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- = moorish national republic federal government .» ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ ~ moorish divine and national movement of the world northwest amexem / southwest amexem/ central amexem / adjoining atlantis and americana islands ‘ ~ temple of the moon and sun ~~ the true and de jure natural peoples — heirs of the land m~ affidavit of truth religious and tribal status exemption jpne Hth, 2020 to:whom it may concern sgpod day, happee dey. pray this finds you and yours in the best of serdar tin duklulso wae upalive, peaceful and loving, the total package of documents including attachments are: #1) religious affdoit (+ pages) #2) my moorih american (taba / national) identiicaion(s) page): #9) name declaration, correction, proclamation and publication (autographed and scaled by my government) (2 pages); #4) judicial notice and proclamation (8 pages); #5) universal sovereign appellation and proclamation afflavit (2 pages); #9) treaty of peace and friendship (treaty with the moors) (9 pages) #7) copy of letter From George Washington to muhanmed fbn abdullah sultan of morocco (| page); #8) USPS certified mall receipt "green cards” confiming receipt of attachments #3 and #+to the officials] mentioned (in tribal rights) and more ( page); #9) pictures of forced masksin the past (lovers) page): #10) the holy koran of the moorich holy temple of science (i page) For a total oF thirty (50) pages. i was asked to provide “detailed” reasons why iam exempt Fromwearing a mnask, the Sve (5) foundational reasons are #1) religious; #2) national origin / tribal; #3) constitutional; #44) health; #3) denotation of slavery, #1) religious. iy kel of faith, religious (and national) expression is on display everyday ihave been to work (oreven leave the house). ‘devoutly wear ahead covering, turban tarboosh) as part of my dedication to god Ge. the creator, allah, zahuah, hashem,elohiem, the most high, the one, the universe, ete). iknow all oF these are the same and i honor all the divine prophets that are before me and the —_—_——————————eeeeoeroseO degraded pp nan ere! fea ‘oe nee nr bg ers tn! ek cones currently Ining (enlightened beings). i wore my head covering the interview and even took my id picture with ton. 1 (often) wore a white head covering on saturdays to honor the sabath, as part of isla (he religion of myself and ancestors) iam constantly studying self elf mastery, staying in alignment wth allah and universal laws oF harmony, the mask s in direc violation ofall of these (for reasons liste inthis document and more) and for my conscience sake iam not to wear it. according to Blacks Law Dictonary volume + page 35 defines religious freedom as: * athe right to do, or forbear to do, any act; For conscience sake: religion a “mans relation to divinity, to reverence, worship, obedience i deeply submit and honor the helios bibios (the holy bible), as part of divine instruction(s). there isa verse that speaks directly to this subject. (reference: the message bible) Zeorinthians (qorintiy sheniy) 4:2 swe refuse to wear masks and play games. we don't maneuver ane manipulate bchind the scenes. and we don't twist god word to suit oursehes. rather, we keep everything, we do and say out in the open, the whole truth on clsplay, so that those who want tocan see..." ‘asi dépplay, forall to see, iwould also like to reference information about sishuddha (the throat chakra); the mouth and ears are the connected body parts, blockagesin the chakra (caused by masks) can inhibit honest Communication, expression, cause anxiety, asthma, dizziness, resultin decay, and courdcath 2 Hockage of one chara affects the cher chakras ar us whale body is affected and thrown out of balance, the Following speaks to the religious Tore OF MicriGaN] tsaamie derzona-90 (conid-19)Gune 1, 2020) #16 “consistent with prior guidance, ....n0 individual is subject to penalty under section 9 of this order for engagingin religious worship at a place oF religious worship, or for violating the face covering requirement of section +(b) of this order’ £22) rational origin / tribal rights as originally stated, when wentinto [Concentra ireferenced the cxemption’ hased on tba rights printed and highlishted the exemption for themto reference. they refused to accept the Gevernor Gretchen Whitmer’ printed executive order (2020-99), and / or check my tribal identification {ational id). here isthe question and answer format directly off ofthe website: ISTATE. OF MICHIGAN] Executive Order 2020-110 faq|. *C. Does Executive Order 2020-10 restrict the exercise of tribal treaty *A.No. Executive Order 2020-96 does not restrict actnities by tral members to exercise their federal treaty rights within the boundaries oftheir og antywon foi hem rhe nanan amen ren “eared es, "trp tram andro ar are adept fin & ‘amin “tnbaltertory’; and that, the honorable Donald Trump, and several other [officials] have been notied of my national /tibal status including Gretchen Whitmer inthe attached letter George Washington acknowledges america as part of the moroccan (moorish) dominions (land). this is also proclaimed by our prophet noble drew ali, the washitaw nation, also including the moorish american counsulate ( £5) constitutional rights ISTATE OF MICHIGAN] Executive Order 2020-H10 (covid-19) (june 1, 2020) #15. “Nothing inthis order should be taeen to interfere with or infringe on the powers ofthe legislate and judicial ranches to perform their constitutional duties or exercise their authonty, Simlary, nothing this order shall be taken to abridge protections guaranteed by the state or federal constitution under these emergency circumstances.” the constitution for the United States of America 787 / 19 article Vi = This constitution, and the Laws ofthe Cinted States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; andl treaties made, or which shal be made, under the ‘authority ofthe Lined States, shall be the supreme law ofthe land; and the judges inevery state shall be bound thereby, anything ia the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary not withstanding ball of rights; amendment one congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or Geteocccie” “ lof rights; amendment nine (0) “The enuierationin the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” #4) health mmy research tells me that the masks cause; difficulty breathing, shortness oF breath a lowered immune system; lowered oxygen inthe blood (which opens upahost of diseanes) and most importantly (as it relates to myself) headaches wth a documented history of headaches, this itistkely to exacerbate my condition. according to the headache journal ~ Societas Republicae €a Al Maurikanos ~ Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Aorthwest Amexem / Northwest Airiea / Morth America / "The North Gate’ ‘> ~ Cemple of the Moon and gun ~ o ‘Che True and We Fure Natural Peoples — Heirs of the Land LAM LAWFUL NOTICE! yw - NAME DECLARATION, CORRECTION - « PROCLAMATION AND PUBLICATION 4 Ezu Esse Gchsen~ BE; being a direet descendant of