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Not just a shelter, a home in itself!

Gangamaya Bhujel has turned 60 years old. In these 6 decades, Gangamaya has seen all –
experiencing various ups and downs in her life. She reminisces her childhood where her elders used to
say, ‘we need to go to Kathmandu to see vehicles’ in their conversations. Later on, vehicles started
operating in Charikot. It was now possible to see and use vehicles for transportation from Charikot
itself. Now, vehicles operate right next to her house using the graveled road. Thinking about the
changed times and situations, Gangamaya shares, “As compared to our times, given facilities
available today, it is heaven.”

Gangamaya, who has experienced several positive changes and development in these years, has also
been through troubled times and painful situations. While she went through landslides, her field
completely washed away destroying her crops and fire destroying the entire village, Gangamaya’s
woes were added when she experienced fear like no before during the April 2015 earthquake that
shook the entire nation. Remembering the devastating event, Gangamaya says, “The earthquake was a
catastrophic event.”

Truly, almost all the houses of ward number 2 of the then Phasku VDC of Dolakha district were
completely destroyed due to the earthquake. The houses that were left behind were almost non livable.
The entire village residents were forced to live alongside the fields after the earthquake as no houses
were left behind. Gangamaya’s family who was dependent upon daily wages for their livelihood was
not in a position to manage an alternative shelter home immediately after the earthquake. Gangamaya
along with her family comprising of two sons, two daughters-in-law and three grandchildren were
managing their shelter under the tarpaulin, provided as humanitarian support for the quake affected.
The family struggled to collect tin roofs and other materials to construct a truss due to weak financial
status. In this dire situation, Plan International team came to the rescue of Gangamaya – that helped
her in constructing the truss and managing an appropriate shelter facility for the family. The agency
provided construction materials such as tins, nails and other necessary equipment as well as provided
solar light bulbs. Gangamaya is delighted to receive this extent of support from Plan International that
has helped her family to receive good facilities for shelter. She shares, “Though we were managing to
survive anyhow, the spacious truss constructed by Plan International really helped us to have a
comfortable shelter facility.”

Currently, just aside Gangamaya’s temporary shelter (truss), her new house is being constructed. The
foundations of this earthquake resistant building has already being laid. Showing her under-
construction house, Gangamaya shares, “We plan to complete the construction of the house before
monsoon or else before Dashain festival”. Appreciating the support received from Plan International
providing her shelter support at times of need, Gangamaya adds, “For well-off families, this truss
could be a mere structure for shelter. For us, it is much more than that. It is our home.”

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