 PM , AdYaflCft Tock81S $4 , S5 81 1ha
AA5QJ, f33T C/I.auCet Dr. , 0cHn ~ ",5 CHERRY HILL, NJ TIte "It , Airy VHF Rad ", l hedoor. VE E. amsand forms. Flea Markllllablas gate. Ki<ls 12 and under I,.., . CIaaIa, leblas $10
3fU4·231M. (SOl) 377-6495 rill.,.: (SOl) 175- Club. lr><:, (1lIe Pac k Rats) w , ~ spon"", l ite Hama - $16 par lable lQ, JIIe _ ken<!, Conlact 51..... each plus admisSiOn tickel . $al....p sten. al 6;30
"1~ e_. ,ema '91 Haml aSi from 6 AM-4 PM al i lte Ga,de!1 a-uma" NX3W, U60 o-omw.oll. Itf.omphla 11M. For """""at",,," colllact Roy HIlIIe H4VSH.
Sl 81e Psrk (RI . 70 & Oorlleil A_a.), Parkillg $1, TN 3811'. (907' 365-U2I. Talk·11I 146,21li,68 Rfe. 1, 80" 58, Girwd GA 30426. (912) 5611-
CliARLOTTE, He The 40lh allnUllI Rock Hil.
SC Ham lnllCompulerfa ~ will beheld allIteC""'-
Ad m.ssioll $4: Flea Ma,ka t spaC8 $8 . Conl act AI and 449.001«-4.00. 426 7. Tailgating *"""tree wil h admission ticket.
_lit K3EOD, f3i1~ La~dottS f., PIl_fphla OCT 13 WCARSNEC E.ams al 10 11 M. For inlQ contact
lott e Knigh'" 8 o.set>e.i Sla';;um Sal. from 9 AM_5 PA 1'151. P15} 142-3312. Jim Abafen>mlHa N4JA . PO 80I 5943, Aug...t.
PM; SUII. 9 A M_~ PM. ~fICft lickels $6 pef E . L I M A , O H T h e N o rt hw. .1 Oh iO ARC
OC11, GA 30906. ('04) T9()- 7802, Talk';n on 1~5 .• 5.
eduh. $7 alllte gele, vRiid bolh <lays (parki"ll in- (fIIOARC) wm IIoId l hair annu al Hamlest at l ite a ~ em a ta 145.• 9.
cluded). VE hams (by p'''egislralioll) S81. a1 10 GRANO FORKS , NO The FOOl ARC w i~ hold ~ . Allen Coullty Fai'g'our>ds. Rle . 309: 1'h mila s
AM, Talk·ill on 1. '.03 (<!ow1l .6OO) Rock Hill re- anllual Haml...,al lheCily Aoo~ ", iu m lfOm 9 ,0,1.1- aa'" at 1·75. W_ ai, accassi ble, To ' agisl ed o r COTE ST. LUC , (1II0N TREAL) QUEBEC ,
peala r. Forhckelll and e. am 'egisl ralion , ...nd all 5 PM. Talk';n on 1~. 341.94 . eomact John Eno-J E.ams, santi compl81e<! 610 and copy at Iiceflse CANADA The C<>la Sl . Luc ARA will spon so,
SASE and make check paylll>ia 10 YeARS, 2119 WA~PV, 61~ Itlt 51. SE, E. G.."." F()<b MN w" h check or M.O. for S5.2510 V E . Ma~ to wsry, Ham ftl$l '91 81 St. Richa rds Chureh, 7070 Gue4pfl
Squs.e Rd ., Rock Hill SC nrn. 56121. 1310 Sf""". Rd" Lima OH 45807. Or phOne Rd., lrom 9 ,0,"1-3 PM , Flea Markal ...t-up at BAM,

- - .,

THE 1t,tIN;,! from

MOBILE Continuous coverage
f rom 1.8 30 MHz
• S.W.R. - less tha n 2:1 from 2 - 211 MHz (nhlY 1)('

PEAR slightly higher belnw 2 and above 211 Mllz

depend ing upon installation).
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THE SO ·239 connector. 'N ' type supplil'd 011 Sp l'{ i ,l l orde-r.
TEXAS • Power: 1 KW - 2 KW PEP ICAS
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Higher power models nvatlablo
• 50 Ohm Input MAne IN U SA
e H i a alr·wound coils CPR-5800 'llI ONLY ')() FEET~l~O~N~G~';==~

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mance 00 all HF b ands Dual-Bander 1461446MHz
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efficiency! BWOS 1.8-30
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Wl'itve Length ; 146MHz 7 /8 Wsw
$198. 00
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903---527--4183 evenings &. weekends Gain: 146MHz 5 ,Od8 <, HIf' I' I~ C ,\ fH'-;III INI ,
446MHz 7.&:IB U.S P,Ul'nl ,..;". 4,423,421 ~I )[) ~,I .<I<i

Send for free brochure! Impedance: 50 ohms

VSWR: 1.5 : 1 or less
GlA Systems Max. Power: 12 0 wai ts
PO Box 425
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LIIfIgfh: 5'

