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Meanings common to
American English
Word British English meanings British and American

A&E the accident and emergency (casualty)   Arts & Entertainment (name
department of a hospital of a television network)
(US: emergency room, ER)

one that accumulates, as a  

accumulator rechargeable battery (archaic) type of computer processor
register or a hydraulic
a type of bet (US: parlay)

ace good, excellent (1980s slang) a one in a suit of playing cards (v.) to perform outstandingly
someone who is very good at *; esp., to achieve an A (on a
something. A term in tennis school exam)
for a point won for the server the best starting pitcher in a
without the opponent rotation on a baseball team
returning his or her serve.
fighter pilot who has shot
down at least 5 enemyaircraft
advocate (n.) Scottish also Jersey, Channel Islands someone who supports or  
and South African lawyer who appears speaks for a particular
in higher courts (rest of UK: barrister) position
generic term for a lawyer
(v.) to recommend or support
air marshal a senior air force officer (equivalent to an undercover law  
a USAF Lt. General) enforcement officer on board
a commercial aircraft, also
known as a sky marshal
à la mode   fashionable with ice cream (ex. Apple
pie à la mode)
alternate   (adj.) done or occurring by (adj.) constituting an
turns; every second, every alternative, offering a choice
other ("on alternate weeks") (UK usu. & US
(n.) one that alternates with also alternative) ("use
another alternate routes")
unconventional ("alternate

(n.) an alternative *; a

amber traffic light of this colour (US: yellow orange-yellow colour  

light) fossilised resin; a material
used in the construction of
some tobacco pipes' stems,
female given name; (sealed in
amber) state of being
oblivious to changing
anæsthetist physician trained to administer   a critical care experienced
(UK), anaesthesia (US:anesthesiologist) graduate level educated
anesthetist Registered Nurse who is
(US) nationally certified to
administer anaesthesia
anchor   (1) a position in a tug of a type of radio or TV
war team presenter ("a news anchor").
Seenews presenter for a
(2) device for mooring ships description of the different
roles of a newscaster, an
by providing a firm fix to the
American news anchor, and
seabed (3) a British newsreader.
the last member of a relay
team to compete

anorak a parka hooded, rainproof outerwear  

(slang) a socially awkward person that lacks a full-length zipper
obsessively interested in something in the front (UK: cagoule)
(syn. US: geek, nerd; dweeb; etc.)
apartment suite of rooms set aside for a particular   usu. rented housing unit in a
person (rare), larger building (usu. flatin
UK)– cf. s.v. condominium
usu. rented housing unit in a larger
building implying luxury (In other
words a narrower definition than the

appropriate to take (money) to oneself, to filch or to take and assign (money) to dispense (money), to
(v.), misappropriate (there is considerable overlap budget
appropriatio but difference of emphasis)
n (n.)
Asian originating originating from the continent originating from East
from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh or Sr of Asia Asia or
i Lanka (South Asian) continental Southeast Asia
athletics Sport comprising the events in track   Athletic sports in general,
and field, cross country running, road (e.g. College athletics)
running and racewalking
aubergine the plant Solanum melongena, or the an aubergine-like colour (US  
fruit thereof (US:eggplant) also: eggplant)
awesome   inspiring awe, spectacular great, "cool" *(largely used
in the 1980s, recently
revived; can have various
connotations depending on
context – compare
UK brilliant)

Meanings common to
Word British English meanings British and American American English meanings

callbox (n.) telephone booth (UK   roadside emergency telephone

also telephone box)

call for (v.)   to require or advocate to predict or anticipate ("The forecast

calls for rain")

can (n.)   small metal container can (v.): to fire someone from a job
(UK: sack)

can (n.): bathroom (slang), jail

(UK: gaol)

canteen (n.) basic food service location a box with compartments for  
usually at a work place or storing eating utensils,
institution (US:Cafeteria). silverware etc.

a military mess kit water

bottle, typically used for
military or camping

campsite (n.) area or park for people to   spot for a particular person or group to
camp in (US: campground) camp, often within a campground
(UK: pitch)
candy (n.) (candy floss) heated sugar (v.) to sugarcoat, or boil with (eye candy) (derog.) someone particular
spun into thin threads and sugar (as fruit) who is physically attractive (See
collected into a mass, usually to sweeten also arm candy.)
on a stick; something
pleasing but having little edible, sweet-tasting
worth (US: cotton candy for
confection containing sugar,
both senses)
or sometimes artificial
sweeteners, and often
flavored with fruit,
chocolate, nuts or artificial
flavours; a piece of candy
(UK: sweets, confectionery)

canfield (n.) a patience (solitaire) card   a patience (solitaire) card game

game (US: Klondike) (UK: Demon)
car (n.) railway vehicle, only in motorcar (n.) (UK, nonpowered unit in a railroad or
combination (e.g. "restaurant q.v.)/automobile railway train ("railroad car"; "a
car", except London passenger/freight/parlor/dining/baggage
Underground "carriage") etc. car") (see s.v. motor car, trolley;
UK: cf. s.v. carriage,coach, wagon)
(archaic) street tramway elevator (q.v.) cage
caravan towed recreational overland trading convoy  
vehicle containing
accommodation (US: travel
to take such a vehicle on
caretaker (n.) one who takes care of a one who takes care of one who takes care of real estate in
building, usu. a state-owned someone or something exchange for rent-free living
building, i.e. school stopgap government accommodations *
(US: janitor; cf. or provisional government
s.v. custodian)
one put in charge of a farm
after eviction of tenant
carnival (n.) the festive days just (adj.) suggesting a festive (n.) a
preceding Lent (US: Mardi atmosphere travelling circus or fair (UK: funfair)
Gras) comprising amusement rides
carousel (n.)   a moving luggage/baggage a rotating fairground ride (UK: merry-
display unit, most often at go-round,roundabout)
carriage (n.) railway coach (q.v.) designed 4-wheeled horse-drawn (baby carriage) baby transport vehicle
for the conveyance of private passenger vehicle featuring the infant laying down facing
passengers the pusher (UK:perambulator, pram) –
the conveying of goods or more s.v. buggy
the price paid for it a shopping cart (primarily in North
("carriage-paid"); "handling" Atlantic states)
carry-on, (colloquial) carrying-on,   luggage that can be carried aboard an
carryon unruly behaviour aircraft, bus, or train (UK: hand
luggage or baggage)
cart a difficult or embarrassing usu. 2-wheeled one-horse a lightweight wheeled vehicle, as
state ("he was put in the vehicle (as that used in for shopping, serving, carrying
cart") farming) baggage, etc. (UK: trolley)
cartridge (primarily related to video
casket (n.) a small box, as for jewels,   The type of coffin with upholstery and
particularly an antique a half-open lid, any coffin
casualty often, someone who has been generally, someone who has often, someone who has been killed;
(person) wounded; hencecasualty been injured or killed see alsocasualty insurance
department (US: emergency
catapult small Y-shaped handheld a type of medieval siege (v.) rise quickly
projectile weapon often used engine
by children (US: slingshot) an aircraft catapult
chaps [?] men or boys (but   leather leggings worn by cowboys and
increasingly used for people designed to protect the legs against
of either sex; in the singular thorns (sometimes pronounced shaps),
it still almost exclusively short for "chaparajos"
refers to a male, "Guys" has
become a more popular
phrase in the UK) (US &
UK: guys)
one's friends ("the chaps")
(US & UK: the guys)
cheeks - as in Bath Chaps -
stewed pigs' cheeks, a
check   examine for a particular leave items in the care of someone else
purpose (e.g. at a cloakroom; hence checkroom)
a pattern of coloured squares (also check mark) mark used to denote
a warning given in chess 'correct' or indicate one's choice
(UK: tick, q.v.)
request for payment, especially at a
restaurant; bill
written order for a bank to pay money
(UK: cheque)
checker   one that checks (e.g. an a store or shop cashier (almost always a
inspector) grocery store)
(checkers) a popular board game
(UK: draughts)
to mark with alternating colored
squares (UK:chequer)
cheers said to express gratitude in used as a toast or valediction  
(interjection) England, or on parting
(slang). Also cheerio.
chemist pharmacist, pharmacy (US student or researcher  
similar: druggist,drugstore) of chemistry
chink an expression of incredulity, a crack, fissure (A chink in  
similar to crap in American one's armor)weak spot,
English[dubious  –  discuss] vulnerability
a racial slur for those of
Chinese or east Asian
chip in to express one's opinion (as to contribute (as money)  
in a conversation); to "chime (orig. US)
chips (food) Long cuts of deep fried French fries, in (orig. UK) thin slices of fried potato*(UK: crisps)
potato, usu. thick cut phrase fish and chips
resembling American steak
chippie, carpenter (slang);   loose woman (dated slang);
chippy fish-and-chip shop (slang) the N. American bird Chipping
(Scot, Ire: chipper) Sparrow
chum A popular brand of friend (sometimes sarcastic) (n.) waste products from fish
canned dog food (officially processing (heads, tails, blood etc.)
Pedigree Chum) often used for shark fishing
bum chum a derogatory term
for a male homosexual sex- (v.) to spread fish entrails etc. in the
hope of luring sharks. "We chummed
the water all morning, but never spotted
any dorsal fins." Has some cross-over
usage metaphorically in non-fishing

