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टीम क्लीन भारत के सदस्यों ने मंगला में दिखाई लघु फ़िल्म

स्वच्छ भारत समर इंटर्नशिप कार्यक्रम के तहत टीम क्लीन भारत के सदस्यों ने मंगला में विभिन्न
ू माध्यमिक शाला एवं अन्य जगहों पर भारत सरकार के स्वच्छ भारत अभियान (ग्रामीण) मॉड्यल

की लघु फिल्मों का प्रदर्शन कर कूड़ा प्रबन्धन, शौचालय के उपयोग, स्वच्छता का महत्व जैसे विषयों पर जागरूकता
फैलाई गयी।

इस दौरान आयोजित कार्यक्रम में गीले और सूखे कचड़े के भिन्न प्रबन्धन पर डेमो दिया गया।

टीम क्लीन भारत के संयोजक शैलेष पांडय

े द्वारा सभी लोगों को स्वच्छता की शपथ भी दिलाई गई

: टीम क्लीन भारत के सदस्यों ने मंगला में दिखाई लघु फ़िल्म

स्वच्छ भारत समर इंटर्नशिप कार्यक्रम के तहत गरु

ु घासीदास केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय की टीम क्लीन भारत के
सदस्यों ने मंगला में   माध्यमिक,पूर्वमाध्यमिक शाला एवं अन्य जगहों पर भारत सरकार के स्वच्छ भारत अभियान
(ग्रामीण) मॉड्यूल की लघु फिल्मों का प्रदर्शन कर कूड़ा प्रबन्धन, शौचालय के उपयोग, स्वच्छता का महत्व जैसे
विषयों पर जागरूकता फैलाई गयी।

इस दौरान आयोजित कार्यक्रम में गीले और सख

ू े कचड़े के भिन्न प्रबन्धन पर डेमो भी दिया गया।

टीम क्लीन भारत के संयोजक शैलेष पांडय

े द्वारा सभी लोगों को साफ खान-पान रखने और स्वच्छ रहन सहन से
रहने के लिए प्रेरित करते हुए स्वच्छता की शपथ भी दिलाई गई।

कार्यक्रम के समापन पश्चात टीम क्लीन भारत द्वारा स्थानीय दक

ु ानदारों से ग्राहकों में घर से थैला लाने की आदत
विकसित कर प्लास्टिक बैग के उपयोग न करने की अपील करते हुए स्टिकर भी बांटें गये।

इस दौरान टीम क्लीन भारत के प्रमोद तिवारी,प्रियंशी दब

ु े,सौरभ गुप्ता,कमलेश प्रजापति,ऋषभ बिसेन,अनुपात
गुप्ता,सिद्धार्थ शुक्ला,उदयन शर्मा और प्रांजल सिंह आदि उपस्थित थे।

Nukkad Natak- “Gaon ki sair”

Time invested- 8 hours

As a part of our awareness campaign and targets given, the interns performed a Nukkad Natak-   “Gaon
ki sair””, in different areas of Mangala to acquaint the villagers with the immediate need of maintaining

The issues were selected after crucial scrutiny of the village problems and the Natak was based on those
very issues to help them connect to it better. The subjects included-

1. need to eradicate open defecation

2. prohibition of throwing garbage publicly

3. cleanliness of drains 

4. aftermath of garbage dumping and unhealthy environment and the morals and conclusions drawn.

The Natak revolved around a girl  “ Laado” and her teacher giving her lessons through different scenes,
simultaneously throwing light on the subjects mentioned above. The end was the   “Death scene of
Laado”, who died due to the infections caused after falling in drain, making people realize that such an
incident is inexorable and can happen with anybody.

The villagers seemed to be highly touched by the scenes and agreed on all the aspects shown. The
outcome seemed favourable and the aim to raise awareness was successfully accomplished. 

Day 13,14,15 and 16

Construction of Toilet Block in Dairy Farming area of Mangala

Time invested- 30+ hours

The interns of SBSI MAC supported in the construction of toilet block in Gazipur dairy farming area
simultaneously learning about the procedures and techniques of toilet building. The activities performed
by the interns involved-

1. Clearing of the main toilet pit

2. Construction of side ramp for toilet block

3. Toilet block internal development

Besides raising awareness for the use of toilets, the experience of toilet construction proved to be an
enriching one for the interns. The construction of toilet was successfully completed and at present, is in

Wall Designing 

Time spent: 7 hours

Aim: To design the wall with figure of Gandhiji, slogans and "worli art" in order to deliver the message of
Swachhta and eradication of open defecation. 

On Day 12, the interns divided the 50 feet wide wall into three sections- two of which consisted of
slogans and a pledge, with a figure of Gandhiji in the middle and the border design depicting messages
of need for maintaining a clean surrounding. 