Connector: UH F
Ouahtv communicat ion prod uc ts since 1932
A t y o u r D ist ri bu to rs, W rite or Ca ll,
10 Ca nn l S t ree t. B nSlul, PA H10Q,
(215) 788-558 1 :
Admission $2. Tal>n $12 (,nclude. 1 admi••ion). Doth days . TalO;·in one hour befo,e Hamf esl hou... &unswick Museum's C..mennial Qui". send OSl S'ata P. rI< in conjunction wolh the ann"", Sah Fas·
Tal k·in on VE2AEO 147.270114 7 .670 . Con taCl and one hour be/or e sel ....p P>ours, on 147 ,16!>1 10 8 Ft4GS. POSox ' .3. 8 " ",. .rlclcIllD21 716. li.ai, Ope'ation will be Of\ 40. 20. 10 metars. an<!
.k» Ship VE2JS. 5637 MelllflfJ A ...... Cor. Sf. .765 ' ..pester wllh 1<16.520 simplex 10' close- in 147.375+ rapestar. For s carti/ic.le. send 4.9
Luc.~. H4 W2C I . caM"". (514) 482 _6500.
OCT 12-0
wo ,~. eonla'" VI KJak..""",. KC4LCF. (40 7) SBS_ SASE and contact """'ber to HKAAC. PO Sox
9074. QUILCENE. WA The West Seanla ARC will op- 106:1. C<>"'flfJron KY 41OfI.
GAAWooO. NJ The TCAA Ham fft$llF lea Mar·
e,ala Station MAW dunng the ·'Ouilcene Slug
~ et , sponsored by The Tri-CoIJnty RA, w ill be hel<l CMATTAHOOGA. TN Tile 1 31h .nn ~ai Ham/est OCT 19
and Oyster DX FeSl"al·· lrom 1600 UTC-oaOO
at St. Anne·s Scl\(>(lj on Ceda r St, from 8 AM _2 C hatt.nog. Amateu, Aa dio Corwention (.n ARAl
UTC OCI. 12 and 1600 UT C_l900 UTC OCI. 13 ALCATRU ISLAND/Pl'USON T"" sacr.men-
PM. DoNtion $03. childra n ~ nder 12 (with I"l'ent) .. ""'ioned Ha mlast) aM ARRl Oelts o;. ision Fr&quencies: 1 .2:15. 1• .2:15. 21,125. For. com- 10 ARC w ,lI oper. la fr"'" I". Office<·s Oining H.II
I'ee. Aeservations requi' ed lor t.iIg8Iing. Wal~"n COn""nl.,n. W111 be held in lne South Hal ot lhe memo'. I.... 051. cert iliC.la .how,ng • f n e nd l ~ ot Alcalr.z Pr""", 1700-2300 UTC, Th..... ".ns·
VE Exa ms st." al 9:30 AM. Bring c"""~ fo, $5. 25 Ch.l1anoog••Hami"on County eonvenlion and
slug and O'f$ler al play. send OSL and a 1.'9" moilers will be On SSB Irequ endes 7. 240. 14.280,
I"l~ ab+e to '·AAAt. VEC '· lex cepl lor Novic<> E x· T,a de C""ter. ARRLNEC E.am s given both days SAS E to 8 . Todd. 3719 59/1f A""",,,,, S W. Saal_ 21 .350 and 28.3 50 as beSl PfC>Pag8bOn pe<mrts.
am). J'Our originallican... (plus Xe<Ox copy il \'0<' at 9: 30 AM ($5.25) . Send 6 10 form, Che<:~ or MO, rIeWA 9B I IB. OSl wllh SAS€ 10 S.A. A.C.• PO Sox 1l/2g(lJ,
want to keep ~ o u r o'iginal). 2 lo ,m, of iO. pencils . nd oop~ of liCen"" with any instanl-upgrade info
sec..",.nto C"l 95616.
and. pen . Tat;>Ie$ sa , $ 10 wil h AC . ComaCl Dic k for all exarYl$ 10 S f" WlrJgI"" N48 "'A. PO Sox COLU MBUS.O+1 The CotumoosARA will ope,.
F,.flltll" W2El./F. 23 S""_ Ad.. C, an ' ord NJ :131:1 1. Ch.n.nooge TN 314:1:1. by OCI. 22nd, ate Stalion W9TO in co ni ~nc1ion with the Colum· WES T LA FA YETTE. IN The Purdua AAC will
Oro16. ( _) 276_U22. T.lk"" on 141 . 2 ~ . 8 5 5 Please speci fy aitr.ar Sst. 0' Sun. as """i'o<:I a' a m bus USA FeSli. ai , fr"'" 0<:1 . 12.10000 UTC-2400 operale W9 YB tmm Ihe Campos ol P ",<Iue Un",ar·
and 146,52, data . No wa l~ - i n s, Bring original license and pesi· UTCOCI. 13. Ffeq<Jene",,: 7.240 , 14.340.21 .315. soty 1-400-2200 GMT. to """",,ate Hom8COfTling
h.. a 10 Wolh 'fO'J, Flea M srk et tab les a'" $10 per 10 m No"; "" phone t>and. A commemor.l..a a Sl Weekend. F,equencles: 7.290. 14.280. 21,380.
TACOMA . WA Tha Aao;lio CIvb 01 TlICOma will
day. $15 per w... ~a n<!: etectrical powe, is $25 is oHa'ed '0 rhose who conl"m co nl aCl " ,lh and 28 .480 MHz (t 2O 'Hz) <lUring tile day as
sponsor it s 2nd ann ~al Elect,onics Flea M.rket
extr•. For Flea M . r~ ..t i n/o c.1I F,.nk Grey W8T O, A Cert ifical.. w," be senl to SI.lion. wfIO propagalion and OAM allow ,W9VB.located in Ina
I,om 9 AM-3 PM at tile Camp M u rra ~ A,mory (e ,it
KC4TV, (61$}8~"T9l1 be_ n 6 Pl.l afl(\ 10 PM conts'" al leesl 10 Col umbus area Sl.tio~s, WeS! Towa' 01 l he Purdue Memoria l Union. os
122 W eot, ott Interstale 5 ). F r"e p.rking. PI.ques wil t)e . wa'rla<l1O the two st.tions mak· open to ca mpus "';ojlOrs at this evenl
Of'iy. T.I ~"n on 146 .19/.79. For H.mrast ;"10 _ita
Overnig ht ....rking $2. Admission $3. childre" un·
der 13 I'''''.
VE Tasllng.t 10 AM (wa lk-ins o~) ,
to Ham,.., C""t1anooge. PO So. 3377. Chal·
r.noog. TN37404. Forax hiMor infoc. IIBMba1'-
ing the most cont acts. E.ch.nge name. aTH and
s<gn.1 report . Send 05lS snd logs to A_ Dz-
OCT 19_20
Tal k·i n on 181 ,981, :>8. Call Ken Mo-k WJ.!tJQW. AT HE NS . G A T he Al hans RC w ill op e"le
,. G"9O'Y W"l4RMC, (B15) 629-7911 during ..onczylr WB2EIG . :In E••r Lotlfl""'... Ava.•
(206) 58'-6494 or write 10 tha _10 Clul> 01 C<>lumlw. OH43202. US"l. WM6KF to calebrat.. Alhens· most OfIU,,,Ja1 prop-
work hou rs, or (615) 89:1-BBB9 _ .
T..,.",... PO Sox " ' " . TKoma WA 984 11. arty OW'"". t"" ··T..... ThaI Owns ~ sell , " Oper._
OCT 27 ROBII'tS AFB. GA T"" Middle G&Of9I8 RA will lion w iil be in the Ge "",al portion. 01 tile 80-15
SELLERSVlt.LE. PA Th e AF H ill AAC will spon-
<>pe' "'' K~ IE 1rom the M~sewn A.."ltion Irom t>ands and Novice 10 meter. For spec;"1 OSl,
EL PASO . TX The Int..,natio nal Hamfift sta w,"
be held al tna EI M.od. Shrine Temple Con yention
so,. Hamlesl at tha Pannsyt. an.. Nal ional Gu. n:l
1200Z-2000Zto ,emambe, and p'e""",e . .iation
history on tna 44lh Ann"a".ry ot tile b'eaking of
send OSL an<! No , 10 SASE 10 SI" Srncklafld
Ha l , 6331 Alat>ama SI., Sat.lrom8AM_5 PM, and Armo ry. PA FIle , 152. starting .t 0800. Sel-<ll' at WA.FVT. 355 s.g_ r cw.• Alhe"" G A _.
the sound barriar, Airpowa, 0' a"';.lion nolal>las
0600. Ad mission $4. Talk..n Of' 145 .310. 148.880. OCT2J_25
Sun. l«)m 8 AM_3 PM. Tickets $5 in advance , S6 ma1 be on Ille ai, lor 'his """nI . Freqoencles'
' . 6 .520 simple. , VE E.ams . Indoo' and OUldoo,
at the door, Tables $5. Tailgale spaces $5 a""h (SS B) 3944. 72>14. 1.244 , 21344, 28344; (CW) NEW YORK CITY . NY The "22 C,...."' ope,.I·
Flea Marl<et . ConlaC1 So b BuonflfJ/io WG3X. 36 1
VE Exam. bOth d a~ . AV p ar ~in9· Ta lk-i n on
146 .88 rape aler. DeWA B r a a~fas t. Conta'" cnn. ScIIooIHouH Ad.• $<>ud#Io1on PA 18964. (21$/
3644.7144 ,141 • • , 21144, and 29244 .aAMIOAN
. nd/o'
ing WB2JKJ /rom the He t"" FlaOio CkJbol JHS
7:13-'016 ........ 1IlOO-2200.
parm oll,ng . Foo- . uni que OSl c. n:l carti/i- 22 will caleb'.la I"" l11h . OO_ry ot tile Club
HI"... N$LZ8. Sox 31628. EI Paao TX 79931. cale signed by World W., II Ace . nd GO<1 is My and l lleir o<:Iucational progr.m E OUCOM , Join
(f15)5B4-3a24. tIIAR ION . OH Tna Ma rkmARC wttl"'="<l rts 1~h C<>--PiIoI author eGen, Robert L, Secn. J , .. Ae- l ....m on 7 .238 !fom 1200-1330 UTC the<! on to
annual Keart 01 on.,H.mlesllComputel Show l ired. OSl W11h SAS€ to O'.... Shlplen WL7AC Y. 21.395 l ill 2000 UTC, Wed . Ihru Thurs. For an
I""" 0800--1 500 houB al lhe Marion Counl~ Fair - PD Sox 1076, W. r.-RolN"". GA31U9B. awe oome OSl . nd surprise package. w' oIa 10 AC
CA MBRIDGE . MA A TAILGATE E ieC1fonics. g' o unds Col i,eum, Tickat, $.3.50 in ad. .nc e.
OCT 18-19 of JHS:I:I. POSox 105:1. 1M... Yof"/< NY 10002. or
Compuler and Amaleu, Radio FLEA M AAKET. $4,50 at the door. Tables $7. Talk';" Of\ 146.52 FAX 0 10 us.t {$18)874-HOO.
CO~'0<:1 b~ the MIT Ele<:tron ics Res sa,ch a,mpla. Or lH,90I,30 'epeate r, Con laCl Da" GI LtIIER. T X HarYl$ 0' Upshu' County woll ope,.
Sociftty, Ille MIT Aa dio Sociftty. and lhe Herva'd ale Nsaz~ ;" conjunclion woh lhe 5>lth .nnual OCT 31 _NOV 1
Bum. N 8JAlF . 8 aa Rob l n.on. M. , lo n OH
Wire..... Club. wil be hfHd ('ain o r shin e) l rom 9 4JJM, (614)38:1-:1384. Easl Ta'88 Yamt>oree . Operation will be in the BREVARD, He T"" Transj'1VaniaCounty ARC will
AM-2 PM al Albany and Main St . F_ off-street Gent".1 port ion 01 I"" 40 and 20 me'a< phone """,ala W. EHV 10 caleb,a l" Halk>ween !rom lhe
parl< ing. Ta'lgal ing. Sellers S5 per space in ad- SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS subbands. and in the Novice 10 mete, phone sub- Dew's Courthou se ,n Trllflsyl\ianoa County .Oper.t-
.anee , sa.t I"" gata (,nc/ude$ 1 adm i&sion.) Sel· ban<!. Foo- a cert,Iica" send OSl and a 9x1 2 SASE ing houtS will I>a l«)m OCI. 3 1 aI 2100Z-OZOOZ
up at 7 AM, Mail reservalions belora OCI. 5th to NOV 2 _3
10 ICfJ5PAD. Ale. 2. So. II• • DIeM TX TU40. Nov, 1, Frequencies: (SSBl3.!l6O. 14.295 ,21 .365.
WIGS.!. . PO Sox 8:1 MIT SR.• Cam~ AI"l CHARLOTTE . NC T.... new Am.leu, Aadio Ed- 26.335 ,50.1 50,144.25; and 146.52 FM Simpje .
02 '31. For inl o call (fi T] :153_3776. Tal'-in on OCT 18_20
ucation Canla, al lha Discovery Place science VHF Packal, Kt«GC V fllCAVL.2.NC. For cer!rh·
1~6,52 & 449 .7251 444 .72 5_p l 2A_W1 XM ra· musaum will ""iet>rale its opening by ope,al ing UNION, KY The Northem Kenlut:ky ARC w ill op- cate , send a legai ojze or 9.12 SA SE to W4EHV.
pea'er f,om noo n (Eas'ern Time) No' , 2- ,"""", NO\I, 3 er.t.. K4CO 1400_2100Z I,om B'9 Bone liCk ErtI< HeffHfl. PO Sox 10, 5eppNre He 28774.
BE NSALEM, P A The Penn Wi,a less Assn. w ", The Mecklen burg AAS wdl ope rat e tile station as
sponsor the 3r<1ann ~al Tradef est '91 atl he Yezz; W4BFB , p'imarily on pnone in tile bonom 50 kHz
Athlali<: Fifljd on Ata . 5 13 (1 mile $OUlh 01 Ate . 132) 0' the General phone sutlbands on 75. 4O.nd 20
meta.. and . round 29.400 kHz, For OSL.nd Ce.--
trom 8 AM - 2 PM, Set-<ll' at 6 :30 AM. Outdoor
tifiesta. send OSL ca ,d a n<! 9x12 SASE w ~ h 2
taolgating. VE Ex am s. Adm" ''''n $3. $7 per car-
Ioad , ~"," 12 .nd \tfX»r f_ . Flea M.rket spaces
" nits of "Bt d ..,. posI.ga to R. 1ph Eull<ln k..
$5. Premium 0' mu" ipja spaces guar.nfao<:l by 60:11 CoellNl<Jge L.na. Charlotte He :lUI2 .

advance pa ym..nt. Fo' .d.ance sales. ,end
<:ha<;~s wl SA&. to P WA · ~ I . PO Sox

L .n4. LM>ghMna P"l ,_7. T.I ~"n on 145 .2 51

- 0.6 a nd 1<16.52 simpje., ContaCl S f....... (:115)
VERMONT Speci.1 E. ent St.tiOM I,om Var·
C64$40 CI211$55
Periphe ra l.

75:1 _1202 .
mont w , ~ be operafi ng 25 kHz up trom l he bottom
ot the NO\Iice.nd G-.-al t>aMs to help ce+abr. ta CI28D $65 1541 & esoo, I t.U ). 2tU J,
Vermont's2OOlfi Birthday, ATTYIAMTOA8Ic, will 15 7 ) D RIVES $50 A3flOO & Comm, PCs
KAt.AMUOO. MI The $oo1hwesl M ich AflT
and t"" Kalamll.l'oo ARC will co-sponsor lhe 9th be in tha digital sutlbands. To wain a Speci al Pow cr Suppl y, lUOWoo. Main; S u i1 ~ . 7 $61). C'.omm Pri n"""" &
Bicenlennial Certil ical... send $1 and a SASE to Monilors $45. Figurc
annual Kalam azoo Hamlesl at lhe Kalamll.l'oo
Central High Sct>ooI. starling at 8 AM. Set -up . 16 Am ar. ", _10 BJce",.. tmI.,Projec '. PO So.
Heads & MOlors no!
RapId CIty. 50 S1702
(6U5) 34!i-1\3JJ $ 15-$45 Part .
AI.l. OirechonS: US 131 10 M-43 . east to D' ake :100. G<a"'/e vll~ VT 0 5654. For eign Slations.
Ad.• than north 10 t"" ...,hool . F..... parking. A<!- send o nly SM .nd lAC 's 10<:0_ poeIaga We pay""h for u.ro Com rnodor< <qUi"""'"1 (fCg ami<"" 01 <:on<!nion).
.ance lic~81S $2. $3 al Ina doo', Tabla s $1"1. $4 OCT5 C IRCL E 33 ON READE R SERVIC E CARD
minimum, Send requests snd payment wolh SASE
baIore 0CI13 to GMy _trm KIJIJPL . 67332 OZA RK, AL Tha 0 .1e Counly ARES wil ope,ala
WD4 NXN I<1OOZ- 2300Z to commemorate Ille an-
3:1"d sr•• L . wron MI 491H>5. M .~ e c h ec ~s
payable to K.lamazoo H. mf...t. nual Clayban ~ Jambo,ee Arts and c,.n
Operation w,Mbe in the 40. 20 and 15 meter Gan-
CENTRA LI A. IL The Cen/ ralls Wirales. Assn" aral HF subbands and the Novica 10 metar pnone
inc . and K.skas ~ia College RE A C .H . 000 wil band , For OSl osend cont act numtJe,.nd SA SE 10
co-sponsor a Hamlest al the Kas~aski.a College S~/.I E.... n/. WD4NXN. :108 Cher", La"".
Gymnasium, Shattuc Rd" beginning a16 AM , Set - OXMlr "lL 36360-28 11.
up Sf 7 AM. F'aa pa r ~ing . Flaa Market space w/ l
labia. $5, Admission/M.in P,i.a li<:~fl!• •, a 52 OCT 5_6
CAPE COD. tII A we-u will be oper ating !rom
een"alY WIt'eIeu AaIl.• Inc., Ham,..,
"""h Or 3iS5 . Mail ticket orde'S w<lh an SASE to

