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Multi-Axis Milling with Pro/NC

Ionut Nanau
CAD/CAM Engineer
Multi-Axis Milling with Pro/NC

Some important consideration before starting
Operation setup
Toolpath strategies

Surface milling
Trajectory milling
Swarf milling
Multi-Axis Milling with PTC Production Solutions
Multi-Axis Milling
Demand increases…
– Aerospace
– Complex parts in one setup
– Tool- and Die
4 / 5 – Axis simultanous milling
5 Axis Drilling
4 / 5 Axis roughing
5 Axis Contouring, deburring
4/5 Axis positioning : in general you always want to
minimize the number of axis moving during machining

Most popular technique Use 5-axis

positioning to drill
Head(s) or table(s) are oriented into the holes (the
machine tool indexes
a series of positions and machining once for each hole)

is carried out at each of these positions

4/5 Axis continuous

Continuous 4/5 axis toolpath

across multiple surfaces
Machining with flank and/or Use 5-axis
bottom of tools simultaneous
milling to cut the
slot (e.g., the part
Tool/Holder degauging is important is rotated as the
cutting tool is

Three key components of multi-axis machining

Toolpath strategies
– Specialized strategies for each type of job

Tool motion control

– Control approach and exit
– Control tool during cut (lead,lag,tilt)

Tool axis control

– Easy definition of tool axis control
– Contain tool moves in machine limits
… and let’s not forget

NC Post-processing
– The post-processor will take in
account the machine kinematics
to transform tool position and vector
orientation in machine axis position
– Post can be used to manage limits
• Warning on limits
• Retract and “rewind” rotary axis when possible

NC Simulation
– Machine kinematics simulation
– Complete and realistic
collision checking
Some important consideration before starting programming

Know the capability of the NC machine

Axis limit (particularly rotary axis)

Use the right machine
for the job
– Table / Table
– Head / Table
– Head /Head
– Special kinematics (nutating or swivelling)

Feedrate control capability

Some important consideration before starting programming

Important parameters in Pro/NC

Accuracy : in 5 axis the PP is doing some calculation, be sure that the CL file is accurate
particularly on tool vector :
– mfg_ijk_num_digits = 8

LINTOL : Linearization tolerance

for the post-processor.
Holder definition for de-gouging


Inverse time feedrate



– Can be controlled by PP

F(code) = 1 (minute) / (time = 3D distance / velocity)

Some important consideration before starting programming


Traditional APT

Operation setup
Workcell definition
Specific kinematics is not described
4 Axis - Always use MULTAX output
5 Axis

Machine Zero
Should represent the NC program zero. For multi-axis I will recommend to use, if possible,
center of rotation axis
Can be compensated on the machine with fixture offset

Retract surface
Will be used as default for 4/5 axis NC sequence and to connect between NC sequence
Use surfaces based on machine capability (cylinder for 4 axis, sphere for 5 axis, special based
on model shape)
Set a large tolerance to minimize number of intermediate moves during connection
For 3 axis NC sequence .. Make sure that the NC sequence retract is inside the operation
Gouge checking
The system automatically includes all solid surfaces of all
reference parts as Surfaces for the following types of NC
3- to 5-Axis Straight Cut Surface milling
3- to 5-Axis Isolines Surface milling
3- to 5-Axis Cutline machining
3- to 5-Axis Surface milling by Projecting Tool Path
5-Axis Trajectory milling
You can override these defaults or add/remove additional surface(s)
Tool / Holder taken in account in surface and trajectory
Gouge Check option in Play path allows you to run a mathematical
gouge check algorithm on the resulting toolpath
Tool is placed at points along the toolpath based on a step and
volume intersection is done at each of these points
– Against selected part(s) / surface(s)
– Within a given tolerance (recommendation 1.5 times toolpath creation tolerance)
Surface milling
Used to mill surface with tool tip
No need to create surfaces … drive directly solid model

Three machining strategies available

Conventional by parallel planes
Using surface isolines

Automatic degauging tool & holder


Toolpath controls
Approach / Exit / Connections
Scallop height / step over
Stock allowances
Lead / Tilt
Tool axis definition
Tool axis containment
Surface milling – Straight Cut (Conventional) by parallel planes

Multi-surfaces parallel slices machining

Automatic gouge avoidance
Ball, Bull and Flat tool supported
Step over / Scallop height control
Stock allowance (part and check surfaces)
Tool path direction (CUT_ANGLE)
Surface milling – Using surface(s) isoline
Toolpath follows surface U/V parametrization

Machine surface by surface

Select the order of machining

Select individually UV direction
Automatic gouge avoidance

Ball, Bull and Flat tool supported

Step over / Scallop height / number of passes control

Stock allowance (part and check surfaces)

