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The most common pharmaceutical application of cyclodextrins is

to enhance drug solubility in aqueous solutions. Although prediction of

compound solubilization by cyclodextrins continues to be highly

empirical, various historical observations permit several general

statements. First, the lower the aqueous solubility of the pure drug, the

greater the relative solubility enhancement obtained through

cyclodextrin complexation.1 Second, type of cyclodextrin used for

complexation also influence solubility and dissolution rate

enhancement. Cyclodextrins of lower molar substitution are better

solubilizers than the same type of derivatives of higher molar

substitution. For example, RMβCD with molar substitution 0.6 provide

better solubilization than the same type of derivatives of higher molar

substitution.2 Third, charged cyclodextrins can be powerful

solubilizers. SBE7βCD cyclodextrin, where the anion been moved away

from the cavity by a butyl ether space group, is an excellent

solubilizer.3 Inclusion complexation of drug with cyclodextrins by

kneading, co precipitating, spray drying and freeze drying has also been

shown to dramatically increase drug solubility and dissolution rate.4

Hence, in the present investigation it is aimed to compare

different types of CD derivatives and methods of preparation in

enhancing the solubility, dissolution rate and bioavailability of two

protease inhibitors and BCS class II drugs, saquinavir and ritonavir.

3.1. Phase solubility studies

Phase solubility studies were performed as mentioned by

(Higuchi and Connors, 1965) 5 for saquinavir in pH 6.8 phosphate

buffer and for ritonavir in 0.1 N HCl. Solubility studies were carried out

by adding excess amounts of both drugs separately in quantities

exceeding its aqueous solubility to 50 mL of aqueous solutions of

buffers, containing increasing concentrations of cyclodextrins

(2-12 mM). The resulting suspensions were shaken at room

temperature for a period of 72 hrs, until equilibrium was established.

The samples were filtered through a 0.45 µm membrane filter (Millex-

HA filter units, Millipore) and suitably diluted with corresponding

buffer before analysis. All studies were performed in triplicate.

Apparent 1:1 stability constants were calculated from the

straight-line portion of the phase solubility diagrams, according to

Eq. 3.1.

K : 
S 1  Slope

where So is the solubility of the drug in examined buffer solution

in the absence of ligand.

3.2. Preparation of drug-CD complexes

In the present work, saquinavir-CD complexes were prepared

using physical mixing (PM), kneading (KN), co evaporation (COE), spray

drying (SD) and freeze drying (FD) and ritonavir-CD complexes were

prepared using physical mixing, co evaporation, spray drying and freeze

drying. In the entire cases drug-cyclodextrin ratio was kept at 1:1 molar


3.2.1. Physical mixture method6,7

Selected drugs and cyclodextrins at equimolar ratio (1:1) were

weighed and mixed in a mortar by geometric dilution method for

sufficient time (~5 min) to obtain a homogenous powder blend, passed

through sieve no. 80 and stored in a sealed glass vials and kept in

desiccator over fused calcium chloride until further use.

3.2.2. Kneading method7-9

Cyclodextrins were wetted in a mortar with minimum volume of

water-ethanol mixture (1:1) until a paste was obtained. The required

amount of drug was slowly added and the slurry was kneaded for about

45 minutes. During this process, a suitable quantity of solvent was

added to maintain optimum consistency. Further the products were

dried at 40°C to constant weight, passed through sieve no. 80 and

stored in a desiccator until further evaluation.

3.2.3. Solvent evaporation method9

Required quantities of drug and cyclodextrin were dissolved in

sufficient quantity of water-ethanol solvent mixture (1:1) and

evaporated on a water bath at 50°C with stirring. Each solid product

was sieved through #80 and stored in desiccator.

3.2.4. Spray drying

In spray drying, characteristic properties of powders like particle

size and shape obtained are influenced by the nozzle, the viscosity of

the feeding solution, and the outlet temperature (Tout), the later being

dependent on the two spray drying process variables: inlet temperature

(Tin) and solution flow.10-12 To select best optimizing conditions, SQV

with βCD combination was used and the same process conditions were

applied with other CDs used in complex formation. For optimization,

influence of solution flow rate and Tin were studied and the solutions

were atomized at three different flow rates (2, 5 and 10 mL/min) using

fixed values for compressed air (500 L/h) and aspirator (40 m3/h). Two

Tin values were used: 55°C and 70°C. Tout was kept constant at a

temperature of 50°C.

Spray drying was performed using Labultima LU22 spray dryer

for the preparation of inclusion complexes of both drugs and

cyclodextrins. Equimolar ratio of drug and cyclodextrins were dissolved

in sufficient quantity of ethanol and water mixture (1:1). The solutions

were atomized at a flow rate 2 mL/min using fixed values for

compressed air (500 L/h) and aspirator 40-50 m3/hr with Tin value of

70°C, corresponding to a Tout of 48°C. After spray drying, each resulting

powder was collected by cyclone separation and transferred to glass

vials. After spray drying, all complexes were kept in an oven at 40°C for

24 hrs to remove traces of moisture present in the complexes.

117 Determination of the moisture content

The residual moisture content of the spray dried complexes was

determined via loss on drying using a HR83 halogen moisture analyzer

(Mettler-Toledo, India). A sample of 0.5 g was dried at 105°C for 5 min. Particle size measurement

Determination of average particle size of spray dried complexes

was carried out by optical microscopy. The eyepiece micrometer was

calibrated with the help stage micrometer. The sample of the spray

dried powder was prepared as dilute dispersion in glycerin. The

dispersion was spread on a clean glass slide and covered with a cover

slip and average size of 300 particles was determined.13

3.2.5. Freeze drying/lyophilization method14,15

Required quantity of cyclodextrin was dissolved in sufficient

quantity of water and required quantity of drug was added and

dispersed. The dispersion was kept under magnetic stirring at 200 rpm

for 72 hrs in closed vials for complex formation which resulted in the

formation of clear solution. The resulting solution was fast frozen at -

20°C using liquid nitrogen and dried at -50°C and 0.0070 mbar

pressure in a freeze dryer (Model MODUL YOD 230, Thermo Electron

Corporation, India) for 48 hrs. The obtained freeze dried product in the

glass vial was stored in desiccator.

3.3. Drug content estimation

The drug-CD complex equivalent to 50 mg of the drug was

accurately weighed and transferred to 50 mL volumetric flask. 5 mL

methanol was added and continuously shaken for 10 min and final

volume was made up to the mark with pH 6.8 phosphate buffer for

saquinavir and 0.1 N HCl for ritonavir. Suitable dilutions were made

with respective drugs for both drugs. The solution was filtered through

0.45 µm Millipore nylon filter disc and the absorbance was measured at

240 nm using respective buffer for both the drugs as blank. Each study

was done in triplicate.

3.4. Dissolution characteristics16-18

Dissolution experiments were carried out in triplicate (n = 3) with

an USP XXIII paddle apparatus in 900 mL of pH 6.8 phosphate buffer

for SQV and 0.1N HCl for RTV at 37°C using a rotation speed of 50

rpm. In each study drug-CD complex equivalent to 100 mg of drug was

used. 5 mL sample was withdrawn at intervals of 5, 15, 30, 45, 60 min

using a syringe fitted with prefilter (0.45 µm). An equal amount of fresh

dissolution medium maintained at the same temperature was replaced

immediately after withdrawal of the test sample. Test samples were

suitably diluted wherever necessary and the absorbance was measured

as per the analytical procedures described. The mean percent of drug

dissolved and the standard deviations were calculated.

3.5. Comparison of dissolution profiles

Mathematical comparison of dissolution data to quantify

observed differences in the rate and extent of drug release as influenced

by formulation and process variables, several approaches can be

followed such as analysis of variance (ANOVA) based, model

independent approaches.19 ANOVA methods are commonly used to

detect significant differences between groups and, thereby can be used

to detect statistically significant difference between dissolution profiles.

Model independent approaches are based on the ratio of area under the

dissolution curve (dissolution efficiency) or on mean dissolution time.

3.5.1. Model independent approaches20-25

Model independent approaches include T50 (time to dissolve 50%

of the drug from the dosage form), DE (dissolution efficiency), DP30

(percentage of drug dissolved after 30 min), and MDT (mean dissolution

time). Each of these procedures compares the dissolution profile of two

products at each time point. Dissolution Efficiency (DE)

Dissolution Efficiency suggested by Khan20 was employed and is

defined as the area under the dissolution curve (AUC) up to the time t

expressed as a percentage of the area of the rectangle described by

100% dissolution in the same time. The DE is calculated by the

following Eq.3.2.


 y. dt
Dissolution Efficiency DE   "
y! t

Where y is the drug percent dissolved at time t.

The dissolution efficiency can have a range of values depending

on the time interval chosen. In any case constant time intervals should

be chosen for comparison. For example, the index DE60 would relate to

the dissolution of the drug from a particular formulation after 60

minutes and could only be compared with %DE60 of other formulations.

Summation of the drug dissolution data into DE enables ready

comparison to be made between a large numbers of formulations.

%DE60 and DP30, %DE10, T50 and MDT values were calculated from the

dissolution data and compared. Mean dissolution time (MDT)

By definition, the mean dissolution time (MDT) is the arithmetic

mean value of any dissolution profile. It is a measure of dissolution

process and inversely related to release rate. The MDT is calculated by

the following by the following equation Eq.3.3.

'+! t &'( ) ∆M
'+! ∆M

Where n is the number of dissolution sample times, tmid is the

time at midpoint between two sample intervals, t2 and t1 and ∆M is the

additional amount of drug dissolved between t2 and t1.

121 Statistical evaluation of experimental data

Different model independent parameters like T50, dissolution

efficiency %DE60, DP30 and MDT obtained for the inclusion complexes

were subjected for one way-ANOVA followed by the Tukey multiple

comparison test. Statistical analysis was performed using Graph Pad

Prism 5.03 (GraphPad Software, Inc.CA, USA) software (trial version)

considering p<0.05.

3.6. Drug-excipient interaction studies

Drug excipient interaction studies were conducted for both

drugs, saquinavir and ritonavir, pure CDs, physical mixtures and freeze

dried complexes to gain insight into interactions between drug and

respective CDs in the complexed form.

3.6.1. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) were used to identify

the formation of complex. Samples were analyzed by potassium

bromide pellet method in an IR spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, FTIR

1300) in the region between 400‐4000 cm‐1. Complex formation was

evaluated by comparing the IR spectra of the solid complex with drug.

For comparison purposes, FTIR spectra were obtained for pure

saquinavir and ritonavir, each βCD being studied as well as physical

mixtures of both drugs with each cyclodextrin.

3.6.2. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

The thermal behavior of saquinavir and cyclodextrin inclusion

complexes was studied using Differential scanning calorimetry in order

to confirm the formation of solid complex. When guest molecules are

incorporated in the cyclodextrin cavity or in the crystal lattice, their

melting, boiling and sublimation points are usually shifted to a

different temperature or disappear within the temperature range. The

samples were heated from 0 to 350°C at a heating rate of 10°C/min

under a nitrogen flow, flowing at a rate of 40 mL/min through the DSC


3.6.3. Powder X-Ray diffraction study (XRD)

X-Ray diffraction of inclusion complexes and the pure drugs were

performed to identify the interaction of the drug with cyclodextrins

using a PW 1720 X-ray generator and a PW 1710 diffractometer control

(Philips Electronic Instrument). The scanning range (2θ) was from 5° to

90°, and the scan step and scan speed were 0.04° and 0.02°/s,


3.6.4. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy

1H-NMR studies were conducted to determine the electronic

interactions between drug and cyclodextrins were obtained from a

Bruker AM-400 spectrophotometer. Samples were prepared by

dissolution in D2O for SQV (99.9% D) and methanol was used as

solvent for RTV. 1H-NMR spectra of inclusion complexes and pure

components were recorded. Chemical shifts were reported in ppm (δ)

downfield from tetra methyl silane (TMS) (internal reference).

