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Geophysical applications of magnetic sensors

in smartphones
Nathan Campbell1, Estella Atekwana2, Adam J. Mathews3, and Ahmed Ismail1
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Abstract Ndiaye and Diagne (2014) utilize data from an iPhone 4S

More than 5 billion people have access to mobile phones magnetic sensor with the sensor monitor application to delineate
globally. These devices, many of which are smartphones with the geometry and depth of a basaltic vein. Data were gathered on
multiple integrated sensors (e.g., global positioning system receiver, foot, and the results were compared with preexisting aeromagnetic
camera, etc.), provide a myriad of opportunities to support scientific data of the area.
investigation by researchers and citizens alike. Many smartphones Suksmono et al. (2017) present a magnetic subsurface imag-
even contain geophysical sensor technology that can be deployed ing system through an Android smartphone application. In their
for geophysical data acquisition. However, there is limited research article, a paper clip, cutter head, nut, and coin are placed on a
on the ability of these sensors to acquire scientifically useful Styrofoam board, with another board placed on top of the objects.
geophysical data. In this study, we evaluate the efficacy of a Scanning the area with a smartphone, the application reconstructs
magnetic field sensor in a smartphone to address this knowledge the magnetic field distribution and displays the result as a grid,
gap. Using a free application called AndroSensor, a preliminary successfully imaging the objects underneath.
experiment was conducted to map buried pipes at a test site and While both articles provide information on how smartphone
to test the efficacy of the AK09911C magnetic field sensor inside magnetometers can be used, neither include a proof-of-concept
a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (Android OS) smartphone. In addition, section as it pertains to geophysical surveying. Additionally,
data were acquired over the test site using the commercially there is no direct comparison of the smartphone magnetometer
available Geometrics G858 Cesium vapor magnetometer for data with a professional-grade magnetometer. The smartphone
comparison. Results showed that the smartphone was able to is becoming more apt for the collection of geophysical data,
identify all three buried pipes and compared favorably with the yet there is a lack of published research in the field on smart-
Geometrics G858. For the primary experiment, a walking survey phone geophysics.
was conducted over a landfill in order to compare the smartphone Our objective was to test the efficacy of a smartphone mag-
with the G858 Cesium vapor magnetometer. Results showed little netometer for geophysical investigations. A proof-of-concept
variation between the G858 Cesium vapor magnetometer and survey was conducted to compare the smartphone with an industry-
smartphone magnetic field sensors when within the boundaries standard magnetometer. A case study was then developed to test
of the landfill. This proof-of-concept study suggests that smart- the smartphone’s response over a landfill.
phones with geophysical sensors potentially provide a more afford-
able approach to the acquisition of geophysical data, especially at Sensor
academic institutions with limited access to expensive commer- Two magnetic sensors were used in this study: the industry-
cially available geophysical instrumentation. standard Cesium vapor G858 MagMapper by Geometrics and
the AK09911C magnetic field sensor inside a Samsung Galaxy
Introduction Note 4 smartphone. The G858 magnetometer pumps ionized
More than 5 billion people have access to mobile phones globally. light into a chamber of Cesium vapor. Once the ionized light
An increasing proportion having access to smartphones with capa- is turned off, the Cesium atoms gain an electron and release
bilities such as a camera, microphone, global positioning system energy in the form of light. The intensity of light released is
(GPS), data storage, and networked data transfer (Ferster and proportional to the strength of the total magnetic field
Coops, 2013). As sensor technology in smartphones develops, there (Geometrics, 2001). The magnetic field sensor inside the smart-
is little research in its application for the acquisition of scientifically phone is a Hall effect sensor with a measurement range of
useful data. Standard smartphone sensors with the potential for ±4,900,000 nT. Its dimensions are 1.2 × 1.2 × 0.5 mm (Asahi
geophysical applications include the accelerometer, magnetometer, Kasei, 2014). A direct current is passed through a thin metal
red-green-blue digital camera, and barometer. Although many free strip that becomes positively charged on one side and negatively
applications such as AndroSensor (Fiv Asim, 2015) can be down- charged on the other, producing a Hall voltage. The voltage
loaded to view and record the information from these sensors, to difference between both sides of the strip is measured to deter-
the best of our knowledge, only two published articles feature mine the strength of the magnetic field in one direction. Table 1
smartphone magnetometers to characterize the subsurface. shows attributes for the two sensors.