the Ancient Canaanites Moabites, essere my Birthright Claim of Right and of Tite. Standing squarely and duly AVTiemed, do Declare, and Preclaim, upon Divine Law; upon Nature's Law; ypon Universal Law; upon my Moorish Birdhrights; upon Intemational Law; and by Treaty and Constitutional Law; Declare, Proclaim and say: 1 egy, E880 Cbsan = Boy being previously ‘misclssiied and rmisidemifed by persons oF the Union States Steiely, USA = doing business at North America, was falsely - Gesignated under the colorable, Ward-ship name, se Devon @. and do hereby refute the said Misclassifications and Frauds; making it known tothe Public; and Publish my Corrected Free National Name, Attribute and Tite. | Declare and Affiem my tru, “Proper Person Status and Estate” and assertively Reclaim my Rightful Social and Cultural Life of the State. My Declaration, Correction, Proclamation and Publication are in sanguineous and harmonious accord with my Moorish Nation of Northwest Amexem / North America ~ acknowledging my Birtheights. Having Lawully, Dutiflly, and Legally Obianed and Proclaimed my Moorish Nationality and Bimrighs, Name and Til; in harmony with, in association with, and in Accord with Divine Lav the archaic Customs; and the Laws, Rules, and Usages of The Moorish Divine and National Movement"; being Aboriginal and Indigenous, and bound to the North “American Continent by Heritage, by Primogeniture; by Birthright, by Natural Binh; by Freehold; and by Heirship Inberitance My Right of Cam is ‘Declared forthe Publi Record, and Lam returning the European cognomen, brands, and fttious misnomer(s) tack to the Colonial possessor: oftheir onsrut and pees 1am now Rightly and correstively Deslarng, Publishing. and Procliing my own Free National Name; Affirming my Actual, Hight, and Civil “in Full ie” Sat, Conjoined to my Moorkh American Consanguine Peligree and National "Honor. Let it be Deslred,” Known,” Published, and.” Resolved that. I Am Ezu Fise Gibsaa-Be «In Propria Persona” Sui Juris, Sus Heredes, In ‘Solo Proprio (being in my own proper person), by birthright; and by Heirship Inheritance and WITHOUT IMPOSITION OF THE FOREIGN, IMPOSED COLOR-OF-LAW, COLOR OF AUTHORITY, NOR BY ANY ASSUMED OR COLORABLE JURISDICTIONS OR DUE PROCESSES of te foreign Union Suites Society persons dong business at North America /NorhwestAmexer; pursuant, but nt Tinie to: |, FREE MOORISH-AMERICAN ZODIAC CONSTITUTION: (odie Constitution and Binhright ofthe Moorish Americans) - being Ali, Bey, El, Dey and Al, affirmed and supported by Article two (2), Paragraph two (2). 2. _ UNITED STATES REPUBLIC: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: Moorish American Credentials: Copyright AA 222141- TRUTH Al UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT: SUPREME LAW - Acts of Sut “eccr UelStr See the Al nd ut Ne - Dre, ‘igh ls nd ine ete Ld. Paget of2 ALS & ren sas SSE iT ty Gi omiee HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: RESOLUTION NUMBER SEVENTY-FIVE (75) Dated April 17, 1933 A.D. TITLED, *MOORISH-AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA AND THE USE OF THEIR NAMES". 6 UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OP HUMAN RIGHTS - UNITED NATIONS ~ HUMAN RIGHTS [Article Fiteen (13) 7. RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES - UNITED NATIONS: GENERAL ASSEMBLY Part, Article 4, Anite 5 International Law: Moorish ~ Americans, hing the rightfol Heirs and Aboriginal snd Indigenous Natwral Peoples of the Land, have and exercise the divine and natural rights to proclaim our Attributes, Names, Titles and Nationality “Moors / Muurs have and exercise our divine and natural rights to live in feedom, peace and secur istnet People and to full guarantees against genocide or any ats of violence, including the removal of our ratural birthed seed or offspring from our families and communities under any pretext. In addition, Moors have the individual rights to ite, physical and mental integrity liberty and security of person. ‘Moors / Muurs have and exercise the divine and natural rights to revitalize, use, develop and to transmit to ‘our future generations their histories, their langueges, oral traditions, philosophies, writing systems and Titeratures, and to designate and retin their own names for communities, places, and person. States shal take cifective measures, whenever any rights of Moors / Muurs may be threatened, to ensue this right is protected, fand also to ensure that they can understand and be understood in political, legal and administrative ‘proceedings, where necessary through the provision of interpretation or by other appropriate means Wherefore 1, E2y 8 Esse Gsoo oy _ boing Heir wo the Land and “Part and Parcel” named herein, by Birtaight, By Freehold, by Primogeniture, and by Heirship Inheritance, stand ‘with assured competence, and make a Lawful and Legal Entry of Affidavit and Pubic Notification of Nationality Proclamation; Name Correction Claim; Declaration; AfMiemation; and Application ~ Herewith made known and Published for te ‘Public Recor Am: ee PEN lh Moose Al mee Gad SATS pe Tas ie tg ena Na ey pena oe Some af be Hen bho Nn Ren Nut eg ea am enioaaascresto Page 202 IG S Moorish National Republic Federal Gobernment > ~ Gocietas Republicae €a Al Maurikanos ~ x Moorish Bibine and National Movement of the Work Aaxthinest Sexe / Porthioest Wtriea / Porth Ameria / "The Hoth Gate’ ‘& ~ Temple of the soon and Sun ~ > ‘The Tene and Be FJure Natural Peoples — Heirs of the Land oT LSLAM~ oe » - Judicial Wotice and Proclamation - ~ Fo All Elected, all non-clected and to all appointed United States Republic Officials, Public Servants, and Officers of Trust, ete., doing business as, of, and for the Federal, Stat City, and Municipal Governments; including their Persounel, their Contractors, and theit ‘other associate Corporate Entities doing business at North America; and to all“ Interlopers’ or Contractors, etc.: Concerning their Fiduciary Obligations, their Official Oaths, and their Duties enumerated in the American Constitution, adopted for governance of ‘The United States Republic; all Binding Treaties; the Established Law of the Land: Statutory and Civil Law Codes of the Land, ete, Know All Men by These Publications and Presents: ‘Upon my Heirship, inherited Nobility, and upon my Private Aboriginal / Indigenous, Proper Person Status and Commercial Liability, b_Ezu_E: being duly Affirmed under Consanguine Unity, pledge my National, Politi Allegiance to my Moabite / Moorish Nation - being the archaic Aboriginals / Ing (the Americas); standing squacely afiemed upon my Oath tothe ‘Five Points of Light = Lave, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice; do squarely Affirm to tel the truth the whole truth, and nothing but the truth: and having knowledge and firmly ~ established belief upon the historical, lawful, and adjudicated Facts contained herein. Being competent in Mfy Own Proper Person) Attest to this ‘Affidavit upon which I place my Signature; Whereas, I State, Proclaim, and Declare the following to be tue, correct, certain, complete, not