cider an alcoholic drink derived   a nonalcoholic drink derived from

from apples (US: hard cider) apples
Cinderella a team which underachieves, fairy tale character a lowly sports team or individual which
or is overshadowed by enjoys an unexpectedly good run in a
successful neighbouring tournament
city a large town, in particular a   a usually large or important
town created a city by charter municipality governed under a charter
and containing a cathedral granted by the state (however most
"The City": the City of smaller towns in the US are cities); an
London, London's financial element of a standard mailing address
centre, hence financial (UK "postal town")
markets and investment
banking more generally (c.f.
US Wall Street)
clerk   administrative worker (or salesclerk) store or shop worker
(UK: shop assistant)
hotel employee at the reservation desk
closet any small room (esp. a private chamber for a cabinet or wardrobe, as for utensils or
Northern England, Scotland, retirement apparel; in the latter case oftenest built-
& Ireland); hence water in secret; (come out of the in; hence e.g. walk-in closet, linen
closet, a room containing closet) to reveal what was closet, and skeleton in the closet *(UK
a flush toilet, later the toilet secret (especially in relation also: in the cupboard) *
itself to homosexuality)
coach bus with of higher standard enclosed horse-drawn extracurricular sports teacher at a
of comfort, usually chartered passenger carriage school (UK: PE teacher)
or used for longer journeys* sports trainer lowest class on a passenger aircraft
tutor, usu. private, who (UK: economy)
prepares pupils for
examinations *
railway carriage *
cob (mainly Northern & Central The portion of a corn plant  
Eng.) a type of bread around which the kernels
roll("Chip cob", "ham cob", grow.
"pack of six cobs please") a building material
(pl.) large globules of sweat a type of horse
("I'm sweating cobs") a male swan
cock (n.) form of address to a man (n.) a male bird; esp., an  
to gain attention or greet e.g. adult male chicken (US
"Wotcha cock!" oftenest rooster)
a popular personage (n.) penis (vulgar slang)
e.g. Cock o' the North (v.) to set the hammer or
(v.) (cock up) *to make a firing pin of a loaded firearm
mess of things; cock-up (n.) ready for firing; likewise, to
is the act or the resulting "cock the shutter" of an old,
state of affairs spring-activated camera
(n.) A type of tap, faucet, or
valve (e.g., a stopcock).
collect To win a bet (from the idea (v.) to gather together, to (adj., adv.) charged to the receiver ("to
of picking up the winnings) pick up; (orig. US) to pick up call collect", to reverse the charges) ("a
a person or thing collect call") [from collect on delivery]
(n.) short prayer read during
the first part of a church
service as practised by
certain parts of the Christian
mainly Anglican and Roman
college part of the name of some constituent part of some professional association which usu.
state secondary schools (US larger universities, grants some form of professional
approx.: high school) and especiallyancient universities qualifications, mostly in the medical
many independent field (e.g. Royal College of
schools (US approx.: prep Surgeons, American College of
school) Surgeons)
educational institution
between school and an independent institution of higher
university (e.g. sixth form
education (as a small university or a
college, technical college,
college of further education) division of a university)
vocational training institution
grantingbachelor's degrees
generic term for higher education,
but only at the undergraduate level

comforter a baby's dummy (q.v.) one who comforts quilted bedspread (UK: duvet)

commissione professional head of   political head of a police department
r the Metropolitan Police member of any commission
Serviceand City of London
Police (US: chief of police)
commode small cabinet portable toilet for use in a normal toilet, in a bathroom (q.v.)
room without plumbing
compensation   the act of compensating remuneration received by employees
damages awarded for a legal (unemployment compensation)
wrong compensation paid to an unemployed
(workers' compensation) person (as a laid-off worker), arising
payment to injured workers from government resources
concession reduction in price (discount) the action of conceding a lease or grant of premises or land for
for a certain category of in politics, the action of a a particular use, or the so contracted-
person candidate yielding to another out service, as inconcession stand, i.e. a
an area within one country counter, stand or area at public
that is administered by entertainment venues where snacks or
another drinks are sold, often at inflated prices
a concession stand
condominium   a political territory (state or (also condo) a type of joint ownership
border area) in or over which of real property (as an apartment
two sovereign powers building) in which portions of the
formally agree to share property are commonly owned and
equally dominium (in the other portions are individually owned;
sense of sovereignty) and an apartment in a condominium
exercise their rights jointly
constable technically, a police officer   peace officer in a township without an
of any rank, but usu. organised police department
understood to mean a police official who serves summonses
officer of the lowest rank (UK: bailiff or sheriff's officer)
(one who holds no other
more specific rank)
(US:officer or patrolman)
construction   the act or process of building road construction and maintenance
or constructing; a structure; work; roadwork ("a construction
the construction industry area/zone") (UK: roadworks)
from construe: the assigning
of meaning to ambiguous
cooker an appliance for cooking a pot or utensil for cooking a person who cooks (UK always cook)
food in ("pressure cooker", "rice
(US: cookstove, stove,range); cooker", "slow cooker")
see also AGA cooker
a cooking apple, a large sour
apple used in cooking
cookie a bun (Scotland) a small packet of a small, flat baked cake *(UK
information stored on users' usu. biscuit, q.v.)
a biscuit of a particular computers by websites fellow, guy *("a tough cookie"); also,
an attractive girl *
variety, usually containing
(that's the way the cookie crumbles)
chocolate chips (often that's how things go
(to toss one's cookies) to vomit
referred to as a "chocolate (cookie-cutter) trite, banal
chip cookie") a cook (army slang)

cop to take ("cop a look at this", police officer (short for (cop a plea) (law, orig. slang) to plead
"cop one of these") (slang) "copper") (slang) guilty to a lesser offence to not be tried
to be blamed for, be caught (cop a feel) to grope (slang) for a graver charge; compare plea
("he'll cop it!") (slang) bargain
(cop a squat) to take a seat (slang)
copper low value coin, brown or the metallic element copper  
'copper' coloured (currently police officer (slang, orig.
1p and 2p coins) UK)
large copper vessel used for
heating water and washing
clothes (archaic)
coriander the leaves of the coriander the plant Coriandrum  
plant, used as a herb sativum
(US:cilantro or Chinese dried seeds of this plant
corn wheat in England, oats in in both dialects, the principal Zea mays; originally known as Indian
Scotland and Ireland crop cultivated in a particular corn (q.v.; UK
region usu.: maize or sweetcorn);
Indian corn, in corn on the hence cornfield,cornstarch (UK: corn
cob, corn flakes, popcorn flour), cornbread, cornball,cornblade,
any of various cereal plants
horny swelling on the foot etc.
or grains (US usu.: grain), something corny *, hence cornball
also in combination
(e.g. cornfield, a field of any
(see also US)

cot infant bed; hence cot camp bed  

death (US: crib)
coulee   a (solidified) stream of lava (chiefly Western, orig. Canadian) a
deep steep-sided ravine formed by
erosion, or a small valley or stream
court shoe a women's dress shoe with a   a type of athletic shoe used for sports
heel (US: pump, q.v.) played on an indoor court, such as
volleyball or squash (UK
similar:plimsoll or regionally pump)
cowboy an unscrupulous or a legendary archetype found a cowhand working with livestock
unqualified tradesman in Wild West genre works (UK: drover)

