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Friendship turned to romance when Gustavo organizing a surprise party for him! We want
UNIT asked Hannah out. They went on a date to Simon to know how much we all appreciate

12 Gustavo’s favorite restaurant in Montreal, and

before long they fell in love. They went out
together for the rest of the summer, but they
his friendship and hard work. So, I’ve
arranged for Ethan and Penny to be on a live
chat with us. I’ll use a big television screen
broke up when Hannah returned to the U.S. and here in the studio. It should be, as Simon
12.1 CD 4 Track 38 Gustavo went home to Argentina. would say, brilliant! His best friend, Jack, is
They didn’t stay in touch, and that could have going to cook all the food and bring dishes
Page 157, exercise 1
been the end of the story. But, 30 years later, from his restaurant. Nothing spicy though.
Family Gustavo moved to the U.S. and contacted We have a chocolate cake – Simon’s favorite.
Cousin In-laws Hannah. They realized they still cared about each Penny and Ethan sent a wonderful present
Only child Single parent other, so it wasn’t long before they got back of flowers and international food. Nothing
Twin Relative together. And their story ended happily when spicy there either! We also have some short
Stepsister Brother-in-law they got married last year. videos of friends and fans saying “hello” and
wishing Simon a happy birthday! I can’t wait!
Couple 12.6 CD 4 Track 43 Oh, I hear the door. This is probably Simon
Bride Groom now. Good morning!
Girlfriend Ex-husband Page 135 S: Hello, Kate! You’re early today. Is there
Work or study I’m interested in buying a new laptop. anything special going on?
Employer Employee Riding a bike is a great way to keep fit. K: Yeah, actually, I’m going out tonight so I
Colleague Business partner I love riding my bike. thought I’d start the day early.
Boss Classmate It’s easy to forget he’s only eighteen. S: Oh, going out, are you?
We have to leave soon to get there on time. K: Yes, right after our conference call. By the
Home Other way, I’ve made a pot of coffee. Would you like
Roommate Enemy 12.7 CD 4 Track 44
some? Or would you rather tea with milk?
Neighbor Stranger S: Tea? Oh, that’s very kind of you. But you
Page 107, exercise 5A don’t have to get it.
12.2 CD 4 Track 39 K: No problem. Here you go. Tea with milk, just
1 Distance
the way you like it.
2 Relationship
Page 134 S: Thanks a lot!
3 Imagine
He’s the teacher who taught me English. K: My pleasure. So, isn’t today your …
4 Happen
Did you see the children that were singing? S: Yes?
That’s the dog that bit me on the leg. K: Your, um, tennis match? Don’t you play
12.8 CD 4 Track 45
I bought the flowers she likes tennis today? Where’s your racket?
I’ll meet you in the square where we met last time. Page 107, exercise 5B S: Oh, gosh, I completely forgot. I left it at my
flat. I’ll get it before the match. So, I suppose
Important Technology I should leave at one.
12.3 CD 4 Track 40 Colleagues Better K: Oh, um, that’s fine. And I have this …
Impossible Afraid S: Is that for me?
Page 103, exercise 6A
Except Probably K: Yes, could you mail it? I need to send this
1 Who do you live with?
parcel to the States. Could you stop at the
2 The man who works at the bank. 12.9 CD 4 Track 46 post office on your way home?
S: Absolutely. Of course.
12.4 CD 4 Track 41 Page 107, exercise 6A
K: Fantastic! Thanks so much. That saves me so
1 It’s very important to get along with your much time. It shouldn’t cost more than £10.
Page 103, exercise 6B
colleagues at work. Let me give you some money. Oh, no! I’ve
1 A remote control is something that you use 2 Falling in love at first sight is impossible, forgotten my wallet. I can’t believe it! Could
to turn on the TV. except in the movies. you cover it? I’ll pay you back tomorrow.
2 A flight attendant is someone who works on 3 You can use technology to stay in touch, but S: No worries. It’s not that much.
a plane. meeting face-to-face is better. K: Thanks a million. I can always count on you.
3 Kindergarten is a place where young children go. 4 You shouldn’t be afraid of asking someone Who was it?
out. He or she will probably say yes! S: Unknown caller.
12.5 CD 4 Track 42 K: Oh. Were you expecting a call?
12.10 (DVD 2); CD 4 Track 47 S: Well, sort of. My mum and dad.
Page 157, exercise 1
K: Oh. Do they usually call you this early on a
Hannah Mason from the U.S. and Gustavo Ramos Page 108, exercises 2 and 3A work day?
from Argentina first met in 1985. They were K = Kate, S = Simon S: Well, no, but …
both traveling around Canada after college. A K: Huh. Well, please give your parents my
friend introduced Gustavo to Hannah, and they K: So, it’s almost 9:00 a.m. here at Learning regards!
immediately got along well. As they got to know Curve studios in London. And today is a S: Oh, yes. I will, thanks.
each other better, they became good friends. special day. It’s Simon’s birthday! The best K: Time to start the show!
They discovered that they had a lot in common, part is he thinks everyone has forgotten [LATER]
including a love of travel. about it! And that’s good because … I’m