misleading, supreme, and not intended tobe presented for any misrepresented, “colored” or improper use or purpose to wit Swat, Ezy Esse Gilosga fir Am a Noble of the AL Moroecen Empire (North America) In Propria Pefsona (my own proper self: being Moorish ‘American ~an Heir and Descendant ofthe Ancient Moabites / Moors, by Birthright, by Frechold, by Primogeniture and by Inheritance; being Aboriginal and Indigenous to the Land(s) (Amexem Americas) Teritorium Heredtaments of my Ancient Moabite / Moorish Fore-Mothers and Fore Pathers = to wit: ‘The AY Moroccan (American) Continents - are the Lands ofthe Moors: being Norh Arete, South Amerza Cental Americ; inching th adjoining Islands (Americana /Ameru/ Al Morac). haves acknontdge clam and I possess, byte a Inbrtanoe and Primogeniture, the Peco Sus there all Unaiomble and Substantive Right Be, to Enjoy, and to Act dine! in my ‘Rvorgnal Tradions, Casions and. Cute, and determining. my own politcal, soci, and coors ofthe Stat Lam tering my ear, my alleance, and my min back omy Ancent Mathers and Falters» Moors / Murs, with cognate honor, and by Divine and Natural Right. Being Moosth Amerian ho dre Hei end Descendant ofthe Ancient Me, we have and posses the Divine ond imernatonally recognize Rights o oar Hereditamens and Resourses; and provi the ight to determine our own soe, economic nd politea fe and Stats ofthe Sat and in igh Hos and betes a oe Land Page 1 of 8 S & harmony with “International Law’; and with such “Rights of Claim being absent of foreign — law threats, coercion, or acquiescence to a Color-of-Law, a Color-of-Office, nor to be subjected by any ‘occupying foreign persons to any imposed frauds, ‘nom — de guerre’ or Color-of- Authority Moors | Moorish Americans / Mlaurs Have, Proslaim and Possess the Unalienable Rights, Substantive Rights, and Binhright - Inheritance to our ancient pedigree traditions and Customs, and the Right of Claim to our AI Morocean Atwibutes, Names, and Nationality, substantiated by. and supported by, Natue’s Laws, by Divine Law, by Primogeniture, and by the recognized Laws of the [Nations of the Earth (international) Being the true, Ancient, Aboriginal /Indigenes and Heirs of the Land (Amexem: / America) ~“The North Gate, being the geographical hear-land (Maghrib) ofthe ‘Moroccan Empire, Moors / Murs are the “De jure’ and rightful Freeholders by Bihright, by Inheritance and by Primogeniture Situs; and have by those Inherited Rights, Descendible Claims Note toall Comers, that we (Heirs of the Land) Possess the Secured Rights to Travel pon the Lands of our Ancient Fore-Mothers and fore-Fathers; upon the Publie Roadways, upon the Byways and ‘upon the Highways of our Continental United States relating fo che Organ Land) and absent ofthe ‘genocidal, fraud ~ based extortion tributes, and Human Trafficking imposed by foreign “colored” Inquisitonsts, or by their comporation - imposed excise taxation constructs, invented by the racketeering, anti-consttutiona, foreign States’ Legislators, constructed under cofor and styled to bridge and to steal Substantive Rights belonging tothe Natural Peoples. These Substantive Rights ‘are supported by, and asserted by, Royal Law; Moorish Law; Moslem / Muslim Law; The Law of the Great Peace; The Laws of Nature; Divine Law; Nature’s God; The Laws of Nations, The Free Moorish Great Seal Zodiae Constitution; Stare Decisis; Res Judicata; and bindingly Affirmed by Articles IIL IV and VI of the American Constitution Covenant of 1774 » 1781 A.D, and Treaty 1200 <1 M.C., as lawfully adopted for The United States Republi, establishing its Republican Form of Government. The said American Constitution established the Peoples” ‘Supreme Law of the Land’ standing upon the principles of moral government to secure the Rights ofthe People, nd to Keep limited Government operatives bound and in check by Official Oath, and by Official Bond. Let it be Known that: “Down ffom the Ancients Ones, fou Primogenliors) came the Allodial Isonomi Principles which established the Supreme Law ofthe Land!” Egypt, (Hikuptah) is “The Capital Empire of the Dominion of Africa’. The Inhabitants of Africa are the Descendants of the Ancient Cansanites fom the Land of Canaan. The Mosbites, from the [Land of Moab, who received permission fiom the Pharaohs of Egypt to settle and inhabit North ‘West Africa: they were the founders and are the true possessrs ofthe present Moroccan Empire, “This includes Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Mauritania, andthe Americas, with their Canaanite, itite and Amorte brethren who sojourned from the Land of Canaan seeking new homes. Their Dominion and Tnhabitation extended from North-East and South-West Africa, asross the great Alani, even unto the present North America, South America and Central Ameriea; and also Mexico and the ‘Atlantis Islands (American) before the great earthquake, which caused the great Atlantic Ocean, Tre ‘Great Seal Pyramid’ is the “National Emblem and Insignia’ of The Moorish Nation / Empire of North America (geographical location). The Great Pyramid (equilateral) is also the ‘archaic symbol for Civilization on te planet Earth. The honorable Moors’ acknowledgement of our “Great Seal” indicates those Heirs who own up to, who support, and who proclaim, our “Free National Government’. Moors who are ‘Active’ and NOT “Passive” in the Social, Civilization, Culture and Custom matters, involving Law, Order and Governmental Principles, are hereby fentreated to support this Affirmation, Moors / Muurs who strive towant this end, with honor, are Sntrusted by Noble Drew Ali to help in the great humanitarian work of uplifting ourselves, our fellow-man, and humanity at large. We, the conscious Heir, seek, tall times, to be cognizant ofthe Civilization works, instructions, and progressive acts necessary to teach, to preserve and to defend the Nationality and Birthrights of All Moorish Americans (A Moroceans), el Five Noble Moors | Murs (Heirs Apparent) ate the Natural Members / Citizens of the Ancient |Al Moroccan Empire (North America / “The North Gate’) and ate by civic and social duty, “Thar sn Tlie eed Devas Hordes Cenc or al a amine Maocon nie “toatl Ue Sesotho aod Su Nen Dont, Non aiden, Now Sues Big he i son labret Ld Page 2 of 8 ISK gS & bound to recognize and to support out “Great Seal" Sovereign Moorish National Federal Goverame and consanguine Nation of the Natural People. In our relation with others, we command the enforcement of out AI Moroccan Constitution. Thus, such organized communications and Orders are referred to as “The Great Seal National Association of Moorish Affairs”, The Free Moorish Nation = inclusive ofall the Aboriginal / Indigene Tribes and Provinces of the Natural People, ec. are the rightful bearers of the Attcbutes, Names and Noble Titles, Al, El, Bey, Dey, and ALL The Free Moors / Muurs, by Freehold Inheritance, retain all Substantive Rights and Immunities; enjoy the ‘exorising of all Substantive Rights, and operate upon consummated, Right-Law, Isonomi ~ Principles; having pre-existing, vested Constitution and Treaty - secured Rights and Immunities