Core Atlanta Internship Goal Statement Action Plan 1

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Describe three goals that you have in relation to your internship position, the action
steps you will take to meet these goals, and how you will measure your goals (meaning,
how you will know you have achieved the goal). Finally, describe one professional
development goal you have for yourself for the current year.

Goal #1:
Learn effective health promotion strategies and methods.

Action Steps:

Be in communication with my site coordinators for guidance.

Research effective health promotion materials for COVID-19.

Research effective health promotion materials from past pandemic/ epidemics.

Measurement of Goal:

I will I have achieved this goal when I see my colleagues and site coordinators are
happy with my promotional materials.

Explain why this goal is important to you:

Health promotion and education is important to living a healthy life. If people are
knowledgeable on prevention methods, signs/ symptoms, and treatment methods to
specific health issues, such as COVID-19, we could flatten the curve.

What kind of support/resource do you need in order to reach this goal?

For this goal, I believe that it would be important to be in contact with someone who
is knowledgeable in health promotion. It would be beneficial to receive advice on
how to effectively promote and educate COVID-19 information.
Goal #2:
Build confidence when communicating with my colleagues,
partnerships, etc.

Action Steps:

Ask my site coordinators and professors for advice when communicating with

partnerships and colleagues.

Research effective communication methods.

Document how I am feeling about my internship before it starts.

Measurement of Goal:

The main way to measure if I have reached by goal could be documenting how
I feel before and after the internship.

Feedback from my site coordinator can show whether they believe I have
gained skills and confidence when communicating.

Explain why this goal is important to you:

Something I have learned from college is how important it is to be confident in

your work.

I feel like gaining more confidence will help me be more comfortable and
successful in the professional world.

What kind of support/resource do you need in order to reach this goal?

Site coordinators will be a good resource and support system.

My professor would be a resource for guidance as well.

Building relationships with the other interns would help with building
confidence since we can all help each other.

Goal #3:

Action Steps:

Measurement of Goal:

Explain why this goal is important to you:

What kind of support/resource do you need in order to reach this goal?


Intern: _________Nikki Filto________________Date:__5/22/2020____________

Supervisor: ___________________________________ Date:_________________

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