m . POBox 1166. Cattlnllla II. 62801 Talk-m on

TIeI<_ l ha Ma rco n i W i re l a" SI .tion Sita at South
Wellfleet (Slart ing 1400Z) to commemo,. te it. • Autopatch • Intelligent CW ID
147 .271.67 a nd 443 .2/448.2 . FC)f info oon t""" Sud 90I h Annivarsary (CQfl8trUCIion starto<:l in 19(1),
aUser Programmable CW 10, • Remote BasefTape
KltlfI WA9lJ. (618) 53:1-6806, 0' wr ite 10 C W"l. F,aquenc;a,: G_aI port""," 0/15 , 20. and 40 w/Freq. Programming
Inc. aI the abo\te ad<!ress, met eB (lower 25 ' Hz) . nd the NoYice port""'" of Control & User Codes & Timeouts of Kenwood.leOM .
10 and 90 meters. Foo- Certificate , send OSl and
TUCSON. AZ ThfI41h .nnu.1 Tut:SOn Hamfast.
9.12 SASE to llay HIIaon. 6 S"""",,n Placa. a IntelligentCWID . Auxiliary Outputs . Easy Yaesu HF Rigs
sponoo'ed by l he Old Pu&blo A.diO ClUb, W111 be
Mid at the DeAn za Orive--ln. l rom 7 AM_l PM ,
NonnIlcCT0685f. to Interface . Remote aeserrace- Reverse • Tailbeeps s DTMF
ARCA M_ ,ng . sellars sa per space. Buye... $1. PITT5BUAOH, PA The Br....za.hoota... ARC Patch . Tailbeeps e12 VCD Operation Decoder with Muting
Talk "", on 146 ,22/.82. 146,21l1.88. 146.52 sim· w," ope r.ta W3XX lrom lha U SS Raquin SS4ll1, •
pje• . Conta", A.J. P awloonk:l KSna. 34 18 W. T,..nch Class WWII s ~ bm a ,in ... "om 1.000Z_
• DTMF Decoder with Muting . Telemetry • Auxiliary Outputs
G...n T....... Or.• Tuc.on"lZ 85741. (602) 142 - 2200Z aacll day. to Celabrata the opening ot the • Control RX aResponse Tones. Program- • DetailedAppli cation
ascs. Camegie SC",nce Cenla<. Fr&que ncift . : 28.495 , mable COS Polarities . Detailed Application Manual with
21,365. 14.245. For . 0 51. ca,d send.n SA&. 10
OCT 26 _27 W83LHD. 326 Sun...1 Ck.• Bel"'" P.'" P"l
Manual with schematics . 9O-Day Warranty schematics (25 pages)
WEST P ALM Bf:ACH, FL Tr.a Palm ee""h Ae· 15102. Wired & Tested wfmanual .... $239.95 W & T .... $139. 95
I~ MicroComputer Concepts
peal..r Assn, w il 5llOf'SOf tr.a Palm BeaCh County BAU li5WICl(, MD The B,unswic k Radio Am. -
H. mfas l Am al eur Rad iO/Co mputar Show Sal.
f,om 9 AM-5 PI.l. and Sun , 9 AM-3 PI.l, al l he
taur Groups ere planning special e"""t <>peratiOfls
fo' t"" ann...1& unswick R.llroad Days Celabre· IIIiIii.I 7869 Rustic Wood Drive VS-1000
So"'" FIor'da F.ir Grounds Ex po Cemer. Sal·up
is Fri. /rom 2 PM-8 PM, Fr.... parking, AV , ~ ­
tion. Bruns wick Hams wiMbe signing woh Ioc.lion
on pI>one and " IBSWK" Of' CW lrom home OT H,
and lhe 'estl'a1 grounds, FfeqlJencles, 28,3001
1_":;';;'1 Dayton, OH 45424 ATV Repealer control
& video switcher
P>ooIoup Mas . FCC Exams begin at 9 AM l>olh
<lays. Adv.nce lic~ets sa , $5.t the door. Ticket.
.325 MHz (SSB) in 1tlS daytime; 14 2501265 "1Hz . 513-233-9675 399 .95
. r.....Iid l>olh da~ . Flea M.rkal t8!ll... . ,e $151n
aOVance. $ 17at tile door. 01 eyaila ble. T.bIes ""lid
(SSB}. 7,1001.115 MHz (CW}and 3 6751700 "1Hz
(ew) ""aningS efl(\ e -night , pjus local VH F .nd
U H F . For . commemO, ali ya phOl0 u sr 01

73 Amateuf Radio roaev » October, 1991 71

73Amateur 0
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164 .o.eeCommooQlOOlllol l~is _ , 26 10 Commur>icelion $pIIciaII!II •. , 33 · • J..,.., Radio " .. " .. .. .". 2'9 1301 Rose , ., , , 47
83 Acto S)'SIeIIIS _, __ • _ 79 ,2, COm......,;w....,Elearonic , ,. 23 • JoGllM Enterprises
285 JPS ConwnurIicaliorol
40 250l Rosi Oislrtluling ............ ...• 47
• Advanced Electron.: " pploeo'ionI ..•.. g' ,5 COmtalco " .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65 67 71 ~""-Yi 13
2S3 AlabamI AIoIaleuI EJea'Ollic8 .... 65 12 ConnectSysl_ . . ..... . .. 1 • K-Comn! . .. . n '$3 SiIIeIileety .. " 81 '
117 AWlooElectronics 35' '46 CrHINe ConItoI F'rolU:tI 4.3 • KenUonicI, Inc _ 2, 36 ~ NeaoI 59
1~ AlEIecIsona Corpor_ 61 ese Oeke ReMarch .. _ , .. •.. .. 11 • Kenwood USA Corp • _. . ev4,5.6 !IS SeOlstil SoIWonI . . • • . • • . • • .• 59
• .........,~ _ __ 51 257 Oeke An " cI'l _ n 2301 l.enlJri Cornmori:aI:IOlIS •.••..•.. n 187 SesoonI.Inc 38
• ".,....... EIodrvna 5<lppy 39 " 155 09 ..... _ 47 41 Lri-COm n 2111 SincIIbI 6'
4 ....-.. .. 61.65 ,3 ~SyAe"IS .. . n 101 Muconl.Inc sa' • Smith Cleiign _• • .••.••.•• __ • __ 58
92 AnlennaEJipet .,. . . .·•
23ll "'
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135 _ W I S I 57 • Ee" '""",,"oy 0=1...-, 43 1!16 MFJEi po 11 183 ~ ~ ,_... . . . 61
298Anlennasw.; 59 • EIaa,,:...c I:lIsrrbulcn 37 ,60 IoIIC'O ~ Conc:efJli . 11 247 Stan _ . 13
5 AnlennasWesI 67 ' &5 EIaa,oOlic: Engio_ooy , 4.3 1« MoctoCcroltolSpec. . . . _. _ ... 57 12( T_ Ilug CelI;fter Anlema 7U
90 AnlennasWISI ... 38 , Elc l~ _ 51 2<18 Molron EIaa.OlOCi . .. . .. . .. . • . . • .. 86 • TheHanlCenler n
t07 At'll&MllSWesI. 73 • Emo::om ltlWslrias . . . .. 31 114 IoIr,Nicad 4.3 • The Pouch .. . . __ .. 59
43 Anl'Yl!'/IMes .. , .. t 2 • Erogineetiog Consulting ...... 25 54 NCO " 79 150 The IbdioWortc. ..... . $$I
III A.n!·...mu,es _ . 22 75 FaioAedioSaie5 _ _" "" ." , 43 2018 NonI1 COuntry Ridio _ .. " , 43 11 5 The RF Connection . .. . .. .. . . 22
• Antique Radio Classilutd . . 65 ,69 QlG Eleclrooics . ". , .. ". " 26 • Oklahoma Communication Cenler , . " 88 11 2 T'rne &Again 59
216 Artse; PutliOshing , . , ... ,. 69 1n Gap An1enn8 ProdllCl5 .. , «.45 • Omer EllIClronic• . , .. , .. , . " . " , . , (J 62 TNR . .. 69
• Associaled Radio , ,. 79 HI5 GeI·Tech ... , .. , . . . 47 102 ONV Se1e!>1 Bell ... __ .. .. . " .. 58 m Towr.send Electrcmiell :26
16 Aslroo Corporalloil 63 183 GaTE , .. " .. , , 4.3' 262 OvIbecker M!eMII Sale5 . _ . , . ,. $$I 22 Tri-E. . S3
21 B&B,lnc. ,_ ...•. 67 282 GoehI EllIClrooics . . .. 18 • PC EteeI~ _. , , . 12.SS' • lJnivefMI Radio . . . . . . • . . • . . .. 17'
$3 Ilatlcer" W-...n __ 10 ,7 GlB Eleclr0nie5 _. . 55 1S2 Pac-Comm , 79 120 VanGorder1Ei9"_iooy 6SI
41 BanyElllCliO"ielCot-por*oon __ 19 72 GlanMertolEIOgI_OOY •. 26 178 PacifcCallle~Inc, 36 10<' V1SSluct)'~Inc , _. 58
42 IloIIlCo""*,, 67 2'9' GtIdIiI 82 139 Pelomer Tellcom , .. 38 • V~Labf; .. 59
'611 1lI.d<_ PubIoII'loog 69' 192 G<811h_GtoIcl ... 40 ~ ~TeIIcom _ as 78 V__ CcroltoIS,,-'li __ ... 58
, 70 ~ PubIIIhoog 43' 133 ~lIbe " . . . 40 288 ~EIecD,"_ 'n 259 V_ _ ~ ..•• _••.• 59
56 e..an- ~IQ 67" • IiamRadioDt f ,. 17 68 Pel"","- ...... _. __ 1$ 14 vt-FCommunicabOnI 81
1 ~ PuI*II. og 38' • ..... Radio Toy Slote 17 249 ~TecII 4.3 1 91 W & W ~ 1 1 49
• Elo.c1etnlI: Electtonoca ~ 51 HalOlt.....C.. Inc .. _ 31 145 0505011-. _ as 2112 W sc. Inc, (9
,... C" S S*$. 1rIf; 61 2J.f HeoltQT_Spl.... _ 36 26 a.-- "*""'-s _. . . . . . 13 &I W_ ClMigIoi .••.••..• 8Il
• C8 e.ty ItItefNI>oNI 4.3 111 _HamColweo_, 13 132 a . - EletbOlioa 2-( .$3 20 Wolle CommunicabOnI _. 58
• CeWat SecunIy Group 65 179 k:om CV2' 24 OuorumComrn.ncalions _ U • Y_Elea'OIiiCiOoopoo ' _ CV3
2'65 0 ..... _ _ 22 33 ~Software 1, 58 RadIIIlE' 9 _1 47
8ollI 1IeIiIIgi. . 73". _ """", • __
, 116 eo..... Oynama 75 n I~. SysI_ _ n 219RA1Eiil1Op " ,, 8Il
, 56 Commpllle Cot-poreloon 65 42 Ieolron 81 301 A8rIlIey EllIClronici , 5' ' ~ _ hive ~ III 0. ........
99 Communicaloon Concepts. Inc, 65 210 J..Com , . n.81 • RFPilI'lICo. .. .. _ .. 5" ech>Py ano'-.o(N!ACI