from foreign — corporate TAXATION, and from foreign, Criminal and Civil Jurisdiction by, and of, the colonial Union States Rights Republic USA, (private corporation and persons) pursuant to, but ‘ot limited to, Divine Right; the United States Republic Supreme Court International Law; and the Acts of State 0 wit “Every Sovereign State (People) is bound to respect the independence of every other Sovereign ‘State (People) and the courts of one country (People) will not sit in judgment an the acts of the ‘governnient of another, done within (the same or its own territory. The present Union States Municipal and Civil Laws and Codes imposed upon the Land are a private ~ law, “incorporated unit of self-government’ established by the political powers of the "General Assembly" of each State of the Union; limited and bound by Article IV, and initiated at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, North America, in the year Bighteen fiy-four (1854). It governs SONLY" the rights and conduct of the alleged “WHITE PEOPLE”, Christians and Jews, of the Fighteen sixy-three (1863) Union States Rights Republic, under the Magna Charta (The Great (Charen), the Knights of Columbus Code, and the Ku Klux Klan Oath, Forever, the stid “Union ‘States Rights Republic’ denies citizenship in the United States Republic (US.4.) to the Heir ‘descendants of the Moorish Nation inthe Wester Hemisphere, who have been erroneously referred 1, “branded as’ and mislabeled as, Negroes, Blacks, Coloreds. and African Americans, Latinos, et. ‘ele In addition, the Supreme Court of the United States (in the landmark case) of “Dred Scot ¥ Sandford” 60 US (19 Howard) 393 (1857) held that Negroes—whether held to slavery or fee were not inchaded and were not intended to be included in the ‘eteyory’ of ‘citizen’ (subjects) of the Union States Rights Republic. Resultanty, the True Indigene Nobles of the Al Moroccan Empire (Free Moors), bearers of the Attributes / Names / Noble Titles, Ali, El, Bey, Dey and Al, are ‘excluded from the Union States Rights Republic (S.A, jurisdiction. The True Nobles of the Al Moroccan Empire are Sovereign, Private, and Self-Govemed, by ‘Right-Law’ Principles and customs; and ONLY Obligated (0 the “Free Moorish Zodiac Constitution’ - Cirle 7 - archaically Cstablished by our Ancient Fore-Mothers and Fore-Fathers. Such extended allegiance and “Obligation” ineludes “The Great Seal” and the High Principles and Standards, embodied in the Moorish National Flag Sandard) - Love, Teuth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. ‘The True AL Moroccan Noble Indigenes ofthe Land maintain a Constitutional and lawful, NON-OBLIGATORY tax ‘Status’ and position, relaive to all “FOREIGN ENTITY TAXATION’ (indigenes Not Taxed) and mainiain a NON- OBLIGATORY respect for the Union States Rights Republic (US.4). its members, its laws; its ordinances; its codes; it customs and its traditions, pursuant to: The Free Moorish American Zodiae Constitution - Articles IV and Vi; The Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between the United States and Morocco -Seventeen Eighty-Seven (1786 ~ 87) - superseded by the ‘Treaty of Eighteen Thiny-Six (/836): Resolution 75: Journals of The House of Representatives, adopted forthe United States - April 17,1933 A. D,- Moorish American Society of Philadelphia and the Use of Their Names. ReafTirmations have been made via The United Nations “Declaration of ‘the Rights of the Child” General Assembly Resolution 1386 (XIV), Id U.N. GAOR Supp. (No, 16) fa 19, UN. Document A/4354 (1959), The United Nations “Universal Declarations om Human Rights” Anicle XV, General Assembly Resolution 217 A (IID of 10, December 1948 A.D; “Executive Order 13107"-United States Republi, North America “The implementation of Human Rights Treaties; The Nationel Constitution forthe Continental United States, Article Ill, Section 2, ‘AmencinentV ~ Liberty Clause; Amendment IX—Reservation of the Rights of the People; The “Deng el Fg Popit awa rtm rn) Ne cal ace Gas Noam Go "Cot Used Ste See te Ase an Sur Non = Domes Ne” Re Nor Sih Bee tenia Hees en irs ea Page 3 of 8 . : United States Department of Justice Moorish Credentials; Free Moorish Zodiac Constitution, Truth cI Classified; The United States Copyright Certificate Number AA222I41 Clock of Destiny: The “Moorish Nationality and Identification Card; Moorish Holy Temple of Science / Moorish Science ‘Temple of America Identfieation Cards, et. Furthermore, | Assert My full Birthrighs- Sovereignty and Substantive Rights and my Right of Cla to all Hereditaments- Being a Sundry Free Moor / Muur and a Natural Being) distinguished fiom all and any spurious constructs, eeaied by the foreigners, or by their agencies, pursuant to: Moubite / Moorish Pedigree; The Free Moorish Zodiac Constitution; The Great Seal ofthe Moorish ‘Nation (Ab Antiguo); The Treaty of Peace and Friendship — 1786 -87 / 1836; The Sundry Free ‘Moors Act of 1790: The 1781 Organic United States Constvation: The Moorish Federal Financiers ‘Act (Union States Army: 1861 -1863); The 1854 Roman Catholic Magna Chart; the Knights of ‘Columbus Code; The Ku Klux Klan Oath; The United Nations Chater, Arce 55(c) The Rights of Indigenous People: Part I, Articles 1, 2, 3,4, $; Part Il, Aticle 6; The United States Supreme Court ~ “Acts of State’; The foreign Sovereign Immunities Act 28 USC 160; et Sequa, The Convention on Invemational Road Traffic -Day 19, September 1949, The World Court Decision, The Hague, ‘Netherlands - Day 21, January 1958 A.D = 1378 MC. In reference to the Rights of the Natural Peoples and of their Substantive Rights, et, the following are pertinent and established Supreme Court Decisions, (Stare Deciss and Res Juiara) to wit: 1, The Right to Travel; The Right to Mode of Conveyance; The Right to Locomotion are all [Absolute Rights andthe Poli ean not make void the exercise of Rghs. State v. Armstead, 60 778,779, and 781: 2, The use of the highways for the purpose of travel and transportation isnot a mere privilege, but a common and Fundamental Right of which the public and Natural Beings cannot be deprived, Chicago Motor Coach v. Chicago 337 Iincis 200, 169 NE 22, ALR, Ligare v. Chicago 139 ILL, {46,28 HE 934, Boone v, Clark 214 SW 607, 25 AM jur (Ist), Highways, see. 163: 3. The Right to Park or Travel is part ofthe Liberty of which the Natural Person, citizen cannot be deprived without “due process of law” under the Sth Amendment of the United States Constitution, Kent v. Dulles 387 US 116, 125: 4. The Right ofa etizen to Travel upon the public highways and fo transport one"s property thereon, either by cariage or automobile, is not a mere privilege, which a City may prohibit or permit at wil, but a common Right, which be / she has under the Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, Thompson v. Smith 154 SE S79: 4, State Police Power extends only to immediate threats to public safety, heath, welfare, et, Michigan y. Duke 266 US, 476 Led. At 449: which driving and speeding are not. California v. Farley Ced. Rpt 89, 20 CASrd 1032 (1971 6. The sai is prohibited from violating Substantive Righs. Owens v. City, 448 US 662 (1980), and it ean not do by one power (eg, Police Power) that which i, for example, prohibited expressly to any other such power (eg. Taxation / Eminent Domain) asa matter of Law. US and UT v. Daniels, 22 p 159, nor indirectly that which is prohibited to it directly. Fairbanks v. US 181, US 283, 294, 300: 11. Traveling in an automobile onthe public roads was nota threat tothe publi safety or heath ‘and constituted no hazard to the pubic, and such traveler owed no other duty othe public (ex the State) he / she and his / her auto, having equal right to and on the roadways / highways as horses land wagons, et this same right is still Substantive Rule, in that speeding. running stop signs traveling without license plates, or registration, are not threats to the pubic safety, and thus, ae not ttresiale offenses Christy ve Elliot, 216 [131,74 HE 1038, LRA NS 1905—1910: California v, Farley 98 CED Rpt. $9, 20 CA 3¢ 1032 (1971). 