Yes, I Was Really Disappointed The Time I Knew Andres Manuel Lopez Was Won The Presidential Elections

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1.Do you kwon anyone who is annoying? Do you get annoyed with people often?

If I know someone who bothers me, I don't usually bother with someone but when they tell me
something that doesn't seem right to me

2.what kinds of things do you find boring? Do get bored easily?

The things that seem very boring to me are soccer on television

no, I don't get bored so easily I always look for what to do.

3. Are you scared of things like spiders? Heights? Flying? What´s a most scary?

No, I’m not afraid of spiders, heights or flying, the scariest thing for me are clowns and horror

4. what things make you felt anxious or worried? Do you worry a lot?

Failing an exam and being unemployed generates a lot of anxiety and concern

5. have you ever felt really disappointed? What happened?

Yes, I was really disappointed the time I knew Andres Manuel Lopez was won the presidential
6. Are you excited about anything right now?

yes, I am excited for a process that I am waiting for to be approved

7. What´s the most exciting thing you´ve ever done?

Get on the superman in six flags

8. what subjects do you find fascinating? What are you most interested in?

The topics that interest me most are issues related to quality and lean manufacturing

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