72 73 AmateurRadio Today e Octobe r, 1991

ContinufJd from page 46
capacita nce , and set both switches to about
the cen ter ofthei r ranges.
With the tran sceiver adjusted for a few
watts output on CW , key the transceiver and
adjust both wafer switches for the lowest Com-Vention 9 1
SWR indication. T hen , adj ust C I while &
changing the position of one or both wafe r
switches, onc pos ition at a time , until the The ARRL South Texas Section Convention
SWR is as low as possible . This usually will The Sheraton Crown Hotel - Intercontinental Airport
be 1.1 : I or lower with most installations.
There may be more than one pair of switch November 8- 10,1991
positions wh ich produce an SWR below Featured Speakers:
1.5: 1. Although 1.5: I is satisfactory for all
modern transceivers , changing one or both
Musa Manaroy • U2MIR
switches a single pos ition one way or the Boris 5tepanoY • UW3AX
other should allow adjusting C I for an even Com-Vention '91, P, O. Box 742183, Houston, TX 77274-21 83
lower SWR ind ication .
Although it may be necessary to change the CIRC LE 111 ON REAOER S ERVICE CARD
posi tions of the wafer sw itches when going
from one end of 80 meters to the other, on the
higher bands a slight adjustment of C I should
allow the SWR to be brought back to I . I :1.
The low-pass antenna tu ner is an efficient,
wide-range , easy-to-build-and -use accessory
for your station . It covers the 3-30 MHz
range. It can also be used as an Lcircuir tuner
to feed ra ndom wires as well as tow - and
high-impedance end -fed antennas. Because it
also reduces harmonics by as much as 20 dB ,
using it properly will endear you to the XYL
or OM - and to your neighbors. iii

Contact J. Frank Brumbaugh KB4ZGC at 82

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73Amateur Radio Today . October, 1991 73
this column in the las t lew ye ars, Read- " Maybe we should declare Tha nks-
ers(and aulhors) awareof such materi- giv ing weekend an HF digital 'Try a
al arealso inviled to keep me pos ted on New Band ' weekend , I say let's giv9 20
new developmen ts in the fiel d 01 pub- meters a little breathing room. With the
lished information. sunspot cycle declining. 7 and 10 MHz
Amateur Radio Teletype will become more and more valuabl e,
Try I New Bind propa gation-wise ."
Marc I. Leavey. M,D., WA,3AJR lowest common ceoommeior. Whatev- And tinally, a proposal. David Ovad As they say. Dave, " Use it or lose it!"
6JennyLane er we use, there should be some sore NP2H 01 Bl air stow n , New Jersey. O ur dear Wayne has been promoting
BallimoreMD21208 of standard. so when you want to find wr ite s Ih al . ". _ .in re ad ing 'R TTY wider band use tor yeafs. Maybe it's
the sta tion who said he would be on Loop ' in the August issue 01 73 , I find about time we listened to him.
Frequency Specification 14.074. there is an unambiguous un- myself In Nil agreement with William Mo re o n ta p lor ne~1 month, tn-
Boy . did I open a can of worms a lew derstanding of what tha t number Martin N7EU, I also have tound »me eluding more soft ware . and more
months ago! Last July I asked lor YOU' means AMTOR actiVIty on eilher 30 or 40 me- input from you aiL Keep me posled
opiniotls on specifying ATTY ttequen· Another opinion was proHered by Kit ters. I will sometime, call CO many on your digital activities. and let me
CI9S. KOhlmOQ$ W61S0 , who se work we urres on 30 meters especially. only to kno w wh at you Ihink of a d igital
To recap the problem. lor those who have en)oyed as well in these pages, find no one is on tile band, I know the Thanksgivin g Drop me a note at
may have come In late. lhe queshon Krt wntes, " t Suggest that you consider barId is open asl useit to log onto NIiA the traditional mail acc-ess above.
was raised as to whelhef the mark. the whal tne FCC monitoring stabon win (APLlNK) on 10.14(15. When I 00 find a or CompuServe (75036.2501) or Del-
space. or somewhere in between, bear (to) determine the answer. When I 050, the other person is as surprised phi ( M AACW A3 AJA) . I'll be us-
should be used 10 specity ttle frequen- am SfI",ng my frequency dose to a as I am to fInd aetl....ty. teningl ll'J
cy 01 a ATTY Signal. band edge. I always calculate the ex-
EdwIn R. Ranson K5EA of Mustang, treme limit 01 my transmitted sideband
OlIlahoma. Writes : " The questoan 01 In the direction of the band edge , then I
how to speclty an amateur HF dlQltaI set tile transmitter freq uency so ttlat
signal's frequency has been kicked there is at least a 1 kHz guard band
around at least as long as I have been beyond the limits 01 my signal.
on digital modes, and thaI's since " Il's Qbviou s, therelore, that with AF-
1966. Back then. it was prelty standard SK the operator should center the indi- Your Bulletin Board
to speclty the mark tone as the operat· cated frequency aboul4 kHz inside the
ing Irequency. but that was betore the tower band edge if the shift is down, w• .. n.ppy ro ~ Ham ~ 1Isr"'9S SO" ReI.• PSC I Bo. R-49BB. APO AE'
1rM"" .. ~ .... ~basc, To......eour
days 01 digItal readouts and frequency
counters becoming so common _ We
and vice versa il (he's] near the upper
band limit and shifting up. "
/DC INS.... _ ro ....". ItloII l'OO' bl"'9 is
fXJflWCt. pINY rype Of fNltIr l'OO' request
Members of rhe Oragon Region RelaY'
were lucky 10 know our operating Ir.
quency within a k Hz (in those days, a
As il oct to be outdone. the August
199 1 issue of QSTcarries an article on
dHtty. ~ JPoIC"d. "" oIluII/8"" - .
slIHIot!»P'" 1'"" m.iyollSOupIooIdoi/l'sMg
fI-' Council conton"" lheor dnve 101 runds. ro ec-
nate a tully opereloona! 2m repeal'" la 1tIe
k Hz was called a ·kc'). page 28. entitled "What Your Freq uen- as E.,.,.iI ro Sysop ro ''''' 73 BBS lH.m~ Kl'labarovsk Amaleur RadIO operal~ ol lila
SIG (2400 wild. 8 d;rl. tN/$, no PMltr. I slop $OYleI UnIOn . The lOlabar0V5k arN 01 lila
" I can tell you how the mili tary and cy Display Aeally Tells You" Covaring
bit (603) 52S-44JS) Use upper· .. nd Iower- SovIet UnIOn does not currently 1Ie........ Y' ..
the NTlA (the Federal Government's much 01 what we have brough t up, pe.ate<s , Please sand donahorlS to C/fegoI'I
c""'" IftIlefS ...""'" "PfJtOIK!IJ1•. AI5O. prml
equivalent of the FCC) specifies Ire- asked about . and speculated upon. IWmDers c.r.lully-ol 1, /0( •• ample. Col" be RegIotr R8I<ly Cou"C~ I"C.. PO eo. 25451.
quenetes. II is the center Irequency 01 this live-page article answers some misread as I""telfers , 011. 01_ fft6 "um- POll/and OR 9722541S I.
the occupied spectrum. For exarrcre. qu es tions, raises a l ew more, and ber 1. Tha".)'OU for roor rooperafoon.
I would like to be in conlact wllh other""....
fo r a voice upper Sideband SSB emis- nesnes out the topic nicely. It's good
The Comrnodof-'V>c-20 Ham Radio U$Ilf who enjQ)' On'90m9 rokl-plaYlng ga II
sion, the assigned trequency would be reading, and I recommend il to anyone Group has sollware 101 Had e. Sh ar"war. 01 you are inleresled in jo,,,,ng. wril. mil and
1,5 kHz above the (suppressed) carrier who is inte reste d. P\l~ >c (Iomalnham_rad io-r,,'al<!<l so""'a", ""- lefs set up a sked. Doug Brow" KC~RSL, RI.
frequency, since me signal occupies On the flip side, Kit is looking 'or Iy. Ail dish are on 511.0 - lormat. Oonations 10 4,80.538. Comm9fC8 GA 30529
tne spect rum bet ween t h e (sup- an "eleme nt ary ca rtrid ge and in- the hbrery are welcome. Wrile 10 Howard S
Baco" KC4C/O. 213 Hol/y Me , So Pirrsbulg WANTE D: A copy of lhe manu el tor tile
p ressed) carrier trequeocv and the car- terl ac e . . . to put a C-64 on ATTY ,
TN31J80, Healh S6-63O Stalian ceeeere. 80b SCh19g91
rier plus me highest modu lati on fre- AMTOA, and CW." He' s bee n running N 7BH. 2302266 St, E'" Roy WA 98SBIJ.
quency. (Vo ice band w idth is con- a Sinc lair ZX8 1 with softwa re by AF8J WANTED' Any ki nd 01 HF. UHF. 01 VHF
s idered 3.0 kHz wide .) So. if your carri- and a ho me-brew interlace, but l ind s it r8<l10 equ ipmenl that you no longer need, 1 woukl lika to purchase capies ar Popu/.r
er frequency is 14.300. the assigned SUbject to occasion al st ra nge triCks This is needed ta Ilelp gel a naw-detunct high E'l9ctronics end El9crf Oflics lIIusrrar9d mega-
op e rating tr eque nc y w o u ld be which he supposes are due to " AFI, SC hool ham club back an tha air, Please Ilelp zines wh>ch w8fa published between 1963
by donali"ll la ROfJer BaCOtl H.S. Ham Club and t 983; also scllemahcldata an a ~
14.301 5 . ForCW, FM, and AM modes, punChing the wrong key, or just the Modal 1-406 H·T 5W transceiV<lr (mallUtac-
WBMTM. c/o Dan GeIf9lfrnger NBN TL. 8623
the center of th a occupied spectrum is wh im s of nature." Prirtg/9 Or . Cr"C,""ar, OH 450231, Than k you Med Apr, 19 77). Thank you. R f', CassoJls
the carrier Irequency. so the assigned A related question comes from J ,R. KA.SJTX. PO Box II. Atoka OK 14S<'fj
frequency and the carrier Irequency Popkin-Clurm an VE7YT of Ganges, NEEDED: ~a nuaU scl>emal>C forEIC0369
would be one and Ihe same, B.C., who is anothar C-64 owner. He Sweep General(lf I woll pay for the " MOIl C I am reqllllSti"ll an crpeflllOl'S manual for
Chadwlc/l N4QTX. PO eo~ rJ8r, P.u.I",ell \l'Ie Yaesu FT-209flH 2............. I wlM pay COI)y
"The same method is used for all writes t hat he " rec ently acq uired a and postage costs , Thanl< you V.icenr. Lr;JpfJl
60018 (r06}J5B 360J
emission types, includIng FSK modes. Commodore 64. I have had a Kantron- NP4MZ. 60 Moor. St,-SJ. BrOOicly" NY
So, if you' mark is on 14.070, that ies UTU a number of years, but ha ve WANTEO, Sc;t>enuItoc for Orak. Model 2C Jf206.
puts your space on 14.06983 (WIth a never tried to use it until now. Receiver I.... pay COPY'''''ll and ma*'lll costs ,
170 Hz shitt, WIth a tow space Irequen- " I would greatly apprecial e It il you LoIny K.-ln KF88X. ol25 I '1911.1,..5_ Or. EROC. lila Environmental Radin Opera-
o.)'fOtI OH 45424. (5 13) 233-1148 l(lf's CoeIiIion. has started a nel on I ~ 330
cy), and your operahng frequency is will tell me how 10 m arry the Com- 101Hz......, Saturdilyall900Z, The EROC net
14.069915. What's the dIal read on mooore 64 and the UTU so I can use it My husband • In 1tIe ,.. Force ao 1 am is dasigll8d to plornole good". ~ Sin am-
your transceiver? Depends on Ihe for AMTO R. I am presently on AnY study>o"lQ 101 my NcMce lcense willie sta- ateurs and ro plOOllOle enwonmantaI ...._
scheme you are using, and, it you have using a 28KSA with an STSOOO." IIOIIed in \l'Ie Netherlarlds , I'm a cornpIele be- ness mrougtlthe friendly .......liM of 1<>poCa ,
a ATTY mode, the scheme the many. Segueinginto AMTO A. a Mr. Felsen- gonnar and would .spprecoate a '"ham radocl Tl'los oel also flandIes tralloc , ~pn "'WI
tecturer used. Confusmg? Not really 'eld from yorktown, New York, is look·
I*l pal" 10 help .... aIGng .Iotrs Suzarone
DtcI<.,..",. 32CSG. PSC 15 eo. 1 m . A.PO
a cause worthy (II amateur radIO'. lIM , II you
ara interested in helping \l'Ie EAOC do-acIIy .
for channelized operation . Figure it out ing lor some introductory texts and cur- AE09lf9 ..nte 1tIe neI rnanaoer. Greg BN>w N81..N.
once, program It in, (or order the nght rent newsletters on AMTOA. tlU M_Is c>>d Or . E_ Yr>sing M/ 48823.
ctyStal) and you're there . For atl these. I tum the lIoor open to P _ (II ...... eounuy chun;l'I deslr. . 10 Of eMf (5 17} 351-7785.
~e..-.eh ~ In Brazil and
" But lor the way _ amaleurs coer- you all. While I recee a number of sim-
ate. that method leaves something to ple cartridges and the li ke for the C64
butitona"""''''' budgieI." you have WANTEO, $chemancs only. lor ~yGT­
an older HF no g&1l'lenntl (lust. ear'! you r.lp? 550. and/or ~ suqJIy AC-4OO and RV550
be desired. Personally, I think it makes in years past,l have no idea if these are Contacl: P_ItfK:JlMIIem.e. NSWA oI5ro VFO . I ... pay lor COll'fIt"ll and poalage.
more sense to specify me marll Ir. stiD available. A company called Mi- FIll r9S4-RI 6. WicMoIFaII TX 76301. (8m SI~ Brz-osJ<a NZMHO. 21 WiIIlooo- St .
quency as lhe "operating" frequency, crolog , located hefe in Maryla nd, pr0- =- W~ HJ 07882