8. Under the United States Republic's Constitutional system of Government and upon “ara ad als Dees Ds ors Geen erika! Hor ina Oe Moos Cape noma Und Serene oe tn SN - Domes Noa Rese, Non-Suajt~Bing e ‘ip ie and irr ote ad. Page 4 of 8 INO Ss & the individuality and intelligence of the citizen, the tate does not claim to contol one’s conduct to others, leaving one the sole judge as to all that affects oneself. Mugler v. Kansas 1213 US 623, 6590: 9. Where Rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can he no rule ~ making oF legislation, which would abrogate them. Miranda v, Arizona 386 US 436, 128: 10, The claim and exercise of Constitutional Rights cannot be converted into a crime. Miller v. Kansas 230 F 2nd 486, 489: 11, For a crime to exist, there must be an injured party (Corpus Delit). There can be no sanction of penalty imposed on one because of this Constitutional Right. Sherer v. Cullen 481 F. 12, Frany Tribunal (court) finds absence of proof of jurisdiction over a person and subject matter, the cave must be dismissed. Louisville v. Motley 2111 US 149, 29S. CT 42. “The Accuser Bears the Burden of Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt’ 13, “Back of Federal Jursdietion can not be waived or overcome by agreement of parties” Griffin v, Matthews, 310 F Supra 341, 32 (1969): and “Want of Jurslction may not be cured by ‘consent of parties" Industrial Addition Association ¥. C.LR..323 US 310,313. ‘Whereas, n light of the foregoing Jurisprudence ‘Stare Decisis’ and ‘Res Judiata affirmed and moorish divine and national movenent of the earth — northwest amexem / south amexem / central amexem / north gate all ajotning islands ive natural people ~ heirs ta the amd > istam, universal sovereign appellation and proclamation affidavit april 13th, 2020, i, tig devon gibson in capitis diminaio no, in propia persona su juris, n proprio solo and io ‘proprio heredes, being daly aimed, standing sqanely, declare, and proclaim, pon divine law; nature's Tow; universal law moorish brthnghs;niemational law, and cnstitsional aw; declare and stat: rie devon gibson, in capitis nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo and in proprio horedes, being previously unlawflly identified by the [Union States Socity Of North Ameriea ~ US.A.] tuner te eolorable warship name of [Eve Devon Gibson}, and the [CORPORATE NOM DE GUERRE. WAR NAME of ERIC DEVON GIBSON}, or [GIBSON, FRIC D}, do hereby rebut the nud and pro- claim my true sovercignslaas: i declare and ali my’ tue stats and that i eric devon gibson, arn Alive and in propia persona su juts, in proprio solo ad in proprio hereds; and i proclaim may rightful life and my sovereign moor american nation, in accord with my maorsh nation of northwest armexer north america, exercising all of my birthrighs having lawfully consented to and proclaimed my moorish ‘american aaionality and binhrght appellation and noble living te, in harmony and in accord with di- ‘ine law, tho universal sovereign customs and the laws, rules, and usages of the moorich divine and ne- tional movement; being orignal and indigenous, and part and pact ofthe north american land by blood line, by primogentur, by birthright, by naturel birth, by universal divine law and by inheriancs. 1 hereby proclaim forthe record, 1 have returned the presumed [FOREIGN, Foreign CORPORATION /Corporation ‘Cognomia] ad fcuious misnomer back: 0 the colonial possessrs of is pedigree am now rightly ‘declaring, publishing, and proclaiming my’ own ee national status, appellation and estat: affirming my ‘etna, rill, and Sovereign status as decedensspirtum returned ale”, my moorsh american consan= ‘Bn blod line and national and universal honor Iti be declare, known, published, and resolved that fm eric devon gibson, in capitis nolo, in propria persona su uns. in proprio solo and n proprio heredes by birtanght and inheritance without the [United States, the UNITED STATES}, nor the foreign, imposed olor of la, oF assumed de process ofthe (Union Stas Society all laws made by the state to the con- trary ofthe constitution and its treaties are not withstanding. the supreme laws ofthe land are the gov- tering principals om ct land to include but nt limited |, fice moorsh american zadie constitution: (dine eoatttion and binthrights ofthe moorish american) being al, bev, ode, and al), article two (2) paragraph two (2), united states tetris; department of justice: moorsh american eredenils: 4222141 trah al 5, ited states supreme court: supreme law ats of sta 44 nited states consitution: ancl i), setion two (2), amendment v (5) (liberty clause) and ‘aendient i (0) (oservation ofthe rights ofthe people). 5. universal declaration of human rights; united nations human right 5 (atiele fifteen (15). 5 rights oF indigenous peoples; united nations general assembly- part I, aril 4 ‘ooth nana! epubte fedora governert andthe morsh american consulate nang ocaten cao of 100s cas ake eas ‘ear MEEGO HAREOR] michigan wiry en, new Seu vate-seai08 page tof a ly u > Ea 8 ‘moorish national rept ic federal government societas republicae ea al mawrikanos ~ > ‘mootisy divine and national movement of the earth northwest amexem / south amexem / central amexem / north gate all adjoining istands the true and de jure natucal people islam, > heirs tote Land wherefore ere devon gibson. being ‘part and parcel” named herein, and by birthright, rimo- ‘genitur, and inberitanes, make law full command of affidavit and public notifeation of naionality Proclamation; appellation aaifieation command; declaration, affiemation, and application; hrewith pub- lished for the public record “ lam: 2g ane seine eau esse gibson beg erie devon gibson il ie, in cops on,on ing. sop mmsh god genie, foe and sroign mesh Junnn rp sli propo edn 0 jana prop npr herfe na ‘Mra eng meta ses tre a Aang. mcs seven oo! an octamer wee ame coterie a mas rane md all rights exercised at all points in time all rights exercised at all points in time es and sercgn modish americas national, persona iar in propio sol, an foprio eres amexcm/ortiwen alice america ts exgresed a al points in tine, fre an sovereign moor america onl ais erona i jrinin proprio sl, and in propio redox sheet smexenvtonhves afcanrth america flights exereaed at al pola ie. ‘moots nations pu odo govarumant andthe menrch american conte ‘mating ocaton cae ! 