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Stop Putting Off Fun for After you Finish all Your Work

The article suggest that leisure before work and after work has different effects and
intuitions towards the person, however chances of having fun and enjoying the moment of fun is
always there. In addition people are distracted of what lies ahead which causes to enjoy less,
unlike people who have fun after work are having more fun and savoring each moment.
Furthermore the article also finds out that rewards makes a person enjoy the work and motivated
as he looks forward after the rewards to be received. However in America being overworked for
future rewards ends up being unhappy and realizes that they should enjoy life and take a break
once in a while. The author of the article suggest three ways how to balance work and leisure
better and eventually enjoy life. First, ask yourself why you’re hesitant to do something fun,
second spend a moment trying to visualize the fun experience in greater detail and lastly try
engaging in “leisure first,” when the stake is low. Another author also supported that having fun at
work might be just as important as having fun in your personal life as quoted by Rucker in his article. In
addition written by Rucker he suggests five reasons why people should have fun; first, fun improves
your relationships, both at work and in life, second, fun makes us smarter, third, fun reduces
stress, fourth finding fun in physical activity balances your hormone levels. ” One way to naturally
balance hormones is to engage in pleasurable physical activity (e.g. Abbenhardt et al., 2013).” And lastly
fun can make you more energetic and youthful as Plato quoted that “life must be lived as play.”

The model which is evident to the study is Geer Hofstede model, uncertainty avoidance,
the extent to which the people are threatened by uncertainties and eventually created perceptions
to avoid this or uncertainties of controlling what will happen in the future or just let it occur.

Fun at work is not new anymore in the organizations that is why teambuilding and so
called R and R, family days, Christmas party and others, is now emerging in various
organizations, to divert stress and renewed the essence of their employees. In the Philippines,
multinational or even small entities are conducting such activities for their employees to be more
productive and motivated and their workplace and to avoid burn out. This is supported by a study
of Karl & Peluchette, (2006) that there is a positive impact on employee job satisfaction if humor
and fun is evident in the workplace. In addition stress and burn out which undesirably affects job
satisfaction will tend to be reduced if fun work environment is present (Karl, Peluchette, &
Harland, 2007).

Variable/Factor COMPARISON

Rest and Recreation Conducted yearly but with Recreation is not evident in all
tight budget. Sometimes it companies however it is also consider
does not materialized. to reduced stress, increase attention
span, reduced depression.
Teambuilding Conducted but just realized Common activities conducted in
this year only again in tight Western context and usually
budget and the location is conducted in different manners as
not pleasant. industries varies.

Job satisfaction In my organization I Employees such as in GE employees

cannot estimate the are satisfied as they provide benefits
percentage of satisfied such as health, hospitalization, offers
employees when in speak unlimited vacation, aside from cash
of their job, however most incentives. In addition, Microsoft
of the program heads and provides everything in their
50% present of the college workplace such as spa, sports
and admin staff stays in the facilities, restaurants, salon, dry
organization for about 3- cleaning services flexible working
15 years and only 3 who hours, and a shuttle for their
are more than 20 years in employees.
the organization but I (
cannot say the level of companies# )
their satisfaction.
In the Philippines a survey
which is conducted, and
identified that employers
find employees’
satisfaction are relevant
factor in order for them to
stay and be satisfied. In
the review, salary leads to
boost workers’ happiness
at 68 percent, followed by
“learning and development
programs” with 59 percent
(HR in Asia 2015)


Abbenhardt, C., McTiernan, A., Alfano, C., Wener, M., Campbell, K., Duggan, C., & … Ulrich,
C. (2013). Effects of individual and combined dietary weight loss and exercise interventions in
postmenopausal women on adiponectin and leptin levels. Journal of Internal Medicine, 274(2),

Everett, A. (2011). Benefits and challenges of fun in the workplace. Library Leadership and
Management, 25(1), 1-10.

Karl, K., & Peluchette, J. (2006). How does workplace fun impact employee perceptions of
customer service quality? Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 13(2), 2-13.

Karl, K., Peluchette, J., & Harland, L. (2007). Is fun for everyone? Personality differences in
healthcare providers’ attitudes toward fun. Journal of Health & Human Services Administration,
29(4), 409-447.
Rucker, M. (n.d.). Why You Need More Fun in Your Life, According to Science. Retrieved from

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