To design the wall, wood coal was used and to fill in colours, enamel paint of different colours were
taken. For additional designing floral art was considered to give a rural touch in order to attract any eye
that would rest upon it, thereby giving it's message of clean environment and eradication of open

The outcome was noticed soon after when the work of the interns was highly appreciated by the
residential people and the college authorities; reason being the major transformation of the nature of
wall from defecation point to an area of evening walks. 

Wall Painting

Time spent: 5 hours

Aim: To paint and design the public wall in front of East Point School in order to eradicate open
defecation and convert it into a parking area and a place of evening walks.
The interns of Team clean bharat spent Day 11 painting 18 wall of school/panchayat building / public
sitting chaupal in order to eradicate the open defecation, unhygienic practices and promoting
cleanliness. The students after cleaning the wall, filled in the cracks using plaster and then painted the
first coat using a light shade of yellow,blue,white using distemper later furnishing it with second coat
and left it to dry for further designing to be done. 

The borders of the wall were made with the help of black and red oil paint  in order to give it a look of a
canvas. Further, the wall was left to dry on that day for designing to be done the next day.

The results were seen later on as  no trace of open defecation and urination was notice the next day
near panchayat hall and school buildings. 

Awareness Campaign

Time Spent- 18 hours

Aim- To maintain a contact with people on a consistent basis and regularly sensitize them on various
aspects of cleanliness.

Our major target for awareness campaign are the children. On Day 9, the interns educated the children
on topics like “How to keep your environment clean” and Clean habits to lead a healthy life.” The
children were made to take a pledge at the end to ensure that they follow the principles of cleanliness
instilled in their minds.

On next day , the interns targeted the adults of the village and taught them about waste management,
waste segregation and proper transportation and disposal of waste.They also taught the villagers ways
to control flies in order to avoid the diseases carried by them. 

To add on, the interns also conducted a session for high school girls where they were taught about
“Maintainance of Personal Hygeine“ and “Mentrual Management and Disposal of Sanitary Napkins”.

With this, the interns managed to sensitize and raise awareness among approximately 600 households
sensitizing people of all age groups.

Meeting with Shri P.DAYANAND

(Collector, Bilaspur, C.G.)

The interns met the Collector P. Dayanand, and discussed with him the various issues being faced by the
people in the village Mangala and a suggested action plan to curb different swachhta related activities in
region.  They explained to him various initiatives being undertaken by them and further informed him
about their future plans and targets.

The initiatives taken by the interns were well appreciated by the Collector and seeing their efforts, has
agreed to discuss the plan in detail in order to implement the plans  successfully, thereby helping to
build mangala a sustainable and an ideal clean village.

Door-to-door campaign

Time spent- 22 hours

Aim- To understand and relate to the problems of people at the grassroot level. Help them overcome
the adversities they are facing relating to cleanliness and also sensitize them at a more personal level to
ensure a better standard of living in terms of cleanliness. 

On Next Day , the interns ensured to spread awareness at a more intricate level. They targeted the
households and visited them, aiming precisely, on the vulnerable section in terms of cleanliness they
maintained. The interns successfully covered a total number of 600 households sensitizing around 3000+
(approx.) people at a more personal level, simultaneously making a note of the basic problems they are

To make sure that the people follow the rules and maintain the healthy and clean environment of
Mangala, the interns made the households sign an “voluntary declaration” that listed down the don'ts
like- avoiding throwing garbage on streets, Prohibition of open defecation, usage of dustbins and
cleaning drains and so on.

The result of door to door visits were soon noticed when the people seemed to be more concerned
about maintaining cleanliness, thereby avoiding throwing garbage on streets and practicing to keep
better dustbins instead of plastic bags.  
“Swachhta Pad-Sanchalan”


Time spent: 8 hours

Aim- To aware and make people apprised of our presence, in order to enlighten them about our
purpose and help them gain knowledge on the issues of cleanliness - like personal hygiene, usage of
toilets and eradication of open garbage dumping, with the help of campaign.

The team organized two massive village level rallies in Mangala and Dhuripara, one starting from
government primary school , covering Peepal Chowk, nayapara, dhuripara and returning to school with
A total distance of 2.5km, covering approximately the main areas of the dhuripara which is heavy
populated area. It engaged in and witnessed participation of, more than 200 school students
participated. The rally was observed by more than 2500 local villagers who supported and recognized it. 

Rally no. 2 was organized in ‘Shaskiya Kanya madhyamik shala, Mangala ’ one starting from school ,
covering mahamaya vihar, badi basti, maharishi chowk, adarsh chowk and Mangala Bazar covering total
distance of 3.2 km, covering significant portion of mangala village and witnessed participation of 230 girl
students. The rally was observed by 4000 villagers of mangala .

