Din 17100

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| QI Zz Steels fer General Structural Purposes uality Standard 1 3 3 Fade |] sugemeine Bausrahie: Sisenarm AS Gri ge 0 issued by she Internstionsi Organization for Standardization (ISO) and 2 Explanations For connection with the Standard i506. Euronorn 25 issvea by the European Community for Cast and Steel, Contents 1 Scone 2 2 Testing 10 2 Other relevant Standards 82 Genes! 10 and documents 2 9.2 Agreement on tets and certificates 3} imeon covering materia tests 10 93 Extent of ests 10 : Be a Cece . 33) Tesesto be cari out 10 9.3.2 Test unit and aumber of specimens | Weighs 2 forsampianaiyies on ay [8 Grade cawsitiction 3 9.33 Tostunitsang number of specimens | 7 Desgnation ofthe steas : for mechanical and technological ves, 11 | 8 Reatremenss 94 Somaling : " | 8:2 Manufacturing process 8 ace au ' 8.2 Asdetivered condition of the products. § 9.4.2 Spacimens for the sample analysis. 11 Meese cress 3 8.4.3 Specimens far the mechanics! and i 8.4 — Mechanical and technological eee aed a pease _ 9.5 Test methods to be applied =... 14 8.4.1 Properties in the tensile test, eee) +15 notehec:bar impact bending tet | (“impact test") and benging text 8 8.4.2 Suitability for melding 8 10 Marking A 15 8.4.3 Deformability 2 8.44 Other requirements 10 8 Surface condition 20-1 Complaints 18 | B 2 eae it Pl ud, Dare 400 EN Joo Continued on pages 2 to 16 Expisnations on pages 17 19 °9 BIN 17 100 engi, Preisgr 1 ESSTSES S65 S800 T00mm pax] BUTUD TT@0x OSSTERS 96S 9900 XYZ IC:9T 00. 60 Page 2 DIN 17 109 1 Scope 4.1. This Standard applies to steel sections (including ride flange bears), steel bars, wile TOd, flat precucts ier, alnte, wide flats) tearless and welded, square anc tecrangula: hollow sections, forgings and semitinisher froduets in the general structural steels narved in Tebles T to 3 which ore delivered in the hot formed or normal ined congition after production, 4.2 Prowuets from steels secording to this Standard are JSr use in welded (but see Section 2.4.2), riveted ang derewed sucturel components. They are net intended for heat treatment — apart from stressreieving eo sreatmens and nemalizing AB This Stendard doer not cover the tollewing drocuse from steels for general structure! puracses Seamizss and welded tubes and precision stes! tubes ser DIN 1626 Part t To Part, DIN 1629 Part 1 to Part 4 DIN 2391 Pert 2, DIN 2353 Part 2. DIN 2396, DIN 2398 Port 2, DIN 2395 Par: Si ‘Stee! castings {see DIN 1681) Cold rolied fst products without coating ee DIN 1625 Part 2. naw version in preparation Fiat steel products with coatings (DIN Scandords ir ‘eparstion! steet [208 ON 1652) ions (see OJN 17 1781, Cold finished steel hollow sections (DIN Standards in Preparation) For notes on Standards and stancdard-type publications for steels with adjevant fields of application see the enc of this Standard. 2 Other relevant Standards and documents DIN 1599 (at present in draft form) Marking of steels DIN so.oae Certificates on material testings DIN 50111 Testing of metallic materials: teen. nological bending test DIN 50.114 Testing of metallic materials: tensile test on sheet and strip under 3 mm thick without using an extensometer DIN 50115 Testing of metallic materiais, notenectbst impact bending test DIN 50120 Part 2 Testing of stetl: tensile test on welded joints: pressure welded Dutt joins DIN $0121 Pan 2 Testing of metallic materials; tecn- notogical bending test on welded joints ang weid platings: pressure welded joints Testing of metallic materials; wensile shear test 07 resistance spot weleed projection welded and fusion spot welded joint Testing of metallic materinis:gensile est specimens, directions for thet preparation DIN 50124 DIN 50 125) 210) pa] BUTYD TT80x bin 50 145 esting of meiallic materials: tensile DIN 50 150 “Testing of steel and cast stezi: com Version table for Vickers heroess Brinell narcness, Rockwell harcness no tensile 2m DIN 50.251 Testing of metsliic materials: rine! herons t83ting DINSt 210 Pert Testing of metalic materials; ens! = test on wirts without extensometer Detinitions ere classification steel graces Euroneem 20 Steh-Eizen-Prufplatt 105°) iste! iron-Test Shee) Sempling end preparation of snec Trens for sample snaiysis of steels Henabuch tur aa Eisennittenleberarorvum 7) Vol2 (Handbook for ihe Ferrous Metallurgical Laboratory, The invenigation of metallic me rerials; Disseidor’, 1966 Veiume § {Supplement BA.) = List of recommended art tration procedures, B = procedure for sampling C= analysis procedures: in each case the mest reeent edition 3. Definition ‘Steels for general structural purposes are unatloyad steeis nigh are characterized essentially Sy the tensile strength and yield point at ambient temperature anc are used, for exemple, in building above and below ground, ‘bridge-building, hydraulic. engineering, tank. Bro bunker constuction ane in automotive and mech: anical engineering Note: Classification into unslloyed and alloyed steels is dealt with by Euronorm 20 4 Dimensions and permissible dimensional deviations ‘The nominal dimensions and the permissible dimensione! Gevistions of the products are to be agreed if pessivle at the time of ordering with reference to the relevant Simensional Standards [sev list at the end of this Star cara) 5 Weights In ealeulsting the weight of ail steels covered by thu Stender density of 7,85 kgitm is assumed ST Poulsher Verein Deutscher Evsonhuttenlevte ‘obtainable fram: Verlag Strehleisen mM. Posttaen 82 29, 4000 Désselaort essises 965 9800 essTsse see 9800 KYA LE:9T 00. 60/S0 ail Gooz DIN 17 100. Page 3 Noell China Ltd. 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