(derog.) one who is reckless,


cracker small parcel that makes an thin, hard, unsweetened an unsophisticated, typically rural
explosive report when pulled biscuit (formerly chiefly US, white person (alsowhite cracker;
from both ends, traditionally now common everywhere) derogatory slang, southeastern US);
pulled atChristmas also, someone from Georgia or Florida
attractive woman (slang)
anything good ("the new
product is a cracker") (slang)
crèche day care, day nursery   nativity scene, manger
scene, crib (q.v.) *
creek tidal channel through a   any inland stream of water smaller than
coastal marsh (orig. sense) a river (other terms: UK: rill, gill; N.
Eng. & Scot.: burn; Eng. & New
Eng.: brook; Midland US: run)
crew   body of people manning a rowing as a sport
vehicle of any kind
gang of manual workers (e.g.
road crew)
group of friends or
colleagues ("I saw him and
his crew at the bar")
crib (n.) nativity scene, crèche (q.v.) * a manger or rack, or stall for small enclosed bedstead for a child;
cattle hence crib death(UK: cot)
a plagiarism, as of a student (informal) one's house or apartment
("crib sheet") a bin for storing maize
cribbage a structure of logs to be anchored with
stones; used for docks, dams, etc.
(orig. Canada) a small raft of timber
crisp fried potato slices with salt, when something sounds clear a term to sunburning. For
sometimes with flavour(US: and dry. example: Because he didn't have
potato chips) sunscreen, Jack was burnt to a crisp.
crumpet an attractive female (slang) A savoury waffle-like cake  
made from flour or potato
and yeast
cubicle A compartment in a A compartment in a larger  
bathroom with low walls that area separated from similar
contains a toilet. (US: stall) adjoining compartments by
low walls, such as in an
office area.
cuffs   The ends of a garment's An arrangement at the bottom of
sleeves, furthest from the trouser-legs, in which the material is
wearer folded back upon itself to form a trough
short for handcuffs externally around the bottom of the leg.
cunt offensive (or sometimes vagina (usu. obscene) offensive, obscene term usu. applied
indulgent) term often applied to women
to men
custodian an association a keeper or guardian of a one who cleans and maintains a
football goalkeeper person or thing building; a building superintendent,
a janitor

Meanings common to British
Word British English meanings American English meanings
and American English

earth safety connection of an electrical the planet Earth  

circuit, or to connect (an soil
electrical device) to this the burrow of some animals
(US: ground)

efficiency   the quality of being efficient (or efficiency apartment) a

minimal often furnished
apartment, similar to a studio
apartment (UK: compare bedsit)

el (L) letter identifying a learner the letter L an elevated railway

driver; see L-plate (as that of Chicago or the now-
defunct Third Avenue El in New
York City)

elevator   flap on the back of platform or cage moved vertically

an aeroplane used to control pitch in a shaft to transport people and
moving belt to transport grain, goods to various floors in a
hay bales, etc. building (UK: lift)
building for grain storage (in
full grain elevator) (UK:silo)

elk moose (Alces alces), the largest   wapiti (Cervus canadensis), the

species of deer second largest species of deer

engaged in use – of a toilet/bathroom stall committed; involved in  

(adj.) (US: occupied; but the opposite something
is vacant in both); of a telephone betrothed
line (US & UK also: busy),
hence engaged tone (US: busy

English   of or pertaining to England (adj.) the foot-pound-

the English language second system of units
English (n.) spin placed on a ball
in cue sports (UK:side)

engineer a technician or a person that one employed to design, build or one who operates an engine, esp.
mends and operates machinery repair equipment a locomotive (UK:engine driver)
practitioner of engineering

entrée starter (q.v.) of a meal (usu. "the entrée") right of entry, main course of a meal
(traditionally, the course served insider-type access
between the fish and the joint, but
now used for any starter)

estate any defined area of real property, grounds of a large piece of real  
as in housing property which features
estate(US: subdivision), council a mansion and
estate (US: housing project) beautiful landscaping
or trading estate (US: industrial property left by a deceased person
car with van-shaped body
(US: station wagon)

evergreen   non-deciduous, a non-deciduous (n.) branchlets or sprigs of an

plant evergreen tree, usually a conifer
eternally youthful, new etc. such as pine, spruce or fir, often
used as a Christmas decoration
wrapped around human-made


Meanings common to British

Word British English meanings American English meanings
and American English

gagging (especially as in gagging for it) choking  

desperate, especially for sex fighting the urge to vomit
("that was so disgusting, I was

gallon 4.54609 litres (about 6/5 of US   3.78541 litres (about 5/6 of UK

gallon) gallon)

gangbanger group rapist   gang member; group rapist

garage fuel filling station, e.g. "a place where vehicles are (parking garage) building
(see Texaco garage" (also petrol repaired serving as a public parking
alsopronunciation station, US: gas station) building attached to or in the facility (UK: multistorey car
differences) a genre of music grounds of a residence for park or just multistorey)
storing a car

garden (n.) area around a residential   area within a yard (land) for

structure (US: yard) growing plants or vegetables
(UK: vegetable garden,
vegetable patch)

garnish   (n. (v.)) (to add) decorative or (v.) to take (as a debtor's
savory touches to (food or wages) by legal authority
(v.)to furnish

gas   state of matter (see gas) gasoline, hence gas

natural gas station (UK: petrol)
gas pedal (UK: accelerator)
air trapped in the stomach or
intestines (UK: wind)

geezer gangster, man (esp. Cockney)   old person (derogatory;

UK: old geezer [not derog.])

general The second highest rank in the The basics of a subject. The highest rank in the US
British army (second to Field Army.

give way to give the right of way (to to retreat; to break down  

vehicles, pedestrians, etc.)[2];
hence give way sign (US: yield
[the right of way] sign)

glaze   general term for thin shiny a slippery coating of ice (also
coatings applied to food, known as sleet, q.v.); a stretch
painted surfaces, clayware, of ice
etc.; a glossy surface

gob (n.) mouth; (v., slang) to spit lump a large amount ("gobs of")
(slang—little used since the
1940s) a sailor
go down (fig.) to leave a university (as to be accepted or remembered to go on, happen (often a major
Oxford) (e.g. go down in history) event, e.g. a drug bust "it's
to come down (with an illness) to fail, esp. of a computer going down right now!" or "it
go down on, to engage in oral went down last week". But also
sex used as a greeting, "What's
going down?")