because thaI's something you can duced one such Oevice. I can find no
Any MIUTAAYIOOOKl_or ret..-.d Hams 1 am requesl"'ll an operal(lf·. manuIII lor
measure WIth a counter. Since there trace of Microlog at present. '"'Ihong inlormiltoon on _aloons in Ger- !he Yaesu FT-209RH 2 .... ter I'" pay copy-
are several different mOdulation As 10 le~ts. 1 really know of no single meny . (INqUanC• • equopmenI. Iocer.e . . anCIp"'·ageCOSlS. 1"hank'tOlJ. V_lopez
schemes. tile standard should be the soun;;e other than those reviewed In QUIll_lIS, etc ·l &end SASE. 10 RoWn DicIt- NP4MZ.60MoonISt.. SJ. 8n:>o'</ynNY 11206

74 73 Ama teurRadio Today · October, 1991

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73 AmareurRadioToday • Octobe r. 1991 77

Number 22 on your Feed bKk c.rd T>P' CAL I POle r,cH " RE,PON,E

~ .
- -,

•• _ $1. ..... ,_ , ' oo . ~ _ ~

Low Power Operation • • • ~ .. ' ........c AU "

.u,~.~W88VGE Hayward when dri'ten with a high gain FET
2225 .ua.rfloo-' NW in order to simplify the required chaoges. I
.uU$iNon OH U646 can now operate on 40 meters at n;ght, •
HW-9 Thump Suppressers
leat found to be impossible WIth the origt-
naldesign. See F'9U"e 2 .
, ~ ~

The rna~ has been runnong heavy Ialely

since the word has gonen out the HW·9 ie
no more. Take il lrom me , if you hear of
" I have purchased a sma. quenllly 01
crystals and have matched them very
closely in sets 01 three in order to provide

••. ~

or gel a catelog in the mail trom Heath

w,th lhe HW'9 .sted tor sale , they're all
gone. Whal units Healh did have _e
optimum Mer performance. Th,. . erys.
ta~ and the two 680 pF capacitors I have
mounted to a sm all PC board cre ate a

sold al the Daylon Hamvention in no ' drop·in replace ment ' lor the original /
lime. II you're lucky enough 10 have an Heath filler FL301. A hig h ga in FET from

up work on it.
HW·9, ~ mighl as well do a little bit li~ the J308 'amily provides a direcl subs!i· ~W

Me fOf 0301, ancl increases the IF gain. A
When the HW·9 goes to transmit, the
audio line is shorted 10 ground via 0303,
resulting in a rather loud thump. Jack Lau
sm all toroidal tra nsfor mer establi shed the
impedance match belween the FET and
the input of the CrySlal filter.
~ ,"
KHGCP has a simple and easy h 10 sup-
press this thump . He just added a JFET in
"I can provide a limited numbero' cern-
plete pans kilS with step-by-step inst fUC-
."., -",., ...... ._,
UlO,OOO • " H• ' 2, H, '30 Hr

seroes wilh the audio nne. Instead ot tions 'or lhis conversion to llle HW·9 u~ fREOU ENC'

ground,ng the audio, he opens it up. A lot wtIo are in terested in improving the selec- Figure 2. The audIO FflPO'lS6 wrf/l ille KB fMJ crystal hiler- Clrcu,1
01 HW·9s have lack's thump suppresser tivity and AGC IUflCtion 01 theif trans-
inslalled, oeiver5. Keep in mind you 'U torIeit the abil- meters wdl slam the meter an the way over . The driver stage. Q4tl4 , uses inV8!'Se
Anolr- vertion oltlle thump suppress- ity to copy SSB with this modification. The Th is is a good indication 01 instability. It teedbackintllelormolR414 andC432 . To
8f c:omM from Paul Levesque Ke1"" . In- costolthekltis S26. Write me iI noee if you you lle ve a I'Mgh SWR on a.-.sonant.,.,.,.. reduce the drive, dectease tile value 01
stNd of using a JFET to open the audIO are lflIerllSled in more details. Should the na. but a good SWR into a dummy Ioed, R414. Go down in small amounts; you
.08, Paul used • "066 CMOS chip (_ demand el<Ceed my supply, orden; will be 'I'OU 'vegot instability problems, 100. don't wanl to reduce the dOve to tile point
Figure 1). This chip has _ a I swi\Che$ honored in the order received. " Wnte Paul S6Yeral fixes may tl&Ip 'I'OU calm down of reducing the power 0UlPUt· These " fix-
inside, By _'ng up the ditterent 5'IIntctles. Levesque KB 1IoU at 14 Wesley Slr_, your HW·9 . FlfSI. re 5~ the PAOOi'4'O- ee" should calm down the HW·9's trans-
he mul8ll1he auehl) while at the same time o.dllem MA 02026. 000', send )'OUl' let· nenl$ Il$ dose 10 the board as polIlllble. rnitllIf.
Cfeahng an opening in theaudio .08. This t_1O me : rou1e them to Paul lot the foIIer Excess lead length wiM cauw ptoblems.
eh,p also elilT\loates the Ihump Irom the moclllication. Also, eIlange0402 to a 2N4401 transis1or. Looking f or Trouble
HW·g 'saudlO , Seethe schematic for more Since lhe circuit seems to be quile sensi- Now, wha t aboutthe HW-9 lhal -MIl only
deta,ls C.lmi ng the Tl1Insmitter tive to traflsistor paramelers, more lhan put out one watt? Try insert,ng sn amme-
rve receivecI several Ieners and even one mighl have 10 be tried . In real stubborn ter in series with the supply IeacIs, If the
Bandwidth Impr'Oftmem eome phone calls abou1 tr ansmitter insta- cases. try changing C434 10 a slightly input current is e xcessive, -Mlh little AF
Paul has also improved the HW·9's e~· bility in the HW·9. There is realty no one smaller vslue. Chec k the temperature 01 being produced, you r bes1 bet is to start
cessive bandwidth, He writes: !ix, but rather seve rallixes that mig/llcure the PA's heatsi nks. Itone is realty hot, and Iool<:ing at diode 0407 tor lhe source ot the
" Perhaps the most annoying fault in Ihe the ins tability. Some HW-9s, like me one I the other is cold, you mighl have one delld lrou ble. 1t the diode goes blld, almost ail 01
Heath HW·9 is its e~cessive 3 kHz band- owned, exhibit no instability. I think some !inal transrstor. Th is makes the other one the power fro m me transmitter g08$ to
widlh and me desensitizing 01 the receiver cases of instability may be traced back to work harder, upsets the design ceree e- tr ansformer T404 , Nothing bad happens,
via AGC driven by strong signals in the how the rig was assembled. tars 0' the PA stage , and res ults in tr ans- bUI you 'll only see a walt or two on any 0'
passband, When there is instability, it seems io oc- miller instab ility. Both heat sinks should the bands.
"I've been quite successful with the 400 CUf mostly on the 15 ancl1 0 meter bands. be COm!or1ab ly warm after a he minute Some of t he modifications you may
Hz, 3-pole crys tallilter suggested by Was Adju sting the drive sbove 3 watts on 10 OSO. have done to improve the S6nsitivity 0' the
HW·9' s receiver call lor replacing the
diodes in the front end TI A swi tching
echeme. The diodes al e low power Shol·
---n--- tky diodes. II you have replaced 0407 with
the Shottky diode or the recommended
. ~.
HP 5082·2835 diodes, 0407 wi. tail. Diode
'" 0407 requires at Ieasl a 50 ItOlI ral,ng .
There's a 101 of AF across iI: during trans-
&1'10O Healh h.ll$ dfoppe<l the ent,re .ne
oIl\am kits, many 01 'I'OU have wnnen 10
me, a s ki n g lor schemat'cs lor Ihe
HW·7. HW-8, and the HW-9. Heathwil stil
sell you a copy 01 the HW-7 manoal for
TO RI ..... $17.50. Manoals Iol' the rest 01 tile QAP
rigs should also be available. ldon', know

-- h--- ebout parts. Heath tells me lhey only stock

parts lor five years aft er production ends.
Call Heath for more details il you're look·
ing tor pan s.
I have about 200 coples lell 01 the HoI
,I I Wa ter Handbook (cont aining modilica·
, to ns lor the Heath HW series ol rigs). After
they 're gone, that's itl Thel e'li be no more
u' ·CO.OU
"'et+...et..-J (TOP 01('"
printed. If you wa nt a copy. send $8.9S to
me , Mike Bryce WB8VGE, at the above
, Since we have covered bolh lhe HW-8
and the HW-9, pick up one al the hamleS! .
They're a lot ollun to h and modify. and
with the days growing shorter, tinkaring is
F'f}lJffI I . The kf1Y'"lhulnp ~ /(y Ille HW.g, Courtesy of Paul l ~ KB IMJ. especially fun. III

