Born-Again Virgins PDF

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Women want their V-card
reissued after the fact.

Susan Anthony isn’t your typical 30-year-old. She’s
British, but lives in Chicago; enjoys social drinking, but
won’t bar hop; and likes kissing, but not on a first date.
Oh, and she gave up sex.

Anthony was born in England and moved to the U.S.
at age 19—she knows she’s different than most women
her age. “I’ve been called the born-again virgin, or the
Anthony first thought about abstaining from sex when
a former yoga pal in Chicago suggested it shortly after
Anthony’s divorce from her husband. “I was in
a lot of grief, and on top of that, I didn’t
really get to experience an adoles-
cent childhood,” she says. Anthony
started on her path to absti-
nence and casually dated for
two years before meeting her
renewed virgin, many times, and it doesn’t really bother next boyfriend, Tony. “Four
me,” she says. “I don’t think of myself as a virgin.” months into our relation-
Anthony’s first sexual encounter was at age 16 with ship, one thing led to
her first boyfriend who was four years her senior. The another, and we had
pair dated for a year and a half before breaking up. “I sex,” Anthony says.
went through a bit of a rebellious stage with everyone “We were both very
at 16,” Anthony says. “I didn’t really like anybody at the active in church,
time, and I hung out with an older crowd. I grew up and one weekend
pretty quick.” we were at a church
According to Mary Jo Rapini, an intimacy, sex, service, and I just
and relationship psychotherapist from Houston, an broke down. I knew I
increasing number of girls are finding themselves in couldn’t be intimate
Anthony’s situation. “Teenagers are definitely becoming anymore.”
more sexually active than in past years,” she says. “And Anthony soon real-
these same early teens are not mentally able to really ized her decision to remain
handle the consequences of sex in the first place. It’s a abstinent was too difficult for
double whammy.” People who had sex when they were her boyfriend. “He tried, I think,
younger are realizing they weren’t prepared and have but our relationship started to disin-
since made the decision to go without it. tegrate,” she says. “He started to look at me
Even in a culture that bases self-worth on sex appeal, more like a sister.”
Anthony is staying strong. She’s currently on her third— Since the breakup, Anthony says she has continued to
and longest—hiatus from sexual activity. “In the past casually date. However, she’s always upfront about telling
three years, it has gotten easier to remain abstinent the men she dates that she won’t be having sex. “I’ve made
because I’m growing in my own understanding of a commitment to myself and to my church that I will
myself,” Anthony says. “I don’t feel guilty about entering remain abstinent,” she says. “This is something I value.”
into past sexual relationships. Sex is more like a thing
that I tried for a while.” OLD-FASHIONED VALUES
Values like Anthony’s are becoming less prevalent. Since
THE WAITING GAME 1945, chastity has become increasingly less important
Lau r ie Lin ha r t is a n intimate relationsh ip than in past decades. In the 1980s, chastity went from
and socia l psycholog y ex per t and professor being ranked No. 10 of 18 in desirable qualities to dead last
at Dra ke Un iversit y in Des Moines, Iowa . by men and second to last by women in a study conducted
“For some women, waiting until they are married is by scholars Reuben Hill, John W. Hudson, and Les
impractical because many people will be 30—or close to Leanne Hoyt.
it—when they get married,” she says. “The marriage age Because of this lessening desire to date—or marry—a
is getting pushed back. For many young adults, thinking virgin, Linhart thinks the concept of born-again virginity
about abstaining until they’re 30 is too difficult.” is completely realistic. “I think it indicates that we as

“I’ve made a commitment to myself and to
my church that I would remain abstinent.
This is something I value.” —SUSAN ANTHONY

women have more power over our sexuality than salsa and jazz dancer, doesn’t dance at nightclubs like
in the past,” she says. “We can select renewed she used to. Rebecca also steers clear of situations that
virginity as a way we want to conduct may lead to sexual encounters.
ourselves, instead of feeling like we Anthony admits, however, that if she’s going to
have to be sexually active.” commit to a relationship with someone, they also have
Anthony isn’t the only one to practice abstinence. “Men who aren’t practicing absti-
feeling this way. Rebecca*, nence who I’ve dated think, ‘Maybe she’ll be different
22, a Drake student, also with me,’ or they think I’ll change my mind,” she says. “If
made the decision to give I’m thinking about someone romantically, though, they
up sex nearly two years have to be on the same page sexually.”
ago. “After my first time Linhart says excessive sexuality pervades our
hav ing sex w ith my society. She says it’s hard to turn on the TV without
boyfriend, it just kept being exposed to subliminal sexual messages. “We’re
happening, and I let it kind of torn; on one hand, we’re kind of afraid of sex, and
happen,” she says. “I guess on the other hand, it’s everywhere,” Linhart says.
I thought, ‘It’s not that big
of a deal. I’ve done it already, RENEWING THEIR VOWS
so why not keep doing it?’” Mark Regnerus, author of “Forbidden Fruit: Sex & Reli-
Anthony felt the same way. gion in the Lives of American Teenagers,” explored a
“I know I fell to a lot of pres- two-part study that looked at youth in 2006. Individuals
sure when it came to sex,” she who engaged in sex during the first study and then
says. “Because of my own family reported renewed virginity vows during the second were
issues with having an alcoholic father more likely to identify themselves as born-again Chris-
and divorced parents, I had the desire tians. Anthony and Rebecca are Christians and use their
to constantly please men. I know that many faith to ground them when the decision to abstain gets
young women will develop tendencies I had. I tough. Anthony also leads a faith-based group called
thought I was in love at age 16.” Solutions at Willow Creek Church in Chicago.
Love is a common reason young women make these Disclaimer: Giving up sex doesn’t mean that
decisions. “I was definitely in love with Mike before we Anthony is giving men the cold shoulder. “I’m a very
had sex and I felt very confused after,” says Rebecca, who touchy, nurturing person,” Anthony says. “Just because
was also 16 when she first had sex. “The sex continued I’m abstinent doesn’t mean I’m not affectionate. There
almost to the end before I told him I didn’t want to do are many activities I don’t do now that I would love to
it anymore.” explore with a man that I have a strong commitment
with. I just would rather wait until I’m in a committed
STOP IN THE NAME OF LOVE relationship.”
Rebecca and Anthony’s decisions may inspire other Rebecca agrees. “I’ve been there, I’ve done that, and
women to reclaim their virginity. “Girls who renew their I don’t anymore because I feel like there is an expec-
vows to be a virgin are empowering other women to do tation,” she says. “I’m happy I’ve given it up.” Maybe
the same,” Rapini says. She thinks more young women abstinence makes the heart grow fonder.
who are finally able to say no after first having sex may
*Last name has been removed.
be stronger than they were before.
This renewed willpower couldn’t be truer for Anthony.
“More recently now than ever before, I have a very clear
stance on abstinence,” she says. “I know my boundaries.”
Anthony and Rebecca both know that giving up sex
comes with its share of sacrifices. Anthony, a former


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