1st Homework

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HOMEWORK: Deadline July 13th, 2020 Night shift Well done!!!

1. Choose five words from the vocabulary and write 5 sentences. (10 points)
Vocabulary: Mine, miner, coal, fertilizer, precious stones, precious metals, Steel, coal,
fossil fuels, power plant, minerals, agriculture

a) I worked in a coal mine, that substance was used in power plants.

b) The reason why I study Industrial Securty is because my dad was a miner and he
dead by security mistakes.
c) I’m against the fertilizers because when farmers use that, they are not making real
d) Fossil fuels should stop being used because they pollute the environment.
e) When I asked for marriage I gave a precious stone: diamond.
f) Steel is obtained by mixing iron and coal
g) What is my favorite precious metal? Definitely, gold.
h) Three years ago I tried to migrate to Canada, althought I’m science teacher, I almost
accepted a position in agricultura
i) Coal has various derivatives such as diamonds, oil, and dioxides
j) The main metallic minerals that Peru extracts are gold, silver and copper

2. Choose five words from the ex. 1 and write 5 brief definitions. (5 points)

→ Steel: It is a mixture of iron and copper that is used for construction

→ Fertilizer: Fertilizers are nutrient-rich substances that are used to improve soil characteristics
for further development of agricultural crops
→ Fossil fuels: They are formations from the accumulation of large amounts of organic remains
from plants and animals
→ Mine: It is the set of laboratories or holes necessary to exploit minerals in a deposit and, in
some cases, the attached plants
→ Miner: Its a mine worker who plays an important role to extract minerals.

3. Answer to one of these two questions. You can use the text as a reference.

1. What are some substances that come from mines for you?
Metallics and non-metallics ores

2. Why is mining so important for you?

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