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Dear Respondents,

Good Day!

The proponent would like to ask a favor from you to answer my questionnaire regarding the
proposed study entitled “3D Model Land Cemetery”. All the data that will be gathered is highly
confidential and will be used for the evaluation of the system only.
Thank you for your kind consideration.

Respectfully yours,

Name of Proponent

Name : ________________________________
Date : ________________________________

Instruction: Please check the box that corresponds to your answer:

E - Excellent A - Average BA - Below Average P - Poor VP - Very Poor

Criteria E A BA P VP
A Functionality
1. The system saves the data accurately.
2. The system generates report correctly.

B Reliability
1. The system is able to operate and is free from
2. The system functions according to the needs of
the users.
3. The system re-enables exams when the
examinees accidentally close the unfinished

C Usability
1. The system is easy to use.
2. The system can be understood by the user in a
simple manner.
3. Fonts and graphics are appropriate for the system
4. The system can be viewed in different web

D Efficiency
1. The system displays and saves data in real time.
2. The system displays correct information.

E Security
1. The system is able to determine the privilege of
user accounts.
2. The system allows the user to change password.
3. The system is able to reset the password in case
the user forgot his password.

Comments / Suggestions:



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