3.6.5. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

The morphological properties of the pure saquinavir and

ritonavir, physical mixture, spray dried and freeze dried powders of

SBE7βCD were characterized by scanning electronic microscopy (JEOL,

Model JSM 840 A). For ritonavir, the morphological properties of the

freeze dried powders of ritonavir and RMβCD complex and pure

ritonavir were characterized by scanning electronic microscopy

(Cambridge instrument: Stereoscan 360).

3.7. Results and discussion

The bioavailability of an orally administered drug depends on

general factors like solubility, dissolution rate and the rate of gastro

intestinal absorption. Following the oral administration of a drug alone,

the drug may dissolve slowly and incompletely in the gastrointestinal

tract. Since orally administered drugs must dissolve in the aqueous

medium of gastrointestinal tract prior to absorption, the improvement

of the solubility and the rate of dissolution of poorly soluble drugs can

be seen as first step towards an improvement in oral bioavailability. If

the drug itself is very soluble in water, absorption is the rate

determining step and improvement in the solubility of the drug does

not enhance absorption or may eventually decrease it. On the other

hand, if the drug is poorly soluble in water, solubility is the rate

determining step and the solubility could be increased by drug in the

complex form to increase the bioavailability. As the two selected drugs

are having poor solubility it was proposed to enhance their solubility by

complexation with cyclodextrins for improving their oral bioavailability.

3.7.1. Phase solubility studies

To test the effect of the cyclodextrins in the improvement of

solubility of the selected drugs, phase solubility studies were conducted

in pH 6.8 phosphate buffer for saquinavir and 0.1N HCl for ritonavir as

suggested by Higuchi and Connors. Fig.3.1 shows phase solubility

diagrams for saquinavir in presence of four different cyclodextrins in

pH 6.8 phosphate buffer. The solubility of saquinavir increased linearly

as a function of cyclodextrin concentration and the values are

mentioned in Table 3.1. The phase solubility profiles showed linear

increase in complexation of saquinavir with increase in cyclodextrin

concentration with all four cyclodextrins, displaying type AL phase

diagrams according to the classification by Higuchi. The correlation

coefficient of the linear regression line for each of the phase solubility

curves was greater than 0.99, indicating a good fit for all complexes.

The slope of the lines was found to be 0.2855 for βCD, 0.5954 for

HPβCD, 0.7711 for RMβCD and 0.7762 for SBE7βCD (Fig. 3.1). As the

slope of the line is less than unity, it was assumed that the increase in

the solubility observed was due to the formation of a 1:1 molar


The stability constants (K1:1) of saquinavir with each cyclodextrin

were calculated using Eq. 3.1 and given in Table 3.2. The calculated

values were 906.6 M-1 for βCD, 3706.2 M-1 for HPβCD, 6899.46 M-1 for

RMβCD and 8281.28 M-1 for SBE7βCD. The K1:1 value for saquinavir-

SBE7βCD complex was found to be 8281.28 M-1 which is 9 fold higher

than βCD, 2.23 fold higher than HPβCD and 1.2 fold higher than

RMβCD indicating SBE7βCD has superior saquinavir complexing

efficiency. This may potentially be due to saquinavir interacting with

the anionically charged moiety of the SBE7βCD.

Ritonavir is practically insoluble in water. The phase solubility

diagrams obtained were linear as shown in Fig. 3.2 and values are

represented in Table 3.3. Such profile according to Higuchi and

Connors are of AL type. Because these profiles were characterized by a

slope of less than one, it was assumed that the solubility increase was

due to the formation of a complex in 1:1 molar ratio. Stability constant

values obtained for ritonavir cyclodextrin complexes were 119.01 M-1

for HPβCD and 192.96 M-1 for RMβCD (Table 3.4). 1.6 fold higher

stability constant was obtained with RMβCD compared to HPβCD

proved that RMβCD is having higher complexation efficiency.

Complexation is generally due to the hydrophobic interaction

between poorly water soluble guest molecules such as saquinavir,

ritonavir and the apolar cavity of cyclodextrin molecule. The

hydrophobicity and geometry of the guest molecule as well as the cavity

size and the derivative groups of the cyclodextrin are important for

complex formation. In the present study, the enhancement of

saquinavir and ritonavir solubility was highly dependent on the type of

cyclodextrin used. Based on the phase solubility diagrams, SBE7βCD is

more effective in solubilising saquinavir in pH 6.8 phosphate buffer

compared to other CDs. The order of solubilising capacity of CDs was

as follows: SBE7βCD>RMβCD>HPβCD>βCD. RMβCD is more effective

in solubilising ritonavir in 0.1N HCl than with HPβCD. The different

complexation constants found for different cyclodextrin molecules

indicated that the derivative groups on cyclodextrins appear to play an

important role in the incorporation of saquinavir and ritonavir into

cyclodextrin cavity, since much higher complexation constants were

obtained with RMβCD and SBE7βCD for saquinavir and with RMβCD

for ritonavir.

Table 3.1: Phase solubility studies of SQV in four CDs

Solubility of SQV (mM/L)
Concentration (mean±s.d.) (n=3)
of CD (mM/L)
0 0.34±0.02 0.34±0.02 0.34±0.02 0.34±0.02
2 0.99±0.01 1.6±0.012 1.89±0.011 2.10±0.01
4 1.56±0.01 3.05±0.02 3.04±0.03 3.67±0.02
6 2.22±0.01 4.23±0.01 5.01±0.01 4.72±0.01
8 2.81±0.02 5.17±0.01 6.61±0.02 6.67±0.02
10 3.28±0.01 6.42±0.03 7.93±0.04 8.10±0.01
12 3.72±0.02 7.53±0.02 9.52±0.02 9.83±0.03
Table 3.2: Stability constants of SQV with four CDs
Type of CD K1:1 (M-1) Phase diagram
βCD 906.80 AL Type
HPβCD 3706.20 AL Type
RMβCD 6899.46 AL Type
SBE7βCD 8281.28 AL Type

4.5 9
(A) (B)

Concentration of SQV in mM
Concentration of SQV in mM

4 8 y = 0.5954x + 0.4795
y = 0.2855x + 0.4216
r = 0.9973
3.5 r = 0.9957 7
3 6
2.5 5
2 4
1.5 3
1 2
0.5 1
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Concentration of HPβCD in
Concentration of βCD in mM mM

12 12
(C) (D)
Concentration of SQV in mM
Concentration of SQV in mM

y = 0.7711x + 0.2822 y = 0.7762x + 0.4081

10 r = 0.9977 10 r = 0.9973

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Concentration of RMβCD in Concentration of SBE7βCD in
mM mM

Fig. 3.1: Phase solubility diagrams of SQV A) βCD B) HPβCD


7 7 (B)

Concentration of RTV in mM

Concentration of RTV in mM
6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2 y = 0.4552x + 1.0389
y = 0.4052x + 0.9746
r = 0.9922 r = 0.9901
1 1

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Concentration of HPβCD in Concentration of RMβCD in
mM mM

Fig. 3.2: Phase solubility diagrams of RTV in A) HPβCD B) RMβCD

Table 3.3: Phase solubility studies of ritonavir in two CDs

Solubility of ritonavir (mM/L)
Concentration (mean±s.d) (n=3)
of CD (mM/L)
0 0.7±0.01 0.7±0.01
2 1.95±0.01 3.03±0.02
4 2.75±0.02 3.68±0.02
6 3.45±0.04 4.36±0.01
8 4.24±0.01 4.72±0.01
10 5.05±0.04 5.11±0.01
12 5.70±0.02 5.56±0.02

Table 3.4: Stability constants of RTV with two CDs

Cyclodextrin K1:1 (M-1) Phase diagram
HPβCD 119.01 AL Type
RMβCD 192.96 AL Type

3.7.2. Preparation of drug-CD complexes

The phase solubility studies carried out with different

cyclodextrins on both drugs indicated the formation of complex in 1:1

molar ratio. Drug-CD complexes were prepared with all the four CDs

for saquinavir whereas HPβCD and RMβCD were used for ritonavir

using four different methods of preparation. In each method, 4-5 g of

drug-CD complexes was prepared at equimolar ratio.

3.7.3. Study of spray drying process conditions

Spray drying is a process that can be used for the preparation of

CD complexes and also a widely used method for the preparation of

microparticle powders to be used as dry powder inhalers.26,27 The

particles obtained via spray drying are usually spherical, with a small

diameter (1–5 µm) and narrow particle-size distribution.28-30 Careful

selection of operating parameters can play a significant role in

obtaining high quality product during spray drying. The spray drying

conditions were optimized for SQV-βCD complexes and extended for

other drug-CD complexes. In the present study, aspiration rate was

kept at 40-50 m3/hr and Tout was kept constant at 50°C. The

complexes were prepared by spray drying at two Tin, 55°C and 70°C,

and three feeding solution flow rates: 2, 5 and 10 mL/min. This study

aimed at evaluating the influence of these variables on the particle size

and shape of the spray drying powder and the yield. The maximum Tin

was set to 70°C, because at higher temperatures, the evaporation of the

hydro alcoholic solvent takes place in the atomization cone with the

consequent powder deposition at this level. The lowest value of Tin,

55°C, corresponds to the minimum value that allows the use of a

solution feeding flow of 11 mL/min without condensation in the


The result of the determination of the yield for each one of the

experimental conditions is shown in Table 3.5. The yield obtained

under varying conditions of Tin and flow rate was in the range of 37-

62%. Yield was significantly influenced by flow rate rather than Tin in

which lower flow rate resulted in higher yield. No significant difference

in yield was observed between the two Tin values. Earlier reports also

confirmed this result in which higher flow rates resulted in low yields in

the range of 40-50%.31-33 These low values could be justified by the

biggest number of atomised particles that in proportion adheres more

to the walls of the drying chamber, its removal for the cyclone collector

being more difficult, leading to lower yield values in the process.

Hence a flow rate of 2 mL/min with a Tin of 55ºC were found to

be optimized conditions which gave highest yield of 62% drug-CD

complexes and these two conditions were used for preparation of drug-

CD complexes by spray drying technique.

Table 3.5: % Yield of SQV-βCD complexes under different

experimental conditions
Solution flow
Air inlet
rate % Yield
temperature (°C)
2 62.0
55 5 50.5
10 37.5
2 61.8
70 5 50.0
10 37.0
131 Determination of moisture content

The final residual moisture of spray dried product is important in

preventing the adhesion of particles and hence the moisture content of

the spray dried drug-CD complexes was determined. Moisture content

for all the complexes were in the range of 0.9-2.5% (Table 3.6)

Saquinavir complex prepared with SBE7βCD showed slightly higher

moisture content compared to other CDs. Earlier reports also indicated

higher moisture content for complexes prepared with SBE7βCD due to

its hygroscopic nature.4

Table 3.6: Moisture content of spray dried complexes

Moisture content
Drug Type of CD
(mean±s.d.) (n=3)
Saquinavir βCD 1.01±0.50
HPβCD 1.23±0.45
RMβCD 1.15±0.50
SBE7βCD 2.51±0.42
Ritonavir HPβCD 0.82±0.20
RMβCD 0.91±0.15 Particle size measurement

Through spray drying, uniform particle size was achieved,

irrespective of the drug and cyclodextrin used for spray drying. All the

particles were in the mean size range of 1.5-3 µm. The complexes were

fine and uniform in size with spherical shape.

3.7.4. Drug content estimation

All the complexes prepared were found to be fine powders. The

percent drug content values of all the complexes of saquinavir are given

in Table 3.7 and for ritonavir are represented in Table 3.8. Low s.d.

values in the percent drug content ensured drug content uniformity in

each batch and the method of preparation showed no effect on the

content uniformity. The drug content obtained in physical mixing,

kneading was found to be 98-99% for both the drugs. Co evaporation,

spray drying and freeze drying methods, drug content of 85-90% was

observed. Around 10-15% drug loss was observed in these methods for

all drug-cyclodextrin complexes which may be due to loss of the drug

during evaporation of solvent in the preparation and other processes.

