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Engaging in school intervention to see if getting kids to practice a healthy lifestyle at school

would reduce childhood obesity?

Nathalie D Herrera Reyes

University of North Florida

HSC 4730: Public Health Research

Professor Lukens Bull



When we think of the future, we typically think of the upcoming generations in particularly

children. Children learn through observations in Home and school life. It's imperative to educate

them well to secure the future. Most elementary-age children spend a total of 8 hours at school,

some more depending on afterschool activities. Schools have the advantage of tackling this

disease head-on Early intervention has always proven the best results for any matter of study. For

successful intervention New curriculums will be founded after school programs will be extended

and the value of nutrition will be taught from kindergarten up into high school


Pediatric obesity is considered an epidemic as of 2008. About 30% of children are affected by

this disease. Various aspects go into play when diagnosing a child as obese It is important to

know that Biological, physiological, psychosocial, and social aspects affect. In elementary

school children have a designated 30 minutes to use for recesses, this a great opportunity to use

besides the physical education classes given once a week. There are obvious risks to being

overweight and obese especially in children. A way of measuring obesity is through Body mass

index (BMI). These studies are mostly based in the US, the BMI will be calculated in pounds and our digital age technology is vastly used to monitor our health.

High blood pressure, impaired glucose tolerance, and Breathing problems such as asthma. This

are only some of the risks children with obesity will face at a young age and if not prevented

these diseases from progressing it could lead to chronic illness in adulthood.

School is where a child spends about half of their early life. Children in elementary to middle

school are considerably closer to their parents. It is essential for

Key terms: Body Mass Index(BMI) , Pediatric obesity ,



This research will be conducted by a primary analyst with the guidance of Nathalie Herrera

Reyes and a 102 Medical Doctor along with 6 research assistants each. A medical doctor along

with their six assistants will be placed in an elementary school to obtain data. Resources

necessary to carry out this research will include having access to School district files for Duval

County. Since the children in the research study will be underage a survey will be sent home for

parents who acknowledge or decline access to their child's medical records and

participation(Appendix A). Parents and children who are willing to participate will be sent to

their local elementary school.

A total of 102 Elementary schools will participate. Accounting for about 500+ participants will

be acquired for this study through convenience sampling measures. The main method of reaching

out for participants will be through the school system. The principal from each school we need to

make a public broadcast and ensure each child is sent home with a flyer and survey.

To obtain results needed to reduce childhood obesity. A new curriculum will be needed as well

as extracurricular activities, along with a digital tool an includes various programs for parental

intervention. Lastly school food changes. A survey will be sent home to participants, Parents and

child .A biweekly survey (Appendix B) will try and monitor the psychological aspect. It’s

important to maintain a healthy mentality.

A new curriculum should include a culinary arts class and end of semester psychological

evaluation. Culinary Class should be yearlong and divide it into two parts. The beginning half of

the semester should be the educational portion. students will learn how specific food groups can

be integrated into their meals as well as the benefits they provide mentally and physically. For

the hands-on part, the children will be given quick recipes that they can make on their own and

some with parental assistance. Now for our extracurricular activities, since we are dealing with

school-age children (6-12).To eliminate the sedimentary lifestyle most children have schools can

implement more physical activity .once a year schools have the presidential test which is a

physical test till evaluate each child's level of the school ability .instead of creating anxiety over

a test of this standards. Children should be trained throughout the year to exceed their maximum

potential on the presidential exam. In the recent years play 60 have been adopted by the public

school system primarily in elementary school age children .his program entails to have at least 60

minutes a day a physical activity for the child .programs such as girls on the run or Boy Scouts

can also join in on the intervention of childhood obesity .

Similar to. Children's Health and Monitoring Programme (CHAMP) developed in The

Manchester University NHS Foundation. The US needs to develop or work with the United

Kingdom to use this digital tool. The purpose of this tool is to record and monitor the children's

Body Mass Index. Along with allowing parents to have access to view their children's progress.

Each child could have a watch to help them track their fitness level. To fix the Psychological

flaw of the study, implanted helpful ways to educate parents to talk to their children creating

positive body image.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack worked alongside

each other to raise standards for healthier meals for kids. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

stated, “Improving the quality of the school meals is a critical step in building a healthy future

for our kids,”. Since the children will know different fruits and vegetables, they will be more

willing to branch out from the basic. Providing children with healthier potions will ease parents

some stress over their children's eating habits.


Pilot study.

For this study a sample of 50 elementary schools will be need. About 7 schools from each side of

town will be selected to incompact all races and socioeconomic levels. Within each or

approximately two vending machines are located within the cafeteria or the extremities of the

school. Each school has undergone healthier option reform, but the interventions have not proven

as successful as wanted

Pilot Study Data Analysis

In Figure 1, Parents are asked to evaluate if they believe school intervention is necessary to

reduce childhood obesity? Overall 72% of parents to complete they survey said yes.

Figure 2 The data displayed is a program theory of a healthy school intervention

study.The study concludes interventions taken to process evaluation and the overall outcome

evaluation based off the input


Research Proposal Data Analysis

To ensure health generation schools must take an early intervention approach. Elementary age

children have strong ties to families than high schoolers. Children spend 8 hours or more Seven

days a week at schools. The educational system has the obligation to of hold and value children

to the highest standards.

Data Dissemination Plan

All children who participated in early intervention through their school showed evidence of great

potential. Simply by increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits and reducing the sedimentary

lifestyle vast improvements have a will be made.

Budget and Timeline

Three out of the five studies were created within a 5 years’ timeline. Local markets would be a

great way to increase the local economy as well as provide a more cost-effective produce. This

will be a team effort from the communities as well. parental intervention is just as important as

school intervention in order to Reduce pediatric obesity.

Appendix A: Survey

The following link with be to a survey asking the parents questions and if they would be willing

to let the child participate in the study.

Appendix b: Survey Part 2

Biweekly a survey will be sent home with the child asking them about the new implements at

school. Changes will be made for the next study based off what the children state. Also, parents

will be asked to complete similar survey. The parent’s question will be about Child’s mood,

Physical changes and behavior.

Has the new

What sport or Do you notice
What did you Does your curiculam help
outdoor any signs of
learn in Do you like child like the in a postive
activie do you behoviral
Culinary this the changes? new changes? mamner? If so
want to see at changes?
week? explain why.
your school?

Child Parent
Survey Survey


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