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Class-VII Chapter- 1 Rent For water

Activity 1.

1.arguing(verb) ਬਹਿਸ ਕਰਨਾ 2.draw (verb) ਬਾਿਰ ਕਰਨਾ 3. Bowing(verb)ਝੁਕਣਾ 4.pleaded (verb)ਬੇਨਤੀ
ਕੀਤੀ 5.justice ਹਨਆਂ

1. Today I will have butter on my bread instead of jam. 2. By mistake Sahib went to the
railway station instead of the airport to pick up his friend. 3. I want to buy Samsung
mobile instead of Apple. 4. I wore blue socks instead of red. 5. Rajinder had fresh cream
instead of custard.

Q1.Why did the farmer buy the well?

Ans. The farmer bought the well to water his fields.
Q2.Who did he buy it from?
Ans- He bought it from his neighbour.
Q3.What was the argument between the farmer and his neighbor about?
Ans, The farmer’s neighbour did not allow him to draw water saying that he sold the well not its
Q4.Where did they go to solve the issue?
Ans-They went to the court of the king Krishna Dev Rai.
Q5.What did the king do to solve their case?
Ans- He handed this case to Tenali Raman, the wisest minister of his court to solve it.
Q6.How did Tenali Raman solve this case ?
Ans- He told the neighbour of the farmer to pay rent to the farmer for keeping water in his

1. Farmer 2. Well 3 Farmer and his neighbour 4. King 5. neighbour

1. The issue was about the water of the well. 2. The farmer was looking sad as his
neighbour did not allow him to draw the water from the well. 3. His argument was
about the possession of the water inside the well. 4. He told the neighbour of the
farmer to pay rent to the farmer for keeping water in his well. He even told the
neighbour to give two gold coins as rent to the farmer.

1. I felt (pain) when the surgeon put the stitches on my arm.
2. I fell in (love) with that little puppy.
3. After (lunch) Seema went to the market.
4. My mom will pick me up from school every (week).
5. My kitten jumped upon the table and ate the cake.
6. Sanya’s (childhood) was (painful).
7. I have full (trust) in my maid.
8. She is planting flowers in the garden.
9. That girl is very beautiful.
10. A dog is a loyal animal.

1. An army of soldiers 2. A bouquet of flowers 3. A bunch of grapes. 4, a company of
actors. 5. A colony of frogs. 6. A deck of cards 7. A Fleet of ships 8. A flock of sheep 9. A
herd of cattle 10.a lounge of lizards 11. A pack of wolves.12. a swarm of bees. 13. A litter
of rabbits 14. A range of mountains 15. A pride of lions 15. A school of fish

Ms.Rajdeep English Mistress

Class-VII Chapter-2 Trains (Poem)
Activity -1

1.Passenger-(noun) ਯਾਤਰੀ 2. precious(adj) ਕੀਮਤੀ 3. mail(noun) ਮੇਲ 4.freight(adj) ਭਾੜੇ 5.

Dusk(noun) . ਸਾਮ 6..dawn(noun) ਸਵੇਰ 7. without (preposition) ਬਿਨਾਫੇਲ


Land Sky Water

car aeroplane ship

scooter helicopter submarine
auto bus train

Activity 3 Write answers to the following questions:

1. What places do the trains go to?
Ans- Trains go over the mountains, plains and rivers
2. What do they carry?
Ans- Trains carry passengers and mails. They also bring the precious loads which belong to the
3. Why does the poet call passengers and mail as ''precious loads''?
Ans- The poet call passengers and mail as ''precious loads” because both human lives and their
possessions are important.
4. Where do the trains run?
Ans-Trains run through days and nights. They cover the mountains, plains and rivers.
5. What are freight cars?
Ans- Freight cars refer to the trains here. Freight cars carry a lot of load.

Activity 4
Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow:
Through day and darkness,
Through dusk and dawn.
1. What do the above lines refer to?
Ans- The above lines refer to the constant working of the trains.
2. What do the 'day and darkness' and 'dusk and dawn' in the poem tell the
Ans- The 'day and darkness' and 'dusk and dawn' in the poem tell the readers that the trains
remain very regular ignoring day and night , early morning and late evening.