Table 3.7: Drug content of prepared SQV inclusion complexes

Percentage drug content (mean±s.d.) (n=3)

Method of SQV- SQV-
preparation RMβCD SBE7βCD
PM 99.54±0.42 99.75±0.34 99.32±0.64 99.60±0.32
KN 98.55±0.56 98.55±0.37 99.55±0.58 99.25±0.95
COE 86.44±0.47 88.61±0.29 84.55±0.89 88.78±0.78
SD 89.78±1.04 84.49±0.67 88.64±0.90 87.45±0.62
FD 88.56±0.15 85.11±0.45 87.42±0.69 89.46±0.88

Table 3.8: Drug content of prepared RTV inclusion complexes

Percentage drug content (mean±s.d.) (n=3)
Method of
PM 99.60±1.01 99.68±0.85
COE 89.32±0.95 87.48±0.94
SD 85.12±0.92 86.24±1.56
FD 86.68±1.02 88.77±1.25

3.7.5. In vitro dissolution studies

Dissolution testing is the measurement of the rate and extent of a

drug substance in an in vitro test system. For a given drug substance,

the quantity dissolved is a function of the solubility and physical

characteristics of the drug, composition, volume, temperature, and

dynamics of the test system and the input/state variables of the

apparatus selected. Dissolution testing can be a valuable tool as the

rate and/or extent of absorption of a drug can depend on its

dissolution rate. The dissolution testing can be used as a guide to a

formulator in the early stages of drug product design.

Dissolution characterizes of a dosage form have a direct bearing

on its efficacy especially when the medicament is poorly soluble or

insoluble in aqueous fluids. Generally for poorly soluble drugs

difficulties are usually encountered in selecting a suitable dissolution

medium with good discriminating power. Dissolution of drugs from

solid dosage form is a key parameter in assessing the release rate,

release mechanism and kinetics at product development stage.

Saquinavir capsules, tablets are official in IP and USP Citrate buffer

(pH 3.0) is mentioned as dissolution medium in all official books and

FDA listed drugs.34-37 But this medium is not suitable as discriminating

medium as saquinavir is highly soluble in this media as per studies

conducted by Pathak et al. 38 Simultaneously, ritonavir official medium

is 0.1N HCl with 25 mM polyoxyethylene 10 lauryl ether as per FDA

listed dissolution media and in USP.36,37,39 In such high surfactant

conditions, ritonavir is highly soluble. So, pH of the dissolution media

were selected based on discriminating ability, and pH of upper GIT for

saquinavir i.e. pH 6.8 phosphate buffer and pH of stomach for

ritonavir, i.e. 0.1N HCl as per earlier reports.38,39

All dissolution studies were performed for a period of 60 minutes

as the objective of the present investigation was to achieve the complete

drug release within this period. Drug-CD complexes failing to achieve

this objective were not studied further. Drug-CD complex equivalent to

100 mg of the drug was used for dissolution study in each case and

each study was replicated for three times and average values with s.d.

are reported in the tables. Error bars are not included in figures due to

smudging of graphs. Dissolution studies of SQV-CD complexes

The dissolution data of SQV, SQV-βCD, SQV-HPβCD, SQV-

RMβCD and SQV-SBE7βCD complexes prepared by PM, KN, COE, SD

and FD techniques at equimolar ratio are given in Table 3.9 to

Table 3.12.

Fig.3.3 shows the dissolution profiles of pure saquinavir and the

inclusion complexes prepared by PM, KN, COE, SD and FD techniques.

Fig.3.4 shows dissolution profiles of SQV and SQV inclusion complexes

prepared with four cyclodextrins, βCD, HPβCD, RMβCD and SBE7βCD

by spray drying and freeze drying techniques respectively.

From the dissolution studies, it was observed that only 20.82%

dissolution of pure saquinavir was observed in 60 min. The dissolution

of SQV with βCD, HPβCD, RMβCD and SBE7βCD physical mixtures

showed a release of 27.21-38.44% of SQV in 60 min. Complexes

prepared by kneading method showed drug release of 36.57-47.29%

and that are prepared with co evaporation method showed 37.6-48.05%

with all the four CDs. Among different methods of preparation, spray

dried (37.75-80.63%) and freeze dried (38.74-99.27%) complexes

showed higher drug release in 60 min of dissolution study. Among all

complexes, SQV-SBE7βCD complexes prepared by freeze drying

method showed 100% drug release in 60 min.

All inclusion complexes showed improvement of drug release

compared to pure saquinavir alone except for physical mixtures where

the enhancement is negligible. Complexes prepared by spray drying

and freeze drying methods showed marked enhancement in dissolution

compared to other methods for all CDs. The order of drug release from

complexes prepared by different methods was FD>SD>COE>KN>PM for

βCD and HPβCD. This may be due to the heat used in co evaporation

which helps in complex formation. In case of RMβCD and SBE7βCD,

kneading method showed higher drug release than co evaporation.

Similar reports were mentioned in literature.8 When the effect of type of

CD was observed, complexes prepared with SBE7βCD showed good

enhancement in dissolution. The improvement in dissolution follows

the order: SBE7βCD>RMβCD>HPβCD>βCD. Enhanced drug release

with SBE7βCD can be attributed to its charged groups which are

appropriately spaced from the cavity and also increase in the

hydrophobicity around the cavity due to the presence of alkyl chains.

Table 3.9: Cumulative percent of SQV released from βCD complexes
Mean percentage drug release (n=3) (mean±s.d.)
Time Pure Drug PM KN COE SD FD
5 11.86±0.83 19.14±0.57 28.47±1.72 27.01±0.35 23.32±1.11 24.51±0.81
10 14.37±1.55 21.53±0.52 33.35±1.30 31.55±1.23 32.52±1.52 26.49±0.65
15 16.84±1.04 22.41±0.55 33.48±1.75 34.4±0.38 35.11±1.45 27.54±1.15
30 19.12±0.72 23.83±1.11 35.67±0.75 36.67±0.86 36.52±0.82 30.49±0.18
45 20.13±0.83 25.97±1.15 36.25±0.32 37.35±0.36 37.47±0.35 32.68±1.53
60 20.82±0.41 27.21±0.44 36.57±0.14 37.82±0.55 37.75±0.16 38.74±1.19

Table 3.10: Cumulative percent of SQV released from HPβCD complexes

Mean percentage drug release (n=3) (mean±s.d.)
Time Pure Drug PM KN COE SD FD
5 11.86±0.83 22.82±0.74 35.87±0.51 36.78±0.41 24.41±1.52 35.86±0.95
10 14.37±1.55 26.37±0.65 36.78±0.65 38.62±0.49 32.46±1.85 37.17±0.82
15 16.84±1.04 28.50±0.73 38.04±0.68 39.48±0.37 37.95±0.55 38.44±0.75
30 19.12±0.72 31.09±0.65 39.29±1.06 40.74±0.29 39.93±0.75 39.99±0.67
45 20.13±0.83 33.26±0.54 39.86±0.41 41.39±0.31 43.81±0.62 41.95±0.81
60 20.82±0.41 34.78±0.49 40.43±0.18 42.07±0.19 46.18±1.21 46.81±1.23

Table 3.11: Cumulative percent of SQV released from RMβCD complexes
Mean percentage drug release (n=3) (mean±s.d.)
Time Pure Drug PM KN COE SD FD
5 11.86±0.83 19.29±0.35 32.20±0.46 21.96±0.51 28.10±1.20 24.90±0.61
10 14.37±1.55 22.2±0.54 35.05±0.52 22.93±1.2 39.68±1.40 39.55±0.74
15 16.84±1.04 23.75±0.65 37.16±0.85 24.01±1.01 42.95±1.05 45.02±0.88
30 19.12±0.72 26.48±0.36 38.48±0.69 24.81±1.4 52.08±0.82 56.45±1.03
45 20.13±0.83 28.78±0.47 39.57±0.38 25.18±1.48 61.56±0.59 67.09±1.04
60 20.82±0.41 31.95±0.52 40.26±0.31 25.65±1.49 80.38±1.12 85.17±0.55
Table 3.12: Cumulative percent of SQV released from SBE7βCD complexes
Mean percentage drug release (n=3) (mean±s.d.)
Time Pure Drug PM KN COE SD FD
5 11.86±0.83 25.58±0.64 36.47±1.31 24.76±1.51 38.55±1.25 36.65±1.05
10 14.37±1.55 27.53±1.20 40.65±0.70 33.82±1.80 42.75±1.65 49.02±1.51
15 16.84±1.04 32.93±0.50 41.94±0.60 38.29±0.62 55.54±0.45 55.22±0.75
30 19.12±0.72 35.64±0.31 43.14±0.64 41.80±0.82 59.97±0.35 61.32±0.65
45 20.13±0.83 37.29±0.52 44.49±0.39 45.27±0.51 72.73±0.75 86.05±1.12
60 20.82±0.41 38.44±0.47 48.59±0.62 47.05±1.52 84.63±0.25 99.70±0.45

100 KN Pure drug 100 COE Pure drug
80 80
Mean % drug release

Mean % drug release

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time in min Time in min

Pure drug PM Pure drug PM

100 100 KN COE
Mean % drug release

80 (C) 80 (D)
Mean % drug release

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time in min
Time in min

Fig. 3.3: Dissolution profiles of SQV-CD complexes prepared by

different methods A) βCD B) HPβCD C) RMβCD D) SBE7βCD

(A) (B)
Pure drug Pure drug
100 100

Mean % drug release

Mean % drug release

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time in min
Time in min
Fig. 3.4: Comparative dissolution profiles of SQV-CD complexes
prepared by A) spray drying B) freeze drying Dissolution studies of RTV-CD complexes

The dissolution data of pure ritonavir and complexes prepared

with HPβCD and RMβCD by physical mixing, co evaporation, spray

drying and freeze drying are given in Table 3.13 and 3.14.

The dissolution profiles of pure ritonavir and the complexes

prepared by PM, COE, SD and FD techniques are shown in Fig.3.5.

Dissolution profiles of RTV complexes prepared with both cyclodextrins

by freeze drying is represented in Fig. 3.6. 25.86% ritonavir dissolution

was observed in 60 min. Physical mixtures with both CDs showed

57.89% and 62.45% drug release. Co evaporated and spray dried

products exhibited 64.45-64.49% and 64.45-72% respectively.

Complete drug release was obtained with freeze dried complex of RTV-

RMβCD within 10 min and RTV- HPβCD complex released 98.87% RTV

within 20 min. A marked enhancement in dissolution was observed in

complexes prepared by freeze drying technique like saquinavir-CD

systems. The order of drug release based on method of preparation was

as follows, FD>SD>COE>PM. RMβCD complexes of ritonavir gave

higher dissolution compared to HPβCD. This may be due to RMβCD

reduced the interfacial tension between the solid particles of RTV and

the dissolution medium, leading to a greater rate of dissolution.

The higher drug release observed with inclusion complexes

prepared by freeze drying method may be due to better interaction of

drugs and cyclodextrins. When two selected drugs were compared,

saquinavir with SBE7βCD showed 100% drug release in 60 min,

whereas, ritonavir with RMβCD showed 100% drug release within 10

min. Compared to SQV, RTV is more hydrophobic. RTV might have

interacted well with the hydrophobic capacity of RMβCD and hence

exposed to the dissolution medium more effectively compared to SQV

because of which higher dissolution of drug.

For saquinavir, four cyclodextrins were tested to find out best

CD derivative which gives maximum release in stipulated dissolution

time of 60 min. Based on SQV studies, βCD was not tested in case of

RTV, as it gave minimal improvement in drug release. As 100% drug

release of RTV was achieved with RMβCD itself within 10 min,

SBE7βCD was not tested in the study. However, the study was

compared with HPβCD.

