Soal PAS 1 2019

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Topik: Common Expression 3

Subtopik: Expression of Surprise, Amazement, and Gratitude

1. Johan : Guess what! The management has decided to give us a raise early.
Strauss : ___________________.
Johan : Amazing, right? I love this company.
You can use the following expressions to complete the dialogue, except …

A. What a surprise!
B. Thank God!
C. Are you serious? That’s great!
D. Wow!
E. You wouldn’t believe it!
2. Larry : Are you looking for me, Dan?
Danny : Oh, yes I am. _________________________.
Larry : Sure, what time should I pick her up?
Complete the dialogue with the appropriate expression!
A. Would you mind taking my laundry from the laundromat?
B. I need your help to pick up my daughter at the mall.
C. Could you buy me some groceries?
D. Would you mind picking up my son at the cinema?
E. Could you give me a hand with this project?
3. Roy : Harry, are you going to the party?
Harry : I am afraid not, Roy.
Roy : What’s the matter? I thought you loved party.
Harry : That’s not true. I don’t like meeting people I don’t know.
From the dialogue, which expression shows expression of denying a fact?

A. I am afraid not, Roy.

B. What’s the matter?
C. Are you going to the party?
D. That’s not true.
E. I thought you loved party.
4. The hero and his men entered the devil’s lair. They walked silently. When they saw the devil, the
hero … at his men, “Fear no darkness!”
What is the most appropriate saying verb to complete the sentence?
A. screamed
B. replied
C. whispered
D. questioned
E. yawned
5. Kim asked, “Were Sam and Bill ill last week?”
Change the sentence above into indirect speech!
A. Mrs. Leon asked were Peter and Bill ill the week before.
B. Mrs. Leon asked where Peter and Bill were the week before.
C. Mrs. Leon asked if Peter and Bill were ill the week before.
D. Mrs. Leon asked did Peter and Bill ill the week before.
E. Mrs. Leon asked why Peter and Bill were ill the week before.
6. Phil asked Moe, “What time does the class start?”
Change the sentence above into indirect speech!
A. Phil asked Moe did the class start on time.
B. Phil asked Moe if the class was started.
C. Phil asked Moe what time the class started.
D. Phil asked Moe what day the class started.
E. Phil asked Moe how long the class was.
7. “Feed the cat tonight!”, My mom ordered me.
What is the correct indirect speech from the sentence above?
A. My mom ordered me to feed the cat that night.
B. I asked my mom to feed the cat that night.
C. My mom asked me about the cat.
D. My mom ordered him to feed the cat that night.
E. My mom ordered me to take care of the cat that night.

8. The correct caption for the image above is ….

A. Minister Susi Pudjiastuti: Sinking Ships Puts Benefits to Indonesia’s Resources and Business.
B. Sri Mulyani earned a Ph.D. in economics (1992) and M.S. in economics (1990) from the
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A. and a B.A. in economics (1986) from
Universitas Indonesia.
C. In the last decade, Indonesia's economy had grown at an average of 5.7 percent per year, which
is considerably high as compared to other G20 member countries.
D. Indonesia's Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati receiving the Best Minister Award from
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, Prime Minister and Vice-President of the United
Arab Emirates, and ruler of Dubai, on Feb 11, 2018.
E. The Indonesia Economic Outlook in London was then concluded by Steven Marcelino's address,
as he represented the diaspora who came up with the idea of the forum.
9. What does the diagram tell you?
A. A sample flowchart representing the decision process to add a new article to Wikipedia.
B. How to browse wikipedia.
C. A sample flowchart showing how many articles on wikipedia.
D. How to find an article on wikipedia.
E. How to search wikipedia on the internet.

10. From the charts above, we know that ….

A. for three of the sectors, it is evident that over this time frame there was no significant change in
their proportion of online transactions.
B. the two pie charts compare the percentages of online sales across different retail sectors in Canada
in the years 2005 and 2010.
C. there are several similarities between what younger and older people say makes them most happy.
However, there are several striking differences.
D. the two charts contain sales data for Fairtrade tea and pineapples in 2005 and 2010, in Canada.
E. the charts illustrate the performance of Canada's primary exports in 2005 and 2010.
Baiklah, langsung saja nih. Berikut ini adalah Latihan Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1
K13 2020 dan Kunci Jawaban. Selamat mengerjakan...