goods items to be transported (as by useful objects or services;  

railway) ("a goods train") (US products; merchandising;
& UK also: freight) personal property
incriminating evidence ("we
have the goods on him")

gooseberry supernumerary third person a green hairy summer fruit  

preventing a couple from (Ribes hirtellum in the USA),
courting (US: third wheel) (Ribes grossularia in Europe)

governor boss (sometimes shortened to a local official the top official in a US state
guv'nor), colloquial

government the cabinet or executive the act or office of governing the collective agency through
branch (US: theadministration) which government is exercised
the political party supporting (UK: the state)
the cabinet in parliament all such individual agencies
(UK: the public sector)

grade (education) a level of music (n. & v.) teacher's assessment level or year of a student in
examination ("Guitar grade 4". of a student's work (UK elementary, middle, or high
Usually refers to ABRSM. also mark) school ("in 10th grade") (UK
equiv.: year); hencegrader, a
student in a specified grade ("a
10th grader")
(grade school, the
grades) elementary school
see also Grade Point Average

grade (other)   (n.) a rating, degree, or level; (n.) slope, gradient, or

(v.) to lay out in grades elevation; also ground level
[US meaning generated grade ("at grade", "over grade");
separation and the idiom make hence grade
the grade] crossing (UK: level crossing)
(v.) to level (as a roadbed),
hence grader, construction
machine for doing this *
graduate (v.) to finish university with a to move from a lower to higher to finish studying at any
(education) degree stage; to effect change in steps; educational institution by
graduate (adj.) relating to a student at the point to mark with units of passing relevant examinations
(education) of gaining, or who has recently measurement or other relating to a student taking a
completed, a degree divisions. higher degree (UK equiv.:
"postgraduate"), e.g. graduate

graft hard work to join or connect two separate a form of political-economic

but similar items (typically in corruption
biology, especially medicine
and horticulture)

grass an informant (often to the green ground cover grazing; to feed (livestock)
police) marijuana with grass (UK: at grass,to put
(to grass on) to tell on out to grass)
somebody (US: to squeal)

grammar school a type of secondary school,   elementary school (less

normally a selective state common today)
funded school

to cook over a gas or coal fire

grill to cook directly under a dry to question intensely (UK and US: barbecue)
heat source (US: broil) (informal). a flat cooking surface
a restaurant (freq. as "bar and
to interrogate.

ground floor (of a   the floor at ground level (US lower of two floors that are
building) usu.: first floor) each at a different ground level
due to sloping terrain
(UK: lower ground floor)
guard the official in charge of a to watch over for security military division used to help
railway train (US & now UK one who guards the country after a disaster
also: conductor) a protective device
in football, one of two
offensive positions on either
side of the center or a defensive
position across from the center
one of two positions
in basketball, usually players
who are the best ball-handlers
and shooters. Usually smaller
than the forwards or center.
Most common division is
between point
guards (playmakers)
andshooting guards (more
often score-first).

guff extraneous or useless things,   nonsense, insolent talk, back

ideas, or talk
paperwork/documentation; also
to break wind ("Have you
guffed, Dr Watson?")
gum cement consisting of a sticky a type  
substance that is used as an of confectionery composed
adhesive (US usually: glue) of chicle used for chewing
the soft tissue around the teeth,
or to chew something with no
teeth (also, gum at)
gutted disappointed and upset past tense of gut: eviscerated;  
(informal) plundered; despoiled; made
powerless or ineffectual
(of a building) stripped of
interior structure, leaving only
frame and exterior walls
( fire)
gyro (see also giro) gyroscope a sandwich, the Greek gyro,
more familiar to Americans
than the similar Turkish döner
kebab, which is more common
in Britain

Meanings common to British

Word British English meanings American English meanings
and American English

icebox   cabinet containing ice for food refrigerator


ice pick   ice axe, a tool with a pointed end small awl-like tool for breaking
used by rock- and mountain- ice into small pieces for drinks
climbers for splitting ice
immediately (conj., informal) as soon as ("I (adv.) directly; in no time  
await your call immediately after
you get this message")

Indian corn   Zea mays (historical or technical; A particular variety of

usually, UK maizeor sweetcorn, maize/corn, with multicolored
US corn, q.v.) kernels, used for decorations

indicator direction-indicator light on a one that indicates  

vehicle (US: turn signal)

inspector lowest supervisory rank   senior rank in some police

(police) above sergeant (rough US departments (rough UK
equivalent: lieutenant) equivalent: superintendent)

intern  replacement (v.) to confine (as during a war, (n.) one (as a graduate or college
or to a hospital) student) temporarily employed
(adj., archaic) internal for practical training, e.g. in the
science, engineering, or
technology fields; esp., in the
medical field, a physician (rough
UK equivalent: houseman) in
their first year of postgraduate
(v.) to work as an intern

internationa   Pertaining to or common to more Foreign, not from the USA.

l than one country. ("International version of
software for country xxx", in
British English this is a
contradiction in terms.)

interval break between two performances a gap in space or time; (esp. New England, also
or sessions, as in theatre see interval (music), interval spelled intervale) low-lying land,
(US: intermission) (mathematics), interval (time) as near a river (US
also bottomland)

inventory   itemisation of goods or objects the stock of an item on hand in a

(of an estate, in a building, etc.) store or shop
the process of producing an
inventory in a store or shop
(UK: stocktaking)
IRA Irish Republican Army [listed   Individual Retirement Account
here to reflect common usage]


Meanings common to British

Word British English meanings American English meanings
and American English

kebab commonly a döner kebab (sometimes (often spelled "kabob" in the  

doner or donner kebab), strips of meat US) meat served on a skewer
(usu. lamb or chicken) cooked by together with onions, tomatoes,
being heated on a revolving device etc. (e.g.shish kebab)
and served stuffed in a pita bread (In
the US,
the Greek varietiessouvlaki or gyro ar
e better known than the Turkishdöner)

keen eager or intent on, example: he is keen   desirable or just right, example:
to get to work on time. "peachy keen" – "That's a pretty
keen outfit you're wearing."
(slang going out of common

keeper a curator or a goalkeeper one that keeps (as a type of play in American
a gamekeeper or a warden) football ("Quarterback keeper")

a person well-suited for a

successful, usu. romantic,
relationship. (Don't let him go—
he's a keeper)
something of significance
("that's a keeper"). Can be used
in many contexts. Often used in
sports fishing to refer to a fish
not released.

kit clothing, esp. a sports uniform any of various sets of equipment a group of person or objects
(e.g. football kit) or tools ("the whole kit and (ca)
a set of parts to be assembled, boodle/billing")
e.g. into a scale model
kitty   affectionate term for a housecat piggy bank
vagina (vulgar slang) ("Singin'
'hey diddle diddle' with your
collective source of funds (esp. kitty in the middle"
-- Aerosmith, Walk this Way)
for a group of people)

klaxon (slang) a fool, idiot[dubious  –  discuss] Trademark (somewhat generic)  

for a mechanical alarm or horn
used in submarines and early
automobile models
kleenex   specific brand of disposable any disposable paper
paper handkerchief (Kleenex) handkerchief (from tradename,
example of a Genericized
knickers women's underwear (US: panties) or   knickerbocker
men's underwear (US: briefs)
knob The penis, or specifically a rounded door handle  
the glans (slang, vulgar) ("polishing
the knob") fool, idiot, dim-witted person

knock   to tip over something to rob (esp. a store, slang) ("He

over knocked over a gas station.")
to cause an object to fall over.

knock to practise before tennis to prepare quickly ("Knock us to impregnate*(slang,

up to awaken or summon by knocking up something to eat"— L.M. sometimes vulgar)

British Meanings common to

Word English British and American American English meanings
meanings English

mac abbr. of a brand of Apple (Slang; proper n.) A term of informal address used
raincoat Inc. computers; with male strangers; generally implies more
(Mackintosh) abbreviation unfriendliness or disapproval than the more neutral
ofMacintosh. 'pal' or 'buddy': "Get your car out of my way, Mac!"
UK generally 'mate'. Cf. 'Jack.'