Table 3.13: Cumulative percent of RTV released from HPβCD complexes
Mean percentage drug release (n=3) (mean±s.d.)
Pure drug PM COE SD FD
5 6.50±0.22 25.57±0.21 32.86±0.12 28.45±0.24 85.24±0.22
10 12.81±0.12 32.52±0.32 55.84±0.16 41.67±0.48 95.54±0.16
20 13.01±0.29 36.51±0.43 56.89±0.35 42.33±0.37 98.87±0.26
30 16.84±0.43 42.13±0.47 58.73±0.41 45.55±0.26
45 21.02±0.41 45.44±0.29 59.62±0.32 61.57±0.21
60 25.61±0.32 47.89±0.37 62.54±0.29 64.45±0.40
Table 3.14: Cumulative percent of RTV released from RMβCD complexes
Mean percentage drug release (n=3) (mean±s.d.)
Time Pure drug PM COE SD FD
5 6.50±0.22 30.66±0.22 40.56±0.34 35.56±0.43 90.55±0.12
10 12.80±0.12 59.68±0.27 53.11±0.21 45.10±0.16 99.45±0.25
20 13.01±0.29 60.61±0.49 56.82±0.43 45.31±0.18
30 16.84±0.43 60.62±0.12 59.25±0.16 61.54±0.12
45 21.02±0.41 61.34±0.22 61.13±0.12 71.05±0.10
60 25.60±0.32 62.45±0.26 64.49±0.20 72.00±0.13

(A) (B)
Pure drug 100 Pure drug
100 PM

Mean % drug release

80 80 FD
Mean % drug relese


60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (min)
Time (min)

Fig. 3.5: Dissolution profiles of RTV prepared by different methods


Pure drug
Mean % drug releasee





0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time (min)

Fig. 3.6: Comparative dissolution profiles of RTV inclusion

complexes prepared by freeze drying

3.7.6. Comparison of dissolution profiles

Dissolution profiles of saquinavir and ritonavir complexes

prepared by various methods with each cyclodextrin were compared

and dissolution profiles of complexes prepared by freeze drying with

cyclodextrins used for the study were compared by model dependent

and model independent methods. Model independent methods-Dissolution parameters

Dissolution parameters %DE60, DP30, %DE10, T50 and MDT were

calculated for both the drugs and are represented in Table 3.15 and

3.16. Bar diagrams of dissolution parameters for both the drugs are

shown in Fig. 3.7 to Fig.3.12.

In case of SQV, %DE10, T50 were calculated only for spray dried

and freeze dried products as the drug release was very slow for other

methods, physical mixing, kneading and co evaporation and some of

the complexes did not show even 50% of drug release. All drug-CD

complexes showed higher %DE60, DP30 values compared to pure drug.

Among different cyclodextrins used in the study, complexes prepared

with SBE7βCD showed higher %DE60, DP30. When method of

preparation was observed, freeze dried and spray dried products

exhibited higher %DE60, DP30 values than the physical mixture,

kneaded and co evaporated products and pure saquinavir. Kneaded

products showed higher %DE60, DP30 compared to co evaporated

products with SQV-RMβCD and SBE7βCD. On the contrary, co

evaporated products showed higher %DE60, DP30 than kneaded

products with βCD and HPβCD complexes. Higher %DE10, lower T50

values were observed with spray dried and freeze dried complexes

prepared with SBE7βCD. The extent of the enhancement of the

dissolution was found to be dependent on the preparation method, and

the type of CD, since SQV-SBE7βCD complex prepared by freeze drying

exhibited 4.14 fold higher DE60 value and two fold increase in DP30

values compared to pure SQV.

MDT values were calculated for freeze dried complexes as they

gave maximum drug release. All freeze dried complexes showed

decrease in MDT compared to saquinavir alone. The lowest MDT was

observed with complexes prepared by freeze drying with SBE7βCD. The

lower the MDT value, the faster the drug release. Very high MDT was

found for saquinavir, 238.01 which was decreased to 20.67 with

SBE7βCD indicated that complexation of SQV with SBE7βCD and

using freeze drying method enhanced the dissolution rate.

Similar way, the dissolution efficiencies were 9 fold higher with

RMβCD and 8.16 fold higher with HPβCD in %DE10 compared to RTV.

8.2 fold with HPβCD and 1.96 fold with RMβCD higher values in %DE10

of freeze dried products corresponding physical mixture were observed.

High dissolution efficiency and low T50 values were obtained with freeze

dried complexes of RTV-RMβCD. Both RTV-CD complexes prepared by

co evaporation showed higher DE60, DE10, DP30 and low T50 values

compared to spray dried products. Spray dried products showed very

slow release but co evaporated products showed initial quick release

followed by slowing down of release of drug. This may be due to long

heating time in co evaporation could help in complex formation. Higher

DE60 and DE10 and lower T50 were observed with freeze dried complexes

of RTV-RMβCD and HPβCD complexes.

A drastic decrease in MDT values was observed with freeze dried

complexes of ritonavir with both HPβCD and RMβCD. Ritonavir had

shown higher MDT value of 200.6. The reduction in MDT to 3.0 was

found with RTV-RMβCD complex indicated that effective complexation

of RTV with RMβCD has been taken place. Like saquinavir, freeze

drying method proved in enhancing dissolution rate.

The enhancement with freeze dried complexes of both drugs may

be due to increased interaction and conversion of drug into highly

amorphous state in freeze drying method. Increase in dissolution

parameters of SQV complex with SBE7βCD and RTV complex with

RMβCD has been attributed to the formation of an inclusion complex in

the solid state and formation of readily soluble complexes in the

dissolution medium with these cyclodextrins.

Table 3.15: Dissolution parameters of SQV inclusion complexes
Type of Method of DE60 DP30 DE10 T50(min) MDT
complex preparation
Pure Drug --- 18.16±0.91 19.12±0.32 238.01±7.5
SQV-βCD PM 26.28±0.42 23.83±0.22
KN 33.87±0.85 35.67±0.56
COE 34.68±0.65 35.67±0.58
SD 34.54±1.20 36.52±1.52
FD 31.00±1.42 30.49±1.24 109.22±5.6
SQV-HPβCD PM 35.41±1.43 31.59±0.53
KN 37.62±1.78 39.29±0.87
COE 39.09±0.98 40.74±0.47
SD 39.36±0.87 39.93±0.57
FD 39.98±0.64 39.99±0.34 79.84±8.1
SQV-RMβCD PM 34.21±1.25 26.48±0.96
KN 36.93±1.51 38.48±0.86
COE 23.73±0.66 24.81±0.88
SD 57.56±0.80 52.08±0.81 26.8±0.55 27.5±0.20
FD 62.22±0.67 56.45±1.35 26.0±0.67 21.5±0.45 37.48±5.9
SQV- PM 33.94±0.92 35.64±1.10
SBE7βCD KN 42.13±0.95 43.14±1.28
COE 40.81±1.43 41.82±1.23
SD 63.12±1.22 59.97±1.56 30.9±0.58 13.0±0.30
FD 75.25±0.98 61.32±1.75 33.6±0.45 10.5±0.25 20.67±6.2

Table 3.16: Dissolution parameters of RTV inclusion complexes
Type of Method of DE60 DP30 DE10 T50(min) MDT
complex preparation
Pure --- 17.97±0.95 16.80±0.55 8.02±0.35 --- 200.46±4.5
RTV- PM 46.76±0.58 52.13±0.56 8.40±0.30 27.5±0.15
COE 55.83±0.78 58.73±0.69 36.13±0.55 7.50±0.25
SD 50.81±0.75 42.96±0.45 27.97±0.56 35.0±0.25
FD 93.80±0.65 84.69±0.52 69.08±0.45 2.50±0.15 3.67±5.2
RTV- PM 41.05±0.86 59.29±0.55 37.50±0.91 8.50±0.12
COE 56.86±0.75 59.25±0.45 36.69±0.95 8.01±0.32
SD 58.81±0.42 61.54±0.60 31.44±0.85 25.00±0.15
FD 94.76±0.35 92.86±0.42 72.40±0.75 2.00±0.15 3.00±4.9

















Fig.3.7: Bar diagrams of A) DE60 B) DP30 for SQV-CD complexes

prepared by different methods using a) βCD b) HPβCD
c) RMβCD d) SBE7βCD







Fig. 3.8: Bar diagrams of A) T50 B) DE10 for SQV-CD complexes

prepared by spray drying and freeze drying methods using
a) RMβCD b) SBE7βCD







Fig. 3.9: Bar diagram of MDT values for SQV-CD complexes

prepared by freeze drying method














Fig. 3.10: Bar diagram of A) DE60 B) DE10 for RTV-CD complexes

prepared by different methods using A) HPβCD B) RMβCD








Fig. 3.11: Bar diagram of T50 values for RTV-CD complexes

prepared by different methods using a) HPβCD b) RMβCD






Fig.3.12: Bar diagram of MDT values for RTV-CD complexes

prepared by freeze drying Statistical analysis

Two dissolution parameters %DE60, DP30 of the complexes

prepared by different methods were compared by the one-way ANOVA.

The results are shown in Table 3.17 to 3.20.

Null hypothesis was rejected in the one way ANOVA test as p

value is less than 0.05. Therefore it indicated statistically a significant

difference in their dissolution profiles prepared by different methods

and using different cyclodextrins.

To evaluate the difference among the complexes prepared by

different methods, the Tukey multiple comparison test was performed

on the results of ANOVA and the results are given in Table 3.21 to

3.24. Tukey multiple comparison test for saquinavir and different

complexes showed significant difference in dissolution parameters

between SQV and different methods of preparation. However, no

significant difference was observed between some of the methods

especially with βCD and HPβCD and the details are given in

Table 3.25.

One way ANOVA was performed for freeze dried complexes of

SQV with four CDs and the results are shown in Table 3.26. To test

the effect of different cyclodextrins on dissolution rate, for complexes

prepared by freeze drying, dissolution parameters %DE60, DP30 and

MDT values were subjected to Tukey multiple comparison test

(Table 3.27). It showed significant difference between different

cyclodextrin complexes of saquinavir prepared by freeze drying, which

clearly indicated type of cyclodextrin used for complexation influenced

dissolution rate.