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA. E-mail:;
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA. E-mail:
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. E-mail:

312 The Leading Edge May 2020 Special Section: Near-surface imaging and modeling
Table 1. Comparison of the magnetic field sensors in the smartphone and G858 according to sensitivity in The smartphone data were noisier
nanotesla and nanotesla per least significant bit, price, and maneuverability. compared to the G858. As such, the data
were transferred to MATLAB for appli-
Unit Sensitivity Price Maneuverability
cation of the redundant lifting scheme
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Phone 600 nT/LSB US$350 High filter (Aghayan et al., 2017). The filter
G858 magnetometer 0.01 nT US$30,000 Low combines a Wiener filter for noise reduc-
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tion and a Laplacian of Gaussian filter

for smoothing. Additionally, a zeroing
scale filter was used as a high-pass filter
to correct for heading error. In Oasis
montaj, the data were corrected to show
the total magnetic intensity (TMI) by
removing the International Geomagnetic
Reference Field (IGRF) and applying
an analytic signal (AS). The data were
then gridded using the minimum cur-
vature method and upward continued
30 cm to separate the anomaly from the
surrounding sources.
The G858 data were downloaded
using MagMapper software, then trans-
Figure 1. A cross section and plan view of the proof-of-concept study area and a physical map of Oklahoma. ferred to Excel for examination of 2D
Walking survey lines are represented by dotted lines with arrows. Pipes 1, 2, and 3 are displayed to show depth and profiles. The data were then transferred
orientation. Modified from (n.d.). to Oasis montaj, and the process
described earlier for the smartphone
was repeated for the G858.
Proof of concept
A controlled survey was designed to show that a smartphone Results and discussion
can detect buried pipes. The site was located in a field west of The smartphone was able to identify all three pipes in the
Stillwater, Oklahoma. When digging, the observed soil consisted proof-of-concept study. Although, pipe 3 would have been difficult
of unconsolidated sands and clay for the first 15 cm and mostly to distinguish from the surrounding noise had its location not
clay below that. The broader area consisted of floodplain sediments been previously known. Figure 2a shows the magnetic anomaly
and mudstones (Heran et al., 2003). map before applying upward continuation and AS filters. Values
Three steel pipes separated 10 m apart were buried at different of the TMI in Figure 2a range from −547 to 361 nT.
orientations and depths. The pipes were 7.5 cm in diameter and The dipolar nature of the pipes is depicted in Figure 2a. For
varied from 55 to 65 cm in length. Pipe 1, as seen in Figure 1, example, pipe 1 has a magnetic high directly above it, with mag-
was buried vertically, with the top of the pipe reaching a depth netic lows bordering it to the north and south. In Figure 2b, the
of 0.25 m. Pipe 2 was oriented east and west and buried at 0.5 m dipolar nature of the pipes is removed using AS, while noise and
depth. Pipe 3, facing north and south, was the deepest and shortest edge effects are reduced using upward continuation.
at 0.75 m depth. Wooden stakes marked the beginning and end Instead of displaying a circular pattern as in Figure 3b, the
of each line. The smartphone was set to collect data at a frequency anomalies in Figure 2b are elongated in the north/south directions.
of 20 Hz, while the G858 was set at 2 Hz. The smartphone was This effect could be due to a combination of the north/south
changed to airplane mode to reduce noise from updates, messages, direction of the survey lines and the low sensitivity of the smart-
or background applications. phone sensor. The smartphone was unable to significantly detect
With the G858 0.3 m above the ground, 30 lines with 1 m the anomalies outside a 1 m radius. The result was a large magnetic
spacing were surveyed in the north and south directions. The response in the line that passed directly over the pipe and a much
same process was repeated using the AndroSensor application smaller response in the two lines directly bordering the pipe on
on the smartphone. At the end of each line, recording of the each side. Additionally, when applying AS, the dipolar anomalies
G858 was stopped and then restarted at the beginning of the oriented north and south appear as an elongated feature.
next line. Because the smartphone recording was not able to Figure 3 depicts the same pipes before and after processing,
be stopped remotely, at the beginning and end of each line, the but this time with the G858 as the sensor. Values of the TMI in
aluminum rod holding the phone was lightly shook by the Figure 3a range from −136 to 38 nT. Figure 3b shows the pipes
operator in order to activate the accelerometers. Routine mea- after application of AS and upward continuation of 30 cm. Pipe 3
surements outside of the study area were taken using the G858 is buried the deepest and has the smallest magnetic response. An
in order to correct both data sets for diurnal changes in the additional dipolar feature is observed 4 m southwest of pipe 2 in
magnetic field. Figure 3a. Because the study area was cleared of all metal objects