Mackintosh,Macin raincoat Macintosh, a brand  

tosh, orMcIntosh (Mackintosh, of Apple Inc. computers
often shortened (often shortened to Mac)
to mac) (wrongly) McIntosh Red,
a type of apple
mad eccentric * insane enraged *
very, or a large amount of something (slang, as in
"he has mad skills")

mail (used in Royal (n.) the postal system of a (v.) send a letter (UK: post or send); noun
Mail, the name nation originatedmail
of the British letters, packages, etc. carrier & mailman (UK: postman), mailbox (UK:p
postal system; sent by post; as delivered ostbox; letter box), mail slot, mail drop, etc.
cf. postal) to individual, orig. US,
(Scot.) a UK often post
payment (tax, (n. & v.) e-mail, (n.)
rent, etc.) armour, as in "chainmail"
(Scot.) a
travelling bag
or pack

mailbox mail box a file for storing an item of street furniture serving as a receptacle for
electronic mail (or outgoing mail (UK: post box; letter box; pillar box);
related computing or a receptacle for incoming paper mail (UK: letter
voicemail usage) box)

main line a major railway a major vein (as for drug a railroad's primary track, or a primary artery, route,
line (as injection purposes) (orig. road, or connection
the West Coast 1930s US slang); also Pennsylvania Main Line
Main Line); used as a v. mainline Protestant churches
compare trunk

major (in the past, in important or significant (n.) a college/university student's main field of
English public (n.) rank specialization ("his major is physics"); the student
schools) used between captain and Lieu himself ("he is a physics major"); (v.) to pursue a
to denote the tenant Colonel in the major ("he majored in physics") (compare minor;
eldest of two or army and marines. UK: compare read)
more pupils (n.) rank between captain and Lieutenant Colonel in
with the same the air force (UK squadron leader) and in some
surname police agencies (UK approx. superintendent).

majority (politics) the greatest   more than half of all votes (UK: absolute majority)
number of
difference of
votes between
first and second
(US: plurality)

make out to snog to draw up, to seek to to kiss (see Making out)

make it appear, to to succeed or profit ("She made out well on that
fabricate a story deal.") *
to see with difficulty; to
understand the meaning

manual (adj.) performed by hand,

e.g. "manual labour";
(n.) instruction book (n.)
a car with a manual
transmission ("I drive a
manual.") (US: stick

marinara sauce a sauce   a sauce containing tomatoes and herbs, with no

containing seaf seafood or meat (UK: napolitana sauce)
ood, usu. in a
tomato base

marquee large, open-   signage placed over the entrance to a hotel, theatre,

sided tent or cinema
installed (attrib.) the ability (of a show) to draw audience,
outdoors for "box office" ("marquee value")
temporary a prominent celebrity or athlete ("marquee player")
functions *

mate friend animal's sexual partner spouse or partner

(US: pal or frie checkmate, the winning
nd) of a game of chess
informal term an officer on a merchant
of address ship
("hello mate")

mean (adj.) stingy, miserly, of inferior quality, unpleasant, unkind, vicious *

selfish * contemptible
a statistical average
(see mean)

median   a statistical average the portion of a divided highway used to separate

(see median)
geometric median opposing traffic (UK central reservation)
median nerve

meet with   to face (as a situation), to have a meeting with (as people) ("Vice president
experience ("If you can meets with Iraqi officials", CNN) *(UK
meet with triumph and generallymeet (transitive) or meet up with) [1]
disaster, and treat those
two impostors just the
same" - Kipling)

meter   measuring instrument, the basic unit of length in the metric system *(UK

including electricity usu.: metre)
meter, gas meter, etc.

mezzanine   intermediate floor lowest balcony in a theatre, or the first few rows of
between main floors of a seats thereof (UK usu. dress circle)

mid-Atlantic in the middle of   middle of the Atlantic coast of the USA (exact
the Atlantic definition of Mid-Atlantic States may vary)
Ocean, half-
way between

middle class better off than   ordinary; not rich although not destitute, generally a
'working class', positive term
but not rich,
i.e., a narrower
term than in the
U.S. and often

military relating relating to armed (adj.) relating to any of the individual branches of
specifically to forces in general the armed forces
the British (n.) armed forces
Army (dated)

minor (in the past, in not very important (n.) secondary academic subject (compare major)
English public see minor (law), major ("has a major in biology and a minor in English");
schools) used and minor (v.) to study as one's minor ("she minored in
to denote the (n.) a person under the English")
youngest of age of 18 years, minor league;
two or more generally, and for legal
pupils with the reasons more specifically
same surname (as in "the name of the
("Bloggs defendant is withheld
minor") because he is a minor"),
or under an age legally
required for certain
behavior (such as
purchasing alcohol), or
under theage of consent.

miss out to omit to lose a chance; usu.  

used with on

mobile (n.) mobile phone decorative structure (US: cell phone)

suspended so as to turn
freely in the air

mobile home a mobile, non-   a type of manufactured dwelling transported to the

motorised piece home site using wheels attached to the structure
of equipment
with living
facilities; a
caravan (q.v.)

momentarily   for a moment in a moment; very soon

mono   (adj.) monophonic (of (n.) infectious mononucleosis, a disease caused

reproduced sound, e.g. byEpstein-Barr virus (UK: glandular fever)
radio or CD player using
a single speaker)

(adj.) irrelevant ("a moot point") (orig. legal, now in

moot   (adj.) debatable ("a moot common use)
point") (v.) to make irrelevant (incorrect/uneducated usage)
(v.) to bring up for debate
(these meanings are
fading from use in US

see also moot court

mortuary (n.) building or   funeral home, funeral parlour

room (as in a
hospital) for the
storage of
human remains
(US: morgue)
motorbike a motorcycle   a lightweighted, small motorcycle
motor (formal) a car   a self-propelled railway vehicle
car,motorcar (motor vehicle)
(US: automobil
MP Member of Military police Northern Mariana Islands (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
Parliament other expansions country code and U.S. postal abbreviation MP)
Missouri Pacific Railroad (reporting mark MP)
muffin a thick round   a confection similar to a cupcake but unfrosted and
baked yeast less sweet, sometimes even savory (e.g., corn
roll, usually muffin) *(UK: American muffin)
toasted and
served with
(US: English
muffler   a scarf device to silence an automobile (UK: silencer) or
mum mother, as   abbreviation for chrysanthemum
addressed or silent (as in "to keep mum")
referred to by
her child
mummy mother, as Ancient  
addressed or Egyptian mummy, a
referred to by chemically preserved
her child corpse
(US:mommy) any preserved corpse
(Mexican mumia)

Meanings common to
Word British English meanings British and American American English meanings

office (cap.) a government a place of business; a the place where a physician or dentist
department ("Colonial position or function practises (UK:surgery)
Office", "Foreign and a particular division of an
Commonwealth Office") administrative unit ("Patent
(pl.) the outbuildings and Office")
dependencies of a dwelling
(as an estate)

optician (dispensing optician)   professional who dispenses lenses and

professional who dispenses spectacles
lenses and spectacles
(ophthalmic optician)
professional who tests eyes
and prescribes lenses
(US: optometrist)

optometris   ophthalmic optician in the

t U.S., optometrist and ophthalmologist ar
e separate, opticians are the same as
UK dispensing opticians

Oriental a person from East/SouthEast a thing from Asia e.g. a person from anywhere in Asia, other
Asia. Contrast 'Asian', "Oriental Carpet". than Western Asia or Russia. Considered
meaning a person from South pejorative. Polite US speakers
Asia. use Asian instead, even for people from
China and Korea.

ouster a person who ousts   the act of forcing the removal of

someone from a position of influence or

outside the part of the road nearest (in both cases the term the part of the road nearest the edge,
lane the vehicles going in the applies to the rightmost lane used especially by slower-moving
opposite direction, used in the direction concerned) vehicles (UK: inside lane)
especially by faster vehicles
(US: inside lane)


Meanings common to British

Word British English meanings American English meanings
and American English

quart 1/4 (UK) gallon or 2 (UK) pints.   1/4 (US) gallon or 2 (US) pints.

