Madeleine Baker References

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Madeleine Baker


Bean, A.W. & Roberts, M.W. (1981). The effect of time-out release contingencies on changes

in child noncompliance. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 9(1), 95-105.

Retrieved from

Calhoun, K. S. & Lima, P. P. (1977). Effects of varying schedules of timeout on high- and low-

rate behaviors. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 8(2), 189-194.

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Carlson, C. S., Arnold, C. R., Becker, W. C., & Madsen, C. H. (1968). The elimination of

tantrum behavior of a child in an elementary classroom. Behaviour Research and

Therapy, 6(1), 117-119. Retrieved from

Carlson, J. G. (1972). Timeout punishment: Rate of reinforcement and delay of timeout.

Learning and Motivation, 3(1), 31-43. Retrieved from


Hobbs, S. A. & Forehand, R. (1997). Important parameters in the use of timeout with children: A

re-examination. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 8(4), 365-

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Hobbs, S. A., Forehand, R., & Murray, R. G. (1978). Effects of various durations of timeout on

the noncompliant behavior of children. Behavior Therapy, 9(4), 652-656. Retrieved from

Kelly, M. L., Grace, N., & Elliott, S. N. (1990). Acceptability of positive and punitive discipline

methods: Comparisons among abusive, potentially abusive, and nonabusive parents.

Baker 2

Child Abuse & Neglect, 14(2), 219-226. Retrieved from


Mary, C. F. & Kelley, L. (1986). Parents' acceptance of reductive treatment methods: The

influence of problem severity and perception of child behavior. Behavior Therapy, 17(1),

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Ramp, E., Ulrich, R., &Dulaney, S. (1971). Delayed timeout as a procedure for reducing

disruptive classroom behavior: a case study 1. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,

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Roberts, M. W. & Powers, S. W. (1990). Adjusting chair timeout enforcement procedures for

oppositional children. Behavior Therapy, 21(3), 257-271. Retrieved from

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