Special Section: Near-surface imaging and modeling May 2020 The Leading Edge 313
on the surface, it is assumed that the
unknown object was a buried piece
of metal.
The dipolar nature of the pipes is
also clearly seen in Figure 3a. For
example, pipe 3 has a magnetic high at
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the southern end of the pipe and a mag-

netic low at the northern end. This is
typical for an induced field in the north-
ern hemisphere when an anomaly is
oriented in the north/south direction.
All three pipes in Figure 3b are
clearly displayed as circular anomalies.
The pipes are magnetized from the
inducing magnetic field of the earth and
behave similar to a bar magnet: one side
of the pipe is positive, and one is negative.
Magnetic field lines pass through the
inside of the pipe, exit one end, and travel
in a circular pattern to the other end.
The smartphone was unable to
locate the smaller unknown dipolar
anomaly found in Figure 3a. It also
produced more noise in the data and
exaggerated the magnetic response to
pipe 1. One reason for the added noise
could be the phone’s sensitivity to move- Figure 2. Magnetic anomaly maps from the Android smartphone magnetometer. (a) TMI data. (b) AS map with
ment. Footsteps across the survey line 30 cm upward continuation.
vibrated the phone at the end of the
aluminum rod. Also, automatic internal
processes within the phone required
current to flow from the battery and
created added magnetic interference.
Because the frequency of acquisi-
tion was 20 Hz for the Android and
2 Hz for the G858, Figures 2 and 3 are
not as direct a comparison as possible.
As acquisition rates increase, the accu-
racy of the magnetic sensors decreases.
This introduced more noise for the
Android and an inability to compare
the sensor data quantitatively. Since
the goal for the proof-of-concept study
was to see if the smartphone could
image the pipes, this a negligible source
of error. The following case study
involves more rigor when comparing
the Android and G858 and can be
referred to for quantitative analysis.
It is important to note the ease with
which the survey was conducted with
the smartphone. The smartphone does
not require a harness, external battery
pack, separate processing unit, warm-
up time, cables, or data transfer soft- Figure 3. Magnetic anomaly maps from the G858 magnetometer. (a) TMI data. (b) Data AS map after application of
ware. It is lightweight, easily portable, 30 cm upward continuation filter.

314 The Leading Edge May 2020 Special Section: Near-surface imaging and modeling
and much less expensive than the G858. The AndroSensor that are lined with plastic and 0.6 m of sand. It rises 30 m high,
application required little battery power, allowing the phone to and its depth extends 9 m below the surrounding ground level.
record data for several hours without needing to be charged. On See Figure 4 for details.
the contrary, the smartphone data involved more processing A walking survey was performed at the landfill in order to
time to achieve the desired results. compare the G858 and Android magnetometers. The first
The G858 is better at sensing subsurface magnetic targets. profile (line 1) began at the northern extent of the landfill,
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This is to be expected as the sensitivity rating of the smartphone went south directly over the peak, and ended outside of the
is much less than the G858. The significance of the smartphone landfill to the southeast. The second profile (line 2) began at
results is that it was still able to image the pipes. Future work the western side and headed east directly over the peak and
involving the reduction of noise and elongation effects would past the landfill on the road. Because the smartphone was in
be beneficial. airplane mode to avoid magnetic interference from messages
or updates, a Bad Elf brand GPS receiver was carried during
Case study the survey.
The Stillwater landfill is an active municipal solid waste The G858 sensor was mounted on the front of an aluminum
landfill. At the end of 2014, the facility was estimated to have rod, while the smartphone was strapped face down with Velcro
accepted total waste of 3.25 million megagrams since 1968 to the back on a PVC pipe extension. The aluminum rod with
(Chen, 2016). It spans an area of 800 × 400 m, with the southern PVC extension measured approximately 2.5 m in length. The
half as the active section and the northern half as the completely shoulder strap was adjusted to let the sensors hover approximately
buried section. Internally, it is made up of eight rectangular cells 0.3 m above the ground. The frequency of acquisition was set at
2 Hz for both sensors.
The data sets were combined and graphed in Excel. To correct
for heading error in line 1, the smartphone data set was adjusted
vertically by uniformly adding 1200 nT. The same correction
was applied to line 2, except 1000 nT was added. These values
were determined by averaging the noise from the smartphone
when outside the landfill (Figures 5 and 6) and subtracting that
number from the G858 reading at the same location. The data
from both lines were corrected to show the TMI by removing
the IGRF.
Visual analysis shows that when on foot, the smartphone
performed remarkably well in imaging magnetic anomalies over
the landfill. Noise from the smartphone ranging from ±500 nT
dominates the end of the survey, where the G858 values flatten
out. These points, located approximately 550 m for Figure 5 and
375 m for Figure 6, mark the end of the landfill and a transition
into land without buried material below. Figure 7 provides a closer
look at line 1 between 250 and 400 m. This segment, starting at
the topographical high and moving southeast, contains the largest
anomalies on the line. When subjected to an intense magnetic
anomaly like a landfill, the smartphone sensor can reproduce the
results of the G858, but once outside the boundary, magnetic
noise from the phone overwhelms the data.
Quantitative analysis was used to determine how well the
Android performed compared to the G858. A scatter plot of the
two data sets (Figure 8) and the root-mean-square deviation
(RMSD) were calculated in Excel. RMSD is a measure of how
observations match a model. In this case, the observations would
be the Android, and the G858 would be the model. Line 1 had
1345 values and an RMSD of 480. Line 2 contained 1151 values
with an RMSD of 654. As seen in Figure 8, a strong linear trend
shows that the Android and G858 data were comparable over
the landfill.
Figure 4. A digital elevation model of the landfill survey area at 30 m resolution
There are a few possible sources of error in this survey.
created in ArcMap using data downloaded from the Shuttle Radar Topography
Mission (OpenTopography, n.d.). Walking profiles are shown in black. Line 1 went Additional heading error can be seen throughout Figures 5 and 6,
from north to south and line 2 from west to east. The star indicates the unmanned where the smartphone signal is consistently above or below the
aerial vehicle staging area for takeoff and landing. G858 signal. Since the landfill had many obstacles such as berms

