Troyee-Commendations Case Answer 3 4

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As we all know the holy month of Ramadan is very special for every Muslim person all over the
world. In this ad video Coca Cola showing us the caring & respect that have between two
different religion people, where the best part is both of them don’t know each other. Coca Cola
shows us that not all western people hate or dislike Muslim people where others were ignoring
her, taking fun of wearing hijab. Where people were eating food in front of her this time that
western girl were not drinking coke in front of her. She was also bring a bottle of coke to her and
offer that Muslim girl to drink it. This time this showing us caring to Muslim girl. When the
western girl going to drink coke that time she remember that this is a month of Ramadan and this
Muslim girl is in fasting. That time she was also avoid to drink it both of them wait for the
sunset. This is showing us the pureness and sacrifice of both.

This ad showing us the respect that given by that western girl to Muslim girl & also her religion.
It doesn’t matter of having different religion, different culture, and different nation to celebrate
each other’s happiness together.
Case Study Answer: 3

Advertising is any paid sort of communication from an identified sponsor or source that

pulls attention to ideas, goods, services or the sponsor itself. Most advertising is directed
toward groups instead of individuals, and advertising is typically delivered through
media like television, radio, newspapers, and the internet. Advertising may be a very old sort
of promotion with roots that return even to past. Now a days people are not want to see
advertisement like before. Because it looks like old, nothing new technology came into the media
environment that can gives consumer something special. TVC ad, newspaper ad, online ad all are
old concept now. People are getting bored on this. Now consumer wants something new,
something special, something different from before. It’s a human psychology of human to get
something different from before. That’s the reason why consumers increasingly bypass ads.
Case Study Answer: 4

When consumers watching television ads they don’t give much concentrate on ads or product.
Nowadays people are not bother about ads. Because the process of television ad is an old
tradition. They want something new, something different. The main moto of advertising is give
as much as possible information about product & services to consumer. In the case we saw that
only 13% consumers can remember the product after watching the television ads. Where in
subway advertising 92% percent consumers remember the advertising product. So it means
people accept this new idea and technology and also they are excited for seeing this. For that
reason what they saw in advertising their brain automatically stores it in the memory. So. They
can simply remember the advertising product.

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