Activity 5
Complete the sentences given below with 'so' or 'because'.
1. My dog was hungry so it stole biscuits
from the shelf.
2. I am feeling sleepy because I am very tired.
3. Babli bought new clothes because she wanted to wear them on Diwali.
4. It was raining, so my books got wet.
5. He did not study hard, so he failed the test.
6. I asked for directions because I was lost.
7. I did not clean the room, so it became dirty.
8. I met with an accident because I was driving fast.
9. Deepa went to the doctor because she was feeling sick.
10. Mohan did not help Sohan because he was not well.
Activity 6 (Answers)
Combine the sentences given below using 'although' and 'yet
1. Although my dog was hungry, yet it did not eat biscuits.
2. Although he is very sleepy, yet he is watching a movie.
3. Although Babli wanted to wear new clothes on Diwali, yet she did not buy them.
4. Although it was raining, yet I did not take an umbrella.
5. Although he did not study hard, yet he passed the test.
6. Although I was lost, yet I did not ask for directions.
7. Although my room was dirty, yet I did not clean the room.
8. Although I was ill, yet I did not go to the doctor.
9. Although Mohan and Sohan were friends, yet Mohan did not help Sohan.
10. Although I went to the market, yet I did not buy anything

Rajdeep English Mistress

Class-VII Chapter-3 Birbal’s Khichdi
1.Glowing: adj 2.starving: verb 3. Frozen: verb 4. Extreme: adj
5.deserve:verb 6 consider: verb 7.warmth: noun 10. Brahmin:noun
Activity:2 Now let us look at some words from the story and see how we can
break them. In
the word 'impossible', im- is a prefix and in the word 'national' -al is a suffix.
1. frozen=n as suffix
2. return=re as prefix
3. extremely= ly as sufix
4. disappointed=ed as suffix
5. shivering=ing as suffix
6. wisest=st as suffix
7. realize=re as prefix
8. looking =ing as suffix
Write answer to the following questions:
1 What time of the year was it in the story?
Ans: It was the time of winter in the story.
2: What had happened to the ponds and lakes?
Ans: The ponds and lakes near Akbar’s place were all frozen.
3: What did Akbar want to know?
Ans: Akbar wanted to know if a man could do anything for money.
4: Why did the Brahmin accept Akbar’s challenge?
Ans: He was extremely poor. His family was starving and he needed money .
5: How much money did Akbar agree to give to the brahmin?
Ans: Akbar agreed to give him two thousand gold coins .

Activity 4: Who said to whom?

1: Stand inside the frozen pond all through the night without any clothes and I will
give you two thousand gold coins.
Ans: Akbar said this to the Brahmin.
2.How could you stand in the frozen pond in such n extreme temperature? Ans:
Akbar said this to the Brahmin.
3.: Oh Brahmin, you have cheated me.
Ans: Akbar said this to the Brahmin.
4: Your majesty, it is impossible to get the warmth from the lights glowing so far
Ans: Birbal said to Akbar.
5: Birbal. I considered you to be the wisest in the country, but you have proved
me wrong.
Ans: Akbar said to Birbal.
Activity 5: What do you understand about Birbal in the story?
Ans: Birbal was the wisest courtier in Akbar’s court. He had solved several
problems with his intelligence. He was very popular in the kingdom. He had a
helping nature and he never made Akbar do injustice with any person.
Activity 7
Divide the following words into two parts. The first has been done for you:
1. Mainly= main + ly
2. generally=general+ly
3. aptly=apt+ly
4. sternly=stern+ly
5. normally=normal+ly
6. suddenly=Sudden+ly
7. carefully=careful+ly
8. rarely=rare+ly
Activity 8: fill in the Blanks:
1: Akbar spoke sternly with the brahmin.
2: The exam was fairly easy.
3: Birbal was truly wise.
4: You should certainly take leave from work.
5. The student sat quietly after the teacher scolded him.
Activity 9
The following exercise will help you to understand how Adverbs of Frequency
work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence:
1. I ___________ late on weekends.
a. get up usually
b. get usually up
c. usually get up
d. up get usually
2. My father ___________late for work.
a. never is
b. is never
c. are never
d. were never
3. How ___________on weekends?
a. often do you travel
b. do you often travel
c. often you do travel
d. often does you travel
4. Tim ___________early for class.
a. often is
b. are often
c. often are
d. is often
5. When do you ___________ go on vacation each year?
a. always
b. never
c. usually
d. ever

