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Inglés Profesional II

Inglés Profesional II

Prefix & suffix

Docente: Márquez Espíritu


Horario: Wednesday, 7:30 am – 9:00 am 1|Página

Ing. Civil
Inglés Profesional II

Inglés Profesional II
Inglés Profesional II

Producto Académico N° 01: Foro de discusión

1. What is the difference between a prefix and a suffix?

I think the difference between a Prefix and a Suffix is: Prefix is a

group of letters that comes before of the stating of a root word. Suffix
is a group of letters that is added at the end of a base word.

In addition, it is important to say that prefixes modify the meaning of a


2. Give an example of each one.

2.1. Prefix

a. All civil engineers disagree with the construction systems in

b. In a project, copying a technical file is illegal
c. In a factory, it is impossible to avoid environmental pollution.
d. We should disappear corruption in the field of civil construction.
e. It’s illogical to know only the theory

2.2. Suffix

a. A green building is comfortable

b. The environmental problem is bigger than the economic one

Inglés Profesional II

Inglés Profesional II
Inglés Profesional II

c. With today's technology, a wilderness can become a habitable

d. Every engineering project must have a good argument
e. Inactivity in construction would be a failure.

3. A paragraph with 5 prefixes and 5 suffixes about a problem in civil


In a factory, it is impossible to avoid environmental pollution, but all civil

engineers disagree with the pollution, so we have to copying the methods
that use the best countries to improve the illegal constructions. To this is
illogical considered only pollution; so we should disappear also corruption
in the field of civil construction.

A green building is comfortable, so it would be a good idea to build it as the

environmental problem is bigger than the economic one. The good thing is
that we have the best technology and with this you can become in
habitable place from wilderness and for this project you must have a good
argument and work a lot, because the Inactivity in construction would be a

Inglés Profesional II


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