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Form 5 :Captain Nobody Literature Component Module For English, Miri District Activity 2

My Hero

Learning Outcomes

40 minutes

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

Activities / Steps

1. Students discuss a suitable I-Think Map to use to describe “My Hero”

2. Students are divided into small groups.
3. Each group is given a worksheet.
4. Each group describes “My Hero” using suitable adjectives from the handout
5. Students complete the description using the Bubble Map on the worksheet
6. Students present their hero

Display the students’ work on the notice board to the sense of achievement.

By: ___________________ & ______________________ 1

e Living Photograph
Form 5 :Captain Nobody Literature Component Module For English, Miri District Activity 2

Materials / Resources

By: ___________________ & ______________________ 1

e Living Photograph
Form 5 : Captain Nobody Literature Component Module For English, Miri District Worksheet 1A

Worksheet 1

Describe your hero below using the suitable adjectives. You may use the adjectives from the handout to
help you.



By: ___________________ & ______________________ 2

e Living Photograph
Form 5 : Captain Nobody Literature Component Module For English, Miri District Worksheet 1A

By: ___________________ & ______________________ 2

e Living Photograph
Form 5 : Captain Nobody Literature Component Module For English, Miri District Handout 1A

Handout 1

 List of Descriptive Adjectives 

 Able       Patriotic
 Accepting  Eager  Keen  Perfectionist
 Adventurous  Efficient  Kind  Personable
 Aggressive  Energetic  Knowledgeabl  Pitiful
 Ambitious  Excited e  Plain
 Annoying  Expert    Pleasant
Fair  Lazy  Pleasing
 Arrogant 
 Faithful  Leader  Poor
 Articulate
 Fancy  Light  Popular
 Athletic  Light-hearted  Pretty
 Awkward  Fighter
 Forgiving  Likeable  Prim
   Boastful  Lively  Proper
 Free
 Bold  Lovable  Proud
 Friendly
 Bossy  Loving   
 Friendly
 Brave  Frustrated  Loyal  Questioning
 Bright  Fun-loving    Quiet
 Busy  Generous  Manipulative  
 Calm  Gentle  Materialistic  Radical
 Careful  Giving  Mature  Realistic
 Careless  Gorgeous  Melancholy  Rebellious
 Caring  Gracious  Merry  Reflective
 Cautious  Handsom  Messy  Relaxed
 Cheerful e  Mischievous  Reliable
 Happy    Religious
 Clever
 Hard-  Naïve  Reserved
 Clumsy
working  Neat  Respectful
 Complex  Nervous  Responsible
 Conceited  Helpful
 Honest  Noisy  Reverent
 Confident    Rich
 Hopeful     
 Considerate  Obnoxious  Rigid
 Cooperative  Opinionated  Rude
 Humorous
 Courageous  Imaginativ  Organized  
 Creative e  Outgoing  Sad
 Dainty  Impulsive    Sarcastic
 Daring  Independe  Passive
 Dark nt  Patient
 Defiant  Intelligent
 Demanding  Inventive
 Determined  Jealous
 Devout  Joyful
 Disagreeable  Judgment
e Living Photograph
Form 5 : Captain Nobody Literature Component Module For English, Miri District Handout 1A

 Disgruntled al

 Self-confident
 Self-conscious
 Selfish
 Sensible
 Sensitive
 Serious
 Short
 Shy
 Silly
 Simple
 Simple-minded
 Smart
 Stable
 Strong
 Stubborn
 Studious
 Successful
 Tall
 Tantalizing
 Tender
 Tense
 Thoughtful
 Thrilling
 Timid
 Tireless
 Tolerant
 Tough
 Tricky
 Trusting
 Ugly
 Understanding
 Unhappy
 Unique
 Unlucky
 Unselfish
 Vain
 Warm
 Wild
 Willing
 Wise
 Witty

e Living Photograph

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