Ms.Rajdeep,English Mistress,
Class-VII Chapter-4 A Glass of Milk
1.complicated(adj)2. diagnose(verb)
4.attention(noun)5. Struggle(noun& Verb)6. Discuss(verb)
Activity 2: Find suffixes
1: Complicated ___ ‘d’
2: Hesitatingly ___ ‘ly’
3: Warmly ___ ‘ly’
4: Stronger ___ ‘er’
5: Goodness ___ ‘ness’
Activity 3: Fill in the blanks
1. The two brothers distributed the sweets between themselves.
2. Radha came and sat beside her mother.
3. The four thieves quarrelled among themselves.
4. I have three other pens besides this.
5. Besides advising them, he gave them money.
6. A beggar was sitting beside the temple gate.

Activity 4: Read the play carefully and write the answers:

Scene 1
1. Count and write the number of characters in scene 1 of the play.
Ans:There are two characters in scene-
2. What are their names?
Ans: They are namely Boy: Howard Kelly and Lady: Anita
3. What is the time?
Ans: It is a hot afternoon.
4. What does the boy say to himself?
Ans: The boy says to himself, “I must sell two more books! How will I give my
school fee if I don't sell these books?
5. Why does he sell books?
Ans: He sells the books to pay his school fee.
6. Why does he ring the bell?
Ans: He wants to ask water from the next house
7. Who opens the door?
Ans: A lady opens the door.
8. What does he request the Lady for?
Ans: He requests the lady to buy one of the books he sells.
9. What does the Lady give him?
Ans: The lady gives him a glass of milk and some money.
10. How much money does the Lady give the boy for the book?
Ans: The lady gives him 5 pounds for the book.
Scene 2
1. Count and write the number of characters in scene 2 of the play.
Ans: Two characters are there in scene 2 of the play.
2. What is the profession of the characters of this scene?
Ans: Both the characters are the doctors.
3. Why had the Lady come to this hospital?
Ans: The lady was advised by some local doctors to consult that hospital.
4. How did the Lady get ill?
Ans: The lady had food poisoning that got complicated. Even her liver had got
5. What kind of treatment did she need?
Ans: She needed immediate surgery.
Scene 3
1. How much time did the patients get to pay the bill, as per the rules?
Ans: As per the hospital rules, the patients need to pay the bill in two days.
2. Why did the Lady get worried?
Ans: The lady was worried about the bill of the hospital as it was too much.
3. Why did the Lady have tears in her eyes?
Ans: The lady had tears when she read the bill marked with the words: Paid in
full years ago with a glass of milk’.
4. Why did she not have to pay the bill?
Ans: Her bill had been cancelled by Dr. Howard Kelly.
5. Who had paid the bill? Why?
Ans: Dr. Howard Kelly had paid the bill as the lady had offered him a glass of milk
a few years ago.
6. Why was the Lady happy in the end?
Ans: The lady was happy in the end as her bill had been exempted due to her
Activity 5
Now, complete the following sentences by choosing the correct comparative
form of the words given in the brackets:
1. Australia is the largest island in the world. (large, larger, largest)
2. The class test was easier than we had expected. (easy, easier, easiest)
3. The elephant has the longest trunk. (long, longer, longest)
4. Kilimanjaro in Africa is taller than Mont Blanc in Europe. (tall,
taller, tallest)
5. The white dog was the greediest of all. (greedy, greedier, greediest)
Activity 6
Fill in the blanks with the correct degree of comparison of the adjective. Use the
adjective given in the brackets:
1. Shyam is heathier than Karan. Neil is the healthiest of them all. (healthy)
2. My room is neater than yours. (neat)
3. Pole star is the brightest star. (bright)
4. The sweets I ate at this sweetshop are more delicious than any other sweets I
have ever eaten. (delicious)
4. Is the Prime Minister more powerful than the President? (powerful)

