Lemon and Lime Ice-Cream Recipe

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Lemon and Lime ice cream

This recipe is from a older Kitchen aid recipe book so does not mention using the ice cream maker but
I'm sure you could make the ice cream mix and then churn in the ice cream maker to make it.


2 large lemons
2 limes
175g icing sugar
584ml double cream


1) Using the course shredding drum on the rotary slicer/shredder attachment (or a hand grater if
you don't have this attachment) grate the rind off all the fruit.

2) Using the citrus juicer attachment on speed 6 juice the fruit (or again juice by hand if you don't
have this attachment)

3) Add the juice, rind and sugar in a bowl and set aside

4) Pour the cream into the mixer bowl and attach the wire whip and whisk slowly at first then at speed

5) Halfway through whipping add the bowl containing the juice, rind and sugar to the cream and whip
in on a slow speed until cream is lightly whipped.

6) Turn in a shallow plastic container and open freeze until firm then cover. Before serving allow
to soften slightly to make it easier to scoop. (Alternatively freeze using the ice cream maker until
frozen and then pop in a tub and put in the freezer)

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