160s eas ate oud nts et REEGO HARBOR] michcan tion “er0935 390 page ao!2 © THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ° MGTODUPLICATION SERVICE PHOTODUPLICATION SERVICE 22-0736 (Vor) 302-707-1771 (Fa) Poxoduplication@loe gov (EARL) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the collections of the Library of Congress contain a publication entitled THE PUBLIC STATUTES AT LARGE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, volume 8, and that the attached photocopies = the ttle page, the verso of the title page, and pages 100 through 105 ~ are a true representation from that work. THIS IS TO CERTIFY FURTHER, that the work is marked with a Library of Congress stamp that bears the date September 26, 1990. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the seal of the Library of Congress is affixed hereto on November 8, 2007. Acting Chigt Library of Congress Photoduplication Service pd Public Statutes at Large Crd UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Oo ee Se CEU ee POE ee Ca eRe ee Ge UCSC ECO e COPIOUS NOTES OF THE DECISIONS CURT Cmu mu Ae Uses uta) Coe ee ee ers Se SER AR a een Ra Ce eed eae crea et aeed RICHARD PETERS, ESQ, Cran sti BOSTON: LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY. Entered according to eet of Congress, in the year 1846, by Cocenrerer arenes ert et ee ed eet eee DU TU Dae STU CP er ee beg Between the United States of America, and His Imperias ‘Majesty the Emperor of Morocco. (a) ee oa etree ny eee aN Rae Nae TT peer per ath rate eee EC Fair eine eee ea er Pee nee eter ea erent a aos eee Peer Oe a eR RY Majent?'the Emperor of Morocca, concerning a treaty of amity and Ferien cnd om Steeraan TS ineneen rer ie Minton perenne rer NEN on Eisnreemernirerieenin a ete ors ear are Paper tetera erent PR hat ae a ealcad Penge weenie on ee ed Deena teenie Bae Per pena eee eet ee ear Par tepe eemeien rere eter Reece r ten ses tt faid, Ministers: And whereas we, the suid John Adana and ‘Thi mene eet heel ee ere Fert MSR Rr aeit reg TS Tes samy een A ret gE Cet tars en eee a aerate bates ee ageeepererte Meee ei Mere LY een eeemen eee LTT bestest eek eerie Cea MU Freie erm ers OCI nc aed commerce between the United States of America, and his See aera ene eC TENN CY Ua Pree nipeer ton ta tar ReneS on ene T Pe en ee anette nea United Sates of A Lorene mn ees) ‘This is a Treaty of Peace and Friendship established between us tnd the United States of America, which is confirmed, and which we have ordered to be written in this book, and sealed with our royal seal, Pere cs cece Ce tee Ronn Stacy CRO UM CCC Ce Remick enna Pesca es We declare that both partios have agreed that this treaty, eonsiting CL ere ae ee BUG eon ee ne cn Eats: ote aa i Pere Sarre Te Pe eee ee Corr eenes arene a EP et iran i eben ae 3 vin Pe “4 hee PU Con ea If either of the partes shall beat war with any nation whatever, the Prana nae their colours Pen onn ig Ifcither of the parties shall be at war with any nation whatever, and take a prize belonging to that nation, and there shall be found on board Subjects or effects belonging to either of the parties, the subjects shall freee ne oe tC aoe nag Perrier nr keen ae Lee tere Mn eea eee oo Pte a al aires PUB Ag 1 or pass shall be given {0 all vessels belonging to both pasties, eg erred ante ere ec ee RA Me ere ean a ecg ree Mra ee ner Rena Penni coer ea eter Pearcy eer eons Pe Seren eerie ine ne ee roe ead ber agan ee ene LARC Reed eae Precast Seca ere ad pee eres ea Pe ee er hE ta oad a Bajety, the AeeRe er nT Rd ptriec ee peat ne rrr NE tai a pienso ene a Sone eC ga Osan eee ea pees Prcatecays 1f any vesel of either party shall put into a port of the other, and Peace te ec Rok oa erg Seat Pram pan eee rt co a een en ini ne aa St aioe vei ete PONS Pee Uno en al PaePaben ee nen ene eR Ra tale pi Re Re 101 Lane Potts Py pati Pera eater ent Piro Lemar aiyors poet Ee Cena) US eanine, pier Peet Pers ry Peer) Pa ay Eo aol conned rts ren pene eee Corie Pieris oer Pero Poi pater CSUR UL BO SCCM ee te ea Lee Era mr nina ge ern greene paneer eer ere ae een eSpace keen ae a pee pe oa ane Pee etn ere Peon rer re cum ore np eve tit cea mcee erence sie rs ey peer ener ater eet PE tt re Ait cet Fiepesnrng eres eae Tn ere ie eco trae ESAs oon eer as i PVA bed f we shall be at war with any Christian power, and any of our vessels ail from the ports of the United States, no vessel belonging to the enemy, shall fllow until twenty-four hours afler the departure of oar veascle; and the same regulation shall be obserred towards the Ameri- can vestls sing from our ports, be their enemies Moors or Chi Puna It any ship of war belonging to the United States shall put into any of our ports, she shall not be examined on any pretence whatever, evet though she should have fugitive slaves on board, nor shall the governor ‘or commander of the place compel them to be Brought ou shore on any Po eae oe Rencenest rete ee etree POS a cb riac Beet stead ENC Ab aa ‘The commerce with the United States shall be oa the same footing is the commerce with Spain, or as that with the mott favoured nation for the time being; and their citizens shall be respected and esteemed, 1d have full liberty to pass and repass our country and seaports when een ome erento can B a Morchaots ofboth countries shall employ only such interpreters, and Pye seroceerpee str tu Se eon a Pana reer anes re em ae an PSone cea ene rera rene Sma een Sree hiner ie rr eek ear Pe ee eo sire erred cents EU On oD a7 In case of war between the parties, the prisoners are not to be Ce a tees one en ae en Ce Sonn etre ie ene | prove a deficiency on either side, it shall be made up by the payment Cr Berean oR ats erence Ve A ‘agreed that all prisoners shall be exchanged in twelve months from the time of their being taken, and that this exchange may be effected by Poe etary Sommer SUS a Zura Oem ca PVA as Merchants shall not bo compelled to buy ot all any kindof goods Peer en nme caer crn Ei sera ee rere teem PU cus asia Neen et ee rece ne eee Perey cn geen errno wards be made, unless it shall frat be proved that contraband goods hereon en iene airmen tiga ttaband goods on board tall be ponabedactordng to the sage and pee sperma eer serena Bees ne tet ree ceeene en nee ne ec TUL aonb ted aCe Eee gon cbliged to take on board any aticles without the consent of the com Roce et ae Ren a PV unb ed If any of the citizens of the United States, or any persons under their protection, shall have any disputes with each other, the consul shall Becide between the parties, and whenerer the consul shall require any rpererey nner tn tenes ee nL Serio ARTICLE XXI. Peer eh er ee the contrary, if a Moor shall kill or wound a citizen of the United States, the few of the eountry shall take place, and equal justice shall ree em ence a ERE ke Reel errr rena prema er ARTICLE XXIL Pere Parepoannririe cnr r rn