Liquid measure approximately Liquid measure equal to 0.946
1.136 litres (6/5 of an American litres (5/6 of a British quart).

quarter   one of four equal parts into which 25 cents (a fourth of a dollar)
something is divided, as a quarter
hour or, especially for financial
purposes, a quarter of a year; in
generic usage (as in fractions),
US usu. fourth

queue a group of persons, usually an ordered sequence of objects,  

waiting for something, arranged from which the first one in is also
in order of arrival *(US: line) the first one out (cf. Queue (data

quid colloquial term for pound a measure (mouthful) of chewing  

sterling (plural is quid also; in tobacco
Ireland it can refer to
the punt or Euro) (related

to the fullest extent or degree  

quite to some extent or degree, e.g. in ("All art is quite useless" – Oscar
the phrase "quite good" meaning Wilde)
"mediocre, acceptable" or "good, to a great extent or degree
well done" (a meiotic usage,
depending on voice intonation)

agreeing with a given statement,

often expressing reluctant
agreement or disbelief ("I'm
innocent, and this document
proves it!" "Quite.") according to


Meanings common
Word British English meanings to British and American English meanings
American English

saloon closed car having two or officers' dining room bar, especially in the American Old West
(usu.) four doors, a front and on a merchant ship
rear seat and a separate
boot/trunk (US: sedan) bar that serves only spirits and no food
(saloon bar) posh bar within a room in a house used for receiving guests;
a pub or hotel
passengers' lounge on a liner a salon
or luxury train (US
approx.: parlor car)
scalp (v.)   to cut the scalp off; to to resell (as tickets) at higher prices (UK: tout)
take something away
to trade (as stocks) for quick profits
(n.) trophy, spoils of
victory (informal)

scheme official systematic plan (as a plan, often secret or  

of the government) ("a devious; a plot
pension scheme") ("criminal scheme")
(Scotland) Low-cost public
housing (US: project)
school place of primary or grouping of any educational institution; in school: state of
secondary education departments or large being a pupil in any school normally serving
department within a minor children of any age, or in a college or
university faculty university at any level; at school: usually,
(among other physically present on campus. (UK:at
meanings, e.g., a school for both)
group of experts
sharing perspective or
methods, or a group
of fish)
scrappy not neatly organised or poor fragmentary bellicose or fightingly determined

a scrappy player is one who a scrappy player is one who compensates for a
sometimes plays well, but lack of size or speed with grit and
often plays badly. determination.

second (v.) to transfer temporarily to to endorse, support,  

alternative employment or bring
(pronounced /sɨˈkɒnd/, to reinforcements
rhyme with "beyond")
section (v.t.) to detain under the Mental to cut or slice into  
Health Act 1983 sections
On section, detained in a
mental hospital.
sedan   a chair or windowed a common car body style (UK: saloon, q.v.)
cabin, carried by at
least two porters in
front and behind
seeded with the seeds left in   having had the seeds removed (uncommon
(grapes, etc.) usage) (also seedless, used in UK)
semi semi-detached house   semi-trailer truck (UK: articulated lorry)
(US: duplex), semi-erection
series a single batch of episodes of   all of the episodes of a particular television
(television) a television programme program
(US: season)
set square a triangular object used in   a T-square (also used in technical drawing)
technical drawing
shade   penumbra, partial window blind
obscurity; nuance
(pl.) sunglasses (orig.
US); reminder of the
shag to copulate, or copulate with a seabird (various (v.) to chase after; to chase and fetch (as a fly
[understood in some (but members of ball in baseball)
certainly not all) the cormorant family) a style of long hair with numerous layers (not
demographics in the US a kind of a dance, matted or untidy)
also, seeAustin Powers] associated with
"beach music," esp.
from the Carolinas
(orig. US)
a kind of fabric with a
thick, long strands;
often used in carpets
long, matted hair
(cf. Shaggy from
the Scooby-
a type of shredded
coarse tobacco
shattered exhausted broken into many  
small pieces.
sherbet a fizzy powdered   a type of frozen dessert (also spelled sherbert)
sheriff chief royal peace officer of   elected chief legal officer of a county, usu. also
a county, now (as high in charge of the county's law enforcement
sheriff) largely only a service; elsewhere any member of a county
ceremonial role (England (vs. state or local) police
and Wales)
local judge, in full sheriff-
depute or sheriff-
shingle pebbles, particularly those to cut a woman's hair sign proclaiming one's name and calling
on the seashore * in an overlapping ("hang a shingle out")
style to cover something like a shingled roof
(shingles) a painful
disease of the skin,
caused by the
chickenpox virus
wooden roof tile
to cover a roof with
wooden tiles
ship (verb),   To transport goods by To transport goods, movement of goods
shipping sea, movement of Shipping & handling, standard form of charge
goods by sea for delivery of goods (UK: Postage &
Relationship packing)
shop consumer retail   small or specialized consumer retail
establishment of any size establishment (e.g. coffee shop, dress shop)
(US: store); workshop; practical class at school taught in a
hence shopfront (US: storefr workshop; US auto shop = Br. garage, car
ont), shop-soiled (US mechanic.
:shopworn), shop
assistant (US: (sales) clerk)
workshop, only in
combination ("machine
shorts strong alcoholic drinks short trousers (US: underpants, boxers
served in multiples of 25 ml, short pants)
sometimes with mixers (US (take it in one's shorts) endure a painful
& UK also: shots)
situation ("He really took it in the shorts that

shower   spray of water used to a celebratory party where gifts are given to an
wash oneself individual e.g. a baby shower to celebrate an
imminent birth
a short period of rain

sic   Latin for "Thus", pronunciation spelling of "seek" used as a dog

"just so" — states that command, and by extension as a verb meaning
the preceding quoted to set (as a dog, etc.) to attack someone ("I'll
material appears sic my attorney on you")
exactly that way in
the source, usu.
despite errors of
spelling, grammar,
usage, or fact.
sick (off sick) not at work (to be sick) to vomit unwell
because of illness (slang) disgusting (out sick) not at work because of illness
(n.) vomit ("a puddle of (corruption
sick") of sickening)
(slang) cool, good,
sideboard (pl.) sideburns, side- an item  
whiskers of furniture also
known as buffet
siding   a dead-end railway a short section of railroad track connected by
track leading off the switches with a main track, enabling trains on
main line and used to the same line to pass (UK: loop)
store rolling-stock external wall covering, cladding,
silencer device to silence a device to silence  
car/automobile (US: muffler) a firearm
silk a Queen's Counsel material made from the silky, pistillate flower of corn (maize)
unwound silkworm a parachute (orig. slang of the United States
cocoons Air Force)