B1 Pre-Intermediate 1 Personal Best B1 © Richmond 2018


S: That was an interesting programme. I don’t J: Oh, come on, it was easy. I make this all the
think we’ve done anything on shocks and time! And I’m glad you like it.
surprises before. S: Thanks Jack. Um, who sent the flowers,
K: Well, did you see the way the body reacts to chocolate and biscuits? Was that you?
a surprise? I thought it was fascinating, really P: Yes, that’s from us! It was nothing. You’re
interesting. I’ll edit the video and you can see it welcome.
later. Oh, and thanks again for taking this parcel. S: Lovely. I’m so grateful to you both!
S: Right. Really, it isn’t a problem. I should be J: Uh oh. Flowers! My allergy! My nose!
back by five for the conference call with E: Well, we’ve got to sign off. All the best,
Ethan and Penny. Simon!
K: Perfect. See you then. P: Talk to you soon! Bye, Simon!
S: Bye for now! That was a fantastic surprise.
12.11 CD 4 Track 48 Kate, did you do all this by yourself?
K: No, I had help! Here, try this. The chicken is
Page 108, exercise 4 delicious. Mmm, Jack, the food is so good.
1 A:
Here’s your T-shirt and $1 change. J: Cheers, Kate, glad you like it.
B: Thanks a lot. K: Well, it’s your lucky day! And here are some
2 A:
We’ve decided to give you a 30% pay messages from our fans.
raise. S: You know, I truly thought you’d forgotten. I
B: That’s great … I, uh, I really appreciate it. can’t thank you enough!
3 A:
Here are some flowers. I know you’ve K: Well, I’m a great actor, as you know. And we
been sick. have one more surprise for you.
B: Oh, that’s very kind of you. S: Really?
4 A:
The bus station? It’s right across the K: Yes.
street. S: Mum! Dad!
B: OK, thanks. K: Well, I’d like to make a toast to everybody
5 A:
I’ve done all the shopping for you. here, all our fans and all our amazing topics!
B: Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Cheers!
6 A:
I cooked spaghetti. It’s your favorite. S: And sometimes, really good surprises!
B: Mmm! Thanks a million.
12.13 CD 4 Track 50
12.12 (DVD 2); CD 4 Track 49
Page 109, exercise 7
Page 109, exercises 5 and 6 1 A:
Oh, and thanks again for taking this
K = Kate, S = Simon, E = Ethan,
B: Right. Really, it isn’t a problem. [BEEP]
P = Penny, J = Jack
2 A:
And you look great, Pen. Is that a new
K: Right, OK, so we’ve got everything. We’re dress?
going to throw the balloons. Yeah, are you B: Thanks. Glad you noticed! [BEEP]
sure? Yeah. OK. Shhh. OK. I hear him coming. 3 A:
Jack, you really made a fantastic meal!
Get ready everyone! B: Oh, come on, it was easy. I make this all
ALL: Surprise! For he’s a jolly good fellow and so the time. [BEEP]
say all of us! 4 A:
Lovely. I’m so grateful to you both!
S: This is just so kind of you! B: It was nothing. You’re welcome. [BEEP]
E: Hello, Simon! 5 A:
That was a fantastic surprise. Kate, did
K: Hey guys! you do all this by yourself?
E: Happy birthday from all of us at Learning B: No, I had help! [BEEP]
Curve Studio in New York. We really
appreciate all of your hard work.
12.14 CD 4 Track 51
S: Thanks very much, Ethan!
P: Hi, Simon! Congratulations! I hope you’ve Page 109, exercise 8
had a wonderful day so far.
1 A:
I can’t thank you enough.
S: I have, thanks. And you look great, Pen. Is
B: It’s no problem.
that a new dress? Did you dress up for my
2 A:
I love your new hairstyle.
B: Thanks – I’m glad you noticed.
P: Of course I did! Thanks. Glad you noticed!
3 A:
This chicken is delicious.
K: Hi Ethan and Penny! We really appreciate
B: Really? I thought it was too spicy.
your being here, on screen as always!
4 A:
You passed! Congratulations.
J: Hello, Penny! Hello, Ethan!
B: Thanks – the exam wasn’t that difficult.
P: Hey, Jack! The party looks wonderful.
5 A:
Thanks for taking care of my children.
K: Yes, thanks Penny! Jack, you made a really
B: It was a pleasure. They’re lots of fun!
fantastic meal.
6 A:
Congratulations on your promotion.
B: Oh, it’s just a small one.

B1 Pre-Intermediate 2 Personal Best B1 © Richmond 2018

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