Table 3.17: ANOVA for dissolution parameters of SQV-βCD
Null hypothesis: Ho= there is no significant difference in dissolution
parameters between products prepared by various methods
Parameter Source df SS MS F ratio P
DE60 Between 5 623.6 124.7 257.5- <0.0001
Within 12 5.813 0.4844
Total 17 629.4
DP30 Between 5 792.8 158.6 210.0* <0.0001
Within 12 9.061 0.7551
Total 17 801.8

Table 3.18: ANOVA for dissolution parameters of

SQV-HPβCD complexes
Null hypothesis: Ho= there is no significant difference in dissolution
parameters between products prepared by various methods
Parameter Source df SS MS F ratio P
DE60 Between 5 1039 207.8 182.6* <0.0001
Within 12 13.65 1.138
Total 17 1053
DP30 Between 5 1094 218.9 858.8* <0.0001
Within 12 3.059 0.2549
Total 17 1098
df: Degrees of freedom, SS: Sum of square, MS: Mean square,
p: Significance level.
*Significant difference (Null hypothesis rejected)

Table 3.19: ANOVA for dissolution parameters of
SQV-RMβCD complexes
Null hypothesis: Ho= there is no significant difference in dissolution
parameters between products prepared by various methods
Parameter Source df SS MS F ratio P
DE60 Between 5 4437 887.3 1257* <0.0001
Within 12 8.474 0.7062
Total 17 4445
DP30 Between 5 3554 710.8 934.9* <0.0001
Within 12 9.639 0.8033
Total 17 3564

Table 3.20: ANOVA for dissolution parameters of

SQV- SBE7βCD complexes
Null hypothesis: Ho= there is no significant difference in dissolution
parameters between products prepared by various methods
Parameter Source df SS MS F ratio P
DE60 Between 5 6239 1248 1698* <0.0001
Within 12 8.818 0.7348
Total 17 6248
DP30 Between 5 3703 740.5 686.6* <0.0001
Within 12 12.94 1.079
Total 17 3716
df: Degrees of freedom, SS: Sum of square, MS: Mean square,
p: Significance level.
*Significant difference (Null hypothesis rejected)

Table 3.21: Tukey multiple comparison test for DE60 and DP30
values of SQV-βCD complexes
Parameter Comparison Mean q Significant 95% 95%
of products diff (P<0.05) LCL UCL
DE60 SQV vs. PM -7.95 19.80 s* -9.86 -6.04
SQV vs. KN -15.65 38.96 s* -17.56 -13.74
SQV vs. COE -16.03 39.89 s* -17.94 -14.12
SQV vs. SD -16.28 40.51 s* -18.19 -14.37
SQV vs. FD -13.08 32.54 s* -14.99 -11.17
PM vs. KN -7.69 19.15 s* -9.60 -5.78
PM vs. COE -8.07 20.09 s* -9.98 -6.16
PM vs. SD -8.32 20.71 s* -10.23 -6.41
PM vs. FD -5.12 12.74 s* -7.02 -3.21
KN vs. COE -0.37 0.93 n.s* -2.28 1.53
KN vs. SD -0.62 1.55 n.s* -2.53 1.28
KN vs. FD 2.57 6.41 s* 0.66 4.48
COE vs. SD -0.24 0.61 n.s* -2.15 1.66
COE vs. FD 2.95 7.35 s* 1.04 4.86
SD vs. FD 3.20 7.96 s* 1.29 5.10
DP30 SQV vs. PM -4.72 9.421 s* -7.11 -2.34
SQV vs. KN -16.54 32.96 s* -18.92 -14.15
SQV vs. COE -16.65 33.19 s* -19.04 -14.27
SQV vs. SD -17.42 34.73 s* -19.81 -15.04
SQV vs. FD -11.33 22.58 s* -13.71 -8.94
PM vs. KN -11.81 23.54 s* -14.19 -9.42
PM vs. COE -11.93 23.77 s* -14.31 -9.54
PM vs. SD -12.70 25.31 s* -15.08 -10.31
PM vs. FD -6.60 13.16 s* -8.98 -4.21
KN vs. COE -0.11 0.23 n.s* -2.50 2.26
KN vs. SD -0.88 1.76 n.s* -3.27 1.49
KN vs. FD 5.21 10.38 s* 2.82 7.59
COE vs. SD -0.77 1.53 n.s* -3.15 1.61
COE vs. FD 5.32 10.62 s* 2.94 7.71
SD vs. FD 6.09 12.15 s* 3.71 8.48

s*-significant difference n.s*-not significant

Table 3.22: Tukey multiple comparison test for DE60 and DP30
values of SQV-HPβCD complexes
Parameter Comparison Mean q Significant 95% 95%
of products diff (P<0.05) LCL UCL
DE60 SQV vs. PM -17.10 27.77 s* -20.03 -14.17
SQV vs. KN -19.20 31.18 s* -22.13 -16.28
SQV vs. COE -20.83 33.82 s* -23.75 -17.90
SQV vs. SD -21.02 34.13 s* -23.95 -18.09
SQV vs. FD -21.73 35.29 s* -24.66 -18.80
PM vs. KN -2.10 3.41 n.s* -5.02 -0.82
PM vs. COE -3.72 6.05 s* -6.65 -0.80
PM vs. SD -3.92 6.36 s* -6.84 -0.99
PM vs. FD -4.63 7.51 s* -7.55 -1.70
KN vs. COE -1.62 2.63 n.s* -4.54 1.30
KN vs. SD -1.81 2.95 n.s* -4.74 1.10
KN vs. FD -2.52 4.10 n.s* -5.45 0.39
COE vs. SD -0.193 0.31 n.s* -3.11 2.73
COE vs. FD -0.903 1.46 n.s* -3.82 2.02
SD vs. FD -0.71 1.15 n.s* -3.63 2.21
DP30 SQV vs. PM -12.50 42.90 s* -13.89 -11.12
SQV vs. KN -20.21 69.34 s* -21.59 -18.83
SQV vs. COE -21.65 74.28 s* -23.03 -20.27
SQV vs. SD -20.83 71.47 s* -22.22 -19.45
SQV vs. FD -20.86 71.55 s* -22.24 -19.47
PM vs. KN -7.707 26.44 s* -9.09 -6.32
PM vs. COE -9.147 31.38 s* -10.53 -7.76
PM vs. SD -8.33 28.58 s* -9.71 -6.94
PM vs. FD -8.35 28.66 s* -9.73 -6.96
KN vs. COE -1.44 4.94 s* -2.82 -0.05
KN vs. SD -0.62 2.13 n.s* -2.00 0.76
KN vs. FD -0.64 2.21 n.s* -2.03 0.73
COE vs. SD 0.81 2.80 n.s* -0.56 2.20
COE vs. FD 0.79 2.72 n.s* -0.59 2.17
SD vs. FD -0.02 0.08 n.s* -1.40 1.36

s*-significant difference n.s*-not significant

Table 3.23: Tukey multiple comparison test for DE60 and DP30
values of SQV-RMβCD complexes
Parameter Comparison Mean q Significant 95% 95%
of products diff (P<0.05) LCL UCL
DE60 SQV vs. PM -16.03 33.04 s* -18.34 -13.72
SQV vs. KN -18.34 37.80 s* -20.65 -16.03
SQV vs. COE -5.447 11.23 s* -7.75 -3.14
SQV vs. SD -39.09 80.57 s* -41.40 -36.78
SQV vs. FD -42.01 86.58 s* -44.31 -39.70
PM vs. KN -2.310 4.761 s* -4.61 -0.00
PM vs. COE 10.58 21.81 s* 8.27 12.89
PM vs. SD -23.06 47.53 s* -25.37 -20.75
PM vs. FD -25.98 53.54 s* -28.28 -23.67
KN vs. COE 12.89 26.57 s* 10.59 15.20
KN vs. SD -20.75 42.77 s* -23.06 -18.44
KN vs. FD -23.67 48.78 s* -25.97 -21.36
COE vs. SD -33.64 69.34 s* -35.95 -31.34
COE vs. FD -36.56 75.35 s* -38.87 -34.25
SD vs. FD -2.91 6.012 s* -5.22 -0.61
DP30 SQV vs. PM -7.323 14.15 s* -9.78 -4.86
SQV vs. KN -19.29 37.27 s* -21.75 -16.83
SQV vs. COE -5.703 11.02 s* -8.16 -3.24
SQV vs. SD -32.98 63.73 s* -35.44 -30.52
SQV vs. FD -37.35 72.17 s* -39.81 -34.89
PM vs. KN -11.96 23.12 s* -14.42 -9.50
PM vs. COE 1.620 3.131 n.s* -0.83 4.07
PM vs. SD -25.65 49.58 s* -28.11 -23.19
PM vs. FD -30.02 58.02 s* -32.48 -27.56
KN vs. COE 13.58 26.25 s* 11.12 16.04
KN vs. SD -13.69 26.46 s* -16.15 -11.23
KN vs. FD -18.06 34.90 s* -20.52 -15.60
COE vs. SD -27.27 52.71 s* -29.73 -24.81
COE vs. FD -31.64 61.15 s* -34.10 -29.18
SD vs. FD -4.370 8.44 s* -6.82 -1.91

s*-significant difference n.s*-not significant

Table 3.24: Tukey multiple comparison test for DE60 and DP30
values of SQV-SBE7βCD complexes
Parameter Comparison Mean q Significant 95% 95%
of products diff (P<0.05) LCL UCL
DE60 SQV vs. PM -15.68 28.5 s* -18.29 -13.07
SQV vs. KN -24.16 5.03 s* -26.77 -21.55
SQV vs. COE -22.60 43.98 s* -25.21 -19.99
SQV vs. SD -45.02 41.14 s* -41.63 -42.41
SQV vs. FD -57.09 97.24 s* -59.88 -54.30
PM vs. KN -8.47 88.39 s* -11.08 -5.86
PM vs. COE -6.91 15.43 s* -9.52 -4.30
PM vs. SD -29.33 12.59 s* -31.94 -26.72
PM vs. FD -32.87 53.40 s* -35.48 -30.26
KN vs. COE 1.55 59.84 n.s* -1.05 -4.16
KN vs. SD -20.86 2.83 s* -23.47 -18.25
KN vs. FD -24.40 37.97 s* -27.01 -21.79
COE vs. SD -22.42 44.42 s* -25.03 -19.81
COE vs. FD -34.41 58.61 s* -37.20 -31.62
SD vs. FD -12.00 20.43 s* -14.79 -9.20
DP30 SQV vs. PM -16.52 27.56 s* -19.37 -13.67
SQV vs. KN -24.40 40.69 s* -27.25 -21.55
SQV vs. COE -22.71 37.88 s* -25.56 -19.86
SQV vs. SD -40.52 67.58 s* -43.37 -37.67
SQV vs. FD -42.12 70.25 s* -44.97 -39.27
PM vs. KN -7.87 13.14 s* -10.73 -5.02
PM vs. COE -6.19 10.32 s* -9.03 -3.34
PM vs. SD -24.00 40.03 s* -26.85 -21.15
PM vs. FD -25.60 42.69 s* -28.45 -22.75
KN vs. COE 1.68 2.81 n.s* -1.16 4.53
KN vs. SD -16.12 26.89 s* -18.97 -13-27
KN vs. FD -17.72 29.55 s* -20.57 -14.87
COE vs. SD -17.81 29.70 s* -20.66 -14.96
COE vs. FD -19.41 32.37 s* -22.26 -16.56
SD vs. FD -1.59 2.66 n.s* -4.44 1.25

s*-significant difference n.s*-not significant

Table 3.25: Result of Tukey multiple comparison test
Type of CD used DE60 DP30
βCD KN vs. COE* KN vs. COE*
KN vs. SD* KN vs. SD*
COE vs. SD* COE vs. SD*
HPβCD PM vs. KN* ---
KN vs. SD* KN vs. SD*
COE vs. SD* COE vs. SD*
COE vs. FD* COE vs. FD*
SD vs. FD* SD vs. FD*
RMβCD PM vs. COE* PM vs. COE*
SBE7βCD KN vs. COE* KN vs. COE*
---- SD vs. FD*
*no significant difference

Table 3.26: ANOVA for dissolution parameters of SQV-CD
complexes prepared by freeze drying
Null hypothesis: Ho= there is no significant difference in dissolution
parameters between products prepared by various methods
Parameter Source df SS MS F ratio P
DE60 Between 4 6295 1574 2456* <0.0001
Within 10 6.409 0.6409
Total 14 6301
DP30 Between 4 3714 928.4 2644* <0.0001
Within 10 3.512 0.3512
Total 14 3717
MDT Between 4 87397 21849 263646* <0.0001
Within 10 0.8287 0.0828
Total 14 87398
df: Degrees of freedom, SS: Sum of square, MS: Mean square, p:
Significance level.
*Significant difference (Null hypothesis rejected)

Table 3.27: Tukey multiple comparison test for DE60, DP30 and MDT values of
SQV-CD complexes prepared by freeze drying
Parameter Comparison of products Mean diff q Significant 95% LCI 95% UCI
DE60 SQV vs. βCD complex -13.18 39.31 s* -14.74 -11.62
SQV vs. HPβCD complex -21.51 64.14 s* -23.07 -19.95
SQV vs. RMβCD complex -42.29 126.1 s* -43.85 -40.73
SQV vs. SBE7βCD complex -57.39 124.6 s* -59.54 -55.24
βCD vs. HPβCD complex -8.32 24.83 s* -9.88 -6.76
βCD vs. RMβCD complex -29.11 86.81 s* -30.67 -27.55
βCD vs. SBE7βCD complex -35.63 106.3 s* -37.19 -34.07
HPβCD vs. RMβCD complex -20.78 61.98 s* -22.34 -19.22
HPβCD vs. SBE7βCD complex -35.58 76.97 s* -37.73 -33.42
RMβCD vs. SBE7βCD complex -15.30 33.10 s* -17.45 -13.15
DP30 SQV vs. βCD complex -11.53 33.7 s* -21.91 -18.72
SQV vs. HPβCD complex -20.31 59.37 s* -38.88 -35.69
SQV vs. RMβCD complex -37.28 109 s* -43.8 -40.61
SQV vs. SBE7βCD complex -42.2 123.4 s* -10.38 -7.191
βCD vs. HPβCD complex -8.78 25.67 s* -27.35 -24.16
βCD vs. RMβCD complex -25.75 75.27 s* -32.27 -29.08
βCD vs. SBE7βCD complex -30.67 89.65 s* -18.56 -15.38
HPβCD vs. RMβCD complex -16.97 49.6 s* -23.48 -20.3
HPβCD vs. SBE7 βCD complex -21.89 63.98 s* -6.51 -3.32
RMβCD vs. SBE7βCD complex -4.92 14.38 s* -28.86 -25.74

Table 3.27 contd….