78 73AmateurRadio Today ' October, 1991

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Never Say Die CooMlHKJ from page 4
the lech nology of the inlormation age.
Ye t r teer I'm getting nowhere in help-
ing this desperately needed growth .
We' re seeing a spurt no w as a resull 01
the eo-ecce license , but I had 10 fighl
the AA Al for that damned thing lor 30
yaars. Heck, _ wouldn 'l have a Novice
license now if it hadn't been lor FCC
Commissioner George Starting W1AE
jamming if down the ARRl throals.
Once you understand how our Amer-
ican sys tem worts, iI's easy 10 make
money. Pathetically easy. And , at the
same time. you can do things which
need 10 be done 10 tmprOl/8 the 1fIfOr1d.
I've been wortc ing on improYing ama·
teur reoe and , my ego says, having
occasional successes. I'm work ing to
improve the music. the publishIng, and
the educatoonal businesses.
When you work smart you have tIme
10 play too, so It being apple season
right now,l'm spending a couple hours
a day canning my homemade app1e-
sauce . .. the best in !he world . You
know , I should plant a whole orchard 01
Golden Tra nsparent apples and go into
the business 01 making Ihis apple- QSl 01 the Monlh To enter your OSlo mail it in an envelo9& to 73, WGE Cenler. For est Road. Hancock, NH 03449. Attn :
sauce. There's noIhing like it at any aSL olthe Month . Winners receive a one-year Subscriplion (or extension) 10 73. Enlries not in envelopes cannot be accepted ,
price, and it lasts perfectly for years
when you freeze it II you slop by and One enormous source 01 bu reau- oltter than the FCC that wouldn 'l be Yes, I hear you old grouches grum-
say hello, I'll give you a taste and c0m- crete waste. for instance, is the fJantic enormously improvec:l by cun ing its ~ bling about the cheats. look. logies,
pletely ruin your acceptance 01canned spending of allocated funds at the fIS- propriation by 10% per year for the we've always had cheats, So whet?
ap pl e sau c e l o r h ie. H mmm , let's cal year end . Bureaucracies wo rk on next len ytlars. That would cut them I've been issuing OX awards for over
see . . if each tree will make aboul 300 Ihe basis of ever-increasing funding, down to about 35% of wh at they get 35 years, so I've seen the lengthS some
Quarts every two years ... , They know il they don 't spend every- toda y, and it probably would all have to hams will go 10. Weird .
No, I've got 10 stop coming up with thing allocated ,theirlunding will be cut 90 to pay Ihe generous govern ment I' m already on record as favoring lim-
new business ideas. Did I tell you abou t the ne xt yea r. The people wor1o: ing in pensions. Thedrop in paperwork alone rting OX cr edit just to contest week-
my " Hurry Curry " business? Probabl y these bu reaucracies understan d the wou ld allow millions of acr es 01Canadi- ends. Then we can ask the rarer OX
not, since someone would surely ma ke system, bu t they also hate it. No one an lorests to regrow . ops to send in d isks with their logs and
zillions with if, and all I'd get would be a likes to see money wasted .. . nOI even let a compu ter sort it all out. We're nol
1% chance at gratitude, ThaI's a good public money . The punishment of whis- And The Po st Office worried about the 200 easy countries,
one to save l or my oid age. tle-blowers enrorces a conspiracy of W hile we 're cleaning up the mess in just the 200 hard ones. I predict that the
Tell you wh at: If you'd like to take 011 silence. Washington , let's lean on cong ress to AAAL will be set up to handle DXCC
a few days and talk with m e about I'm sure there were many peopl e take awa y the monopoly from the post disk logs about 12 years aller we lose
building amateur radio, making mono who knew what was going on with the ollice . That'll pu t it out 01 its misery in our last OX band.
ey , and such trivia, you're invited to saving s and teens . . . and many well short order. We m ight even start ex-
atlend the 16th Annual W inter Ham awa re 01 the BCCI scams. They also changing a SL cards aga in. The Rescue
Colloquium in Aspen , February 1- 8. saw whal happened to the lew people Private indusl ry could do an in finitely During the freshman year in many
We 'll ski d uring the d ay, HTs in hand, who wer e foolish enough to try and better job al a fract ion of the cost. Old· colleges, the fraternilies invite you ove r
in order to Clear our mind s l or the stren - wave the red lIag . The lucky ones just timers can remember when we 'd con- to meet them .. . and to see if they wa nt
uous evening dinner conferences, Just got fired. tact someone and aulomatically send you as a pledge. This is eeaeo "nrsn-
be there and check in on the local re- I suppose you haven't bothered to them a a Sl ca rd. I'm old enough to ing." I visited a bunch, looking for one
peatBf for conlerence cetene . Chuck read P.J . O' Rou rke's recent Parlia· remember the penny post card. Many where I might fit in. The Oakes had a
xo u wIll lead the expert skiers, I' ll be ment 01 W1Jores, so you don't know of my old aSL cards have 3C stamps on w e ll -e arne d re put ati o n l or b ei ng
in charge 01 the aged and infirm who whal a l ake the federal budget is, and them. drunks. The Alphas we re snobbiSh rich
ha ve to slick 10 t he inle rm ed ial e how Congress is a willing part 01 this Thefe used to be dozens of major kids ... even had their own bowling aI-
slopes. Just one more year and I get 10 whole sca m. (You've also pro babl y QSL card prinl~ . II was a nice busi- ley in their frat house . And so it wenl
ski ITee! heard 01 Pa r1o:inson's Law, but have ness lor a retired ham, All it took as e until I got rushed by Phi Ep. They
you ever read his 1957 book? Great Kelsey press and a classi fied ad in a seemed more my style, so I pledged.
ShootIng The Messenger stuff!). ham magazine, I've still got my oid The freshmen all lived in the frQSh.
Having had a note Irom a reader P.J . tells us that the emperor has no press OUI in the barn somewhere, com- men dorms the firs! year , Then those
about his ITustrations in trying 10 get clothes, that the ....hoIe mess is ba- pleta with several large trays 01 type . who d idn 't make it into a fralernily
Bell Helicx:lpters 10 correct a laull in the laney. He makes a solid case. And ITom Boy, thai was funl moved to the upper-dass dorms. The
wiring harness ol a new helicx:lptBf, I the endless horJor stories I've heard Perhaps it's getling time to build fax stlKlenls separated in to the Greeks
was intBfesled to lInd thai he'd been ITom hams working in the government modems into our transceivers so _ and the Geeks.
laid off . . and tl\atlhe V-22 he warned and the military , P.J. is nol exaggeral- can end contacts with laxed OSLs. We My prospective Iratemily brother's
them about crashed on its maiden ing. One 01 the things I rec:ommenOed could fi. in the " card" on our comput. IoYed the hazing, making Iile miserable
flight as a ....ay to help balance the budget ers (any kind) wittl the call. report and for us p!edges_ This consisted of mak.
In talk ing WIlh amateurs in g0vern- ....as to set up a lederal whislle-blowers a short message. An yone up 10 writing jog us uncomlortable psychologically
ment. the military, large corporatIOnS prot8Clion program . . . perhaps relo- an article on the details? Yep, it'l be and physicall y. FOf instance I was
and edueatoonal inslltulions,l've found cating them just as the y do helpful black andwhrtefor now, butcolorprint· given about ten minutes 10 learn the
many (most) 01 them lrustrated by poor crim inals. Aher all, to bureaucrats, ers are gening dleaper. so _'. even- Greek alphabet , interspersed with a
management and wasle . TheIr lrustra· whislle-blowers are criminals. tually be able 10 swap fuM color OSLs. good deal 01 " assume the (XI6ilion : '
tion eats allhem because they hate 10 II Presidenl Bush ever gelS more in- ThaI" save us about 3C)(: on local OSLs which was lotIo.ed by aft the balling
see things going wrong , but feel help- tBfested in solving our natoonal prol>- and much more on OX OSLs. 1can see strength our best baM players could
less to do anylhing about if They know lams than in curing those of Cyprus. the day coming when _ '11 be able to muster. I s1i' know the Greek alphabet.
what happens 10 wn,stle-blowefs, and this might be a good starting point. I work all contInents in ten minutes and I suspect thai if ham clubs would ~
it isn 't prelly, doubl there is a government agency have the OSl cards in hand 10 prove it . ply this system to new members 10 get

80 73AmaleurRadio Today. October, 1991

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them to learn the code we'd solve that ogniZed me we'd have gotten back gel it. Maybe t 0% put W2NSD and WG
I. No-Code Wortl;Ing1
.-em around the same time . logether.
One standard hlU:ing rOUli ne was Though Phi Ep was in an old beat'iJp Yep . so tar. Looking at the new li- Look here. this is a hobby Wllh all 01
10 take the pledges out and geltt1em brownstone house in a crummy section cense ligures lrom the FCC lor the us Iratemity brothers, so let's be friend.
lost. So about one in the morning 01 town . and it was about the only non- february-June eereo. I see that 1989 ly, helpful and make hamming fun. I
one cold snowy nighl lour 01 us were national fraternity. ldidn·t mind. I found wenl up 2% OYer 1988. 1990 went up really hate it when I need to get word
blindlolded and driven l or about a haft I'd picked well when the naxt year we 9%, and 1991 is up 56%. Thai'S a big Ihrough that I' m going to be fate to
hour and then two 01 us were dropped won the intral raternity sports trop hy, jump. May was up over 100% from lasl meet a lriend for dinner, only to get
off on a back cou ntry road . The car the intrafraternity scholarship trophy, year. Will it last? The mail I' m gelling ret usad by ha ms and have to as k
drove off with the other two, leaving us and go t ou r president elec ted the Irom cl ubs around the country is en- CBers to get help ... which they cneee-
in the snow , with no hint as to which Grand Marshal o f t he school. We couraging. lully do. I' ll bet I won't get turned down
way to walk. There wasn't even a glow capped that by buying the e x.gover- Clubs are reporting substantial in· by a nc-cccer . .. unless some bozo
in the sky to head lor. Worse. Ihere nor's mansion, moving 10 the most ex- creases in their lieensing classes . Get- gets to 'em first and louses up lheir
weren 't even any other l ire tracks in the clusive part oI lown, and becom ing a ting 'em 10 send me pictures 10 prove it, head.
snow to suggesllhat more cars might Sigma Chi chapter. is harder than getting 'em to organize
come along . We sighed al'ld started I'm afraid my grades didn't help us group subscriptions 10 the magazine . New Nalio_1 P. rtt. Proposed
walking , with the scholarship Irophy, and my Despite almosl every family in AmeriCa The inside word is that the League
About l ive minutes lat er we saw bowfing (195) as third man on the team having a camera, gelling club pictures directors are considering submilling
the lights 01 an approaching car! Al wasn't a big boost toward the sports of ham classes has so far turned out to a proposal 10 me FCC which would
this l ime of nighl they'd never stop, troph y, bu t my modutator power ed be a bust. sel aside the upper hall 01 the 75m
but as it zipped by we tried to Ilag it one heck of a public address system, I'm gelling two kinds of letters about ph on e band as a n Old Ha m s '
down . It skid ded to a stop and a voice lillin g the campus with hi ·fi sou nd no-code . One is from old-timers who Ho me .. . a re t irement co mmunity
shouted back , " Hey Wayne, is that and election propaganda. are still convinced that no-coders will made up 01 retired tram s who are too
you?" II wa s Ca r-m ine M iren d a It had been tough putting up anten- turn our bands into CB·like messes. unskilled, 100 IlU:Y, or too poor to spend
W2 MAM, from the next fraternity down nas in the brownstOfM:t row of houses, The other letters are from readers who what' s left 01 their unproduct ive 1ive9
the street Ifom ours. but in the new house ther e was enough have been in contact with these new playing golf .
Carm ine dumped ou l h is I w o room lor me to put up two 2'0 meter licensees and are impressed by whal Theirs is a Ioree which some direc-
pledges al'ld picked us up . IItumed out Twin-Three beams. I worked out like a good operators they are . tors leel should be harnessed. There',
thai this was a popular pledge dumping bandit. I had bot h a 75m kilowatt I'm also gelting Slacks ot leiters 8'len been talk of establishing special
spot. My fellow pledge and I earned an (203Zs) and an a'!-band kilowall (8 t 3s). lrom I'IO--COders thanking me lor help. teaching channels along the edge 01
e xtra beating lor gelling back 10 the I put out a humongous signal on all ing mak e t h eir l icense po s sib l e . the Old Hams' Home where they would
Iraternity house before the brothers bands. Those homemade W8JK Twin- And e ve ry one of th em has men- be able to instruct ham newcomers on
who had dumped us. No. we neYef ex- Three beams were killers. tioned Chat now they're work ing on proper language, .. with guest lectur·
pla ined how we did ii, but we sure had Alas, Carmi ne, who weigh ed in at the code so they can get their Novice ere imported Irom 14,313.
th e laugh on them . Our o the r tw o around 400 pound s, nOt surprisi ngly and ge t on 10m . , , and th en t heir Baxter K1MAN may b e asked 10
pledges dragged them selves in t he won t he coveted Silent Key award Gensral. The lellers Irom the old- prepare tapes l or 24·hou r-a-day oroec-
next afternoon. If Carmine hadn't rec - while he was slill quite young. timers who are slililiving in their dream ces ling on a re serve d c han nel,
(nightmare) wort<! and who have made with endless readings Irom the cu r-
no ellort 10 check wha t' s actu all y rent issues of OST . . . including all the
happening are in wonderful contrast to ads . Bader's great experience in

the Packe'Iwin" System the others.