1. Tina : What’s the problem Rita?

Rita : I forgot where I put the assignment?
Tina : That’s too bad. .... help you find it?
Rita : Yes, please. Thank you.
The correct words to fill in the blank is ....
a. I’d love to …
b. I wonder if I ….
c. Would you like me to ….
d. What can I do to ….
e. I would like to ….
Jawaban : C

2. Gian : I am disappointed with my English score.

Bayu : Why? Is it bad?
Gian : Yes, it is. I think I need an extra class.
Bayu : I think there will be an extra class with Mr. Barnes. Would you like to join?
Gian : Certainly. I will talk to him soon.
The underlined word has a same meaning with ....
a. I’d love to.
b. Thank you.
c. I don’t think so.
d. Unfortunately.
e. That’s impossible.
Jawaban : A

3. One situation that can be considered as good news is….

a. someone is missing in a fores
b. your friend finally graduated
c. motorists broke traffic rules
d. a cyclist got an accident
e. your relative got sick
Jawaban : B

4. In responding to good news, you will likely say….

a. That’s terrible
b. I’m very pleased with it
c. It must have been awful
d. I’m so sorry to hear that
e. I think it can't be helped
Jawaban : B

5. Irna : I just heard about the missing plane in the television.

Darma : That’s terrible. Are there any casualties?
Irna : It is said that it is missing alongside its 45 passengers.
Darma : ....
The word “casualty” can be replaced with….
a. reputable
b. objects
c. victims
d. casual
e. proper
Jawaban : C

6. You are a group work at school and have to work online. Unfortunately the internet connection does
not work. However, your laptop detects another available network. You know it is protected and
belongs to someone
The message that you might say to him is ....
a. Would you fix my internet connection, please?
b. May I use your internet connection, please?
c. Tell me your connection password!
d. May I use your laptop, please?
e. Give me your laptop.
Jawaban : B

7. You are the captain of the class Science XIIA. Mr. Rahmadi, the science teacher, gave an assignment
for your class and the file is on the flash disk. After you copied the assignment, you passed the flash
disk to the next class and asked them to return it to teacher's desk at the teacher office.

The best note from the teacher is ....

a. To: Science XIIA. Please copy the file on this flash disk! Would you please give it to Science XIIB
when you have finished?
b. To: Science XIIA. Please download the file from the flash disk! Will you please give it to Science
XIIB after finish?
c. To: Science XIIA Please send the file to the next class! Would you please give it to Science XIIB
after copy it?
d. To: Science XIIA Can you download the file on this flash disk in the next class, please! Can you tell
them to copy it from you?
e. To: Science XIIA Please copy the file on this flash disk! Would you please give it to Science XIIB
after you have finished?
Jawaban : A

8. Good news can be described as ….

a. information about bicycle accident
b. information that is encouraging
c. information that is negative
d. information which is terrible
e. information you want to avoid
Jawaban : B

9. One function of news is .…

a. to lose some information
b. to lose some information
c. to inform about recent events
d. to even the information nearby
e. to share your ideas about something
Jawaban : C

10. A suitable expression to deliver good news is .…

a. I’m sorry for saying this
b. Not good news I suppose
c. I don’t know what to say
d. I'm really pleased to tell you
e. I'm afraid I've got news for you
Jawaban : D

11. Raisa : Biy, I got ... ! Have you checked the website?
Biya : What do you mean? What website?
Raisa : The announcement! We are both accepted in the university!
Biya : Really? Terrific! I am so grateful.
Raisa : We are indeed.
The word “terrific” can be replaced with .…
a. excellent
b. shocking
c. frightful
d. terrible
e. awful
Jawaban : A

12. Your friend has broken her left arm in a sport activity, you consider this as .…
a. Fantastic news
b. Terrific news
c. Not bad news
d. Terrible news
e. Traffic news
Jawaban : D

13. Your mother has finally opened her business, you consider this as .…
a. Kind act
b. Good news
c. Great show
d. Usual deeds
e. Nothing special
Jawaban : B

