lab2-8ADacs! Final Output

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Name Dacumos , Alfredo III L.

Date 11-12-19

Section Ccje Block A Score

A. OBJECTIVE: Using a penetration testing tool, verify if a log-in password or access code in
particular site can be sniffed or grabbed by unauthorized net users
B. PROCEDURE (see procedure attached to this worksheet)

1. Profile of pen testing software used

2. Steps in sniffing password

1.first you must have to download the wireshark and then run

2.log into a random website in your browser the wireshark then click on the ethernet you are currently connected with

4.after that you must encode the following http.request.method==”POST” to find your packets.

5. There will be an information popping out below.

6. Find your hypertext protocol and and your cookie

7.after finding it right click on the cookie then click follow
8 tcp analysis will come out then there you have it ,your passwords and username will
appear with a color red text.

3. Capture interface:
4. Starting live capture:

5. Filtered captured packets:

6. Selected captured packet:

7. TCP stream analysis:

8. Captured password:

At first I screwed up it is because I think I just made a mistake but it’s just that I am missing

Some steps I know I got the steps on the first part but when I got to review something there is

A big piece missing it is the http.request.method==”POST”. I reviewed well and I just realize

This is easy . It’s just that I didn’t follow the instructions well. I think when I told you sir that I

Messed up, I am thinking that your laughing deep inside HAHAHAHA . Kidding aside sir . But
This activity made me realize that you must follow the steps carefully not just when you know
how to use computer you know everything.

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