Special Section: Near-surface imaging and modeling May 2020 The Leading Edge 315
and gas vents, the direction was not always north/south or east/ in less-developed countries have a smartphone that can be used
west. Turns were required to avoid these places and created small for geophysical education. Smartphones are easy to use and most
frequency heading errors throughout. One place this can clearly people already own one.
be seen is in Figure 7 at 420 m, where the average reading from
the smartphone jumps up 1000 nT. This is due to a turn in the Data and materials availability
road, where the line was walked from an eastbound direction Data associated with this research are available and can be
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to a northbound direction. Additionally, the aluminum rod was obtained by contacting the corresponding author.
not always aligned perpendicular to the walking direction.
Therefore, the G858 was sampling a spot on the landfill that Corresponding author:
was at times up to 0.5 m either left or
right of the smartphone. This only
occurred in places that were very steep.
Also, sensor height became difficult to
control on the more challenging sec-
tions of the landfill.

The smartphone was able to detect
short steel pipes buried up to 0.75 m.
When compared to the G858, results
for the smartphone as an underground
pipe detector are mixed. The pipes were
delineated from the surrounding envi-
Figure 5. Line 1 from the walking survey of the landfill comparing the G858 with the smartphone. It begins at the
ronment, but because it was a magneti- northern extent of the landfill and continues south and southeast. Arrows indicate limits of the landfill. IGRF was
cally quiet area, noise dominated the removed to show TMI.
smartphone sensor outside of a 1 m
radius of the pipes.
When performing a walking survey
over a strong magnetic anomaly such
as a landfill, the smartphone magne-
tometer collects data that are compa-
rable to the G858 magnetometer. In
magnetically quiet conditions, where
there is little magnetic material to
influence the sensor, noise from other
components of the phone dominate the
signal, and the relatively low sensitivity
of the sensor becomes apparent.
Anomalies less than 600 nT in strength Figure 6. Line 2 from the walking survey of the landfill comparing the G858 with the smartphone. It begins
are likely to be lost in the noise unless at the western extent of the landfill and extends eastward. Arrows mark the limits of the landfill. IGRF was
the sensor is above a large magnetic removed to show TMI.
anomaly such as a landfill.
Technology enhances our under-
standing of the world. As sensors con-
tinue to shrink in size, require less power
to operate, and diminish in cost, it is
important to consider the advantages
and disadvantages of gaining portability
while losing sensitivity. Smartphones
can image anomalies in the subsurface
such as pipes, landfills, and dikes. They
also perform well enough to act as a
presurvey device before considering
investing money in a professional mag-
netic survey. Additionally, most students Figure 7. Segment of line 1 comparing the G858 and smartphone from 250 to 400 m. IGRF was removed to show TMI.

316 The Leading Edge May 2020 Special Section: Near-surface imaging and modeling
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Figure 8. Scatter plot for line 1 of the Android and G858 data over the landfill. The dotted line
and equation represent the linear line of regression.

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Special Section: Near-surface imaging and modeling May 2020 The Leading Edge 317

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