Control for multiple passes


Surface milling – Cutline machining
Toolpath follow specified flowline (cutlines)
Complete control of toolpath
Cutlines Open / Closed
Define first, last and optionally intermediate cutline
– Automatic or manual synchronization
From edges of surfaces, projected or curves
2 Algorithms
BLEND—The system uses a surface boundary blend to generate cut lines.
The system uses a Finite Element Analysis method to process
the surfaces selected for milling and generate cut lines
Multi-surfaces machining
Automatic gouge avoidance
Ball, Bull and Flat tool supported
Side mill supported with hidden
5_axis_side_mill set to yes
Step over / Scallop height / number of passes control
Stock allowance (part and check surfaces)
Control for multiple passes
Multiple cut motions with axis shift
Surface milling – Approach / Exit control

Complete control on how and where

the cutter enter and leave the part

Create and store approach / Exit

and connection strategies
First Cut
Last Cut
Each Cut

Define 2 alternate strategies

If first one gouge

Option for
automatic selection
to let Pro/NC decides
Surface milling – Tool orientation control
Control for LEAD / LAG
Direction of cut
parameter LEAD_ANGLE
Avoid to machine with tool center :
lead angle allows you to machine
with heel of the tool (better RPM)
Control of side tilt
Perpendicular to direction of cut
Parameter TILT_ANGLE
Large tilt angle combined
with cutline allow to machine
surfaces with tool side
4 Axis milling
A variable lead angle can
be used to avoid gouging
set to YES and
Applied after containment
Lead (A>0) Lag / Heel (A<0)
Surface milling – Tool axis control

Tool axis can be used to

Restrict tool axis motion
Control approach / exit motions
Machine undercuts

Unlimited number of axis definition

User definable
At specific location on surface
On Edge
Along Cutline
Based on Drive Surface

Tool axis preview

Surface milling – Tool axis containment
Curve containment

The tool axis will always go

through the selected curve
Simplifies machining of undercuts
Tool axis orientation can
be adjusted along the curve
Point containment :

Tool axis consistently

point toward
a given point
Point can be “behind” or in
“front” of tool tip
Interesting for smooth
tip cutting around a part
Surface milling – 4 Axis milling
4 Axis plane containment

Selection of a 4 axis plane

(for 4 axis NC sequence) will
force the tool axis to stay parallel
to this plan
Optionally an axis of rotation can
be defined using Axis Def / Pivot Axis
– Particularly important for mill/turn
due to machine limitation (XZC)
Pivot curve and axis
definition can be
used but will be
projected in the
4 axis plan
Surface milling – 4 Axis milling

TIPS : Pivot axis and Bullnose tool

Pivot axis is available only for ball nose tool

Create the toolpath using a ball nose tool
After pivot axis definition change to Bull nose
And it will work !
Surface Milling – Helical cutline

Helical toolpath for 5 axis high speed milling

Particularly interesting for turbomachinery

Available only for surface machining with cutline

Option available in the parameter

tree only after cutline definition
Trajectory - Definition
Trajectory milling is used to sweep a tool along a trajectory
Ball, Bull, flat and tapered tool are supported
Interactively specify the trajectory of the
tool using Customize
2 contours
Automatic degauging tool & holder
Horizontal control (multi passes)
Vertical control (multi steps)
Trajectory - Definition

Multiple Toolpath controls

Height control (part surface)
Intermediate tool retract control
Tilt and Lead angles
– Leading edge machining
• Force tool to stay on
leading edge
(based on lead angle)
Tool axis definition with
fanning options
Approach / Exit options with build cut
Trajectory - Types
Three types of trajectory
Curve cut
– Toolpath defined using edges or curve
– Toolpath define using drive surface
Follow curve
– Toolpath defines using curve or sketch
Part surface control with HEIGHT
Offset control
None, Left and Right
Automatic if drive surface used
Trajectory – Height control
HEIGHT control

HEIGHT option in the CUT ALONG menu allows you to define a part
surface (depth of cut motion)
– Plane
– Surface
– Plane define by Z position from NC Sequence CSYS
Multi-step depth control

Start Height option in CUT ALONG menu allows you to define the
height of the first pass.
– If not specified the top of workpiece will be used
– If not defined STEP_DEPTH and NUMBER_OR_CUTS will be used from HEIGHT.