14. Nisa : Have you found a job?

Anis : Not yet. Finding a job is hard at present time.
Nisa : I don’t think so. You should check some job vacancy. Let me help you.
Anis : You don’t need to. I have already looked for a long time.
Nisa : Hey, look at this job vacancy. Medika Chemist needs two pharmacists. They are very
welcome to any applicants who do not have experience for learning while working. I
think it is suit on you.
Anis : Really?
Nisa : Yes. The company is also not far from your house.
Anis : When is the deadline?
Nisa : Tomorrow.
Anis : I’m doubt. I guess they have already received a lot of applicants.
Nisa : Don’t too much think about it. Just send your application letter. Wish you luck.
They are talking about ....
a. Job vacancy
b. Newspaper
c. Applicants
d. Website
e. School
Jawaban : A

15. Put the most appropriate caption on the following picture.

The most suitable caption for the picture is ....
a. Me and the blood
b. Keeping my blood to home
c. I am proud of donating my blood
d. Getting much profit from selling blood
e. Getting my blood away, it hurts so much that I am crying!
Jawaban : C

16. The following is not the meaning behind the caption….

a. The content of the media is just for adult.

b. The media does not allow people under the age of 15 to watch TV.
c. The content of the media may be harmful for people under the age of 15.
d. The media might provide scenes that are not appropriate for children to view.
e. The viewers are asked to be more aware with their children when watching TV..
Jawaban : B

17. What issue that might cause misunderstanding among the viewers that the show program is
supposed to be watched by all ages?
a. The national hosts of the show
b. The animations as the opening scene
c. The TV station that broadcast the show
d. The caption at the beginning of the show
e. The title of the show program, Happy Together
Jawaban : B

18. Precipitation and Its Variations

Rain is one type of precipitation or natural phenomena where water falls from the clouds in various
forms. Precipitation is a part of water cycle that begins from droplets of water. It occurs when the
droplets of water which have the size bigger that 0.5 mm fall from the clouds. Precipitation happens
when the water falls from the clouds in the form of water or droplets like rain, and it can also be in
other forms such as hail and snow. Precipitation comes from vaporized water that is brought by the
wind and formed clouds. When it hits mountainous area or when the density becomes very high, the
vaporized water drops into a rainfall. When the size of the droplets is about 0.2mm - 0.45mm, it is
called drizzle. The differences of precipitation are caused by various factors such as temperature and

The topic of the text is ....

a. When the precipitation happens
b. What is precipitation and its varied forms
c. When the droplets of water vapor in the air
d. When water droplets smaller than 0.5mm fall from the clouds
e. When water droplets with the size around 0.2-0.45mm fall from the clouds
Jawaban : B

19. Precipitation and Its Variations

Rain is one type of precipitation or natural phenomena where water falls from the clouds in various
forms. Precipitation is a part of water cycle that begins from droplets of water. It occurs when the
droplets of water which have the size bigger that 0.5 mm fall from the clouds. Precipitation happens
when the water falls from the clouds in the form of water or droplets like rain, and it can also be in
other forms such as hail and snow. Precipitation comes from vaporized water that is brought by the
wind and formed clouds. When it hits mountainous area or when the density becomes very high, the
vaporized water drops into a rainfall. When the size of the droplets is about 0.2mm - 0.45mm, it is
called drizzle. The differences of precipitation are caused by various factors such as temperature and

The explanation of the topic begins from the ... sentence.

a. When the precipitation happens
b. What is precipitation and its varied form
c. When the droplets of water vapor in the air
d. When water droplets smaller than 0.5mm fall from the clouds
e. When water droplets with the size around 0.2-0.45mm fall from the clouds
Jawaban : B

20. Sunset
Sunset is everyday’s moment when the sun disappears below the western horizon. Sunset happens
because of Earth’s rotation. Sunset is also known as sundown. However, sunset is different with dusk.
Dusk is the time when sky becomes dark. Twilight is the period between sundown and dusk. Sunset
usually creates intense orange and red colors around the sky. Sunset time varies along the year. For
example, in winter and spring, sunsets come later every day and the days become longer. It depends on
the position of Earth.

The opposite word of word later in the text is ....

a. already
b. Sooner
c. during
d. future
e. after
Jawaban : B

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