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The Literary Analysis of Frankenstein Chapter05 Pages

This piece of writing is taken from the novel Frankenstein written by Mary
Shelly in 1818 chapter 05 pages 55-56, this chapter is about the monster
which was created by Victor Frankenstein and gives a description of this
creature and the amount of his hideousness and ugliness and how it
affected on psychology of Victor when he saw it alive

This literary work was addressed to the readers of horror stories and
fright searchers who have the desire to feel unsafe and the pressure of
adrenaline in their blood-vessel because the element of fear and
excitement in those kind of novels

The event on this part of novel happened in stormy night in victor house
when he finally finishes his creation but when he bring it to life he get
shocked and horrified from it awful appearance . He tries to sleep but he
could not because of the nightmares about Elizabeth. When wakes up he
find the monster turning around the bed with a scary smile in his face so
he run to his courtyard and spend the night their

The characters of this literary piece are Victor Frankenstein , a young

scientist grow in Geneva his passion about the secret of life guide him to
create a monster using his scientific knowledge .The Monster is the
creation of Frankenstein , it is a mixed of old bodies parts ,victor used
chemical products and electricity to bring it to life

The point of view is first person central since the speaker is telling his
own experience with the monster

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