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Name Mark Eugene D.

Casing Date Nov 12, 2019

Section Block A Score

A. OBJECTIVE: Using a penetration testing tool, verify if a log-in password or access code in
particular site can be sniffed or grabbed by unauthorized net users
B. PROCEDURE (see procedure attached to this worksheet)

1. Profile of pen testing software used

2. Steps in sniffing password

Download first the wireshark application, make sure that wincap is also installed.

Open the wireshark application, then click ethernet to see live from it.
Open an internet site that is not secured, and log in any account that you wish register.
After failed to log in , go back to wireshark application then click the search bar.
Search for the http.request.method==”POST”.
Left click the hypertext transfer protocol.
Point the arrow to choose and right click the POST\login.php.
There will be pieces of information to pop up in your monitor.
You can see the username and password you log in to the internet site you have registered.

3. Capture interface:

4. Starting live capture:

5. Filtered captured packets:

6. Selected captured packet:

7. TCP stream analysis:

8. Captured password:

At first, it is too hard to understand the steps in sniffing password, but by the help of the class

unity is very important. If you have already downloaded the wireshark and wincap in your PC
You can easily follow the ways and methods step by step. This type of activity will try your
Ability and strategy on how to pass the activity you have task to finish.

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