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I am going to visit my mother in England Look at those clouds! It is going to rain
next month. this afternoon.
My sister is going to work with children We are playing very well. We are going
in the future. to win.
I am going to travel to New York next The floor is wet. You are going to fall.

We are not going to stay. I am going to find a job
We aren’t going to stay.  Are you going to find a job?

He is not going to like that cake. He is going to buy a new car.

He isn’t going to like that cake.  Is he going to buy a new car?

I am not going to travel with Laura. We are going to have a test tomorrow.
 Are we going to have a test tomorrow?
1. Circle the correct option.
a. I’m / I going to study English.
b. The film is / are going to start at nine o’ clock.
c. We’re go / going to play basketball in the school team.
d. My father is going to buy / buying a new car.
e. Are you / he going to buy a dog?
f. I’m not / aren’t going to play tennis tomorrow.

2. Complete each sentence. Use ‘be going to’ and the verb in brackets.
a. We ___________________________________ tennis on Saturday. (play)
b. Helen _________________________________ the phone. (not answer)
c. _______ you ___________________________ a new bike? (buy)
d. The tree _______________________________ (fall)
e. Pat _____________________________________ her homework. (do)
f. _____ he ________________________________ tomorrow? (work)

3. Write Plan or Prediction.

a. Fred is going to buy a house in Spain. _______________________
b. Laura is pregnant. She is going to be mother. _____________________
c. Mary isn’t going to go to university next year. _____________________
d. Be careful! The tree is going to fall! __________________________
e. We aren’t going to eat pizza tonight. ________________________

4. Complete the sentences. Use ‘be going to’ and the verbs below.

Listen not go play make get up not do

a. My mother ________________________________ a cake for my

b. Mark ______________________________ to the disco after the concert.
c. Tom and Ann ________________________________ tennis next
d. Mary _____________________________ to the new CDs.
e. Sophie and I ___________________________ our homework after
f. I ___________________________ at eight o’ clock.
1. Circle the correct option.
a. He’s / He going to study English.
b. I’ m going / going to learn to drive on Sunday.
c. We’re go / going to play football in the school team.
d. My mother is going to clean / cleaning the house.
e. Is you / he going to buy a dog?
f. They not / aren’t going to play tennis tomorrow.

2. Complete each sentence. Use ‘be going to’ and the verb in brackets.
a. He ____________________________________________ a horse. (buy)
b. Mary ________________________________________ round the world. (travel)
c. They ___________________________ in a hospital. (not work)
e. _______ Max ______________________________ movies all day? (watch)
f. We ________________________________ fish tonight. (eat)
g. ______ Paul and Rachel ________________________ married? (get)

3. Write Plan or Prediction.

a. It’s very cold. I think It’s going to snow. ________________
b. We’re going to eat pizza tonight. __________________
c. Hurry up! We’re going to miss the bus. _______________
d. I’m going to go to your party tomorrow. ________________
e. He isn’t going to buy a house. ________________________

5. Complete the sentences. Use ‘be going to’ and the verbs below.

Eat not travel visit not go study not watch

a. Tom _______________________ the concert on TV.

b. We ________________________ some friends next weekend.
c. Steve and Jude _______________________ Japanese.
d. I ______________________ by plane.
e. Sophie _______________________ Chinese food.
f. Brenda and I ___________________________ to the concert tonight.

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