The rally was exuberant with the slogans of "Mai Swacch toh Mangala Swacch", "Hum sabne ye thaana
hai mangala ko swacch bnana hai", "Sab rogon ki ek dawai, Ghar me rakho saaf safai", "Jan-Jan ka yeh
Nara hai, Gao Swacch banana hai",etc and attracted the locals helping us gain their attention towards
these serious issues.

This thereby lead to a prodigious success of the rally, and deep-rooted the activities of Swachh Bharat
Interns amongst the locals, gaining their support for future implementations enormously.

Swacchta campaigns

Time spent: 3 Hours

Our team conducted its multiple session of the Swacchta Mela and aimed to focus on issues like
Personal Hygiene, menstrual hygiene, Waste segregation demonstration, usage of cloth bags and its
importance as a biodegradable material, avoiding use of plastic bags and promoting the usage of toilet
need of cleanliness on streets. 
Story-Telling Session- To make the session more interactive and our aims feasible to convey, we
conducted story sessions. The children stories were shortlisted with much scrutiny that it solely focused
on issues of keeping classrooms and their surroundings clean and how it would help them become
better people of tomorrow. Later the children were asked questions on the same to test their level of
understanding and adherence. 

Poem Session- Followed by the story session, the students were taught poems like “Lalaji ne kela khaya”
to make them realize that throwing wastes like banana peels and other wastes might adversely affect
themselves as well as the people around, thereby causing possibility of serious accidents.

Prize Distribution- The session was concluded with prize distribution of the drawing, essay, slogan
making competition conducted during swacchta mela.

Conclusion-The three day Swacchta Mela was then winded up with a valedictory speech.

The results of the awareness mela was seen soon after, when we saw some children picking up wastes
and throwing them in dustbins within their school premises. 

Essay,Drawing,Slogan Writing Competition in Rajkiya Bal Vidyalaya

Time spent: 3 hours

Our team conducted competitions amongst the students over following topics: 

1. Save Trees, Save Earth

2. Clean India, Green India

3. Swacch Ghar, Swasth Shareer 

Total participation: 180 children

The session started with a brief overview of all the topics given and their relevance.

The main aim of the activity was to senstize the students through art. Students were provided with
sheets and colours and allowed to use their imagination. A total of 90 minutes was given to complete
the drawing. 
It was observed that students sensitively feel about cleanliness and environment protection. This was
clear from their drawings,essays, slogans on Chipko Movement, Prevention of throwing garbage,
Cleaning streets etc.


Visit to government’s secondary girls school , Mangala

Time Invested: 6 hrs

, our team visited government’s secondary girls school , Mangala

The team contacted the Principal of the school and with her permission conducted its first session of
'Swachhta Mela'- a three-day program. 

Aim- To sensitize the most receptive strata of the society and raise awareness from the grassroot level. 

The session began with an introduction where the interns were introduced and the purpose of the
school visit was conveyed. There were a total of more than 180 children in school who participated in
different activities.

"The Ice-Breaking Session"- Designed  to break the wall of hesitation on the part of kids to ensure better
interaction and their active participation in the activities to be conducted in the course of three days'-
Swachhta Mela. 

 " The Solution Web"- The main aim was to bind the solutions of the problems related to cleanliness,
together. The students were asked to list the problems related to cleanliness in their school, homes,
streets and surroundings and people involved in doing so and then were asked to suggest solutions to
each problem. As the students came up with solutions to those very problems suggested by them, the
thread of wool was passed, thus, creating an entire web of solutions. 

The sole requirement of this activity was to check the level of awareness and activeness on the part of
students towards the cleanliness of their surroundings and own-self.

Conclusion-The first session was concluded after singing the Swacchta Anthem by the interns
accompanied by the students. The objective of the first day session was to tell them about the
importance of keeping our environment and self free from dirt and garbage, need of following the "do's
and don'ts"  and asking people around them to throw garbage into dustbins, thereby contributing in
forming a chain of much more aware citizens. 

Swacchta Survey of the village

Time invested- 6 hours.

Our team visited the village and surveyed every lane and colony of Mangala. 

It was observed that EDMC officials clear the dumped waste regularly from 6AM to 10 AM every
morning. However, the main problem Mangala faces as a whole is open dumping of household wastes
on roads and drains. The families living in Mangala openly throw away their waste on roads without any
caution, making the place dirty and open for disease. 

Also, some of the poor colonies have no access to proper sewage, drainage and even toilets. This leads
to their poor standard of living and poor health. 

The drains get jammed and overflooded due to waste material being directly dumped into them by
inconsiderate households. The present scenario and condition of Mangala is disturbing and will further
be worked upon, by the team, on these aspects.

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