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Del Pilar, Cabatuan, Isabela
Transforming Lives through Education with Quality Assurance
SY 2020-2021

COMPLETE NAME: ______________________________________ GRADE LEVEL/SECTION: _______

SUBTOPIC: Concern for others

Concern for Others

Concern for others means you must be able to consider the needs and difficulties of others and take an
active interest in their feelings, capabilities and perspectives in order to assist them with the difficulties they
face and act with integrity, warmth and concern.

Behavioral Indicators of a Compassionate Person. He/She:

1. considers the needs and feelings of others;
2. respects the rights, needs, feelings, and perspectives of others;
3. involves others in decisions that will affect them;
4. supports others in their difficult situations;
5. shows respect to others in their daily dealings with them; and
6. contributes positively to the welfare of those they interact with and serve.

Six Aspects of Concern for Others

1. Emotion Contagion
Before empathy can take place, you need to sense that an emotion is occurring or that an emotion
is expected of you. There is currently great debate about how emotion contagion occurs, and how we
realize that emotions are required from us, but it is agreed that the process of empathy is dependent upon
our capacity to feel and share emotions. Empathy is first and foremost an emotional skill.

2. Empathic Accuracy
This is your ability to accurately identify and understand the emotional states and intentions of
yourself and others.

3. Emotion Regulation
In order to be an effective empath, you’ve got to develop the ability to understand, regulate, and
work with your own emotions; you’ve got to be self-aware. When you can clearly identify and regulate
your own emotions, you’ll tend to be able to function skillfully in the presence of strong emotions (your
own and others’), rather than being overtaken or knocked out of commission by them.

4. Perspective Taking


This skill helps you imaginatively put yourself in the place of others, see situations through their
eyes, and accurately sense what they might be feeling – so that you can understand what others might
want or need.

5. Concern for Others

Empathy helps you connect with others, but the quality of your response depends upon your
ability to care about others as well. When you feel emotions with others, accurately identify those
emotions, regulate them in yourself, and take the perspective of others. Your sensitive concern will help
you engage with them in a way that displays your care and compassion.

6. Perceptive Engagement
This skill allows you to make perceptive decisions based upon your empathy and to respond or
act (if necessary) in a way that works for others. Perceptive engagement combines your capacity to
sense and accurately identify the emotions of others, regulate your own emotions, take the perspective of
others, focus on them with care and concern, and then do something skillful based upon your
perceptions. You’ll often do something for another that would not work for you at all and might not
even be in your best interests. Perceptive engagement is about the other person’s needs.

What does it mean to be caring?

1. Caring means showing concern for the well-being of others.
2. Caring means using your words and actions to help someone.
3. Caring means giving of yourself without expecting anything in return.

What are some words that describe the character trait of caring?
1. Kindness
2. Thoughtful
3. Sharing,
4. Helping
5. Understanding

What are some ways we can demonstrate caring?

1. Give help to people that are in need. For example: collect canned goods for local food pantries, donate
slightly used clothing and toys, send a card of encouragement to someone who is sick.
2. Show respect to people, property, animals, and the environment.
3. Be kind to everyone and do not exclude others from activities you are doing.
4. Listen to what other have to say.
5. Be helpful in all situations, at school, home and in your community.

Why is it important to be caring towards others?

1. When you care for others, it makes them feel better.
2. Caring for others helps us to feel good about ourselves.
3. Caring for others helps us to learn compassion and to look beyond our own needs.
4. Caring for others may inspire others to be caring too.
5. Caring for others make the world a better place.


How being empathetic and showing concern for others increases respect?

A concern for others is deeply linked to a person’s empathy and consideration of others feelings, wishes
and rights. People with concern for others show respect to the people they admire, treat others for who they are,
and always showing understanding and being helpful in the workplace.
Good manners and good language cannot be underrated. People who are sensitive to others’ needs and
feelings ensure they deal with anger and disagreement in a peaceful and diplomatic manner, without any
violence or threat. Self-respect is crucial to treating others with respect, as respect is often a reflection of our
inner selves. Kindness and support that is exhibited, is often returned in kind.
Practicing tolerance can help increase confidence in others and build positive relationships. Positive
relationships can nurture self-confidence and a positive self-awareness to ensure success. The ability to be self-
aware is to know their own strengths and acceptance of their weaknesses make it easier to show concern and
respect for others.


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