Ms.Rajdeep,English Mistress,
Class-VII Chapter-5 The Hunter And the
1. Journey (noun) 2.plea (noun) 3.buck (noun)
4, Doe (noun) 5.fawn (noun) 6.beast (noun)
Pick up words from the poem that match the rhyme of the following words:
1. Fun –gun-son
2. Feast –least-beast
3. Wise-eyes- lives
4. Near –deer-fear
5. file -smile - while
Activity 4
Read the poem and select the appropriate option to fill in the given blanks:
1. The hunter went on a journey to find some ___________.
(a) deer meat (b) dog meat (c) horse meat
2. The hunter found a ___________.
(a) a dog (b) a buck (c) a bear
3. The other word for a male deer is ___________.
(a) doe (b) fawn (c) buck
4. The poet thought that the buck was begging for ___________.
(a) the fawn’s life (b) his own life (c) the doe’s life
5. A female deer is called a ___________.
(a) doe (b) fawn (c) buck
6. A young deer is called a ___________.
(a) doe (b) fawn (c) buck
7. The hunter remembered what he came for and raised his ___________.
(a) hand (b) gun (c) head
8. A ___________ came out of nowhere.
(a) doe (b) fawn (c) buck
9. The hunter felt that he could not ___________the buck.
(a) kill (b) raise (c) look at
10. The hunter gathered ___________ for feeding the deer.
(a) fruits (b) leaves (c) nuts
Activity 5: Answer the questions below:
1. What did the hunter want to eat?
Ans: The hunter wanted to eat some deer meat.
2. What did the hunter see?
Ans: He saw a buck begging for its life.
3. Why did the hunter not kill the buck?
Ans: He did not kill it because he didn’t want to feel like a beast.
4. What did the hunter do?
Ans: He gathered some nuts and fed the deer.
5. How did the buck feel after eating nuts?
Ans: After eating nuts the deer didn’t feel fear of the hunter and he went home
feeling great.
Activity 6: explain the lines:
1: And if he killed the buck he’d feel like a beast.
Explanation: If he had killed the buck, he might feel himself as a beast and
criminal who didn’t have a feeling of pity.
2. And something grew in him.
Exp.: When the deer saw him with pleading eyes, an feeling of pity raised in him
and he forgot to hunt them.
3. And he felt the deer’s lack of fear.)

Exp.: When he fed the deer, he could feel that the deer had lost its fear of hunter
and started enjoying his companionship.

Activity 7
In the following sentences, choose one of the three options and put a tick on the
right one:
1. I have a/an/the/good idea.=a good idea
2. That is a/an/the/interesting toy!=an interesting toy
3. I have kept the bag in a/an/the/cupboard.=the cupboard
4. Do the Sharmas have a/an/the/blue car?=a blue car
5. The water in a/an/the/river is dirty.= the river
6. He had a/an/the/piece of chocolate.=a piece
7. I like to eat a/an/the/egg everyday.=the egg
8. She has a/an/the/good habit of brushing her teeth twice a day.=a good habit
9. Raghav likes to walk in a/an/the/rain.=the rain
10. Radha plays a/an/the/game of chess everyday.=the game
Write ‘this’ or ‘these’ for things that are near him, and ‘that’ or ‘those’ for things
that are not near him. One has been done for you.
1. This laptop is new.
2. This wooden cabinet is for his papers.
3. These books are about business.
4. That computer is also new.
5. This dustbin is very good.
6. These curtains are very old.
7. This plant is beautiful.
8. These wooden horses are nice.
9. This cage does not have a real bird.
10. That drawers need repair.

Activity 9
In the following sentences choose one of the options and put a tick on the right
1. There are only a few bananas left in the box.
a. a few b. a little
2. We need a little butter for this cake.
a. a few b. a little
3. There are only a few days left to give the reports.
a. a few b. a little
4. I bought a few apples from this shop.
a. a few b. a little
5. How many people live in your city?
a. How much b. How many
6. How much water is there in the sea?
a. How much b. How many
7. We need some bananas.
a. some b. any
8. You can't buy any oranges in this shop.
a. some b. any
9. There is a bus each 2 hours.
a. each b. every
10. We enjoyed each minute of our holidays.
a. each b. every
Ms.Rajdeep,English Mistress,

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