nen Rinepeeniterr Sern tg te Poe eemniniren meen En cat pice amerrii renee eT aad ean eer rarer eS En Hacprepeebne nineteen Sy Bec tiy seein tn PCs bec eT eyo nts Peer nt er nd Leite ae Tec ne Po Hore eee pee Cen gr re Kae Herren ener mere etn NES ADU ag Hear iN NTE er Rd Pemeree ter eee ce Eee en een SSL Sd rey Moan Baas Pay Peay How dayne Fert How eimes Pci Ci Peer Baer) Piercy Patra Cre Car POS m UO Cece Lc ARTICLE XXIV. Regulations in If any differences shall erice by cither party infiinging on any of the sola Crete ern nett in the fullest foree, until a friendly application sball be made for a arrangement, and uatil that application shall be rejected, no appeal shall be made to arms, And if a war shall break out bet rine months shall be granted to all the subjects of bot Dove of theit effects and retire with their property. And it is fart Pine ane eran ea ea ae ae (granted to any of the Christian Powers, the citizens of the United Staves Eeiperrninecrcrnic) PU WUC Ab tag is treaty shall continue in fall foreo, with the help of God, for Sty See seo ‘Barelay, on the fist day of the blessed month of Ramadan, in the year one thousand two hundred, ce ee nee og Fane er tenes terete ats cee ‘oreen the Emperor of Meroeco and the United States of America, OCR Utara ADDITIONAL ARTICLE. Cee Ke pRierec eer eM oe Se ewe Pe on OCC Pa er Pe ee oT United States of America, has ordered mo, tho better to compleat it, and in addition of the tenth article of tho treaty, to declare, ‘Phat if any vessel belonging to the United States, shall be in any of the ports irae Sennen rnc neha Tien Ree arr eee ed Citizens of America our good friends.” “And, in obedience to his Majesty's commands, I certify this det Peters re See eos ere PNET Cn iC ‘The eervant of the King, my master, whom God preserve, PV Ae IELE en ee ee eee Emme a cones nk roa Teena eT mado and signed by Sidi Hage ‘Taher Fennish, in oy treaty between the Emperor of Mo re eee en ees ea ea y cen eee FO CR Ute Pree ere nen eerie * Poti Py U mT eLTeLOCuce ms Lom LO en eC Rca son, Ministers Plenipotentiary aforesaid, do approve and conclude the said treaty, and every article and clause therein contained, reserving Pena a nie eee eerie sed rere ety In testimony whereof, we hare signed the same with ovr names and Pariser Meese gees rarer ete i oe cesar eerste set Rete (ue) BA rE a BYOB aaa oa) oe Cree raed AN Ni a oy "4 1 From Documents of American History. LETTER FROM GEORGE WASHINGTON TO MUHAMMED IBN ABDULLAH—SULTAN OF Morocco —City of New York December 1, 1789 GREAT AND MAGNANIMOUS FRIEND, Since the date of the letter which the late Congress, by their President, ad- dressed to your Imperial Majesty, The United States of America have thought proper to change their government and institute a new one, agreeable to the Constitution, of which I have the honor, herewith, to enclose a copy. The time necessarily employed in the arduous task, and the disarrangements occasioned by so great though peaceable a revolution, will apologize, and account for your Majesty's not having received those regularly advised marks of attention from the United States which the friendship and magnanimity of your conduct toward them afforded reason to expect. ‘The United States, having unanimously appointed me to supreme executive authority in this Nation. Your Majesty's letter of August 17, 1788, which by rea- son of the dissolution of the late-government, remained unanswered, has been delivered to me. I have also received the letters which Your Imperial Majesty has been so kind as to write, in favor of the United States, to the Bashaws of Tunis and Tripoli, and I present to you the sincere acknowledgements and thanks of the United States for this important mark of your friendship for them. We greatly regret the hostile disposition of those regencies toward this na- tion, who have never injured them, is not to be removed, on terms of our power to comply with. Within our territories there are no mines, wither of gold or sil- ver, and this young nation just recovering from the waste and dissolution of a long war, have not, as yet, had time to acquire riches by agriculture and com- merce. But our soil is bountiful, and our people industrious, and we have reason to flatter ourselves that we shall gradually become useful to our friends. ‘The encouragement which Your Majesty has been pleased, generously, to give to our commerce with your dominions, the punctuality with which you have caused the Treaty with us to be observed, and the just and generous measures taken in the case of Captain Proctor, make a deep impression on the United States and confirm their respect for and attachment to Your Imperial Majesty. It gives me great pleasure to have the opportunity of assuring Your Majesty that, while I remain at the head of this nation, I shall not cease to promote every measure that may conduce to the friendship and harmony which so happily sub- sist between your Empire and them, and shall esteem myself happy in every oc- casion of convincing Your Majesty of the high sense (which in common with the whole nation) 1 entertain the magnanimity, wisdom and benevolence of Your Majesty. May the Almighty bless Your Imperial Majesty, our Great and Magnanimous friend, with His constant guidance and protection. GEORGE WASHINGTON 2, and 3. eS Somplete items 1,2, and 3 ure ad aden onthe vere 1, dese Brat, enya ranean eae onthe rove a ee aerte i DD Addressee ‘80 that we can return the card to you. Cotkdtae an ram te card 0 you |& Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, [= a Fined are) G. Dateot Dewey Attach this card to the back of the maliplece, Sr onthe font space permits SEP2 4 _Sronte tom space pemis. T, Mates Adcressed | Pp ie 1D. Is Galivery address dtfrent from tem 1? C] Yes Tree naeet Ih n P, Bare) || Riek eherdamey sscebaowe” No F Un2ed Stans Atroraey fo 950 F [Weshunyren, OC. 20650 | Pe "y i a eo ‘iu MT 19590 9402 4459 8248 8662 71 Fr PESO S02 448 B04H BOSSE. eee eccaomy Saree tee” 701? eb20 OOOO 4e08 BeOS 4 sia nT nae concn “a? 2be - a i | “WoO8 6199 ‘rm S811, July 2018 PSN 7820-02-000-5058, % Signate conn tae 2 83 are wT aMaaniectoye aman —[emmomer = One a a a mk 1 Paty rane cats onto re a ae |) Raasens nation emote cas [See retary of 3 Us NU eet ate Bp LN le hea Ba or] 9600 9100 sD e248 266288 |sesamemesey Rc TMM LT Tatar sence BE |B geen ey anon Dobe S Spm 9590 9402 4459 8248 8663 01 h20 O000 408 ba7s 9 suey qa ee Doresio Raum Recebt | "2(} t 1 Print your name and address on the reverse 0 that we ean ratumn the card to you. 1 Attach this card to the back ofthe malipece, __of onthe font if space permis. of Gaver” Print your name and acres on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. 1 Atach this card tothe back of the malipioce, 27130 Teles, a Po rd fase 2234 ii i = Sa i = 2 — Sanaa leteeggee coer Gee”, S600 9402 uso ea ren 2 & Se ee “Tila Nrsher Timelac is aanine Tamale Ie 6 Form 3811, July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-8053 ao ‘Domestic Return Receipt >o1b 2710 O000 o4@3 23025 'BS Form GBT. duly 2016 PSN 7560-02-000-0058 Trump shares tweet that argues face masks represent ‘silence, slavery, and social death’ nunun DIDO : 6 WEY 9B6T [ULE Jo uononporday Pep eid omy SGemry'"poD qi Wy Jo SPR om Ke, VaHaO’d TION SHI Ag CTUVaTNA ATENIAIA (yn \e) moorish national republic federal government .» ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~~ ,, moorish divine and national movement of the world northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and americana islands ‘> ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ > the true and de jure natural peoples — heirs of the land affidavit of fact: alleged face mask exemption “denial” rebuttal jpne 26th, 2020 test nay concer .gpod day. pray allis well with you and yours. this isa rebuttal to the statements, placed inthe letter of june 23, 2020 I timothy (tinotheus rishon) 548 states: (Cepher bible) forthe scripture says, “you shall not muzzle the ox that treads out the sgyain® and “the labourer is worthy of his reward! respectfully there was no “request” fora face mask exemption. a per my previous affidavit, exemption(s) were created by the State of Michigan mandates and Federal laws. Gretchen Whitmer covid 19 mandate exemptions are based on religious, and tribal treaty rights. the Department of Justice categories for discrimination are; national origin (tribal), religion and disability health reasons). the constitution for the united States secures my rights to religious freedom. [SMART]'s “denial” would attempt to deny me ov my secured rights at several levels and branches of Government this letter documents a failure of [SMART] to honor the constitution for the united States: failure of [SMART] to honor Governor Whitmers covid 19 mandates failure of [SMART] to honor the Department of Justice laws on discrimination, Tae Ta ac OOOH aT pO ra aR TI sharia and indigenous peoples dace: nortnus! sexe / orth alia / noth america / the morcocan ‘emp ~ content ned state: ofthe Maen and sarnon~ dames ~resdet non-sbjet— lang he igdhees andinberor of heland. S these documented dishonors threaten my livelihood. any face shield pes against my moral, religious, disability (health) and constitutional rights, [SMART] s alleged denial’ is based on ‘present(ing) a direct threat tothe health and/or safety of others". this is an false narrative. there are no conclusive studies that show that masks or Face shields make a difference in any wat) am asymptomatic oF [Covid-I9] and insinuating that icould pass it to someone else, is not based in fact and is therefore: speculation. in this study conducted by the World Health Organization. there were zero reported cases of asymptomatic transfers. https:// news. patients-195131902,html the headline of this article from june sth, 2020, states: “WHO says transmission by asymptomatic covid patients ‘very rare™™ ‘am healthy, and symptom free. iam ready, wiling and able to work as soon as possible. iam ready to start tuesday, ne 30, 2020, as per our contract / agycement of my work schedule. iam ready for any training that keeps me qualfed for my position it cannot be construed that iam ‘voluntarly resigned”, quitting, discontinuing, or any other termination of my employment with my job [SMART]. any insinuation director indirect baseless and invalid. exercising my rights, is nota willingness to end my employment acceptable agreements 1) ido not wear a mask. take a physical or simply a urine test to verify that there hasn't been any type ofilegal drug use. or we bypass the physical. start on the date previously stated (asap). #2) iam moved to another position of equal pay and accommodation that doesn'trequirea mask 1) in the event [SMART] continues to dishonor, religious freedom guaranteed by the constitution for the united States b) inthe event [SMART] continues to dishonor; religious: cxemption(s) secured by Governor Whitmer's mandate for covid 9; © inthe event [SMART] continues to dishonor; tribal / treaty rights secured by Governor Whitmer’s mandate for covid 1 TEE waco DoT Tah nana epee era eae eho sterignal ad inden poles doounens-rothuet anexem /norhaica/rorthanerica/ ‘he merotan mpi’ =corental uted eae: erp ofthe moon and srr ~ domes, non ~ resin non-aubpo~ beh he righ and bert of theland = - ) inthe event [SMART] continues to dishonor; disability, religion, and national orign rights secured by the Department of Justice then #3) you are to insure that; iam toremain on the payroll, untl the day in the future, where the covid mask is no longer required. return to work, do not loose any seniority 24) iam gen unemployment (aid off), until the day in the future were a masks no longer required; return to work. (on the condition that i donot loose my seniority) #5) a good severance package is offered and both parties can cut ties without Future issue in conclusion: health and safety is a high priority of mine. i ara thankful for your patients, and careful attention to this matter. blssings to you. shalom, namaste, peace cronos_ jue: iam: 24 ecu exsspgosontieg hee a a Po SSiceitansceeraien nanan eee bela nines atin sdemeiicmes ere eee Pp rare ai Tichts exercised at all pomnts im time all eric devon gbson cogil gic tt pe ene tn 3 exercised at all points in time care of 605 Casslake aad #, near DKeegp Harbor, Michigan nishigaras) repub, Lip sent united estates of america, sberigna and indore prol documens-netnustamexen /norhafi / eth america / Ye moroocan ‘mpi’ ~ conte unted ata: Yep of he moon ard su':ron~ domestic. non = resent now pt ~ being the righflhers andinkrtors of hela & moorishe national reepublic federall governmente . ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ ~ moorishe dyvine ande nationall movemente uv thee earth northweste ammexem X southe ammexem X centrall ammexem X ‘the northe gate’ all adjoining islands thee true ande de jure natural people + beires to thee lande & wis = affidavit ov opportunity to cure / notice of intent to lien july 52020 serustin Collen, Leeya Sutter etal _gpod dey, pray alls well with you and yours. holy quran, surah az~ zumar 59:59 (sahih international) ‘but yes, there had come to you my verses, but you denied them and were arrogant, and you were among.the disbelevers the record clearly shows that You, representing [SMART] have clearly disobeyed and dishonored the laws of the land, the constitution For the united States and treaty (s); as well as the State of Michigan executive orders, which allowed your Ancestors, [SMART] and Yourself to do business on this land. in my previous affidavits, none (aught, zero, 0) of my points were rebutted, and each wil stand on the public record as law (based on acquiescence). these points were: 2) religious freedom guaranteed by the constitution for the united States 6) religious exemption(s) secured by Governor Whitmer's mandate for covid 19 ©) tribal / treaty rights secured by the constitution; and Governor Whitmer’s mandate for covid 19 TF ac HORTA OT naa PUT eta eR ITT sa gp al tal numer aha wrk ‘epi ontinertal uted states templet the mon and su: on~ domes, nen = resident on-set — beng he ighfthers and where of heard

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