MDT SQV vs. βCD complex 129.1 777 s* 128.4 129.9

SQV vs. HPβCD complex 158.9 955.8 s* 158.1 159.6
SQV vs. RMβCD complex 201.0 1209 s* 200.2 201.7
SQV vs. SBE7βCD complex 213.1 1282 s* 212.3 213.9
βCD vs. HPβCD complex 29.71 178.8 s* 28.94 30.48
βCD vs. RMβCD complex 71.81 432.1 s* 71.04 72.59
βCD vs. SBE7βCD complex 83.96 505.2 s* 83.19 84.73
HPβCD vs. RMβCD complex 42.1 253.3 s* 41.33 42.88
HPβCD vs. SBE7 βCD complex 54.25 326.4 s* 53.48 55.02
RMβCD vs. SBE7βCD complex 12.15 73.05 s* 11.37 12.92

s*-significant difference

ANOVA results for dissolution parameters DE60, DE10, DP30 and

T50 of RTV-CD complexes prepared by different methods are given in

Table 3.28 and 3.29. Tukey multiple comparison test was performed

on the results of ANOVA and the results are given in Table 3.30 to

3.31. One way ANOVA and Tukey multiple comparison test was

performed for freeze dried complexes with two CDS and the results are

shown in Table 3.32 and 3.33.

Null hypothesis was rejected in the one way ANOVA test as p

value is less than 0.05. Therefore it indicated statistically a significant

difference in the dissolution profiles of RTV complexes.

The results showed that there is significant difference among

RTV-CD complexes prepared with four methods compared to ritonavir

alone. But, no significant difference was observed between methods

physical mixing and co evaporation. T50 values showed no significant

difference as all complexes showed quick release compared to pure


Tukey multiple comparison test showed significant difference

between two cyclodextrins, HPβCD and RMβCD for %DE10, DP30 and T50

values whereas DE60 values showed no significant difference. This may

be due to complexes prepared by all methods showed faster release

compared to RTV alone.

Table 3.28: ANOVA for dissolution parameters of
RTV- HPβCD complexes
Null hypothesis: Ho= there is no significant difference in dissolution
parameters between products prepared by various methods
Parameter Source of df SS MS F ratio P
DE60 Between 4 9466 2366 4743* <0.0001
Within 10 4.989 0.4989
Total 14 9471
DP30 Between 4 9600 2400 4379* <0.0001
Within 10 5.481 0.5481
Total 14 9605
DE10 Between 4 7572 1893 4181* <0.0001
Within 10 4.527 0.4527
Total 14 7576
T50 Between 3 2189 729.7 21620*
Within 8 0.270 0.0337
Total 11 2189
df: Degrees of freedom, SS: Sum of square, MS: Mean square
p: Significance level, *Significant difference (Null hypothesis rejected)

Table 3.29: ANOVA for dissolution parameters of
RTV- RMβCD complexes
Null hypothesis: Ho= there is no significant difference in dissolution
parameters between products prepared by various methods
Parameter Source of df SS MS F ratio P
DE60 Between 4 9483 2371 4960* <0.0001
Within 10 4.780 0.4780
Total 14 9488
DP30 Between 4 11483 2871 6303* <0.0001
Within 10 4.554 0.4554
Total 14 11488
DE10 Between 4 6372 1593 2552* <0.0001
Within 10 6.242 0.6242
Total 14 6378
T50 Between 3 879.3 293.1 13027*
Within 8 0.180 0.0225
Total 11 879.5
df: Degrees of freedom, SS: Sum of square, MS: Mean square
p: Significance level, *Significant difference (Null hypothesis rejected)

Table 3.30: Tukey multiple comparison test for DE60, DP30, DE10,
and T50 values of RTV- HPβCD complexes
Parameter Comparison Mean q Significant 95% 95%
of products Diff (p<0.05) LCL UCL
DE60 RTV vs. PM -18.79 46.08 s* -20.69 -16.89
RTV vs. COE -37.86 92.85 s* -39.76 -35.97
RTV vs. SD -32.88 80.63 s* -34.78 -30.98
RTV vs. FD -75.9 186.1 s* -77.8 -74.01
PM vs. COE -19.07 46.77 s* -20.97 -17.18
PM vs. SD -14.09 34.55 s* -15.99 -12.19
PM vs. FD -57.11 140.1 s* -59.01 -55.22
COE vs. SD 4.98 12.22 s* 3.08 6.88
COE vs. FD -38.04 93.28 s* -39.94 -36.14
SD vs. FD -43.02 105.5 s* -44.92 -41.13
DP30 RTV vs. PM -45.33 106.1 s* -47.32 43.34
RTV vs. COE 51.53 120.6 s* -53.52 49.54
RTV vs. SD 36.16 84.6 s* -38.15 34.17
RTV vs. FD 78.06 182.6 s* -80.05 76.07
PM vs. COE 6.2 14.51 n.s* -8.18 4.21
PM vs. SD 9.17 21.45 s* 7.18 11.16
PM vs. FD -32.73 76.57 s* -34.72 30.74
COE vs. SD 15.37 35.96 s* 13.38 17.36
COE vs. FD -26.53 62.06 s* -28.52 24.54
SD vs. FD -41.9 98.02 s* -43.89 39.91
DE10 RTV vs. PM -0.38 0.97 s* -2.18 1.42
RTV vs. COE -28.77 74.05 s* -30.57 -26.96
RTV vs. SD -19.61 50.49 s* -21.42 -17.81
RTV vs. FD -61.00 157.0 s* -62.81 -59.19
PM vs. COE -28.39 73.08 n.s* -30.19 -26.58
PM vs. SD -19.23 49.51 s* -21.04 -17.43
PM vs. FD -60.62 156.1 s* -62.43 -58.81
COE vs. SD 9.15 23.56 s* 7.34 10.96
COE vs. FD -32.23 82.98 s* -34.04 -30.43
SD vs. FD -41.39 106.5 s* -43.19 -39.58
T50 PM vs. COE 20.00 188.6 n.s* 19.52 20.48
PM vs. SD -7.50 70.71 n.s* -7.98 -7.02
PM vs. FD 25.00 235.7 n.s* 24.52 24.52
COE vs. SD -27.5 259.3 n.s* -27.98 -27.98
COE vs. FD 5.0 47.14 n.s* 4.52 4.52
SD vs. FD 32.50 306.4 n.s* 32.02 32.02
s*-significant difference n.s*-not significant

Table 3.31: Tukey multiple comparison test for DE60, DP30, DE10
and T50 values of RTV-RMβCD complexes
Parameter Comparison Mean q Significant 95% 95%
of products Diff (p<0.05) LCL UCL
DE60 RTV vs. PM -23.12 57.93 s* -24.98 -21.27
RTV vs. COE -38.93 97.53 s* -40.79 -37.07
RTV vs. SD -40.86 102.4 s* -42.72 -39.01
RTV vs. FD -76.83 192.5 s* -78.69 -74.97
PM vs. COE -15.81 39.6 s* -17.66 -13.95
PM vs. SD -17.74 44.44 s* -19.6 -15.88
PM vs. FD -53.71 134.5 s* -55.56 -51.85
COE vs. SD -1.933 4.843 s* -3.791 -0.075
COE vs. FD -37.90 94.94 s* -39.76 -36.04
SD vs. FD -35.97 90.10 s* -37.82 -34.11
DP30 RTV vs. PM -52.49 134.7 s* -54.3 -50.68
RTV vs. COE -52.45 134.6 s* -54.26 -50.64
RTV vs. SD -54.41 139.6 s* -56.22 -52.59
RTV vs. FD -86.06 220.9 s* -87.87 -84.25
PM vs. COE -0.04 0.102 n.s* -1.77 -1.85
PM vs. SD -1.91 4.919 s* -3.73 -0.103
PM vs. FD -33.57 86.16 s* -35.38 -31.76
COE vs. SD -1.957 5.022 s* -3.77 -0.143
COE vs. FD -33.61 86.26 s* -35.42 -31.8
SD vs. FD -31.65 81.24 s* -33.47 -29.84
DE10 RTV vs. PM -29.51 64.7 s* -31.64 -27.39
RTV vs. COE -28.67 62.85 s* -30.79 -26.55
RTV vs. SD -23.42 51.34 s* -25.54 -21.30
RTV vs. FD -64.38 141.1 s* -66.5 -62.26
PM vs. COE -0.843 1.849 n.s* -1.27 2.96
PM vs. SD 6.093 13.36 s* -3.97 8.21
PM vs. FD -34.87 76.44 s* -36.99 -32.74
COE vs. SD 5.25 11.51 s* 3.12 7.373
COE vs. FD -35.71 78.29 s* -37.83 -33.59
SD vs. FD -40.96 89.8 s* -43.08 -38.84
T50 PM vs. COE 0.50 0.013 n.s* -172.9 173.9
PM vs. SD -93.17 2.43 n.s* -266.6 80.28
PM vs. FD 6.50 0.16 n.s* -166.9 179.9
COE vs. SD -93.67 2.44 n.s* -267.1 79.78
COE vs. FD 6.00 0.15 n.s* -167.4 179.4
SD vs. FD 99.67 2.60 n.s* -73.78 273.1
s*-significant difference n.s*-not significant
Table 3.32: ANOVA for dissolution parameters of RTV complexes
with HPβCD and RMβCD by freeze drying
Null hypothesis: Ho= there is no significant difference in dissolution
parameters between products prepared by various methods
Parameter Source of df SS MS F ratio P
DE60 Between 2 11633 5817 14388* <0.0001
Within 6 2.422 0.404
Total 8 11633
DP30 Between 2 10440 5220 17593* <0.0001
Within 6 1.788 0.296
Total 8 10442
DE10 Between 2 7884 3942 38863* <0.0001
Within 6 0.608 0.101
Total 8 7885
T50 Between 2 77850 38925 601321* <0.0001
Within 6 0.388 0.064
Total 8 77851
df: Degrees of freedom, SS: Sum of square, MS: Mean square
p: Significance level, *Significant difference (Null hypothesis rejected)