I'm hearing Irom more and more
non-stop broadcasting on the ham
bands makes him eminently qualified
clubs with license classes lilting up. tor this service.
Who knows, this enthusiasm may not I understand that Dido: Bash may be
be a Cam porary blip. But we slill have a available to teach youngsters how to
long way to go belore we're anywhere pass the 20 wpm code lesl wil hout any
near the growth we had lrom 1946- knowledge of Morse whatever. And a
1964, belore the ARRL 's " Incentive Ll- special channel is proposed fOI making
censing" debacl e killed the America n deals with VECs for mail-order exams
radio industry. so all certiliable Old Hams can get their
Now we have an answer lor the kids Extra Class tickets without being over-
who argue that l he code is a useless charged.
relic oIttle past . No problem; get your The unfortunate FCC clampdown
ticke\ and join the run on 2m and up . II on Ihe KP4 license mill has ereee
gives us a little easier " sell" 10 young- tiCket pr ices beyond the reach 01
sters who tum up on CB and find it many old-timers. Extra Class, whiCh
lrustrating. u sed to go lor only $100 is no w
Ha s yo ur clu b appoin t ed some more like $500, which is stilt a bar-
TN P..,Il"T..-in dele ,ed,o . y.t"m, w,th inl"'llf.,edS600 b"" , ed,o hunters to prowl 11m, looking lor new gain l or the top-ol-the-Iine license ...
modem lG3AU.../IO; SNG compe"bl"l _ e 440 Mhz .ed,,, loo"tMne not incl.....edl.
meat? CB is prime hunting ground lor hassl e-free. Adv anced see m to be
T he Pa ck eTwin IS a high perform ence, duet-channel, potenti al ham s. but you have to catc h going lor around $250. And no, don'l
'em quick, before they get led up and bother writing me 10 find oul where to
sv ncresvnc PC interfa c e ca rd f or d ate rad io sys t em s, w ith
quit. buy your licen se .
TCPIIP and A X .25 so ftware (execu table and d ri .... e r sou rces
One more thing. Let's not inculcate Special net channels and limes will
p rovided.) S peeds o f 1 200 to 1 Mb / sec operatio n u ti liz i n g full
these newcomers 10 2m with the really be established and enlorced lor the
d upl e x OMA . RS -422 , RS ·23 2 , and TIl. T h e Pack eT w in d at a
rotten things some old-timers have al- discussion 01 eo-ecce. CBers, space
radi o is a single channel , c ryst al cont rolled unit d el i....erin g 2
most developod into an al1 form . Like cadets . lids, K1MAN . KV 4f Z, AM,
w atts output avail able in the 430A5 0 M h z and 450 ·470 M h z not answering when a newcomer calCs women , homose.uals, blacks, athe-
fre qu enc y ra ng e s . in on the repe ater . ists, Jeoe. A.... ebs. OX lists , contests.
Let'S see, where was I the Olher day? nel jamming, etc.
623 Palace Strt'('n, Oh yes. New York. I was way up high in f aCing reality, Ihe directors are said
I VISA . !
Auro ra, IllillOls 60506 me Emp ire Hotel by uncoio Center to be l avoring a 10 kW power limit l or
Pbuuer (708) 897-9346
fAX : (708) 844-0 183
Email: ;.lI ro@gracili~ .com
t, J
and was able to kerchunk a dozen re-
peaters . I gave my call and asked it
anyone was listening , I got answers on
this National Park Band. Since some of
them already qualily to operate in the
band. perhaps Ihey don't want 10 have
In A u str al ia Con tac t BL A M AC S ervi c es PIL, Cooma NS W , two repeaters, Two! One was in New 10 operate just with ttleir excnere to be
T eL 06 4- 523 1 12 Jersey. And no. no one was avoidIng legal. Seems reasonable 10 me .
me. I don'lthink anyone ever gets my Please send your comment s to
ClItCLE 291 0.. RUOER stRvte:1: CARll call right the l irst nme ... and lew hams K1ZZ. ARRL , Newington CT 06111 .
recognize it even when they do finally with a copy to me. III
82 73 Amateur Radio roaev » October, 1991
Number 23 on your Feedback card

all exit straight, not diagonally, and the Zener diodes are used as voltage
arrow is in the gate lead in the middle. regulat ing eleme nts. Their diagram
ASKKABOOM The arrow points the "OCher way: ' too,
P-channel FETs have outward-poi nt-
looks like that o f a diode. except that
there are slanted lines exiting fmm the
ing armws, while N-channel parts have central one. zeners operate by break-
The Tech Answer Man them pointing inward. ing down in the reverse direction at a
In MO$FETs (which have no actual preset vol tage. Their essential charac-
MichaefGeier KB1UM used as a re ference . Thus, a PNP tran- junction between the gate and other teristics are the breakdown or "zener"
% 73 Magazine Sistor can be used in a positive-voltage leads), the gate isshowrl asa line seoa- voltage and the power dissipahon ca-
Forest Rd. circuit, with its base being pulled lower rate from and parallel 10 the one which pabilities. Nearly all lhe voltages can
Hancock NH 03449 (less posilive) Ihan ils emitter; that's joins the other leads. No maner wI1a.t be had in generic parts, so it is usually
the same thing as rtegative , as far as kind of FET you are working with , the not too hard 10 StJbstitute zeners,
More Parts the transistor is concerned, and it will important thing 10 remember is that, as Small-signal switching diodes typi-
last month, we were d iscussing tum an. with bipolar parts, you cannot replace a cally are of the l N914 or lN4148 vari--
parts and how to manage them . lei's Oops , I digressed a bit there , buI for P type with an N type or vice versa. ety. They are pretty much all in ler-
finish if up : a reason , If you wanl to replace a bipo- Also, you can 't sybs!itute JFETs and changeable. Some Io¥o' IlOis<I switching
lar transistor with one with a different MOSFETs lor each Olher. diodes are used in transceivers ,
Keep Chlppin' AW l y parl number (whiCh is very often the Power FETs are similar to normal lhougtI. ff you replace one with a stan-
Along wilh digital chips , analog or case because there are so many kinds , MOSFETs, only they are bigger and dard diode, it probably will sti" work ,
"unear" ICs also abound . For in- and you can't get many of them) , you can handle much larger amounts of buI the circuit's pertormance may be
stance, most walkies lOday make use must first narrow your choice to a part power, just like bipolar power transis- degraded due 10 noise generaled in
of the LM386 chip lor lheir audio oulpul WIth the same polarity. You just can't tors . They have the same basic cneeec- the cheaper part. Manufacturers only
sections. In some, a " real" LM386 is replace an NPN with a PNP. By the terist iCS as the smaller MO$FETs. spend extra for the lQw-noise diodes
used. while in others, smaller Yer$ions way. the vast majority of transistors They are just starting to find their way when they have to, so it pays to re-
and ewtece-mcum ch ips w ith the used today are NPN. PNPs, whiCh are into our gear, but they are greal parts place such a part with another low-
same internal con struction are em- ha,der to make, are used only when and seldom fail unless badly ever- noise one.
pIoyed . As with the digital chips, the really necessary, such as in push-pull stressed . Their part numbers are very Varactordiodes are not really diodes
ammended part numbers may obscure (complementary) ampliliers and low· dillJ>rent, and may be something like in the rectilying sense, but lhey have
the generic lype. For instance, Ihe loss voltage regulators. " IAF511:' II in doubt, look at the dia- two leads, hence the name, They are
KenW'OOd TH-nA dual-band walkie us- Besides polarity, the most important gram. Needless to say, you can't re- really voItage-variabie capacitors and
es the NJM386BM , while the Yaesu specs for bipolar transistors are cutoff place an FET with a bipolar, or a bipolar should be replaced wit h exact part
FT -411 has the NJM386D. The Ken- trequel'lCy, gain, power dissipalion and with an FET. Their characteristics are numbers or parts with the same capac-
W'OOd also uses a couple of TC4066BF voltage breakdown r ating. Whe w , just 100 different. itance and sensitivity charaderistics.
chips, whiCh are just common 4066B that' s a 101:! This would seem to suggest There are some other, obscure kinds " Ho t carri e," and other exotic
analog switches, although they may be that it would be impossible to cross a at Iransistors. One that comes to mind diodes are sometimes used in mi xers
surface-mount mini chips (I haven 't Iransistor to another part but. in prac- is the unijunction transiSlor. This thing and the front ends 0 1 receivers. espe-
opened the rig 10 lind oUI). lice, it's done all the time. First. decide has a diagram that looks like a bipolar cially in the VHF·and-up range. For
Also lound are plenty 01 op amps. what the l ransistor is doing. If lt's in an part, e xcept that the base comes in at correct circuit performance, it is impor-
These, too , often have common num- audio amp and is not part 0 1 a comple- an angle. Unijunctions are used prt- tant to replace t hem with the same
bers embedded in their designators . In mentary pair (in other words, it doesn't marily as poise generators and oscilla- types.
any case, any time you waot to replace have an opposite-polarity transistor toes. but they are rare. I haven 't seen
a chip with one you think is essentially co nnected on top of or be lo w il), one 10, a long lime , Home-brewing
the same, be sure to compare the chances are that any similar paet of If you' re buil ding something from
schematics lor the pinou ts lirst. Even if simil ar power-h andling Characterist ics Look it Up scratch, you may have great leeway in
the chips do tum out to be lunctionally will do the job . If it is part of a pair, you A great way to find a transistor sub-- selecting which parts you'll use . In fact,
i d e nt ic al , t h e re ca n be dlt terent can still replace it with another kind of stitute that will work is 10 get a trensis- if you have a well-slocke<! " junk box:'
pinouts, particularly when packag e part as long as you rep lace its mate lor substi tutio n book which lisl s the you may find you rself designing your
types are different. wit h the new part 's mate. If you con't. "generic" Am erican pa rts, such a s circuit to use what you havel This tech-
you are likely to wind up with mis- tho se by GE or RCA. Then, look up the nique can save lots 01 time and money,
What Has Three l e g s and Am plilles? matched pa rts, which will cause signal part you want to replace and see what but your gadget may not be easily re-
While there are lots 01 chips in ocr distortion, uneven curren t distribut ion, the generic replacemen t is. Now, look p rodu cible by others, because Ihose
gear, many other semiconductors are overheating and p rematu re part failure up the part you have available. If it is special parts you 've been squirreling
used as well. Obviously, one of the of either your new part or the old male. replaced by the same generic, il will away since 1957 may have gone out of
most important is the transistor. Per· probably worx. Even il it isn' t, you can style. Especially i f you want your
haps no other celegory of part has as By t he Numbers look at the specs on the generics end device p ublished , it pays to use as
many types as does the three-legged A tew words about Japanese uanste- see if they are similar, Beware, though: many standard parts as possible, and
beast. I can 't begin to cover them all tor part numbers: most parts start with I have lound errors in these books. In a to avoid u navailab le ones like the
here, but I'll try to touch on the major either 2N, 2$A, 2$B, 2$C or 2SD. few cases, a large heat-sinked power plague,
kinds. 2SAs and 2SBs are PNP, wh ile 2SCs transistor was crossed to a tiny, milli-
Bipolar, or " common," NPN and and 2$Ds are NPN. Many teens have watt-level part, In such a case, com- Playing t he Sta ndards
PNP transistors are still the most often been m~tified by parts with numbers mon sense must prevail: don't try the So just wI1a.t constitutes '·standard"
used. They can be found in just abo!Jt like " C94 S." II pays to kno w that the replacemenl if you don' t like smokel parts? Well, 2N3904 and 2N3906 tran -
any part of a rad io's Circuitry, Irom the manufacturers often leave the 2S des- sistors are about the most common
fron t end to the audio amp . Nearly all ignator off the part to save space. So, a WalkIng on Two Legs kind available in Ihe USA. uute tor
voltage regulalors, RF output stages C94S is actually a 2$C94S, whiCh is a Two·legged semiconduc tors are l N914 and 1N4148 switching diodes
and esc-ere audio output amps are very common part A number whiCh u su all y much easier to substi tu te . and 1N4000 series powel" rectifiers .
made from bipolar transistors. The starts WIth a " 3" signifies an FET, Nearly all the two legged beasts you ff you're designing a digital circuit
standard three-legged diagram with will encounler are rectifying diodes. that doesn'l have 10 operate faster than
the diagonal leads and the arrow is the FET s The ones that go bad ate usually found a few megahertz, consider using 4()0().
giveaway. Illhe arrow points oul, the The FET (rl9kl Effect Transistor) is in power StJpplies. In a normal. linear. series CMOS parts. They use very linle
part is NPN ; II it po,,"ts in , il is PNP. an entirety different kind 01 transistor. It regulated AC power supply, just aboul power, do not require regulated power
What does this mean? It relers 10 the uses the ' ·Iield effect" 10 regulate elec- any ecce at high enough voltage and supplies, and ate very available. All in
polarity properties at the intemat semi- tron flow through an internal channel. curren1 capacity will work fine. A corn- all, they ate much easier to work with
conducting layers, and the shorthand Its leads have dIfferent names; Gate, mon number would be lN4002. By the than are TTl and LSTTl chips.
gives you a clue as to whiCh polaritIes Source and Drain (instead of Base , way. those four.fegged bridge diodes In OJ) amps, the noOn and no074
must be applied to make the cevce Emitter, and Collector). can be replaced with standard diodes are common, as ate the 1458 and simi-
turn on. To make an NPN transiSlor The gate is 8r'181ogouS to a bipolar wired to emulate them. again as long lat numbers. In YOItage regulalOfS, the
turn an, lhe base (whiCh is the " P" in part 's base , while the drain is like the as the voltage and current ratings are three-terminal NatiOnal parts, such as
NPN) musl be posltive WIth rescect to coeectce. and the source is like the adequate, the lM317 and the l M340, are virlual
tne ermtter. TolumonaPNP, the base emmee. In some FETs, the drain and In switching SYpplies and regulators, standards.
must be negative WIth respect to lhe source may be interchanged while, in high-speed diodes are used and the Well , I promised the addresses 01
emitter. Note that il doesn'l matter others, that is not possible. The ea. regutar types jusl woo 't wol1l. . Your various parts sources bet, alas, I'm out
what the "actual" polarity (WIth respect grams look different, too. StJbstltUtion book should cover moS1 of at space again. nt have !hem all for you
to cirCUIt ground) is : only the emItter is In JFETs ijunction FETs), the leads these things . nelll month. See you then. III