Start Height can be combined with STEP_DEPTH or

Trajectory – Multi-pass control & FROM/TO control
Multi-pass control

Succession of trajectory pass with horizontal offset

FROM/TO Control

Allow you to restrict toolpath to specific curve/surface

Connections between pathes

Trajectory – Axis Control
Five types of axis control
3 axis
– Tool axis along the Z direction of
the NC Sequence CSYS
Pivot about a point/axis
Pivot about a curve
At a location
– Define specific orientation along the
trajectory or at specific position
Normal to part
– The tool axis will be normal to a selected control surface.
Available only for ball end mill
Tool axis preview available
Additional pivot control for trajectory with hidden pivot_traj set to yes :
Pivot axis/point for curve trajectory
Pivot axis for surface trajectory
Trajectory – Axis Control / Axis definition
Two method to define axis location :
Along trajectory
– The tool axis definition is connected
to a motion segment

At location
– The tool axis definition is connected to a
datum point on the model and the axis
definition will be applied to the closest point
on the toolpath
– This is the recommended way if you
are expecting changes because tool axis relate to part not toolpath

At each location you have the option to

Along Z axis : use Z axis direction of NC sequence CSYS
Use a Datum axis for the orientation
Enter I,j,k values of the vector orientation

If LEAD_ANGLE or TILT_ANGLE are defined they will be applied after

the toolpath is computed (on top of any axis definition)
Trajectory – Axis Control / Axis definition
Interpolation between axis definition (fanning)

Pro/NC will use in the toolpath calculation the axis definition based
of the AXIS_DEF_CONTROL parameter
– Axis defined affect the tool orientation for the complete trajectory

– Pro/NC interpolates (approximates) the lead and tilt angles between the axis definitions

– First and Last tool axis definition are used for segment(s)
before and after them
– Axis defined affect the tool orientation ONLY between the axis definition location(s)

– Pro/NC interpolates (approximates) lead and tilt angles between the axis definition
Trajectory – Axis Control / Axis definition
Interpolation between axis definition (fanning)

Trajectory – Axis Control / Axis definition
Interpolation between axis definition (fanning)

– Axis defined affect the tool orientation for the complete trajectory

– Only the lead angles (in direction of trajectory) are approximated .. Axis are projected
on the drive surface
– Pro/NC interpolates (approximates) lead angle between the axis definitions

– First and Last tool axis definition are used for segment(s)
before and after them
– Axis defined affect the tool orientation ONLY between the axis definition location(s)

– Only the lead angles (in direction of trajectory) are approximated .. Axis are projected
on the drive surface
– Pro/NC interpolates (approximates) between the axis definitions
Trajectory – Axis Control / Axis definition
Interpolation between axis definition (fanning)

Trajectory – Axis Control / Axis definition
Interpolation between axis definition (fanning)
Trajectory – Axis Control / Axis definition
Interpolation between axis definition (fanning)
Trajectory – Axis Control / Axis definition
Interpolation between axis definition (fanning)
What you should remember
Local (progressive) tool axis modification


– Particularly useful to avoid gouge

at specific location on toolpath

Global (immediate effect) tool axis modification



– Particularly useful to keep a tool axis

constant during a part of a toolpath
Trajectory – Axis Control / Axis definition
Interpolation between axis definition (fanning)
These two apply mainly for curve trajectory type :
– Axis defined affect the tool orientation for the complete trajectory

– Surface orientation is ignored during axis approximation

– Pro/NC interpolates (approximates) the vector between the axis definitions

– First and Last tool axis definition are used for segment(s)
before and after them
– Axis defined affect the tool orientation for the complete trajectory

– Pro/NC interpolates (approximates) the vector between the axis definition using lead
angle value only.
– First and Last tool axis definition are used for segment(s)
before and after them
Trajectory – Axis Control / Axis definition
Interpolation between axis definition (fanning)

Swarf milling

Used to mill surfaces with tool side

Ball, Bull, flat and tapered tool

are supported
Machining of
developable and
– Use variable_tilt set to yes ..
Pro/NC will tilt the tool
to avoid gouge
Multiple toolpath definition
– Straight (Z level approach)
– Along UV lines (isolines)
– User defined cutlines
Used to make drilling operation

Large variety of CYCLE types (all ISO and ANSI )

Easy selection
By Diameter
On Surfaces
By Axis
Drill Groups
Drilling direction
(inside or outside)

Depth control
Auto, Blind or Thru All

Constant or Variable Peck

Fixed and Floating Tap

Mill/Turn Programming
Mode switching
NC Sequence CSYS defines the tool orientation
Full 5 Axis Milling capability
Be aware of the limitations of your Mill/Turn machine
ZXC only
Y axis available ?
Axial, Radial,
Other orientation ?
Use retract surface to keep tool through axis
of rotation during positioning moves
Multi-axis Milling with Pro/NC

Customer Examples

4x roughing tool path a roll segment

– Select number of slices
– Milling reference is a cylindrical surface

4x – spiral tool path for a screw – on a mill-turn machine

– Milling the ground of screw machining the sides of screw
Multi-axis Milling with Pro/NC

Customer Examples

5x Milling for a aircondition pump

– Axis control by pivot curve (see left picture)

– Multiple slices for roughing (see right picture)
– Swarf finishing of blade

Helix 5 axis tool path

for a Siemens blade
Thank You!

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