(silky) smooth,
having the texture of
silk (cf., silky words)

silverware things made from silver,   eating implements (spoon, fork, knife)

including bowls, spoons, etc. (UK: cutlery; US also flatware)
Also trophies won by a
sports team (i.e. FA
Cup,Challenge Cup...)
skillet (regional dialect) a frying   a frying pan, often cast iron
pan a long-handled stewing pan or saucepan, often
a type of stir-fried food item having short legs or feet
skip (n.) large rubbish container (US an act of leaping or one who disappears without paying their debts
approx: Dumpster) omitting; see skip ("finding a good skip tracer is harder than
(radio), skip (in audio finding your debtors")
skive (v.) to avoid work or school v. to cut or pare  
(play truant) leather/rubber; n. an
indentation made
from skiving
skivvy a scullery maid or lowest [origin of both senses (pl.) men's underwear (colloquial)
servant doing menial work, is unknown; they are
somebody at the bottom of likely unrelated]
the pecking order [note that skivvy has
a third distinct
meaning in Australia
n English]
slag (derogatory) promiscuous A product from the  
woman (US & UK also:slut) iron-smelting blast
a general insult directed at furnace; mainly used
someone of either sex in tarmac production
slash (colloq.) an act of urinating to cut drastically an open tract in a forest strewn with debris,
("to have a slash") especially from logging
the symbol '/' (orig. a swampy area
(also virgule, solidus;
also: oblique, stroke)

slate (v.) to disparage ("many (n.) a type of rock; a (v.) to schedule *("slated for demolition")
critics have slated the film"), greyish colour to designate (a candidate, as for political
hence slating (v.) to cover with office)
slate (n.) a list of candidates
sleeper A horizontal member which A railway vehicle Sleeper (automobile), an automobile modified
lies beneath, and binds providing sleeping for high performance but with a normal-
together, the rails of a accommodation (a looking exterior (UK:Q-car)
railway. (US: railroad sleeping car).
tie,crosstie) Sleeper agent - A
deep cover secret
sleet snow that has partially   (partially) frozen raindrops, ice pellets; a
thawed on its fall to the mixture of rain and snow or hail; also, glaze
ground (q.v.)
slough (usu. pronounced /ˈslaʊ/, to a marshy area, a a secondary channel; a small backwater; a
(wetland) rhyme with "plough") swamp pond (usu. pronounced /ˈsluː/ and often
spelled slew)
smashed   beaten, destroyed as Exceedingly drunk
in "it was smashed"
smokestack   a system (as a pipe) (attrib.) heavy
for venting hot gases industry, manufacturing industry
and smoke: such a *("smokestack industries", "smokestack
system on stocks")
buildings, locomotive
s (UK
primarily: chimney or 
funnel), and ships
(UK & US
also: funnel)
smudge   a blurry spot or streak a smouldering mass placed on the windward
side to protect from frost or keep insects away
(as in smudge pot)
snout police informant pig's nose  
tobacco (slang) nose (slang)
sod unpleasant person, originally layer of grass and turf
short for sodomite ("He's a earth (in UK in a
sod, isn't he?") formal/literary sense)
unfortunate person when
prefixed by 'poor' ("The poor
sod's had his wallet nicked.")
or 'silly' ("The silly sod
really got it knackered.")
soda carbonated water, or any any of various (regional) carbonated soft drink, usu. one sold
non-alcoholic drink made chemical compounds ready-mixed (also 'pop,' 'soda pop') (UK: fizzy
with it, but not usu. one sold containingsodium (as  drink or colloquially (fizzy) pop)
ready-mixed sodium
bicarbonate or sodiu
m carbonate),
carbonated water
solicitor lawyer who advises clients,   one that solicits (e.g. contributions to charity),
represents them in the lower an advertiser, a salesperson, a promoter; often
courts, and prepares cases annoying
for barristers to try in higher
courts *(considered overly chief law officer of a city, town, or
formal in US)
government department

solitaire peg-jumping puzzle game   any of a family of one-player card

(see peg solitaire) games (seesolitaire) (UK: patience)
sort (v.) to deal with; hence sorted as to arrange or classify;  
expression of appreciation; often used with out
(slang) to be adequately
supplied with narcotics

all used with out:

to arrange or take care of
(something) *
to solve an esp. difficult
situation (also reflexive) *
(informal) to set (someone)
straight, or to get even with
sorted, to have or get fixed,
have problems worked out,
so things are working
correctly ("He's really got it
sorted now.")

spanner general term for a tool used   a wrench with holes or pins at its end for
for turning nuts, bolts, etc. meshing with the object to be turned (UK: C
(US: wrench, q.v.) spanner)
something interfering
(US: (monkey) wrench)
spaz (offensive) Incompetent,   uncoordinated, hyperactive, messing
useless, disabled person something up. Can be used self-referentially.
(from spastic, person with Has less offensive connotations in American
cerebral palsy) usage.
spigot   a spile in a cask a tap or faucet
spook   a ghost; a spy, a black person (insulting)
undercover agent
(both orig. US)
spotty pimply ("a spotty teenager")   of inhomogeneous quality ("a spotty record")
sprouts (n.) brussels sprouts   alfalfa sprouts
spunk (vulgar) seminal fluid courage, daring, or  
(US: cum) enthusiasm
squash (n.) fruit cordial drink (squash sport (squash vegetable (squash (plant))*(UK also gourd)
(drink)) (sport))*
squat   (n.) premises (n.) nothing (slang; short for diddly-squat)
occupied by squatters (more at cop)
to occupy (as
premises) illegally
to bend deeply at the
knees while resting
on one's feet
(n.) the act of
an exercise
in weightlifting
stabiliser (pl.) additional wheels to something that  
(UK),stabilize help learner cyclists stabilises,
r (US & UK) (US:training wheels) as stabilizer
(aircraft) orstabilizer
stall (pl.) front seats in a theatre compartment for an compartment containing a shower or toilet
(enclosure) (US: orchestra) animal in a barn (UK:cubicle)
a booth or counter (as a marked-off parking space
in a marketplace) enclosure for a locomotive in a roundhouse
seat in a church's (box stall) compartment in a barn where an
choir animal can move untethered (UK: loose box)
stand (v.) to be a candidate in an to be vertical; to  
election *(US: run) remain stationary; to
buy (someone)
starter first course of a meal *(US one that starts (as a transportation dispatcher or elevator (q.v.)
usu. appetizer); more device to start an dispatcher
s.v.entree engine) starting pitcher (baseball)
the official who starts a track race.
stash (v.) to quit, put an end to (v.) to store away [old (n.) a hiding place, or something (esp. drug or
("to stash it") criminals' slang liquor) stored away*
revived in US]
stone (pl. usu. stone) 14 pounds in a small rock  
weight (14 lb), normally
used when specifying a
person's weight ("My weight
is twelve stone four",
meaning 12 stone and 4
pounds; US "172 pounds")
stood (colloquial, mainly Northern past tense and  
English) standing ("I've been participle of stand
stood here for an hour")
stoop A post or pillar, especially a forwards bend of the raised porch or entrance veranda (orig. Dutch;
gatepost. (Rare except in spine bringing the esp. Northeast). Also refers to the external
dialect). shoulders in front of stairs leading up to a row house, "Sitting on
the hips the stoop."
dive of a predatory
bird towards its prey
store place for storage of items large consumer retail consumer retail establishment of any size
not needed for immediate establishment (UK: shop), e.g. grocery store, hardware
use* (as department store, convenience store,dime store;
store or superstore) hence storefront (UK: shopfront),storekeeper (
UK: shopkeeper)
stove a hothouse or greenhouse for wood- or coal- (or cookstove) appliance for cooking food *–
plants burning room-heating comparerange (UK usu. cooker)
the grate of a fireplace appliance see also Franklin stove
straight away, (usu. spaced) immediately,   (solid) a straight (in a road, racecourse, etc.)
straightaway right away *
strike a good solid shot, as in to temporarily stop to miss, as to miss the ball with the bat in
scoring a goal in soccer working (often as part baseball,
(Strike off) to remove a of a union) (strike three, three strikes) (colloq.,
professional's license (e.g., knock down all pins from baseball) gone, fired, ejected; said of
for attorneys: US disbar) in bowling someone especially after they've been given
("What do you call a priest to ignite a match three chances to improve their (presumably)
who's been stricken off?" – bad behavior ("Strike three, he's out!")
Dick Francis)
student   person studying at a person studying at any educational institution *
stuff (v) to have sex - often used as a to pack tightly with,  
milder form of "fuck", e.g. especially with food:
"Get stuffed!" *(for "Fuck "I'm stuffed"="I've
off!"), "Our team got stuffed eaten too much".
in the match", etc.
sub to subsidise (pay for subscription: a substitute teacher (UK: supply teacher)
something in place of purchase by to teach in place of the normal teacher
someone else - often used prepayment for a (regional) submarine sandwich*
for any sort of informal certain number of
loan) issues, as of a
(in newspaper publishing) periodical
edit copy for length or house submarine
style (in full: sub-edit) (n. & v.) substitute
(usu. in sport)
subscription (UK: (sexual) submissive
membership dues, as in an
association or club)
sub-lieutenant (Royal
Navy rank)
subaltern (British
Army second
lieutenant orlieutenant)

