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Music Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Amanda Hartley Class/Course: Concert Band Grade Level: HS (Intermediate)

A. National Music Standards (indicate which standards are associated with this lesson)

1. Creating
2. Performing
3. Responding

Include one or more Core Standards that the lesson focus include:
● MU:Cr1.1.E.8a Compose and improvise ideas for melodies and rhythmic passages based on characteristic(s) of
music or text(s) studied in rehearsal.
● MU:Cr2.1.E.8a Select and develop draft melodies and rhythmic passages that demonstrate understanding of
characteristic(s) of music or text(s) studied in rehearsal.
● MU:Cr2.1.E.8b Preserve draft compositions and improvisations through standard notation and audio recording.
● MU:Cr3.2.E.8a Share personally-developed melodies and rhythmic passages–individually or as an ensemble–that
demonstrate understanding of characteristics of music or texts studied in rehearsal.
● MU:Pr5.3.E.8a Develop strategies to address technical challenges in a varied repertoire of music and evaluate their
success using feedback from ensemble peers and other sources to refine performances.

B. Optional: List your state standards that are addressed in this lesson

C. Indicate the TI:ME Technology Areas of Competency that are addressed in this lesson

1. Music Instruction Software

2. Computer Music Notation
3. Multimedia Development
4. Productivity Tools, Classroom and Lab Resources
5. Electronic Music Production
6. Live Sound Reinforcement

D. Objective(s): as a result of this lesson students will know and/or be able to…

1. Objective 1: Navigate and use both NoteFlight and Soundtrap to create their Chamber Music Project
during Distance Learning using the set parameters.
2. Objective 2: Work as a group online during Distance Learning and contribute their part to the project.
3. Objective 3: Perform their part of the given piece, record it, and be able to edit it to fit with everyone
else’s parts.

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E. Required Prior Knowledge and Skills:
What must the students know or have experienced prior to this lesson?

Basic knowledge on how to change parts and octaves in NoteFlight. Also, how to share with others.
Basic knowledge on how to record and edit in Soundtrap. Also, how to collaborate, use BeatMaker and
possibly add loops, save, and export to mp3.

F. Materials, Repertoire, Equipment needed:

What materials do you need to accomplish this lesson?

Internet access, Logins for NoteFlight and Soundtrap

Internet capable device

G. Modifications/ Accommodations:
(for example: peer partners, visuals, preferential seating, frequent individual check-in)

Will depend on the student. Potentially will need to change their part of the piece so that they can play it.

H. Assignments:
What must the students do after the class in preparation for the next class?

This project will take about 2 weeks. Students will need to practice their part in preparation to recording and
editing it. Students will need to make sure they are in contact with the other members of their group.

I. Evaluation
How will you evaluate the lesson?

Students will be graded on the attached rubric. This rubric will also be used for the students to grade
themselves, their group, and other groups. 50% of their grade will come from my evaluation of their
project and how they worked together. 25% will come from their own and their group members’
evaluation of their project. 25% will come from the evaluation of the rest of the class.

J. Lesson Sequence
(indicate the sequence of activities and the estimated time of each; include and screen shots and hyperlinks that you will reference
in the lesson)

Activity 1: Students will be put into groups of 4 and given their piece that they will be ‘performing’ together.
Students will also need to decide on a name for their group.

Activity 2: Each group will decide who is going to play which part and will then transpose their chosen part for

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their instrument using NoteFlight. They will need to make sure that a copy has been shared with each member
of the group and with me, so that I can check their parts.

Activity 3: Students will then use their own time to learn their chosen part, get it to the correct tempo marking
and be ready to record themselves playing it.

Activity 4: The first person in each group to be ready to record their part will then open up Soundtrap and start
a new project. They will then invite the rest of their group to collaborate with them and start recording their
part into Soundtrap.

Activity 5: Each person is responsible for recording and editing their own part in Soundtrap. They are
encouraged to work together to make sure everything lines up and sounds good together.

Activity 6: Once all parts are recorded, edited, and lined up, the group then needs to create their own beat track
to go with the piece. Making sure that their beat goes with the piece and doesn’t overwhelm their recorded
parts. They may also choose to add a loop track to their piece if they would like.

Activity 7: Once they are all finished with putting everything together, they need to save their project and
export it as an mp3 file to be turned in.

Activity 8: Once all groups have submitted their recordings, each student will be given the rubric to grade
themselves and their group on how they did on the project. They will also need to write a reflection to be
turned in.

Activity 9: Lastly, each group will be given a recording by another group to grade based on the rubric, so that
each group will be graded and critiqued by another group.

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Group Project Reflection
Name: _____________________________ Date: _____________________
Group: _____________________________

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability, using complete sentences. You will be
graded on the quality, creativity, and thoroughness of your answers.

1. List three things you learned from this project.

2. In what ways did this project make you a better musician?

3. How did you contribute to the success of your group?

4. Were there any members of your group who were especially helpful? In what way?

5. Were there any members who were hard to deal with? In what way?

6. What did you do to solve this problem?

7. What was most difficult about this project?

8. What did you enjoy most about this project?

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Online Group Project Rubric
Student's Name:__________________________________________
Group Name: ____________________________________________
Song Title: ______________________________________________

Notes/ Articulation
How clear was their part in 1 2 3 4 5  
the recording?

Rhythm - BeatMaker
How well did their rhythm 1 2 3 4 5
go with the song?

How well could you hear all 1 2 3 4 5
of the parts?
Score - NoteFlight
Did they transpose their
1 2 3 4 5
part correctly for their
Did they work well with
1 2 3 4 5
their group and do their

                        Total: ______/25

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