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Practice 1

Dear Janet,
Thank you for the invitation to join your family for a
holiday in Pulau Langkawi. I would __1___ to
accept. I am looking forward to ___2___ you and the
others. You told me that you would ___3___ your
parents in Penang first. Give them my ___4___ when
you see them. It's been many years ___5___ I last saw
them. I think it was at your sister's wedding. By the
way, ___6___ is your grandmother? She must now be
over eighty years of age ! My family’s doing fine
except for my mother who ___7___ from arthritis and
frequently complains ___8___ pain. I have been
really busy and the idea of a holiday by the sea is
really attractive. I'll meet you ___9___ the hotel on
the fifteenth. I will be taking the afternoon flight and
should be there by dinner time. Goodbye ___10___
Practice 2

Students today have to sit for exam after

exam. Studying for exams is ___1___
inevitable part of a ___2___ life. Some study
regularly and systematically. Others do it in
fits and starts, finally cramming at the last
minute, causing themselves unnecessary
stress. When you study ___3___ read, write
brief notes on ___4___ points in the margin.
Write a summary of each chapter.
____5_____ the notes in your own words
means that you have ___6___ what you have
read or studied. Then, there is no need to
reread everything ___7___ the exam.
Looking at your notes or your summaries will
help ___8___ remember or recall what you
have read as you can't memorize everything
you read.

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