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Pediatric Pulmonology 30:1–2 (2000)


Classical Respiratory Physiology—Gone the will diffuse more readily and faster than the much denser
Way of the Dinosaurs? Do We Need a gas sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), they attempted to charac-
Jurassic Park? terize the site of airway pathology early and late in the
course of CF. As they pointed out, increases in the slope
With more and more emphasis on molecular biology, of phase III in a single breath N2 washout test do corre-
there are an increasing number of young pediatric pul- late with inhomogeneity of ventilation, but it is not spe-
monologists who do not understand what classic respi- cific as a marker of a particular abnormality of patho-
ratory physiology has taught us and how it forms the logical process. It must be noted that resident gases such
rational basis of how we treat our patients. Perhaps this is as N2 are diluted by the inhaled oxygen (O2). O2 will
progress, but when it comes to a decision whether a show up in relatively high concentrations in the first
patient needs a lung transplant for advanced cystic fibro- expired gas, whereas it will progressively decrease as
sis (CF) or other lung diseases, classic spirometry plays expiration proceeds in the face of inhomogeneous distri-
a far greater role than the data in a Northern blot. Fur- bution of ventilation and late appearance of resident N2.
thermore, while we now genotype most of our CF pa- This will increase the N2 slope of phase III and the clos-
tients, it is the FEV1 that guides our day-to-day manage- ing volume. When the negative slope for the inhaled
ment. Most of our current trainees are far more familiar heavy nonresident gas SF6 is treated as positive, it can be
with the use of molecular techniques for the diagnosis of compared to the positive slope of the N2 washout. In
disease than with the role that static elastic recoil forces normal subjects, the slope of phase III for SF6 will be
play in the determination of forced expiratory flow. In greater than that for N2, since the lesser diffusivity of the
fact, I would guess that most have never even measured SF6 will accentuate any inhomogeneity that might be
lung elastic recoil in a person, be it a patient or one of normally present. In contrast, for a single breath test that
their colleagues. With this in mind, I suspect that many contains He, the slope will be the same or will be less
had difficulties in understanding the very informative than the slope of phase III for N2 because the greater
article by Van Muylem and Baran1 that appears in this diffusivity of the lighter gas will improve homogeneity
issue of the Journal. of ventilation. Because convection is the predominant
In 1951, Comroe and Fowler2 reported that monitoring mechanism of gas transport in the central regions of the
the expired concentration of nitrogen N2 after a single lung and diffusion in the peripheral regions, Van Muy-
deep breath of oxygen could detect inhomogeneity of lem and Baran1 argue that a difference in slopes of phase
ventilation. Kjellmer et al.3 modified the test, and it be- III between He and SF6 would point to sites of anatomi-
gan to enjoy increasing popularity by 1959. In 1969, cal abnormalities in patients with CF and in smokers.
Anthonisen et al.4 used the test to quantify the slope of This is exactly what they found, with the differences in
the linear portion of the alveolar plateau (phase III), and the slopes of phase III between SF6 and He being slightly
the concept of closing volume began to appear in the negative in CF, suggesting a peripheral location of the
literature. A few years later, Buist and Ross5 published pathology. Of interest, the slope of the N2 washout dif-
normal values for the slope of phase III and closing vol- fered between both the CF group and the smokers com-
umes, as a fraction of total lung capacity, and the single pared to the normal subjects, but only the (SF6-He)
breath nitrogen (N2) washout test became a widely used slopes distinguished the CF group from the other two.
measure of ventilatory inhomogeneity and early airway Furthermore, it was the younger CF patients who had the
disease, especially in smoking-related lung disease. negative (SF6-He) slope, suggesting that the older CF
With the increasing awareness of the concept that both patients had more advanced central disease. Although not
convection and gas diffusion are important in gas trans- unique in their suggestion that the early airway abnor-
port, it was inevitable that investigators would evaluate malities in CF occur in the terminal and respiratory bron-
the consequences of inspiring gases with different diffu- chioles, this demonstration is truly an elegant application
sivities.6,7 In the current issue of the Journal, Van Muy- of classical respiratory physiologic principles. In a pre-
lem and Baran1 used this technique to give us a better vious article, Van Muylem et al.8 suggested that this test
understanding of the early pathophysiology of CF. Based may have application in monitoring early signs of rejec-
on the concept that the low molecular weight helium (He) tion in patients with lung transplants. In other words, this
© 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
2 Coates

noninvasive test lends itself to repeated measurements We should be grateful to Van Muylem and Baran1 for
that can monitor disease progression and the response to using tools that so elegantly take us back to these physi-
treatment in diseases other than CF. The only drawback ological roots.
is that a mass spectrometer is required, which limits ap-
plicability to specialized laboratories. —ALLAN L. COATES, MD, CM, B Eng (Elect)
Traditionally, much of the concept of laboratory assis- Division of Respiratory Medicine
tance to medical care stemmed from physical findings in Hospital for Sick Children
the patient and the search for reproducible and objective Department of Paediatrics
means of quantifying these findings. The observation that Faculty of Medicine
patients with obstructive lung disease had limitations of University of Toronto
ventilation and specifically forced expiration was behind Toronto, Ontario, Canada
the development of both spirometry and the maximal
expiratory flow volume curve. Both these tests have REFERENCES
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