subdivision   the process or an the division of a tract of land into lots (q.v.) for

instance of the purpose of sale, or the tract of land so
subdividing divided. (UK:estate, development)
subway pedestrian underpass (Subway) restaurant underground commuter
Glasgow subterranean chain for submarine railway (UK: Underground)
railway sandwiches
sucker   One who sucks (lit. A lollipop
and fig.): fool, dupe, any person or thing (used either humorously or
gullible person in annoyance)
Secondary shoot
produced from the
roots of a plant
suds   (n.) froth, lather; (v.) (v.) to form suds; hence sudser (a soap opera)
to lather and adj. sudsy (in both lit. & fig. senses)
(n.) beer, less commonly root beer
superintenden senior police rank (US senior official in person in charge of a building (UK: caretaker)
t approx.: deputy inspector) various undertakings the head of a school district or a State
(railways, public Department of Education
works, etc.) sometimes, the head of a police department
(dated) a train conductor
surgery the place where a physician act of performing a  
or dentist practises (US: medical operation
(doctor's) office)
suspenders elasticated support   elasticated support for trousers (UK: braces,
for stockings (US: garter) q.v.)
swede Swedish (yellow) turnip (Swede) a person  
(US: rutabaga) from Sweden
sweet (n.) An after-meal dessert, (adj.) Sweet-tasting; (n.) Short for sweetheart. Also, to be sweet on
more s.v. candy (adj.) to describe someone is to have a crush on them.
someone who is kind, (adj.) used to describe something as good
gentle, or giving ("That car is sweet!")
switch   (n.) (n.) mechanism that allows a railway vehicle to
see switch, telephone change tracks (UK: points); hence switch
switch, network engine orswitcher (UK: shunter), switchyard (
switch UK: marshalling yard), switch
(v.) to operate a tower (UK: signal box)
switch (v.) to change tracks by means of a switch
to exchange, swap, see also bait and switch
make a shift
switchback a road or railway that   a zigzagging road or railway, usu. in the
alternately ascends and mountains; also, a hairpin turn in a road or trail
a roller coaster

Meanings common to
American English
Word British English meanings British and American

undergroun (often cap.) subterranean railway system, subterranean (Underground

d esp. the ones illicit Railroad or Railway)
in London & Glasgow (US: subway or metro a subterranean space or (before 1863) the network
) -- see also tube channel of clandestine routes by
grapevine (in the sense of which slaves were helped
an informal to escape to free
communication network) states and Canada
us objective case of I (i.e. alternative to "me") objective case of we ("he  
(informal), esp. in the North of England saw us")
("lend us a tenner")

Meanings common to British

Word British English meanings American English meanings
and American English

waffle (v.) to speak to no purpose; A type of pancake with a pattern (v.) to equivocate, waver, speak
ramble of square dents in it, made in a evasively
waffle iron.

wagon railway vehicle for transporting 4-wheeled orig. animal-drawn small wheeled food service table
goods (US: freight car) vehicle (UK also (UK: trolley); see also paddy
spelledwaggon esp. in the past); wagon (used in the UK, but
state of abstaining from alcohol non PC),station
(orig. US slang) wagon, chuckwagon, wagon
a delivery van ("the milk train

walk out, (v.) "walk out with", to be (v.) to leave a meeting in protest (adj.) (of a room in a building)
walkout romantically involved with to strike (orig. US) featuring outdoor access; (n.)
(archaic) to abandon someone, or to drop such an access ("full walkout
out ("she walked out on me") basement", "walkout to the
(orig. US) deck")
(n.) a kind of strike action (orig. (n.) one who goes out of a store
US) or shop without buying anything
the act of leaving a meeting in

walking   (n.) a stick to aid with walking (n.) a type of insect (UK : Stick
stick Insect)

warden any of various officials *(a gener., one in charge of official in charge of a prison
"traffic warden") something *(UK usu. governor)
an official in certain universities in compounds: fire warden

wash up to wash the dishes; to   to wash one's hands and face; to

clean after eating food, clean before eating food
liquid (US dish soap)

watershed (orig. sense, now nontech.) a (fig.) a turning point a drainage basin/water catchment
ridge of hills (which "sheds area (shift from orig. sense) *
water") separating two river
drainage basins; water parting
*(old-fashioned or nontechnical
in US; US usu. divide)
the time of day before which
programme content of a
specified or implied kind may
not be screened and after which
it is permissible

well really (colloquial, used for adverb of good  

emphasis) ("that was well healthy, in good form
funny") pit sunk to obtain water or oil

wicked (interjection) used for something (adj.) evil; fierce; roguish; vile (adverb) very (esp. New
very good, astounding or England) ("Wicked good")
interesting ("Wicked!")*

wifebeater, (slang) the beer Stella (wife beater) one who beats up a sleeveless shirt (such as that
wife-beater Artois (perh. also related to "A his wife worn by Marlon Brando in "A
Streetcar Named Desire") Streetcar Named Desire") *(also

wing panel of a car that encloses the apparatus used to create lift in  
(vehicles) wheel area (US:fender) aeronautics
a type of spoiler (on racecars)
the act of carrying out an activity
with little or no planning, To
wing something, "Let's wing it!"

wing air force officer rank (US   a duty title for an air force
commande equivalent: lieutenant colonel) officer, typically a full colonel or
r a brigadier general, who
commands a wing(Note
American wings are larger
formations than British wings)

wingnut (n.) derogatory term for a person (n.) a nut with projections to (n.) (mild) a crazy or strange
with prominent, sticking out, allow application of greater person
ears torque with the fingers
a type of tree
Wingnut (politics), an
uncomplimentary term for
someone of right-wing or
conservative views

wink (n.) "winker", slang term for a (n. & v.) the closing of one eye  
turn indicator (US: seeblinker)
wrangle   to bicker or quarrel angrily and (esp. West) to herd horses or
(v.) noisily other livestock; back-formation
from wrangler
to achieve through contrivance;
to wangle
wreck (n.)   shipwreck a usu. major road, rail, or air
that which remains of something accident or collision
someone who is unwell or out of
sorts (e.g. "nervous wreck")
wrench   a sudden pull or twist a tool used for tightening nuts
emotional distress and bolts *(used in UK chiefly in
combination, e.g. torque wrench)
something disrupting
(often monkey wrench) ("that
will throw a monkey wrench into
my plans")
(UK usu. spanner for both

Meanings common to British

Word British English meanings American English meanings
and American English

yankee, (sometimes disparaging, esp. someone from the U.S. (n.)1. A patriot from the
yank when shortened toyank) American Revolution;
2. a New Englander; in the South,
someone from the Northern US
(often disparaging). A
Minnesotan would not consider
himself a Yankee or use the word
regularly, but would consider
someone from Connecticut to be
a yankee; a Texan would consider
both yankees, but not himself,
and would be much more likely
to use the word;
3. a player for the New York
Yankees baseball team

yard   a courtyard enclosed area of land surrounding

an enclosed space used for a a dwelling, usu.
particular activity (as a railway comprising lawn and play area
service area, a lumberyard or (UK usu.: garden)
timber yard, ajunkyard, etc.) (yard sale) see garage sale
a unit of length a campus (e.g. Harvard Yard)
a place (as in a forest) where deer
gather in winter
100 dollars (slang)
a billion (slang, finance)
go yard, to hit a home run

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