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We can show that the Archimedes’ principle is observed in somewhat complex applications

such as the operation of submarines.In the article, we were able to better understand the
development of these as well as how the Archimedes’ principle helped in the improvement of
their functions. It’s necessary to understand how this principle helped submarines not only
help to win wars but also to explore the ocean beyond what the human being could observe.
The Archimedes’ principle is evidenced by the buoyancy law, this through ballast tanks that
will make the boat float or in turn sink. Then when the ballast tanks are full of air the
submarine will float. Submarines have been a great human project that has been developing
over the years and also allowed us to observe the help provided by the Archimedes’ principle
with respect to different areas, one could say that one helped the other to reach the result end
that is what we can see today with today's submarines. The Archimedes’ principle is one of the
most notable discoveries left to us by the Greeks whose importance and utility is
extraordinary. This principle goes beyond a clear example of its importance is the use in gates
and locks such as those of the Panama Canal. Archimedes' principle to ensure that water is
kept at a certain level because this channel is between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and
these in turn are at different heights, here we note that this principle is important not only for
scientific aspects but in situations and actions that help society such is the case of the before
mentioned example in the floodgates of Panama, this discovery allows us the trade that this
country offers indirectly, it has even been used for space travel in order to understand the
How an object can move in the fluids and densities of the universe each day helps certain
mechanical processes s and wear normally, every day it helps certain mechanical processes to
be carried out normally.

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