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IELTS Speaking Part 1: Useful Language

Asking for repetition

 Could you say that again?
 I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.
 Did you say (          )?

Stalling for time

 Well, let me see.
 In my case, …
 Hmm, I’d have to say …

Saying something negative

 I’m sorry but …
 I’m afraid (to say that) …
 To be (perfectly) honest, …

Giving an example
 For example, …
 A good example is …
 Maybe you’ve heard of …

Describing frequency
 Every other day, … (= Frequently)
 Once in a while, … (= Occasionally)
 Once in a blue moon, … (= Rarely)

 Adding more
 Also, …
 Another thing (as well) is …
 What else? Oh, I …
Comparing with the past
 But when I was (a bit) younger I used to …
 But in my school days I used to …
 But back in the day I used to … (= In the distant past)

Comparing self with others

 But some of my friends …
 But I know there are others who …
 But it takes all sorts, I suppose. (= Everyone is different.)

Expressing a hope
 But I’d like to try it if I ever get the chance.
 But it would be nice to try it someday.
 But hopefully luck will shine on me one day. (= Hopefully I’ll get the chance.)

 So, that’s a bit about my …
 Anyway, that’s my …
 So, to cut a long story short, … (= To sum up)

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