73 Amateur Radio Today . October, 199 1 83

Number 25 on your FHd~ card

David Cassidy N 1GPH Jim Gray WIXU
By the time you read this , things will new job after th e ne xt eleChon?
hopefully have calmed in the Soviet The freedom we exercise every time Jim Gray WJ XU
210 Chateau Circle high pressure areas to remain over
Union. As I write this . the right wing we lire up the 01 ' rig is me same tree-
coup is less than 24 hours old. Gor- dom that allows some to hang out on 75 Payson AZ8554 J large segments of the U .S . will pre-
becnev is under house arrest and has melars avery night and tell dirty jokes vail. VHF/U HFers should be sure to
yet to su rtace. Yeltsln is defying the with their friends. The freedom that al- October is expected to be a very look l or tropospheri c ducting alon g
order to vacat e his crecee, has called lows me to trade iii recipe lor allredo good m onth l or propagat ion o n weather fronts .
lor a general st rike, and a warrant has sauce over packet is the same treeoom short-path . long-path, and interme- Keep a sharp lookout for some
been issued for his arrest. Tanks sur- that allO'Ns those screwballs on 14 .313 diate-path distan ces to OX loca - pretty harsh geophysical ettects on
round the Kremlin. and the world is to tie up that end of the 20 meter band tions. Although the solar flux conti n- t he days indicated as p oor. My
waili ng 10 see me response from the with their endless banality, bigotry and
u es t o sl o w ly d e cli n e, w ith g uess is that the 18th, 19th, and 20th
several republics that have rec ently bull. Every time we hit Ihal posMo-lalk
tried to declare their indepe ndence SWItch. we are taking advantage of occasional spurts to higher levels, w ill be most critical this month . Bat-
from the Scvet Union. freedom . the inellorabte red uction in sunspots ten down the hatches on those days,
As I watch the events '" the Sovtet As we all learned in high school so- is going to take its toll. end look for us again in November.
Union unfold before me on my televi- cial stlJdl8S class, freedom carries with Early carcoess w ill tend to cause See you then . deW1XU III
sion, one word keeps comIng 10 mind: It responSIbility. Have you ever realty the b an d s higher than 14
F..-n. pondered what that means to us as MHz to close shortly before
The people of the Sovtet Union have, amallltJr radio operators? Every time EASTERN UNITED STATES TO:
or after dar1l., while the bands
for the first lime in their long and tragic we tr811$fT1it, 'Wit are giving evidence to below 14 MHz w ill begin to
history, been setVed up a smalf taste how well we are handling the responsi-
Irom the plate of freedom . Witlthey be bility of some very powel1ul frlledom. come alive for OX. Because
happy with the memory of this brief Are we e xercising that freecfom re- o f g ood oppor tu ni ti es f or
period of openness, or wIll they stand
up en masse and declare to the power
sponSIbly. thereby guar anteeing it lor
the next generation, or are we taking
grayfine OX (along the p ath
of darkness). you can often
~, "'"
brokers of their society thaI they refuse advantage of that freedom to serve ou r make some e xcenent OX en-
to go back to the old ways 0 1 repres- own ego? tacts shortly berore or after
sion. lear and dictatorship?
By the time you read this the events
I'm not advocating that all co mmuni-
calion on the amateur bands needs to
dark and dawn , local time .
Morning and attamocn OX • ,
, .-.'
.", ''>., "r., .", .",

,.",,.,,, ...>btl....
will probably have run their course and be dulL I love to get into intelligent dis- 20 20 20 20 ~I
w ill be great , however, Irom

.' ,
the outcome will be apparent For now, cussions of politics and religion, as "'0' 20 :Ill :Ill .."• ..". 20

watching this giant nahon struggle with long as they don't tleeay into name 14 - 30 MHz. 20 ·'" ... .,. .,. ""
~~ .

itself from the comfort of my living calling and hurt feelings. t've listened The best days for propaga-
room, alii can th ink of is that one word : in on-and participated in-some peet- tion will be more numerous CENTRAL UNITED STATES TO:
Freedom. ty lively OSOs about such top;cs as the than usu al , WIth the really
Depending on how mlJCh of it you Gulf War, no-code, Presidenl Bush's p oo r d ays concentr at ed
have, freedom means dlHerenl things domestic policies (or lack thereof), the around the 17th throug h the
to dlHerent people. It can mean the recession , the homeless. Islamoc fun-
22nd of the month. The ap-
freedom to speak your mind and crili- damentalism ... the l ist is endl ess.
cizethegovernment , WIthout the risk of Each of these conversations was a pended chart w ill show you
being fhro wn in prison . It can mean the heated debate, conducted by people G ood (G), Fair (F) , and Poor
right to publish or purchase a copy of WIth strongly held ideas and opinions, (P) days , and those marked
Penthouse-cor a copy of the Bible (in yet they all respected the responsibility w ith t wo letters s ho wi ng
the U.S ., the same article of the cons ti- that the treedom of speech demands. trends toward better or poor-
... '"
- :Ill 1'0 20 .". 'Ii, "", ."
tution covers both). 11 can mean the They had respect for the fact that they er conditions . - ',,, ";; 211 - -
" ..;. , '
right 10 worship God in your own way, were choosing to exercise their free- Those olyou who enjoy OX
whatever your concept of God hap- dom in a public place .
pens to be. It can mean Ihe righ t to Whenever you transmit on an HF
on top band (160 meters), WESTERN UNITED STATES TO:
work for a fair wage. and tha t you will band , there is the likely possibility Ihal 80-75 mete rs , an d 40- 30
meters. will reall y enjoy OCto-
-", '..
not be judged by the color of your skin, you are being monitored by people in
the religion you subscribe to, or your several countries . Each of these coun- ber. During that season, the
ge_. trie$ is diHerenl , wilh a diHerent con- QRN levels decrease in the
Freedom to a struggling larmer in a cept Of freedom, yet most of these Northern Hemispehre due 10
third wor1d country may consist solely countries have a say in whether or not fewer storms. There are few-
of beIng able 10 prov;de food and shel- you and I, as radio amateurs. will be er storms because of lower
tar lor his lamity . allo\oled to cont inue to a xercise this
sun angles and less a tmo-
Here in the U""ed sretee. we enjoy freedom v;a radio waves. Are we show-
an abundant supply of freedom . Our i09. by our actions. that the free ex- spheric healing and vertical
laws of free speech and expression go change 01 ideas , educational opportu- mi xin g . Stor m fr on t s m ay
so far as to allow us to taka tha symbol nil ies , and in t ern a tional good will tend to be slower moving. but
of our treedom , the flag. and publicly cnereo by amateur radio is worth more the te ndency l or prolonged
Oastroy it in protest. We can stand in to a developing nalion than a short-
front ot the residence of our president wave broadcast allocation?
and shout at him all day long We can We do not have a right to the Ire-
assemble by the hundreds of t hou - quencies we occupy. Amateur radio is OCTOBER 1991
sands in fronl of the Capi tol bui lding
and express our oUlrage. Every few
a privilege, not a right. II is a privilege
that we. as a nation, have bestowed '"' MO"


2 3 '"" 4 '" 5 '"

years, we have a quiet revolution-irs upon ourselves. A nation of 250 million
called election day . Whelher it's a sen- has decided to let a groop of less than G G G-F F F-G
alorial, congreSSional or presidential 500,000 occupy some very valuable
election, our system has been set up so frequency spect rum. II the nation ever 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
that no person can ramain in power decides that oor freQuen<:t8S oould be
without the consent of those who be-
be"er utiliZed by some other service,
stow that power-the people.
What has alt this got to do w ith
we will lose those frequencies laster
than you can say " mapnty rutes ."
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
amat&tJr radio? Plenty! What do you Right now. radio amateurs have an G-F G G G- F F-P P P
think it is that giVes you the right to tune enorm ous amount 01 freedo m .
up on 40 meters and catl CO? What Whether or not we can maintain iI is 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
gIves you the righ t to comment on totally up to us and how' we exercise P P P P-F F-G G G
a proposed rule change by the FCC? tha t freedom. Whaf s going on in the
What gives you the righ t to tell your
congressman that unless he supports
Sovie t Union this hot August night
serves to rem ind us just how tragile
27 28 29 30 31
a certai n bill. he' ll be tooking lor a that freedom is. III G G G G G
84 73 Amaleur Radio Today . Ocl ober,1991
KENWOOD TS·940 High Per10rmance sanWaft b, WA7RAI
So ftw a re Enhance m ent Kit
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Re .... lI.. Ba.>c>. Uo<"ll ,;mpl~ commondl.. AU,",,' could Ii.. 11'0( R~P" a,c. and AR~ "",,~ s..", I"
"no !j,,~. while ' he "'M'
lJnkl. a,~ ,,'mmunicating lb" ...gh ,...-..., ,i l• . boIdin. "'para" . u .., _ IlL " Pm..... ' _ ...... . nd " . . . .,.........
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