Table 3.33: Tukey multiple comparison test for DE60, DP30, DE10 and MDT values of RTV
complexes prepared by freeze drying
Mean Significant
Parameter Comparison of products q 95% LCL 95% UCL
Diff (p<0.05)
RTV vs. HPβCD complex -75.75 206.4 s* -77.34 -74.16
DE60 RTV vs. RMβCD complex -76.77 209.1 s* -78.37 -75.18
HPβCD vs. RMβCD complex -1.023 2.788 n.s* -2.616 0.569
RTV vs. HPβCD complex -68.21 216.9 s* -69.57 -66.84
DP30 RTV vs. RMβCD complex -75.71 240.7 s* -77.07 -74.34
HPβCD vs. RMβCD complex -7.5 23.85 s* -8.865 -6.135
RTV vs. HPβCD complex -61.21 332.9 s* -62.01 -60.41
DE10 RTV vs. RMβCD complex -64.25 349.4 s* -65.05 -63.45
HPβCD vs. RMβCD complex -3.04 16.53 s* -3.838 -2.242
RTV vs. HPβCD complex 196.9 1340 s* 196.3 197.5
MDT RTV vs. RMβCD complex 197.7 1346 s* 197.1 198.3
HPβCD vs. RMβCD complex 0.7933 5.401 s* 0.1559 1.431
s*-significant difference, n.s*-not significant

Based on the result of Tukey multiple comparison test, SQV

complex with SBE7βCD, by freeze drying showed highest mean

difference, 57.39 in %DE60, 42.2 in DP30 and 213.1 in MDT values

compared to SQV. Similarly, freeze dried complex of RTV with RMβCD

showed highest mean difference, 75.9 in %DE60, 78.6 in DP30, 61 in

%DE10 and 197.7 in MDT values. Based on all these values, SQV-

SBE7βCD and RTV- RMβCD complexes prepared by freeze drying were

found to be optimized complexes for achieving the complete drug

release in the contemplated 60 min. SQV- SBE7βCD release the drug in

60 min whereas RTV- RMβCD released the drug in 10 min. Model dependent methods

Model dependent methods like zero and first order for

establishing drug release kinetics and Higuchi diffusion model, Hixon-

Crowell erosion model for establishing mechanism were applied for the

dissolution data of drug-CD complexes. However, none of the models

gave correlation coefficient values>0.90 for good linear fit for any of the

models. The dissolution data indicated initial slow release of drug

followed by rapid release during the near completion of drug release for

many drug-CD complexes. Some of the drug-CD complexes failed to

release the complete drug in 60 min. In case of ritonavir, drug release

was completed in 10 min for the optimized drug-CD complexes. Hence

further analysis of the drug release kinetics and drug release

mechanism was not done.

3.7.7. FTIR studies

Fourier infrared spectrophotometry (FTIR) has been employed as

a useful tool to identify drug excipient interactions.40,41 In the present

study, the use of FTIR spectroscopy to provide important information

regarding confirmation of inclusion complexation formation of CDs with

both selected drugs. FTIR patterns of SQV-βCD, HPβCD, RMβCD and

SBE7βCD freeze dried complexes, physical mixture, SQV and

corresponding cyclodextrins are represented in Fig. 3.13 to 3.16.

FTIR studies of SQV exhibited peaks at 3529 cm-1 for OH

stretching, 3100 cm-1 for NH2 stretching, 1622 cm-1 for C=O stretching

and 3381 cm-1 for NH stretching which confirms the structure of SQV.

The spectra of βCD showed prominent peaks at 3420.08 cm-1 for

O-H stretch, 2925 cm-1 for C-H aliphatic stretch. IR spectra of physical

mixture and freeze dried complex of SQV-βCD showed broadening of

peak from 3200-3400 cm-1.

The spectra of HPβCD showed prominent peaks at 3433.95 cm-1

for O-H stretch, 2923.9 cm-1 for C-H aliphatic stretch. IR spectra of

physical mixture and freeze dried complex of SQV-HPβCD showed

broadening of peak from 3100-3500 cm-1.

The spectra of RMβCD showed prominent peaks at 3400.02 cm-1

for O-H stretch, 2923.07 cm-1 for C-H aliphatic stretch. IR spectra of

physical mixture of SQV-RMβCD showed broadening of peak from

3150-3500 cm-1 and increase in the intensity of C-H aliphatic stretch at

2935.76 cm-1 indicates interaction between SQV and RMβCD.

The spectra of SBE7βCD showed prominent peaks at 3425 cm-1

for O-H stretch, 2936.7 cm-1 for C-H stretch and 1647.2 cm-1 for C=O

stretch. The peaks of physical mixture of SBE7βCD were smoothened

compared to that of SQV indicating complexation between SQV and

SBE7βCD. FTIR spectrum of SQV-SBE7βCD freeze dried complex

shows characteristic broad peak at 3291.89 cm-1. This shift and

broadening of peak indicated complexation between SQV and


The FTIR spectrums of complexes showed substantial decrease in

intensity and broadening compared to that of SQV. This result

suggested the formation of a new supramolecular compound.

Additionally, no new peaks were observed in the spectra of SQV-CD

complex systems, indicated no new chemical compounds were created

in the complex formation. Thus the FTIR spectra indicated that

saquinavir is partially included into the CD to form inclusion complex.

FTIR patterns of ritonavir complexes with HPβCD and RMβCD

are represented in Fig. 3.17 and 3.18 respectively.

When FTIR was performed, the drug spectrum indicated

characteristic peaks at 3344.88 cm−1 (N–H stretching amide group),

2951 cm−1 (hydrogen-bonded acid within the molecule), 1714 cm−1

(ester linkage), 1627.97 and 1525.74 cm−1 (–C=C– stretching aromatic


The FTIR spectra of ritonavir cyclodextrin complexes showed

considerable difference compared to pure ritonavir and cyclodextrin

spectra and showed decrease in frequency of a specific peak which is

generally seen in complexation. Physical mixtures showed broadening

of peak and shifting from 3344.68 cm-1 to 3338.89 cm-1 (NH stretching),

2952 cm-1 to 2922 cm-1 hydrogen bonded acid peak, 1734 cm-1 (ester

linkage) and 1639 cm-1 C=C group with HPβCD. RMβCD physical

mixture showed peaks with less intensity and broadening at 3452.39

cm-1, 2939 cm-1, 1716 and at 1631 cm-1 regions. Freeze dried

complexes showed similar pattern with widening. Freeze dried

complexes with RMβCD showed one small additional peak at 2407.24

cm-1. Intermolecular hydrogen bonding was observed in ritonavir

cyclodextrin complexes prepared by freeze drying, due to broad

absorption at 3389.04 cm-1. The broadening and widening of peak at

1730 cm-1 region may be due to the interaction between cyclodextrins

at the aldehydic link. The results confirmed the formation of stable

hydrogen bonds and interaction at the aldehydic group was responsible

in complex formation, giving increase in solubility of the drug.

Fig. 3.13: FTIR spectra of a) SQV b) βCD c) SQV-βCD physical
mixture d) SQV-βCD complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.14: FTIR spectra of a) SQV b) HPβCD c) SQV-HPβCD physical
mixture d) SQV-HPβCD complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.15: FTIR spectra of a) SQV b) RMβCD c) SQV-RMβCD
physical mixture d) SQV-RMβCD complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.16: FTIR spectra of a) SQV b) SBE7βCD c) SQV-SBE7βCD
physical mixture d) SQV-SBE7βCD complex prepared
by freeze drying

Fig 3.17: FTIR spectra of a) RTV b) HPβCD c) RTV-HPβCD physical
mixture d) RTV-HPβCD complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.18: FTIR spectra of a) RTV b) RMβCD c) RTV-RMβCD
physical mixture d) RTV- RMβCD complex prepared by freeze

3.7.8. DSC studies

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been one of the most

widely used calorimetric techniques for the studies of the interactions

between drugs and cyclodextrins in the solid state.30 In this study, DSC

was applied to evaluate the interaction between saquinavir and

ritonavir with cyclodextrins used in the study in the solid state.

DSC thermograms of saquinavir, cyclodextrins and the

complexes are presented in Fig.3.19 to 3.22. The DSC thermogram of

SQV showed an endothermic peak at 239°C which was corresponding

to its melting point.

DSC thermogram of βCD showed a broad endothermic peak at

101°C due to loss of water molecule. The SQV complex of βCD prepared

by physical mixing showed a less intense endothermic peak of

saquinavir at 237°C and was nearly identical to that of pure saquinavir.

SQV complex with βCD prepared by freeze drying showed a greater

reduction of intensity in endothermic peak of saquinavir at 239°C

(Fig. 3.19).

DSC thermogram of HPβCD showed a broad endothermic peak

from 60-80°C. In case of SQV and HPβCD physical mixture showed an

endothermic peak at 239°C and slight decrease in intensity. But freeze

dried complex of saquinavir showed a sharp reduction in the intensity

of peak indicates strong interaction between SQV and HPβCD

(Fig. 3.20).

The DSC spectra of RMβCD showed a broad endothermic peak in

the range of 80-100°C which can be attributed to desolvation. The

physical mixture of saquinavir and RMβCD showed an endothermic

peak at 233°C and freeze dried complex showed broadening of

endothermic peak in the range 226-260°C respectively due to formation

of inclusion complex (Fig. 3.21).

The DSC thermogram for SBE7βCD showed at 270°C where as

the physical mixture of SQV and SBE7βCD showed very less intense

peak which indicated good interaction happened in physical mixing

itself with SBE7βCD. Freeze dried complex showed reduced intensity of

endothermic peak and shifted to 237.05°C due to the carrier induced

drug amorphorization (Fig. 3.22).

The thermograms of ritonavir, cyclodextrins and the complexes

are presented in Fig. 3.23 and 3.24. The DSC thermogram of ritonavir

showed an endothermic peak at 124.55°C, which is corresponding to

its melting point.

Thermogram of HPβCD showed a broad endothermic peak from

60-80°C. In case of RTV and HPβCD complex prepared by physical

mixture showed and endothermic peak showed at 118.99°C and freeze

dried complex showed broad endothermic peak at 107.19°C that

strongly indicates strong interaction between ritonavir and HPβCD and

hence confirms complexation.

Thermogram of RMβCD showed a broad endotherm in the range

of 80-100°C which can be attributed to desolvation. Physical mixture of

RTV and RMβCD showed broadening of endothermic peak in the range

of 100.41°C and freeze dried complex showed a broad endothermic

peak at 100.63°C due to formation of inclusion complex.

The results of the DSC studies showed that the complexed form

of saquinavir and ritonavir was the major product in the solid mixture.

Fig. 3.19: DSC spectra of a) SQV b) βCD c) SQV-βCD physical

mixture d) SQV-βCD complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.20: DSC spectra of a) SQV b) HPβCD c) SQV-HPβCD physical
mixture d) SQV-HPβCD complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.21: DSC spectra of a) SQV b) RMβCD c) SQV-RMβCD physical
mixture d) SQV-RMβCD complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.22: DSC spectra of a) SQV b) SBE7βCD c) SQV-SBE7βCD
physical mixture d) SQV-SBE7βCD complex prepared by freeze

Fig. 3.23: DSC spectra of a) RTV b) HPβCD c) RTV- HPβCD physical
mixture d) RTV- HPβCD complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.24: DSC spectra of a) RTV b) RMβCD c) RTV- RMβCD
physical mixture d) RTV- RMβCD complex prepared by freeze

3.7.9. Nuclear magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR)

Only 1H-NMR spectroscopy can afford the most direct evidence

for a true inclusion complex formation by evidencing interactions

between guest molecules and the host cyclodextrins.

1H-NMR spectra of saquinavir, cyclodextrins and freeze dried

complexes were performed and are shown in Fig.3.25 to 3.28. All the

proton signals in the 1H-NMR spectrum of the pure saquinavir, proton

signals were observed at 1.26 ppm which represents aliphatic amine,

multiplet aromatic protons 6.7-6.9 ppm and other prominent chemical

shifts at 2.76 and 4.7 ppm were observed. Proton signals for benzene

rings in saquinavir were represented δH at 6.7 ppm, 6.9 ppm, 7.1 ppm,

7.75 ppm, 7.9 ppm, 8.05 ppm, 8.1 ppm, 8.14 ppm and 8.5 ppm.42 δH at

4.7 ppm represented the signal of water.

The insertion of saquinavir molecule into CD cavity was

demonstrated by changes in 1H-NMR chemical shift values. NMR

spectra clearly indicated interactions between saquinavir and H-3 and

H-5 protons belonging to the host CD and pointed towards the interior

of the cavity. Significant changes were observed in the signal due to H-

3 and H-5, whereas H-1, H-2, H-4 and H-6 (located outside the cavity)

were relatively unshielded by saquinavir. The shifts observed for the CD

protons were indicative of the occurrence of an inclusion of saquinavir

into the cyclodextrin cavity. In case of SQV, a significant upfield shift

for the resonance of the protons of the two aromatic cycles of SQV

(isoquinoleine ring and phenyl ring) was observed in presence of CD.

This upfield shift noted for the resonance of aromatic protons indicated

that the two aromatic cycles of SQV were mainly involved in the

formation of the complex suggesting that both isoquinoleine and phenyl

ring moieties would be expected to be included with in CD cavity due to

their hydrophobicity and satisfactory geometry. The study clearly

showed significant reduction in signal intensity with SQV-SBE7βCD

complex and shifting of peaks indicating SQV completely included with

SBE7βCD than with other CDs.

1H-NMR spectra of ritonavir, cyclodextrins, physical mixtures and

its freeze dried complexes were carried out and are presented in

Fig.3.29 to 3.30. All the proton signals in the 1H-NMR spectrum of the

pure ritonavir are essentially located in a narrow range 1.0 to 5.2 ppm

including the aliphatic amine peak at 3.2 ppm and other prominent

peaks at 7.0 and 7.3 ppm. 1H-NMR signals reported for HPβCD was

found at 1.12, 3.8, 4.7 and 5.19 ppm. 1H-NMR spectrum of RMβCD

showed proton signals at 3.48, 3.78, and 4.65 ppm.

In NMR spectra of ritonavir, NH and OH groups must have

undergone hydrogen bonding and other molecular forces of attraction

which can be shown by NMR data by disappearance of many OH, NH

signals between 3.6-5.2 ppm and disappearance of few signals near

7.0-7.3 ppm that indicates strong interaction between ritonavir and

cyclodextrins. Around 3.0 ppm, N-H in ritonavir has intense peak

where as in freeze drying of ritonavir with HPβCD and RMβCD complex,

peak was disappeared indicating complexation between ritonavir and



Fig. 3.25: 1H NMR spectra of a) SQV b) βCD c) SQV-βCD complex

prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.26: 1H NMR spectra of a) SQV b)HPβCD c) SQV-HPβCD
complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.27: 1H NMR spectra of a) SQV b) RMβCD c) SQV-RMβCD
complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.28: 1H NMR spectra of a) SQV b) SBE7βCD c) SQV-SBE7βCD
complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.29: 1H NMR spectra of a) RTV b) HPβCD c) RTV- HPβCD
physical mixture d) RTV- HPβCD complex prepared
by freeze drying

Fig 3.30: 1H NMR spectra of a) RTV b) RMβCD c) RTV- RMβCD
physical mixture d) RTV- RMβCD complex prepared
by freeze drying


The X-ray powder diffraction studies were carried out for SQV,

CDs and freeze dried complexes and are represented in Fig. 3.31 to


In the X-Ray diffractogram of saquinavir, sharp peaks at a

diffraction angle (2θ) of 12°, 16°, 17°, 18°, 19° and 20° were present

which suggested that the drug is present as a crystalline material.

In the freeze dried complexes prepared with βCD, HPβCD,

RMβCD and SBE7βCD, the presence of free crystalline drug was

revealed by few sharp peaks of low intensity at 21°, which emerged on

the diffuse background due to the amorphous cyclodextrins, indicating

loss of crystallinity in of the drug and also due to reduction of size of

particles during the process of freeze drying which indicated the

formation of inclusion complex.

It was observed that the intensity of crystalline peaks of freeze

dried complex of saquinavir-SBE7βCD was reduced to a greater extent

compared to other CD derivatives. This may be due to the better

interaction between the drug and SBE7βCD which converted the drug

into amorphous form.

XRD of ritonavir, cyclodextrins, physical mixture and freeze dried

complexes were performed and are shown in Fig. 3.35 and 3.36. In the

X-Ray diffractogram of ritonavir, peaks at a diffraction angle (2θ) of 17°,

18° and 22° were present but the peak intensity was less in pure

ritonavir which suggested that the drug is not completely crystalline

but it is a mixture of both crystalline and amorphous forms.

In the physical mixture complexes, prepared with HPβCD and

RMβCD, the presence of drug was revealed by peaks of low intensity at

21°. Peaks were not observed in freeze dried complexes of ritonavir with

HPβCD and RMβCD indicating that the drug is completely converted

into amorphous form. A similar behavior was previously reported for

ketoprofen and ibuprofen.43

Fig. 3.31: XRD patterns of a) SQV b) βCD c) SQV-βCD complex
prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.32: XRD patterns of a) SQV b) HPβCD c) SQV-HPβCD
complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.33: XRD patterns of a) SQV b) RMβCD c) SQV-RMβCD
complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.34: XRD patterns of a) SQV b) SBE7βCD c) SQV-SBE7βCD
complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig. 3.35: XRD patterns of a) RTV b) HPβCD c) RTV- HPβCD
physical mixture d) RTV-HPβCD complex prepared by freeze drying

Fig.3.36: XRD patterns of a) RTV b) RMβCD c) RTV- RMβCD
physical mixture d) RTV- RMβCD complex prepared
by freeze drying

3.7.11. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

The SEM of saquinavir, SQV-SBE7βCD complexes prepared by

spray drying and freeze drying are shown in Fig. 3.37. Saquinavir has

appeared as irregular shaped crystals and were constituted by

relatively bulky particles, with smaller ones adhered on its surface.

Spray dried samples appeared with uniform spherical shaped particles

and freeze dried samples appeared as elongated particles. The drastic

change of the particle’s shape and aspect in the spray dried and freeze

dried samples was indicative of the presence of a single phase, thus

correlating with PXRD observations.

The SEM images of RTV, RTV complexes prepared with HPβCD

and RMβCD by freeze drying method are shown in Fig. 3.38. Ritonavir

has appeared as needle shaped crystals. Freeze dried samples appeared

as elongated particles. The change of the particle’s shape and

disappearance of needle structure of pure RTV in freeze dried

complexes confirmed single phase existence and loss of needle

structure indicates loss of crystallinity, thus supporting with XRD





Fig. 3.37: SEM images of A) SQV B) SQV-SBE7βCD complex

prepared by spray drying C) SQV-SBE7βCD complex prepared by
freeze drying


(B) (C)

Fig. 3.38: SEM images of A) RTV B) RTV- HPβCD complex C) RTV-

RMβCD complex by freeze drying method

The drug-excipient interaction studies were performed for freeze

dried complexes with all CDs used in the study. FTIR studies showed

good interaction between drugs and CDs and no structural change was

observed in drug molecules. DSC data showed broadening of peak with

decrease in intensity, confirming better interaction between drug and

CDs. NMR data proved complexation between drug and CDs, giving

evidence of inclusion of drug into CD cavity. X-ray diffrractograms

showed significant reduction in crystalline nature of drug, indicating

conversion of drug into amorphous form after complexation. SEM

studies showed formation of single solid state complexes with elongated

particle shape in freeze drying. Based on this study, freeze drying

technique was proved as effective technique in formation of complex in

improving solubility and high dissolution.

3.8. Preparation of capsules

Optimized SQV-SBE7βCD and RTV-RMβCD complexes prepared

by freeze drying were filled into empty hard gelatin capsules (size 1)

with weighed amount of drug equivalent to 100 mg (total of SQV-

SBE7βCD complex-223.66 mg, RTV-RMβCD complex-225.30 mg) and

evaluated for uniformity of weight and in vitro dissolution studies.

3.8.1. Uniformity of weight44

According to IP, 20 capsules were selected at random, weighed

individually and the average weight was calculated for the

determination of weight variation of capsules. Then mean and percent

deviations were determined. If the average weight of capsule content is

less than 300 mg then ±10% deviation can be acceptable.

3.8.2. In vitro dissolution studies

The filled hard gelatin capsules were tested for the dissolution

studies. The same procedure was followed as mentioned in Sec. 3.4 for

both drugs.

3.9. Results and discussion

To find out the suitability of converting the powdered complex

into dosage form, they were filled into empty hard gelatin capsules.

They were not compressed into tablets as the process may affect drug

release characteristics. Both optimized complexes were fine and free

flowing powders. Drug equivalent to 100 mg were filled and evaluated

for uniformity of weight and dissolution studies. No excipients were

added to the powdered complexes due to their free flowing nature. Drug

content was not estimated for filled capsules as estimated powdered

complex was only used for the study.

3.9.1. Evaluation of capsules for uniformity in weight

The test of uniformity of weight for filled capsules of both SQV

and RTV were conducted and the results are shown Table 3.34. The

weight variation of all the filled capsules was within the limits. These

results indicated that the method of filling of drug-CD complexes into

the hard gelatin capsules was uniform.

Table 3.34: Uniformity of weight for prepared capsules

of SQV and RTV complexes
Weight (mg)
(mean±s.d.) (n=20)
SQV 100.00±0.75
RTV 100.00±0.80
SQV-SBE7βCD 223.66±0.95
RTV-RMβCD 225.30±0.70

3.9.2. Dissolution studies

The dissolution was carried out for optimized complexes. The

capsule shell was dissolved within 15 min and releasing full of its

contents. No change was observed in the drug release profiles of

complexes filled into capsules. The dissolution profiles are given in

Table 3.35 and 3.36. The comparative dissolution profiles of powdered

complex form and from capsule are shown in Fig.3.44 and 3.45.

Table3.35: Dissolution data of SQV capsules

Mean percentage drug release (n=3)
5 11.75±0.50 36.60±0.95
10 14.25±0.65 48.95±0.75
15 16.75±0.91 54.82±0.82
30 19.10±0.85 61.01±0.64
45 20.5±1.05 86.05±0.65
60 20.60±0.61 99.75±0.65

Mean % drug released




20 Powder


0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time in min

Fig.3.39: Dissolution profiles of complex of

SQV-SBE7βCD powder and capsule

Table3.36: Dissolution data of RTV capsules
Mean percentage drug release (n=3)
5 6.45±0.50 90.61±0.52
10 12.61±0.15 99.50±0.65
15 13.80±0.55
30 16.75±0.65
45 21.25±0.44
60 25.75±0.80


Mean % drug released




20 Capsule

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time in min

Fig.3.40: Dissolution profiles of complex of

RTV-RMβCD powder and from capsule

From the results, it was concluded that the prepared complexes

can be successfully formulated into a capsule dosage form since no

change was observed in dissolution profiles compared to powder form.

3.9. Conclusion

In the present investigation, the enhancement of saquinavir and

ritonavir solubility is highly dependent on the type of βCD molecule

and the method employed in the preparation of complex. The different

inclusion constants found for the different cyclodextrin molecules

studied indicated that the derivative groups in the cyclodextrin play an

important role in the complexation of saquinavir into the CD cavity.

Dissolution of saquinavir and ritonavir complexes was found to be

rapid compared to pure drugs. Statistical analysis showed significant

difference among various methods and different CD derivatives used in

the study. Drug-excipient interaction studies proved complexation

between the drugs and CDs. Good enhancement was observed with

freeze dried complexes of SBE7βCD for saquinavir and freeze dried

complexes of RTV-RMβCD. So, these formulations were optimized and

filled into capsules and evaluated. No change in drug release profiles

was observed. So, these capsules were selected for further stability and

in vivo studies.

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